My Son comes to bring the spiritual relief that hearts need so that a positive hope may be reborn within them.

Your Heavenly Mother accompanies you, to motivate you to continue forward with joy and rejoicing, because this will help hearts to be able to spiritually heal themselves.

It is in this way, dear children, that on this day, a ray of Grace descends over this region of the United States to consolidate within the spirits an opportunity for redemption and the elevation of consciousness.

The planetary reality makes of this humanity a race much in need of spiritual and moral balance. 

For this reason, the Divine Messengers arrive in the United States to call hearts to the truth, to the recognition of the human condition, in which many are to be found today.

For this, the Hierarchy carries out a work of miracles with the goal of preparing all consciousnesses ahead of time, for the expected return of Christ.

At this moment, each effort will be important, because this will build the alliance of sleeping consciousnesses with the Creator.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you on this day of mercy,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Beloved children,

Today My Rosary extends all over the world and, from the Inner Center of Fátima, where purity lives, I make each bead of My Most Holy Rosary travel through the abysses of the planet, through the nations in conflict, through the homes without peace and in the hearts of all those who unite with Me in prayer.

My beloved ones, I come as Our Lady of the Holy Rosary so that humanity recovers the purity which it lost from its heart, through the simple prayer of the Holy Rosary.

I come as your Holy Mother of Fátima to tell you that it is in the exercise of prayer that the heart strengthens and prepares itself to enter into the celestial mysteries. When you pray with the heart and abandon the worries of this world to dedicate yourselves only to pray, with your whole being, your hearts become mirrors of light that capture the peace that I wish to radiate to the world from My Universe of love, and reflect it as a spiritual attribute to all the planet.

Many of My children have forgotten the life of prayer, and even though they do not find peace and admit the degeneration in which this world is found, they prefer to proudly unite with chaos than humbly surrender to the life of prayer.

Children, those who pray discover the truth because they unite to the Truth itself that is the Consciousness of the Higher God, and in this way cause the illusion, which was blinding them, to fade away.

There is no mystery that cannot be revealed to the heart that prays with sincerity because this heart knows the non-limitation of God and does not reduce the expressions of the Creator and the greatness of His Creation to the small human comprehension. Therefore, children, I wish that you pray each time more deeply, so that your hearts are ready to find the reality that until today was invisible to the majority of the human beings.

I want you to strengthen yourselves not only to face chaos with bravery and in union with the Divine Purpose: I also want you to strengthen yourselves in order to enter into a reality that transcends all the material life and that in no way resembles what you know today.

I want you to strengthen yourselves in order to see the mirrors of Fátima lighted and to read the true history of humanity in them.

I want you to strengthen yourselves in order to see the mirrors of your hearts lighted and see reflected on them the truth of your spirits, because just as chaos reveals itself to the world and the atrocities are no longer hidden, are no longer a secret, in the same way, children, the true history of this humanity will also be revealed, and not just a few will recognize it. Every living being and all those who died in ignorance will see before them this history reflected on the mirrors and it will be the moment to define their own evolution, to embrace the Divine Purpose, or to step back and remain in the absolute illusion that was involving you.

My children, prayer is more than an instrument of peace and redemption: prayer is a door to the Universe of God, it is the bridge that removes you from human blindness and leads you to the horizon of truth. That is why, children, as Queen of the Holy Rosary, today I ask you to pray with Me so I can awaken for the higher life, on this day, as many as those who pray and search for peace.

Pray so that your brothers and sisters will remember My Immaculate Heart and, so that, with a simple thought sent to Me, I can work the miracle of awakening them to love.

Pray, children, for the peace among humankind, and in the Kingdoms of Nature.

Pray for the establishing of My Kingdom and so you can be worthy to see this Kingdom emerge on the surface of the Earth.

I bless you today and always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fátima


The School of humility of the Virgin Mary: The humility to be able to listen

Dear children,

In My school of humility it is essential to be able and learn how to listen to spiritual instruction. For this, the spirit of humility must permeate your consciousnesses so that you learn how to listen to everything which is needful to be heard. If your hearts listen, you will be humble, and in this time you will be able to understand what will allow the transformation to happen.

