To reach the Heart of God, you do not need great science and deep philosophies, you do not need formulas or even eternal practices. What you need, child, is a sincere heart, pure and redeemed in front of the Father.
All spiritual practices and exercises will forge a transformation for your consciousness within you, and they will allow you to remain in union with the Creator, and may this not be for just an instant, but rather become a permanent state of consciousness.
But to touch the Heart of God, to feel It and know It, you only need a sincere heart that is willing to come to the Father in confession, in adoration, in communion and in surrender. To feel Him, experience within yourself what He really is, and in coming to know God, also come to know yourself.
For this reason, before anything else, and even though you may not have the strength or inspiration, simply be with a sincere heart before the Creator, simply be with a surrendered heart at His Altar. Place yourself as an offering at His Feet and let Him make Himself felt. In the Divine Presence, everything in your life will regain its meaning, your efforts will be of value and their weight will be less, because the Love of God within you will speak louder; your battles will be light, not because they will be easier, but because your heart is no longer loose within the winds of darkness, but anchored in the Presence of God, from where no wind will be able to remove you.
Everything begins, child, with confession, yielding, surrender, adoration, and thus a perfect communion with God. And this can happen in silence, in spiritual joy, in the profound mourning of the soul, in prayer or in adoration, in your own life. You only need a sincere heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXXIII - The Dialogue With God
There are as many dialogues with God as there are millionths of seconds in the time of the world. At each instant, a soul enters into dialogue with their Creator, confesses to Him, explains their needs and desires to Him, their sorrows and joys, their complaints and gratitude, their silence and their song, their anguish and their peace. And even those who say they do not believe in God enter into dialogue with the Lord, their souls go beyond any disbelief, because the dialogue with the Creator is something as natural as breathing and living.
Each dialogue that I have told you brings an impulse for you to know that God does not only hear the deepest questions of your souls, but He also responds with wisdom, compassion and Love, to each one of them. For this reason, children, you shall not only speak and speak before God, but you shall also be silent to hear Him.
To pray is to enter into dialogue with the Creator, and a dialogue is made of words but also of silence. Thus, make your hearts avalaible so that God may also find space within your souls to speak to you, so that it may be Him Who begins the dialogue, so that He may correct your lives, inspire you and guide you, show you the way and teach you how to return when you are treading along the wrong path.
Within you there is a bridge to the Heart of the Father, a bridge that must be always ready, always uniting dimensions, always creating links between the Creator and His creatures.
Thus, children, you will be able to hear God, and you will not doubt that it is Him Who speaks to your heart. God transmits peace, humility and Mercy, but He also speaks with righteousness, with justice and with the Law. In all things, feel His profound Love for life.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXXII - To Be Strengthened in God and Find Faith and Grace
A soul that sought to deepen their strength in Christ, to be renewed in Him in the face of each test, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, where did the faith of the first Christians come from? Where does the strength of those who knew and know how to surrender their lives out of love come from?"
And the Lord responded: "Not only the faith of the first Christians, beloved soul, but also the faith of all those who know how to surrender their lives out of love for God, is based on the certainty of My Celestial Existence. These souls know that their testimony of love rescues and inspires those who lack hope and those who have lost their faith. They know that their example generates merits for the salvation of the greatest sinners. They know that their lives are like a breath, fragile and passing, but that during this brief breath, they must love with all their being, and all their heart.
According to the commandment that My Son left to you, there is no greater love than the one that gives their life for their friends. And to give your life, little soul, is not only to die but, above all, to give of yourself, with all your being and all your heart, to be a living testimony of the surrender and love, the Grace and Mercy that flowed and continue to flow from the Crucified Heart of Christ.
For this reason, soul of Mine, may your effort be in loving and entering My Love more deeply. In this way, all faith and Grace will be revealed to you."
May this dialogue, children, teach you to be strengthened in God rather than in the world, and that in the quick breath of life, you may know how to love with all that you are.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My child,
The more you search for God, the more you will enter into the Knowledge of God and the more you will love Him Who is in everything and encompasses all life.
Let your heart enter into the Knowledge of God when you pray; when you read the words that He sends you through His Messengers; when you enter into the mystery of the Sacred Books and allow the inspiration of God in the words and in the life of the prophets inspire you; when you enter into true communion with Nature, with the Kingdoms, with life.
Do not lament for not loving God as you would want to or how you felt was the correct way to love Him.
Do not lament for not having the circumstances you believe necessary to seek God, because the search for God is in your heart, and your heart is with you wherever you are.
As much as you are in a situation of chaos, God continues to be inside of you.
As much as you are in an inner desert, God continues to be inside of you.
As much as you are submerged in the distractions and the tasks of common human living, God continues to be inside of you.
And today I tell you that it is with very little that God makes Himself felt in your heart. You do not need to know about great sciences and transcendental philosophies, because the Truth of God is revealed in you in what you truly are.
