During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!

Thursday, March 30 of 2023

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On this day of the Lord’s Resurrection, the Eternal Father grants His Son the Grace of nourishing the spiritual life of each being with the codes attained by the Lord in every deed and at every step taken in this world. 

This is an unknown Grace, through which souls can come to drink from My Fountain, a Spiritual Fountain open today through the light and power of the Five Precious Wounds of Jesus.

So that this Fountain of opportunities may descend upon the world, the elements and Kingdoms of Nature, created in the image and likeness of God, share this moment today, and accompany the sacred inner task of the Redeemer; completing, on this eighth day of the Holy Week, a series of specific spiritual impulses, which, in the coming months, will lead souls to make their final decision to opt or not to be part of the New Earth, knowing that, on the surface of this planet, the followers and disciples of Christ will still have to undergo many experiences which ennoble the spirit and the consciousness, which awaken within you the sacred love for sacrifice.

For in this way, your lives will be complete, not through that which the illusion of the world offers, nor by living your mundane and retrograde experiences. Your lives will be complete through inner life, by becoming aware at this time of the importance of responding to the inner call that each of you can experience.

A call that has already touched many hearts throughout time, through generations or civilizations that have passed through this surface to learn something, and not leave this world and this experience on the planet empty-handed, but with the heart filled with God, with the life lessons that He provides so that you can grow inwardly.

This is why today this Sea of Galilee makes its waves resound within this environment so that souls, and especially the inner worlds of the planet, may know that the Lord of the Universe, the Son of God, is delivering His final and definitive Call on this last day of the Sacred Week, when souls that will have the Grace of receiving the Sacraments will again be blessed by My Spirit, just as the Body of the Lord in the Sepulchre was blessed by the angels of God, in eternal vigil and prayer, just as the Holy Body of Christ was anointed by the hands of the holy and humble women.

By this merit achieved by the holy women of Jerusalem, today I come to repay the world, through the blessing of My Spirit and the Grace of being blessed by Myself, so that your lives may be redefined in these times of interference and persecution.

May your lives become defined by Christ and for Christ, knowing that there is a perfect Plan that was already written before your existence, so that this Plan may be fulfilled through you and your brothers and sisters of the world.

Could it be that, on this eighth day of the Sacred Week in Israel, you have allowed your souls to know if they are fulfilling the Will of God?  

What has been the path travelled up to the present?

And on this path, what is the result for you?

Will My Words remain? 

Will heaven and Earth pass away? 

Where will all that I have given you in these eight days be kept?  

And where is everything stored that I have given you from 2013 up to now?

I do not want you to condemn not to justify yourselves. Through a mature Christic consciousness, observe the results, contemplate the successful deeds and learn from the errors. Thus, you will realize by yourselves how close to Me you have come along the way, and whether you have truly succeeded in following My firm and decisive Steps toward the goal of concretizing the Creator’s Plan.  

But in truth I tell you not to feel alone because all are called to live this Plan, those who are in Heaven and those who are on Earth, those who are present on the surface and those who are present in the Cosmos. Each one is within this school, through your surrender to Christ, because it is this surrender that will allow you to realize how far you have come.  

From this synthesis and reflection will emerge the answer that the universe needs at this moment of planetary transition; for this answer, which must be born from your hearts and not from your minds, will determine the next steps of the Spiritual Hierarchy.  

I hope you will not come out of this Sacred Week just having heard the Lord. I hope you will come out of this Sacred Week renewed and blessed, a little more aware and a little more available; knowing that  most souls incarnated throughout the rest of the world are absolutely distracted and cannot even perceive My Love.

But you have had the joy of hearing Me and of again meeting Me, and of receiving directly from Me all the treasures of Heaven. Oonce again I appeal for souls not to waste these moments and to be focused and attentive, to read, through My signs and the signs of time, all that is to come into the world.

In a spirit of rejoicing and joy, the Lord of Israel completes His task, having reached the maximum goals foreseen and the results expected by the Creator.

I hope this is not the last time that the Voice of the Master is heard from Israel and from other places in the world, for the Voice of the Lord resounds in the desert, just as His Voice echoes throughout the universe.

I am grateful for the courage of those who have followed Me this far and for the love that some hearts have expressed to Me. This only strengthens your trust in Me, for I have the power over you to change your lives, just as I have the power to change the elements.

Do not forget that I am the Lord God of the Universe, the inexhaustible expression of Love-Wisdom, which always aspires and hopes to dwell in the human heart.

Lord God, 
bless Your people of Israel, 
today spread across the surface of this planet.
Do not look upon Your holy people with Justice, 
but rather with Mercy.

Through the Heart
of Your Most Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, 
may the doors of Your Grace,
Your Mercy and Your Forgiveness open,
so that Your Heart, through good souls,
may be repaired.

Oh, Lord God of the Universe, 
Supreme Consciousness of Love and Life, 
make the Rays of Your Heart descend through Your Son upon the surface of this world 
and permeate with Your Code of Love 
all impossible causes 
so that, once again, 
all may be renewed in glory to You, the Creator.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wednesday, March 29 of 2023

Sacred Week

If in truth all of humanity knew the real Love of God, I assure you that neither suffering nor any reason for perdition would exist.

This is why I have today begun with a deep inner silence, so that the souls that respond to Me and are awakened may feel the same that is felt by the Lord of Israel, Who is here once again with you, and for all your brothers and sisters of the whole world, to bless you through My Spirit and encourage you on the path of apostleship.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On this path that I offer to you there are challenges, and also dangers. But if you are united to Me in trust, what will you fear? Aren’t I here, and Aren’t I your Master? The One who knows you from within, not only from this moment, but also from other moments.

I know that this seems to be an unattainable challenge, but in these final times, I imperiously need to prepare My spiritual bases through souls so that My Return may take place first in hearts, and then My Return to the world may be concretized the way it was thought of by the Eternal Father, through the expression of His Sacred Laws and Universal Currents, which will collaborate and prepare the planetary scenario for that moment.

