As the Shepherd of souls I throw over the world My nets to save My followers from sin and from error. For this My dears, today open your arms to receive My Heart of Love.

Under every circumstance I animate you to go ahead so that My plans on the Earth may be accomplished through your beings.  Dears, do not fear the attacks of the enemy because My Redeeming Spirit will not allow that your souls suffer. Today enter in reverence into the infinite ocean of My Mercy, calm your minds and harmonize the heart through the rays of My Love. I am training you for the coming times.

For this, My companions, the first rule is that you never forget that I love you and that in My Christic Love all may be resolved. I come back in Spirit to encourage you to be all of the days in Me, so that you may seek and call Me because thus I will respond to you above all things. If the souls affirmed themselves a little more in faith and in trust to God, the plans would draw themselves in the same way as a brush of a painter, all would be visible, clear and precise for each of My flocks, of My children.

I fulfill the promise of the first part of My Return by means of the announcement of My messages that intend to awaken the souls before the Final Judgment. For this I will wait that you come to Me, to My ocean of infinite and prodigious mercy so that inside of My Rays your hearts may allow themselves to be cured and to close the wounds.

I love you mercifully.

I guide you mercifully.

I wait for you always in silence and prayer.

Under the Divine Spirit of God, may your hearts be merciful.

Thank you for guarding My Mercy in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Savior. 


My friends:

To take your own cross and follow Me will be a spiritual challenge for many but those who reach it in the name of this humanity will be sanctified. 

For this, companions, My Redeeming Spirit returns to free My children from temptation, from desire and from the persecutions that the enemy projects over many consciousnesses. For this time of highest purification everything is kept under the keys of human control and ambition, but this will be released and will be visible to the eyes of those who never wanted to see the misery of the world.

As one time My Being carried and took the Cross of the world I today return to discharge the weight of the cross of My children so that in this way the souls may find the path of the Father that in this time they must wander.

My companions, I am calling you to assume the inner cross that the Father gives to you to transform your consciousness. I leave to you today the lesson of a persevering spirit, patient and compassionate that must find comfort in the path of tests and learning of the inner life.

Today I gather you around My Spirit to tell you that in love I observe your steps and delays. It is time to take a leap to live the transcendence of matter and thus reach the sublime light that you need for your constant walking towards God.

Before all these words of Mine will transform you because in My message you will find the keys and the rays that will unite you with the vast universe of the Creator. For this watch attentively to My words that will follow and thus allow that, as a Christian example, you may later say what you live in truth.

My Heart calls you to renovate your vows with Me all of the days and to learn in the peace of the heart. My Heart wants to take you as true disciples that in wrong and in right must continue on the path of the redemption of consciousness.

My dears, for this silently I am returning, to awaken in you love, reverence and gratitude for what you have received from God and from My own Redeeming Consciousness. To be able to enter in these three states of devotion I ask you for humility enough to recognize the interest that your hears offer me when, for example, comes the precious time to reunite and pray with Me.

My Paternal Heart contemplates all the realities, but know that day by day I Am your path, your truth and your life. I Am the Source that elevates you and takes you out from sin so that in unity and reconciliation you may walk towards Me. I Am here waking and getting closer to reveal to you the path to the true consecration of heart and of spirit.

Meditate on My words in group, gathered in My name and as souls in order to understand the path and the instruction that My Heart wants to show you day by day. Now I wait for your preparation to receive me in your little dwelling places.

Under the Mercy of God, let us be merciful and blessed.

Thank you for having consciousness of My words of love and for guarding them in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer. 


My dears:

Find today eternal rest in My Redeeming Heart because as Master and Father of souls I only seek that you may meet with My Father through Me.

For this My Love sustains your lives and, even in the great difficulties, you must love profoundly the Will of My Father in order to learn how to extirpate self-will.  Self-will is the path which the souls choose to wander in this time, for this they distance themselves from the true Wish of God to be able to realize their own projects of life.

God must be in all, all of the days, so that as part of His Creation you may be guided through the path of holiness. The Lord sends Me to return to fulfill the promise made during the ancient time and now your consciousness must prepare the Inner House so that I may enter.

My dears, if I form part of your life you will be able to know the love of God and His Great Will. On the contrary, those who do not accept for their lives the Son of God – how will be their next destiny?

