Marathon of Divine Mercy

While souls live Me, your hearts ignite with Mercy and that is something real, it is something that I always look for in all the hearts of the Earth.

Today I show Myself to you in Glory.

Just as I Am in Heaven, thus I Am before My Father, Who deserves glory and praise.

Today I come from a very special place of the Universe, to where you may be able to go someday, after My Work in this humanity is accomplished.

Today I want you to not only contemplate My Heart, but also feel it here, present among you, communing with the essence of unity and brotherhood among all the spirits of goodwill that, throughout time, assemble to listen to Me, just as you listened to Me in the Holy Land.

For this reason, My Father has placed you here, on this part of the planet, so that you may once again vivify My Principles of instruction and of transformation.

Today I can definitely stretch out My Hand over you and place it on your heads, as My Mother has requested in Her perpetual prayers.

Today I can definitely say that the Love of God overcomes and transforms all things, when He is truly recognized by the souls that sincerely cry out.

Today My Grace is approaching the dark world to illumine it again in My Spirit; in My Spirit of Peace and of Mercy.

But today, companions, I am not only with you, but also with those who open their hearts and their homes to receive Me in this spiritual communion with the Heart that permanently loves you, without restrictions or conditions; with the Heart that suffered the martyrdoms of the Passion and of the Cross for you; and that at the culminating moment, said: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

But today I do not want you to think about what you were in that moment, but rather that you live Me in this eternal present, of which I make you participants at each new meeting.

Today, many of those who are here represent the nations of the planet, their debts and their commitments. I need your hearts, companions, to be My missionaries of peace, like those who have served Me in the Middle East, in the middle of the tribulation and the chaos, fully trusting in the steps of My Holy Mother, Who rejoices in the hearts that love My Heart and My Mercy.

Today I come to give you what the world needs for this end time, which is the Love of God that must renew all things and must redeem the hearts that are still closed to My Call.

But I wait, as I waited in the Garden of Gethsemane, in the absolute solitude of the Heart and of the Consciousness, with the supreme assistance of the angels of Heaven, that consoled My offering on the Cross and in the Passion.

I no longer want to see you asleep.

My Words are codes of light for all.

My Love is the balm for your spirits, it is the consolation for souls, it is deep healing for those who have been wounded through their own actions.

But know, companions, that I still cannot return in Glory, because the hearts that I have chosen must be prepared to receive Me in this moment, to be able to recognize Me and open the doors of their souls to Me, to strongly embrace Me and know Who I Am.

I wish that you could not only see Me, but that you could recognize Me when the moment comes, you and your brothers and sisters of the world, that still sleep in the dream of illusion, of personal realization, and personal power.

Today I am here, in Glory, before the hearts that have said "yes" to redemption. Thus, I will first bless you with My Spirit, which is the Spirit of God, which illumines all forms and exalts the good feelings of souls that are reconciled with God all the days of their lives.

You adore Me, you wait for Me, and you love Me. I also wait for you, I also adore what is real in what you are, and I love what really exists in you, which is the most beautiful thing that God created for his Universe: Unity.

If your hearts were not united when I am no longer here, present among you, what will you do?

How will you wait for Me when I knock on the door of your dwelling places?

How will you transmit My Word to those that should hear it in such a critical hour?

You have no reason to be disturbed, that is something of My adversary.

Those who are distressed in their heart feel that way because they do not love Me, or does not yet know how to live Me; but if I come in Glory for all those who are consistent with Me and for those who have still to wake up in each part of this Earth, what do you fear, if you are in My Light, if you believe you are living in My Heart, which can do all things?

When I fell with the Cross for the second time, My Mother approached, living My pain, because it was something shared under the Purpose of God, to share the pain of the world and of perverted sinners.

She Herself uplifted Me, She picked Me up from the ground when My Body was very tired; because it was the weariness of God suffering in My body for all the ungrateful souls, for the sinners of the world; but it was the love that made Me strong, it was not My Will; because My Will was in My Father.

My Father was in Me, doing His Will. That is what you are to live, just as I lived it, each one in their proportion and to their degree.

At that moment, in the second fall, I thought I would die on the road to calvary. And the look of My Mother was what saved Me; a look of love, of consolation, and of protection. That is when Archangel Michael gave Me the strength to stand up and continue, and at that time I said: Mother, I renew all things, because it is My Father that renews them in Me and in You.

You must allow yourselves to be renewed by My Heart, which is being offered for those who may want to receive it; because there will be no place to go, companions, when the chaos manifests; there will be no refuge, house, or person that will help you. My Heart is your salvation and your eternal faith.

Thus, I will be able to help My children when I am in your hearts all the time, and not only for a few moments.

I need My Existence to expand in you for a longer time. You, companions, are the repositories of an inexplicable grace, of an incalculable opportunity in the face of the debt of the planet and of humanity; for this reason, I persist with you until I get want I want.

We must be in perpetual Adoration for the difficult times. This is what I requested of Faustina in the Most Holy Body of Christ.

In the Shrine is the renewing Strength for all that seek it.

I will bless you and go with you. Make a pilgrimage to My Heart, and do not tire of doing so; in this way, you will understand many things in the coming time.

Now, I have come here so that all may feel purified, for My Light expands like molecules in all those who open their hearts to receive it, in gratitude and love.

In silence, rest your heads upon My Breast and feel My Glorified Heart that consoles and heals all wounds, no matter which it may be, because for the Son of God there is nothing impossible.

If your faith is strong, My Love will be strong in you and will be felt in the hearts that approach to recognize Me in My brothers and sisters.

Today this water will bless you all, as a symbol of the renewal of your first baptism; and those who were not baptized as I was, in the Jordan river, will receive this first blessing that will prepare you for your first baptism, in which all evil will be dispelled, and the Light of My Glory will be established over the souls that may rejoice in My Spirit.

Let us pray as the Father taught us through His Son, so that in Glory, the Holy Spirit may descend and sanctify this water, which is the first sign of the Creation of God on this planet and in the whole Universe, the water that quenches the thirst of souls.

Praised be God, glorious is His Reign, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen.

With this blessing, companions, may the Gifts of My Father be able to manifest in you, through the living of the Sacraments and the renewal of your vows with the Most High Project of God.

May your souls be glad and never cease to be so, living all the sacrifices for humanity and the planet, for the final redemption of evil.

My Heart triumphed again today in the world because of your response.

May My Peace be established in those who do not have it.

May My Faith be propagated like the subtle aroma of the Universe.

May My Love expand like the blowing of the wind and may all feel the hope of living in God, forever.