This is why we are at a moment of planetary transition, when many souls and consciousnesses seem to not find a way out or even an explanation for what is happening in their lives. But all has an answer and, although it may not seem so, all makes sense.

Souls have forgotten to commune with the Higher Laws. For this reason, there is planetary imbalance and disharmony, because since the basic Laws of the Commandments were revealed to Moses in the Sacred Mount of the desert of Sinai, the Lord of the Universe has wanted to teach His Creatures, His smallest Creatures of this material universe, what is the path and direction to follow so that the different peoples and cultures may not go astray in all that is superficial and petty.

These Laws of the Commandments were not attended because they were not accepted nor recognized, and now the Lord of the Universe and your hearts contemplate the grave current planetary situation on the surface, and this cross of the final times is heavier than the one I carried.

This is why I offer, in these final times, for souls to spiritually offer themselves to be victims of My Love, an experience that is complex to understand, because it is not a mental experience, but rather a spiritual experience, deeply silent, anonymous and imperceptible.

This is what I come to seek, by means of these last Apparitions of Christ: to not only prepare hearts and souls for My awaited Return to the world, which is near, not only prepare humanity for the day of the Great Final Judgment, which will not be the way you believe, or people say it will be. I also come to the world through these Messages, My last preparatory Messages, to ask for hearts to be postulants to be victims of My Love. A real living experience, which was part of the life of many saints and blessed ones who have incarnated in this world since the year 0 A.D. up to the present.

How many blessed ones and victims of My Love have gradually awakened and manifested themselves throughout the times and generations!

How much have these souls painfully lived for Me! Not to reflect their own self-portraying as a victim, but rather to surrender, by means of silence and anonymity, to live the Sacred Pains of the Lord, which I need to dissolve forever from My Heart in these times.

The opportunity is for all hearts without exception. To be victims of My Love is still an unknown Law, because it is to live in the essence of the Law of Love-Wisdom. It is to surrender to Me, without complaints or conditions, for the redemption of all of humanity and of the planet, so that someday this surface may become a sacred ground in all continents and nations, so that the Higher Laws may descend and rebuild the ether of the planet, through an offering of the souls that are victims of My Love.

All that which I am saying and presenting to you today is not a piece of poetry nor is it anything emotional. Your Master and Lord alone can accept and confirm the souls that offer to be victims of My Love, because this means and represents, for these final times, not only a mature and perpetual commitment, but also, for the souls incarnated on the surface of the planet, it also represents that they accept to consciously live their own self-divestment and absolute void of personal ideas or personal and worldly preferences, and accept to constantly live their purification under the powerful Law of the Grace of the Lord, without seeking any trait as a protagonist, and by accepting to work and secretly serve in constant prayer.  

May this aspiration touch the hearts of My companions, because I still do not have many victims of My Love, I only have many souls that adore Me and love Me.

But this step of the souls that can be postulants to be victims of My Love will represent, in these final times, something unique and never seen before, because it might change the trends of this humanity forever.

The first victims of My Love were the apostles, who were called by their names on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Today, in a similar and not so symbolic way, your souls are on the shores of this Sacred Sea of Galilee, to hear the inner call of the Redeemer and so that your brothers and sisters of the whole world may also hear it, resounding like a deep echo in the consciousness of this Sea, which offers itself, through the Mother of the World, as an immaculate and pure womb for the purification of your lives and for your great moment of final consecration.

Today, I leave to you this inner Message that comes from My Heart, while you once again see My austere, simple and humble Boat pass upon the waters of this sea, seeking to call souls to fulfill My Aspiration, God’s Aspiration through His Divine Son.

This is why once again, on the shores of the Sacred Sea of Galilee, and for the last time in these final times, souls again hear My Call, a call that resounds through Love, Life and My Path, the path offered to the New Christs.

Thus, in My Hands, I today carry the Book of Life, this book formed by the Sublime Consciousness of God, because the Eternal Father hopes to write this moment through His Son, and silently and secretly waits for the offering of hearts.


Once again, you, Sacred Sea of Galilee,
consciousness that reflects
the promising hope for the whole world,
that holds in your deep silence
the Pain of your Master and Lord,
offer yourself again in unconditional service for souls,
and, on this day of Hallelujah,
may souls be purified again
by the Sacred Science of the Sacraments. 

O Sacred Sea of Galilee,
you, who offer yourself in silence and selflessness,
who are a witness of the Footprints of Christ
and have many times contemplated the love lived
by My companions,
be a witness again of this sacred moment with Christ Jesus,
so that hearts may receive the liberation they need
and an ever more conscious awakening
to greater service, for one goal:
the triumph of My Redeeming Love.

So be it.



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Tuesday, March 28 of 2023

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Son of God allowed himself to die on the Cross so that the Tree of Life could be born, and the twelve tribes of Israel, today spread throughout the four corners of the planet, could recover the primordial attributes of the Sacred Project of God.

After the surrender of Christ on the Cross, after having been pierced through His Side and having shed Water and Blood for souls, after having shed His Precious Blood at each step of Calvary, even now at this present time of humanity it is necessary to correct the race of the surface. For, through these definitive and chaotic times, the ancient people of Israel, through their twelve tribes, have lost the spiritual values that formed and constituted them as a sacred original people.

Therefore, today, I carry on My Chest, in the center of My Spiritual Heart, the Sacred Star of King David, which is the cosmic revelation of the union of God with humankind and humankind with God, in perfect covenant, harmony and peace. And in the center of this cosmic and spiritual Sacred Star, the Lord of Israel carries, in His Heart, the twelve main attributes of the tribes of Israel, which in these times need to be reconfigured and redeemed through the souls who need to resume their spiritual and evolutionary path.

Therefore, today, once again, the Lord of Israel presents Himself to you and the whole world to rebuild all things that are lost, to redeem the souls that are distant from God, to renew the spiritual matrix of this Genetic Project, a Project once thought of by the Eternal Father through the Elohim. 

