The light of Aurora is an active and occult light. It announces the new time because the light of Aurora will renew all things.

It is the Light of God that untiringly gives of itself and only leaves signs registered in the sky of its eternal gratitude.

This light prevails throughout time. It cannot be defeated nor dispelled because it is light, and the light of Aurora blazes like a flame throughout the day, and, above all, througout the night.

The light of Aurora is active in healing and promises hearts redemption so that the doors toward rehabilitation may open.

This light embraces a large part of the Universe because its origin is not from Earth.

The light of Aurora pours out its gifts and supports those who invoke it.

It is a light that erases pain and suffering and elevates the consciousness, just so that it may experience an encounter with God.

The light of Aurora will reappear and hearts will sing its victory.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

This is the time to find Jesus within you so that He may rule and reside in your deepest abodes.

This is the time in which Jesus can work and perform wonders within more souls of the world.

This is the time in which Jesus must be present, for a longer time, in your consciousnesses; being the impulse that promotes all things and the joy that renews all things.

This is the time in which Jesus must reign in your hearts so that the promise of His return to the hearts of humankind may be fulfilled.

This is the time in which Jesus can renew all things and can bring the opportunity of redemption to the human consciousness.

This is the time in which Jesus must awaken the last apostles so that in this definitive cycle the rescue mission may be accomplished.

This is the time in which Jesus will show Himself to be active and working through His disciples.

This is the time of the revelation of the Truth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús


On the eve of the Nativity, I want to tell you to have, from this moment on, your hearts prepared to receive the inner impulses that will come directly from My Heart because, for this cycle, these impulses will place you upon the path to concretizing and representing the Work of Christ on Earth.

For this reason, for you, this cycle will mean an opportunity of placing all of your attention on the true circumstance it represents, rather than on the party that it popularly represents, year after year.

The Nativity is an inner opportunity for the renewal of vows with the inner Christ of each being, it is the opportunity of expanding the commitment that each soul acquired before incarnating on Earth.

For this reason, companions, the Nativity signifies the drawing closer of the Christic Laws to the planetary consciousness, for all of humanity.

Who in truth knows how to take advantage of this circumstance will be greatly benefitted, and will not be distracted by the parties that the enemy has created throughout time, on this special date.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


May peace reign today in all hearts and among all peoples.

May, through your prayers, love and respect for all nations and cultures be gestated in the human consciousness.

Joyfully express gratitude for the diversity of this planet, which makes it unique in the Universe for the ample possibility that beings have to learn how to love.

United with Our Lady of Guadalupe, may your hearts learn to give due importance to all peoples and may you love and cherish the pure expression of each one of them.

Each people, as well as each culture, has a higher purpose to manifest. Today, children, pray for this purpose so that nations may recover their purity and find the perfect principle of Divine Will for themselves.

Pray so that each nation may express their best in this world. Cease to judge cultures and religions but rather pray that they all find the Will of God and that this Will leads beings into expressing, experiencing and being the Love of God, constantly renewed in His creatures.

Today is a day to be thankful for the existence of peoples, cultures, and nations.

Today is a day to cry out to the Father so that, in His Heart of Love, He may unite all the paths that lead to Him.

Today is a day to place the heart within the Sacred Heart of Our Lady of Guadalupe and learn with Her to establish peace.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children,

Gathered in the Love of God so that, in this new celebration of the Nativity of the Lord your hearts may overflow with joy, for the inner Christ shall again contact each one of the souls that are willing to be open for the arrival of Christ.

My children, this is now the last time and the final cycle for being able to forgive and reconcile with the Heights.

For this reason, I invite you to enter into constant communion with My Son so that, in this inner communion, the doors to sorrow and perdition close, in this cycle in which the whole of humanity has the opportunity of celebrating the rebirth of Christ within each being; so that there may be a better planet and an elevated humanity which can represent the Plan of God on Earth through the experience of forgiveness and redemption, attributes offered by Heaven.

Dear children, tell the world there is time to reverse the planetary situation, and that the Spiritual Hierarchy shall come again to assist all, to rescue humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

From the Universe to Earth is mirrored the opportunity of help for all of humanity.

But the request for help and for divine intervention must be heard in the very heights of the Universe so that global inequality may be dissipated and the common good among creatures may be established.

Divine intervention will always be within reach of all those who open their hearts to God and faithfully follow Him, in this way, fulfilling His Commandments.

This is the time for asking the Highest for immense Mercy so that all those that have not received it may be deserving of the divine power of Grace, that life may be transmuted and purified in the time foreseen.