I bless you and those who most need it in this world, as I did on the Mount of Beatitudes, lifting up My right Hand toward My Father, placing My left Hand over My Heart, which is the Heart of God, opening up the Heavens, I have invoked the Holy Spirit.

Thus, I bless you in the Holy name of My Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I have come to the shore, to call you, as I did with the apostles.

Yesterday I heard this song and today I wish you to do it in gratitude to My Father.

You may go in peace.


When we were praying the last decade of the Mystery of the Rosary, we saw Our Lady assisting and working in a region of the Middle East. Moments later, when She appeared, She told us that we were seeing a place in Turkey. She pointed with Her left hand to an infinite number of winged angels gathered together working and flying over the area.

The Divine Mother told us that She had commissioned a certain number of angelic hosts to unite with a specific group of souls present on the planet in order to collaborate with them and assist them in establishing one of the most important Purposes of God: Peace. She told us that these souls, incarnated on Earth for these times, were souls in service to the Plan of God that would help in the times of greatest worldwide emergency.

Our Mother of Heaven showed us that the angels and the souls in service were working intensively in the physical counterpart of the path that the refugees travel at this time inside of Turkey on their way to exile in Europe. She told us that the angels and the souls in service are attempting to contain this situation in a harmonious and peaceful way, working to generate spiritual and inner relief in each one of the brothers and sisters exiled from the Middle East.

Following this explanation of Our Lady, She transmitted the following message:

       Dear children:

The summoning for collaboration and cooperation in the mission for the Middle East has already been made by the International Humanitarian Federation, and all are spiritually in the last preparatory steps for departing on this important task. And as it was done in Africa, Your Heavenly Mother, together with the instructions from Saint Joseph, will closely guide this risky humanitarian mission.

My missionaries of peace are already working together with some angels in Turkish territory. This sister nation is caught in the middle of two opposing realities: on one side, the Arab war, and on the other, the entry doorway to the countries of Eastern Europe.

Turkey is the main route for all of the refugees. But My missionaries of peace will not only find out about the needs of this nation, they will also see the reality of the peoples of Syria in search of a new way of life.

The main effect of the war falls on the children, over the littlest ones, those who must transcend the consequences of hunger and the lack of water.

That is why the three Sacred Hearts already can be found in the spiritual region of the conflict, preparing the way so that humanitarian and praying assistance will reach the greatest possible number of people.

My missionaries of peace will meet with other missionaries, and in the name of peace and of voluntary service, they will unite their inner forces of love and of labor for all of the refugees.

The main deficiencies present in the faces of My children of the Middle East are fear, exile, hunger, and the lack of human love. It is for this reason, dear children, that this forthcoming humanitarian mission will place not only the missionaries of peace, but also all of the work in the reality of the true Armageddon, of which there is an attempt to spiritually stop, so that it will not expand across the world.

The war is not only the cause of the precariousness of humanity; the planet as a whole is immersed in several conflicts, which are first gestated within families, and then in all of humanity, coming then into great nations.

Divine Justice is active, but the time of Mercy is also in force. That is why this next humanitarian mission to Turkey is considered by the Plan of God to be a mission of Mercy. It will be through service, and through any need that must be fulfilled, that the energy of Divine Mercy will be the main source for the transmutation of the contrary negative streams, which feed on the wars.

My fourteen missionaries of peace, in the name of God, will be consciously entering a global area of great mental and spiritual conflict, safeguarded by the Archangel Michael. It will be like entering a great storm that is occurring in a precipitated and unmeasured way.

The motto for the missionaries of this new mission will be: “The Grace of God is our stronghold”. The secret Mercy that must be disseminated through each act and service will turn back human desperation and may bring a little of peace to hearts.

The humanitarian mission to the Middle East will open other doors, so that the Project of the Hierarchy can be requested in other regions of the planet, where similarly complex needs of assistance exist.

The union of each missionary of peace and of each one who prays with the three Sacred Hearts in a true, faithful, and loving way makes it possible to not run certain risks.

In the times of Armageddon, may the faith and the trust in Christ be the shield and the greater strength that will generate absolute surrender to the Plan of the Father so that His precious Will be fulfilled.

My Son has gathered all of you together in these times; for this reason, each soul is called to be a part of this work of redemption, without attachments or forms.

May Our Light be present in each missionary of peace. May Our Love fill them so that Peace will reign.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In preparation and vigil,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Like the twelve Apostles sitting at the table, today I have all of you close to Me, to fill you with My Gifts of spiritual life, to show you the Purpose of God in these times of chaos.

I am that Sun that shines in the darkness of these final times.

I am the Eucharistic Heart for the universe of souls, for all the spirits that are in God; but I also come for the sinners, for those who turn their backs on Me through those that I send to deliver My Word of salvation.

Today you are before My Cenacle not only with the twelve who followed Me in the beginning to give the greater impulse of the Christification of humanity, a project that has been reached only by very few. I do not lose hope, the battle has not finished and still the truce has not been established because the Apocalypse has not occurred and the hearts do not know what will happen.

I come to give strength to the inner worlds where God truly lives and His great experience of love.

While the forces of evil unleash furiously over the world to conquer hearts, I come to establish, in those never seen before, My true Cenacle of consecration impregnated by the Purpose of God and by His Divine Thought, in all this Creation and for all this race.

If Adam and Eve broke with the project, humanity had to assume its own faults throughout time and the generations. But I incarnated in this world to put an end to those things.

I offered myself for you in the Passion and on the Cross, in Death and Ascension, to be that thread of light that united all the commandments. 

Now that you know you must love one another, you must support each other. You must learn to heal through the experience of love and unity. In that, My adversary will not be able to work because he does not know what the True Love of God is.

When he was in Heaven he became confused and the Law deposed him; he will be the last one that will be defeated by the force of My own Blood when I return to the world in Glory and Light.

Until that happens, the good Christians will be persecuted and those who believe in Me will be mistreated, not by punishment, but to do as I did.

In the silence I gave myself for love, for Redemption and for Salvation. You should not think about who will live it or how it will happen. In the Heart of the Father everything is written, but you beings of the Earth, created in the image and likeness of God since the beginning of the project of Earth and humanity, can change the events when you are true, pure and humble.

Sins embrace many hearts that do not find consolation or a way out.

I give you the table of My Mercy so that you can make it known. This table replaces your faults in the book of the universe where everything is written, from the beginning until the end.

I told you some time ago that I am that Omega who comes to bring an end to all things, but for that it will be necessary to pass through the transition.