To find the spirit of humility and of surrender, first you must banish everything that your consciousnesses listen to in themselves. If you do not do this internally, you will never be able to generate the space needed in the consciousness for humility to act and have you be part of the inner transformation.

Dear children, consecration to God is not enough; the Father needs for you to learn to detach from your own forms and modalities, which have made of humanity a civilization without true instruction. For this reason, through the school of humility, you must gradually detach from every inner thought or feeling which opposes the higher action of humility. To achieve this detachment, you must recognize and accept the lack of humility existing in you, thus opening the heart so that it may govern above every mental or intellectual form.

Humility as essence is a powerful tool which allows doors to be opened to the healing of the heart and the deepest wounds, wounds which in most souls are caused by a state of incomprehension, and above all, by a lack of peace.

Every adversity or disappointment generated by the personal consciousness is the reflection of not feeling loved as one believes one should be, and of a lack of closeness to the higher principle of humility.

The school of humility allows the consciousness to recognize itself as it is and to see its difficulties as a possibility for exchanging them for attributes it has never experienced. The lack of humility generates a void in the inner world of beings, which cannot be filled by anything, not even by love. This happens because of permanence or the resistance to some true changes.

The lack of humility generates states of frustration or lack of concretization of goals in the material life in the consciousness. Therefore, for higher humility to draw closer, the consciousness must humble itself, and that is what arrogance and pride do not want to do from the moment in which they must be deposed from their power.

The invocation of humility presupposes facing some aspects of life that must die. When this search is honest, the Grace of God intervenes to dissolve the permanent difficulties. In humility there exists a door that leads straight to peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who heals you in the essence of humility,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Today I come again to teach you something basic about the lesson of Love, which is called Divine Pity.

Without Pity, hearts cannot manage to take steps toward My Son, and, even less, they cannot manage to see all their inner paths open to concretize the Sacred Will of God.

For this reason, My children, let your hearts dare to always be compassionate with yourselves and with all others because after having seen My Son suffer and die on the Cross for you, the Pity of God was and is the balm that neutralizes all serious errors.

In this time of spiritual and world crises, may your eyes see the events of life and of purification with Pity rather than with fury. My children, this will avoid a feeling of hate being established in the world, which is the opposite of love and unity.

To all those who pray to My Heart, I ask that you remember the sacred attribute of Pity because, at the most needful time of your lives and consciousnesses, you will be able to return to it, which will be the gift that will transform all things in time.

Pity will be the master key for impossible or irreversible causes within the consciousnesses, for it will always bring you patience, enthusiasm, and, above all, motivation to serve God, beyond all consequences.

May the divine spirit of Pity always fill your hearts.

Remember, My children, that the Lord is not only Love; He is profound Pity for His smallest creatures.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you with the infinite Pity of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today remain in the arms of Your Mother so that this act may represent, before the Throne of God, the response to the union of all souls with the Creator. This affiliation with the Celestial Father is what hearts should resume after having separated from God through the realities of life.

As your Heavenly Mother, I bring the possibility that hearts reconsider and find again the union with the celestial universe.

The lack of affiliation with God generates discord and darkness in the hearts. The Eternal Father is the Source that renews all things and grants the most special Graces to hearts that trust in Him.

Beloved children, it is thus that through the fervent bridge of prayer you will hold the doors of Light open for the world, and so that the most lost souls may reintegrate with the pathway that they have lost sight of.

My children, this affiliation with the Most High could regenerate planetary life and guide all souls to the fulfillment of the Universal Purpose.

I thank you for answering My call!

May Peace, which is My Peace, be amongst you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The purification of the soul and of the whole being, according to the Law of Harmony, is similar to an inexhaustible spring of water.

This spring experiences permanent times of transformation, its rhythm is continuous, and, thus, each moment is indelible.

Water is chaste and pure, but the spring experiences its path of purification when it encounters all that which is superficial.

In this way, your hearts, which, in the image of God, are very pure, receive all the lessons to be able to grow and mature.