The request of sincere hearts will help and will save the hearts of those whose inner worlds are closed, and they will be able to be reborn in the trust and in the faith that they have never been alone.

Mercy can still perform miracles in human life.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Today My Face is full of tears, because I know that My children have not understood the meaning of what My Son said to you yesterday.

For this reason, My crying is in silence and in prayer, so that hearts may open and find the sense of what My Son truly announced.

His words are not transitory. His announcements are not temporary. My children, when My Son speaks, God is speaking directly to each human heart.

The realization of the Work of the Return of Christ is the responsibility of humanity, because it is humanity that is in need of divine intervention.

And as My children did not understand the meaning of the Presence of Christ on Earth, it is for this reason that your Heavenly Mother is crying, knowing that without divine intervention, it is not possible to support the planet, and even less, humanity.

All of those who do nothing will remember this message next time, because the Law will set them in the place where they should have always been.

They are in the same state as Rwanda was when, having heard and participated in the Presence of the Mother of God, years later lamented their most grave tragedy.

Children, reflect, asking for inner light in the heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I descend to the world, enveloped in the Light of God, to be able to pour out all the divine rays of the Spiritual Universe.

I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to elevate the souls towards the House of the Heavenly Father.

I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, so that My Divine Rays may touch the hearts that need much redemption. 

I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, so that the essences of God recognize their filiation with the Universe.

I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, as Mother, to make the hearts know the potent Love of the Father with all that is created.

I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to awaken the sacred commitment of the creatures with Creation.

I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to be with My children giving them the impulse towards the true change of consciousness.

I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to bring the spiritual cure that many souls need.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the flame of faith keep burning in the heart of My children of Argentina so that  the infinite Grace of the Kingdom of God may descend upon this nation.

May the flame of faith keep burning in the spirit of this homeland so that souls may recognize their affiliation with God and live under Divine Law.

May the flame of faith build the new times, and, in spite of the purification of the Earth, may hearts feel absolute trust in God.

May the flame of faith, present in the hearts of My children of Argentina, establish Sacred Unity so that more lives in this country feel encouraged to come together with God, and thus feel His Paternal Love.

May the flame of faith, present in the heart of My children of Argentina, attract the Mercy of God to the nation, so that more souls may be rescued and awaken to the path of peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


With the Light emanated by the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can bring to the planet the ruling Principles of the Consciousness of God, and from the Mirrors of Light, pour out these inner attributes into the consciousness of humanity.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can dissolve the contrary forces that impede the awakening of humanity.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can grant the spiritual healing within souls so that afterward material healing may occur.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can regenerate the consciousness of humanity and withdraw it from spiritual illusion so that hearts may find the Christic path.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can encompass large regions of the planet, and from the most natural and sacred places of Creation in this world, She can help elevate the consciousness of human beings so that they may awaken to their inner reality.

With the Light of the Mirrors I can reflect upon the planet all the Love of God, so that souls may feel and perceive that it is time to change, so that the world may change and the entire Earth may be redeemed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Do you not see, child, that the world is in agony?

From the entrails of the Earth are expurgated the evils that cause deep spiritual wounds in the Earth. From the entrails of humankind are expurgated ancient evils, the results of a history built upon foundations of errors and fraud, Godless decisions, loveless hearts.

Like your Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, close your eyes and observe the world; see that the planet is in agony and the consciousness of humankind trembles without perceiving this. They do not know the reason for their woes, and they catalog new illnesses to give a name to a life empty of God or full of a profound ignorance.

Like your Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, observe the life on Earth and see, child, that only a great love will be able to heal this world.

Love is this unknown and hidden power that made God multiply and reflect Himself in His creatures, so that this Love might gain life and be renewed, from time to time, in a greater Love.

Love grows when the heart steps away from ignorance and enters the Truth. Love is multiplied when the being not only knows the Truth, but lives it, expressing its wisdom through loving actions.

The path to the Truth is prayer, which places you in inner dimensions, which are beyond any ignorance. For this reason, pray and cry out to the Father for His Presence. Rise up to His Heart and, within the Heart of God, observe the world and life, just as His Son did in the Garden of Gethsemane.

See that there is no limit to Love, because it is infinitely necessary on the Earth and well beyond it.

Pray, child, and find a greater cause for your own life. Find the cause of Christ, the cause of God, the meaning of your existence, which is held in the need that life has for a constant renewal in the Love of God.

