The Laws of Healing are those which are active in beings through the giving of self to one's neighbor; but not only a physical or material giving, but through a spiritual and essential giving of self, in which the being leaves a little of their own vitality to contribute toward those most in need.

The true healer will always be supplied for by God and the day will never come when they will not be able to give something of themselves to supply someone in need.

The true healer will always seek their sustenance in the Father and, understanding that all things come from God, they will never feel that they lack anything because what they receive from the Father returns to His children, and from the children, one day it will return to the Father.

Healing is the balance, the complement, the manifestation of love so that unity among all beings may occur.

A sick being is in imbalance, they lack something, and it will not always be something physical or material; many times the illness is the lack of essential energy, of love, of unity with God and with fellow beings, and healing takes place when this being in need experiences balance and receives what was essentially lacking, receives love and the divine presence.

Therefore, many times, those who avail themselves to heal feel tired, because they give of themselves to others so that balance and unity may take place.

The most important thing for a healer is to know how to seek their sustenance in God, that which they offer to others, and that this movement of the giving of self attracts greater Laws from the Universe, which supplies those in need, not only with the energy of healing but also with the energy of Grace, forgiveness, compassion and Mercy so that the wounds that are not physical may also be closed and the imbalances that always remain invisible may also be healed.

I tell you all this because, in this time, everyone must be healers, through love, prayer, service and the giving of self.

Humanity as a whole is sick because it lacks love and meaning for its existence, and the healing for this is to be found within yourselves, in the possibility that human beings have to give of themselves to others and, thus, build unity with one another and all with God, so that no one lacks anything, and all are in balance.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


With the book of your own lives in your hands, write with awareness, each new page, each chapter, each story.

With consciousness, build your own destiny and the destiny of this humanity, not in the sense of controlling your own existence, but rather in the sense of giving God permission, through your behavior, your actions, so that He may guide your steps and His Laws may govern your lives.

To write in the book of your own existence is to know that in all things the Universe respects human free-will, and even though the Lord, your Father, has the authority to transform all things with a single breath, He waits in silence for the definition of the steps of His children.

Thus, today I tell you that you must write in the book of your own life, conscious of each decision, of each definition, action, and thought, because everything that you emanate and manifest opens the way for certain Laws to act in your lives.

Life is creation and vibration. The Universe and the Cosmos move based on living Laws and Rays, which come from the Thought of God, to give life to the Universes and the dimensions.

In this time, be more aware of the Whole, of Life, of your fellow being, and in all that you may do, know that you are attracting a new chapter, a new experience to your stories and to the story of Creation.

It is time to begin to build the new life, and that begins with you being aware that the builders of this Work are you yourselves. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (in Latin). Amen.

Let us greet the King of the Universe.

I ardently wished that this day would come because the triumph and the victory of My Heart are near and nothing will prevent it.

Happy are those who trust in My Word. Fortunate are those who follow it. Blessed are those who fulfill it, because Heaven and Earth will pass but My Word will remain in the memory of My chosen ones.

This is the time to give everything for Me. It is as I said in the past: I want you cold or hot. Far from Me the tepid at heart because in them My Work is not built.

In the tepid ones My Work does not evolve. It is in the warriors that I build My Truth and in them I leave My Message, My Flame expresses itself, My Love penetrates and transforms all that is corrupt. This is why I wished for this day to come and that you would be exhausted and tired, in order to be able to represent and to live what I lived for you in the culminating moment of My Agony, in which solitude abounded and the strength, despite the darkness, was in God.

I know it is not easy to live what I ask of you, this is why I respect the timing of each one of you. But it is up to Me, as your Master and Lord, to observe you and contemplate you so that you learn to follow My Path, so that you do not lose sight of My Purpose, that goes beyond the material and the spiritual. Purpose of which you are all part. Purpose in which you were all congregated, to fulfill it and to live it in these times, for a greater and widely unknown goal.

What I need from you is something more than material and, I could say, something more than spiritual. I need you to deepen into this existence that is within you so that the world may, day by day, continue to learn how to overcome mediocrity, indifference and all that omits the Truth of My Heart. This omission comes from humanity for being blind in the illusion and for not having heard, not even once, everything that I have said in these last times.

I still await the redemption of these human beings and the collaboration of the souls who, beyond their possibilities, their sacrifice or their surrender, are ready to suffer for Me.

But I do not bring you the suffering of the Cross, not even the tiniest cells of your body would bear it. Because what I lived for you was very great and it still has not been reported in any sacred book. The time will come in which I will tell all the truth.

I hoped that, on this night, those with an open heart would be preparing for the next encounter with Me, which will be a determining Sacred Week, in which many definitions will be made, steps will be taken and many will determine what they will make of their lives, based on these impulses of light that will come from My Heart.

