Each time that I descend from Heaven, the universe and My Sacred Heart pour a special Grace over you, renewing you in faith and in the commitment with Me.
I come to you because the flocks are still too immature to be able to guide themselves by themselves.
Each one of your consciousnesses will have to recognize the presence of the Shepherd of Light in different forms and phases; this will be the moment when your hearts, open to purification and for consecration, abandon for Me the old structures that impede you from approaching yourself to My Redeemer Spirit.
Leaving your judgments behind, accept the corrections of today, because they are nourished by the rays of love, rays of instruction, those that will show you the time to change and renew yourselves through Me.
When My Heart called to the fishermen of Galilee, It called the old humanity that, semi- destroyed, had to receive the opportunity of Redemption.
Now I return to call all those that, giving their yes, have opened the door to Me so that My Glorified Consciousness can act on the imperfect hearts, resistant, rigid, and closed; because My Sacred Heart will consecrate you and when It consecrates you, all shall reach the victory of salvation
Encouragement to those that still struggle to overcome themselves!
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for keeping My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Whoever traverses the path through My Heart will find the light that they need to be able to cross the desert.
Whoever lives through Me will find the faith that they so much seek for.
Whoever feels through My Heart will see with wisdom each answer.
Whoever thinks through Me will find the science of a humble and poor spirit.
I always long for you to do everything in your lives through Me because in this way you will form your consciousnesses by means of the greater laws. If you take each step through My Heart you will be able to perceive in each moment the need in each place.
But when you manage to do all through My Heart your spirit will already be found empty of itself and you will learn to see things under the vision of the Spirit of God. Service, charity and good are the doors of entrance that will be open so that all may be able to walk through My Heart.
But first the heart of each soul must be emptied of itself so that it may be invaded by the Sacred Spirit of God and in this way it may be able to consecrate itself as a faithful serve of the law of theLord. You can do all through Me.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for consecrating yourselves to God through My Sacred Heart!
Christ Jesus.
The one who falls and comes towards My Heart and confesses to it, I will one day liberate it because My Father is pleased when a soul has learned from the same lesson, no matter how many times it has fallen.
Like this is the mercy of My Lord and of His Firstborn Son who is in Heavens and who will come to liberate from hell the many who have suffered in the ignorance of the heart.
For this, those who walk everyday towards Me and in My full trust will find the supreme comfort that I promise for all those who in faith may persist on the path of consecration.
It will be due to each soul of God to learn a part of the great project that was designed in the origins of the origins and that at the end of this cycle humanity, through prayer, service and love must revert to.
May no one be tired of walking because the journey towards the infinite is continuous. Your beings must continue being purified by My Redeemer Fire when you only allow Me to do so and in this way you will find the path of return to the dwellings of My Father in the universe.
Accept that you already live in another time and that this time is radiated day by day by My Light to the places where there is pain and suffering. Walk towards Me and may your feet not get tired of walking for other brothers and sisters so that My Savior Project may be accomplished.
Leave behind your feelings, donate yourselves completely to the outflowing of My Spirit because in this way all will be accomplished. Cultivate a heart of humility and of peace-making so that nothing may disturb you and you may feel in your hearts the need of surrendering yourselves to the others more each day, as My Universal Consciousness has surrendered to each one of you.
I thank you for witnessing My Spirit of Love in this holy day. May the absolution of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit liberate you from all evil and may you achieve eternal life.
I Am with your hearts always.
Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
My Eyes illuminate the path of all those who, for some reason suffer for Me and for the liberation of all of humanity. I call them servers of My Cross because in their pains they surpass the threshold so that the light of My Father may be present for more time in the world.
For this, courage to those who still do not live in sacrifice. May they live it in order to experience a great union with the love of God. I convert the pain of My children into a source of mercy and of piety for the most inveterate sinners, liberating them from the fire of hell.
My dear companions:
Do not fear to surpass the suffering that will mainly give relief to those who do not have it. I open the source of My Sacerdotal Heart to all of those who serve Me in some difficult experience of life. In this way each state of pain invites you to love the Will of God and the law of the sublime purification.
