08 Mar

Meeting with the Virgin Mary will feature a new Message and the renewal of vows of the Children of Mary

Our Lady, the manifestation of Love, Motherhood and Divine Purity, will be accompanying Her children again, on March 13, at 6:30 p.m. , during the Special gathering with the Virgin Mary , in which the 7th Annual Meeting of the Children of Mary will be celebrated .

In this online event, we shall raise our prayers and devotional songs to the Heavenly Mother, creating a bridge between Heaven and Earth for Her to pour out Her Blessings upon the...

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05 Mar

Throughout 8 days, Christ Jesus will make live Apparitions and will transmit new Messages to help humanity

You and your family are invited to participate, without the need to leave home, in an unforgettable encounter with Christ Jesus, the incarnation of Divine Love on the Earth.

From March 28 to April 4 , people from all over the world will connect to the Sacred Week , an online, ecumenical and free event to recall the Passion of Christ and to be permeated by the Peace and Mercy of the Son of God.

Instructions from Our Lord...

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02 Mar

Cross of Emmanuel: at the request of the Virgin Mary, have with you the image of this powerful symbol of protection

“May the Cross of Emmanuel and the Blessed Sacrament be the symbol of protection during the battle of these times.”
The Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace - Jan. 13, 2021

The Virgin Mary, in Her Message of January 13, 2021 , transmitted a new guidanceto be more protected in these critical times. She asked for all Her children to carrywith them the image of Emmanuel’s Cross, whose construction at the Marian Centers was commissioned by Christ Jesus.

The recommendation of the Heavenly Mother is that the Cross of Emmanuel be:

Behind the door and on the table of our homes. With us in times of prayer and adoration of the Blessed...
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24 Feb

In March, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary will deliver new Instructions at very expected events

March is a time of invaluable Graces!

Fulfilling Their Promises, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary will deliver new Instructions at online events awaited by all devout souls. The schedule of the month will culminate in the Sacred Week 2021, from March 28 to April 4.

These will be extraordinary opportunities to strengthen our union with God and to learn to go through this decisive cycle for humanity with love, faith and wisdom.


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22 Feb

Music for Healing and Elevation of Humanity: Special edition with invited artists

On February 23, at 8 p.m. (Brasilia Time Zone), the Music for Healing and Elevation of Humanity program will recall a remarkable cycle of its history with an edition dedicated to the invited artists who have participated in the event in recent years.

The special “Guests” will show a selection of music videos with memorable presentations of singers and instrumentalists of different styles who have attended the Marian Center of Figueira to perform...

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15 Feb

For Love of the Kingdoms: discover the work of a group that operates in harmony and cooperation with the bees

On February 19, at 11:00 a.m. , the program For Love of the Kingdoms will present Chapter II of the series "Learning with bees" . In this edition, we will get to know the work developed for over 30 years at the Apiary of the Light-Community of Figueira , in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

This activity, undertaken in this spiritual center without any commercial intentions, has the purpose of cultivating the loving and cooperative...

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12 Feb

Powerful Novena to Saint Raphael the Archangel: follow the Angelic Hierarchy in this healing task

In 2021, the Divine Messengers invite us to continue invoking the angelic intercession for the healing of humanity and the planet through the Powerful Novena to Saint Raphael the Archangel. This spiritual exercise has been held monthly since April last year, with significant repercussions on internal plans.

The Virgin Mary, in Her Message of April 20, 2020 , highlighted the importance of this novena:

The powerful novena offered to Saint...

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10 Feb

Prayer for Peace in the Nations: participate in the indispensable spiritual exercise for these times

“This is the time to hold prayer as the instrument to solve the most difficult situations, because prayer will always lead you into remaining at another frequency, in a safer reality, at this planetary moment.” The Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace - January 9, 2021

The Divine Messengers are relentless in spreading the main spiritual tool for the salvation of souls today: prayer . The exercise of raising the consciousness through supplication and the dialogue with God has the power to modify our vibration, lead us to higher realities and open the door for Divine Mercy to act where necessary.

So, how about helping yourself and others through this practice that, in its simplicity, hides a sacred science...

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04 Feb

Praises to the King, the unforgettable songs made for Christ, are now available online for listening and downloading

Four albums bringing together the musical legacy of the Sacred Week, a meeting that annually provides us with sublime and transformative moments with Christ Jesus, were released on the digital platform CD Baby , one of the largest online distributors of independent music in the world.

Consequently, the 39 “Praises to the King” presented since 2015 are now available on streaming and downloading services, including:


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25 Jan

2nd Online Youth Festival for Peace: connect and feel the fraternity flow from the hearts of the youth

The 2nd Online Youth Festival for Peace will bring together via the Internet, Sunday, January 31 , young people of various nationalities with the aim of experiencing and spreading the culture of peace. The first virtual edition of the event, in November last year, had more than 4,400 participants from 45 countries.

Beyond dissolving distances and borders to bring together the new generations in the name of the principle of Universal Love, the...

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