All that I tell you today, companions, is to encourage you to continue forward, it is to encourage you to burn in love for Me, in a love that is capable of doing anything, under any circumstance or situation, in a love that lives in silence the aspiration of meeting Me day by day, and of someday seeing My Sacred Face.

If today you are not pervaded by this love for what you are living or for what you are learning or suffering, what are you doing here?

I need a real and sincere truth, I need your hearts to be torn for Me and your souls to be surrendered for me, day by day.

My Cross had an incalculable weight, a value not yet valued, a surrender still unknown. May My Cross be your breath, your strength and your aspiration. And when you feel the weight of your cross, feel that you will be in My Truth, and My Spirit will blow in you and I will inspire you in the Sacred Word, I will give you the answer and you will reach the aim.

Not everyone is prepared to live what I need. But if I ask, companions, it is because it is possible and only something within you could prevent it. But whoever surrenders at My Feet surrenders to God, to His Will and to His Purpose. And this surrender is priceless, it cannot be measured nor is it conditioned, because it is a surrender that donates the heart of each being who clings to Christ.

Today is a special day, but also a decisive one, because all the souls that hear My Call, after these last times, are for the first time before two paths in order to choose, and this answer will emerge from within you.

This is why I contemplate you. This is why I pray. This is why I adore My heavenly Father so that His deep and infinite Wisdom may be in you, within you and in your essences at the moment of deciding, of confirming yourselves or of defining another path.

At this moment, in the face of your spiritual and universal decision, I cannot intervene. My Father and My Mother made you free in spirit, in action and in word.

As before I surrendered to the Cross, before I was martyred and humiliated by those who were cured and healed by Me before My Blood was shed, and although up until today it has not been recognized, it was in that time and in that hour that the apostles also lived their great definition for their following stage.

My disciples must cross this threshold and learn how to cross it as I crossed it for you when the Father presented Me the Chalice and I said: "Thy Will be done."

This is the Chalice that I am offering you today. Beyond your possibilities, your limitations or your trials.

This is the Chalice that witnessed for you the Love poured out in each drop of Blood, as well as in the Water that flowed out from My Side.

This is the Chalice that witnessed the descent of Mercy, of pity, of compassion and of redemption in humanity.

This is the Chalice that I offer you so that the world may not destroy itself, so that the continents may not suffer, so that the wars may end and so that the enemies and antichrists may be defeated by My Light, the Light that comes from the Love of My Heart.

I warn you and I call you to awareness. Everything that you truly offer Me I recognize, however simple and small it may seem, however silent it may be, even if it is between you and Me and no one else; everything is recognized, contemplated and accepted by My Heart.

It is there, in this small offer, that you will find strength, impetus and determination. It is there, in the small and in the simple but true, that you will find the key of the love which will transform your being and all of your consciousness as I still expect so much, according to My Projects.

Keep these Words as something that will never be repeated again. The Lord of the Universe also has His time for saying things because this prepares you and guards you from the danger, the perdition and the deception that My adversary can propagate.

But I will step on his head and place My Sword. I will transfigure his essence and all the essences of evil. And My Celestial Kingdom will descend on the four points of Earth, the great Mother Star will come and the Masters will descend to regenerate and heal the Earth, and thus the New Humanity will emerge.

Offer this moment of decision at the Altars of God. He is attentive to the voice of your pleas, just as He was attentive in Fatima through the heart of My Celestial Mother. We are in a moment similar to that one, beyond your matter or your bodies, your mind or your intellect, beyond the spirit, the soul or the essence.

Offer to God this moment of decision. This will allow My Work to expand in the world and My Love to continue to triumph above the adversity in the hearts that congregate to live My Brotherhood.

Let us stand up.

Lord of the Universe, Creator Father-Mother, participate in the Communion with Your children at this sacred moment of definition in which Your Doors open and the souls cry out for Your Love.

Light in them Your Trust, the gift of Your Wisdom, the infinite Compassion of Your Heart, so that all the Christs of the New Time may awaken and take part in the victory of My Kingdom in humanity. Amen.


Let us now invoke the Celestial Father, His Sacred Name Adonai, so that His Wisdom may descend on the planet and on all those who participate in the Communion with His Spirit.

Song: Adonai.

Let us inhale.

Father, convert this element into My Body so that the souls may nourish themselves from the essence of Your Spirit and of the Universe, of Your Truth.

At that time I raised the bread to the Father so He would bless it and give Me His Grace, and I handed it to the apostles saying: "Take this and eat it, all of you, for this is My Body that will be given for you for the forgiveness of sins."

Father, convert this element into My Divine Blood so that the souls may drink from the essence of redemption through the infinite Power of Love.