Open your arms so that many of those who are distant from Me may find comfort in your little hearts. Continue with Me through this path of effort and surrender because no one will go through what I have gone through. For this I have been amongst you, in order to redeem the world.
Have faith in what you live day by day and thank God for how much He gives you.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for meditating My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Those who take the steps towards Me will never get lost on the path because My Spirit will reveal all that you may need so that in Me you may be guided to paradise.
Dears, I guard in My Merciful Heart all of the things that afflict the hearts. For this by means of the union with Me and in prayer you will be able to wake up to the new that My Kingdom will bring to you at the right moment.
Go ahead and walk together by My Side because as Father of the souls I will guard each essence in the universe of My Sacred Heart. While you are in this world you will learn much and your feet will not get tired of walking through experiences and growths for the inner life of your souls.
Receive from Me the merit of being in My Celestial Grace and learn that it will be only through the love of the heart that all of the circumstances of life will be healed. Walk towards the encounter with this powerful love of God that will liberate you from your own selves and in this way you will see with clarity the Holy Spirit.
Guard all the simple words in the heart because My Instruction is unique for these critical times.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Savior.
The merciful rays of My Heart are poured mainly upon those who most need of My Redemption and Compassion.
For this, every day I count on those servers who are willing to be available to all, to throw the nets so that others may also be saved.
You, with Me, live in a different time, which you witness day by day, because the time that My Heart radiates upon My Followers is a time that prepares, redeems and advances the steps of those who are less prepared.
Seek the time to be with Me because in this way My Heart will use the spontaneity of those who, risking everything, love those who most need My Peace and Love. I just want that for this time that you live with Me, that you be transmitters of My Voice and of My Word, of My Love and of My Peace.
I just ask you this because if you do like this the world as a whole will see itself more relieved and the hearts of all of the souls will liberate themselves from the path that takes them to constant sin and perdition.
I need, in My special Time, neutral soldiers who may be able to deal with the reality of the consciousnesses who most need help for these times. And you have as a primordial key love and prayer, because love and prayer are only one inseparable path that your consciousnesses must strengthen in the inner. In this way you will learn to live My Laws and you will answer to the needs that My Father will reveal moment by moment to each one of the souls.
Bring in your heart a humble and noble spirit that may truly radiate what it is in life because above all things I know you very well and I know what it is that each disciple of Mine needs.
Know that I love you as you are and I guide you from the heart.
Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for meditating My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
I intend day by day, with My Merciful Power, to remain alive in the imperfect hearts.
My Redeemer Spirit is present in the true outskirts of the souls with the aim of saving them, as once I did when I was amongst you in the world. For this My Hope for the salvation of the world, for the salvation of the most asleep and sinful humanity, still does not end.
My Ocean is unfathomable and I still have much thirst for those who, having shown Myself to them, turned their backs to Me and this because they still do not know My Merciful Love.
It seems that for many it was not enough that the Son of Man had given His Water on the Cross and had poured His Blood for all. My redeemer Task has no end until the hell in which many live and the dreams that many construct will be finished, waiting for the glorious moment of My return to the world.
For this I prepare those who may want to wake up for an unknown life, those that want to wake up to the beyond of the ordinary and normal. My achieved Universe, the one which is not from this world, is coming, and in this way the Spirit of My Father is coming to reveal to the world the phase that you do not know, that you ignore by placing your eyes in other paths that are not celestial.
My Light presents itself again in Spirit for those who may want to see Me and for those who are very distant from God. Look beside you and observe with attention because the Son of God is returning in Glory and this Glory will be near those who may open themselves to recognize It.
For this I will not be distant from each sheep. I will return to to give you My Body as a food and I will give to drink My Blood, with the New Covenant constructed between the Universe and the Earth, the Covenant of the Son of God that will give you eternal life.
For this be consistent and vigilant at the end of these times. I Am giving My pearls to those who still do not know how to manage My Celestial Goods, I Am giving the fruit of tree of wisdom to those who need Me the most.
I gather you again in My Redeeming Supper to unmask the wolves and, in this way, to redeem them because I want that all may be in My Kingdom of Light.
Under the Love of the Father, be merciful.
