Wednesday, August 31 of 2011

Special Apparitions

As requested, the group carried out a procession with candles from the auditorium of Casa Redención to the Tree of Apparitions.

On reaching the place, all sat down and began the work of prayer.

While everybody prayed, Friar Elías and another brother approached the Tree; shortly after, the sisters of the Fraternity Network of Prayer did so, and a little later, other praying brothers, very faithful to the Work of the Divine Mother, also approached, remaining for some time under the Tree, together with the group already there.

Finally, silence was requested.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Divine Mother says that She is now going to bless us, she is going to radiate Her Heart of Peace to us.

She asks that all who can, should kneel to receive Her blessing.


By the radiance of My Motherly Love, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

While the Divine Mother blesses us, we're going to repeat a prayer which She taught the group here, close to the Tree, at the beginning of the Apparition. She asked that we all pray it, that it is the true Message Archangel Gabriel gave Her when He announced the Birth of the Messiah.

Let us, brothers and sisters who are here, begin to pray, and others may gradually join us as they feel comfortable to do so. While we pray, we're going to let the energy of the Mother reach us. She is going to emanate that energy from Her Heart Center, from Her Heart of Peace, toward us. Let us accept this offering.


Everybody present began to pray the following prayer:


Blessed are You among all creatures,
for You were conceived by a Greater Grace.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Divine Mother said that She will soon return for a longer period. She is now rising up, but Her Heart of Peace continues to radiate. She is very happy because of the response we have given Her.

From up high in the sky She says to us:


Peace and you will rise!

Trust in My Peace and you will rise!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She projected Herself into Infinity like a sphere of Light. Let's put out the candles and sing to Her the song "The Lady in Charge,” to say goodbye.

The song requested is sung.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We'll give a brief account of the Apparition, so all are able to understand what happened.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When we arrived here, the conditions for the Apparition were already present and, inwardly, She said She was opening the Heavens to appear.

Today She came with a green Robe and crowned with stars, and She explained: "The light blue Robe is for establishing Peace and the green Robe is for healing the heart."

The Divine Mother came from the moon. When She drew close, a sphere of Light very rapidly etched a great symbol of Infinity in the sky. The Infinity sign was drawn horizontally, but afterwards, that same sphere began to vertically draw another Infinity sign.

While this was happening, the Heavens began to open and a light blue energy bathed all the space over us. Various choirs of angels appeared and two more spheres began to draw the same design the first had done. Those three spheres were close to one another, they moved together in the same direction, at the same time, at a point in the space, each drew a flower.

Then the Mother appeared, going through the three flowers drawn in the sky, bringing in Her Hands the symbol of the Fleur de Lys, and She said to us: "I Am the Lady of Lys, I Am the Flower of Lys.”

She descended to the crown of the Tree and made the symbol of the Fleur de Lys disappear. With open Hands, She bathed us with Her Light. She was smiling at us in silence, and Her Countenance shone brighter and brighter, until She was completely resplendent. Her silhouette and Her image were very real and were in constant movement.

At another moment, She told me to look at a place, beside the Tree, where the apostles appeared. They greeted us, bowed like those of the East do and disappeared.

When She called us (Friar Elías and the other brother from the Monastery), we didn't quite understand why She had a smile. She explained that it was so we would accept Her Love in silence.

Then She began to speak and transmitted the prayer to which you were just introduced.

Later, She called the sisters of the Prayer Network, to whom She also transmitted some Words.

Then She called two other praying brothers, blessed them, and transmitted some Words of instruction to them for their work.

Everybody who has come up front has done so because She asked it. She calls them by name and by their consciousness; She not only calls our planetary being, our personality, but also calls our inner being, our soul. When She calls it, She does so by the name of that soul.

Today, the Divine Mother called some people who need to take on certain commitments they have with Her. When they approached the Tree and were in front of the Divine Mother, She descended a little more so some could touch Her Feet.

To some She gave a crown of roses, to others She gave a golden rose that, bending down, She took from Her Mantle.

When She did this, She said: "This is the Flower of the Immaculate Conception.”

While She spoke, She said She was happy with our response, because we believed in what She was telling us.

At a certain moment, She raised up Her Arms, placed the palms of Her Hands upward, Her gaze focused on the Heavens, in the deep Universe, and carried out a powerful prayer.