Dears, I walk at your side for such a long time revealing to My Friends the next steps that their hearts must give. I Am observing the walking of your feet because I aspire that you follow me through the only path and the only truth that is being always in the Lord.

Under the Love of the Holy Spirit, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My designs in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


I will come from the Heavens to heal your hearts and finally remove from your essences any particle of evil.

Because the place where I come from is Bethlehem. Bethlehem was and will be the radiant star that will illuminate your lives just as My birth in the manger ignited with much love My Little Heart.

Dears, come to Me, lay your hands on My shoulders, lie down your heads on My chest because My Redeeming Love will free you and take you to meet the Father in all the things of life. I want you to talk to me, to tell me and say to me what you need because if you trust in Me you will know soon how to act in life, in all the days.

Children, I want you to await for My coming because first I prepare the hearts to receive Me and My Light removes deep consequences, withdraws and purifies them. Know that I Am who sustains your lives above all things because I know you very well since before you knew Me.

I wait for you every day. The Shepherd loves his sheep and the sheep must love the Great Shepherd of Love. I know that many are tired from what you experience internally but remember that I Am the Victorious Light that comes from the Celestial Father to enlighten your paths, your essences and your hearts. I just want that, in each moment of your day, you have me present, that you call me, that you cry out for Me, that you want to have Me as close as possible so that My Love may repair and forgive you.

I do not know worse evil than the lack of love to one another. This is the first lesson of My Return, My First Commandment, which today I renew for you as a premise for life. If you still do not know how to love, I will teach you but you must abandon yourselves to Me entirely so that I may move away from your hearts every inner situation.

My dears, believe in the next coming of My Kingdom. Those who will be participants of the encounter with Me must have the heart clean and purified so that My Eternity may enter into your dwelling places.  I am illuminating with My Light your paths; in each test, see the transformation of your little hearts.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living My commandments.

Christ Jesus.



Empty yourselves to be in Me, it is a long path that, however, you must travel through the faith and the trust in My Sacerdotal Heart.  

For this I come back day by day to you so that in surrender you may discover in the merciful prayer the great Source of My Love for the souls and for all humanity.  Today My paternal advice is extended to those who are consecrating themselves to My Spirit of Universal Love, thus the redemption reached once on the Cross of Calvary will irradiate itself as an intense light over the hearts that open themselves to receive It

I Am with each one of you; My Paternal Soul is especially with those essences that are beginning the path of return to My Sacred Heart.

Dears, in the same way as the Holy Apostles, you will live the transformation of matter and of spirit because if it happens, My Dwelling may reside and rest within your little inner temple. I only want from My ones all, all that you are and all that still you are not, I want you entire, willing, trusting in My Consciousness, open from heart and soul so that My rays may restore the past of your lives, free you from sin and lead you towards the Kingdom of My Lord. 

You have the opportunity My dears, to live in My Kingdom while you are present in life on the Earth. There is something precious that God guards for each of the essences created in the image and likeness of the Lord.

For this, in courage I want to see you, joyful in the transformation and in the changes that your consciousnesses are passing through. I just wait from you sincerity in the love for Me because in this way I will be able to pour My Graces over those who from serious faults deserve My Mercy.

Companions, the path to be travelled still has not begun; you are beginning the first crossing that tries to take you to the depths of My Heart. If you and your brothers and sisters are taken to My Heart of Love I will be able to tell you that you will be quenching the thirst that I live for many souls.  My thirst must in this time be calmed by your prayers as for your constant offer, so that the Christic plans may be accomplished in all of the hearts. 

I accompany, as My Holy Mother has said, each one of the steps that are manifested for this transition of the world. May the power of My Redeeming Love transform you and consecrate you to the Kingdom of My Father.

I am with your dwellings.

Under the Light of the Father be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the inner heart!

Christ Jesus.


My friends and servers of My Heart:

Today I announce again My Love for you and for this I ask you to unite your hearts to Mine so that My Light may guide you. I am with you all the time in the same way that I am with many souls that need My Mercy to be able to reach faith in the heart.

I still have thirst for many souls, of souls that live in sin and that do not recognize the love of the Father God.  For this My Spirit is mediator for all before God in the same way that the Spirit of the Universal Mother is for all Her children.

Dears, today I want you to be able to perceive and to feel the greatness of My Thirst for those who still deny me in life and in soul. From love for all of you I have met hell and I have gone to this place to redeem those who were distant from the love and from the unity with My Father. As Son of the Most Holy Trinity I have given Myself entirely for all, as in Life, as in Soul and Divinity, even before My sacrifice on the Cross.

