Friday, November 25 of 2016


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Although it does not seem so, I come surrounded by the stars of the flag of the United States to change them into stars of My universal Mantle. This means, dear children, that the task has not yet been finalized , that the fulfilment of this task that I am carrying out, together with My Son and Saint Joseph, is part of your hearts.

If your Mother of Heaven can convert impossible things, you shall be able to help Me, dear children, even though it may seem impossible, for this Sacred Mission to be carried out, just as God has asked of Me, from the depths of His Heart. 

You will understand, dear children, after everything has passed, the things that I will try to avert.

Today, dear children, I bring you the consciousness of the confraternity and the Love that makes all of you participants in a perfect communion with My beloved Son.

I come surrounded by the stars of the flag of the United States, just as I came surrounded by the stars to Guadalupe, to show the world that in higher life lies the doorway to liberation and peace. 

I know there are many of you, dear children, who do not yet understand this celestial mystery, but when your hearts open to be mirrors of My prayer, you will be able to simply penetrate this mystery; and in this way, you will concretize everything that I ask of you in a humble and serving way.

Today, I am between the United States and Mexico, placing My Rays over each nation, uniting the consciousnesses of the nations so that they shall not be separated from the Purpose of God, for it was in this way that I announced it to Juan Diego in Guadalupe, that humanity must unite in spite of your cultures and races in order to achieve peace.

In this definitive time, dear children, in which the planet is mobilizing and suffers the consequences of the surface, I invite you to experience cooperation, brotherhood and love above all that you know and have learned.

Thus, you will also penetrate My Immaculate Heart not only with your prayers and voices, but with the intention of serving a Greater Plan that is still unknown to all of humanity.

Thus, dear children, My beloved children, I bring you an awareness of the true purpose for these times, uniting as a single brotherhood, so that the events of the planetary transition may be experienced in the greatest peace possible.

My wish, dear children, is that you transmit this impulse I bring you today to all your brothers and sisters, even those who do not want to listen to God nor My Heart. Trust that though the power of your simple words, you will be able to sow the seeds of Light in all those who most need this.

I tell you again, dear children, that on this special night, in which My Heart is venerated and loved by all of you with an intimate and spiritual joy, I am over the United States and Mexico to heal the wounds experienced between these peoples; to allow the true principle of each nation to be reborn, of serving God in these times through your Guardian Angels and the Angels of the Nations, ardently waiting to unite with each of you.

It is thus that, from the heights of Tepeyac, as well as from the heights of Mount Shasta, your Heavenly Mother will announce the word of salvation and will bring to all of California and the United States the hope that have lost, because of all that you have been living through in recent times. 

With all the strength of My Love, I will go to withdraw the fear from Latin American hearts, those who have been immigrants, looking for a hope of life and an opportunity.

All I wish, dear children, is that between the United States and Mexico a profound fellowship be established so that the walls, which you think to build between the nations, no longer be ideas in human thought nor in the spiritual plan. If that comes to pass, dear children of Mexico, do not reject the test you will experience.

Love more and more the Will that God places in your nations and hearts, for in this way, you will be on the correct path and any social war will be avoided.

I would not want to return to Mexico in such a crucial hour, as it was with the Aztec civilization and the European community, in which I came to announce the profound act of reconciliation and of peace between the peoples.

Your Heavenly Mother does not want to see blood running in the streets nor does She want to see hearts suffering the incomprehension of the decisions that the rulers take in this world, which affect the whole of humanity, the whole planet.

I do not come to set you against anybody; I come to ask, dear children, that you deeply love your enemies, for they have need of the Grace of God, which must be born from your hearts, so that they may have an opportunity, just as you have had in these times.

I tell you again, dear children, that I am surrounded with the stars of the flag of the United States, so as to be able to change the souls who do not listen to God and that, in a profound lethargy, submerge daily in material life, without seeking the essence of spirit, the essence that unites them with God all the time.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this evening, I would like you to understand My Words with the heart; that you do not see a nation by its culture or its past; but rather, that you see, children, each soul that dwells there, that has such need of My maternal Presence, because they ignore Me, do not know My Divinity, do not recognize My Love. And in this time, it will be paramount for souls to be able to find in My Immaculate Heart the refuge and hope of seeing peace being born in this world.

Today I come surrounded by the stars of the flag of the United States, not to be consequent with what happens there, but to tell you, children, that at this moment, that nation has much need of My help. It needs the liberation that God grants His Servant to realize in the world; just as I have been carrying it out every day that I have been here, together with Christ and with Saint Joseph; because your hearts opened the door to Me, and many of your brothers and sisters that do not know you, who have never heard of you, helped Me to get here today; they withdrew assets that belonged to them, from their homes, generating merits for the salvation of their souls.