A Project that, as you know, began in Genesis and that, from Genesis to the present, after so many mistakes and events experienced by different human civilizations, at this present time, the hour has come, the moment has arrived, for this Original Project be reconfigured and redeemed, through the sincere conversion of hearts to the Purest Source of the Love-Wisdom of Christ.

Therefore, today, from the skies of Israel and through My Spiritual Church, the Lord again consecrates the world, the Lord reopens the door of redemption for the souls who need it and, before the Law of Divine and Universal Justice, the angels and hosts that accompany Me today over Israel, from Jerusalem to the Sea of Galilee, these angels of God, blessed tireless servants of the Eternal Father, write in their books of Light this moment of synthesis that all the inner worlds of the planet are experiencing before the Lord of Israel.

Inner worlds that are called to experience a synthesis through three attributes: the attribute of redemption, the attribute of reconciliation and the attribute of consecration; internal schools that are, at this hour, offered for the last time so that souls may learn to take the safe step toward My Heart, so that the cosmic matrix that constituted this Genetic Project on the surface may be renewed by the Lord of the Tree of Life, and the fruits of redemption and the virtues of good souls may be offered to the Thrones of the Eternal Father so that the punishment that the world should receive, due to the action of pride, indifference and cruelty, may be stopped.

But, today, souls in the inner worlds of My Spiritual Church, from the sacred sky of Israel, have the Grace and the last opportunity to experience their spiritual judgment before the time and hour of the Return of Christ.

Because just as the twelve tribes of Israel were called to recognize and worship the living God through the Ark of the Holy Covenant, thus, the Lord of the Tree of Life will summon and call the souls of the four corners of the Earth to the top of the sacred mountain of this world to live the great moment that was announced by Me; where Mercy will separate the wheat from the chaff so that this planet and this Project may start from scratch, carrying in its essence the lessons learned, but also the moments shared with the Lord.

Today, the last twelve tribes of the planet, emanations of the main tribes of Israel, through their sacred insignia, through the sacred symbols that identify and recognize each of the tribes, symbols reflected in the center of My Heart, in the Center of the Sacred Cosmic and Universal Star, have, as humanity, the Grace to resume the path toward the House of the Celestial Father, to offer itself unconditionally so that this Human Project may continue forward and not be discarded, but rather be rescuable and give continuity to what has not yet been fulfilled or experienced.

For this reason, I died on the Cross. This is part of one of My great spiritual mysteries: that the Lord of the Tree of Life allowed himself to die on the Cross so that the Project and the matrix of this humanity would resurrect on the third day and, from that moment on, everything would be renewed and redeemed.

And although the world in these times is full of errors, injustice and indifference; the Lord of Israel avails Himself of the good and devout souls, the souls who recognize the Eternal Father through His Beloved Son in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, as in the hidden essence of the Sacraments.

Therein lie the keys that you need for the world to begin anew. The Legacy left to you by your Master and Lord was not in vain. This Legacy and this inexplicable and inextinguishable Grace are perpetuated through souls who live and accept the Sacraments.

Today, I ask the whole world and especially the awakened souls to contemplate the Sacred Star in the Heart Center of the Lord, see within it the twelve attributes of the tribes of Israel, and recognize at this moment the sacred cosmic impulse which I bring to you so that your origins may be reconfigured and you may receive through My spiritual impulse the Grace to begin anew as a more just and fraternal, equitable and peaceful humanity that is in communion with the Higher Laws in order to be in communion with the Heavens. 

Thus, I make you recognize the value of your inner cross, just as the Lord of Israel, who, at each step of Calvary, recognized the Cross of sins and did not complain at any time, but rather kissed it, embraced it and accepted it as the Cross itself. 

Thus, at this hour, I invite you to accept the cross that does not belong to you, this heavy planetary cross that very few want to carry, out of fear, ignorance or indifference.

But if you trust in Me, I assure you that you will know how to carry that cross silently and anonymously, for you will never be heroes in the Eyes of God, but selfless servants on the surface of the planet who find your spiritual and inner strength in the Wounds of Christ and, especially, in the Wound of His Side, tireless tributary of the Cosmic Mercy, Rays of Water and Blood that justify and consecrate souls. Rays of Grace that are once again given to the world at this hour, so that the Genetic Project of this ancient human civilization may be considered again by the Lords of the Law, those Sacred Consciousnesses that are the Law in Themselves, and that guard and safeguard, with love, the Principles of the Eternal Father.

Therefore, it is time for you to contemplate the descent of the Higher Laws, for at an unexpected moment these Laws will stop so that they may give way to the Return of Christ, the Lord of Israel, and so, I may again meet with Mine.

I leave this Message as a sacred teaching of Mercy, Love and Forgiveness. 

I leave this Message to the brave hearts, for I not only offer Myself as the Tree of Life so that, through Me, you will bear fruit in abundance, but I also offer Myself as a Bridge of Celestial Light for souls to cross, despite the planetary abysses and, thus, enter the new Higher Consciousness that will be revealed by the Eternal Father, through the Return of His Son.

We still have time to recover everything, we are still in time for Mercy. 

Today, from the Sacred Mount Calvary where, in the spiritual planes, the Star of union between humanity and God is lit and illuminated; on this Mount from which the Christ Consciousness expands, through the presence of the Holy Cross of the Redeemer, I bless, in the name of Israel, all the crosses that you have brought to Me, so that they may be a symbol of strength within souls, of the love of sacrifice and of a resigned service for Christ, so that the Comforting Love may triumph in you and in the whole world.

May the cross not be a symbol of fear. May the cross be the symbol of transcendence and love, of overcoming yourselves in these end times.

May Israel and the world be praised!

May souls awaken to this Grace that I have brought you today so that everything may be renewed and reconsecrated, so as to prepare hearts for the Thousand Years of Peace.

On this new day of the Sacred Week, I thank you for being with Me in honesty and, above all, for being with Me from the heart.

May God always grant you His Peace through the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monday, March 27 of 2023

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You have finally arrived here, at My sacred Sea of Galilee, where My public life began with you, where the Redeemer stepped with His Feet upon this sacred land, to call His friends by their names.