I carried the weight of all of you on My back to thus relieve you from the great universal judgment that could have happened in that time of My presence upon the Earth. From love I prevented the law from condemning you, I resurrected from love of the Plan of God and to demonstrate that the magnificence of God is great and powerful as is His Love for all creatures.

I fell on the ground more than three times but the on first three falls My humble Heart liberated you from many evils that were intending to destroy the Plan of God. I relieved humanity during centuries and centuries and I continue sending to the world My Mercy.

Now the new time is coming to prepare the advent of My Spirit, Glorified and renovated by the celestial powers of the universe. Many perhaps will not recognize My new Face but all will feel that I Am the Server who returns to deliver love to all. In you I manifest My works of redemption and for you I manage to present to the Father the offers of love.

I leave here My presence so that you may always remember it because I want to teach you to unite Heaven and Earth in a unified reality of God. You must let yourselves be worked by My Fire so that the new wineskins, empty of themselves, receive the Light of My Sacred Spirit.

I am donating myself to all and I also teach you the importance of living charity to reach a holy transformation. I want to consecrate your souls to My Heart, I want to sanctify your spirits so that thus may be manifested, the power of the redeemer love upon the world. I am calling My flocks, I am congregating you after two thousand and thirteen years because it is the time of the rescue.  

Under the Mercy of God, be humble and blessed.

Thank you for guarding in simplicity My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


My dears.

There is in you the unique and sublime opportunity to open the door to Me so that My Love may irradiate in your hearts. My redeeming power in your consciousness may be bigger or smaller, depending on how much you become conscious of the permission that you give Me for My Glorified Heart to act in your little lives.

Despite the great risk that many souls live which denies the presence and the return of My Redeeming Spirit, My Consciousness of Sacerdotal Love accompanies the steps of millions of souls in this world. Remember My friends, that I Am a part of God that has offered itself in life for all of you, so that every consciousness of this world could find, in the darkness, the power and the presence of the Christic light of the Firstborn Son.

Today I come to this world, as you allow it, because the degrees that My Love reaches for you are infinite, for this I invite you to remember that My Saving and Redeeming Love is returning to give support and help to those who only say yes to Me.

My dears, you must pray so the divine plans may accomplish themselves in every circumstance. For this to happen My Glorified Heart comes to your encounter for one more time, preparing the germinating seeds so that they may be planted in a fertile and greater earth in the Great Kingdom of My Celestial Love.

The souls are defining themselves as it was written in the sacred books. For this the Consciousness of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is coming to be able to reorder the uncertain paths that many live. For this, first My Spirit removes impure feelings in the hearts of all My servers so that they, empty of all and surrendering themselves entirely to My Heart, may be prepared in consciousness to receive me.

Who is willing to discard their life for My return?

Who is willing to trust in the unpredictable?

Who will want to land in My Spirit, in My Heart despite of everything?

I am coming back as many perhaps did not expect. I knew before My Ascension that humanity should learn much, even having entrusted you with the presence of the Immaculate and Sublime Heart of the Queen of Universes.

Now I prepare you, removing with My Light all that must be purified but, for this, do not fear, count on Me always.

Under the Grace of God Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My announcements in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


I Love the souls that with fondness internally prepare My Second Celestial Coming and persist, even having failed the laws of the Lord. For this, dear children I come as the Savior, as the Shepherd of all flocks, that in this time allow themselves to be redeemed by the imperative strength of My Love.

I know that your intentions are good before My eyes and that day by day you fight without rest to reach the holiness and the humility in the heart. Before each test today I ask you My dears, to give them to Me so that, through My Hands I may mold your learning and thus I may take you quickly to My Eternal Light. 

I told you when I was among you that life on Earth deserves to live the redemption because as souls you come to this world to learn the great lessons that look easy to live but are for many, very hard to achieve.  They are the lessons of humility, love and forgiveness.

For this companions, My return is already happening. I am seeking humble hearts, simple and truthful, hearts that can live without theorizing My messages of redemption. Because from you can be born My Christic Flame, the one which will encourage you to transform yourselves into good sheep of My flock. I know that now you are under the transforming fire of the universe and today, the 21st day of January of 2013, it makes a month since the beginning of the purifying cycle.