This was a learning experience, children, that I need to offer to many nations, because as much as you do not understand, when you strive from the heart to generate merits for the liberation of others, you are beginning to enter into the Principle of God for humanity; you are allowing Christic life to descend to the human consciousness, because My Son did not measure efforts to rescue those whom He did not know , irrespective of their religion, their nation, the people they belonged to or the customs they lived by, whether saints or worldly.

Because all of humanity, children, need the Presence of God; need to discover the hidden God existing within; because the time has come for the Creator to be able to express through His creatures. And it is in the small things of your lives, in the small acts done out of love, that this God manifests.

Today, feel My Peace, My motherhood and how I shelter you in My arms.

Feel that your pleas have been done, that your song has become life, because My lips open to speak Divine Words to you, because My arms are extended to welcome you and bring you to My Heart. 

Today, I not only give you a kiss, but I also carry you to Heaven, so that you may ardently aspire that all of humanity be able to live this divine instance.

Today I invite you, children, to be peacemakers of My beloved Son, to follow His example, Who when He was rejected, humiliated, scourged, never closed His Heart. On the contrary, His Mercy was poured out in the last drop of His Blood. He gave everything out of love for the Plan of God, and that is what I come to ask each one of you, that little by little, for more than a day, you begin, children, to surrender all that you are to the Father. I will not ask you to die on the cross, but rather that you surrender your lives out of love, that each day you be more sincere in your love for others, for the Kingdoms of Nature and for God.

Today, children, the Creator makes the ground of this world tremble to warn souls that it is time to look to Heaven, and no longer to the things of the Earth. But even so, many do not listen and need to suffer a lot in order to realize that it is time to turn back to God.

For this reason, just as today I open My arms to you, I ask that you open your arms to those who are blind up to the last hour and who will have need of your love and your understanding to be able to begin their life again.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

It is through this profound act of love, in this stage that you have offered Me, in honor of My Immaculate Heart and the triumph of the Plan of the Celestial Father, that I come to consecrate you as I have waited for so long, listening to your prayers one by one, seeing the beads of each prayer pass in your hands and the hours of the clock so that I could return to My beloved Mexico.

Here I am, dear children, to bless you in honour of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that through this Most Holy Trinity all these things may be allowed, that I may pour My Graces upon My children so that, in the time to come, they may be fruit in the hearts and in the lives of all beings. 

I want you to gift Me, dear children, the song that you have done for Me, now at the end, for in this way, I will consecrate you.

I come to accomplish what has been written in these letters, in each paragraph of the song.

I come to look upon you, to open My arms to you, so that peace may be established.

Come here, dear children, those who will be consecrated today in the name of all the Mexicans who live in love for the beloved Guadalupana, Who never abandons you, Who always guides you, Who will always protect you in love and in goodness.

May this consecration today be significant in your lives. This is the moment, dear children, for forgiveness and for reconciliation with the European consciousness. On the other side of the world, in Europe, I ask My children to prostrate themselves on the ground to establish this reconciliation between Mexico and Europe, between the original peoples and the European consciousness, so that a definite healing may be established of the great wound caused throughout time and centuries.

That here it may be possible to establish, dear children, in My maternal Presence, a unity among consciousnesses and hearts.

Today, I again unite what surface humankind has separated. I come to unite you under a single consciousness, as a single race, which lives of the Love of God and professes its faith in the Most High.

I listen to you through this beautiful song, which is a song of love for God, through His Holy Celestial Mother, the Virgin of Guadalupe.

I consecrate you, I vivify you in My Son, I heal you in spirit, in soul and in divinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And now that you are My children consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, offer forgiveness and reconciliation among the peoples and the nations. So be it.

Let us pray a Hail Mary together before the song.

I listen to your sweet voice.

Prayer: Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Sunday, November 13 of 2016


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

With all the sweetness of My Heart, I come to meet with you to bring you peace again, the peace that is perpetual in the Heart of God and all His universal Kingdom.

Opening the doors to this Kingdom, today I place you all in My arms, just as I placed the Child Jesus and each of the apostles when they doubted the true existence of Christ on Earth.

Dear children, in this way, I strengthen your ministry, your personal and group mission in the end of times, in light of the Heart of the Celestial Father. In this way, I bring you My codes of Light, so that your hearts are able to receive them, can hold them within, and they may be flames that can be perpetuated in the world, in this time of transition.

