Each day, elevate your heart a little more to God. Do not tire of persisting; do not tire of trying to be meek and humble in the face of all situations in life, keeping in your essence what makes you a guardian of the Divine Purpose.
Meekness and humility are not weakness and indifference. Be meek and humble and, at the same time, be firm in the silence within you, making the Will of God in you and around you incorruptible.
Emanate peace in your actions and words. Emanate peace in your presence and let God express through you. You already know, child, that this must be the expression of your being and, day after day, I come to remind you of these things because, while I speak, I give impulse to your consciousness so that it may take a new step and always go deeper into the living of higher teachings.
The mission of a companion of Christ is to be His living Word and to spread His Teachings with their own life. Thus, every day, My Chaste Heart comes to the world to form the companions of Christ and help them achieve the Will of God for their lives.
Let My instructions transform you. Let My presence inspire you so that one day, child, you also may transform and inspire souls by bringing the presence of your Lord into life, in all that you are and in all that you emanate to the world.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For you to carry the cross of these times, and make of your own being a triumph of God, you must first learn, children, to experience humility and anonymity, which draws you closer not to human honors, but to the Heart of the Father.
For thirty years, the Savior of your souls remained in silence, in solitude, learning from the humility of His simple life, deepening into the knowledge and wisdom that comes from the Heart of His Father so that, only in the last three years of His life, He could express, under the strength of humility, what He truly was.
For thirty years, your Lord transmuted and transformed the human condition by means of His silence and His humility. Each day more, he emptied His inner being so that the Heavenly Father and His archangels could dwell there.
It was only when His entire Consciousness was ready to renew the Love of God that He presented Himself before humanity as the Way, the Truth and the Life, for there was no distance between His humanity and God. Everything He was, was a part of the Father.
Today, children, I invite you to understand humility as the foundation for the union with God and for Christification. If you do not love the Presence of God more than the presence and honors of humanity, you will never reach where the Creator expects to you.
Love the greatness of His Plan and the majesty of His Presence, and you will understand what I tell you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the tests of each day help you to grow in spiritual maturity, in faith, in love to your brothers and sisters, in trust in God.
May the tests of each day forge your discernment so that, in the acute moments of the planet, you may know how to unite to the Spirit of God to think and act.
May the tests of this time demonstrate to you the presence and the accompaniment of God so that, in times when most of humanity will lose their faith, your hearts may be filled with the certainty of His Presence.
May the tests of today make you strengthened in spirit, and may this fortitude reflect in your human condition so that you may learn to be humble and know that nothing happens out of the Divine Will when the hearts live under His Laws and fulfill His Plan.
Each day, children, God builds within you a little of what you must become. This happens in different ways, with graces, but also with difficulties, with miracles and with human frustrations so that, gradually, you may abandon your most profound roots of the retrograde condition and express the true essence of what a human being is.
Live each day with gratitude and live each test with the consciousness of the Presence of God. Thus, you will know how to let yourselves be guided by His Holy Heart.
I bless you today and always.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more