11 Oct

Our Lady of Aparecida: a devotion that dialogues with the essence of the Brazilian people

“Today, My children, another anniversary is completed of when the Celestial Father decided to reveal, to some humble fishermen, the face of Our Lady Aparecida; a face that protects and safeguards Brazil as a country, but also a face which arrived, at that time, into the hands of the fishermen, to destroy, once and for all, the slavery and subjection of the black and African people.”

The Virgin Mary, October 12, 2019

Throughout history, the Divine Mother has manifested Herself throughout the world through different Faces, who carry the spiritual attributes that each people most needs.

October 12 is the liturgical feast of Our Lady of Aparecida, patroness and protector of Brazil. On this date, a national holiday since 1980, millions of Brazilians express their love and devotion to the Black Virgin.

But how did devotion to Our Lady of...

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30 Sep

Youth Festival for Peace Online: music and volunteering are the tonic of this edition

The Online Youth Festival for Peace (YFP) brings, in this edition, the theme "Time to help, time to serve". In addition to the musical attractions, the highlight is the voluntary service actions led by young people from different countries. The idea is that these examples inspire the new generations to create a great chain of solidarity throughout the world.

Participate from home!

The Festival will take place on October 3, Sunday, with broadcast at two...

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28 Sep

October with the Divine Messengers: Annual Apparition of Saint Joseph and other changes in the schedule

In Their infinite Mercy, the Divine Messengers are constantly adjusting Their Plans of Peace to the demanding times in which we live. Therefore, the events calendar for October reserves some surprises and changes, both in the dates and times of the prayer and music meetings.

In the first half of the month, the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús will be in retreat at the request of the Virgin Mary. Thus, the events that count on...

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17 Sep

For Love of the Kingdoms: learn how trees, in addition to being vital to the balance of the planet, favor our union with God

Over the last months, the online program For Love of the Kingdoms has presented several aspects of the life of the seeds, showing that these organisms reproduce cosmic patterns on Earth, aligned with the movements of the Universe. Now, let's follow the seeds’ journey of growth through learning about trees.

On September 19 (Sunday), at 11am , For Love of the Kingdoms will present the study "Trees: Roots in the Ground and Purpose in the Infinite" . The broadcast will be carried out...

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14 Sep

In October - the Online Youth Festival for Peace : Time to help, time to serve!

The global situation requires us all to make a commitment to transformation, expanding solidarity and voluntary engagement for the common good. The Online Youth Festival for Peace , which will take place on October 3 (Sunday) , seeks to do its part to respond to the great need for fraternal actions in these times.

The event aims to inspire the new generations to discover in the service to others, a way to develop their inner potential and thus, be agents of change...

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10 Sep

Understand why the heart holds the main answers for these times, according to the Divine Messengers

In this cycle of spiritual definition, each human being is living their individual tests, besides from the collective challenges of the planetary crisis. But it is no longer enough to seek solutions based only on the intellect to deal with so many demanding events.

The Divine Messengers said that the inner resources we need most now are beyond the mind. According to Them, the main answers will emerge from our hearts as we learn to feel and...

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28 Aug

Prayer for Peace for the Children throughout the World: the new online event for children and young people

Below, you may learn more about this prayer meeting and discover the spiritual importance of the children in these times

Now, children and young people will be able to gather via the internet to pray and sing to God through the Prayer for Peace for the Children throughout the world . This virtual prayer meeting will be broadcasted live every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. (Brasilia and Buenos Aires Time Zone) through the channel Prayer for Peace in the...

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25 Aug

September: the Divine Messengers arrive in Europe to fulfill a new stage of Their Plans

“I will head to a challenging task, sustained by each one of My children through the fidelity in the prayer of the heart and, even more, through the fidelity of the Sacred Communion with My Son.” 
The Virgin Mary, August 13 of 2021

In September, the Divine Messengers will begin a new cycle of Their planetary task, where they will take Their impulses of Love and Peace to Europe. During the coming months, the Sacred Hearts will intercede from this continent for diverse peoples and nations in need of profound spiritual assistance.

Our Lady announced:

My return to Europe is to try, once again, to withdraw many of My children from the indifference and...

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23 Aug

Prayer and fasting: two spiritual keys to reverse critical situations within the Kingdoms of Nature

“Each one of you, as part of this human civilization, as an expression of the Will of God, beyond faith or religion, has a duty toward Creation.” The Virgin Mary, July 13 of 2020

Deforestation, pollution, exploitation of animals, depletion of natural resources. When we contemplate the situation of our beloved and suffering planet, aggravated by the effects of climate change, we face a scenario so worrying that can make us feel hopeless and powerless.

At these times, we must recall the Words of the Virgin Mary, spoken at Her Apparition of July 13, 2020 : “... humankind will be able to be reconciled with the laws of nature...

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16 Aug

For Love of the Kingdoms: New Learning about the Spiritual Dimension in Seed Cultivation

The importance of seeds for life on the planet is so great and the potential of these organisms is so vast that it is necessary to approach several aspects related to their cultivation.

Therefore, on August 19 (Thursday), at 11 am , the online program For Love of the Kingdoms will present the fourth chapter of the series “Seeds: life that is reborn”. The broadcast will be on the Misericordia María TV channel, with translation into English.

In this edition, we will watch the...

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Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
