Wednesday, June 25 of 2014

Monthly Messages

Beloved children:

From the Heart of God comes out a ray of light that arrives through My Immaculate Heart to all of the children of this Earth.

From the Mind of God arises a channel of light where Perfect Unity enters through My Immaculate Purity into the minds of all the creatures.

Through My rays of Love, the ones that the Father pours over My Universal Consciousness, descends over all of the children of the Most High this love reached on the Cross by the Firstborn, a love that we live in the celestial universe.

For this My beloveds is why today I descend over this city, to bring to the souls of all the pilgrims this primordial essence of Divine Love, the one that will strengthen your spirits for the times that will come.

It was written that the woman dressed of sun would come to you bringing the good news of the return of the Redeemer to your lives, first to your heart and soon in Glory, soul, body and Divinity.

And for this I am here, My beloved children, to accomplish the promises that Heaven, through Its messengers, has made to humanity.

And when they cannot suffer anymore, when dismay has exhausted the souls, the love of My Son will cover them with hope and with peace.  When He returns, He will wash all the faults of this world and all will be like a field of wheat that is at the point of being harvested, filled with light from the sun, ripe, ready to receive the blessings of God.

I come to plow the earth, to plant the seeds with My hands of Co-redeemer Mother.  I come to give pure water to the earth so that it may embrace the seed that I have deposited in your hearts and it is converted into a golden ear of corn and raised to the Heights, seeking always the light of the sun.

And when the day of the Great Harvest comes, when the ears are brought to the feet of the Creator, My Son will carry with His strong arms these ears of light that are all of your beings and He will offer them to the Father as a gift of love.

For this I am here, My dears, so that your souls may be among these ears that My Son will carry with so much joy to the feet of God.

Permit Me, My dears, that with My pure hands I may caress your hearts and spirits and in this way, your beings may be converted into golden raised ears of corn, the ones that wait for the blessed day in which the Divine Farmer will come to collect them and bring them to your true destiny, the Heart of God.

Today, in this city, I will leave the earth plowed and blessed, so that many seeds may rest in it and the rain of prayer makes them germinate hoping they may grow, be lifted and wait for the Redeemer.

Dear children of Sorocaba:

My love for all of you is infinite, Permit Me that I may give it to you so that it may help you to be always looking at the Heights.

I love you and I bless you.

Thank you for trusting in My cares, the ones I offer to you with all My Maternal Love.

Mary, your Mother and Farmer of souls