24 Jan

Christ Jesus transmits words of consolation to the Venezuelan people

Within the program of the live broadcast of Praying with the Virgin Mary , a special message of Christ Jesus will be presented. Our Lord addresses His loving words especially to Venezuelans and other Latin Americans.

Within the message of Christ Jesus, new guidelines are also revealed for March, this being the month which marks the end of the period of pause and reflection , which was requested by the Master.


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16 Jan

Christ Jesus transmits a new series of messages: "Manifestation of Aurora"

"The Kingdom of Aurora must be a completely manifested space so that the task of Aurora may take place on the surface."
Christ Jesus, January 4, 2019

On January 3, Our Lord began a series of messages called "Manifestation of Aurora." We understand Manifestation of Aurora to be its Marian Center and the areas of the Light-Community of Fraternity , located in the rural area of the department of Paysandú in Uruguay.

In that same region, the Virgin Mary made Her first apparition, in 2007, revealing Herself as the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. It was also there that the Master...

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27 Dec

There will be a pause in the Pilgrimage for Peace in January and February

On December 6, Christ Jesus announced a pause in the scheduling of the Pilgrimage for Peace during the months of January and February of 2019:

"I wish to announce to the whole world that the continuation of this Work with the Divine Messengers will experience a pause towards the end of this month of December and that it will continue on when all has been fulfilled, not only on a spiritual level but also on a material level." Christ Jesus, December 6, 2018...
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22 Dec

Christmas at the Marian Center of Figueira - December 24 and 25: Vigil of Prayer and Apparition of the Virgin Mary

"On this Christmas, may the spirit awaken of reconciliation, of love, of forgiveness and faith, so that souls may liberate themselves from any feeling of guilt and of agony. Offer to God your prayers for the spirit of unity and of love to be recovered again within the most forgotten families in the world." Mary, Rose of Peace, December 3, 2018

Within a recent Message, our Divine Mother speaks to us about the opportunity of renewing our vows of commitment and unity with the Nativity of our Lord.

The Vigil of Prayer and the Apparition of the Virgin Mary on this Christmas will be a time when we turn our attention inward and look for the real meaning of the Birth of Jesus on Earth.

The Most Holy Mary asks us to manifest acts of love, forgiveness, and...

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15 Nov

Christ Jesus requests prayers for the unborn

In the last Marathon of Divine Mercy, on the 6th of November in Florianópolis, Our Lord has made a new and important request: prayer for the unborn.

...today I especially came to request the mothers of the world to pray for the unborn, so that the Father may pour out His Grace rather than His Justice, and the mothers who did not understand what they carried in their womb, may have the opportunity of loving and forgiving again...


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07 Nov

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Camboriú, in southern Brazil, on November 13th

“I come to awaken ambassadors of peace and of the good, forerunners of a New Time, in which duality will be defeated by the power of Love and of Unity, which will come to Earth through the sincere prayers of the children of God.” Mary, Rose of Peace, October 25, 2018

With the continuation of the Pilgrimage for Peace in the south of Brazil during the month of November, that began with the Marathon of Divine Mercy, an event in which Florianópolis received the presence and instruction of Christ Jesus, the city of Camboriú is preparing for the Apparition of the Virgin Mary, on the 13th of this month .

We invite all to accompany our Heavenly Mother in Her untiring ministry of Love, answering Her call for this...

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01 Nov

November: Florianopolis receives the 64th Marathon of Divine Mercy

“My legions of Light are formed by the angels of Heaven and by the servers of Earth. I depend on each one of them to pour out the Renewing Fount of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.” The Glorified Christ Jesus, April 6, 2018

In November , the city of Florianópolis , in southern Brazil, was chosen to host the Marathon of Divine Mercy . The event is part of the Pilgrimage for Peace, which has been travelling through various countries of the world, having ecumenical meetings of prayer and music that unite peoples, cultures, and nations through Love and the instructions of the Divine Messengers.

The Marathon of Divine Mercy is a spiritual practice carried out on the 5th...

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24 Oct

Important request of the Virgin Mary: Novena for the good and justice in Brazil

"Children, I need that all the Brazilians, who have love for Our Lady, may dedicate, within these coming nine days, a Mystery of the Rosary for the Mother of the Most High to have the joy of interceding for a people that is deeply loved by Me."
Mary, Rose of Peace, October 24, 2018

In a recent message , our Blessed Mother asks us for a novena of prayer for Brazil . From October 25 to November 2 , we will offer a Mystery of the Rosary to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that Brazil does not lose peace nor justice and the patronage of Our Lady of Aparecida will be preserved.

Praying as a single voice!

The Divine Mother asked us to pray the novena while broadcasting live through the channel of Prayer...

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14 Oct

The Pilgrimage for Peace in Argentina continues in Viedma: Apparitions of Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary

"The time has come, companions of Argentina, to climb one more step to approach God and to feel His Love that fills you". Christ Jesus, October 3, 2018

Continuing the Pilgrimage for Peace in Argentina in October, Viedma will receive Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary in Their public Apparitions, to bless and encourage Argentina and the world to fulfill the Plans of the Most High.

Viedma is the capital of the province of Río Negro and it is situated on the banks of the river. This was the city chosen by the Messengers of God to receive the last events of the pilgrimage through Argentina....

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08 Oct

The Most Holy Virgin will appear in Bariloche, in October

“Dear children, I will come to this nation as many times as God allows Me to, for the Father has a precious project for you.” Mary, Lady and Queen of the Most Holy Faith, March 12, 2014

We invite everyone to accompany our Divine Mother in the Apparition that will take place in Bariloche , on the 13th of October, as part of the Pilgrimage for Peace in Argentina .

Mary aspires that we respond to Her call and that we understand that all of what She asks of us is urgent and vital, not only for our lives, but also for all of humanity.

Dear children, a new Argentina must be born through the Christic love...

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Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