See how in the silence of your heart you can serve, and in the sincerity of your spirit, you can cross boundaries. Without a true and deep spiritual life, nothing will make sense. This is the great thirst of the world, this is the thirst of Christ, this is the thirst of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win because prayer done with the heart has more effect than a mental prayer.

The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win because this prayer touches the Heart of God and He makes the necessary Graces descend upon the world and upon nations, transforming chaos into a paradise.

The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win because it is a prayer filled with the Love of God that gives impulse to changes and elevates consciousnesses to another plane.

The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win, because it is a prayer capable of modifying events and of opening the door of redemption for humanity.

True and sincere prayer accomplishes the promises of Christ, restores the psychic plane of the planet, exorcises regions compromised by evil, liberates from spiritual slavery all those who are immersed in these realities and do not perceive it; it conceives peace, unity and strengthens faith in those who believe in God and in the second coming of Christ.

The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win because it is a prayer that is united to the Heart of the Great Master and establishes a communion with the Divinity of the Savior.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Pray and let your heart rise up to God.

Prayer, as well as silence and true service, done with love, are the languages with which the hearts of humankind communicate with God.

Pray and speak with love in the language of the One Who created you, and as you learn His language of the heart, go deeper into this divine presence within you.

Truly be silent in mind, soul, and heart, letting real silence manifest itself in you and guide you to the first impulse of the Love of God, where from silence He emanated sound and manifested Life, giving love a form and a vibration that later expressed itself in the creation of essences.

Serve with love, feeling in your heart the need of your fellow beings, not mattering if they are the ones who live with you and are at your side every day, or if they are the ones who, in order to find them, you cross the seas and the borders between continents. In that act of true service, find the language of God, which constantly serves all kinds of life; He being present in all things, giving impulse to the evolution of all creatures.

You also speak in the language of God, always aspiring that all your siblings learn about love and develop this love in themselves. Know, child, that the best way for someone to learn something is to have an example before them. For this reason, go today, and speak the language that comes from Heaven: pray, be silent in the depths of your heart, and truly serve, making of your life an act of service.

You have My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Private apparition of Christ Jesus on September 3, 2018, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús to be transmitted during the 62nd Marathon of Divine Mercy

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As at the Mount of Olives, today I speak to the Heart of God so that He may hear the Voice of His Son in the face of the great planetary need, so that He may hear the voice of His servers in light of the cry and the entreaty of their prayers, so that He may avail Himself of all the sacrifices and all the renunciation in order to carry forward His Sacred Plan.

Today I carry your consciousnesses to the Universe, to the great Sidereal pinnacle, so that the great archangels may contemplate them, so that the Mental Universe may perceive them, so that the Spiritual Universe welcome them, so that all Creation help them in this final moment in which the last operations of the Hierarchy are in play for defining the New Humanity.

So, open your hearts to this feeling of union with God, whatever it takes, whatever happens.

Let your heart not change in feeling nor change its love for God because what is written is being fulfilled, within and outside of beings. 

The great revelations are coming to announce to humanity that it is time to change its consciousness and to get out of this method of constant self-destruction and self-harm.

I will come to the world a second time, walking like a pilgrim in the Universe, crossing portals and states of consciousness to finally arrive here, on Earth, to announce the last word of the salvation and the redemption of humanity; to carry forward the judgment of the fallen, of those who fell in the Universe as well as on Earth, and to also take to Heaven those who glorified My Name and made it a part of themselves, not only in their spiritual life, but also in their works of charity and of good.

Each day that goes by this time draws closer, thus the importance of your spirits being linked to the great sidereal dome where all the Hierarchies come together with the greatest degree of love, to contemplate the humanity that has lost its innocence, its transparency, its faithfulness and its commitment to Creation.

This small planet, which is a dot in the great sidereal space, is very loved and considered by other Universes, by other humanities, by other consciousnesses that came before all your consciousnesses, since before the beginning of the first humanity.

So, understand, companions, that you are not walking alone in this humanity nor throughout time nor throughout the generations; that you are all observed and accompanied by something that comes from the Infinite and from the Greater, like a great stream of light and of love that offers itself, from cycle to cycle and from era to era, so that humanity may awaken to the reason and to the motive of its real purpose.

As with other humanities, you, companions, are writing a new story, and this story you are writing today will bear its fruit when it comes into correspondence with the Universe, with the Will.

That is why the challenges of these times will be demanding and need hard work.

An unconditional and greater love must be born in you, capable of transcending the limits, the barriers and the obstacles of the material and outdated consciousness.

This current humanity has reached the most culminating point after the last times, after the last millions of years that have gone by since the emergence of the first Project through Adam and Eve.