This spring experiences its transformations and you also experience the time of drought, the time of abundance and the time of balance, but you never stop purifying yourselves until you achieve peace.

I am that flow that leads you upon new paths. I am the Mother of all that has been created.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you to the principle of original purity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



My beloved children,

I want you to recognize My arrival to your lives and to know that you will never be alone again.

I will inhabit in each heart which opens the door of its interior to Me and in there I will reign as your Celestial Mother for all Eternity.

When each one of My children may be able to live My Love in their interior, this world will stop suffering and perishing by the deeds of the enemy.

Today I arrive to this Home of Mine, a favorite dwelling to Me.  Here I have found the love of the simple, of the dispossessed, of the imperfect ones and also of the pure of heart, of the strong of spirit, of the restless in the path of charity and of the donation to the neighbors.

Here I have sown the seed of the New Earth in the heart of My Beloved daughter Pama, so that she donated herself wholly and, through her hands and her heart, I could work and rescue the fragile souls, souls that have received the love of mother and father, which God had destined to His Creatures.

On this day I ask all that listen to My Voice to pray, so that this delicate and precious project of God be kept safe from the claws of the enemy, the one that tries to interfere in each one of the projects of My Son.

In this house, where with so much effort and love a hand is offered to the innocent who suffers, who perishes by the ignorance of others, in this sacred place, I have deposited My Light and Maternal Love.  My servers, you are the ones who must take care of and protect, with love, each consciousness that has arrived here to find a light for its soul.

I want to express to all, My gratitude, because I know how difficult it is for all of you, within this agonizing world, to create a space of true light and redemption, of love and evolution.

Today I ask you all to place into your hearts this project of love and redemption of Mine, where My Son aspires to arrive one day, so that all may know in the coming times, that once God signed with His finger of Love this hill, this place and these hearts, so that the seed of a New Earth, the seed of a new fraternal humanity, was gestated here.

Today I bless each one of these children, of these teenagers and of those warrior spirits who accompany them with so much love.  I pour My Graces over this place again and, in the name of the Creator, I leave My Banner of Peace, Love and Protection so that the enemy may not put its feet over here.

Blessed be those who with the purity of the heart build fraternity.  They will be called Children of God, the Most High, for all the centuries to come.

Blessed be those who truly endeavor, day after day, to transcend the evils of this world and offer to the universe a safe door through which the light of the stars may descend.  They will be called guardians of the universe, for all the centuries to come.

Blessed be those who persist, who have placed, with determination, their souls in the end of the path and build with their fidelity to the Plan of God, the opportunity to others.  Those will be called by the Creator the eternal faithfuls for all the centuries to come.

Blessed be you, Children of the Most High, for opening to Me the door of the heart day after day.

Pray, pray, day and night, for I have you always under My Mantle.

I love you and keep you in My Maternal Heart.

Thank you for waiting for Me with so much love and for being today with Me.

Your Little Mother of Heaven, Mary, Mother and Protector of all the creatures of the world

Special Message for the Vigil of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of Salta, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

Worship the missions of Saint Joseph in the world through your hearts.

Within you, carry love for the full service for God and for His preferred plans for souls.

Today I want you to serve to repair the causes that oppress many hearts that have been forgotten for a long time.

With My Heart, I elevate the sincere offerings of all the pilgrims that dare to work out of love for the Mercy of My Son.

Dear children, today I am here to thank you for your response to being here in Salta.

Now, as from the new cycle announced by the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, prepare the instrument that represents the heart of each of you, because the Lord is calling on you to labor through the means of service, fraternity, and humility, attributes that must first be born in you to then be experienced as light on other children of Mine.

Today I pause with My gaze to observe the sincerity of your hearts. It is time to continue walking in the faith of the heart.

I thank you, children, for responding to My call in Salta!

Mary, Queen of Peace

Prayer of Saint Joseph transmitted during the vigil of prayer of February 26, 2013, in the city of Salta, Argentina. A prayer that must be repeated seven times at the beginning and at the end of the Devotional to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

Prayer of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph
O beloved mediator and intercessor Saint Joseph!
plead for us before Christ
for all eternity.




Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