At that moment I also raised the Chalice, the Father blessed it and gave Me His Mercy so that it could be poured onto the whole Earth through My Blood up to the highest point of the Cross.

At that time I handed it to the apostles saying: "Take this and drink from it, for this is My Blood of the New Covenant, that will be shed for all human beings for the forgiveness of sins."

This is the Body and the Blood of Christ. Blessed are the merciful because they will live in the Mercy of God. Amen.

 Prayer: Our Lord in Portuguese.

Whoever lives in My Word, lives in My Love. I taught you to love yourselves, one another, beyond the flaws and the differences. May this Love spread in the world, the Christic Love of My Heart, in all peacemakers, in all missionaries and collaborators of the Work of God.

May the Peace of God be in your hearts and may He always make you partakers of His Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In fraternity and love, gratitude and joy, you will give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you!


I will not give My revelations to the greedy because, in truth I tell you, My Words will never again be despised nor will they be left in a drawer.

Everything I tell you comes from My Father and My Father must return someday through your sacrifice, your giving of self, and your surrender.

I will no longer give My pearls to swine. I will no longer let My Message cease to be experienced and practiced.

For this reason, whomever wants to avail themselves of My revelations must first value them, respect them and be grateful for them, even though they know nothing.

This is the time to assert the Words of the Hierarchy, and it is no longer the time to pretend that you did not understand nor comprehend, because everything that the Hierarchy says is clear and precise.

With your true and permanent reverence, you will be able to be guided and the Divine Word will be able to dwell in your hearts, even though this is the great cycle of transition.

Be like the flowers, seek the rays of the sun and you will feel spiritually alive. You will be nurtured by knowledge and this will give you the wisdom to testify to My presence.

In this cycle I will not come for the curious, the comfortable in spirit. I will not come for those who decided not to change, because My treasures are unique and unrepeatable.

Let humility prevail within you so that someday, you may be poor in spirit.

I thank you for receiving My impulses of Light!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Confess to God in order to reach the path of His Heart, and find the answers full of wisdom that He has for you.

Allow your heart to be transparent before the Father, to find the path to enter into His Truth and His Love.

The Creator wants you to be a partaker of His infinite Wisdom, the knowledge of His sublime Laws, of His celestial Truth, but for this, child, you must begin by opening yourself, by knowing yourself deeply, without layers, without masks, without resistances, to find that which is most hidden within your human consciousness.

It is only through unveiling the illusion that you will know the truth. Being true before God, you will find that which is most pure within you, and it is within your own essence that everything will be revealed to you, because there you will find the path toward God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When a soul seeks help, pray with the heart so that the consequences of its action, which led it to suffering, are transformed into an experience that makes it grow and open more to love. 

When a soul seeks help, listen to its call, and take this request to the Feet of God. There will be things that are uncontrollable, which you will not be able to change or help, because human life has its limits. But there is something boundless, which unites you to the Infinite, to the Origin from which you departed and to where you must return. This, child, is prayer.

Pray and let your soul intercede before God for those who most need it.

Pray and cry out to the Father for his Mercy, not for things to happen according to your will, but so that Divine Mercy be the law that rules the teachings and the experiences that you live in this world as human beings.

When some situation escapes your possibilities of acting, of serving, of giving of yourself, resort to something deeper, and though sometimes it may be imperceptible, it is able to transform all things: pray to your Father and cry out to God, because He is the Creator of all things, and He can transform them all. 

More important than anything in this time is to be with your heart united to God. And if you can serve and pray, you will be rendering the greatest service of life on Earth. 

Love each being and pray for your brothers and sisters with love. God, who is perfect, will always listen to your prayers.

Your Father and Friend

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

O warrior heart! Beseech the Celestial Father for the rain of meek humility to descend upon you so that your spirit may be eased in the face of all the adversities and challenges.

O warrior heart! Let the momentum of your faith never waver. May the fire of love that is born of your confirmed heart be renewed, time after time, regardless of the events or the tests.

Warrior heart, always be the light that illuminates in service the path of your brothers and sisters.

Never battle against anybody because your warrior heart is born from the absolute certainty of your obedience in fulfilling the Plan of the Creator.

O warrior heart! Let your shout not be sword against sword, but rather of constant prayer and pleading that brings the Mercy and the Love of God to Earth.

Warrior heart, never fear to be naked before God, empty of self, stripped of yourself, and completely surrendered to the unknown and great Will.

May your steps, warrior heart, be marked by the same footprints of your Lord, so that, in everything, you may be fulfilling and living the service to the Greater Universe.

Warrior heart, soldier without a sword or shield, guardian of love and hope, surrender to the sweet commands of your Master and Lord.

I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Pray for the souls that are somnolent and that, throughout their course on Earth, have forgotten the true purpose of life.