Thank you for meditating My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
Those who open their arms to Me will always receive Me in their dwelling.
I Am here for you, to encourage you, above all things, to walk. My Heart forgives you day by day, My Spirit gathers you so that you may decide to follow the path of transformation.
I Am helping you to walk. May My steps be your encouragement to achieve redemption.
I love you and I contemplate you, I absolve you from sin and I conduct you towards My Kingdom. To those who trust in Me, nothing will be lacking. Even if you fall more than once, My Sacred Heart will raise you towards Heavens in mercy and love.
Go ahead! I Am with you, trust in Me.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for answering to My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
My company by your side is perpetual, as My Love is unfathomable for all those who live Me from the heart. I Am here in Spirit in the Cenacle of Love so that My ones may learn to live under the laws of redemption.
Always guard a moment for the encounter with Me, either in quietness or amongst the souls and in this way you will allow that My rays always permeate and you will encounter a true rest in the depths of My Sacred Heart.
Today I bring to you renovating words that may be able to reignite your hearts and to mature your consciousnesses. I Am the One who renovates all from epoch to epoch and who permeates all the universes with mercy and love because My Spirit comes from the Father and the one who comes to Me will directly encounter the Kingdom of Love and Peace.
The one who seeks the law will find it, because in the law one will be able to live in order to thus be in the balance and in the harmony of the universe. For this seek Me above all things, above all, whenever you do not feel the strengths and the vigor to call Me. I Am the One who gives you the impulse to follow through the path of liberation and of transcendence. I Am with you in spite of all.
Under the Spiritual Unity of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My commandments in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Rest in My Arms because in this way My Soul will restore your spirit and we will carry on together as Master and server in order to accomplish the Will of My Father.
Sustain in this time your gaze in My Eyes and see through Them the infinite path of light that will take you to Eternity.
Smile at life and see the magnificence of God around you.
Build the new steps with the heart and awaken faith and hope in those who still sleep without listening to My Call.
Do not forget that you are everything for My Consciousness and that I contemplate you in the silence.
Courage, dear brother and sister!
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus
I tell you to not be scared because My Heart knows deeply the human consciousness. While some take firm steps towards Me others regress to previous stages.
For this I return for those who go backwards, as for those who bravely walk forwards, receiving the new time in the heart.
Everything must change in the consciousness of a being for them to be able to be a partaker of My Kingdom.
The way of feeling must be as peaceful as the waters and as beautiful as a flower. The way of thinking must be simple but at the same time, united to the supreme wisdom. The way of seeing things must be based on the vision that the spirit provides and, most important, the heart must be pure so that it may be the receptacle of My Heart, the New Sanctuary that will guard the life of the new laws that My Kingdom will bring again.
For this I ask you to not fear for what you see or feel of yourselves, it all forms part of the old humanity that must strongly wake up at the moment of My Return. The brave ones already listen to My Steps, they feel the approximation of My Heart towards this worldly reality.
May no one separate themselves from Me so that at the right moment you may be able to recognize your True Master of the Stars.
Under the Good and the Peace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
May My Redeemer Light impregnate you and separate you from the evil that the world generates.
May your hearts not be afflicted with how the other souls are. May your surrender represent the surrender of those who still close the heart to Me.
I watch over each essence but the time is coming of the Universal Justice.
May each soul be repentant and confess its sins to My Heart because in this way I will tell them: “Go in Peace and sin no more, the Lord has saved you”.
Dears, continue today with Me and just observe My Footprints, those which will indicate the new direction. May nothing distract you and may My Heart show you the next step that you need to take.
Go ahead because you will be with Me in the redemption of the world. Be brave, I love you above all things.
Under the Power of the Father, be merciful.
Thank you for venerating My words with the heart!
My Law will be accomplished in those who may unite themselves to it.
Christ Jesus.
My dears:
Today I come as the Fisher of souls so that, recognizing My Face in the world you may be served of My favorite Love to diffuse My savior Message in this world.
I know that many seem to be tired of walking towards the infinite that never ends. I tell you that in love you may carry lovingly the cross that My Kingdom hands to you and that you may be thankful for receiving in My Name the rays of redemption and of conversion.
