History of the Apparitions to Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

(Account transmitted by the visionary in 2013)

The Virgin Mary

The whole process of the Apparitions of the Virgin Mary that we live began when I was around five or seven years old in the humble patio of my house, located in the department of Canelones, in Uruguay.

This was a period in which my family was living intense processes of learning. When I was a boy, My mother had taught me some prayers, as the Our Father and the Hail Mary. At that time, I asked the Virgin for inner help by means of prayer so that She would give us Her peace and Her light for the situation that was unfolding on the family level.

It was when I was between five and seven years old, that for the first time the Lady, brighter than Light, appeared during a winter night upon a tree, a willow, which was in the patio of my house. I was returning from playing with friends from the neighborhood and when I entered the patio something inside of me made me stop in front of this tree and there, with clarity, as if my eyes had opened beyond the physical, I saw a Lady dressed in a white tunic and a white mantle. She was placed with Her feet upon the tree in a delicate way, She had Her hands in a praying position, carrying a rosary between Her hands, Her face was soft, bright and with a delicate smile on Her face, which transmitted peace through a deep silence.

In the weeks that followed after the first apparition, I remember that everything in the surrounding family situation had changed. All returned to normality and peace. It was the moment in which I started to pray more and to unite myself in this way to the Virgin Mary. I never made any comment to anyone about this apparition. This fact was revealed only to Mother Shimani many years later.

After a few years, the presence of Mary, the Divine Mother, gradually approached again to accompany me during the time of secondary school. When I was around 15 years old, the presence of the Virgin Mary came back into my life, but this time with more force. Mary, the Divine Mother, presented Herself again in adolescence. At that time, I was a member of a group that prayed the Holy Rosary and that was consecrated to Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima.

This group used to gather to pray twice a week. Through a catechist brother, I was invited to participate. I found myself surrounded by adult people and I was the youngest of everyone.  I remember that these brothers and sisters expressed unity and love each time they were together in prayer. The same brother who invited me to enter this group invited me to do the training to be able to make my First Communion and it was in this way that I followed this aspiration. I found great relief during all this because the presence of the Mary, the Mother of God, was in this group.

During the moments of prayer, Our Lady began to appear again,  and I would see Her while the whole group was praying. She would come, pray with us and then disappear when the group prayer finished. During this cycle, I was accompanied by that brother, very devoted to Our Lady, who instructed me until I could take the First Communion and who helped me to know love for the Virgin Mary. During the gatherings of weekly prayer that I had with the group, the Lady appeared while the entire group contemplated the mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

In this way, those silent apparitions took place, which manifested inside of the room where the group gathered to pray. The Virgin, whenever She appeared, had an appearance that was very similar to that of Our Lady of Fatima. Whenever She appeared for a few minutes, She was always moving the beads of the rosary, which She sustained with Her delicate hands.

She would appear inside of the praying room, which was the home of some of the sisters, who had built a little crystal chapel in honor of Our Lady. But out of fear that all this was an illusion of my consciousness, I never shared it with anyone. The apparitions continued week after week in silence. Our Lady would accompany us in the prayer but She never said a single word.

It was after some time that another inner sign came into my life from Our Lady, the One who was brighter than light. In that way, I used to describe Her because this was the first impression that I experienced when I was a boy. She shone more than light. That is how it remained registered in my consciousness.

The prayer group entrusted me with the task to take the image of the Virgin Mary in my arms from house to house, week after week so that everyone could receive the blessing of Our Lady of Fatima.

After having taken the First Communion, I entered the neighborhood Parrish Community and there, in a simple way, I began to serve as an altar boy during the celebration of the Holy Mass, and I also used to perform a service in the bell tower. Ar this moment another sign came from Mary, the Divine Mother.

