Thursday, February 6 of 2014

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Today Jesus is accompanied by the spirit of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Jesus tells us that in these times, Mother Teresa of Calcutta has the task, in the Heavens, of gathering up all the souls that are not born on Earth.

Mother Teresa:

"Before the grandeur of Jesus Christ in your lives, let us pray at the Feet of the Lord so that the charity of the world may emerge in hearts and that service be complete in all lives, mainly so that many souls that are lost, who are not born into the arms of their mothers, can return to God so they may be directed to other dwelling places.

For this prayer (Prayer for all the Children of the World), I will thank you.

Children open the doors of the Heavens with simplicity. God hears their prayers with love and attention; and also the prayer of all those who become like children to enter the Kingdom of God."

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

While the sister sings, let us ask all the children of Crer-Sendo to come and pray here, together with Mother Teresa, at the Feet of the Lord.

Song: "Prayer for all the Children of the World."

At the request of our Mother Teresa, we are going to recite the prayer, mainly for those who are not born. As she requested of us, at the Feet of the Lord we are going to recite the prayer in Portuguese.

Christ Jesus:

The children of the world need mothers to attend to their urgent needs. Thus, Heaven can provide all the things they need to live in peace.

In My Kingdom there are many children of the world, whom you will meet after this lifetime.

The children of the world need to be Heaven on Earth. They need the good example and the charity of their parents, so they can be formed in a spirit of service and of love.

I am among all the children of the world, and also, especially, in those who call Me day by day.

Two thousand years ago, I washed the feet of My apostles and of children, and today I ask you to do likewise in the same way to cleanse the past and the pain, so that healing may emerge in the hearts that need it most.

I also gave My Body and My Blood for you so that you could be nurtured in spirit and find reconciliation with God on that path.

I rejoice to see good hearts on this day, those who trust in My infinite Mercy.

Blessing the elements from the place where they are found, may that water that will wash the feet be the source of life, the source of healing life for all, which comes from the cosmos, from the Brotherhood, from the infinite Light of God.

Let the bread and the wine represent the union with Me.

When you commune with Me on this day, offer God the intentions and the needs of many of your brothers and sisters, so that I can also rescue and help them.

I thank you!

I have heard your prayers.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let the bells ring, for Christ has come.

Song: New Earth.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today we had the special visit of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, whom Christ revealed today is already considered a saint in Heaven.

And with a group of her missionaries on the spiritual plane, they came here to the New Earth, with Padre Pío, accompanying this exercise in charity that is taking place here.

The kindness that Mother Teresa transmitted was very profound at that moment.

At first, we did not understand what it was that Christ wanted to transmit to us with that symbol, with that Message, with the presence of Mother Teresa.

But before Mother Teresa appeared with Jesus, our Mother Mary, the Queen of Peace, also came.

And Jesus, being beside Mother Teresa, and Mother Teresa beside Jesus, transmitted a Special Message to us, and asked us to meditate upon it and to focus all our attention on it.

When Our Lord asked us to pray the "Prayer for all the Children of the World," all the children who are blessed in Heaven approached this place to transmit to us the joy that is possible to live here on Earth.

Today Jesus called on us to deeply meditate on this Message. He wants to try and have us be able to reconcile with our mothers.

He knows that each one of us has a different history with our mother. Now, He told us, that it is the moment to reconcile and to heal all those things that are not well. He also said that we are in time to do this before the times change.

He was telling us that this would allow the banishing of those ideas humanity has about abortion, for this causes much pain to the Heart of the Father. And through our reconciliation and forgiveness with our mothers, those ideas that are in the minds of many of our brothers and sisters will instantly disappear. It will not be necessary for many children to not be born through those actions committed by humanity.

On the contrary, Christ told us, the suffering will be able to be alleviated in many mothers, who will feel that their children can be born at this moment, because His Birth in Bethlehem so long ago represents a sacred symbol for humanity.

All the children in the wombs of their mothers are also a sacred symbol for God. Jesus was telling us that they are part of the project so that the New Humanity may be born in this time.

In deep silence, He withdrew, blessing us and saying goodbye.

Mother Shimani de Montserrat:

As we can see, marathon after marathon, we spiritually go deeper into simplicity, and we need to enter the heart of what Our Lord wants to teach us.

To everybody, infinite gratitude for having accompanied us and we meet in the Heart of Light of Our Lord.

Thank you!