I ask you that you do not lower the arms but that you open your hearts to receive My Commandments, those which will order for you the life in spirit and in service. Dear companions:
The tasks of the servers for the end of times are blessed with the possibility of the awakening of more hearts to the path of redemption and of forgiveness. Know that it will be through those who are willing to serve Me until the limit that My Redeemer Plan in the world will be fulfilled, and this will be before My Return to the suffered world.
Your essences must be like flowers in My Hands so that My Spirit may be able to present them as an offer of redemption before God. You are with Me whenever you say yes and I will be for longer time whenever you simply open to Me the door of the heart.
Come and walk with Me because I will always protect you and guide you.
I thank all of those who serve Me without delay and who donate to Me the time for the Greater Work.
Under the Love of the Father, be merciful.
Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Savior and Lord of the souls.
As a worker in the path of the souls, My Heart conducts and straightens the pathway of those who have separated themselves from My Father.
By means of the Divine Mercy My steps guide each one of the souls towards the purpose of the Father.
My dears:
I love those who in sacrifice surrender themselves to the plans of My Heart because in this way I will be able to deposit My Gifts so that Mercy may be radiated to the world. Rest today in My Arms because in this way I will comfort you again and I will relieve you. Follow My Path in love, peace and unity.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for listening to My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Praised be the children who come to Me! Because theirs is the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Praised be the little souls of the children who pray with Me! Because through them My Heart will liberate and give light to fallen souls.
Praised be the children who come to Me! Because in them I will deposit My New Gifts, those which will give fruit in the Promised Earth through their little hearts.
Dear children and My brothers and sisters:
Today I call you to become like children so that it may awaken in you the humility and the simplicity of loving the God of Love above all things.
Dears, it is time to throw the nets of love and of redemption so that more followers and non-followers of Mine may be able to awaken to the life of Spirit. My Sacred Heart, full of Graces and of Mercy will work through your essences. For this, it is necessary to keep the inner house in order, the temple of the heart of each one of you so that My reconciling Spirit may visit and guide you, step by step.
Dear companions, today I give you My paternal Hug of love so that you may find in Me the relief that you need and thus you may reach the Grace of the conversion that your beloved Father waits for so much from you.
Come to Me and do not get tired to come, open the door of the heart and allow to emanate from you the Source of Love so that it may be radiated to those who most need peace.
We are in times of imminent Graces, inexplicable for humanity, for this the inexhaustible source of My Heart will be able to unite itself to you by means of the prayer that renovates all things. I Am returning to give life to your spirits and to renovate in life your hearts. Just open the way so that the Shepherd may be able to guide you in Love and in Redemption.
Blessed be the meek of heart because they will be like children in the New Promised Earth, the Earth blessed by God Father.
Under the Love and the Good of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Leave all that you feel and observe, guarding in the heart all that may be similar to you or all that may be indifferent to you. Pray with Me so that My rays may be able to impregnate each state that the consciousness lives.
Do not disturb your heart with what may happen. Allow the neutrality of My Heart to conquer you so that you may learn in My humility and in inner transparence.
Rejoice whenever something against your thoughts and feelings is said because each stair that you climb will mean a new experience to be lived. In this way you will find the essence of being in the emptiness of yourself and you will not search for a mental explanation for each situation in life.
The souls must carry and bear in their spiritual evolution the weight of the personality or of what the world calls ego. To work for My Father means to die to oneself every day, to die to oneself for what one lives or to die to oneself for what is said to one. For this you must acquire a noble and peaceful spirit so that the issues between the consciousnesses may not become divisions and there may begin to be a lack of love towards the neighbor.
Take the example of My Path with the Apostles and there you will see the Infinite Love that was radiated to all of them. Without love, unity will be impossible realize and consequently the plans of My Father will be restricted by the consciousnesses.
For this participate with the heart of the source of My Mercy and you will be able to see how everything works out whenever there is the value of transforming oneself.
Humanity as a whole still needs much mercy and piety. May your hearts be the channel so that My Source may be able to be poured and in this way My Spirit may be able to heal your deep beings, your unconscious.
