18 Dec

Request of the Virgin Mary for an urgent cause: Prayer for Peace in Eastern Europe and Russia

The Divine Mother always has Her Eyes set upon the Earth, using every sincere prayer of Her children to reach where there is the greatest need. She has affirmed that, thanks to our prayers, many ideas contrary to the Will of God have been able to be neutralized before they precipitate in the form of more conflict and suffering on the planet.

Now the Virgin Mary is counting on our support once again to avoid a serious event in Eastern Europe....

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15 Dec

Day 19: learn more about guardian trees in the program For Love of the Kingdoms

Have you ever heard of guardian trees? They are trees that, due to the spiritual strength acquired with maturity, in addition to the qualities of their species, play the role of protectors, both physically and spiritually, of the place where they live. On December 19, (Sunday), at 11 a.m. (Brasilia time zone) , we will learn more about them in the end-of-year special of the program For Love of the Kingdoms .

The program will also present some of...

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13 Dec

Request of the Virgin Mary: Novena for the Re-consecration of the Families of the World to the Sacred Family

“Each prayer made with love for the Sacred Family of Nazareth will constitute this unbreakable fortitude that the families of the world will need in order to learn to survive all the interferences and influences of these critical times.” The Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace - November 24, 2017

In the last few years, the Virgin Mary commissioned us with some special tasks in the month of Christmas. Her divine purpose, through these simple requests, is to bestow upon souls the same gifts and virtues with which the Sacred Family of Nazareth illuminated the world.

One of the most important spiritual exercises that the Divine Mother invites us to perform in this period is the Novena for the Re-consecration of the Families of the World to...

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10 Dec

Revelations of the Divine Messengers about the Kingdoms of Nature - Part 1: Mineral Kingdom

Do you have any idea of the spiritual importance of the Mineral Kingdom? Composed of water, soil, stones, rocks, ores and gases, it is the basic source of nutrition and sustenance for the other kingdoms and holds the oldest records of humanity.

Although human science considers it devoid of life, the Divine Messengers have affirmed that, like everything in Creation, the Mineral Kingdom has a spiritual consciousness. So much so that Christ Jesus...

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24 Nov

December: time of peace and union, time to disseminate the Christmas spirit with the Divine Messengers

“This upcoming Christmas, may souls experience the Birth of My Son, as something truthful and deep. In this way, dear children, your hearts will become receptacles that are prepared to receive the same codes of light that the Sacred Family received in those times, from all the angels of the universe, when they gathered around the Sacred Birth of Jesus.”
The Virgin Mary, December 2, 2015

After a year full of challenges, the time has come to renew our faith and hope, celebrating the birth of the Child Jesus, as confirmation that God is always with us, giving Himself perpetually out of love for humanity.

According to the Divine Messengers, it is very important that at least a part of humanity experiences Christmas with awareness of its true and profound meaning, for in this way we will open the doors to receive the Mercy and Graces...

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23 Nov

This Saturday (11/27): Youth Festival for Peace Online

The Youth Festival for Peace Online (YFP) will take place this Saturday (11/27) , with the theme Going towards the PURPOSE . This issue will be dedicated to inspiring young people to seek the inner connection that can reveal to them the spiritual meaning of their lives.

The free event will be held at two times: at 11 a.m. (first part) and at 5 p.m. (second part) .

The broadcast will be in Portuguese, Spanish and English...

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15 Nov

For Love of the Kingdoms: get to know a group who takes care of the trees combining technique and spirituality

On Friday, November 19, at 11:00 a.m. , the program For Love of the Kingdoms will resume the study of trees. In Chapter 2 of the series "Trees: roots under the earth and purpose in infinity" , we will get to know the work developed by the Trees Group, which has been operating for more than 15 years within the Light-Community of Figueira, in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Formed by volunteers, the Trees Group is dedicated to taking...

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28 Oct

New request from the Virgin Mary: Spiritual Novena to Saint Gabriel the Archangel

In this time of planetary crisis, it is urgent that souls respond to God’s Call so that humanity may have an opportunity of redemption.

In order to raise this process of awakening, the Virgin Mary, in Her Message of October 23, 2021 , transmitted a new spiritual exercise: the Spiritual Novena to Saint Gabriel the Archangel.

Our Lady asked that, if possible, everyone should include this novena in their monthly agenda of...

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25 Oct

November: the Divine Messengers count on us to support Their planetary task in this time of emergency

As we know, after two years of having South America as a work base, the Divine Messengers returned to Europe in September with the purpose of carrying forward a new stage of Their Redemptive Work.

At this time, The Sacred Hearts are dedicating Themselves to balancing planetary emergencies and to removing the spiritual roots of situations of inequality and injustice that affect, above all, Africa and the Middle East.


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15 Oct

Day 19: New Message from Saint Joseph will be transmitted at a special event

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph , our beloved Instructor, delivered His annual Message to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús and asked for it to be disseminated on the 19th , in a meeting of prayer and music that He called the Annual Apparition of Saint Joseph . The event will be broadcasted at 11 am , by Misericordia María TV , with translation into English .

Thus, we will be able to pray, sing and listen to the unprecedented words of the Adopted...

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Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