I know that many of your hearts would want to hear words of hope, but this time has already been written in the heart of the prophets, in the peoples of yesterday.

I Am that star that shines in the universe, which ascended towards the house of the Father to first return in the divinity of the beings and in the spirits of the workers of God who work tirelessly to concretize the Plan.

Suffer no more for your imperfections, just work to concretize My Plans and I will give you the strength of transformation and of the life of all the universe.

I am that Sun which comes to announce Itself again in the end of times just as I once came to this world to die for you.

I am that glorious Sun, that Sacred and Glorified Heart that brings to you Grace and  Mercy; that is why My enemy works to dispel the aspiration of the hearts of finding My Mercy and My Peace.

The soldiers are formed in the first lines of the Apocalypse and the spirit of all men is prepared to face the final time.

I would like to be able to tell you everything that is predicted, but humanity changes the destiny of things as a consequence of its actions and tasks.

You must learn to love the Will of God without judging it or rethinking if it is right or not.

You must love the Will of the Father as I loved it and as I will always love it, because it is a will filled by the Love of God, by His most pure and noble Heart for the whole universe.

The human will is the hardest thing to die, it is the most resistant stone in the hearts of men, and behind it is pride and denial.

I come to give you the impulse to transform all these things, so that you are not the same.

I come to draw, by means of your lives, the new paths toward the Lord.

Therefore while you are purified or when you rejoice, you must thank God, because in truth I will always be extending My Hand to give you inner strength and reasons to change life, to change the genetics of the Earth, of all humanity.

I came through Jesus to show you the path of overcoming, of redemption, of transcendence, despite being constituted as a Divine Being.

The apostles achieved the same prodigies that I lived through the Archangel Michael.

If you have faith, everything is possible and nothing is delayed.

In this way, the Project of God descends and is realized in the hearts of all beings.

I expect that all souls recognize My Presence in this place where the aurora dawns in the life of each being.

I leave in this forgotten place, the refuge of my Heart for the coming times, and I expect My apostles to take part in caring for this refuge, that I spiritually leave here and which will serve the souls that will come to seek help, as well as the holy oratory of Archangel Michael.

I come to remind you of the humility of things in the simplicity of forms and in the beauty of what is manifested.

All of you should be bearers of the spirit of harmony and of vigilance of everything that is sacred, of the care that it needs to endure  throughout the times.

All those who pray have the mission, in My name, of helping in the manifestation of the Centers of Light of the communities that I establish, for the great final task.

The Fig tree must continue giving buds, flowers and fruits so that new Centers of Light may be born which will serve as support in the transition of the Earth and especially to the groups of mercy that have responded to My Call throughout this time.

Thus you will see, companions, that when we are no longer here to announce Our Word to you, Our Spirit will be there until the moment when I return to this world to again redeem it and lead it towards the New Humanity.

There will be no other place to go on Earth, except where you have worked spiritually for so long to learn and instruct yourself, to grow in prayer and in service to others.

When everything is more difficult, My Church, extended through the Earth will recognize what I did here, and it will be late for the impious, for those who claim to be immortal before God.

God is the Spirit of Immortality; He is the Eternal and Omnipresent Spirit, as is His Son, who was born of the Spirit of Immortality to give you eternal life and teach you to transcend the times through Love and Sacrifice.

I institute here a sign which will be seen in the hearts of those who believe not only for their faith, but for the love of the unknown, the love for overcoming themselves by My Holy Name.

That is why today I have you seated at the table, celebrating this first spiritual communion, at the top of Mount Sinai. So that you remember that I Am that thread of light that unites the commandments.

Next month, I expect to see here, in this Center, those who say they are with Me, begging for My Mercy for this humanity, for what will happen with the missions will be important, and this work here must be supported. Aurora needs it, just as Aurora has given it to you in every new inner encounter.

The prayer groups should be organized to be in this refuge that I am giving you next month.                                                  

Thus, we will constitute a new ceremony of redemption for those who suffer in humanity and will be bearers of My paternal blessings.

In this sacred cenacle, on Mount Sinai, I find many coming to Me, to present to Me many petitions.

I hear you when the prayer is truthful, as it has been in these days, when My Heart is relieved of the sins of the world, of those who forget the Lord.

It is so much love that I have to give you that you would not bear it. Each drop of blood shed in the Passion, was a drop of love for the world, for each one the souls, in the course of time.

If you counted how much Blood I shed on the cross, on the Calvary or the flogging, and also with the crowning of thorns, you would understand how much I love you, because My Father loves you through Me.

I leave you this sign and I bring quiet to your hearts.

In the Light that comes from the infinite, I bless you.

In the Holy Name of My Father, in the Victorious Light of His Son and in the Power of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, uniting you to the High and the Superior, renewing your hope and strengthening your faith, so that you are able to live me, as I expect.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Glorified Christ Jesus


​​While the Sacred Hearts work tirelessly for this world, the weeping of the most little ones of the Middle East is heard in face of the lack of mercy and of compassion. In the most little ones there exists the spirit of inner purity, this purity and innocence that some try to banish through fear, panic and of perturbation.

It is for this, that the Sacred Hearts of Saint Joseph and of Mary have entered the regions of greater conflict in order to assist spiritually and materially all of the families that live in the sea of desperation and of exile.

Your Heavenly Mother decisively implores to Saint Michael Archangel for Him to place the Creative Power of His sword of Light over those regions and consciousnesses of the planet that provoke the worldwide disorder.

If this comes to pass, the Law will be hard with the ungrateful and the unjust ones, which will not be able to be reverted.

It is to prevent a punishment that could leave a mark in humanity that Your Most Holy Lady of Heaven descends to the world to beg to all of Her children for them to ask for mercy and redemption.  It shall be for the sake of the profound and truthful supplication of the praying ones of the world that a longer period of peace may be achieved.

Otherwise, if the more conscious and awake humanity does not pay attention to the call that comes directly from Heaven, humanity will see much more than blood flowing and corpses decomposing in the streets and in the nations of the world.

If this happened, a kingdom of darkness would be established in the world, but as I know that My Immaculate Heart will triumph, I will come to ask for the life and the surrender of a few servers so that in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ they will balance all of the degenerated causes in this world of today.

This will prevent this unfair kingdom to be established and will permit that the Powerful Heart of Mary may triumph in the great regions of the Earth.  In this way, the Angels of the Most Holy Trinity will descend to the planet to remove the consciousnesses that have opened the doors to evil.