This is the Sea that mirrors the Love of God, the Love of Adonai for all His Creatures.

Here, I came to seek those who loved Me. I came to call those who were seeking Me, and I gathered all of them in the name of Adonai so that, through the Sea of Galilee, the Fishers of souls and hearts might begin His Work of Mercy and Redemption in the world, preparing the apostles to give continuity to My Message and My Word.

Today, you are upon this Sea of Galilee, being welcomed by the Love of God, by His Great Cosmic Consciousness, by the same Consciousness of Universal Love that brought the Redeemer to Earth. The Redeemer Who was the announcement of the prophets, the One who was loved by the holy women. The One who was sought by the multitudes and peoples so that He might relieve suffering, disease and human misery.

As this Sea of Galilee, God presented to Me, for the first time, the sacrifice that I would live for the whole world. That was the first initiation of My Heart in the face of this material world.

It was here where everything began for your Master, because a good Master always needs His disciples, just as His disciples need their Master.

Here at the Sea of Galilee lies the history of My offering for humanity, for the salvation of this Human Project.

Here, through this sea, the Presence of God and His Supreme Will for His Creatures is present. This is the great mirror of all His Universal Laws. This is the ocean of God’s Compassion for His Children, through the sacrifice of the Lord, Christ Jesus.

Now, for an instant, remember what you lived with Me here, in Galilee, in Capharnaum, even at the Jordan River, where the baptism through the Holy Spirit was announced.

How many souls present in these times followed the footprints of the Lord, just because they wanted to touch His tunic for a moment, to be healed by Christ!

How many aspired to be touched by the Lord, in the laying on of His humble Hands, in the descent of the Supreme Energy, for the liberation of human slavery!

How many walked from different regions and places to listen to Me, to recognize in themselves the Presence of God!

How much I have lived here for you and with you!

How many times, beside this sea, in the silence of the Lord, have I been able to contemplate the Father through nature and thus recognize His Will for souls!

This is the Sea of God’s Consciousness. He chose this humble place for the whole world, a space that would spiritually become complete through the Passion and Death of your Lord in Jerusalem.

You are here on this day, before the codes of life, a worthy, evolutive and supreme life.

You are before one of the inner spaces of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which holds the most important experiences of the public life of Jesus, for the redemption of all the human race.

And today, you, on behalf of your brothers and sisters of the world, just like the apostles of the past and so many multitudes that followed Me, are upon My boat. The boat of salvation, which I offer to the world once again so that Divine Justice does not descend. So that the Mercy of God, Divine Mercy, which renews all things, may descend, just as it descends upon this sea.

For this reason, I Am here with you and for you, as you once again hear the Master at the Sea of Galilee, again contemplating His gaze of unconditional service, being able to feel His Merciful Heart beating in love and in ardent aspiration for souls, for which I Am thirsty.

In this Peace, which embraces you from God’s Consciousness, renew your inner vows in this Sacred Week and feel that you are participating with Me in this great moment in Israel. Live it on behalf of all of humanity and the planet so that suffering and human misery may be transcended, so that the Mercy of the Redeemer may triumph in souls again throughout these days, for all those who seek My Peace.

Today, I leave this moment with you registered so that in the times to come, before my awaited Return to the world, I may contemplate this moment again when I need to, just as I contemplate each moment shared with My apostles and the multitudes that would come to listen to the Lord of Israel.

This is very special to Me, and I know that you will not understand this. Although it may not seem to be so, from this sacred moment lived with Mine, with each one of your hearts, the Lord extracts the inner strength He needs to go forward in this Work of salvation and redemption for the world.

Today, I radiate this message to all of humanity, from the Sea of Galilee, and as I told you the last time, now you must really walk with faith upon the waters, just as Peter walked, and now it will be you yourselves who must walk toward Me, in trust, in strength and faith, so that your deepest fears may be dissolved forever, just as the apostles dissolved their inner fears at that time.

I Am the Lord of the boat of salvation, and I receive everyone without conditions or rules, because it is the Love and Compassion of the Eternal Father that receives you.

And, through this day, at the Sea of Galilee, I once again bless and give you My Peace, the Peace that must comfort the world, the Peace that must strengthen souls in these times of transition, the Peace that must make you feel that you are with Me and I Am with you, in trust and faith, in love and hope.

Thus, I open the doors of My Spiritual and Celestial Church so that, through the Sea of Galilee, your hearts may again be blessed and receive My Body and My Blood as the last definitive covenant with your Lord and Redeemer.

Celebrate this moment, just as your Master and Lord celebrates it, in deep spiritual and divine joy for the redemption of humanity, for the establishment of peace, for the descent of the Celestial Kingdom upon this planet.


Beloved Sea of God,
deep ocean of Divine Mercy,
perpetual expression of God’s Compassion,
faithful witness of the redemption and conversion of souls.

O, sacred Sea of Galilee!,
reflection of the Presence of the One God,
radiate your Christic codes of life,
offered out of love at each step lived by the Master,
gather in this ocean all those who are thirsty for you.

O, sacred Sea of Galilee!,
reflection of God’s Hope,
make all souls of the world reborn,
close the wounds of suffering and mistakes,
grant Me the Grace of purifying Mine with this water,
to again baptize them 
in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Sacred Sea of Galilee,
make souls find
My Eternal Presence of Love.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

So be it.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Saturday, March 25 of 2023

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Remain serene and calm in these times. There will be no other path, no other answer, in the face of all that you will experience in these end times, but to find within yourselves the path of peacemaking.

In this way you will feel more secure, you will feel more confident and you will get through the challenges of these times, although in most situations and experiences you may not know what to do, because these are unknown times.

This is the time of the planetary Armageddon, something that the civilization on this surface is going through and which it has never had contact with or knowledge of before, but this time had already been written. The Heart of God already knew, just as the Heart of His Beloved Son knew.

