Prayer for Peace for the Children throughout the World: the new online event for children and young people

Below, you may learn more about this prayer meeting and discover the spiritual importance of the children in these times

Now, children and young people will be able to gather via the internet to pray and sing to God through the Prayer for Peace for the Children throughout the world. This virtual prayer meeting will be broadcasted live every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. (Brasilia and Buenos Aires Time Zone) through the channel Prayer for Peace in the Nations.

The prayers will be conducted by children from different countries, having as their main agenda the Rosary for the Peace of the Children in War. The broadcast will be made in Spanish and in the future should include other languages such as Portuguese and English. The event is intended for children and young people, but is open to everyone who wishes to participate.

The power of children’s prayers 

Christ Jesus affirmed that children are a portal to His Sacred Heart, for in them is the original essence, the perfect code of what God thought of when He created humanity.

Our Lord revealed in His Message of October 7, 2018 that the virtues emanating from the hearts of the children have great spiritual power:

The love of children can dissolve conflicts between nations and even mitigate the catastrophes of the end of times.

Christ Jesus, October 7, 2018

For this reason, the Master can use the children’s prayers to intercede for the salvation of the most lost souls.


Praised be the little souls of the children who pray with Me! Because through them My Heart will liberate and give Light to fallen souls.

Christ Jesus, April 2, 2013

Our Savior recalled that when He came into the world to fulfill His supreme Sacrifice of Love more than 2,000 years ago, the children were a great breath for His Soul.

When I was present on Earth children were My main consolation because I knew that in them I could find that part of God that consoles and sustains at crucial moments.

Christ Jesus, October 7, 2018

In spiritual education, an impulse for children to manifest their gifts 

Christ Jesus said that children who are encouraged to seek God may be the receptacles of divine gifts and talents that will help rebuild the planet.  

Praised be the children who come to Me! Because in them I will deposit My New Gifts, those which will give fruit in the Promised Earth through their little hearts.

Christ Jesus, April 2, 2013

Our Lord has indicated that the awakening and spiritual formation of children are very important, as this will make them have more wisdom to resolve the challenges of these times.

If children received spiritual education on the existence of the Universe and of the Heavenly Father, they would acquire greater inner capacities in order to be able to modify and correct the times because, for the existence of God's Purity within them, their intercession before impossible situations is greater.

Christ Jesus, October 7, 2018

Taking the Words of the Master into consideration, the Prayer for Peace for the Children throughout the World is an opportunity to bring the little ones closer to spiritual life. In this way, they will be able to learn to pray and develop faith and devotion, and be involved and protected by the heavenly vibrations generated through prayer.  

The purity that will save the planet

The Divine Messengers have always said that we must be pure like little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We need to have them as an  inspiration so that the virtue of purity may be reborn within us. As the Virgin Mary pointed out, this attribute is fundamental so that we may be protected from the chaos of these times and so that God’s Mercy may be poured out upon the world.

Purity will protect your hearts so that they not unite to all human actions which in this world have distanced humanity from the beloved Heart of God. … For this reason, My little children, to be able to help the world and the spiritual conversion, I invite you to turn towards My Heart as little children. In this way, in prayer and love, the Celestial Father will pour His Mercy over the world.

The Virgin Mary, December 30, 2011

The role of children in the Return of Christ

Our Lord announced in His Message of January 10, 2020, that the existence of children on Earth makes it possible for Him to descend from the Celestial Universe to communicate with us and to prepare His Return.

I can return to the world as many times as possible, because on this planet are present the smallest and most innocent children of humanity. If these little children were not present, I could not return because, through them, God reflects His image of purity, innocence and love for humanity.

Christ Jesus, January 10, 2020

The Master also highlighted that in the little ones exist, the potential to manifest the New Humanity. According to Him, amongst the children who are incarnated at this time, many have come with the mission of dedicating themselves to the realization of His Plan of Love.


Conscious of the importance of children and of our mission to motivate them to connect with God, may we present favorable environments and possibilities for them to choose to take their steps in spiritual life. 

We hope that the Prayer for Peace for the Children throughout the World will fulfill the task of putting them together in an environment of love, joy, and faith, so that the purity of their prayers may open a source of Grace upon the planet.