Through the prayer group, I was led to enter a sector of the Parrish Community that was dedicated to deepening into the Marian message and in prayer, a Christian group that is known as the “Legion of Mary”.  In the Legion of Mary, made up of volunteer devotees of Our Lady, we used to have meetings to program prayer meetings with people or groups of people, as well as tasks of service and charity for the neediest neighborhood community. But the fundamental thing was that the Legion of Mary tried to maintain a spirit of ardent devotion of love and service for Mary, the Celestial Mother.

This Legion of Mary shared its service united to another part of the Christian Community that was an association called “Saint Vincent of Paul”, which used to offer service and charity to the poor amongst the poorest, donating clothes and non-perishable food to those who needed them. It was at this moment that the experience of service to others began for me.

After going through some learning, as all teenagers do, which took me a few years, another inner sign came from Mary, the Divine Mother.

This sign came accompanied by an invitation to be part of a new path that would lead me closer to an inner encounter with Christ, a path traveled by a small group of the Christian Community called the Neocatechumenal Way. In the company of a priest, that group celebrated in a more private way the Holy Mass and the same group had the task of deepening into the study of the Old and the New Testament by means of short lectures that were shared within the Liturgy of the Mass through which we tried to understand the different points of view about the reading of the Bible.

In this way the priest introduced us to the study and an understanding of the message that Christ left to humanity. It was then, at that moment, that I had for the first time a more conscious work with the sacrament of confession. It was the first experience that I had of being able to recognize that we should forgive ourselves and redeem ourselves before Christ, seeing our faults with clarity, without feeling any guilt, but rather opening the consciousness a little bit more for the learnings and tests of life.

After graduating in the basic studies and having initiated a life of a more conscious collaboration within the family, I began to seek for a more real answer about the process of the apparitions of the Virgin. Why was this happening to me? For what purpose? I could already understand that only I could see Her and I wanted to know for what purpose.

I remember that through another sister of the spiritual path I was led to meet an inner master: Mother Shimani. Thus, by the end of the year of 2006, I was taken to the arms of another mother who by then, without being conscious of it, was to whom the Virgin had entrusted the company and instruction of Friar Elias for the times that were to come. It was she who brought me to live a profound communion with Christ and even more with the Virgin Mary. It was from this meeting with Mother Shimani that my path began towards the great transformation and that was the moment when the understanding came to me about who we really are and what it is that the Celestial Father wants for each one of us.

From this moment on began the task that Mary, the Divine Mother, would request us to carry out, a path that has brought us up to here, to the year 2013.

Mother Shimani always accompanied my inner meetings with the Virgin and, little by little, she noticed the level of reality and truth that these apparitions had. The first time that Mother Shimani attended me personally, the Divine Mother appeared and, for the first time, Mother Shimani asked me to always have a notebook and a pencil to write down all that I heard, saw and the circumstances in which these manifestations unfolded. It was in this way that, each time we were together, we prayed and the Divine Mother would present Herself and give us precise instructions about what we should do. Thus it all began.

From then on, the company of Mary, the Divine Mother, became more frequent in our lives. Soon it was no longer the two of us anymore, but rather a small group of work that Mother Shimani instructed began to participate in the apparitions that up until then had been very much private. Prayer became fundamental in our lives, it was converted into the basis for this work that we were carrying out.

She was the one who showed me that there was a place in Uruguay, in the department of Paysandú, that is known as Aurora, where I had to go. Mother Shimani had already been working there for many years, in a special place where intensive works of prayer were done in the Grotto of Padre Pio.

Aurora is a place where God has placed His Heart and His Love, opening the doors of Heaven so that all who would arrive there could discover the source from where inner life is reborn in each one of us, that which we call inner healing. So then, obediently, I started to go with Mother Shimani to Aurora, where innumerable events occurred. There we used to stay in an inn that informally is called Santa Maria (Holy Mary), as its owner is very devoted to the Divine Mother.