Thus, many will see the great prodigy of the Mother of the Sun in the horizon, a sign that will mark the beginning of the expected one thousand years of peace.  For this to happen, all that seems impossible and exacts sacrifice will be asked of those who gave their yes to Jesus Christ.

It will be in this way that the Work of God will not be lost as the innocent blood that flows in the streets of the world today is lost, and the Work of God shall have its victory through Grace.

I thank you for embracing with trust My important call!

In a vigil of light and of prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In these times, the world does not seek the Light. I come from Heaven to make it known, that powerful and sublime Light that emerges from the Heart of God for the world and for all the universes.

Today I am here with you, dear children, with My Most Holy Heart, commemorating this special meeting with My Consciousness, which unites all your consciousnesses with the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

On this day, I come to restore your lives; to restore your material and spiritual paths so that you may follow My call, directly to the Heart of the Creator.

This is My greatest wonder for your lives, that you follow a single path through My Immaculate Heart. For this reason, I come to call you, not only to prayer, but also to a fulfilling of your spiritual task in this mission of the 144,000, of the new apostles of My Son.

Do you perhaps believe you are one of them?

I come to reveal this prophecy to you, because the sign that the world needs to deeply change, before everything happens, is visible in these times.

My Voice is not only announced in Medjugorje; I come to this part of the Americas, not only to consecrate the Plan of God, but to also, through the peoples, have the new apostles of Christ emerge, those who will impart gifts and graces to all those that need them. Thus, My Heart is persevering, beloved children.

Today, a cycle in your lives closes. A new spiritual and higher cycle is coming to the world. It is beginning at this very moment, in this real time of God, in which all are invited, through the upliftment of the prayer of the heart, your communion with Christ and your repentance, to place yourselves again and again in light of Divine Laws.

 For this, I come clothed in the Sun, to illumine your paths, to open your eyes, to open your hearts and thus, you may feel the Purpose of God through Me.

Today, My whole Consciousness is manifested in this place; just as God allowed it in this end of times, in which all are called to experience a profound reflection in the consciousness, to change the habits of your lives, to correct your paths, to follow the path of the Shepherd which is the real path, is the true Hierarchy of this galaxy, in this solar system and in this little world in the whole universe.

Do you know what this means, dear children?

I come to reveal the mysteries of God to you. Those deep secrets that, in the Divine Life of the Sacred Hearts, of the Sacred Family, were fully lived in the absolute trust that everything was true for the evolution of the hearts of the world.

I come with the aspiration of a good Mother, to institute the principle of a New Humanity here, strengthened through faith, love, unity and mainly, a trust that your lives, purified in Christ, will find the goal that you have sought for so long.

Your goal, My children, is to be found beyond other philosophies. I invite you to experience the philosophy of My maternal Heart, which is the perfect vibration of the Love of God manifested in the Heart of your Heavenly Mother.

Today I again present you with My Immaculate Heart, as a perfect offering to be able to experience redemption and peace, within and outside of yourselves, so the confusing paths fade and the Light of God again emerges in all the steps you must take toward the Lord.

My Heart is a Star manifested before you, which comes from the universe, crossing these thresholds of Light, to pour out the Graces that God has granted on this day. I would deeply like that, every day of My omnipresent Life, you could see Me; but trust, trust in the Will of God.

It is already a Grace for your hearts that you have been assembled on this holy day to renew your spiritual vows with the Creator; release your ties, leave the paths of damnation, the material lack of control of the life promised by this sick humanity.

Today I come to heal many of your hearts, hearts that are sick and have need of the relief of the attributes of the Universal Mother. If you live these attributes, I assure you, dear children, that you will not lose that path to infinity that you are invited to experience in this beginning of peace that I disseminate for your lives and the world.

As Mother of this humanity, Mother and Princess of this world, Commander of all these hearts, I come on this 8th of August to unite your hearts with the Sublime Spirit of God, which you know as the One Source.

My Heart is that Portal that today is open to your souls, in front of your eyes, with deep maternal Love, with the gaze of a kind Mother, so that everybody dares to enter into Me and consecrate your lives, according to your possibilities.

I come to give you this last offer on this date. This is the greatest Grace God has granted Me after eight years of patiently walking by your side, in love and in truth, so your hearts would be able to grow in faith and be nurtured by the Holy Spirit of My Son.

God granted, beloved children, that My Son come here to open the doors of this Aurora, so that hearts could be freed, redeemed and healed through the Archangel Michael. But that is a task, is a spiritual mission of Our Sublime Hearts in light of this unfaithful world, which seeks for results in other things, on other paths upon which souls are lost and distance themselves from God more each day.

Thus, the universe is around My aura, My blue aura of Light, to radiate the fortitude to you which you need to feel encouraged to follow in My footsteps, so simple and humble that in truth, dear children, if you dare to experience them, you will concretize your works, which are the Works of God for the world.

But today, I am not here alone, but rather surrounded by the angels of Heaven, by all the Heavenly Hierarchies that respond to the maximum Will of the Creator. Today I am uniting this Spiritual Universe, where I am, with your material life, a life of sorrow and pain that must be rescued by My Spirit of Peace, before everything happens.

While I speak to you, dear children, I am working on your hearts so you may reach the Light, the Light of the redemption of Christ, so necessary and urgent for rehabilitating as many hearts as possible that walk in the darkness of My adversary.

But with My feet, on this soil of Aurora, I step on the head of the serpent; so that it stop causing souls to be lost and I, as from now, be your Governor, your Universal Mother, your Guiding Star, that will guide your steps, your paths and your families toward a new Repairing Communion with Christ, at the definite moment of His Return to Earth.

Happy are those who believe without seeing, because in truth, they know the Kingdom of God.

Happy are those who hear with the ears of the heart, for they will feel the Holy Spirit of the Creator.

Happy are those who repent from the heart, that set aside their ties so that the Aurora of My Heart remove all the evils of this world and the doors of redemption open for the hearts that are lost because of not wanting to follow the Mother of Heaven.

I bring you true, definite words for your lives. I bring you higher healing, the feminine principle, sacred and immaculate, in this universal life.

I come to open your eyes so you may reach your soul and so that your soul live in the Spirit of God, for the centuries to come.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

It is for this reason that I open all the doors of this world that separate it from the universe, and I unite the Time of God with the time of this Earth, to thus heal all the errors of the past, a past unknown to you, that does not come from this world, but which My Heart can indeed see and heal in your consciousnesses.

I come to release the ties with evil of those who say 'yes' to My Immaculate Heart, but let this 'yes' be true and let it manifest in the actions of your lives in the days to come.