Therefore, today, I am here on this new day of the Sacred Week, to continue helping you spiritually to learn to go through the end of these times, all that is unknown within you and outside of you.

Therefore, I ask you not to remain in victimism; not to live in pride or arrogance; may you aspire to find, at every moment of life, the sacred attributes of resignation and faith so that you may learn to go through every lesson that will present itself  in your life and in the lives of your brothers and sisters.

To accept all of this, it is necessary to live in retreat. This does not mean isolating oneself from others, but it means living with discernment at every step, appealing to Divine Wisdom so that it may present itself and guide your hearts.

These end times will be the strongest for all, but you should not be afraid of them, you must have faith and trust in Christ.

For this reason, I am here with you and the world to lead My sheep, just as I have tried time and again to lead the sacred people of Israel so that they would never lose sight of the path of consecration, which will lead you to experience transcendence and ascension to enter into communion with the Eternal Father, Adonai.

Therefore, live each experience as something unique, from which you must make a synthesis, and also a response to that which you have lived and what you have learned. Thus, you will not be confused and you will not deceive yourselves, you will have light upon your paths to make wise and correct decisions, to get out of that energy that humanity experiences in this time, that which is impulsive and superficial.

Therefore, you must always be in communion with the Holy Spirit. Invoke Its Presence, invoke Its gifts and everything will be solved.

But do not forget that you are in a time of purification and that the Law of Purification, since 1988, has been active, and that Law still continues to work throughout the planet and this solar universe.

That means, companions, that not only are you living this moment of Armageddon, a concept that souls often misunderstand, because it generates disturbances or even distrust.

Just as there were different cycles and stages in other humanities of the planet, so there is the cycle of Armageddon, which is a stage of purification and transcendence. There is nothing out of place, but this Armageddon could be more transient and lighter if souls, that is to say, humanity, had not committed itself so strongly to the forces of evil.

Now, at this present time, through the cry of the consciousness of the planet and the conflict throughout the nations of the world, you are seeing the result of what you have sowed. And I know that, many, many souls, have nothing to do with this, but do not forget that you are part of a single race and a single Project, and what one consciousness does not do well reverberates in all others. This is also part of one of the Universal Laws, the Law of Cause and Effect.

Therefore, I invite My most awake and available companions, all the pilgrims of the world who have been listening to My Messages for a long time, to reformulate their lives, every day, so that they can be aligned with the Universal and Cosmic Laws, because the Law of Purification will continue to act widely, although this is not a punishment.

The present human race needs to be purified. It could not enter the Kingdom of Heaven without purification. It could not contact the higher levels without purification. Remember that your own Master and Lord lived the Law of Purification in the Temple, and that it is something thought of by Adonai, since the ancient people of Israel to the present.

The Message of the Eternal Father has always been interpreted and, through the different generations of humanity, this interpretation of the Message has created confusion and deviations because the experience of the Laws is not something rigid or severe, even the Laws that govern this planet. 

I am not speaking of the human laws that were created by humanity, which place many souls of the world in a process of perdition and captivity; human laws that have generated inequality and the evil spirit of indifference.

This is why I had to incarnate here, in the Holy Land. I had to incarnate in the center of the people of Israel so that the Law of Love would renew all the laws that were already being lived here. And the only way for this to be renewed was the sacrifice and surrender of the Lord on the Cross, and even though this event, so important for the world, took place, before and after the death of Christ, humanity is still walking toward perdition because of its commitment to the retrograde forces of the world.

Yet even those dissociative energies that make the world succumb, that is to say the earthly hells of the planet, already know that their time will be over and that My hour is coming to return to the world, when I will reconstitute all the Universal Laws through the implantation of My Spiritual Government in humanity. That Spiritual Government that the people of Israel subtly felt in the moments of preaching and also at the moments of inexplicable miracles, which the Father Saint Michael the Archangel Himself granted to souls through Christ.

But now, when I return, I will come with the revelation of the Son of God. I will come to show My true Face, that Face that some of My apostles came to know at the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor, an opportunity that you will receive here in Israel, to come to know Mount Tabor and to make inner contact with the Law of Divine Transfiguration.

Before this happens, before this impulse is also received by humanity through all the Work that Your Lord is doing in Israel and in the Middle East, I would request that you ask yourselves whether or not you are ready to make contact with the Law of Transfiguration, and not resist or be afraid that your non-evolutionary aspects might be released. 

The contact with the degrees of love, for those who decide to live them and who have them as a rule and as a determination, represents for the incarnated souls on the present surface of this world to also detach themselves from the corrupt codes of evil, that is, from what the world calls capital sins.

Therefore, you must be well aware of what you will experience and, above all, where you will pass through, just as Mount Tabor is, so that when you go through that experience you will remember it and take responsibility for what you are doing. 

Thus, at this very moment, in these first days that you have been with Me in Israel, strong cosmic impulses have been presented, inexplicable crossings of universal currents have occurred, and this has intercepted from your spirits to your material bodies, because it is something unique that you are experiencing on behalf of all your brothers and sisters.

Therefore, you must keep faith and conscious prayer always present in mind to sustain this moment and all that will come.

In the same way, this will reverberate, in this Sacred Week, in the inner worlds of the rest of your brothers and sisters, because the Presence of the Lord of Israel in the Holy Land is unique.

Think for a moment that, after My Ascension, how I have never returned here. And this Sacred Week in Israel is the bridge between the past and the future of the Christic Life that your Lord lived here. This bridge is an impulse for the new that will come and will forge, in souls, a definition.

In the meantime, keep trusting in Me, following the Footsteps of the Master, the inner Footprints of the Light, and all will be well.

And although I know that a part of your consciousness and the consciousnesses of your brothers and sisters do not at all understand what this means to be here in Israel, keep united to My Merciful Heart so that you will always be blessed and protected, and every impulse that you receive in the Holy Land is not only for you, but also for the whole world that needs it so much.

