Rosary for the Salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature

Rosary for the Salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature




During the Vigil of Prayer on July 24, 2014, at the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, Our Lady presented Herself as the Queen of Peace.

She came crying for those who lose themselves, day after day, who do not experience God, and who do not have the strength to follow Him. She asked us to pray for all of them. However, in spite of everything, She was very happy on that day.

The Virgin Mary showed us some truths about this world, many situations that happen with the Kingdoms of Nature within different parts of the planet that we are not conscious of.
She said: “For God to not pour out His rage and His justice upon the world, I come to give you the Rosary for the Salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature.”


Rosary for the Salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature

Union bead
For the infinite Mercy,
that flows out from the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph,
Father, we offer You our lives as a sign of conversion. 

First decade
For the gift of Pity, that flows out from the Heart of God, 
Lord, have Mercy on the Mineral Kingdom.

Second decade
For the gift of Compassion, that flows out from the Heart of God,
Lord, have Mercy on the Plant Kingdom.

Third decade
For the gift of Peace, that flows out from the Heart of God,
Lord, have Mercy on the Animal Kingdom.

Fourth decade
For the gift of the infinite Grace, that flows out from the Heart of God,
Lord, have Pity on the Human Kingdom.

Fifth decade
For the gift of Redemption, that flows out from the Heart of God,
Lord, have Pity and Mercy on the Elemental Kingdom.

On the tenth bead of each decade, repeat: Amen.


This Rosary is part of the Trilogy of Prayer for the End of Times:

Rosary for the Peace of the Children in the War
Rosary for the Salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature
Rosary to know and learn to go through the End of Cycles

Go to the Trilogy, click here.

To read the message of the Virgin Mary transmitted on September 20, 2018, click here.

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

