While the world unconsciously provokes the Wrath of God, the voice of the innocent and of their families is listened by Your God, and the Heart of the Eternal Father trembles when seeing the horrors that the humankind of the surface of the Earth generates.
Nevertheless, the supplications of the just could revert the constant aggressions that the humans generate among themselves in order to obtain power and their own benefit.
God needs the more awake to become conscious of the end of the times that humanity is crossing, and of the lack of preparation and of prayer that exists in the majority of the souls in the world. This lack of consciousness and of preparation awakens fear and increases the disunion among the creatures.
You Mother who is in Heaven begs for this whole moral and social transgression to end. She deeply wishes all of the groups of prayer to convert themselves into true islands of salvation for the souls, who must be received by means of the powerful flow of prayer and of peace that must be established in the life of each one of them.
Dear children, the times are degenerating more rapidly than what it seems to, and this is provoked by the bloody horrors that humanity lives today.
Dear children, the sacred life that God gave you is being broken by the hasty actions that are being taken. If in truth, children, the strength of prayer were not more intense than all that which happens, the whole world would go into its great spiritual and planetary failure.
In order to prevent the consequences of the disasters that humanity itself generates, Your Heavenly Mother comes from the Universe to ask that you live in peace, and that you consider this worldwide situation as having the importance that it deserves.
Dear children, let us pray so that the inner nuclei of all of the groups of prayer may correspond, and in this way revert this current and malefic planetary crisis.
May the inner mercy awake in you, because many souls will have to be tended and sheltered by the prayer and by the heart of each one; thus you will at least open a very small door so that the Light of God may enter a world full of darkness and horrors.
Pray continuously for all those who suffer,
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace
Every day, when I come to the world, I seek to bring a greater understanding to the human consciousness about the reality of the planet. I seek to reach hearts, more than bringing you information about what is happening in the world, because your minds are already completely full of knowledge, of information about this world and about others.
Now, companions, it is time to open the heart like a door that will allow you to experience all that you already know.
If you do not reach the sanctuary of the heart, little will come of your knowing about all that happens in this world, because both the news and the images will pass through your minds, will generate emotions, but not a true transformation.
I leave you My Words in writing every day, for this way you can remember what I told you.
As much as many hearts do not accept it, few are truly attentive to what I say when I am here in an apparition. If after a meeting with Me, somebody should ask you what I said, you would not know how to respond.
For this reason, My Words are perpetuated on a piece of paper so that you can look at them again and again, as well as the Words of your Most Holy Mother Mary and your Sovereign King, the Christ.
You must not let these Words be perpetuated in vain, because we opened all the doors that unite you with the universe to be able to reach here.
All of life, all of Creation stops before the universal movements we carry out, because this is a unique opportunity in the face of the unpredictability of the human heart. We never know what will happen. It could be that in the apparition of yesterday you did not respond, while in tomorrow's, you will. Thus, we come day after day, to try and awaken you in the eternal hope that this Creation may become perfect.
Now pray for the world. Do not lose a second before Us. While we transmit Our Words, may all of humanity receive the balm of Divine Light. And this will be possible through your hearts.
Sing and listen to the instruments so that both the singing and the sound of those who play a melody for us may be instruments for the redemption and the liberation of souls.
May Our Words be sufficient for you to take a step in your evolution.
Receive now the blessing of your Most Holy Mother so that you may always continue in peace.
Sister Lucía de Jesús: While we were praying, Saint Joseph, together with our Divine Mother, carried out a great liberation on the planet, freeing many souls, giving them an opportunity for finding the light.
And during the whole transmission of His Words, They continued to carry out this task, and before leaving, when He asked us to feel the blessing of our Divine Mother, our Mother stretched out Her arms in our direction and poured upon us a fount of Her Light so that we may live Her Words.
(Sister Lucía de Jesús then read the message of Saint Joseph from September 19, 2015).
Dear children,
For the world to take a step towards the Kingdom of God and get out of the situation which it experiences, the hearts that dwell in it must decide to surrender definitively to the Creator.
For the victory of the Divine Light to be a reality in this world, the human hearts must raise to Heaven a plea for Mercy and be consistent with their aspirations.
My dear ones, there is already enough lamentation in this world. Many are already resigned to the suffering which they experience, and many others surrender to the darkness without realizing it and do not find the strength to open their eyes.