Many children thought that Christ would allow everything to be lost or that the Holy Mother of the World would abandon the children that I entrusted to Her from the Cross. We are returning as Sacred and renovated Hearts, the ones that were universally prepared to announce the next truth to the world.

Who has ears that hear and who opens the heart that guards My precepts, the ones that announce the advent of the Good News for the whole humanity. I am arriving with My Holy Celestial Mother, firstly in the hearts that willing to live the Divine Plan of the Father, are open to follow My saving and redeemer Message. After, to the ones who do not wait for me.

I am with you in tests as in joy. I am with you in crying as in the good news. I am with you always, feeling you, seeking you, welcoming you in My Heart, giving you My kind help. Do not be afraid of yourselves; abandon yourselves entirely to Me because you will lack nothing.

Under the Powerful Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words from the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.


My dears:
If today you are burned by My Fire, do no fear, it is because My Flame is christifying you in the depths of the heart. By each new step that your hearts takes towards My Kingdom, your lives will untie themselves from the past and will be able to arrive free and pure to My Kingdom of Love. If your heart hurts, it is a sign that My Heart transfigures you under the ray of My Mercy.

Now it does not matter how much you offend me because My Love for you is so big that it can transform all. Carry in your consciousness the loving sign of My Coming and day by day prepare My inner Dwelling Place so that My Redeemer Light may settle itself in all of you.

My companions, as I have told you, My Source of Love, unknown by many, is the Water of Life that transmutes you and purifies you. To arrive to this blessed Source of renovation you must give me permission so that My Divine Law may renew and transform you.  Still many escape from the power of My Redeemer Love by believing in the good life that the world can offer them.

Now My Shepherd Spirit gathers the flocks, gathers the hearts in the inner planes, convoking them to the time of purification and to the time of the transcendence of oneself because in your sincere and truthful transformation you will be able to open the doors to those who still do not listen to My Redeemer Voice.

My Dears, I will not leave you alone and in the moments of burning tension My Heart will animate you to go forward with courage. In Heaven is guarded precious celestial treasures that will fulfill those souls that persist in full trust in Me.

Meanwhile do not only follow the marks of My Footprints but also drink from My Source of wonders and blessings because My Heart surrendered itself for Love to you and for the Redemption of all of humanity.

I am by your side, walking silently to encourage you to recognize the power of My Love and of My Faith.

Under the Grace of God the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Heart in your hearts!

Christ Jesus.


My dears:

If you live every day in My Eternal Reconciliation, among your hearts you will recognize My Sacred Heart of Love. If you aspire to be in My Spirit you will know where to walk because My Light will guide you even through paths distant from Me.

My companions today I show you that all of you can live in My Glorious Pity and Redemption because as Soul and as Heart I recognize your limitations and aspirations. For this do not lower your arms, allow that with your arms open My Heart may irradiate to your essences in order to be able to purify you and form you as the new and awaited Christs of the new time.  

The new Christs are the ones who most fail me but who in the end recognize me. The new Christs are the ones who serve me, even without transcending their limitations. The new Christs are the ones who least transform themselves but at the moment of the encounter with Me, My Heart invades them.

The new Christs are the ones who still are not prepared, they are the ones who are the most immature because those who serve me the most, those who surrender themselves the most, those who empty themselves the most and are more humble and forgetful of themselves, these are My servers, the ones who will prepare the earth so that the new harvest may arrive, the new presence of the Christs.

I ask you nothing else than to be faithful to My Cause and to My Will because this will allow you to consecrate your hearts to My Eternal Essence. If you still are in your own inner desert, walk! Walk towards Me! Even in the dusk because My Mercy will guide each of your steps.

I hope that you will surrender yourselves completely to My Heart. I await this moment to be able to love you and strengthen you in the mission that My Father entrusted you. The desert of life empties the consciousness and allows, in the reflection, to strengthen the love in the essence. Remember that you are My Christic essences; you are My disciples of the new age of redemption.

Under the Love of God be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Heart in your hearts!

Christ Jesus.


At the end of the message Christ started to say to us: “Go in Peace, go in Peace” and it was at this moment that He dictated to us the following prayer:

Go in My Peace

Go in My Peace, that the Lord strengthens you.

Go in My Peace, that the Shepherd leads you.

Go in My Peace, that the Lord accompanies you.

Go in My Peace, that My Heart safeguards you.