With the joy of your hearts, I can carry out My works in the world and bring My children the Holy Spirit of God, which will motivate you in the transformation and the redemption of your lives.

It is for this reason, dear children, that today I have come here not only to bless you, to consecrate you, but also to thank all of you and all your brothers and sisters for accomplishing this second stage of the sacred Mission with the Divine Messengers.

You do not know, dear children, what it means to the Heart of the Father, to hold within Himself the feeling of love for all His creatures, above all the perfect adherence to this purpose of bringing peace and love to the world, so that these attributes not be erased from innocent and simple hearts.

It is through your inner response, dear children, that I am able to concretize My Work in Central America and Mexico, and in the future, in other places where the planetary need is very serious, and many, a great many souls, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature, need My celestial intercession to be prepared and ready for the end of times.

It is thus that today I unite My Rosary of Light with your rosaries, creating this bridge of Light to the Celestial Kingdom, allowing you to vivify the Codes of God in the depths of your souls so that, in this end time, dear children, you are able to carry out your purpose which is the Holy Purpose of God in your lives, His magnificent Will of bringing the infinite Source of His Mercy to the planet and making you redeemed beings in the Eyes of My beloved Son Jesus.

This confirms that here in Nicaragua, dear children, this task is not an emotion, but rather a profound devotion for Me, thus establishing a communion with My Immaculate Heart. 

And so I ask, dear children, that you continue forward; that you deepen the practice of the prayer of the heart in your lives so that many more souls may be benefited by this Grace that I bring all of you today, a repairing Grace, healing and redeeming, in each part of your beings and of your molecules. And so it is that I ignite the cells of Light within you, the same cells that I ignited in the apostles, preparing them for preaching and living the Word of God.

You, My beloved children of Nicaragua and the world, are the apostles of the end of times, the apostles of Christ, the Redeemer, who must be the example of peace and the good for all creatures. Avail yourselves of the service that your brothers and sisters are doing for Venezuela. Through them find the true testimonial of charity.

This is why I want to say, dear children, that today I am also with all of them in this sacred mission. And through their missionary hearts, I am alleviating the most suffering hearts, closing the greatest wounds in the consciousness of humanity.

This work of service for peace, especially for My beloved Venezuela, is opening the doors to an inexplicable reconciliation. This means, dear children, that the holy Throne of God and all His celestial power is reopening the doors to Venezuela, through His angels and all His saints and the blessed, bringing the unique opportunity of rehabilitation, freeing the prisons of chaos and suffering, dear children, simply by serving, loving and giving charity to those most in need.

And so I invite you, My children, to embrace this mystery of charity and the good. You do not know, dear children, how the Kingdoms of Nature are also benefited by these things. Thus, today I also invite you to be guardians and protectors of the Kingdoms of Nature, to take care of your seas, forests, any Kingdom living in each nation, in each town and in each city.

I want you to value these matters that have been part, from the beginning, of the Creation of God. It is in this way, dear children, that you being here from the heart with Me and with a deep love for My Immaculate Heart, that I am able to pour out My Graces, which will be results in the future of souls, in the nations that need it most.

Central America, through this pilgrimage and the adherence of all My children of the world, especially because of all your prayers and pleas, is receiving an inexplicable expiation which is produced, generated and carried out through My Immaculate Heart, bringing everybody the flame of faith and hope.

My wish, dear children, is to be closer to you every day and that, from Nicaragua, new groups of prayer emerge strengthened, just as I asked the brothers and sisters of Costa Rica, who will form groups of prayer, inspired by My Messages of Peace, by the redeeming Words of Christ and of Saint Joseph.

I want you to definitely live in Our Sacred Hearts, may you take the step for all the planetary consciousness, may you not tire of being missionaries of peace and of propagating that peace in the whole world.

It is through this work and especially through the missions that the scales of the human imbalance are miraculously being balanced. Do you know what this means, My beloveds?

Many prayers must have been heard by God Himself, for Him to be able to allow this inexplicable Grace for the world and for Central America.

So it is today, dear children, through this Grace and this love that assembles us in Christ, that I invite the Children of Mary who will be consecrated to come up here so that I may be able to continue to share My Love and My Light with you through the words of the Divine Verb which I proclaim today.

I bring to the world, dear children, the opportunity to love again, to forgive, to be reconciled with God and of definitely being a part of His Plan of Love and of Redemption.

And before continuing to speak with you, My beloved children of Nicaragua, I would like you to offer My Heart a song that unites everything that is apart. That in devotion and love, you honor the Virgin of Guadalupe.

I am listening.


Song: "Mother and Queen of Guadalupe."