Now, in these crucial times, receive the impulses from the sidereal dome of the Universe so that you, and the next generation that will come after you, not continue to generate in your spiritual consciousness the original sin and the mistakes that always cause you to succumb to the hells of this Earth.

I open the doors to the Universal Consciousness so that all may be able to enter and find this very important link with their true spirits, which by signing a commitment with the Universe, came to Earth to fulfill a part of the great and infinite Will.

To those who today live the Will of God, feel yourselves to be participants in the joy of the Universe, despite going through crucial and defining moments.

To those who today do not fulfill it, there will be a last opportunity for repentance and reflection, in order that you not miss the inflow of Grace that comes from the Heart of the Father.

Thus, all the Hierarchies of the Universe and the great archangels of the Mental Universe have gotten together to evaluate this end time, which is part of the great revelation of the Apocalypse, in which very unknown signs and very profound revelations will reach consciousnesses for the purpose of uplifting their state and vibration so that they may perceive reality.

It is the moment to bring to Earth this legacy that you once experienced in the Universe. It is time to offer it to the Father so that it may be available within His Plan of Love and of Redemption.

In this way, you will learn to transmute your own aspects and conditions so that by forging the light of your spirits, you will be in communion with the Highest and within the great current of Divinity.

Your suns will incandescently shine.

Your eyes will open to see the signs that will appear on the horizon and that the Universe itself will project upon the Earth to warn humanity of the last messages of the great awakening.

It will not matter anymore who believes or who does not believe, who is present or who is far away.

Creation is thinking about a great definition, revealing Its Mysteries and opening the doors with its keys, so spiritual and inner that they will uplift consciousness.

So recover your filiation with the Universe and say "yes" to the Voice you hear from God through His Son, and you will help to build the new that must arrive someday and that perhaps you might not see physically because you will not be present.

But you, and mainly your consciousnesses, can be that bridge so that more miserable and ungrateful consciousnesses may have the opportunity to redefine their lives, to find the path again, and especially, to reach My Heart, where I have treasures for all, where I express ideas and principles for the consciousnesses that follow Me and serve Me.

Do not allow your stars to stop shining.

Hold on to Divine Unity and all will take place as foreseen.

But from the Universe the sign will come, as it comes at this moment for all, where the attention on the Words of the Hierarchy will be essential for your walking and your guidance.

Open your heart, then, still more so that the fire of the Hierarchy may be able to enter and transubstantiate your condition, making it divine, sublime and uplifted to the service of God.

In this way, your inner spirits will be closer, and inside yourselves you will feel this fire that will move you and will motivate you to carry the Plan forward, in spite of what happens or what presents itself on your paths.

So re-experience this filiation with the Highest and remember it every day, because there will be no next time. 

The opportunities are ending, the graces of the Universe are being reduced, Mercy gathers Its Source so that Justice may come.

Unfortunately, it is time to choose and to not be on two paths at the same time.

I do not want My disciples to be like coins. I want your honesty and your confirmation in the presence of My Heart, because I will never leave you alone, when you trust in Me.

I would like more souls and more consciousnesses in the world to hear this, in more tongues and in more languages, but first I come to say this to you because you are the ones who are closest to Me, walking at My side after so many experiences and tests.

Once more, the Universe presents itself in Its Spiritual Consciousness to shelter and receive you, to look inside you and see what truly exists and what arose from the Sources of the Universe.

So receive this message of peace and of consciousness from the brothers and sisters of yesteryear.

Feel the pulsating of other Universes that radiate their love and their peace to humanity and to its wounded planet,

The change of a few will cause a great change in the whole of humanity, it has always been this way, history repeats itself with different experiences, but with the same consciousnesses of other times.

The Flame of the Divine Purpose blesses you today and guides you to your destiny, which has been thought of by Adonai.

So receive My blessing from all the great Consciousnesses of the Universe, so that the fallen stars may rise, so that the sleeping cells awaken, so that you may cross the portal towards the New Humanity, in Christ and for Christ.

The time that will come will be very hard. The suffering that humanity has chosen will be very great, but the Universe will be attentive to the voice that asks and pleads for help, because it will be heard with sincerity.

Go through the times bravely and continue writing this very promising change, which should start first in your lives, to afterwards begin in the world.

Today I uplift you all in My Prayer.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Never tire of giving love and forgiveness, so that you may also receive love and forgiveness.

Sick hearts need healing.

Wounded hearts need love.

Hardened hearts need liberation.

Cold hearts need inner warmth.

So all hearts need something internal or spiritual.

