I come for a planet that is sick.
I come for souls who are lost, who cannot find the breath of God and His Holy Spirit.
I come for those who do not know Grace, for those who do not cry out for Mercy.
I come for those who cause evil through their ignorance, and for those who live the injustices of this world.
I come, children, on this day, not only to grant you a Grace, but to extend to you an invitation: to renew yourselves with Me in prayer for the redemption of this world, for things that your eyes do not see, that your consciences do not grasp, because you could not survive on this Earth if you truly knew everything that happens in the world.
But if you unite your heart to Mine and, with your prayers, open the doors of every place on this Earth to Me, I can reach where your eyes do not see, and I can embrace those of My children who seem to be lost in the abysses and darkness of this world.
Today, children, I do not come to make you feel the pain of My Immaculate Heart; I come to offer you My Love, so that in this way you may have the strength and courage to transform your own lives into true instruments of God.
I come to invite you to a new cycle, a cycle that must now be built on the unity of your hearts.
That is why today I teach you to love in order to dissolve your differences and the misunderstandings that prevent you from living in fraternity, unity and true love.
Today I want to build the foundations that will sustain you in the times to come, because I tell you, My children, that it is only by holding hands and overcoming differences that you will be able to endure the times that will come.
I have gathered you here, around My Mantle, I have gathered all those who listen to My call, as souls and as hearts, so that you may build this unity in this time.
When your hearts are tempted towards division, remember what I have told you today, because the time will come when God will test you, and only through the unity of your hearts will this fortress stand.
I have told you that I come for those who are most in need, for those who suffer and for those who are lost, because when I build unity and love in you, I do it for the planet, for the Kingdoms of Nature and for the Plan of God.
During all these years, My children, I have come to teach you to love the Divine Will, as I do and as I did when I was on Earth among humanity.
Even though, for many, this Will was incomprehensible, children, I loved the Will of God, even when it meant accompanying the steps of My Son as He carried the Cross and seeing Him crucified, surrendering His Life for the redemption of the world. And today I invite you to love the Will of God, even though it leads you to renounce, even though you do not understand it, because the Will of God is sometimes hidden in incomprehensible things, and it is only when you love it that you can understand it.
I will call you each day to an even greater sacrifice, to a greater renunciation, because it is in this way that I will forge the Christ within your hearts, that I will lead you to love without limits and to give your lives with a love as great as the Love that emanated from the Heart of My Son.
It takes courage to be nothing in these times and to love the incomprehensible, to love the opposite of what humanity has learned to love throughout its existence on this Earth.
Correct your paths, your minds and your hearts and open yourselves, children, to a Greater Truth.
I want you to seek only the best in your brothers and sisters and that, through example and Mercy, you may help them to transform their miseries.
This is how you transform the Earth and build a new life and a new world.
This is how you will ensure that this work is perpetuated throughout the centuries, so that those who come after you will learn from your examples and pass them on, generation after generation, until those who come last can experience the greatest sacrifice of rebuilding this world with the principles of a Higher Life.
The manifestation of the Plan of God begins within each one of you. The renunciation of those who will arrive begins to be outlined in your actions.
That is why, children, I come today, once again, to give you an example of a heart that persists because it loves you and, above all, loves the Creator's Plan for your lives and for this planet.
Receive this love in your hearts today, which I bring you, and may it be the tool and the driving force for the transformation of your lives, for overcoming your limits and imperfections, so that in this way, you do not fall into the error of allowing the Divine Works to fade through a lack of unity and love in the times to come.
Love one another, as my Son loved and loves you.
Respect each other and grow together, because even if you are few, humanity must learn from your examples.
Do not expect crowds willing to live by what I tell you; trust in the miracle that I will work, with my Son, through those who say yes.
The miracle that many are waiting to see, I am performing through your lives, but in order for it to be shown to the world, you must let yourselves spin like the sun, allow miraculous water to flow from the depths of your hearts and wash away your old self, so that humanity may know the new.
Today, children, I do not come to perform miracles outside of humanity, but within you, let Me perform them.
My Message today is simple, but it has a divine depth for those who are able to listen to Me.
I will only ask you not to grow weary, not to become lukewarm of heart, but to renew yourselves every day in your prayers and in your union with the Heart of God, and above all, children, watch over your actions, your thoughts and feelings. It does not matter if you make mistakes, but make amends for them and do not remain there.
May each day bring you an impulse for renewal.
May My Presence renew you today, so that tomorrow you may pray with even greater fervor; that in this way, I may reach many other places in the world, and allow those who cry out to Me to feel My presence, and those who do not call upon Me and do not feel Me, to come to know Me.
That is all I wanted to say to you today.
Remember, children, to live in unity, and even though this world and this life place you before great trials that will test your fidelity, your capacity to love, to love this plan and this work, persevere.
With My words, I bless you and leave you this reflection, so that you may carry it in your hearts, not just today, but every day to come.
With the Light and Grace of God, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us sing the Hail Mary, and let Our Lady work in our hearts while She rises to Heaven.
Song: Hail Mary
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more