During that whole year of 2007, we frequented this inn, in whose backyard there was a small olive grove, with around thirty trees, where Heaven and Earth unite themselves in perfect harmony. In this place, we used to pray intensively and we received the instructions of the Divine Mother. It was in this inn where in the month of July of 2007 we received the indication that we should prepare ourselves for Her to come from Heaven to Earth as She had done other times, in Lourdes as well as in Fatima and in Guadalupe. She would appear with all of Her consciousness to begin the universal task for the end of this time. This day was August 8, 2007.

She mentioned a group of seven brothers and sisters including myself, Mother Shimani, and also two sisters who today are a part of the monastery and a brother who today lives with his family in Montevideo, with whom we all maintain a fraternal union. The two other brothers chose a life that would take them through other learnings.

In this place of the olive trees, in each apparition, She gradually led us to know inner devotion and to awaken our faith concerning each one of the requests that the Divine Mother, brighter than Light, would make to us in each Apparition. The whole area of Aurora, in Paysandú, Uruguay, was silently permeated by the love of Our Divine Mother, and thus She began to weave, like a mantle, with Her humble hands, new paths in our hearts.

What most touched us internally as a group was the clarity of Her apparition, of Her Voice and of Her message at the moment of the meetings in the olive grove and also in other spaces inside of the area of Aurora. For all of the apparitions that happened in the year of 2007, the group was in a state of intense physical, mental and spiritual preparation by means of fasting and prayer so that we could feel the inner confirmation in the face of the events in which we were participating.

Until our arrival in the Community of Figueira, the apparitions of the Divine Mother were kept private in order for us to be able to have consciousness and discernment about all this movement that, through the requests of Our Lady, was quickly unfolding.

In the following months after August 2007, Mary the Virgin instructed us about some processes that were going to be carried forward and especially about the moment of getting to know José Trigueirinho, founder and member of the Community of Figueira, in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Obeying the request of the Virgin Mary, Mother Shimani traveled to the Community of Figueira with the intention of getting to know Trigueirinho and to talk with him about our experiences in Aurora.

To our surprise, she was received with total openness in Brazil and, by the end of 2007, we and two other brothers and sisters who had participated in the Apparition of the Divine Mother moved to the Community of Figueira to have an experience there for a while. We did not know for how long it would be but we were very happy because all that the Divine Mother had told us was being fulfilled, step by step.

During the year of 2008, we lived in the Community of Figueira, and Our Lady began to appear privately to a small working group which included Trigueirinho and other brothers and sisters from Figueira. During this time the Divine Mother confirmed the request that we should return to Uruguay, now with a larger group, integrated by brothers and sisters from Figueira, to construct a Center of Healing and Prayer in the area of Aurora, a place that would become Her home in the near future. Today, Casa Redención (The House of Redemption) is a reality for all, where the Marian Center of Aurora is manifested, as Our Lady has named it.

During the period in which we were living in Figueira, the Divine Mother and other masters that accompanied the Divine Mother during the apparitions, such as Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Clare, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina and Saint Teresa of Jesus, asked us to take one more step in our process of consecration to the Plan of God to Earth and, under rigorous guidelines transmitted by them, we began a monastic life. There we received the first indications for the formation of a Monastic Ecumenical Christian Order that would be the base of the work with Our Lord Christ Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The entire prayer group that participated in these apparitions was invited by the Divine Mother to enter the Order, which the Hierarchy named the Grace Mercy Order. Sixteen brothers and sisters entered. Today, four years later, it has more than a hundred consecrated members manifesting monasteries in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.

Beginning of the Public Apparitions 

On the morning of August 18, 2011, I was in Casa Redención, Paysandú, Uruguay, when Our Lady appeared and asked Friar Elías and Mother Shimani to approach the tree of the Apparitions in a field of orange trees.

During this morning the Divine Mother asked us to return to this same place for thirteen days in a row and at this same hour of the sunrise. These thirteen days were the most important ones of our lives because Our Lady called openly for the collaborators of the Light-Communities and other brothers and sisters, in general, to participate together with us in the apparitions.