I hope, My children, that you did not come to meet with Me simply out of a curiosity for knowing what happens on this sacred ground; that you are here because you are willing to definitely transform your lives, to release the ties of the past and be reborn to a new knowledge, to a new life, to a New Humanity, which must have each of your hearts and each of your consciousnesses as a seed.

Do not wait, My beloveds, for this humanity to suddenly appear, for it must be built through the conscious purification and transformation of each of you.

But the love for God and for His Perfect Plan must be greater than the love for the things of this world; because My adversary will seek in all ways to feed those desires and the aspirations that tie you to the illusions of this world, and in all ways, it will disguise these aspirations so they may seem true and spiritual.

For this reason, open your eyes, not the eyes of the mind, but rather those of the heart; because it is through the heart, My beloveds, that you will hear My Voice and will know that it is the carrier of the Will of God for your lives as well as for humanity, as well as for the whole universe, which on this day, assembles around My Mantle to observe the hearts of the world and contemplate the Project of God.

The universe waits for the response of all human beings. Thus, today I ask that you be brave, in spirit as well as in matter, to set aside the past and surrender to the new future that I bring before your eyes as an opportunity for redemption.

This redemption is available for all, but if you do not say 'yes' to Me and are not ready to transform your lives, this fount of healing will spill onto this ground and will return to its Source without having touched your consciousnesses.

Do you recognize, My beloveds, the great loss it is for this race if you do not accept saying 'yes' to the Power of God that manifests in His Servant?

Let me dissolve the fear of your hearts, to heal the lack of faith, for in this way, I will be able to shape you and protect you so that you go through the times that will come and that, in spite of all the events of the world, you never abandon the Path of the Lord, because the great victory of God is to manifest the full certainty of the perfection of His Project in His creatures, and that these children of God accept following the Light, beyond the darkness that surrounds them.

It is for this, My children, that today I bring you the Light of the Divine Source, which originated the consciousnesses of the Cosmos as well as of this Earth.

From this Source of Light come your essences, which today I seek to re-ignite, so that in this new cycle, a great act of redemption and reconciliation with God will manifest; thus, announcing to the cosmos that the manifestation of the Plan of God is possible and that, at the beginning of this planetary cycle, which announces the end of human decadence, a part of humanity chose to follow the Plans of God.

What I need, My beloveds, is that you not only listen to My Words, but that your paths be straight, that you look firmly at My Immaculate Heart, and that you not walk other paths, but rather on this one that leads to My Heart.

I aspire that you not only be with Me today, but all the days of your lives; that within yourselves, you defeat all the tendencies of this unfaithful world, to follow in My footsteps which lead you to the Redeemer; that you proclaim the Son of God every day, in all moments of your lives; that you announce the victory of the King of the Universe in your consciousnesses through your transformation.

Live My Words, do not just listen to them, because this is the great possibility that I bring you on this night. Live My Words.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this holy day, I invite you to live the path of the heart, the path of Love that humanity is losing because of distancing itself from God and preferring other things that do not nurture the spirit, that do not make life shine, in the way God foresees.

Thus, on this night, I will bless this Sacred Book, which is the greatest expression of My perfect Love for you. I hope you will carry it as a path to find the Light.

Let us sing "Immaculate Heart of Mary."

Dear children, I bless this Book, because they are the Words that God taught Me, which today I transmit to you with all the maternal Love of My Heart. May these blessed pages be read with a humility of spirit, with the simplicity of the heart that seeks a perfect union with God.

Each time you read these documents, these Words of My maternal Heart, may your souls and the souls of your brothers and sisters be spiritually re-ignited and definitely establish a union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

But today I also bless your hearts, because My Grace is poured out over your lives and the lives of the souls of the world. That is the only thing I desire, dear children, that you live in unity and in love so that many things do not happen in the world, simply because you do not want to listen.

I bless these fruits that represent the tree of life. Each one of you is a fruit of My Heart; and through this simple basket, I present this offering to the Creator, because with His merciful Eyes, He will see that they are already ripe to live universal life.

Aurora protects you if you have a simple heart, with the pure intention of seeking union with God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Divine Mother is requesting we intone the song we had offered Her, because for Her it represents the voice of all Her children, seeking the simplicity and the humility of Her Immaculate Heart.

She said: "I am here, in My house of humility."

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Never close the doors of your hearts, for thus I will be able to enter.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now, here the brothers and sisters are going to give an orange to those who are here.

And Mary was telling us that we have these oranges, as the fruit of Her simple Heart.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!


The great sign will mark a before and an after at the end of the cycles, times that will be manifested by means of two different nights. The two days of darkness will signal to the world the arrival in a time soon, of a profound change in the whole planetary life.

For this, from the 8th of August onward, a new time will begin, which will be framed by the spiritual definitions that humanity will live.

When the upcoming times show themselves with signs on two different nights it will mean that the souls in their homes must be in prayer and in communion in order to be able to pass through the last critical cycles.

But before this ends, the Mother of God, the Woman Clothed with the Sun will reveal, as sign for the world, the moment to unite to God forever. It will be at this hour that from Aurora, as well as from other places on the Earth, this sign, that will be visible to the world, may be seen during the darkness of the coming time.

The day of the 8th of August, throughout recent years, marked, for all time, the change in which the planetary consciousness was passing through: the first moments of transition. The inner strength that will ignite the hearts will be the fire of prayer. Whoever prays in these moments with devotion and faith will be invisible and hidden in the face of the snares of the adversary.

Whoever in the last hour adores My Son will be hidden in the Spiritual Heart of the Supreme King. Whoever embraces their own cross, carries it and lives it, will be relieving the great burden that the Law will have.

The Aurora of My Heart in the days of August will demonstrate inner signs in the hearts that have had humble faith in the Mother of Heaven. The soil of Aurora will be one of the witnesses and thus, the world will be late in comprehending that it should have changed.

The Archangels Michael and Gabriel will witness the Judgment of the Earth and the simple but humble eyes will see them as light on the greater horizon. Thus, the seventh seal will be opened by the Woman Dressed of the Sun after the two nights of the coming time.

Some will get to know this revelation which is guarded by the angels in the blessed safe of the Holy Ark of the Covenant. This will be the last sign before the red moon and the pathways of the self-summoned must be cleaned from all stain.

On the 8th of August the Mother of God will bless everyone, and those who receive this Grace with a humble heart will recognize the inner meaning of it. Thus, the rays of the Immaculate Heart will show the seven pathways in order that the disciples of Christ in redemption may define the fulfillment of their commitment before the Creator.