Let us continue walking through this Sacred Week, preparing your hearts and the Heart of the Master for Holy Thursday, a time when, once again, the souls of the world will be able to imitate the Lord in His surrender, but also in His true and sincere offering for others, reviving the institution of the Eucharist, the Christic legacy of Love and Redemption, as a preamble before entering the Garden of Gethsemane, where once again the chalices of sacrifice will be offered to hearts.

Who will drink of it without fear?

My Graces are for all. My call is for all. 

The consequent answer depends on My apostles so that My Plan can be concretized in this time of planetary transition.

Once again, I bless these elements that will be offered as Spiritual Communion, just as I bless each of your lives.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friday, March 24 of 2023

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In truth, in truth I tell you that the one who does not follow, imitate and live the path of My Love, will not be able to overcome the end of these times.

This is why today I leave, at My Feet, the Sacred Relics of the Redeemer, preciously kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, to remind all My followers that this is the path that I offer to you, a single path toward the Love of My Heart.

In these times, if you do not live nor practice Divine Love, even in the smallest and most insignificant things, in truth I tell you that you will not be able to overcome yourselves, and your own resistances and sorrows will make you perish.

But before this happens, and it is no longer anyone’s fault or responsibility, I come to remind you of this sacred attribute of Love, by means of the Sacred Relics that I expose to the world, Relics that I have taken from the Ark of the Holy Covenant so that souls may contemplate the Christic experiences of the Lord and not forget which path it is that I offer to you to mature and internally grow.

As the events take place during these days, the nations and peoples suffer the chaos of these times.

As the climate change advances in a way that is unexpected to all, and impunity subjects many consciousnesses, this race of the surface quickly moves away from the true Love of God.

This is why I bring you this path that I always present to you, time and again, the path of sacrifice and mature love, to live and experience it on behalf of humanity and of the planet, on behalf of the fulfillment of the Project of the Eternal Father, through this civilization of the surface.

This is why you must face situations and lessons that perhaps you have never lived before, so that each lesson lived may allow you to awaken to what is real and true, to the true meaning of living this path toward Christification which I offer to you.

Are you willing to live it for Me?

Today, I must ask you the same, because I know that some inner worlds cannot understand Me, and all that I have offered to you throughout the years must not have been in vain. All has a reason and a purpose unknown to you.

I want you to know very clearly that I call each one of you to live the same path that My apostles of the past lived, but now with an intensity and unfoldment never seen before, a transformation that takes place second by second, through an event that perhaps you have never lived or experienced. This is due to the acceleration of the end of times and to all that humanity must face in this cycle.

This is so because it has been written, since the beginning, that this last race of the surface would live these events of the Armageddon and, through these events, it should learn to grow by means of the lessons learned, without missing the opportunity to grow internally, understanding and loving the Plan beyond themselves, and of helping concretize this Sacred Plan that is still to be fulfilled.

For this reason, and on this new day of the Sacred Week, I place to the inner nuclei the Relics of the Lord, because within them are kept the experiences that I lived on this surface and, above all, the codes that you need to redeem and transcend yourselves, so that you may purify and thus consecrate yourselves, step by step.

Something that souls sometimes do not understand is that consecration is gradual, it does not end in a monastic or civil consecration. Consecration takes place at each stage of your lives, and I might say, up to the last days of your lives. And this continues after this life.

Thus, you will be able to understand that there is still a long path to tread, a long path so that your souls may go through the learnings and lessons of life, so that you may not only be better people, but also more conscious servers, available to the Higher Plan.

Because not only will this consciousness about the Higher Plan make you mature, grow and take responsibility, but you will also learn to sustain this Plan, whatever it takes, and you will not oscillate in the face of any challenge or movement that may be happening first within you.

Do you understand that the Plan must not depend on your inner oscillations?

It is necessary to place the Will of God in the place that it deserves to be in and, from there, fully trust that this Divine Will shall be fulfilled.

This is why, as I have said in many Sacred Weeks, I remind you again that you must not become lost in superficial things, in all that which moves you away from your true Purpose.

If you trust Me, you will become free from yourselves, and the path, which is already written, will be drawn by the Eternal Father Himself and, in this way, the sacred impulse of His Aspiration will be fulfilled at each step.

Today, I bring you these Sacred Relics of the Lord, not only for your souls to contemplate, feel and accept them, but also for your spirits to be strengthened, to mature and take responsibility for this incarnation, and understand that they have a share with Me in this whole Plan of Love and Redemption.

In the meantime, while you still have not taken the definitive step for which I am still waiting in the sacred silence of My Heart, I will be praying for Mine, so that someday, and I hope it will be soon, you may understand that the Plan must be fulfilled and that you have not come to this world by chance, but rather for a Higher Purpose, which the whole universe knows.

Today, I instruct all, just as I have instructed in the Temple of Jerusalem, because the Father has asked Me to prepare you and also warn you, just as I prepared and warned all the people of Israel in those times, about all that would happen after the Passion and Death of your Master.

Now you are at a similar time. What will the response of My apostles be?

I leave this reflection for you, because your Master still has a lot to do in this sacred work of the inner planes, where all begins and where all ends.

Ask for the Grace of being consistent with Me, and the Grace of God will be granted, even to those who do not deserve it.

It is time to mature, before all is unleashed in the world.

I will continue to pray for you and for your brothers and sisters, through My Spiritual Church upon Israel and the planet.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Thursday, March 23 of 2023

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Come here, by My side, and accompany Me to My Celestial Church, which is exposed today above Israel, in the highest dome of this universe, where souls can perceive and feel the doors of God’s Love open for the whole world, even though this humanity has not yet fulfilled the Project.

My Spiritual and Celestial Church today is exposed to the world on the inner planes; so that, at the Greater Altar of the Lord, on this second day of the Sacred Week, souls May make their offering to the Creator.

I do not need goods nor fruits, I do not need bread nor wine; I need you, that which each one of you can truly offer Me in this Sacred Week.

For this is the most emblematic Sacred  Week of all, for the Lord of Israel is in His land and, together with all His followers, disciples and apostles, He performs His great spiritual and planetary task for the good of humanity and for the planet, for the end of darkness in this world, for the end of the perdition of good souls.