Pray for the spirits that must learn to allow themselves to be loved by God, in this way, their deepest wounds may be healed.

Pray for the hearts that must be renewed before the Father so that they may be open to His Laws, to His Time, and to His Truth, when the need arises upon the Earth.

Pray for all the beings that live today in the world so that they may awaken to their mission, while there is still time.

Pray for those who have already awakened, but when facing the attacks and illusions of the world, need protection and spiritual support so that they do not become lost.

Pray child, for all the souls created by the Celestial Father, because for each one of them, there is a perfect Will. Within all beings, the Divine Purpose dwells, which must manifest in its own time.

May all beings receive an opportunity to love, to know true Love, and to renew love, within themselves.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


All effort done for God's Plan, that is true, is much more recognized than hundreds of sins because behind the true effort is the love of the human heart.

This effort which is offered for an unknown cause is considered as part of a profound change of consciousness and part of a profound change of humanity.

This is how the Celestial Father gladdens His infinite Heart because His children who make an effort show, each day more, by means of love and dedication in life, that everything can be overcome and redeemed.

This is the time in which the sincere efforts of the hearts is considered and appreciated by the Higher Spheres, because even though it is a material effort, it also holds the internal effort which leads to the profound change of being and of all its most immature aspects.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Embrace your cross fully, carry it with the absolute conviction that someday you will be free.

Carry your cross, not as a punishment, but rather as the victory of being able to walk up to your calvary of redemption.

Carry your cross for all those who do not carry it today, for those who turned their back on the sacrifice that Christ offered to them.

Carry the cross, just as I did for the traitors and for those who abandoned the Lord at the most culminating moment.

If you carry your cross, it is for a reason, it is for a purpose that is still unknown to you.

But trust, just as I trusted in the Celestial Father, Who was with Me from the beginning of everything and did not abandon His Son.

Carry the cross, affirming the time of your redemption, the coming of freedom and the breaking of the chains of yesterday.

Cheer up and carry your cross. Do it for Me.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Never fear that you are far from God, He knows everything that happens to you, day by day.

You have already learned, throughout the years, to communicate with Him through the power of prayer and you learned, with love, how to do it well.

Never fear that you are separate from Him because He, who is Father and the Infinite, is closer to His children than it seems. It will suffice that when you do not manage to solve something for yourself, you allow Him to enter inside of you so that God can act and work with Mercy.

Never tire of calling Him and of supplicating His Holy Name. He waits, beyond your mistakes and doubts, that you can find Him all the time, in the beauty of a gorgeous day, during the dawn of the sun, in the smile of a brother or sister, in the sharing of suffering and pain of others.

God shows Himself through many senses and forms, He only expects His children to always find His Love and experience It.

Therefore, there will still be difficult mountains to climb, immense rivers to cross and great deserts to travel, but He will never, absolutely never, abandon you.

Raise your arms and you will find God. Experience Him in nature, in the silence of the heart, in the fervor of a sincere prayer.

He is there, waiting for you and understanding you. He offers His Chest of Light so that you can lean and cry upon Him, and thus receive His incommensurable Love.

Dare to follow Him.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Never tire of fixing your consciousness in God, beyond everything that happens within you or around you.

That spiritual attitude will allow the higher Laws to come to the aid of your consciousness and any situation, spiritual or interior, may be resolved.

Trust absolutely in the nonmaterial purpose that God created for your existence and, based on that truth, carry forward this life full of challenges and trials.

But never get discouraged nor fall asleep. Make every moment count as if it were the last; make each stage of life result in the learning of love and of forgiveness.

God does not seek the perfect things within you because He already knows everything, He already knows everything that you do not know within yourself.

Therefore, the Celestial Father is waiting for the right moment to ask His children for new steps. But those steps will be taken and delivered as you love detachment in your lives.

Because, in truth, few will be those who will give everything to the Lord for the constitution of His Purpose and for the divine realization of His Will.

Therefore, as a Mother, I know what it means to divest oneself and how much that causes pain, delays and stagnation. But the light of the spirit of faith will prevail. Be calm and trust, there is no obstacle or barrier of consciousness that cannot be overcome.

Do not stop rowing until you can find the safe harbor of the Lord's Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who Blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Make your offer to the Creator to start this new cycle, which will be marked by new tests and greater definitions.

This new cycle will forge spiritual maturity, faith and responsibility within you, not only for your life, but for all life on Earth. Each decision you make, each action you experience, each word you pronounce, everything will be like ink on the paper of a painting of the end of times, and will have an influence on what the planet and humanity will experience in the time to come.

Each day will be an announcement of the next, and they will be built by you, because it is not enough to say "yes" to God, child; you must conform to your responses to the Highest.