Each lesson that presents itself in the life of My Disciples presents itself in order to demonstrate the degree of love reached from the experience of consecration to Me. For this is needed great bravery so that amongst My Followers may be transcended the obstacles of consciousness and the veils that divide the unity between My Flocks.
You will see that between My Heart and the Heart of My Mother reigns the unity between Ourselves and God because there reigns the Love to the same Purpose.
Under the Love of the Father, be united and merciful.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Instructor.
Dear brothers and sisters in the Most Holy Mary:
I Am here, over this Center of Prayer and devotion, to share with you My Graces and My Piety, divine merits that have been poured throughout these days through your honest answer to My Heart.
Dear companions, I do not separate Myself from you, not even for a moment, for this, keep the door of the heart open so that My Holy Spirit may visit you in honor and in praise to the one and only God of Love.
Dear and little sheep of Mine: your flock, the favorite to Me, must grow in love, in unity and in faith, so that your lives may be the depository of new gifts and new sheep that may want to find a way out through the instruction that I give to you.
My new cycle over the Earth and humanity is approaching; through prayer and the unity of your consciousnesses with Me in this sacred week, not only did there arise the superior opportunity of the liberation of souls imprisoned by their own suffering, but also, My Mercy and My Greater Grace were poured over those leaders who will need the light of the Father to make decisions about My beloved humanity.
With this I say to you My dear friends that My Heart blessed the new Holy Father, with the aim that he may represent in fidelity My beloved Apostle Peter, the guardian of the Doors of Heaven.
In this way you may feel in your hearts how My Light was poured this time over the world, light that has touched especially all the missionaries that have served Me in the whole world for a long time, those called missionaries of love and charity.
My Heart of Light has embraced with so much compassion the helpless and unprotected in what are called refugee camps, so that through My intercession My Spirit embraced in the Kingdom all of those who may have gone to hell.
My dears, perceive with the heart how is the greatness of your Father who is in the universes. Contemplate the immensity of the source of the Mercy and the Piety that He pours through His Holy Beloved Son.
My brothers and sisters, you have pleased My Heart with the good acts that you have professed by means of the daily exercise of living in My Passion. As definitive glory My Soul was able to touch again with Its Love the heart of some families and youth that, divided between soul and body, took up again the path of reconciliation and of conversion in this way being able to forgive the faults committed against the God of Love.
For all of this, My Consciousness that was contemplated and adored in all of the Earth, brings with it the gifts of the Holy Spirit that were radiated over those that opened themselves to live the inner state of My Passion, remembering the path of experience and of life that My Heart left as a legacy for all of My followers and non-followers.
My dears, see how infinite is My Mercy; once again, on this day, My Heart absolves you, forgives you and makes you find again the path of redemption.
I wait that in the coming Holy Week of the year of 2014 I may find you so united to Me as you have been today. Dears, because the works of Heaven are accomplished by means of the faithful and obedient servers who are in Christ over the face of the Earth.
Under the Merciful Power of God, be blessed and joyful.
Thank you for accomplishing My requests from the heart!
Your Beloved, Christ Jesus, the Redeemer Shepherd.
Dear brothers and sisters in My Father the Most High:
It has been a while since I have seen as today, a flock so united to My Purpose.
To those who are tired, I give you My Rest.
To those who are overwhelmed, I give you My Eternal Relief.
To those who suffer in the depths of the heart, I give you My Courage, My Faith, My Mercy.
In this way I want to see My New Soldiers of the end of the times, disposed beyond themselves, surrendered beyond their wills, encouraged beyond any inner concern, because whoever trusts in Me, will prevail in this life and beyond life, whoever trusts in Me, will not fear, will have courage, courage that they will receive from the bravery of the Holy Spirit.
When once I said that My Good News was preached in My Name, I wanted to say that always My Words would be in those who were willing to overcome themselves out of love for others.
Dears, I wish that all at the same time could reach the Light of My Kingdom, because this Kingdom of Peace, Love and Glory is for all, but few servers are willing to abandon their old garments, so that, free, they may find Me as the only refuge of the hearts.
For this I ask according to the readiness of My Flocks, because I know that your lives are weak, but they may become strong as My Spirit, in order to receive always My Call.