Therefore, there is no other way, nor is there any other response for the Lord of Israel than to return to His Sacred Land, where His Precious Blood was shed at each step of the way to Calvary; where the Love of God, through His Son, was irradiated, shared and given to His people, at every moment shared in this place and within the consciousness of Israel.

Therefore, today I bring you My Spiritual Church, that Immaterial and Divine Church founded on the pillars of loyalty, truth, transparency and love, pillars which are governed its greater center by the Will of the Eternal Father.

Therefore, make an inner pilgrimage to My Spiritual Church this Sacred Week. Let your spirits fly high, just as the birds fly in the skies. Thus, you will lose your ties, you will be freed from the sufferings and agonies, and through Christic Love, which I bring for all today on the solemnity of this Sacred Week, you will be renewed within and outside.

Therefore, once again, I invite you to trust in Me and to follow the signs that I indicate to you in this sacred pilgrimage through Israel, allowing the human mind to be expanded by the Divine Mind, allowing the heart to deepen into the degrees of love through Divine Love. Just as, at this moment, your Master and Lord solemnly feels joy, bliss and happiness for being back in Israel after 2,000 years, now carrying forward a Universal Mission through the souls who are now With Me in Israel. Souls that represent many more souls in the whole world, in the five continents, that represent the peoples, ethnicities and cultures that are part of this sacred Project of God that is renewed in this Sacred Week, through My Transfiguring Christic Code.

Therefore, I place you before My Spiritual Church, to contemplate, for a moment, the merits achieved by your Master and Lord in the Holy Land, merits that the Eternal Father already knows deeply.

In humility and service, I open the doors of My Spiritual Church for your Guardian Angels to raise the offertory to the High Altar of the Lord, where the angels will deposit your inner offering.

This will mean something important to the Creator, because although mankind is going through the end times and the height of Armageddon, miraculously there are souls who are called by Me to bear witness to My Presence and My Word, through the Christification of hearts. For this reason, today I am here in a special way, and I have waited for this moment for a long time.

Imagine, for a moment, how long it took for this to happen. After the first impulse emitted by Me in the Holy Land for this group of souls, more than ten years ago, all of you, on the inner planes, were prepared for this moment with Me, just as your brothers and sisters of the Work were prepared. Everything was already written and everything was already thought of.

Therefore, today, enter into My Spiritual Church, and not only profess your faith in Christ, but give your spiritual and unique offering which, on the inner planes of Creation, will define the next steps of the mission of the Spiritual Hierarchy on the planet. 

Although it does not seem so, this will prepare the Return of Christ to the world. For, when I return here physically, I shall find through My apostles, through My souls, through all My followers, firm pillars of the Plan on the surface, determined and confirmed souls in the Lord.

May you continue to take steps toward Christ, just as your Master and Lord took the steps at every moment with the Cross. This will inexplicably grant the world that the perpetual merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus be given to the souls most in need of God’s Love, and that this may grant the nations of the world a spiritual atonement that will justify the horrors of war and conflict, that will make amends for the tragedy and trauma that many hearts have experienced and that may grant a new opportunity to the whole world.

All this, I repeat, will depend on your internal offer. A consistent response from humanity is necessary. Thus, the Law will feel that you are not indifferent to what I ask of you. Thus, the Sacred Law of Universal Love will intercede, act, and signal to the race of the surface the next steps in the spiritual and physical reconstruction of this planet. When this happens, it will help the soul of the planet and, beyond the planet, it will relieve the rest of the universe from all these energies of dissociation that the humanity of this time is experiencing.

Therefore, this is the great moment, for each one of you to strengthen your faith and love the knowledge that I have given you in these recent years, without losing sight of all that I have said to you, so that you may accelerate your process of redemption and consciously enter into your path of consecration.

On these days of the Sacred Week, I will leave My Spiritual Church levitating in the inner spaces of the planet. 

Remember that within My Spiritual Church is kept the Ark of the Holy Covenant and that, at each moment of prayer or in every daily task, during this Sacred Week you must remember this spiritual expression of Christ, which will be like a Great Teraphim of the Divine Source, which will intercede in this world and for humanity, just as the sacred consciousness of the Star of Bethlehem blessed the entire world and transmuted it for three days prior to the Birth of Christ.

Therefore, do not waste this impulse that I bring to you.

May your prayers be elevated to My Spiritual and Celestial Church. 

May your sacred songs rise to My Spiritual Church so that the angels, who keep My Spiritual Church, may pour out the codes that you reach through your love for Me, so that, in this world and on its surface, sociedty may be more just and fraternal, and indifference and impunity may be eradicated from the human consciousness, so that the Universal Laws may intervene at this moment.

My Spiritual Church, which will be suspended on the inner planes of the world during this Sacred Week, represents wisdom, justice and will, three important attributes that humanity needs in the next stage.

Pray, so that this Spiritual Church may radiate its principles, attributes and codes. And know that all those who with love and reverence join My Spiritual Church anywhere in the world, their souls will be strengthened with special codes for these times through the attribute of spiritual resistance, through the attribute of ardent vigilance and through the attribute of obedient love, hidden pillars that Christ reached on the Cross to defeat the adversary.

Celebrate this moment with love and joy. You are with the Lord of Israel, in Israel.

May the Sacred Six-pointed Star be ignited in your hearts and minds, and may this divine alliance with My Heart be sealed through the presence of My Consoling Love.

Once again, I bless you so that you may follow the steps in this Sacred Week, the steps toward a new stage and a new time, toward a new cycle of confirmation.

I thank you for being with me here in the Holy Land.

Brave will be those who learn to overcome the abysses.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wednesday, March 22 of 2023

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the past, I found Myself in old Jerusalem, for which I cried when I foresaw its destruction. It was the real, yet also inner symbol of the destruction of the human condition through pride, arrogance and indifference of the men and women of the Earth who did not believe in the Presence of the Messiah.

