01 Jun

Special edition of the Divine Mercy Marathon will have three New Messages from Christ

The 103rd Marathon of Divine Mercy, which will occur on June 5th and 6th , will be the stage for an extraordinary spiritual work .

The meeting will be broadcast on the internet only, with translation into English. See the schedule at the end of this page.

A unique spiritual juncture

Christ Jesus announced that He will transmit three new Messages for the event directly from Poland , the region which is the...

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25 May

In June, the Divine Messengers will perform special task to expand the Divine Mercy in the world

“I come to bring a vaster and more mature Message so that your hearts can grow in definition and in love, in the seriousness and responsibility that at this moment each one of you must live so as to carry forward the Plan of the Return of My Son.” The Virgin Mary, May 13, 2022

In June, the Divine Messengers will continue to send us a profusion of Celestial aids, for they need Their followers firmly attuned to the High to sustain themselves and the planet in this time of crisis.

The highlight of the month will be the spiritual work that Christ Jesus will do in Krakow, Poland, cradle of devotion to the Divine Mercy.

Spiritual treasures

The month before, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary...

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21 May

New message from the Eternal Father: “My Arms are constantly open to receive you”

The Eternal Father, Adonai, has transmitted a new Message to humanity. His Sacred Words, filled with love, but also of appeal to our consciences, were delivered to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús on May 18, 2022, in Gavarnie, in the Pyrenees, France.

The pain for the Earth

In this statement, the Celestial Father addresses a strong call to each one of us, asking us to listen to Him and to follow Him. He laments the...

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20 May

Album “Sacred Names of God”: 8 songs to bring us closer to the Celestial Universe

“Invoke the Sacred Names of God, and the Creator Father will show Himself to your little heart .”
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, August 6, 2019

The Work of the Divine Messengers offers the world another spiritual aid for the present day: the album “Sacred Names of God - Volume 1” . Written by the Choir of the Light-Communities, this collection features eight songs that intone different Names by which the Eternal Father is known.

Now, all people will be able to listen to these beautiful and transcendent songs, opening an infallible door of contact with the Kingdom of Heaven, wherever they are.

Available to listen and...

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16 May

For Love of the Kingdoms: watch the testimony of those who experience the benefits of agroforestry day by day

On May 19, at 11 am , the program For Love of the Kingdoms will present the third chapter of the “Agroforestry” series. We will witness the testimony of three people who work with agroforestry and who have come to understand, through this practice, the profound intelligence of nature.

And thus, listening to those who have a lot of experience in the subject, we close this cycle of studies on agroforestry and syntropic agriculture, which started in...

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12 May

Sacred Week 2022: find out what happened in the great encounter with Christ Jesus

On each Sacred Week, Christ Jesus makes revelations that expand our consciousnesses, offers Graces that promote deep spiritual healing and guides us to the reunion with God during eight memorable days.

In Sacred Week 2022 , which took place from the 10th to the 17th of April, Our Lord invited His followers to enter a new stage of adherence to His Redemptive Plan. He drew seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit to the planet, expanded our knowledge about...

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02 May

Reopening of the Marian Centers: pilgrims will be able to resume visits to these sacred sites

At the request of the Virgin Mary, the Marian Centers have once again received devotees and pilgrims since May this year. For now, activities have resumed only on weekends , but should be gradually expanded. The visits had been suspended with the onset of the pandemic.

Thus, Our Lady welcomed again Her beloved children in these sacred places of prayer, peace and healing, where she can involve each soul, in a unique way, in Her warm and loving motherly embrace....

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27 Apr

In May, the month of the Virgin Mary, we will have new opportunities to receive Her heavenly help

In the Sacred Week 2022, Christ Jesus initiated us into a new stage of spiritual commitment in this school of love, forgiveness and redemption lived on Earth. And now, Our Lord leaves us under the care of His Most Holy Mother - so that, as Guardian of our souls and hearts, She helps us to embody each divine code received.

This month, the Work of the Divine Messengers will have a special program dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In this way, protected...

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05 Apr

Christ Jesus will transmit special Messages in the coming days, as a final preparatory stage for the Sacred Week

“In this preamble to the next Sacred Week, I will come unexpectedly, throughout this week, without giving notice, so that your hearts may be ready, just as were the apostles, together with My Mother, in the Cenacle, after the Resurrection of your Lord.” Christ Jesus, April 04, 2022

When we think that the Divine Messengers have already granted us all possible Graces in the last two months, Christ Jesus shows once again that His Mercy is inexhaustible.

Our Lord has announced that He will deliver special Messages during this week, with the purpose of definitively preparing our hearts for the Sacred Week 2022 , which will take place from April 10 to 17. This announcement, full of precious indications, was transmitted in His...

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03 Apr

Sacred Week 2022: is your heart ready to receive the Lord?

“Because when I arrive for the Sacred Week, throughout the eight days, humanity will have the last opportunity to gather not only the merits of My Passion, but also the merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the spiritual victory that He achieved in all planes of consciousness, through His Birth, His Public Life, His Death, His Resurrection and His Ascension." Christ Jesus, February 18, 2022

There will be 8 days of new Teachings, through the transmission of live Messages, and spiritual exercises to remember the legacy of the Master of Love.

From April 10 to 17 , everyone is invited to participate in the Sacred Week , the unforgettable gathering in which we remember and honor the mysteries of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ Jesus, as a way to revive the codes of Light that He left us with His holy surrender.


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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