Go in My Peace, that My Mercy forgives you.

Go in My Peace, that the Lord takes care of your faith.

Go in My Peace, because the Lord loves you and knows you.

Go in My Peace, because you will be in the Peace of God
and you will be the fruit of Peace for your brothers and sisters.

Remember to be in My Peace,
because My Divinity will guide you for eternity.

Go in My Peace, My companions!




Submerse yourself in My Love because in My Love you will find security for life and all the paths will always lead you to Me.

A parable of Jesus:

There were once two brothers who were appreciated by their Father.  As the Father used to travel for jobs that were the support of the whole family, the two brothers were committed to taking care of the goods, which the Father had entrusted them to guard and protect.

One day one of the brothers, the older, stopped watching the precious treasure upon seeing that his younger brother was distracted and inattentive. The younger brother stopped watching with attention what the Father had entrusted to him. When this youngest brother stopped taking care of the goods, because he was occupied with other things, his other brother, the older, complained to him with dislike about what had happened without knowing well what in truth was going on.

The younger brother had allowed a large crop, a family possession, to be completely lost, to get dry from lack of water from the spring of his Father. Before this great fact the older brother, who was a little more mature and who depreciated the younger brother, had judged him without knowing the whole truth. In consequence of this he lost the true love for his brother.

The oldest brother was not only wiser than his younger brother but his Father had also left in charge of him other lands. These lands were destroyed by an intensive rain.

When their Father returned to his home he found what was happening. The oldest brother told his Father what had happened to the lands that he had entrusted them of and that, the carelessness on his part had been to watch his younger brother.

The Father before his two sons responds: it does not matter how much you have lost of my goods, what matters to your father is that you do not judge, but that you love each other above all things as what I entrusted you before my departure gave you the opportunity which would show you that any of my sons could make a mistake, but what you could not forget is the love that I had taught you so that you could live in Peace.

My dears, what is the spiritual philosophy of this parable?

It is that God loves you as you are, even with imperfections. God expects from you an absolute unity and humility, which will allow you to recognize that one day you may be apprentices of life and on another day you may be instructors of life. There must never lack love in your hearts, if there isn’t any love forgiveness becomes superficial and unity becomes weak. Strengthen your faith in that it is possible to transform everything because now has come the moment for you to recognize My Heart in every brother and sister. 

In the Peace of My Heart, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My parables in the inner heart!

Christ Jesus.



My dears:

I waited to gather you in My Name, so that in your essences may be revealed the power of My Unity and of My Reconciliation. Rejoice because today you are blessed by My Holy Spirit of Redemption. 

My companions:

Carry in your hearts the banner of My Absolute Peace, Peace which will illuminate you and allow you to find the consolation that you so much seek. In My Unfathomable Source of Mercy will be revealed your true task because as Shepherd of Love I am returning to gather all My Flocks so that they may remember the commitment with My Sacred Heart.

I come to search for those hearts that have still not decided to follow My Path. My Light comes to awaken in them the gift of wisdom of the Holy Spirit of the Father so that soon you may recognize what it is that God wants for each of you.

The celestial universes today respond to this encounter in a special way because My Feet are leaving an inner footprint which will never be erased from your memories. This is the footprint of My Love for you.

Now raise up your eyes towards My eyes and just say to Me:

Prayer and spiritual petition to Jesus Christ

I trust in You, in Your Heart,
in Your Instruction, in Your Will.

help me to be strong and invincible
before the traps of the enemy.

teach me to walk in faith
and in absolute trust in Your Redemptive Purpose.

I surrender to Your Blessed Savior Heart
so that, under Your Celestial Grace,
my soul and all souls that still do not
define themselves for Your only and true path
may together find consolation for our spirits,
fervor to live in Your devotion,
forgiveness to dissolve the past
and Divine Mercy to walk valiantly
towards the advent of
Your Glorious Kingdom of Love and Peace.

Hail, King!
Inexhaustible source of Graces and Pity!
Deliver me completely into the arms
of Your Supreme Creator Father.


If you recite this spiritual petition every day you will be relieved of any disturbance and you will find the Grace of My Eternal Savior Light. Trust for one more time in My Heart.

Under the Light of the Father be blessed for all eternity.

I wait for you in prayer,

Christ Jesus.



A new path opens with the return of My Glory to the Earth. For this, today I call you to prepare your hearts and consciousnesses for the advent of something even greater and more celestial.