Each day the laws will move with greater precision, and everything that you do will have an influence on your life, both positively as well as negatively, according to your choices and your attitude in the face of the events.

So, keep your heart in peace, seek a life of service, of prayer, being considerate of your fellow being, and not resisting in the face of the challenges that the Father places on your path.

Pray, pray a lot, each time concentrating your heart more on the Supreme Source that is God. And so, My child, you will be sustained in the good and in peace.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


It is through the love of My children that the Holy Mother of God and your Mother can work with humanity and the planet, through the precious tools that exist in the whole of the vast Cosmos, tools that generated the Principles of Creation and that permitted the generation of life in the origin of origins.

It is these same tools of light of the nonmaterial and spiritual Universe that in this time act in the Universe and on this planet with the aim to not only uplift the human consciousness, but also to redeem it so as to take it on the path of good and light.

You are before the Mystery of the Origins, of the first thing that God thought of before the creation of the universes. You are before your existence, your creation. You are before the Mystery from which you emerged as essences.

Today you are before one of the truths of God and My angels accompany this sacred movement which, like a spiral of light, descends its principles from the Source for the human consciousness which, in these defining times, opens to reveal the mysteries and thus become able to know them, in order to become sacred and united, in perfect alliance with God.

In the nonmaterial Source, there are many manifestations of life. In the Universe, not only that which lives and vibrates is called life, but also everything that is moved by nonmaterial energy, as a powerful flow and energy that feeds back the spaces and all of the planes of consciousness, so that souls and all the beings of the Universe may be in contact with God.

In this part of the local Universe, where your planet constitutes a system of life, only one percent of this system of communication exists.

So you will be able to understand, My children, how vast the Creation of God is in this Universe. Because as you already know and learned, through the instruction received, the Universe not only ends in the physical, but it is also mental, spiritual and supra-spiritual, something that the human consciousness has not achieved yet, due to the condition of its molecular and cellular density and to the chaos of these times.

But the Father thought of something different for this humanity and this planet, even  before the return of His Beloved Son, that His most sacred treasures of Creation, the most ancient knowledge of this material and spiritual Universe should be within reach of all human beings, so that they may finally represent the Plan of God on Earth and the veils of cosmic life may fall from their faces so that the truth that brought them here and the Purpose that conceived them for this moment may be shown.

This is why, through My Immaculate Heart I not only profess simple words for souls, so that everyone may understand Me. But it is time, My children, that your consciousnesses take one more step toward the Universe so that your vibrations may be elevated more, given the planetary need and the chaos of the end times.

Just as the people of Israel were, this generation of the end of times, this humanity transitioning from an old time to a new time, must be deserving of the celestial treasures so that it may become the steward of the relics of God and of all His knowledge emitted since before creation.

Now, My children, the Mystery has now ceased to be a mystery. It is time for you to be able to ascend through the awakening and the sacred knowledge written in the eternal, in the sublime spheres of Creation, where the Divine Purpose pulsates and vibrates for all of Creation and for all life.

Today you are before one of the Wills of God and I know that your hearts cannot embrace all of this, even less your minds because of the limitation they have. But your spirits, that know universal and cosmic Life, that feel in the center of their breast the Greater Life and the confraternity that has brought them here to learn about redemption and forgiveness, your spirits are indeed open, because it will be your spirits that will make you understand the Mysteries of God, and you will thus become familiar, in an evolutionary way, with the divine Knowledge of the Supreme Source.

There are still many keys that we must deliver so that new doors may be opened. It will depend on the receptivity of hearts to divine knowledge for this to happen. This will generate more opportunities. The divine science will be close to your lives.

 You will learn to interrelate with the Universes and with other systems of Creation that are beyond this local Universe.

It is time to understand, My children, that we are not alone. It is no longer a theory of a few wise or scientific men.

Divine and universal reality wants to descend so that your souls may find the commitment that brought them here and become instruments of God, so that He may work in the end of these times, fully activating the plan of rescue in this humanity.

Nothing of what I tell you is strange. However only some hearts, in this hour and at this time, are able to understand all of this universal system, since the majority is awakening to something that they have long forgotten and that comes from the stars, from all the suns, from all the stars that encircle the Universe, generating universal Life and the descent of sublime Life in all the systems of this Universe and of others.

The Creation of God is vast, and much knowledge can draw close to the souls that want to reconnect with universal Life so that ignorance may be dispelled and the tonic of Truth may enter the consciousness, which will make you responsible and correspondent with the Divine Plan of the Father.

Thus, it is now time to take steps in spiritual evolution. It is time for you to no longer remain restricted to what occurred on the planet or with what is told in the history books that were written. Many more truths exist in the Universe that are not known up until today.