Work tirelessly for the love of God, so that those hearts may receive what they need rather than what they want.

In love, every heart in test will be healed.

For this reason, imitate Jesus in that love capable of healing and of understanding beyond words and forms; so that the world as consciousness will also be healed and everything will be renewed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On this day of celebration, of the existence of the Eucharist, may your hearts emanate a spirit of profound gratitude because, despite everything, the world and its humanity have lived the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist which still  lasts in an inextinguishable way, a Communion that gives itself to souls, just as God delivers Life to them.

Children, in retreat and with love lives this great mystery of Light and faith that My Beloved Son left impressed in the consciousness of humanity so that the attributes of awakening, of service and, especially, of the true giving of self, may be present in this definitive time.

Thus, celebrate this day, because in truth it is a special day for God and all angels, as we remember the precious surrender of Jesus in the Bread and in the Wine, intermediary elements for the salvation and redemption of souls.

May your lives be offered to God today.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the Word of God be Heard by open and simple hearts so that the attributes of the Universe and the Gifts of Heaven may be sown within them.

May the Word of God enrich the spirit and sanctify the consciousness that attentively listens to the Decrees of God.

May the Sacred Word of God impregnate all spaces, all forms, and all principles so that the Gift of Wisdom and of Understanding may reign.

May the Word of God be present in each labor, in each work, and in each heart, so that Light and discernment may exist in everything.

May the Word of God be full within hearts and alive within consciousnesses that listen to God.

May the Word of God be recognized and valued by the nations of the world so that peace may be established.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I have come here with the Scepter of the Light of God to aid the world and in this way, establish the peace that is still lacking in humanity.

From your hearts, I have received all your prayers, and this pleases God greatly, because the pilgrim hearts, the most humble among the humble ones, have decided to be faithful to My Heart, so as to be faithful to Christ, and consequently, to the Almighty.

Believe, dear children, that today I am giving you many Graces, after having made a pilgrimage here, seeking to strengthen your faith, the union among your families, and the restorative communion, which you are invited to experience every day through the Holy Eucharist.

Today your simple hearts confessed to My Heart. As a compassionate Mother, I hold you all in My arms, to offer God the best that you have within yourselves.

On this evening, I want to expand your consciousnesses beyond this apparent material life, so that your souls can take new steps, in representation of all of humanity, which in these times is very disconnected from God, far from the Fount of His Love.

By being merciful and faithful to My Immaculate Heart, you will always find the doors open to the Kingdom of God, into which all your supplications will be taken, not only by My Maternal Heart, but also by the Sacred Heart of My Son.

So today I want to tell you, dear children, that My joy is infinite because of finding you here with Me today, strengthening in your souls the path of perfection, the path of prayer, which is very necessary in these times.

Feel that your sadness, problems, and obstacles are dissolving before My Presence, because today, carrying this Scepter of the Light of God, I am not alone here, dear children, but rather with all the angels of Heaven that assist your Celestial Mother to carry forward this co-redeeming Work.

Today I come displaying My crown of stars to illuminate the four corners of the Earth and so that, beyond this humanity, the higher spirits of your beings may awaken to this call, and thus find it again.

I invite you to experience the instruction from your heart and to be the living instruction in these times, for in this way, the Gospel of My Son will be in a process of fulfillment.

Today I come with the Scepter of the Light of God to remove what My enemy conveys to all human minds that are very weak because they lack a true life of prayer, a true pleading of the heart to the Heart of God.

I need, dear children, that you become strong. That is why I bring this Scepter of the Light of God, and today I extend this revelation to you so that your consciousnesses may take new steps and you do not miss the divine impulse that is coming directly from Heaven and the Universe, to experience these spiritual impulses that will make the New Humanity possible, which will be driven by you.

I need you to be humble, and if you have still not found the humility of the heart, I invite you to live resignation before My Son, because in this way, dear children, you will allow Christ to accomplish His Work through your lives and hearts.

Again I invite you to fidelity, so that you may be contemplated by God in the immensity of His Divine Mercy.

So, dear children, I come to consecrate each one of you to God day by day, according to what each one can give Me, in the school where you are, to thus be able to learn from all that the Universe will bring to the Earth, within this school of redemption and of forgiveness.

Above all, may the Love of God prevail in you, because without the Love of God, I assure you, My children, that you will not be able to do anything; you will feel too limited to solve the things of this superficial life.

Without the Love of God, you will not be able to follow the Celestial Hierarchy; you will be many steps below, and you will not be able to be at the point God needs in these times.