Dear ones, in silence and in prayer, I accompany you, I am near your lives when your hearts call upon Me, to share with Me the life of your souls.

Adore Me. Love Me. Glorify Me, because I love you and I glorify you beyond your faults and uncertainties. Among My friends, only peace and unity reigns. If there is no peace and unity among My flocks, love will not be able to exist, and in this lack of love, the redemption of your lives by Me will not exist.

Dear ones, each path that comes to Me is cyclic, it begins again. For this, I Am the Path that you look for so as to get to the Father. I Am the Truth that will be revealed to you when your beings are prepared, and I Am the Life that takes you out from the death in which you live due to indifference, temptation and desire.

I Am this Bread of Life that resuscitates you and I Am the Source that quenches your thirst and heals you from all pain. For this My friends, you must trust in Me to find the source of the wonders and blessings because now you are My friends, those that must let Me enter in so that My Sacred Heart may work in each essence of My Father.

Where do you expect to go, but to the House of My Father? There are infinite dwellings there which wait for good souls and full servers that will serve My Great and Unique Lord.

My dears, everything has already been given to you, even the sacrifice of the Son of God on the Cross. I came to the world for you and I will come back to the world for each one of My followers. Just prepare your homes for when I come back through the celestial door of My Father.

Under the Divine Spirit of God, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My priestly words in your hearts!

Peace and Good.

Christ Jesus


My dears ones, 

Follow My footprints, those which indicate the awaited return of the King and Savior.

Today I call you to remain perpetually in My Sacred and Blessed Heart. Children, I greatly wish to be within you for longer, but you must allow for this, so that I may accomplish My Will, the Will of the Creator God. Follow Me in absolute and complete trust because I have already waited to call My Apostles after so long.

Now, I want Apostles of love, Apostles of redemption, Apostles who live and give the example of celestial charity, which can help dissolve the pain of many and  cure the hearts of others. Dear ones, today you are in My Glory, because you have first passed through My Mercy, so that today My Priestly Consciousness could be present, in this house of peace and redemption.

Like Zacchaeus, you have opened the door for Me to be able to share the Bread of Life and Love. No longer look at how much you have fallen in the past, just believe that My Savior Hope which will come as a cosmic and universal power from the universe.

My companions, 

I wait for you to be empty of yourselves, absent of yourselves, so that in this time of great necessity your hearts may recognize, even if for an instant, the essence of each brother and sister who will pass before you, each day. I hope that you give me your lives so that My Mercy may reveal to you the Glory that is guarded with so much love in the Heavens.

I announce, with joy and love, the arising of this house, the Plaza of the Mercy of Christ King and Savior, where pilgrims, servers, collaborators and followers of Mine will be able to find Me in a simple place, which will be dedicated to the prayer of the Divine Mercy. This sacred place that today is consecrated by My Heart and is touched by My humble feet will be, for My Father, the second door within the world for the coming of My powerful and unfathomable Mercy.

You, My dear ones, and to all who collaborate with this simple Plaza of Prayer for the Divine Mercy, I will be highly thankful to you through the Gift of My Sacred Heart, for collaborating from your hearts, with this savior project.

My friends, My followers, in life there will be the living action of this powerful source that will allow for the assistance of all souls of the world, of those most in need of inner healing.

Under the Grace and the Mercy of God, let us celebrate and be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My divine plans in your hearts!

Who blesses you on this day from the Heaven of My Father.

Christ Jesus, your Redeemer


My dear ones,

Today, I no longer want your souls to cry, may your little hearts rejoice by receiving Me in the Eucharist. Open your arms so that I may enter into your hearts and live fully in your essences so that, in this way, My Holy Heart of Love may nourish your emptiness and illuminate the obscure spaces that your lives cannot yet achieve.

If you trust that every test, definition or step is under the gaze of My Eyes and accompanied by the infinite feeling of My Love, you will from now on be able to walk towards Me, without leaving Me behind, even for a second, because the Love of the Master only wants to make you grow from the heart, and from the unique experiences of your lives.

Stay in My Heart for a moment and you will experience the Glory of God in the Heavens, your anxieties and afflictions will calm, and you will be able to recognize that with true love everything is possible, because true love is not won nor defeated, not even by the cunning of the enemy.

My dear ones, you must recognize Me in this time, inside each heart and in the unique and divine life that the Eucharist provides you. Today, do not give up, open so that My Redeeming and Transfiguring Spirit may enter, for all eternity.