Only by the decision of the Eternal Father can this reality be part of your lives, be within your consciousnesses and form you in the Sacred Knowledge of God. That same knowledge, which once descended over the patriarchs and the prophets, was what allowed the originality of the race to be preserved, beyond its errors and acts committed, and also what allowed the preparation for the birth of Jesus.

The human being from the Earth has many possibilities in the system of life. However, the plans of My adversary reached the entire human consciousness so that it would not know its potential and virtues, or the possibility of being able to communicate with God in a fluid and permanent way, like no other place in the Universe.

For this reason, the human being is something unpredictable. They may be in good or in evil.

But it is time, My children, that through the Sacred Knowledge which comes from the Universe of God, you may learn in the end of these times to defeat duality so that your souls may grow in love and in truth, in service and in humility for those who are more ignorant and foolish, for all those who do not want to see the Truth of the Universe that is written since ancient times in the Mirrors of Creation, divine and cosmic information that is refracted from time to time to other systems of life beyond the Earth. 

Beyond the Earth, the material amongst distance planets is something alternate for the consciousness of humanity.

There are many points in the Universe from which you can reach other spaces in a matter of seconds or minutes. It is just that humanity is in an alternate time.

It will be the knowledge of the Universe that will allow you to access the truth of real time or present time, and will allow you to understand everything that exists within the Universe of God and which is much more sacred than what has been sacred on this planet.

All beings come from different Sources, from distant origins, from undeletable histories, from a lived experience that remains engraved in the consciousness, that is still not aware of this reality.

But those veils will also fall someday and you will be able to recognize your actions and errors. And you will be able to amend them in the Love of Christ, especially through the strength of your faith in the sacred Plan of the Creator.

Your Guardian angels keep the history of your existence and deeply know your inner and spiritual reality; what you were, what you are now and what you will become someday, after transcending duality, death and illusion.

But in order to be able to live this as many other beings have lived it at some time, humility, resignation, obedience and a great deal of willingness are needed to concretize the purpose that brought you here, beyond what you think, what you feel or what you live.

The true essence that brought you here is not in material life. Material life and its vehicles are instruments to live that experience, to learn something that you stopped learning or that you never learned, for different circumstances or reasons.

Material life can reflect spiritual life, but it will never be the same as supreme life. God created each plane of consciousness, thinking of each detail and meaning of each movement, each action and each purpose.

You, as humanity and as a planet, as an existence within a universal system, within an infinite creation of a vast universe, you are immersed within this Purpose, which must be designed and accomplished in these coming times, so that an unknown Will may be fulfilled, so similar to the Will that God once had to bring His Son to Earth.

With this spiritual comparison, My children, you are faced with a great divine responsibility and before the Portal of a great opportunity of carrying out the Greater Will on Earth.

Therefore, My children, as time, months and years go by, each time new Children of Mary are consecrated, they take on greater responsibilities before Creation, knowing that it is not only carrying the mantle of the Virgin Mary on their bodies; it is something much greater, that comes from the Source and that gives them the grace of living their consecration.

Those who will be consecrated today can approach the stage.

You will make your vows before the Mother of God of learning to submerge in Divine Life, so that your consciousness may be divinized and thus, one day, you may fulfill the Greater Will that brought you here.

I have said a lot more than expected tonight, because God observes and contemplates the movement of your inner beings in order to measure how far it is possible to deepen in the revelations of His Sacred Knowledge.

Today, may those who will consecrate themselves, and those who have already consecrated, be permeated and filled by the sublime spheres so that, essentially as souls and spirits, you may unite with the Greater Source through the love and the unity that brought you to the Earth to fulfill a Sacred Purpose.

Continue to pray every day so that the Mother of God and your Mother may be able to continue pronouncing and revealing the Mysteries of God and thus, more each day, human ignorance may be dissolved from humanity.

Today, by means of the Mirrors of the Universe, through My Maternal Heart, as Empress of the Universe and of the Earth, as the Greater Lady of the Universe and Mother of the World, I radiate My attributes to you so that, as little seeds of light, they may be sown in your hearts and essences, so that when Christ returns for the second time to the Earth, He may find in you the talents and virtues that He will need to be able to redo and reconfigure humanity.

Listening to the Hymn of your consecration, I raise your aspirations to the Highest, and in His Heart, the Father receives your pleas, so that your souls may be contemplated by His Mercy at this moment of consecration and of union with the powerful Light of the Celestial Universe.

For this reason, children, on this night, before the Knowledge of God that has been revealed, receive My warmest and sweetest love of Mother so that in your hearts you may feel the promising warmth of My Love and the coming of hope. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We all stand, at the request of Mary. And together with Her, let us give thanks for the immensity of Her Love and Her Grace, because we know that we are not deserving of so much knowledge. And through this knowledge, through the Most Holy Mary, each one of us can discover each day more of the infinite Love of God for each one of His children.