During these days, in one of the apparitions of the Divine Mother, She asked us to have a painter represent, in oil paintings, the thirteen days of the apparitions, as Our Mother would then reveal to us signs that they should remain registered forever. During these thirteen days, She communicated to us the face with which She had been revealing Herself to us. She told us: “I Am Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity”.

This was an event that changed the inner life of all, as it was the moment in which the Divine Mother opened the definitive door of Heaven for all in this time.

The month of September came and we were in the Community of Figueira, in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. On one of the days of September, Our Mother appeared again and asked us to go up to the Hill of Apparitions, previously known as Crystal Hill, situated in one of the areas of Figueira.

In this place, Mary, the Divine Mother, appeared for seventeen days in a row and sometimes twice a day in order to transmit Her message to the world. These seventeen days also remained engraved in our consciousnesses because Our Lady poured Her Graces upon all of us.

From then on the apparitions began to be public, that is, for whoever wanted to be present in the encounter with Our Lady. After these seventeen days of apparitions, the Divine Mother told us that She was going to appear on every 12th and 13th of each month in Casa Redención (The House of Redemption), in Uruguay, and every 25th and 26th of each month in the Community of Figueira, in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, for an indefinite time.

In the month of November, we traveled to Medjugorje, in Bosnia-Herzegovina, to make a spiritual retreat of prayer.  In Bosnia-Herzegovina, Our Lady has been appearing to six visionaries since the year 1981.

Our arrival in Merdugorje at the request of the Virgin was for us to recognize the dimension of Her Marian movement in the world and to understand that which She wanted to do.

Also at Her request, we have visited Lourdes, France, and Fatima, Portugal, with the same objective.

In the morning of November 15, 2011, around 9 a.m. while the group that had traveled was in prayer in a location at the base of the hill of apparitions of Medjugorje, Our Lady appeared and transmitted to us that from that day on, with immense Grace for all of humanity, She would give us a message for each day for a while.

From then, up until today, countless things have happened. The Divine Mother has filled us with Graces and we have surrendered our lives to Her task and to that of Her Son.

The Virgin Mary has become the epicenter of love and devotion of our lives, the safe path that takes us to Her Son, the Christ. She invites us to be permanently in Her Heart and in the Heart of Her Son.

Christ Jesus

I remember that when I was a boy Jesus left within me a very strong seal of His Presence, which has accompanied me always. The seal was reactivated in this time when He began His work with me.

When I was little, about seven years old, during a stay in the house of my maternal grandmother, who was then very ill, I had a brief but unforgettable experience with the Sacred Heart. She was bedridden and I only approached her in silence. Her devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was very strong and sincere. On one of those days, she asked me to put near her bed a picture of Jesus to which she had been praying for her whole life. This picture was placed at the head of her bed.

On one of those days, I entered the bedroom and when I entered through the doorway I encountered a large image of the Sacred Heart that had a written caption at the bottom that said: “Look at Me and I will be with you”.

This image remained engraved in my consciousness and accompanied me for a long time. When I saw Christ Jesus for the first time in this current cycle, I instantly recognized Him. I felt the peace that had been transmitted by the picture that I had contemplated when I was a boy and that had left that seal within my consciousness.

In the month of April of 2012, at the Marian Center of Aurora, during the Holy Week, through an inner voice, the Master Christ Jesus requested that, as a group, we prepare ourselves to celebrate a special meeting with Him during seven days in a row, at three p.m.

Therefore we prepared ourselves as He had announced to us that we were going to spiritually participate in the seven days of the Passion that His Consciousness lived in the depths of His Sacred Heart.

He indicated that Friar Elias and Mother Shimani should retreat to the prayer room of the Monastery of the Assumption and of the Holy Spirit to pray while the rest of the members of the Monastery supported the work from somewhere else.