Each one of you, in spite of the imperfections of human life, is a precious instrument for God.

I come to ignite the flame that exists in you, so that through you, you will be at the service of My Son in this preparatory Plan of His second Coming to the world.

I want you to be able to open the spaces of your hearts, so that the thorns of misunderstanding may be removed, and in their place, love may be cultivated, the love that your Heavenly Mother brings you, to revive your spirits and consciousnesses in this proposal of redemption and of forgiveness.

Do not miss the chance to love, because I am very sure that you know when you are not loving, nor forgiving your neighbors, stepping away from the path of My Son, with your misunderstandings, because of your ignorance.

The Work of God is still not known by any being on Earth. It is a divine mystery that is slowly revealed, so that souls can learn to love it in an unknown and dedicated way, no matter what the cost.

Thus, dear children, I invite you to follow My Son on the path of the light of brotherhood, of consideration, and of the awareness that in truth, each act that you perform, no matter how small it may seem, has repercussions in humanity and in the universe.

You are part of the last phase of this race, before a New Humanity emerges, after your purification and surrender to what God needs.

My Heart of Love and of Truth reveals to you what God is thinking.

I invite you, dear children, to correct your paths because you are still in time.

My adversary will cause humanity to tremble, but My Scepter of Light, of the Light of God, will be invincible when it strikes the Earth with the Power of Grace and of Liberation.

This is My message for you; these are My words for today. I need you to meditate on them and that you not leave here as if you knew nothing, as if nothing had happened here.

In this way, I bring you the Gift of Wisdom so that you can contemplate it in your hearts.

Take the steps toward My Heart in obedience and sacrifice, so that you may be with Me in everything.

My wish, dear children, is that your inner ears do not close, but rather that your hearts expand when touched by the light of My instruction, so that evil may be dispelled, souls may reconsider and can be placed on the path from which they were lost.

It is My beloved Son Who, on this night of prayer and of consecration, sends Me to tell you all these things.

You know, dear children, to whom I am speaking, to whom I am addressing My words, so that your hearts can open.

My message is for the world and especially for My servants who for so long have followed Me on this path of hope and of faith.

And now I will demonstrate what My maternal love is like through the consecration of new children, whom I now call, so that you may be close to this altar, this center of humility that is offered to your Heavenly Mother.

These souls that congregate here today for consecration, represent many more in the world; souls that must be touched by the fire of the Love of My Son, so that all may receive the opportunity of entering the cycle of salvation.

The children of Mary are flames that are reignited through the call of God, which is emitted by our Sacred Hearts.

Today I am before different children, but in essence much alike, because today, here, the Universe of God has gathered you so that you can receive this Grace.

Now, with the simplicity of the heart, place your hands in a position of reception so that My maternal Light can consecrate you and make of you new lives, lives in the Lord, lives within the Plan of Love, the Plan of Redemption and of Peace.

Today, dear children, you have committed to pray with Me every day for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, not only in your consciousnesses, in your families, in your loved beings, but also in the world and in humanity, which needs a great Grace to be able to be safe before My Son returns to the world.

Through your inner silence, dear children, children that will be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart today, place your intentions in My Heart so that the Father of Love, the Celestial Father may hear them.

I now receive your petitions in the silence of the heart and the soul, so that in this way, all of humanity can take the great and awaited step toward an awareness of love and of unity.

Today not only My Heart blesses you as new renewed children, but also the Scepter of the Light of God is placed on your heads so that the holy and divine Will may descend upon you and thus the Redeeming Project may be accomplished.

My Rays descend upon your spirits to console you.

My Graces touch your souls to convert you.

My Love enters into your hearts so that you can revive in Christ, until the thousand years of peace are fulfilled.

I consecrate you, I bless you, and also today I embrace you, placing you under My Mantle, where there is no danger, no evil, no adversity, but rather Light, Triumph, Redemption and Mercy for all the souls that thus accept them.

I bless you in My infinite joy.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

May your fortitude not tremble, but may your hearts transform so that the mind does not colonize them. So may it be.


Dear children,

When the inner gardens that were on the verge of drying up are watered by the water of the Love of My Heart, everything blossoms again.

Now that you have learned, through example, to look after and protect the Work of God, I need, dear children, for you to take your positions so that the currents of the Universe that will arrive may be correctly guided through the impulses that I bring to you.

Because of this, dear children, in this time, each step that is taken in the maturing and in the consciousness of everyone, helps the Plan of the Creator to manifest in a greater number of hearts that heretofore were not aware of their true mission.

