II - Love God and, Thus, Find Peace

A soul that strived very much to fulfill the Plan of God and to become better was afflicted for feeling that, in spite of their efforts, they did not know how to love and could not manage to become better, as they so aspired to do.

In a moment of prayer, the soul questioned God: "Lord, I make such an effort to love more and become better, and I feel that I am at a standstill and far away from the perfection of Your Love and likeness with You. Where is that which you say dwells within us?"

And responding also with a question, the Lord said: "Little soul, do you perhaps seek Me, you or the world more? Is your attention upon building your own consciousness, in pleasing others or in loving Me with all your heart and all your being?

Understand that it is I Who must love through you, and so that you may achieve the revelation of this profound union with Me, you must seek Me more than yourself. You must keep your attention focused on My Spirit, your heart must be avalaible in My Presence and, before anything else, you must build your spiritual and essential link with Me. In this way, it will be Me loving within you, and you will feel better because you will feel more of Me and less of your human limitations. Your life will speak about Me, and those who encounter you will encounter Me.

This is how you will achieve perfection, little soul: when I can be perfect within you.

This is a long daily path in which you seek My Heart every day and grant Me a space within yourself ever more. But if your attention is upon you becoming better, and your love becoming greater and more perfect, then you will always be frustrated and not find peace."

I tell you this story so that you may know where to focus your efforts so that your diligence may be in loving God, knowing Him and expressing Him more each day. In this way, you will find peace.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


I - Seek God and Find the Meaning of Your Own Existence

A soul that lived immersed in sadness and bitterness questioned the Lord what was the meaning of their existence. Knowing that all creatures were made to express Love, and feeling that they were far from knowing and expressing this Love, the soul could not find the reason for their own existence.

With compassionate Eyes, the Lord contemplated this soul and responded also with a question: "You feel that you cannot express My Love and you live immersed in bitterness and sadness, but do you seek My Heart every day? Do you ask for My Grace and  strive to overcome your bitterness and the dryness of your inner world in order to reach My Thought for you?"

The soul, afflicted and somewhat upset, responded to the Lord that they do not seek Him, that they do not feel Him, and that they are only immersed in their weaknesses and bitterness.

The Lord then said: "You are a beloved soul, and I love you as much as you could love Me and everything that exists, but since I created you, dear soul, you have distanced yourself from My path and you covered yourself with so many garments and veils that you can no longer recognize who you are nor Who I Am. But for Me to show you your true face, you need to ask Me, you need to go beyond your bitterness and weaknesses, your dryness and sadness, your desires and goals, and all that which you think about how I manifest in your life, how I reveal Myself to you, and how you can feel Me.

Let me act within your heart and, for this, just say yes to Me, every day, with humility and persistence. The purpose of your existence is to live and renew My Love but, for this to happen, there is a path of redemption and humility, of renunciation and surrender, of overcoming and rendition, in which you become lost from yourself and then you find Me, so that only then may you know what it is to express and renew My Love.

My miracle in your life begins when you say yes to Me. This miracle is constant and eternal, and oftentimes you will not perceive that My Love is acting through your heart but, above all, you must trust in Me."

Today I tell you this short and profound story because the souls of the world are not finding the meaning for their own existences, nor do they look the One Who can reveal this to them.

It is not in the world or in human goals that you will find realization and wholeness. To free yourselves of the emptiness and bitterness of a life without love, you must seek God, children, and in Him seek the answers for your deepest questions.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the city of Mendoza, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

As of the coming year, the withdrawal of the daily Apparitions of your Master and Lord is approaching, and with sadness in My Heart for this parting, I respond to the Infinite Will of Creation.

When that moment arrives, your hearts will no longer be able to have doubts about what you came to do and to fulfill in this wounded world.

In spite of the deserts still left to cross, in spite of the tribulations still left to experience, even though you have still something to learn, My Word will be your sustenance and your strength for crossing the end of these times.

Thus, do not lose My impulses, because they are the last, but also do not get used to listening to My Words, because otherwise, My Words would be falling into the void.

Avail yourselves of the Love the Sacraments provide for you, and thus, take on your path of redemption and apostleship; because although you may be on My Ship, strong winds and storms will still come, which will attempt to cause you to desist from the path you have chosen.

At this crucial moment, fix your gaze on My Sacred Heart and in your cells, affirm the Divine Power of My Blood; in this way, you will triumph and win many times in My Name; you will carry My Divine Mercy to the world and My priests will forgive in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

There will be no greater gloom or darkness that you cannot cross through the Light My Heart gives you. Be brave and continue forward, humanity still suffers the price of its own actions.

I will be in the Universe of My Father, waiting for the celestial order to return to the Earth in the most painful hour of the planet, and in that moment, I will call you by your real name so you may follow Me.

I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

May the Purity of God awaken in simple hearts so that the Earth is able to be repopulated with gifts of Healing, of Light and of Mercy.

May this Purity, in the simple, transform the planet and its humanity so that each day, the arrogance, the indifference and the constant tendency to omission may be dispelled more and more.

Let the just help the unjust and may the majority receive a great opportunity to make each life a gift to God, so that Creation may continue to be recreated, so that the most humble may bring this planet an important Grace that makes of each consciousness a new being.

In these times, may all participate in that miracle of Love, and may this Love which comes from Christ spread to the far corners of the Earth, so that those who are more separate from God feel, at least for an instant, that Love can do all things and defeats all barriers. And finally, may nobody remain without knowing God, or at least, their true inner world.

Let all consciousnesses open to know their own universe, the surest path to redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