What exist are paths that help you to arrive; hands that extend through the sacred words that God delivers to the world through the spiritual sciences, through His Messengers, through His prophets.
Seek God and accept the Hand that extends to your heart through His Words.
Seek God in a sincere prayer and let Him reveal to you the immensity of His Presence, of His Existence; that He may also show you the smallness of your life, of your problems, of your lamentations.
Raise your consciousness in prayer, so that God may reveal to you His simplicity.
Yield your mind to His Divine Heart and allow His greatness to dissolve your small-mindedness.
It is now time, My child, to truly raise yourself, rise yourself to the Heart of God.
You are called to love Him above all things and to express that love through your life, and for this, you must give room for God to express Himself in you.
Many paths were presented to you, many Hands came to help you. Synthesize all of that in you inner world and find in you the Presence of God.
Silence to feel Him, silence to listen to Him, silence to express God, who is alive in your heart.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart in the depths of the divine dimensions and find there the door for your own redemption.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart and find in it an example of surpassing and humility, a path for you to follow and find Christ; find God.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart and find in it an example of service and charity, the Christic charity that, more than to acts of compassion, leads you to the awakening of Love, that makes you a faithful imitator of Christ.
Contemplate the Spiritual Reliquary of My Heart and find, in the reliquaries of wood that I have consecrated and will consecrate in the world, a bridge for the Heart of the Father, an inspiration for your small life, a fortress that is kept within you and that you have not yet been able to find.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart and know, child, that in the humility of this Heart, before your eyes, divine and spiritual Gifts are to be found. Gifts that come from God and that call you to the awakening. Gifts that invite you to express the likeness with the Father in the eternal transcendence of your human condition so that one day, finally, you may return to your Celestial Origin.
Receive the Grace of contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart, not for Me, but for all that God has given Me and that today I offer to humanity as a symbol of My perpetual service to His Heart of Love.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Today I cast the stars of My Crown upon the Earth, so that the celestial brightness that covers the Queen of the World may awaken those who are still asleep and those who remain in the darkness of the consciousness, in ignorance.
My children, when My stars cross the threshold that exists between Heaven and Earth, a new dawn breaks in the lives of all beings. Each of My stars symbolizes the living attributes of My Heart and the Heart of My Son Jesus.
I bring upon My head a crown of 12 stars so that each time My feet touch the Earth, the hearts of the world may receive this luminous sign that descends from Heaven, this symbol of redemption that brings with it the Gifts of the Holy Spirit of God.
A great mystery is kept within My Crown of stars. Each of the new apostles of Christ will have within My Crown of stars the inspiration and instruction for their apostolate.
Contemplate with your heart the brilliance of My stars and allow this mystery of the Woman clothed with the Sun to enter into your consciousnesses.
My beloved ones, through these stars, God pours out the awakening of His Holy Spirit into creatures, pours out upon the world the hidden teachings that live in the Kingdom of Heaven.
The stars that form My Crown are the keys to the awakening of your spirits, they are the keys to open the doors of the heart and to open the doors of Heaven.
Those of My children who seek the Creator, carrying in their heart one of My stars, will be recognized as children of God and His faithful Servant. The one who permanently assumes this celestial star on their chest will be recognized as a beloved child of the Woman clothed with the Sun.
If you receive this symbol of love within your hearts, you will be protected from all evil, and if you sincerely trust in this mystery that I deposit into your hearts, the dragons that roam the world will not find you.
Perceive, My children, the stars that descend from Heaven to Earth, stars that come from My blessed Crown and are here to seal the commitment of My children with My Immaculate Heart.
Be as the child from the prophecy of John, the Apostle, be in My arms, protected by the Sun and by the stars of My Crown; in this way, no evil will approach your hearts.
The Heavens count on the faith in the hearts of humans, they count on the response that each one can give to the Lord when they listen to My Words. Be faithful to the voice of your own heart when My Voice, full of the Holy Spirit, echoes within you. Be simple and humble to understand, always through the heart, the Words that I pronounce.
The most hidden mysteries that live within My Kingdom are unveiled through the purity of the heart and not from the cunning of the mind.
My beloveds, it is already time to unveil some mysteries to your beings. Those who open their hearts to listen to them will receive from the Spirit of God the necessary discernment and comprehension to understand and live the Will of God contained within these mysteries.
Those who try to hear My Words and find their veracity through the mind will suffer the darkness of ignorance and will not allow the Spirit of God to echo within their hearts, to search the depths of their spirits and tear the veils of their consciousnesses.
Receive My call today with love. Receive within your hearts the mystery enclosed within My Crown of stars, seek and ask the Lord that these stars may be present within your hearts, because if one of My stars finds space in the hearts of humans, the Holy Spirit can descend upon the Earth and ignite the human heart with Divine Fire.
I thank you, My beloved and little children, for allowing yourselves to be guided by My Immaculate Heart.
Mary, Mother of the World and Queen of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more