The Work of God will be understood and loved by few during the last times and faith will be the shield against all darkness. Before the Mother of God retreats into the arid fields, a sweet aroma from the flower of the orange tree will indicate the moment of a spiritual change.

In the days of August your souls will be able to renew their mission before God, the Portal of Peace will be the blessed refuge for those who want to hear God in their interior. On these days there will be moments of clarity and understanding, this will be the greatest portent of the Grace of God, to know what to do with your life and how to comply with heart with the Higher Will.

While a great part of the world is blind, the Aurora of August will open its heavenly doors so that the souls may receive the gift of redemption. The most sublime Graces will be in the most simple and devoted hearts of the Son of God. Christ will complete on these days an inner cycle for all.

Certain doors will be closed in order that the souls may walk by means of a last impulse of light. Those who are empty of self will be able to feel a priceless well being, a peace that will restore the wounds and a love that will make happy the life of those who in truth enter Aurora without expectations, only in surrender and in prayer.

The days of August will be the last moments of preparation, it will be at this hour that the hearts will be able to unify themselves in the Purpose of God. Joyful are those who will not get lost nor be distracted because of the apparition of the signs of the coming time and that will only seek to be in God, this is what will make the Work to be concretized.

Greetings of Peace and Redemption for the most young of the world and, especially, for the youth of the New Earth. If you are with your Mother of Heaven you will not allow to die the seed that has been sown for Mercy.

Be receptive to the guide that accompanies you. Be builders and collaborators of the New Humanity. Be an example of gratitude, love and Grace. Be the favorite flower in the blessed garden of My Heart.

May the heart of this soil remind you that it will be the refuge and the dwelling for your redemption.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who lifts you to the Kingdom of God in Mercy and forgiveness,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


As from this day, in honor of the Almighty God, your Heavenly Mother is preparing for August 8, the day on which a special blessing for the whole world will be given, in light of the Most Holy Trinity, and especially, a blessing for all those who are present in the Marian Center of Aurora.

From all of the universe, the Grace of God will touch the lives of many, and thus, once again, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in all those who have opened the door of their heart to Me. On that holy and universal day, one hundred and thirty-three angels guided by your Most Holy Mother, will be present, preciously adoring the holy and glorified image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in His Aspect of Grace.

It will be during those days that Heaven will unite with Earth to withdraw and expel all the roots of evil, through the Archangel Saint Michael, which hearts may want to release. The Aurora of My Heart will shine forth on those days like a great sun for all, and the last wonders will be granted to those who repent before God.

Like at Garabandal, Fatima, Lourdes and Guadalupe, the Mother of the World will leave a visible sign so that all may see it for two days at sundown; when this happens, it will indicate the day of the Return of Christ to the Church of Christ and all the religions.

For this, the universe chose August 8 to demonstrate the beginning of different times to those who until now, have lived normally. The soul who has not believed that I was in Aurora for so many years, will believe, and their eyes will open. The closed heart that rejected Me and denied Me, offending My holy name on the sacred soil of Aurora, on the great day of the sign will know, and will repent. That consciousness that has blasphemed and cursed My chosen instruments, I say that on the day of the great sign, they will be humbled and their evil will disappear like the dust that is carried away by the wind.

It will be in that sacred hour, before the three days of darkness on Earth, that the Woman clothed in the Sun, together with the Archangels Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel, will be unexpectedly seen and nobody will be able to deny nor silence the fact that the Queen of Heaven guided them to redemption. Happy will be those that in the anonymous silence, have followed the Mother of God, for they will experience the eternal delight of being with Christ in the next Kingdom of God.

Everything that has happened up until today is part of a school of preparation. For this reason, correct your paths; seek a holy life of prayer and charity; love each other more, beyond your old appearances, and be grateful to God for having the awareness of what will happen. This will prepare you as My soldiers to be able to voluntarily help those who will fall into their own hells of fire and burning for not having listened to the word and the call to repentance.

The cup was full; now it is overflowing, and the world does not want to listen with their heart. But your Mother will try to save everybody up until the end, before it is too late. Thirty-four years in Medjugorje without phenomena, only with inner conversions, have been to prepare all My children for the day of the sign, when the world will have its expected Universal Judgment.

As from now, I am grateful that you not only hear My Words, but also that you live them, just as I lovingly proclaim them for everybody. God desires your good, that you live in kindness and in Mercy.

From this Kingdom of Aurora, I bless the meeting with all My children of the New Earth. God hopes that the young people will be the example for a life redeemed by the Love of God through the Mother that the universe has given you. Be testimonies of redemption of My Son; in this way, the doors of the Light will open for others.

I bless you always.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you to Higher Truth,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


On this afternoon of Mercy, I come with the burning desire to meet you once again, because there are still many souls in the world that do not want to see Me.

That is why today and during this week, I invite you to remember My Sacrifice, so that you may also experience it for those souls who deny God.

There are still many consciousnesses submerged in materialism. But My Mercy still comes to the world so as to be able to save you. And in My total trust, I will continue forward through you, so that My plans of redemption may be fulfilled.

I would like your hearts to be very close to Mine, for I need to hear the beat of your essences, because this week will not be like the previous one, the one I experienced with you last year.

The times have changed a lot, My companions, and few perceive the changes that have occurred in humanity. That is why today I show you My Heart, which perpetually pours out Blood and Water.

My Heart is full of Mercy for all, but very few have come to drink from this Fount of Graces for fear of sin, of error or of a mistake. Dear companions, My Mercy does not see these things, but rather the spirit of your perseverance.

At the beginning of this meeting, I sent you a message of peace from the higher spheres of consciousness, so that you would be able to unite with these creator principles.

But today I also want to tell you, My companions, that your Father, the archangel Michael, accompanying me in presence and omnipresence, expects to descend upon this sacred ground of Aurora through the manifestation of the sacred hermitage. Much time has gone by since I made the request to you, My friends. Many souls in the invisible worlds wait to pass through this portal. And this will be possible through your collaboration.

You will know, My friends, that Heaven has many needs with regard to this humanity. And in the same way that We, the Divine Messengers, ask for many things, humanity also asks us for many things.

Grace is reciprocal. Therefore, My companions, let us start working, because the archangel Michael hopes to descend and bring His glory to this place. A Glory that will be radiated to the world, principally to those hearts that need to be exorcized.

Continue to pray for this holy cause. The Creator Father will thank you. Continue to evoke His Holy Name in your hearts, for thus you will also be calling for My Universal Grace.