It is thus, dear children, that I establish the sacred Universe of God on Earth, opening the doors to reconciliation among peoples and among the nations of the world; trusting absolutely that, in each of you, My Plan, which is the Plan of My Son, the Plan of God, your Eternal Father, can carried out in the most simple and pure, in the innocent and free of heart.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In this way, I teach you how to free the past with the joy of the heart, how to release the pain that permeates the consciousness, of each people and of each nation, with the simple love of your hearts.

Today, I assembled you here not only to transform your lives, not only to redeem your hearts, but so that you, My children, representing all of humanity, representing the consciousness of this planet, are able to change the uncertain destiny that this Earth will experience because of there not being peace or love in the world.

I asked you to lift up your voices, so that your hearts may also be uplifted, for in this way, I open the abysses, I free souls, including the most sinful ones, which on finding the Light of My Immaculate Heart, repent of the past. And that, through the authority of God, which He has granted his Holy Servant, I redeem and free you from damnation so that, rendering a service with Me, you balance your debts and experience redemption.

In this way, children, today I ask that you confess to Me, and through Me, that you confess to God; because today I open the portals to the Kingdom of the Heavens for you, I show you the celestial Altars so that you may place your faults and sins on them.

Repent, because I will forgive you. Repent, because I will renew you and free you, so that you may be able to build, in this country as on this planet, a redeemed land that lives in peace and union with God.

I ask that all who listen to Me, with hearts redeemed in light of the Celestial Father, ask Him for forgiveness in the name of humanity, with the joy of this very simple people.

My children, I came to carry out this redemption of the Americas, this liberation that for so long this people waited for and that, because of the openness of your hearts, today I will begin to concretize. Today, in the eyes and in the hearts of My children, you will see the concretization of your efforts, the merits you generated with each assistance you gave Me so that I could come here.

Today, see My Light, the Grace and Redemption that I allow to descend from the Heavens; and thank God, My children, for being participants in His Plan.

The redemption of this planet is possible, the redemption of your souls is already active. Multiply this redemption in those who do not listen to Me, go in aid of those who do not follow Me, pray for those who will close doors in your faces, pray for those who will spit on the floor in front of you because of not believing in God, pray for those who curse you, cry out with your head on the ground for your enemies, cry out for the redemption of this planet; because in this way, beloved children, My Plan will triumph.

Release resentment from your lives, release hate and rage from your lives, live and establish peace, be reconciled with your families, be reconciled with your friends, ask for forgiveness and forgive your brothers and sisters.

And in this way, beloved children, you will announce to the world that it is possible to live the divine archetype expressed so long ago by My beloved Son Jesus.

It is time for the Christs of the new time to wake up. It is time for your souls to wake up to the commitment you came to fulfill with God. Thus, you are here; because you were called by Me so that you could say 'yes' to the Heart of God.

And so, I consecrate you and bless you not only to completely transform you, but so that you, My children, may transform this world, transform this nation, transform each home of those who are listening to Me today; because today My Grace and My Divine Presence reaches all your homes. Open the door of your homes, of your hearts to Me, because I will enter every day to pray with you for the Kingdoms and for souls so that, one day, My beloveds, this planet may become sacred, to which the Creator always aspired.

And may, in the universe as on Earth, your souls testify that the sacrifice of Christ was not in vain; and that the sacrifice each of you will experience will also not be in vain; because from them, My children, will be born the transcendence of all pain, a freeing from the tiredness of your bodies, the transformation of suffering into spiritual rejoicing, the transformation of sadness and grief into the eternal joy of seeing the Divine Plan triumph.

Today, My beloveds, see in the Love of My Words, in My Heart exposed to your hearts, that the Grace of God is infinite and His Love is immeasurable. And that, with that same Love, you must fill your spirits so that each one who approaches you feel the Divine Presence and believe that it is possible to transform the decadence of this world and make it sacred in the Eyes of God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary: 

Dear children, I consecrate you, I bless you and I love you, as the White Dove of Peace.

Before leaving here, I want you to sing to Me as you did at the beginning, so that I may gather up the love of your hearts and pour it out where it is most needed.

It is thus, dear children, that through your consecration to My Immaculate Heart, I again consecrate Nicaragua to the Mother of God, the Queen of Peace, to the White Dove that brings you the Message of reconciliation and of redemption.

Place your left hand over your heart to confirm this consecration in My Presence, and raising your voices through song, I bless you, dear children, and I thank all of you for having responded once again to My call.

You do not know, dear children, how much relief has been brought to the oceans and all that is within them.

I thank you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now sing so that I may rise up to Heaven with the joy of your hearts for Central America.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
