Daily message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I wish all the time, from heart and soul, that all My children may someday know the great Love of God because it was this Love and Mercy that brought each one of you into the world at the perfect level of need.

Therefore, children, while you face the first steps of a late purification, I invite you again to cling to the great Love of Adonai, a Love that rebuilds the universes and the wounded hearts. Without this Love of God, nothing would be possible in these times.

It is this love, My children, that has made you mature and grow, to thus, assume your redemption on this planet.

Learn to live and search for forgiveness, because it is forgiveness that will lead you to love, and love will make you find the so necessary and urgent Mercy in this time of chaos.

My children, your Heavenly Mother helps you to become aware that without the Love of God you will not be able to overcome the tests nor the cycles of intense and accelerated purification.

The love of God takes you to peace, therefore I surrender My Heart of Mother so you are able to feel and experience it as part of your lives.

For this, children, banish your self-love, human love that controls and deteriorates all that it touches.

I come at this time to convert earthly love into a sublime love, purer and healthier each day.

Therefore, My dear children, your real permission will allow new divine Laws to reform your lives so that you can start to live in the ocean of the Love of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who guides you to the universe of the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Weekly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elias

Dear children of Mine,

Never forget to come to My maternal arms because my purpose as a Mother is to make you sleep close to My Heart, and rest, rest in My mantle of Light, so that I, during the night and in vigil, may pray by your side until the dawn.

Dear children, do not forget to be in My arms because as your protector Mother, I wait for you to surrender your pains, fatigues, tiredness and despairs to me. I know your lives very well, therefore trust and walk by My side so that we may meet Jesus.

Dear children, never forget to be in My arms, because as Mother of Love I want you close to Me, so that you may say all that you feel and know. It is time for you to rest in the Spirit of My Heart thus I will make you walk steady until the end.

I want you to be in My arms because I want to kiss your faces and envelop you with My Celestial Light. Thus, you will rest and will not lose time with anything, because My Heart wants to sustain you, motivate you to continue on the path of good and peace.

My dear ones, be in My arms today so that tomorrow I may show you the path of the great sacrifice of love.

Beloved ones, now that you are already in My arms, tonight I contemplate your efforts. Thus, remain near Me, because in this way nothing will happen to you.

I am with you in joy and in sorrow, in certainty and in error.

I love all of you dearly.

Today I thank you for having responded to My Son. I give thanks to you and Heaven gives thanks to you.

Rest in My Arms. It is time to sleep in the arms of your Celestial Mother. Come on, My dear ones! Onward and with faith!

Mary, Your Mother and Queen of the Peace of the Heart


Come and retreat into My Heart when fear knocks at your door. There is no safer port than My Mantle, and under it, you will be safe from all evil.

Come into My maternal arms when your feet no longer have the strength for walking. As a good Mother, I will carry you in My celestial lap to meet the Creator, just as I did with the Child Jesus in the Temple.

Count on the science of My Kingdom and the understanding of My Consciousness when your small mind cannot encompass the mysteries of Heaven.

Count on the voice of your heart and on the certainty of your spirit to trust in My Presence.

Count on the power of prayer and the action of fasting so that your steps are long and easy, accompanying the steps of My Son.

Every day count on the Words of Jesus because He reads the true need of your soul in your heart and leads you with sweet words to the Celestial Kingdom.

Count on the greatness of My Presence so that everything else becomes small.

Count on the Eternity in the universe so as to perceive that everything on Earth is transitory.

Hold on tight to the Love of My Heart to dissolve your fears.

Do not be overwhelmed by any darkness, for the Light that is before you today is so great.

I am the Mother of the World, the Universal Mother. In My celestial womb, I gestated each soul of this Earth; you are all My blessed children, whom I come today to lead again to My Kingdom.

Come, My son, come, My daughter, it is now time to return to your Celestial Home and discover the great essence of the universe in your small heart.

Do not fear meeting the unknown, do not fear to be different today than you were yesterday.

I come to bring you the new, which in truth, is what is most ancient that sleeps in the universe, but which the eyes and the hearts of My children refused to see for so long.

Walk today toward My immense Heart and leave your small heart in My arms; trust in My motherhood, for I will know to guide you.

If My Presence is unknown to your heart, and your mind does not trust My Voice, simply open to the Truth, and for a small instant, let My Spirit enter your life; enter into prayer and I will show you what is most sacred in the world. An unknown Peace will permeate your spirit, and in that instant, your small soul will glorify the Lord. Hold in your memory this feeling of change, this is My greatest miracle, a miracle of love.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, your Divine Mother and Queen of Peace

Message for the annual Apparition of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

While the whole world suffers through not looking at our Supreme God with love, today, on this blessed and glorified anniversary day, My maternal Heart is among you to again bring you peace and goodness, the love and forgiveness of the universe.

As Mother of Graces, I invite you to place your beings under the blue Rays that emanate from the powerful spring of My supreme Grace. You will be able to do this, My dears, through prayer.

In these times of great changes, God observes the loving response of all His creatures; for this reason, He, in His eternal Glory, sends Me to the world to warn it and guide it on the spiritual path of each soul.

Dear ones, as Universal Mother, in these end times of crisis, I am uniting souls and hearts under the same purpose of peace and conversion.

The Lord has requested Me to persist for humanity, and as My Immaculate Love for you is infinite and most precious, My Son also comes to meet with you to indicate to you and remind you of the only path that leads you to God, which is the path of the prayer of the heart.

On this special anniversary of My Presence in Aurora, I aspire that your spirits gather up the fruits that with so much love I will be giving you through My Apparitions. Thus, recognize now, My dear children, that you are not alone on this path that each one experiences day by day.

I want to thank you now for the response of all to My call to build the Bridge of Mercy. Today I also ask that you voluntarily help Me to finish building the pathways at the Marian Center of Aurora. In this way, My requests will be fulfilled through the love of all My children.

My Ray of Order and Ceremony must be established at the Marian Center of Aurora; for this, everything must be finished according to My blessed intentions. In this way, this part of South America will be able to receive My Graces through the harmonious radiation of the Marian Center of Aurora.

Dear children, today is a day of celestial celebration; therefore, unite with the angels of Heaven so the Mercy and the Grace of God may descend upon the Earth.

I thank the pilgrims for having responded to My call during this latest time!

Who blesses you in the Love of Jesus,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