The archangel Michael and I are but one. He was the great Messenger of God for those past times, when He helped Me to carry the cross of this humanity.

But He comes now to your aid, luminous and winged, to bring His liberation to humanity, which souls have been awaiting for a long time.

In this Sacred Week, companions, I wish for you to relive My Passion, as you did the previous year. But at this time, in this Sacred Week, your hearts should already be mature, for in this cycle, I need to gather up all the talents that I placed in you, for the planetary emergency is very great and souls ask for help and liberation, and it will be through your hearts, through your inner instruments, which are souls praising God, where I will be able to carry out My tasks and reach inhospitable places, where not even light or love exist.

Repeat your pleas and inner intentions to My glorified Heart, because My Heart is open to welcome your requests. Because during this Sacred Week, I will be working with each one of you. I will try to show you the signs I need you to see, so that your spirits and consciousnesses may mature.

I deeply rejoice to meet with you again, because this Sacred Week is special for the world, especially for those who do not receive anything. For this reason, I am summoning all servers, so that they take the risk of coming here and sharing with Me the emanation of the Love of My Heart that is necessary for the world and for large parts of this humanity, who can no longer bear it, who need My Mercy through your mediating spirits.

I bring you the final summons so that you, now and always, may be My apostles. Live My message in practice and in life, live My teachings above all things, for you are already prepared, My companions, just as I prepared many spirits throughout the world, who always feel Me in their hearts and respond to My celestial commands, serving the neediest and most deprived souls, listening to the poorest and dying hearts. And mainly, carrying the Light and My Love.

Be still, for My energy is working in you.

This is one of the last Graces that I pour out upon the world, before My Return to the Earth. Therefore, keep each code of Light that I place in you.

Remember the words that I dictated at the beginning of this meeting.

Live My Message, live My Message and be My Message for all.

Feel My Heart, which draws close to your spirits.

Feel the rejoicing of My Love.

Come into My Lap of Light, because there, all will always be well.

Forget what happened. Live the eternal present with Me; in this way, you will receive what Heaven wants to pour out through My Heart.

I only need you near Me, so that you may feel My Hope and My Encouragement.

I come here for all, principally for those who are no longer here, whom I wait, in infinite patience, that they one day return to My Arms, in spite of the paths they have chosen for their lives.

I summon all the sheep to become a part of this great flock of universal light, of these deep nuclei of light that your inner consciousness experiences, for it is time to awaken. Your deep consciousness is calling you so that you really live what you have come to live in the name of the Lord. The world needs it and many souls also expect it.

The Plan will also be accomplished through all the servers. Everything is united to the same thread of light, from the Earth toward the Universe, beyond this material Universe.

Always summon your Eternal Father. He will be the strength that will move you, transform you and purify you.

My Heart will be your refuge. Thus, the time has come for you to be prepared and to not waste time on superficial things.

Reaffirm your vow of commitment with Me, for I wait every day, within the great universal silence in which I live, that each soul of this Earth may hear My last call, for I am fulfilling the promise to return, first from spirit, to then manifest in Glory for the whole of humanity.

But I need faithful witnesses who can give the example of what they have experienced and who are also able to wait for Me when the great hour for humanity approaches. That will be the moment, companions, in which all will be fulfilled, as it was written in the beginning.

You are a part of a universal story that is being written in the books of the Creator. You must be the pens in the hands of God, so that He may write His Will through your lives.

I invite you, companions, to the consecration of the sacred elements, which for you will be the Body and Blood of your beloved Redeemer.

From the earth comes the wheat, the product of the work of humankind. From this wheat, flour is born so that the bread of life may emerge for humanity. Through this example, companions, I invite you to remember your origins, for you must return to the beginning of everything. Just as you arose from the Whole, you soon will return to the Whole, because there you will merge with the Essence of God.

At that time, when I was present with you, celebrating My last supper, this same bread that is in front of Me was upon the table, being offered to the Creator as the glorified Body of Christ, Who would be mutilated, martyred, flagellated and wounded for the releasing of the sins of souls.

To your memories, and principally for your cells, may this sanctified Body represent the constant search for union with My Spirit, with My Divinity and with My Glorification.

Receive at this time the Rays of My Light.

The grape is also a product of the earth and the work of humankind. But through this example, I give you to drink of the renewal, the transfiguration, of the transubstantiation of the impure particles that are part of this planetary consciousness.

At that time, when I was sitting at the table with those of Mine and with many of you as souls in glory and in praise, I gave everyone to drink of the perfect code of My Blood, in which no impurity exists, but rather the maximum expression of the Love that was shed by Me during the flagellation, the Calvary and the cross.

Receive on this afternoon the Rays of My infinite Mercy and remember to drink of this Blood with reverence and love, for it will always renew, transmute, and free you, as long as you remember that I am present in all that is created.

Let us pray like on the Mount of Beatitudes.

Prayer: Our Father, in Aramaic.

And through the water that will wash your feet, the symbol of purification is found, where the wounds, sins, and errors are washed by the chastity that the water itself represents. 

When you receive this blessing, remember that you are being released from the ties. Because water holds the code of original purity, of what existed in the beginning in the Genesis, which sanctifies souls, purifies them and also renews them, under the Holy Spirit of God.

Bring me the water here.


O! Blood of Christ,
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts,
Have pity on us, Lord.


The women from Bethany prepared the wells of light so that the codes of God could be poured out and the sick could be healed by the baptism that I granted after John, My beloved brother.

Remember the wells of Bethany and Samaria. There, when I went by, I left a fundamental principle for the world: the renewal of the Sacrament of Baptism and of Faith for all the souls who had faith in the Son of God, in spite of not knowing Him, nor truly knowing who He was or from where He was coming. Faith heals souls and brings them the hope to be able to continue onward.

So on this afternoon of Mercy, I bless this sacrament, this chaste and pure water, so that it may serve as healing for souls and as liberation from the sins of the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

At the request of Our Lord, we will listen to the Our Father in Latin.

For those who are able, kneel to receive the blessing of Our Lord on this first day.

Song: Paternoster

Under the blessing of the celestial spheres, remember that on this day and for the days that will come, I will be congregating you in the Spirit of My Love, that you may be motivated to continue onward. And in spite of the consequences, see the Light of My Presence on the horizon, which will always be present within you.

I send My embrace of light to Mother Maria Shimani and to Sister Lucía, for during this Sacred Week they will be present in My Heart.

I thank you for being with Me today!

Create bridges of light during these days, thus I will be able to help you and give you the essence of My Love.