We prayed continuously for an hour to wait for Him. Little by little, a sign from Heaven began to manifest in a form of a vision, and a bright light appeared and shone the sacred garments of the Master. Afterward appeared His bare Feet and then His Hands, radiating light, and finally, His Face lit up with love.

He told us: “My dear ones, I come to reveal to you the seven days of the Passion that My Heart lived…”.

Thus, day by day, during that week, we were being participants in instructions that the Master Christ Jesus proclaimed during each Apparition. He asked us to transmit His Words after the seventh day in a study that Mother Shimani would give called “Seven days with the Master Jesus of Nazareth”.

During the end of December 2012, while the monthly Apparitions of the Divine Mother were taking place at the Marian Center of Aurora, Uruguay, I remember that in a private prayer Our Lord Jesus appeared to me, as in other times, in an unexpected way.

In three different moments and days, before the beginning of 2013, He approached, requesting that I prepare myself to soon receive Him. At first, I did not understand the call well until, on January 5, 2013, Christ Jesus finally appeared and announced His call forcefully, clearly and with precision.

During the ecumenical communion of January 5, 2013, in Casa Redención (The House of Redemption), the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus appeared to transmit, from this day on, through daily Apparitions, His Message of return to the world.

The history of the daily Apparitions of Master Jesus began from the date previously mentioned and continues until today. Every day at three p.m., the hour of the Divine Mercy, He transmits a daily message of instruction for the world, called “Daily messages of Christ Jesus”.

At three p.m. every day, Jesus especially requested that Friar Elias pray a hundred and fifty beads of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, to wait for His Sacred visit from Heaven, and He also indicated to us that during this exercise of prayer two brothers or sisters from the Light- Communities or from the Monasteries be present to receive Him.

It has been this way, day by day, throughout these months of 2013.

On some special days, appointed by Him, Master Jesus has transmitted His Message to all through public Apparitions, such as the ones that have happened in the Community of Casa Redención (the House of Redemption) in Uruguay and in the Community of Figueira in Brazil.

In the following, we will describe the experience that we lived on January 5, 2013, when this daily task with Our Lord began.

During the Prayer, before finishing the Orandium of the Passion and Transfiguration of Jesus, He was already present.

He appeared with a group of twelve angels. Each one of them had in their hands a chalice that was offered to all of us. The angels wore luminous white tunics, forming a half Moon behind the Master. They had short golden hair.

While this image manifested itself to us we felt the presence of Christ, but at this moment we still could not see Him. Soon, when we sang the last part of the song "Christ the Redeemer" and of the song "Christ Returns", He made Himself visible.

He appeared in the same way that the Divine Mother appears. He descended from above as a light, and when He came closer to us He manifested Himself, and we could see Him clearly.

And when He appeared, He drew, with His right hand, as a blessing, the sign of the cross, and He said:

Praised be the Lord!

He wore a white tunic, His hair came down to His shoulders, as in the image of the Merciful Christ. He wore a golden mantle and He was barefoot. Upon His face, He had a beautiful and soft smile, and His eyes, of light sky-blue color, shone. Upon His Chest, we could clearly see His Sacred Heart, and around It there was a circle formed by twelve six-pointed stars. His arms were outstretched to the side of His body, a little bit open, with His palms facing us, and from them, there was light emanating. From His heart came two rays, that were of a turquoise sky-blue color, like a crystal.

Behind Him, there were several open Heavens and His Feet were upon clouds. He said that He was showing us the face of His Return, the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus.

Then He remained for quite some time in silence, observing us, contemplating us. It seemed that our essences were transparent before His eyes. He let us understand that He could read all of our feelings at the same time, that all was in evidence before Him.

At this moment, we did not know how the task He had asked us to do was going to be carried out. He was present and we were only observing Him, we did not know what He would say, until He started to talk and transmit a message, in which He said that from January 5, 2013, onward, we were going to receive His message daily, for one year, until January 5, 2014.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