I know you well. I know what you are since your birth, and for what God has made you to manifest in life and in soul. Remember that you are all for My Father and that My Father waits for the best of you, the good and pure, because, in this way, you will help Him accomplish His Will on Earth.

Walk with Me today, by My side, because My Light will show you the next direction. Today, just remain longer in My Heart of Love.

Under the Power of the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My words in your heart!

Christ Jesus


Children of My Sacred Heart.

Do not lose the strength of the inner heart for anything.

You, My partners, raise your voices towards the Almighty because God will listen to your proclamations of love. In this way you will be spiritually rehabilitated by My Redeeming Love and your lives will become blessed and sacred before the Throne of God.

My Lord of the Universe asks Me to encourage, guide, welcome, love and sustain all of you inside My Sacred and Blessed Heart, but if you as souls open the door of your existence, under the Power of the Father and the Holy Spirit, I will be able to free you from any evil that may deceive you and disturb you.

As the traps of the enemy become uncontrollable for souls, from Heaven comes the power of the ray of Mercy to rescue and support each heart that lives on Earth. To open the door of your inner temple means to untie the knots that control the very life of the consciousness, knots that feed the slowness, which prevents you from walking freely towards My Light.

I teach you to love above all things, to walk in spite of the great abysses that are at your side, and I encourage you, above all, to trust in the power of My Saving and Redeeming Love. For this, My dears ones, do not fear anything. The Judgment is near, it will happen from the Heavens towards the Earth, and you must exercise the Compassionate Love that I have taught you.

Live my commandments expressed through the parables. Everything renews itself, and now My new parable is the Grace of these messages that My Heart is giving you, and pouring out as Light.

My dears ones, go forward! Even if you do not see Me, do not feel Me nor hear Me, I Am by your side, walking silently and in vigil for the movements of your interior. Do not fear to be purified by My Fire, nor fear to face the truth of your lives. Know that I Am here, returning, first in Spirit to help you before any situation, and to extend My hand, which will take you to the new paradise
Under the Grace of God, be blessed from your heart.

Thank you for keeping My commandments in your hearts!

Christ Jesus


I especially adore My daughters who, by loving Me, day by day, glorify My flagellated Heart. I call all of them My Spouses, spiritual spouses of Jesus, the Spouse who loves the souls of all daughters who adore and honor My Sacred Heart.

I call My Sons My beloved servers, who walk towards Me to find Me in prayer as well as in the Eucharist.

My dear ones, today I leave you a lesson of love and an inner task: that you may recognize Me and find Me in all souls, because the pain of a daughter or a son is My pain manifested in different ways, so that the soldiers may cure and heal the scourge that My Heart still lives.

My Love for your hearts is infinite and great, My Kind Love shows you My Face in all the Faces of My children, thus those who serve Me without tiring and without delay may help Me assist and alleviate, and in this way the Universe will be repaired, which is full of offenses that come from this blind humanity, which does not want to see Me nor hear Me.

You, My companions, must first learn to free yourselves from your own selves so that My Love may find a great space where It can work and irradiate My Mercy to the hearts that do not have God, that do not have the great Redeeming Love. In your hands lies the power of prayer, and prayer will give to you the power to be in vigil with your heart, the power of guarding, through the vigilant prayer, all souls that day by day escape from My hands.

I want to intercede before God for all. For this there must be many of My servers, and they must renounce so they can always see My requests through each being. I Am revealing to you how to also reach Me through those who are most sick and in need.

My dear ones, there is still a lack of love in many creatures, and now all My disciples have the responsibility to alleviate the great evil that lives throughout the world.  From Me the Source of Mercy rises, and in you My Redeeming Love may rise.

In the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My lessons in your hearts!

Christ Jesus


Partners of My Path,

I know that sometimes you fall to My right and My left. For this, today, in the name of the unfathomable and infinite mercy,  I come to meet you, because My Heart, wounded by the thorns of humanity, searches for relief in the dwellings that are still impure, because My Divine Love comes to consecrate them, searches for relief in the empty dwellings, because My Love comes to take away loneliness, searches to relieve the dwellings that are in pain, because My Love comes to fill each soul with healing.

Come toward Me and trust! I know very well about your difficulties and your talents, those which you have to give Me. Open the door so that My Sacred Mercy may free your past and your heart. Let Me find a space for Myself inside of your being.