Go in peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Archangel Michael says: "Adore the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, it is a reason for honor, glorification and Mercy."

The Power of My Heart is unknown to many. Therefore, I come at this time to reveal this secret to you; after a great battle comes the moment of restoration, of cure and healing, through the works carried out by My guardian angels.

I send each one of them to descend to humanity and heal all souls, especially those who recognize My Priesthood, and who work together with Me without separating, not even for a moment.

I come here this afternoon to reveal to you the power of My liberation, that which I fulfilled on the Cross after Death.

After so much time, I come to search for those who condemned Me, who martyred Me and those who nailed Me onto the Cross without a single drop of compassion.

For this reason, I open My Arms mercifully, to assist not only humanity, but also all those states of consciousness that humanity does not want to see or recognize.

But the time of the Supreme Law is coming and everything that was said will be fulfilled. You will see things emerge on the horizon, the Aurora that is born and the moon that is bloody marking a new sign for the world.

What was said in the past by the great patriarchs will be lived again and everyone will participate in such unknown mystery.

My Eyes of Light observe you today with charity and compassion. They observe each one of you and each one of those who hear My Voice. Your souls become crystalline before My vision and I can see everything, even the depths of your consciousnesses.

The time has come, at this time, for Me to tell you the Truth, the Truth that will prepare you and lead you towards the goal. But know, My flocks, that you must bear witness to My Presence in the world, so that all My children who are very confused, even those who live My message, can be resurrected by My Presence, by My Love, by My Mercy.

You have not yet understood what it means that I shed such precious Light every day at 3:00 p.m., when My Light descends to Earth, opening Rays of Light upon all consciousnesses, so that evil can be extirpated and all can be redeemed through My Merciful Presence.

Today I am at the top of a great mountain inviting you to climb up to the top so that you can meet Me and that I can make you feel what for so long I have wanted you to feel in your hearts.

I know that many of you will not understand My Mystery, but keep My Presence in your lives as a fundamental key. Trust in this time in all that you are living; Each thing has its place and its time, and I accompany all those who dare to say "yes" to Me.

I open doors for hearts that are wounded, and I resurrect the spirits that are living dead.

I open the hearts that have no light and gather them all around My sacred table.

The most important thing I want to tell you on this day is that you keep a memory of all the meetings you have had with Me. Know that I come to lead your higher beings.

Matter will die on Earth, but the soul will continue its evolutionary path. My main objective is that you reach the Great Star and may be able to merge with Me in the Spirit of God.

That is why I am here, companions, to open your eyes again. I need your sincere and definitive "yes" so that I can build new dwellings in My return.

I gather you again around My Most Sacred Heart and I show you the value and power of My luminous Heart, so that you can identify it as the great star of this Universe.

I will assist those who say "yes" to Me.

This spiritual mountain on which I find myself today is the same one as that on which I pronounced the Beatitudes.

Where I have been on this world My footprints have remained.

Those who trust in My Presence, throughout the times, have been able to resort to My primordial assistance. I have given My Healing and My Mercy to you. And all those who have trusted in My passage through the Holy Land, have received in their hearts what I had waited for so long.

Therefore, it is a cycle of great opportunities for everyone. Take the risk to die through Me. You will lack nothing. You will not be alone, but you will be in My Divine Trust and My Words of Light will reverberate in your hearts, so that the seeds of light can be sown, those that will be born and will sprout in the New Earth, the Earth that the desert people sought so much. A spiritual and immaculate Earth, a Kingdom of blessed and good servants who are constantly around Me, where I hope that many more can enter, in spirit and in consciousness, in serenity and in peace.

Today a great liberation has occurred in the world. It is not by chance that all souls come together through My Passion. Each year that you live this new mystery, everything can be liberated, and My Heart opens the doors for those who have fallen, cures what no one has been able to cure and heals what no one was ever able to heal.

I have already said a lot to you. It is important that you keep My Words for the difficult times.

In any situation, of any severity or pain, look into My Eyes.

In the face of any disturbance, dissociation, or distrust, look into My Eyes.

When everything seems to be fallen and you feel defeated, look into My Eyes.

When you do not have the strength to go forward and bitterness is greater than hope, look into My Eyes.

Feel My Presence. I am already returning to baptize you again with My Spirit of Mercy.

Look into My Eyes and feel God in every place and in every space.

Look into My Eyes. Even if evil wants you to succumb, My Power will save you because I am in everything and with everyone, even in the smallest details.

Look into My Eyes and do not lose sight of Me.

Look into My Eyes, I am here to heal your path.

Look into My Eyes, I am here because I need you.

Who will dare to give a little more? I am the great pillar for your lives, the Flame of the Heart that dazzles the darkness.

Do not fear to suffer, but fear when you cannot serve; service is in everything and God is in all service.

Look into My Eyes, because in that way I will be able to tell you where to go and to walk.

Look into My Eyes and feel the Presence of My Love, the Spirit that comforts and encourages; that heals and redeems.

Look into My Eyes when you commune with Me, so you will be one with Me and I will be One in you. Will you risk being one with Me? This is My call, My petition, and My great aspiration.

Look into My Eyes and trust Me.

And before the blessing of the sacred elements that will be part of My Body and My living Blood, I will tell you an event that took place in the sepulcher, which also helped in My restoration and Resurrection: My Mother, Mary, loved incense. She would place it in every place of the house preparing Her moment of prayer with the Father.

Incense brings the angels of God closer and this mystery was also lived with Me in the sepulcher, while Mary and the women prayed. The scent of good incense spread all over the space.

Incense represents the physical manifestation of the Spirit of God. It is a sacred element that the patriarchs and hermits would use to exorcise the evils that are gestated in this world.

But today I will bring a special blessing to those elements, on this second day, to bless you through the Spirit of My Father and prepare your consciousnesses for the moment of union with Me through Communion. Prepare for that moment.

I also wish, dear companions, that from all parts of the world you send Me your intentions and requests, so that I can bless them and respond to them, according to the Will of My Father.

Therefore, prepare a golden basket for tomorrow, so that all souls write their intentions directly and I can receive them in My Heart. Although I already know them, it is necessary for your hearts to share this gesture of love with Me, this pastoral blessing of all the intentions of My children of the world.

Do not dwell on writing down your needs. That which is simple, I will recognize as something important, because the most necessary thing, dear companions, is to express the intentions of each being with the few words that the heart radiates, in that way everything will be said.

Jesus tells us that all the brothers and sisters who are in their homes, can have in their hands a small piece of bread for the consecration. He will also bless it.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