I am here to bless you and thank you for the perseverance of the heart.
Dears, prayer moves and liberates the hearts, for this your answer has touched the depths of My Being and in this way, has given comfort to the God of Love. Justice has been lighter for those that would receive it strongly, this means that your seeds of love and prayer have been deposited in My Heart, I was repaired and restored by the love of your spirits.
For this I invite you to follow Me beyond yourselves, because what I want to reveal to you is not from this world, it comes from the Universe to find all My Followers. Guard the love that I radiate in your hearts.
I love you beyond the existence of each essence. I conduct you and I give you My Eternal Peace.
Under the Light and the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for answering to My Requests with the heart.
Your Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear ones,
Praised be your hearts because you will be able to be in My Glory when you just follow My Saving Path.
Through My Holy Cross, I redeemed the world and I liberated from hell many essences that were condemned to eternal suffering. Today I no longer carry the heavy cross of your world, but I will return to give Eternal Life to that which seems to be dead in life. I will come to give My Spirit to that which seems to be empty.
With Me, in Me and together with Me, you will never lose the light that I provide to you from the Kingdom of My Father. Who lives in Me, I promise that they will not suffer, not even in the hour of the death, as your humble heart will find the eternal light that you have searched for so much.
For this, My dears, today do not only meditate upon what I gave for you. I ask you that you see My Sacrifice for the world as the victory of redemption over evil. Meditate upon My Passion as a Glory of the Spirit and of the Will of My Father so that, united as one flock, you may find the Doors of Paradise open.
I only ask you to serve Me, to love Me and to love the neighbor as I loved you, even in My last moments. Now My Love is strong, powerful and unfathomable for those who just renounce to themselves so that My Divine Spirit may be able to enter.
Dear ones, may this Holy Friday be honored and confirmed by all of you as the definite return of your lives to My Celestial Life, of your hearts to My Sacred Heart, of your missions to My Sacred Planetary Mission.
May no one lose the devotion of having Me by their side because, in truth, I tell you, that before I come in Spirit to your encounter during this day, I already knew each one of your consciousnesses.
With this be partakers of My Omnipresence in Heaven and on Earth.
Dear ones, I make you walk by My side, remembering My Passion, because today you will relieve the burden that the world places in My Poor Heart. Look at Me! See the resplendence of My Eyes, wise eyes of kindness that in love want to bring you the Light and to the Eternal Love of My Father.
May today emanate from you the consecration and confirmation of your souls to My Heart.
Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for responding to My precepts with the heart!
I thank you for listening to Me, My beloved sheep!
Christ Jesus, the Savior and Redeemer
I Am with you when you are only in Me.
I Am with you when you only say yes to Me.
I Am with you when you open the door to Me so that My Sacred Heart may be able to enter.
I Am with you when you allow Me to be in your hearts.
You will be My good companions when you only follow Me in spite of the tiredness, of the pain or of the loneliness that you may feel in your lives.
Dears, do not forget that I Am the inexhaustible Source for your lives. I Am the path that guides you, I Am the light that illuminates you, I Am the truth that is revealed when you only let Me reveal it before your eyes.
Dear companions, the last boat of salvation is passing through the life of all of the souls and My Mercy is the bridge that unites your hearts with the path of the definite salvation. My Eyes are already separating the straw from the wheat, the ripe fruit from the unripe fruit, because as your Shepherd I need instruments that may be able to be conducted by the wisdom of My Hands.
I Am returning, not to be your judge in face of the judgment. I will come because I want to be the mediator between you and God, I want to be the presence of Piety and of Mercy that may indicate to you a renovated and new path towards Paradise.
If you knew My Kingdom of Love you would never descend from it because in My Kingdom there are many dwellings and dwellers who, in eternity and good, serve the God of Love.
Dear friends, may your hope not disappear. May the sincere and humble love reign among you, love that will be radiated by the power and the strength of My Redeeming Love. Prepare yourselves to recognize Me in those where My Glorified Heart will land to radiate peace to the world and good to the souls. Only open the door of the heart so that I may enter.
Under the good and the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more