The moment has come, in this time, for your hearts to be the ones to re-open the doors to all the universal impulses that will come.

Because of this, the Work of God is designed in the most simple, in those hearts that open their inner beings to recognize the instruction in the word of life.

Thus, dear children, it is by means of the sacred word that My Heart comes to guide you so that each step you take may be permeated by the purest love of the heart.

On this day, I come to awaken your inner interest for the Plan of the Father, and for you to decisively form part of the army which you are invited to join.

In your hearts is the consciousness and the path, in your souls exists the union with God, I simply invite you to seek it.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

The three Persons of God are present here today. And they come in search of the suffering world, the world that has lost the way that was leading it to the Creator, because of having been influenced by the energies of material life.

Today I come to uncover that which is dark and triggers pain within souls.

Of the three Persons of God, mainly His Son comes to bring the world a necessary relief in these times, because the whole Universe sees this suffering, which accumulates in the human consciousness and makes all things inferior, because it is a suffering that has not yet been healed and that needs conscious souls so that this planetary suffering may be alleviated through instruments of light, an extremely important potential that is born from your hearts.

Today I bring the planet to My Feet so that you may contemplate it with Me, and so that you may see how much it needs the help of all servers and of those who will be servers of your Lord.

So that the gifts may descend to the planet, there must be a correspondence that springs from humanity, responding to the call of the Redeemer in this acute time of the planet, where many events are taking place, which comprise a great part of humanity, because it is still within a deep sleep, in its illusion.

I come to remove the blindfolds of many, for My desire, as a trusting Heart, is that souls become aware of many things. In this way, you will help me to accomplish My Project, which comes in search of the last ones who may be left behind.

And these last ones are millions of souls that, throughout the times, became lost because they did not know how to find My Merciful Heart, because they accepted in their lives the confirmation of other paths, that do not lead to peace, nor love, nor brotherhood.

I need My servers of these times to be united above all else, beyond their differences, their ideas and feelings.

It will be the building of this fraternal unity that will allow My Plan to triumph on the planet, that Project that God asked Me to carry out in this time as a preparation for the souls that are to wait for My Return to humanity.

If this unity is not built first among all the servers of the Plan, how will I be able to reach those areas where suffering prevails, where souls despair for not finding relief in anything, because many look aside so as to not see the planetary reality.

This human behavior must end.

Unite your hearts in love and in faith so that My Projects may be fulfilled in the world and, as I have already told you, so that My Message may reach all nations of humanity, all corners of the Earth in which many souls still wait for deep healing and liberation.

While you still do not build this unity, I still have to wait for that moment.

Remember that I am present in the humble and simple hearts that always obey My call.

I can speak through these hearts and perhaps you could not perceive it because you need to be in Love in order to see it.

It is Love that will unite you to the Source of My  Father's Knowledge.

It is Love that will unite you with My Heart and unite you all in true fraternity.

This is why I need your hearts to be open, especially those hearts that have already been following My Path for such a long time. 

I need you to not forget the Hierarchy and to know that It is present in the Centers of Love, and that each one of your hearts, as well as each one of your lives, have signed a commitment with the Redeemer.

For each one of you, continuous work with unity is to be found there as well.

This unity will make every being of this planet strong and invincible, those who may be entering the planetary transition, who may be facing the Apocalypse and the Armageddon, something that is deeply unknown to humanity, because it has never experienced it.

The sacred attribute of unity will make My servers of the Plan consistent, and you will not be separated from My Love, nor from My Works, because that could happen when your hearts turn away from one another, seeking to have your ideas and thoughts prevail, which may be the opposite of what I think, of what the Master proposes for humanity.

You are at the critical point, companions, just as the apostles were in the past.

You are at the point when your King would experience His Passion and would give everything for all.

You are at the moment of confirming Christ in your hearts, of testifying to Christ within your lives through acts of love and fraternity.

Perhaps some think that your Master has already said these things several times. If I repeat them, it is through My Divine Mercy, because it is My Divine Mercy that provides the patience to be able to bear with certain matters.

But it is time to not resist anymore, and time to let the stone of the heart break so that My Light may penetrate into the depths of the consciousness, and make of all My servers true apostles of Love and Unity.

Only with the experience lived through Love and Unity will you allow Me to be among you longer, above all, to be with the souls of the world that ardently seek My Divine Mercy in order to settle their debts, their errors and their behaviors that have wounded the Heart of God.

I beg you, do not forget unity among your hearts, because this will make the difference in being able to reach other nations of the world.

The Universe is waiting to be able to have Graces descend upon the nations of the Asian continent.