But today I Am before the New Jerusalem, the sacred spiritual city which will descend to the planet in the coming times, together with the Return of Christ, to announce a new time, to establish a New Humanity, free from these capital energies that time and again bury the human consciousness.

But in this current time, we see a planetary destruction, not only of the values that the Eternal Father has taught you throughout the times, but also of the sacred principles that were violated and outraged by humanity, thus losing the true sense and objective of Spiritual Purpose, the reason why you are here, on this planet and upon this surface.

Although God Himself incarnated through His Most Beloved Son, and then surrendered on the Cross, even after all these facts and events lived here in Israel, the current humanity of this surface has lost its Spiritual Purpose.

But I come here once again, at the doors of this new Sacred Week, to announce to the world My Return that is near.

But so that this all may happen in a concrete way, I still need souls to open the doors of their hearts to Me so that I may dwell and make all things new and purify your consciousnesses and souls from the contrary currents of these times, and also open the definitive door of redemption for all of humanity.

For this reason, I Am here, opening this new Sacred Week for the whole world.

I Am still here for a reason unknown to many: to deposit within the human consciousness and, through the human consciousness on the whole planet, the Christic Codes that I attained here with much effort and dedication. This is because, as much as I Am the Son of God, I Am a part of you, I Am a human being who became transfigured and enlightened, who transcended Himself through the Love that I felt for the Eternal Father, at each step lived upon the surface of this planet.

I need some of Mine to learn from the same school. My Words must not become lost in the space of this world nor must they become lost in oblivion.

This is the time when I call My apostles and followers to enter the first step of the school of Christification. But so that this may be possible, it will first depend on each one of you, making a deep soul-searching reflection and asking yourselves:

Am I willing to give my life for Christ, regardless of what this means or regardless of what this represents?

Am I available to carry out the Plan of the Redeemer?

In the face of the challenges of the end of times, will I fail?

Will I let myself be dragged by that which does not have consistency within me?

What will my attitude be before the battle of the end of times?

All these questions should be a part of a deep reflection for each one of My companions and followers, especially those who claim to be My apostles, the last apostles of the end of times.

With this, I mean that the time for just listening to My Message and not doing anything is gone. This is the last time before My Return to the world, the time for My apostles to live My Word and be My very Message, loving more and more each day the sacred sacrifice that the Father offers to you to make My Sacred Heart triumph in this world, for the Blood shed by your Master and Lord upon this soil of Israel to be appreciated with the value it has and for this Sacred Code of the Redeemer to reverberate until the next humanity.

But so that this may be possible, My last apostles must be present, sustaining with firmness and dedication the end of times, attending to the emergencies of the planet and of humanity with conviction and faith, without letting anything contrary to My Plan make your hearts become cold, because I need you more aware, I need you more sensitive and available.  

Will you regress when the cross upon your back adds a little weight?

What did I do for you up to the top of Mount Calvary?

Was My Body not disfigured already?

Did My Body have even one drop of Blood, and did parts of My Body not fall along the path to Calvary?

What is the depth of Higher Love that can go beyond the physical law?

Because when I was crucified, I was only a man and a consciousness, and this is why I said, “Eli, Eli, why have you abandoned Me?”

The Lord never abandoned Me. He let Me become Christified as a man incarnated in this humanity and on this planet, born of a Most Pure and Humble Virgin, gestated through a Supreme Law still unknown to the world.

I make you meditate upon these things because there is no longer time and, before My Return, there is still a lot to do through My apostles and followers.

Through your arrival to this Holy Land, on this first day of the Sacred Week, My Eyes contemplate a group of consciousnesses that is a representative of humanity, coming from the continents of the world, representing the different races, cultures and ethnicities, so that the Genetic Project may be renewed through those who adhere to the Christic path, through those who unite to the Heart of the Master.

I know that, at this moment, you will not understand all that which I have said to you. But continue to pray wholeheartedly in this Sacred Week and allow My Message to go deep in the spirit of each one of you, because the New Jerusalem descends today with the King of the Universe and opens its celestial doors so that souls may enter My Celestial Church and, once again, may consciously commune with the Christic Codes that I achieved in this nation, through the sacred people of Israel.

On this day, the first day of the Sacred Week, when the Lord triumphantly enters Jerusalem, may you and all the Hierarchies live a spiritual synthesis of the history of this humanity, through the different civilizations, peoples and cultures that have been on this planet.

How will this entire mystery transfigure humanity?

How will this entire mystery convert the men and women of the planet?

Through one and only noble Law, the Law of Christic Love, which, at each passage in this Holy Land, I will reveal and present to you with joy, bliss and jubilee, through the celebration of this new Sacred Week.

Therefore, let your hearts and consciousnesses no longer retain anything. May the ears of the heart open to listen to the sacred song of the angels of Israel, the angels that announced the Incarnation of the Messiah, the angels that announced the Resurrection of Christ, and which many of Mine consciously heard at this place.

Have you realized, at this very moment, that, on the inner planes of this country, of the sacred people of Israel, you are before the Spiritual Retreat of Christ Jesus, where the most precious and spiritual relics are kept?

It is a Retreat conceived by the Blood shed by the Lord along the Path to Calvary, through carrying the Cross of the sins of the world, so that you might not miss the opportunity to receive the Love of God and might have the Grace of learning to love just as I love you.

With these first Words, on this first triumphant day of the Sacred Week, at the doors of the old Jerusalem and before the descent of the New Jerusalem, your Master and Lord prepares you so that all may consciously follow the same steps that I followed in the Holy Land, and thus may gather, through the simple and humble prayer of the heart, the Christic Codes that I deposited at this place.

So that you may truly live this, I must bless you once again, you and all your brothers and sisters. And ask the Universe of God for the Grace that, after all these impulses which you will receive in this Sacred Week, you may be consistent with what you have received from My Merciful and Redeeming Heart.

Opening the doors to this sacred event of the Sacred Week, may the Eternal Father renew and bless you through His Most Beloved Son.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