At that moment, the Heavens began to open in a grand way.

We transcribed the prayer spoken by the Divine Mother:

O Lord of all the universes!,

Who emerged from the purity of existence,

may the flame come from You

to all these creatures

who consecrate their beings to My Immaculate Heart.

May the Divine Trinity,

which comes from the sublime hope in all souls,

ignite essences

so the Plan of Love and Light

which You have entrusted to Me, Blessed Lord,
may be fulfilled.

I Am the Divine Conception of the Trinity,

the Guardian of Love,

the Protector and Mother of Peace.

I implore of You, with My pure hope,

that You give Light to all the hearts that are fallen,

and that You reconcile all Your Children

through the flame of My Love.

You have conceived Me as Lady of the Heavens,

like the dawn in the life of souls,

like the fruit of Your Heart.

Now I call on You, Lord,

together with My children,

so You may hear My plea,

which begs You from the depths of My Consciousness.

I Am Yours,

and raised up Am I by Your Grace and by Your Love.

Angels and Archangels intone the choirs of Love

so Your Will may be accomplished, Lord,

and the Purpose be sown in hearts.

I wait, Lord, with sublime hope,

as the Mother Mary, Queen of Peace,

for Your Light to descend

and evil be removed from all consciousnesses;

because the sword You have granted Me,

Sacred Archangel Gabriel,

cuts the snares and ties

that suffocate hearts.

I ignite My Light, now and always,

for all eternity, now and forever more,

as Your Guardian of Love,

Your Messenger of Peace,

the infinite Servant of Mercy.

I Am, I Am, I Am

the Mother of Peace.



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


We understood that this prayer was coming spontaneously out of Her, full of love and of life. It is a supplication She made for humanity, in which She unites Her Apparitions, from Fatima to Medjugorje, as the Queen of Peace, and also as the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

That prayer relates Her Apparitions with Mary, the Mother of Nazareth. While She was doing this prayer, the Mother projected some very expressive and instructive images, where She showed how She was connected with the Father when She prayed and how the Father responded to Her prayers.

In this prayer, She prayed not only for hearts that are fallen, but also for those that don't believe in what is happening and for those who don't listen to Her Messages in this time.

The Divine Mother prayed out loud, in a resounding and powerful way. And it could be perceived that the Father answered Her from the Spiritual Universe, because a Light which seemed abstract began to descend, it was a very subtle and higher energy that came from on High and which descended upon Her, impregnating Her, filling Her, a light which expanded out to the whole world.

After this prayer, She transmitted some Words.


By the Grace and the Peace which emanate from My Heart, I Am the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I ask you to be meek and to wait for the multitudes.

I Am Mary, of Nazareth, the Universal Mother, Who was conceived as the Immaculate Conception and Who was conceived by the Divine Trinity.

Tell all your brothers and sisters that My Heart flows out with joy because you trusted in My call.

Welcome all those that will come, understanding or not understanding.

I bring you My Peace from the center of Medjugorje. There, My Threefold Flame descends as it does here. But here and now, it is through the Light of prayer and of My constant Apparition.

I want a single purpose to be accomplished, which is to rescue souls through the collaboration of all of you.

Who sees without seeing, who feels without knowing, and who acts without understanding will gain the Kingdom of the Heavens. I will open the door to them.

Thank you for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


Today She also asked us who would dare to accept Her Love, who would dare to take a risk for Her.

The brothers who had been called by Her received a request. She told some things to them, not only to their consciousnesses, but also to their inner beings, and She entrusted them with some tasks.

Part of this movement is for understanding that we must be prepared to be called at any moment, to be attentive to hear Her Words, which are Words of Love and Words of Peace.

As everybody knows, at the end of the Apparition, She said She was blessing us. After the blessing, She began to rise up and dematerialize. She gradually began to turn into a sphere of Light and the portals of Heaven began to take shape, which She calls the "Doors to the Heavens.”

While these doors were appearing, the sphere of Light began to disappear very slowly. While it disappeared, Her projecting Her Heart of Peace toward us could be felt. That Heart, on other planes, can be seen as a human heart that beats, which is alive, which emanates Light, and at that moment, She projected it by means of two rays of white Light.

This evening, She invited each one of us to carry Her Heart with us when we go to sleep and that we try to feel Her.

Thank you all.