In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My silence echoes in the heart of the universe.
Through this silence, I want to speak to you about profound things, while in the world the abyss of division and indifference is still open. Heaven descends to Earth through the Messenger of Peace, and those who still do not have the conditions to be rescued, are rescued by Me.
This goes beyond the Law, the understanding and the mind, because the Love of the Mother of God is the great key of these times.
In a world without love there can be no Light. In a world without love there can be no hope.
Therefore, listen to the echo of the silence of the Mother of God, so that, by placating the injustices and indifferences of the world, and despite the wars of these times, which are experienced within and outside of beings, souls may be led to the refuge of My Peace.
Therefore, love one another much more than you do. Accept one another much more than you do. Welcome others much more than you believe you do. And the crack of indifference and darkness, which was opened by My adversary, will be closed. Thus, the Spiritual Universe and its angels will be closer to all.
And do not forget the powerful Sign of the Cross of My Son, day by day. The mirages of this world deceive souls, confuses them and makes them mistakenly interpret situations.
May the reading of all events, My children, be based on love. Without love, there will be no past, present or future that could be liberated.
Through the Message of Fatima, I came to teach you that all souls, by turning to God, will recover peace.
The Loving Gaze of the Father is being neutralized by the gods that are chosen in this world. But His Power is invisible, immutable and invincible. His Love opens doors for all His Creatures, without exception.
The greatest sinner and the greatest error are forgiven by the Father. Condemnation is not His Law; Love is His Law and it is His Wisdom.
Learn to live under these principles in these times, so that you may not be confused. And when you are before someone miserable, just as you are, know how to place God’s Love at the center of each situation and of life, because the love of God is lacking in this world. It is being dissipated by indifference, arrogance and the use of false power.
However, do not forget, My children, that all are equal in the Eyes of God.
Just as your Heavenly Mother is the Slave of the Lord, have your souls decided to be slaves of God? For spiritual slavery is not a condemnation. It is the path to love and understand the cross, the cross of each soul, which is relieved by the Love of Our Sacred Hearts.
Therefore, My beloved children, make up your minds and be ambassadors of the Love of the Celestial Father in this world. In truth, I tell you, My beloveds: do not believe that you already know how to love.
Up to the last minute of the Sorrowful Passion of My Son, Christ did not lose even a second from learning how to love and loving. And He, who was the Living God Himself among all, humiliated Himself and resigned for all of you until the end of times, so that He might learn in the sacred school of Greater Love.
Today, I come to speak to you about love because I cannot see it in you. Live through examples of love and brotherhood, acceptance and renunciation.
May the incandescent flame of your lives find itself in the Greater Love.
May your hearts, souls and lives pick the offerings of Love that I bring from Heaven today, so that this Celestial Love may regenerate the world, heal, redeem and liberate it.
As the Mother of Divine Love, I come to remind you of the re-entry to this path and to this school. Do not allow your hearts to become cold.
May the Love of God always guide you and lead you toward the Purpose, toward the opportunity of accepting others as they are, without trying to change them; toward the opportunity, through Greater Love, of understanding everything, of not condemning or exercising spiritual impunity.
Because in truth I tell you, My beloved children, that only God knows who each soul is in this world and in this incarnation.
Because when you truly love, just as My Son loves you, you will recognize the inner Christ in each soul and in each being, and the mirages and appearances that My enemy imposes among the servers will dissipate, and wounds, divisions, protagonisms and the false power that you believe you have in this world will no longer be generated.
Today, may the Rose of Love that I bring to you from Heaven merge with the innermost depth of the essence of each being. Receive this Rose of Light as an impulse of renewal in the Love of God, so that your lives may be converted into roses at the Feet of the Holy Lady of Heaven, and this loving offering of souls may justify all errors of the world, so that more souls may be saved and no longer be condemned.
When I invite you to live in the school of Love, it is so that you may cease to live in the school of condemnation; so that you may perceive, from another plane, that which the Hierarchy spiritually perceives, and thus, you may learn as We learn, even in these times.
Do not fear to join the sacred school of the spiritual slavery to God, because He surrendered to the world unconditionally, allowing Himself to hang from a Cross. And this surrender was even greater, through the spiritual death that My Immaculate Heart lived at that moment.
I come as a Mediator of those who believe in Higher Justice, because God does not use Justice as punishment. God’s Justice is based on His Eternal Love.
It is in this Love that you must live and work. It is this Love that you must welcome, accept and acknowledge, because while this does not happen, the world will continue to suffer, and souls will continue to go astray, because love will become indifferent. It will be a petty and cold love, an egocentric and personal love.
My relief lies in all that We have delivered to you in recent years, in recent times.
Bring My Message of Love to your inner world, so that My Words are not dissipated, so that My Words, which are the Words of God, may remain and yield life in abundance.
This is all that I wanted to say to you today, My dear children. And so that all that I have told you out of Love may bear fruit in the time to come, I bless you again, at the request of My Son, the Sovereign King of Love and of Truth, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
To close this meeting and deepen into the Words of Our Lady, responding to the request of the Mother of God, we will sing, in Spanish, the song “Land of Mary,” with our brothers and sisters of the Choir of Figueira.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more