What more do you want, My Sons and Daughters? Can I just stay close to your inner life?

I know which desert your are now walking in and I know where you have been.  Unite to My caravan, which heads to the destiny of redemption.  Trust in the great Pilgrim who walks the world looking for a place to land and rest.  The great moment for the awaited encounter with Me is at hand, and all the servants must be prepared from the heart.

Stay in Me so that I may stay in you. Just wait in patience and in vigil for the great encounter.  I Am with you to encourage you to live in My Meriful Hope.  I know that you fear to look at Me, to even find Me before your little life.  Now wait, just wait for Me, because I Am arriving to each being.

Quiet yourselves and be serene within My Heart, I want you to be born into eternal life, to the encounter with My Redeeming Love.  I forgive your falls, but I contemplate your love for Me. Today I stay inside of you in prayer.

In the Grace of God, be merciful to one another. 

Thank you for keeping My signs in your hearts!

Christ Jesus

At the end of Christ's message, I saw arise again from the Heart of Christ a blue source of light that He pours out upon us, it was the Source of His Grace and He transmitted to us the following prayer:


Prayer to ask for the Grace of the Merciful Jesus

 For the Source of Grace
that springs as a fount
from the Heart of Jesus,
Lord, have Mercy on all of us.


To download this prayer, click here


My dears ones,

My second coming will place into evidence all the miseries of My children, and I, in Glory, will collect each one of them, to transfigure them in My Redeeming Love. In this way My Glorified Heart will be able to approach those who, out of fear of error, have distanced themselves from My great Compassionate Love, which I have for all souls of the world.

Even the soul with the most inveterate faults is loved by Me because behind each life there is the essence of God, a vital part of the purpose of the Almighty. For this, My dear friends, trust Me, so that together with Me you may go through the inner shipwreck, the one that many children of My Heart are living.

For those who suffer the most, you must always pray.

For those who darken themselves the most by their actions, you must pray and keep vigil.

For all souls, you must be united to Me in spirit and love, so that I may be able to lead them to the life of all of My servers who will help Me take care of all flocks.

For those who are most awakened, My Heart will ask them for more, because they have confirmed with My Heart the surrender and the consecration to the Will of the Lord.

Before the Master of Love comes among the clouds, the servants of Christ must mature their consciousnesses and hearts before the great moment. For this, you have Me present in the silence, radiant in the Eucharist, open and available in confession, wakeful and guarding in prayer.

I want you to imitate Me. I want that you live Me in a truthful way so in the moments of greater test and definition, My Heart may be able to show you the way out, the path to paradise and redemption. I hear you every day, and I know, through the Love of My Father, how much you suffer and how much you have grown by having full trust in My Sacred Heart.

The Worker wants to build temples of clay, temples of humility, in simple hearts.

Under the Holy Spirit, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My words in your heart!

Christ Jesus


My dear ones,

If you call upon Me, with love and truth, I will come to help those who, from Earth, call for My Merciful presence. Thus, I will free you from all evil and temptation, and at the moments of tests I will strengthen you like oak, and I will give you a strong spirit, like iron.

For this, you must know that, if you think of Me, if you feel Me or call Me, there I will be, because I accomplish the Will of My Father for this world, and you can live the Will of My Lord through Me.

There is still time to find Me, at each moment of life and everywhere, because, as you know, My Being is hidden inside the heart of each soul.

Look at Me in the eyes, because in this way I will be able to guide you and indicate the next step to you. Each moment that you are living now is unique and valued, but it is also time to place in order and correct the inner temple. You have Me for this.  I Am along side those who call Me and open the door to Me.

I want from My sheep the best that they can give because the moment is approaching in which the King will come to ask His servants for the talents that I have left for them, and the talents that they have been able to achieve. You are on My Path to redeem yourselves. You are on My Path in order to be able to see the reality of your consciousness.

Only a peaceful and gentle love can mold the old wineskin and leave it like new in order to allow the Almighty to serve Himself of it. I want to pour the new wine, because the peasant has already harvested the fruit of the vine for preparing the supper of the Good News. You are invited to prepare My Return and to have in mind that I only want to be Love in your lives, redemption in your consciousnesses and mercy in matter.

Remember that you can return to Me, I will await you.

In the Glory of God, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My precepts of redemption in your hearts.

Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
