Friday, December 6 of 2013

Marathon of Divine Mercy

I will not leave without first marking My Footstep of Light in your steps, because the one who dares to follow Me without understanding anything, without having divine knowledge of My Supreme Will, will not perish, but rather will continue to walk firmly at My side, because My Voice will echo in your hearts to show you the steps of Light, the steps that many must take towards Me. Because it will be necessary, My friends, that many be consecrated to reverse the evil that exists in the world.

Be consecrated to Me in service, in prayer, in daily life, in the dialogue among your brothers and sisters, and also in gestures of love and of peace.

For in this way, I will be able to be silently present, marking the new times and drawing all My friends very close to the threshold of peace, to the portal that leads to Paradise, to the life of a new consciousness that many in these times do not know, because your little lives are full of other things, and My Light cannot enter. But the one who wants to change their life must first surrender it to Me, and in this way, I will provide them with My healing, liberation, My peace and My Love.

In these so difficult times, just see the path of Light, allow things to falter around you, remain firm without looking back, just look forward, toward My merciful Heart; glimpse with your gaze through My Eyes of Light, and accept My inner embrace in this last hour.

I bless these statues you have brought Me, but the real symbol is to be found in the union of your essences with Me.

May this symbol of the statues be the faithful symbol that reflects My Light and My Peace in your homes and hearts.

If you open your door to My Mother, I will then enter and dine with you; I will speak to you of new things to nurture your spirits; thus, nothing will perturb you and no one should fear, because you will be with Me in the Temple of My Heart.

I thank you, My brothers and sisters, old companions of the path, for following in My Footsteps, and especially for praying for this humanity that is in need of a lot of help.

If you open the door to Me, Heaven will descend and you will then be able to identify My Rays and will come to meet with Me to be united in one Heart, in one unity that is God, your Father, Who is offended by this world.

Alleviate His Heart through your love for Me, because upon you I will pour out My supreme Grace, My eternal Love.

I bless all the elements that are here and those that are not here, because on this very special day, My apostles will wash their feet to erase the past and begin again in faith, renewed by the Holy Spirit and by the Light that comes from God.

After this washing, you will also receive My Body and My Blood as a symbol of the covenant with My Greater Consciousness.

Joyfully commune with My redeeming codes, accept the cross that I give you and follow Me, as I once told you, follow Me in faith.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thursday, December 5 of 2013

Marathon of Divine Mercy

As I did long ago, today I give you My Body to heal your wounds and consecrate your hearts to My blessed Most Sacred Heart.

As I did so very long ago, today I give you My Blood, the symbol of the covenant and of renewal, which will wash away your faults and free you from sin.

Let all those who avail themselves of My Body and of My Blood rejoice in honor and glory to God; in reparation to the Three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, of Joseph, and of Mary; for the liberation of this world and eternal peace in each of the children of God.

Avail yourselves of My sacred elements with profound gratitude and joy.

Let the brave commune with Me every day, for in this way, you will give Me permission to transform you into new instruments of God.


Divine Mercy,
Source of cure and of healing,
restore our being,
in glory and honor to God. 

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Mother María Shimani:

At the request of Our Lord, we are going to sing "Apostles of Love."

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Today, the work with our Master was a profound ceremony, because, for the first time, He appeared dressed as a prince, all in white, with His golden Hair, His light blue Eyes, smiling at us and offering us His Heart, opening His Arms to us, as our Mother always does.

When He appeared, in one of His Hands, I remember that it was His right Hand, He had a set of rings, which He was offering us. He was revealing to us a commitment, an offering which caused us to take another step with our consciousness, in our consecration, in our surrender to His Consciousness.

Afterwards, when He requested the bread and the wine, He made two different movements. When He consecrated the bread, He placed His Hands on it, and at that moment, we were able to totally and clearly see that all of us, inwardly, were at that Last Supper, which took place a long time ago.

At that moment, we perceived and He showed us that two events, two different times, the past that Jesus experienced, and the present that we experience, merged into one, like a single plane, a single dimension. And through that symbol of the bread, He consecrated it and blessed it, as He did with the apostles.

That is why the event we are telling you about occurred. When He requested the wine, His Heart shone with Light; it was a Heart that was beating rapidly and gradually was transfigured, into different colors and forms, at the center of His Chest.

Behind that Heart of Light, many rays shone of infinite colors and tones, colors that we had never seen and that were emanated from inside His Chest. All those energies, all those rays, not only went through that wine, but also all those who were attending this Marathon.

And at that moment, He also showed us how the power of His omnipresence was, in a very humble way, when we just called Him in a simple way.

At that moment, He showed us that all who were present here today, even the brothers and sisters that were watching us through the internet, merged into a single consciousness through the resplendent Heart of Christ.

Through an image that He was showing us of the planet and of humanity, there was no separation, there was no inner or outer suffering. Everything was healing, joy, much Grace that He emanated.

He was showing us how His Heart becomes merciful when we simply open the door to Him.

After this consecration, He remained for some time in silence and He told us to remember that His Presence would always be here when we are in silence.

Then He transmitted the daily Message to us.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