I come to the world in search of souls who accept to experience the awakening, souls who no longer want to live sustained by darkness but who ardently wish to open the doors and windows of their lives for the Divine Light to enter.
Today I come to ask you to no longer live the comforts that this world offers you, but to embrace sacrifice, the permanent effort to enter as humanity into the Kingdom of God.
My beloveds, if you could see the world as I see it, you would definitely understand that these are times of emergency and you would be eager to get out of where you are and become sacred instruments of God, faithful soldiers of His army of Peace.
Dear children, do not lament over the events of the world, do not cry for your own pains or the pains of others, but rise from where you are, transformed by the Grace of My Presence, and act! Live to transform these evil events because, just as everything that happens in the world is a consequence of human actions, the reversal of these facts is also the responsibility of humanity.
I have often pronounced secrets to the hearts of My children that may one day come true, prophecies that speak of the Justice of God approaching the world, and I do not say this to cause fear in your hearts; I do not want to threaten you, I want to awaken you and make you aware of what is happening in this world that your eyes cannot see or that your hearts do not allow you to feel the seriousness of these times.
I speak to all who listen to Me because each one, to a different degree, must awaken to the reality of this life. I need soldiers more and more aware of the purpose to be manifested. Awaken! Awaken every day a little more!
My dear ones, if every day you offered a small sacrifice to the Creator, a small effort on behalf of the awakening of humanity, you would collaborate so that the suffering of this world could be alleviated.
Meditate on My Words, they never reach the world in vain. Each phrase that I pronounce holds in itself a greater purpose. He who knows how to listen will be able to receive everything that God delivers to the world, through His Messengers.
Be strong and determined, humble and servant. Be tireless, just as those who descend from the Heavens to rescue humanity.
These are times of urgency, these are times of definitive awakening.
I love you and thank you for responding to My call today, even if you do not know it.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace, the bearer of the awakening of this humanity
Contemplate, in My eyes, the imperishable Light that never goes out, so that it may illuminate your paths that lead you to the Heart of God.
Contemplate in My Mantle the eternal protection, so that you may risk to take the steps and, without fear, experience the transformation.
Contemplate in My Heart the flame that will sustain you in devotion and in faith, and that will not allow you to lose heart before the ordeals of the enemy.
Contemplate in My hands the perpetual, tireless and impassive help that will always await you to lead you to the Light.
Contemplate in My feet, sanctified by the glorious walk I have taken to the Kingdom of God, the secure path through which your little feet will also walk.
Contemplate, in My crown of stars, the Light of the Holy Spirit, which will appear even in the dark of night and that will appear from behind the thickest clouds that approach your lives.
In My Rosary, contemplate the unshakable faith and the eternal persistence of My Heart that prays day and night for the souls of the world.
Contemplate, in the roses under My feet, the permanent offering generated by My perpetual prayer, an offering that is adored by God and that represents all humanity.
Today, My children, I clothe your bodies with My Mantle, I cover your heads with My crown of stars, in your hands I place My Rosary and, under your feet, I lay seven roses so that you may follow My example eternally, an example that I bring to your hearts week after week, month after month.
I want you to accept this true offering of My Heart so that you can have a pure heart, a simple and humble life, a journey full of faith and absolute trust in God; and through the rosary in your hands, never forget that each step must be taken for your neighbor.
Experience the transformation as an eternal service of help to humanity and to the whole planet, which needs hearts Christified by the Love of the Holy Spirit of God; hearts ready to cross the threshold of a new race, a new humanity, based on Love.
My Presence at this time comes to show you the path which you must follow, until the moment you will meet My Son, and from then on, you will follow Him, in His glorified example of union with the Father.
My children, luminous is the end of this path of stones; I only ask you to be persistent and to follow the instructions left by the Messengers of God, for in this way, the stones will be opportunities for growth and not reasons for atavism.
My beloved, seek in My Heart and in the contemplation of My Sacred Image, the strength and faith that nourishes your spirits; thus, I will always be able to guide you and to accompany you, side by side with your hearts, on the trajectory you must experience.
Like water that flows in the river of life, allow yourselves to conform to the Will of God expressed in the instructions you have received; this way, you will free your beings from being in unnecessary suffering at this time.
Never forget to pray. Pray, pray a lot to achieve peace in the whole world.
I love you and I thank you.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more