At the request of the Divine Mother, we will pray for this consecration and for those who will re-consecrate today, renewing the vows with the commitment to live the Plan of God on Earth and to materialize it in these times, so that the salvation of humanity may be accomplished.

Let us pray the Our Father in Portuguese, together with Our Lady.

Pai Nosso...

With the power that comes from the Source of God, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, I bless you and I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

You may sing the Hymn of your consecration.

I thank you for responding to My call and for being open to hear the revelations of the Lord.



Seven are the seals that will open and the scrolls that will be shown; the time is indicating this moment, dear children.

And to testify to this event that goes beyond all human consciousness, all understanding and intellectuality, today I have brought My little Son in My arms, because He is the one who entrusted, in the name of the Heavenly Father, the revelation of these mysteries, that will try to correct the human consciousness again and will bring to everyone the opportunity of receiving new principles and ways of life that, throughout the times, have been very far from humanity and from the planet.

The Divine Higher Consciousness is approaching the Earth to make its revelation and, not only My Immaculate Heart, but also the hearts of all Hierarchies of Light are testifying such an important moment for humanity.

Today I cannot reveal to you in details what this means, but welcome with love each one of My words because, as I told you today, My words are the action of the Grace of God in all human consciousness and upon the whole planet.

This higher and divine revelation, which is written in the deepest depths of the Heart of God, will bring to all beings of the surface the awakening and the awareness of having distanced so much from the Plan of God, as well as of having transgressed the universal Laws and all the natural laws of Earth.

However, through Mercy and Grace, the Heavenly Father has entrusted this divine intervention in humanity to His archangels and angels, so that at least one colony of this whole race can prevail at the end of these times, fulfilling and living, in a simple way, the same attributes of life that the Sacred Family lived.

This is the reason for having asked for the novena during nine days, for the sacred families of this planet, which must again recover the values that they lost when they submerged into the chaos and world illusion of these times.

I say “sacred families” because in the Essence of God, all are sacred children of God. Your essences have not lost the filiation with the Heavenly Father; only your more lower bodies have been distracted from the Purpose.

For this reason, the Revelations of God that will come in these times will bring to the human consciousness the elevation of spirit, of its human condition and the transformation of the human aspects that have conditioned the evolution of the race and the possibility of the awakening of the New Christs.

Today the Creator has decided, within His vast Spiritual, Mental and Material Universe, the revelation of His Mysteries, expanding the terms that are found in the Bible, the symbologies and messages; expanding and deepening even more into the terms of the Apocalypse, even more into the visions that John the Apostle had, so that all this information, which comes from the Spiritual Hierarchy, may no longer be a mystery, but truths, clear and precise revelations of how to act and conduct this humanity in the end of times.

With My arm, I sustain the Child Jesus who is present here today, with you.

With My other hand, I sustain the scrolls of the Revelation of God so the divine information of what God has seen and participated in, throughout the times, since before, during and after the Creation, may start to approach your consciousnesses. 

I know that this event will remove many structures because the impulse that will come from the Source will be extremely strong and will give the opportunity for each creature upon the surface of the Earth to be able to re-evaluate its life and consciousness so that it may define its spiritual life and path to be inside of the Paradise of God or to condemn itself.

Before the time of the second coming of Christ, this revelations will bring an impulse for each human being.

It will be by a state of Grace and Mercy that souls will have the opportunity of submerging into their awakening and opening to the sacred knowledge that vibrates and pulses within the Greater Universe, as little spheres of light that travel between time and space, from the Spiritual Universe to the Material Universe, with the intention that the spirits of all human beings may awaken to the great Divine Consciousness and to the greater knowledge that has always been alive in the Universe.

Only now, children of Mine, after a thirty-year walk, the time has come for your consciousnesses to define themselves within, to truly define, to allow the doors of knowledge to open above humanity and so that there may not be any resistance or obstacle for the Hierarchy.

Because if we are still here, it is for a universal reason, it is a purpose that your consciousnesses are still not able to reach. It is an infinite reason that was thought and meditated upon, since before your existence, so that this divine revelation, which derives from the Non-material Source of God, might come in this time, and before this planetary event.

In the past times, this revelation would not have been possible; it would not have been efficient nor effective because the human consciousness was not prepared.

And even though the human consciousness is very immature and childish, the times that will come, which will prepare the advent of Christ to Earth for the second time, will raise the consciousness of those who open from heart and soul to receive the divine revelation, so similar to the headwater of a river that quenches the thirst of beings and that nurtures the whole human consciousness, so that it can live and breathe, and thus carry on its evolution. It is in this same way that the information from the Universe will come.

