Tuesday, July 23 of 2024

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Children, with the most sublime Breath of the Spirit of God, today I come to meet you, to remind you of peace, so that you invoke peace not only through your prayers, but also through your actions and works of charity, because each gesture of love that you can express day by day will mean and represent, to God, the possibility for the opening of the door toward the universe of peace for the world.

In the face of the grave sins and outrages that continue to be committed in humanity, in the face of so many disasters of nature, and also of so many moral and social disasters, I come to remind each child of Mine to invoke in depth the Great Spirit of Peace, which is reflected as the Breath of the Spirit of God in all souls of this universe.

I told you a while ago that the cup was almost full, then I told you that the cup was overflowing and, in the face of so many errors committed, it is the moment and the hour when My children, faithful beings of prayer of My Heart, must wholeheartedly implore to God so that the venom of the errors of the world will not to continue to expand in souls and hearts. Because the blindness of the souls and spirits of this world in this time is so great, that, sometimes, Our Words no longer resound, no longer echo in hearts.

For this reason, I come here as your Mother and Intercessor, but I also come here as the Supplicating Mother who implores for all Her children of the world to open their eyes and, above all, to open their hearts to hear the Call that comes from God, so that as many souls as possible may be reintegrated into the Principle and the Law, so that the rescue may be possible in more hearts, and all those who are already becoming lost may be saved by My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, before it is too late.

I do not come here to warn you, but rather I come here to give you a last call, because August will be My definitive time just as it will be for My Beloved Son and for Saint Joseph.

The time and the moment has come, My children, for the Word of Life of Our Sacred Hearts to be part of each one of your beings and to be expressed even in daily life, in the facts and events of life.

At this moment, My children, if you do so, and if you live that way, you will understand all that we have told you throughout the times, and your lives will be a sign for God, a sign of obedience and reverence, for having heard the Word of God through His Divine Messengers.

The cycle, whose closing was already written, is drawing near, and this does not mean the spiritual abandonment of God for His Creatures, but rather that this is the great impulse for the spiritual maturity of souls, the commitment and responsibility that each heart can live in this time in the name of My Son.

For this reason, I also come here, in the name of My Son, to prepare the last disciples of Christ, those who will not allow themselves to turn back, but who will open to advance and thus attain, through the Law and obedience, humility and simplicity of life, what God wants to concretize and carry out in this world and through souls, in this end time.

Therefore, My children, you must remember and know that, throughout so many years and through so many opportunities and by means of Our Apparitions, of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, you have been before an unknown opportunity, before an infinite door of the Grace of God, which you will never again be able to forget, because it is a Grace that the majority does not deserve. And this does not mean injustice on the part of God, because God is just, He is just because God is Law, and His Law is Love, founded and based on His infinite  Wisdom, which is that which fosters and impels Graces for all hearts. This Source of Grace will close, so that souls may live the Grace of God, after all they have received spiritually.

Do you now understand about the importance that you may live Our Words and that Our Words not only remain in the books?

Because this is not Our objective and mission, Our purpose is that the Word of God be fulfilled in souls by means of a sensible, humble and simple transformation, without arrogance or impositions, without expectations or personal desires.

At the end of this cycle, we would like all to learn to live from Our Humility, which is the Humility of the Living God, expressed in Creation and in life, in each heart that lives the Truth and does not outrage it with anything, not even with their actions. Because as My Son, who is the Truth Itself, said, the Truth will make you free from yourselves, so that you may someday attain eternal life.

In these last days of July, I come to spiritually prepare all those who dispose themselves to enter the definitive month of August, as definitive, as important, as all the months of August that have passed throughout the times.

But this month of August is characterized by its end, and by the beginning of a new cycle and of a new impulse, which will place souls and the lives of all servers of Christ in the spiritual ring in which they truly should have been since the beginning.

My Son has great aspirations for souls, because He comes to quench His thirst in the hearts that open in honesty to receive Him by means of the Holy Communion, as through each moment of adoration.

Sacraments, the Eucharist, the Gospel, and a life of prayer and service are the important pillars for souls in the transition of the end of these times. Therein lie the Treasures of God that can be united and come true in hearts by means of a life of consecration and service to God, without expecting anything in return, trusting in what is unknown and unpalpable, loving the Infinite in order to find the dwelling that belongs to each spirit in this sidereal universe.

From today on, I leave the door open, the last preparatory door for those who will dare to cross on the way to the month of August, a moment of synthesis, a moment of conclusion, but also a moment of a new beginning of the contact that souls can have with the origins, principles and attributes that, from the beginning, founded this Spiritual Work, which is a Work of the Hierarchy.

Do you now understand the need for being able to start again?

God is so merciful, good, and prodigious, that He always gives opportunities to souls, even knowing that they can commit errors or make mistakes, because the Gaze of God does not observe the errors, but rather the spiritual wealth that He left in each soul; a spiritual wealth that can only be experienced through truth and honesty with oneself. If this is not present, it is not possible to experience it.

For this reason, God always seeks the way and the means, through Our Sacred Hearts, to teach the right path to His children, until each one can walk on their own feet along the pathway that Christ offers to them, His path of simplicity, free from power, from all authority and even all belief. Because the path that My Son built was through His Sacrifice and His Calvary. He charted the path for all creatures through His shed Blood.

Just as He gave all, He expects you to give all, and that you do so even more when Our Voices withdraw, when Our Presences withdraw. Because We will always pray, from Heaven, for those who are brave, for those who do not fear to face reality and transform it. We will pray for those who have the courage to be honest, because that is where My Son will place His last seeds and will impart His last gifts, so that His last sheep may prepare the arrival of the Shepherd, opening paths in this world, touching hearts with the example of love and simplicity.

Happy are those who hear without having seen. Full of Grace will be those who adhere without even knowing. For God writes on souls with His silent Hand, on those who recognize Him through His Face within themselves, without any property, without any power, without wanting anything. For God lives His own void, but at the same time the Absolute lives in all things, which vivifies the Creation, the universes and all life.

I bless you, through the Light of My Son, so that My Words may echo in hearts, the last Words of salvation and in the name of peace, of universal peace.

By the Mercy of Christ, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.