18 Jun

Christ Jesus announces an encounter in Slovakia

The calendar of the Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe has been expanded. Now its next destination , after passing through Poland, is Slovakia , and in its capital Bratislava will be received the Daily Message of Christ Jesus on June 21, with live broadcast by Misericordia Maria TV at 6:00 p.m. local time . ( Learn more )

At the last Apparition of the Virgin Mary on June 17 in Krakow, She came to meet Her children as Our Lady of Czestochowa,...

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24 May

In June, Christ Jesus and the Most Holy Mary will arrive in Poland

"The infinite Mercy of My Heart will be what will save the consciousnesses, because who is inside the Mercy of My Heart will not perish." Christ Jesus

In June, during the Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe , the meetings with the Divine Messengers will reach Poland, homeland of Saint Faustina Kowalska , visionary nun who received from Christ the vision of His Merciful Face .

Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary will be present in Krakow on June 16 and 17 for the program The Sacred Call and the Apparition of the Most Holy Mary .

The meetings of prayer and music in Poland will...

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02 May

Pilgrimage for Peace at the Marian Center of Figueira

After the meetings at the Marian Center of Aurora, the Pilgrimage returns to the Marian Center of Figueira on this second half of May , for the realization of the last events in South America before heading to Europe, where it will travel through many cities in the months of June and of July (find out more) .

When souls and hearts unite for a greater purpose, this allows the entry of the divine energy into each nation, and into each being of this...

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03 Apr

Pilgrimage for Peace at the Marian Centers – April and May

“In this cycle, the Marian Centers will be of spiritual and inner importance for souls, because there they will find the Graces they need so much”.
Mary, Rose of Peace, February 12, 2017

After having experienced eight days of the Presence of the Master Christ Jesus during the Sacred Week, the Pilgrimage for Peace will continue to illumine the world with meetings of prayer and of music.

The Divine Messengers will be present at the Marian Center of Figueira and the Marian Center of Aurora in April and May , opening the doors of Mercy even more for this planet.

These Sacred Spaces, founded by the Most Holy...

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25 Mar

Presence of Emmanuel during the Sacred Week

 “While your guardian angels prostrate themselves on the ground, the deepest griefs are forgiven and by means of this Blue Cross, one more Purpose of God is fulfilled on the surface of this planet.” Emmanuel, January 5 of 2018

The Light of Emmanuel blazed on the top of the Hill of Apparitions on the night of March 24th, starting the most expected moment of the year: the Sacred Week .

The Blue Cross is the living symbol of the presence of Emmanuel, and it holds the merits achieved by the Son of God during all of His passage on Earth; therefore, it is the safe door for us to go through while Our Lord goes through the doors of Jerusalem, one week before His grand...

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23 Mar

Sacred Week 2018 - at the Marian Center of Figueira

“Your Master and Lord is preparing Himself for a new cycle by His companions. I call all those who hear Me to accompany Me in this next Sacred Week when you will not only revive the Codes of My Passion but will also accompany for the first time your Master as He takes a great step, one that will define the coming time for humanity and for the planet.” Christ Jesus

From March 24th through April 1st , the Marian Center of Figueira will host the most anticipated event of the year: The Sacred Week 2018 .

For eight days Our Lord will be among us to pour out over all of humanity His infinite flow of Mercy, and transmit new Instructions through the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón .

This event gathers pilgrims from several parts of the world to pray and praise the Master,...

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13 Mar

New Cycle of Daily Messages of Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary

On March 2nd, 2018, together with the Most Holy Virgin, we commemorated the 4th Anniversary of Her daily messages, at a special Apparition in Quito, Ecuador.

On that day, the Virgin Mary presented us with many revelations. She announced that in addition to renewing Her cycle of daily messages, Christ Jesus will also descend every day for a year to bring us the last Lifelines, and to prepare us for His Return.


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10 Mar

4th Annual Meeting of the Children of Mary

“A Child of Mary is a soul that has disposed itself to accomplish the requests of Heaven and has offered itself to help materialize them; a Child of Mary is a servant that prepares consciously the coming of Christ, because a Child of Mary is a collaborator soul that is at the complete and absolute service of the Immaculate Heart.” The Virgin Mary, March 13th, 2014

This year, the Marian Center of Figueira, in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, will be hosting the 4th Annual Meeting of the Children of Mary .

This gathering, at the request of the Divine Mother, has occurred once a year since 2015, on the 12th of March, during the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations.

“Let Me live in your hearts. In this way, children of Mine, I will teach you to be worthy children of God...

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02 Mar

4th Anniversary of Daily Messages of the Virgin Mary

Another cycle is closing, thus completing 4 years in which the Most Holy Mary came daily to meet with Her children, to transmit sacred instructions. With an immeasurable Love, She calls on us to wake up to Higher Realities, to an unconditional service for our fellow being and the Kingdoms of Nature; She calls us to surrender to the Will of God, trusting in His Plan of Love for this planet.

About the visionary

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón,...

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23 Feb

Marian Centers

"Each Marian Center represents a power plant of transmutation, of salvation, of awakening, of redemption, and of peace for souls, for the Kingdoms of Nature, and for the Universe." The Virgin Mary


The Marian Centers are places consecrated and blessed by the Virgin Mary as points of Light on the planet, founded under Her divine impulse and inspiration, and where a Gift of God is constituted in each of them by Her Maternal Spirit, which allows the awakening of the redemption of hearts and all of the consciousness that is presente there in prayer.

There are currently...

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Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
