10 Jul

Closure and Gratitude - Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe

"To go on pilgrimage with the Divine Messengers into the world is to assume the apostleship of these times and to forget oneself so that the world may receive the peace that comes from the Heart of the Creator." The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, June 22, 2019

In each stage that is concretized, the scope of the Work of the Messengers of God becomes more clear to us as they encompass the entire planet, carrying the love and the compassion of the Creator to each corner of the Earth, thus expanding the Project of Redemption of humanity.

During the months of May and June of 2019, the invincible Light of the Heart of Christ, the maternal Love of Mary, and the Wisdom of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph...

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03 Jul

The Pilgrimage for Peace returns to the Marian Center of Figueira

"As Mother and Lady of this sacred Figueira, I tell you that My plans are beginning to manifest within My little soldiers, because the Marian Center, which is the expression of My Love for the beings of the Earth, now begins to spiritually merge with the essences of those who walk with Me." Virgin Mary, March 25, 2014

After two months of intense journeying and glorious spiritual triumphs for Europe and for all of humanity, the Pilgrimage for Peace returns to Sacred Figueira, with meetings of prayer and music in praise of God, in which His Love and Mercy will be poured out upon His children through the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph.

During the month of July , the Marian Center of Figueira will not only be a place of prayer and of peace,...

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26 Jun

Marian Centers and Prayer for Peace in the Nations pray one thousand Hail Marys

"Today My maternal gratitude is expressed to those who pray that, month after month, during the Thousand Hail Marys, open the doors of Heaven so that I may descend to the world and always pray by their side. Even though you may not see Me, My Omnipresent Spirit will embrace you, just as the eternal Father embraces you with great love." 
Virgin Mary, March 17, 2015

The Marian Centers of Figueira, of Aurora, of the Holy Spirit and of the Child King are preparing to carry out another round of prayer dedicated to Our Lady, through the Thousand Hail Marys that are done on the last Sunday of each month . This work of prayer is open to pilgrims, devotees, and all people who want to come to know and participate in a moment of prayer dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

As from this month, besides the prayer of the...

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21 Jun

Music for Healing and Upliftment of Humanity – special “Praises to the King”

The program of the Music for Healing and Upliftment of Humanity of June 23 is dedicated to the second part of the special, Praises to the King . This program will transmit five video-clips of songs presented during the Sacred Weeks which took place in the Marian Center of Figueira from 2016 to 2018.

The Praises to the King are songs that unite prayer and melody to express love for Christ Jesus. In each chord, a note of faith, of hope and of...

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20 Jun

The Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe will continue until Netherlands

“I send you to different peoples, so that nations come to Me and find Me in all who sincerely wait for the path of reconciliation. This is the time for Me to be in you not only through the Sacraments, but to be in you also by means of My Word of Love”. Christ Jesus, May 29, 2019

Route confirmed: Netherlands, as a Nation, will receive the event of the Pilgrimage for Peace, in which Christ Jesus will close this journey of redemption in Europe, which began on May 5, in Portugal. On June 21 , Our Lord will be present in The Sacred Call, in Amsterdam ; the event will begin at 7 p.m., at De Nieuwe Liefde .

The meeting of prayer with the Virgin Mary , originally predicted to take place in the city of Santander, Spain, was...

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11 Jun

Christ Jesus transmits a special message in Medjugorje

"Let us celebrate this moment and this opportunity for reflection and an expansion of consciousness, this grace of giving oneself even more to God in surrender and in trust." 
Christ Jesus, May 28, 2019

With the energy of Love-Wisdom poured into each word, Christ Jesus transmitted a special message to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesus in the blessed Medjugorje. The Master synthesizes His instruction for these times, making humanity aware of what really matters at this moment, within and outside each one of us, so that His Work of redemption may be protected and continued.

With words that are nurturing for the soul, He gives...

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28 May

The Divine Messengers enter Eastern Europe

"Today, follow Me with love, and do not seek to understand the things of God, but rather open up so that His Wisdom may have you come to know His Truth, and let the pure feeling of My Celestial Love be enough so that your hearts know that I am here." Mary, Rose of Peace, May 13, 2019

After Portugal and Italy received all the light of the Divine Messengers, the pilgrim group lands in Croatia for the Meeting with the Virgin Mary, which will take place on May 31, in Zagreb.

The pilgrims and devotees are invited to open to unite with the heart of the Mother of the World through prayer and music, and to prepare the path so that She may deliver Her message of love, of peace and of conversion.

And after...

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10 May

Humanitarian Lebanon/Angola Mission

The Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Missions , will conduct during the months of May and June two humanitarian missions in the Middle-East and Africa , focusing on the help to orphan refugee children and those in situation of social vulnerability .

The group will be composed of 12 missionaries of six different nationalities (Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia and Portugal) and will support humanitarian actions in Lebanon in...

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18 Apr

The Divine Messengers modify the itinerary of the Campaign for Peace during May and June

At the request of the Divine Hierarchy, Mother María Shimani de Montserrat announced a change in the itinerary of the Campaign for Peace, which will be carried out in Europe, Africa and the Middle East during the months of May and June of 2019.

The Apparitions of the Divine Messengers, that had been planned to take place in the Middle East, will instead be carried out in Croatia, Hungary, Germany, Holland and Spain. The meetings of prayer in...

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11 Apr

Enroll for the Sacred Week

"The bells are calling. Sacred Week is approaching, and you are invited to commune with this important meeting. Awaken".
Christ Jesus, April 2, 2019

April 14th to the 21st at the Marian Center of Figueira, Brazil

A few days before the start of the most important event of the year, Our Lord reinforces the call to gather His disciples around His Sacred Heart. From Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday , Christ Jesus transmits special messages, through the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, to all His companions and followers, from the Marian Center of Figueira to the whole planet....

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Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
