Permanent Difussion Material

How to Collaborate

All those who wish to collaborate with this Marian Task can make a donation online by clicking on the PayPal button


Or make a deposit in one of the banks accounts of the Association Mary (click here)

Thank you for collaborate from the heart.


Part of our task and commitment with the Sacred Hearts is to live and spread Their message. On this path that we traverse with Them the diffusion of all of the activities to which we are summoned to participateis very important.

We have searched for different ways to approach the Celestial Call to the souls that still do not know the task that the Divine Messengers are realizing with all of humanity, and one of them is by means of the “Permanent Diffusion Material”.

This material consists of four basic elements:

Association Flyer
Through which is disseminated all the activities of Association Mary and how to collaborate with them. (See more here)
10,000 units, 3,300 BRL

Prayer cards
With sacred images of the Blessed Hearts as they have appeared to the visionaries.
10,000 units, 1,580 BRL

Through which the message of the Heavens to the souls is accessibleat any moment of the day.
10,000 units, 1,580 BRL

A little newspaper with information about the Apparitions, Messages and the Face of Our Lady of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. 

By means of this material we will be able to extend a simple bridge of Light between those who receive it and the Heavens.
With your help we will begin to distribute these materials for free.  For this, all of those who may want to collaborate with the printing of these materials should identify their donations with the ending of the number 1 (e.g. $10,001, $101, etc.) in order to distinguish them from other donations.

The Heart of Our Mother thanks you.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more


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