So that this may happen, you must take this first step toward unity, because unity is eternally built through love and service to your peers.

Thus, I heal you of your misunderstandings, your resistances, and also of your extremely hard hearts.

This is why I gave you My Heart yesterday, as an offering for the souls who most needed it, but also for My servers, the oldest among the old, who have been walking by My side for a long time in this spiritual task that I entrust to each heart, with the objective that they may fulfill the Purpose of the Father who is present in the Heavens and must descend to Earth through your surrender and service.

I still hope, companions, My oldest companions, to be able to count on each one of you in truth, in transparency, in openness, in love, in unity, so that the healing that your spirits still need may emerge.

And this healing will be a benefit for all of humanity, although you may still not believe it. This is how I bring about the death of the human condition within My oldest servers of the Plan.

I need to avail Myself of your hearts in order to reach the hearts of the world.

I will not be able to go directly to these hearts because you have committed to being My intermediaries in all details of life, in each step that is to be taken, in group life, in the fraternal community life, which must be your first principle, so that you know how to fulfill the Will of God.

I am relinquishing this space here in Miami to speak to My oldest servers of the Plan. Do you know what that means in this moment, to set aside My task for a moment, to attend to your inner issues?

Could it be that, someday, companions, you will have the courage to overcome yourselves for Me, so that I may give the world what I have come to give to humanity?

If you take this true step, you will see My Work be carried out in a spontaneous and true way through the miracles that I expect to perform in the hearts that most need them, such as those found here today, who come to seek reconciliation with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit, the Three Persons of God.

The Most Holy Trinity calls upon greater attention to the details of group life, of fraternity, mainly in unity, My servers must not lose these attributes.

I need you to build, as I have taught you, an inner fortitude, capable of removing the resistances from the consciousness.

Yesterday I gave you an example of a transcended soul. Today I give you an example of a soul that resists, because everyone comes to learn in this humanity: to forgive, to love and to be healed.

And this you will do for the rest of your lives, in order to conquer the Kingdom of Heaven, which waits to descend into your hearts to finalize this Plan of God, which is written in His eternal Heart of Love.

The Sacraments will free you, sanctify you all, and, they will allow you to live Communion with My Merciful Heart, in union with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Let the suffering souls excuse Me, but know that I am attending to your supplications.

I must care for My flocks that are closer to Me.

The fierce wolf does not rest in trying to hunt not even one of My sheep, you have already experienced this and you have lived it, there are verified examples for this.

Just as the apostles from the past experienced their purification, their transformation and awakening, I do the same with My apostles in this time.

I always use the same Laws to be able to work through Mercy and Divine Justice.

While Divine Justice has not yet come, use My Divine Mercy to make of your hearts meek and serene souls that will accomplish My Purpose.

In Miami, I must found a work, a primary work of instruction and prayer so that souls may approach My Heart and make of this place a point of reference for those who awaken.

This has just begun. From the moment in which your hearts opened to receive Me in this city, upon which I aspire to pour out, up to the last days, the Mercy of God, that Mercy which will allow the city to be purified, and allow it to be transformed.

But if hearts accept My call, some things will not happen, because the commitment of North America is to be a fraternal nation, a serving nation, in cooperation with the most suffering nations of the world, to banish war and to establish peace through service and prayer.

The aspiration of the Father is very great: to be able to correct creatures that, in different ways, have deviated from the path of Light.

Miami must be this redeemed cradle that sets aside superficial life so as to enter into immaterial life. This is My wish.

Ceremony of the blessing of the elements for anointing, baptism and communion.

Every day I remind you of My Passion so that you can transcend and thus be able to gain the inner strength to break up your deepest resistances and make of your consciousnesses luminous consciousnesses, permeated by the Love of God, by His Wisdom and by His Truth.

Through these elements, I give to the most simple, to the most hard-working, the Gift of My Liberation from the chains of resistance and the Gift of the opening of the soul to live in communion with the Creator.

I bless these elements so that they may become My Body and My Blood.

Just as God blesses your hearts every day when you seek Him in truth and in unity, so I establish the Kingdom of God throughout the world.

With the Light of My Spirit, I embrace you, and I thank all the pilgrims for having helped Me to accomplish this great mission throughout the nations of Central America, Mexico and the United States.

A great door to perdition was finally closed by your adherence to My Heart and by the efforts of everyone.

This is incalculable for the Creator Father, and, above all, for His children.

I thank you.

I give you peace and I wish you to always be peace, within each place of this world, for the Earth cries out for liberation.

I thank you.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