This will make you mature consciously and will place your consciousnesses in the universal Purpose in the face of the great planetary adjustment of these times; wars, conflicts, division of families, illusion through modernities, spiritual blindness that generates many spiritual movements, believing that the human being is invincible.

Only love will make you invincible, My children, but you must live this school, you must encourage yourselves to enter this universal knowledge.

The first steps to live in this school of love and wisdom are registered in the experience of Christ on Earth and in all the teachings that He delivered to humanity.

There is no other Master for the present humanity but Christ.

He announced and warned: “Many will come in My Name and will be recognized. Many will believe in their words, but afterwards, they will regret having completely trusted in something that did not come from love and was not true.”

With this, My children, before the Son of God, who is today in My arms, in the presence of the Most Holy Trinity, your must choose only one path so that you make room and give an opportunity for the divine revelation.

I want you to be conscious, My children, truly. The school of My little children is now over. It is time to prepare yourselves and to face the end of times, because the battle between love and indifference is not over.

You must conquer love, by living love and being love at every moment. Renouncing, sacrificing and loving. Silently surrendering each experience of life for the others, without anguishes and despairs.

Because, if in truth you lived a true spiritual crisis or were at risk of perdition, you would not be here, My children, as many, many are not and many have ceased to be, because they have been blinded by ignorance.

Only in the Father is the Truth for your lives. The human being must only learn to be true in the small details, so that after it can be in the great, assuming great responsibilities before the Spiritual Hierarchy, conducting and guiding the flocks of Christ, all races of the Earth that will need this spiritual impulse that descends upon this Marian Center, to be able to relocate their lives and find a meaning for the spiritual path.

Therefore, those whom I will consecrate today as Children of Mary will have a great commitment with Me, it will be a personal and group commitment between your hearts and Mine, a reason why you must pray, every day, so that these Revelations that God has decided to deliver to humanity, which overcomes the entire existence of the Church of Christ on Earth and all of the Sacred Books, may descend correctly and in a way protected by the Celestial Hierarchy.

But it will be necessary, My children, as in other times and in other Apparitions, that there may exist intermediaries, so that these revelations, which will expand human consciousness, can arrive.

I apologize for being so quick, the Time of God here on Earth is limited, because we must attend many more events that get worse within the race of this planet, in different regions of humanity, which need to be attended and helped by the Hierarchies.

Thus, you can understand, My children, that each Apparition of Mary, Christ and Saint Joseph, is not something else, especially in these definite times, where the transitions and its greatest apex will surprise everyone overnight.

Hence you must be prepared through this knowledge so that worldly inertia does not paralyze you and take you away from the path of light.

I hope you understand what I tell you. I am frank with each one of you because there is no longer any time.

Those who will consecrate today may come here. And playing the melody of your consecration, your souls will be preparing for this blessing that My Immaculate Heart will impart.

Because it will be necessary, My children, that you assume this commitment of consecration with responsibility and maturity, as My Heart was left very offended by those who abandoned their consecration, not only to My Immaculate Heart, but also to My Maternity, which cannot be defeated neither interfered with by any of your human aspects, not even by your own will.

The consecration that I deliver to each Child of Mary is non-transferable and undeniable. It depends on each of My children that this consecration may become a part of you in a true, sincere and honest way, because you will thus avoid, My children, entering into the chaos of humanity and in the great spiritual conflicts that many souls live today in the world by believing that they do not need God and not even to kneel down to supplicate to Him.

I only ask you that on this day of consecration, many more children of Mary re-consecrate themselves again interiorly, renewing this vow to the Mother of God, so that this inner and divine vow may be renewed with the Heavenly Father.

The Graces that I pour out cannot be wasted.

I want to tell you this, My children, with all the Love of My Heart, for each one of you.

Great parts of the world, entire peoples, different races and cultures, so similar to yours, are suffering for the lack of God and due to those who govern them, submitting and unjustly chastising them.

You, children of Mine, who have the grace and opportunity of being before My Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of My Son tonight, must try to balance the misunderstandings and misalignments that the other part of humanity live for having set themselves apart from love, and because the most innocent are the most overpowered and the most chastised by the hand of humanity.

I need that you represent Me upon the surface of the Earth, as those stars of light that have once fallen from the Universe, but today they rise again, by the sincere offer and loving supplication of your Celestial Mother before the Heavenly Father.

As a sphere of light, today I deliver to your souls this commitment to pray for the next Revelations of God, in order that His Divine and Sacred Will may be fulfilled.


Behold the Slave of the Lord.
Behold the servants of Christ.
Lord, may Your Word be fulfilled in us
for the New Humanity to be born and emerge.

So then, receive the energy of My Grace and be bathed by the Light of My Spirit, of My unconditional and serviceable Spirit, which is United in Soul, Divinity and Essence to the Heavenly Father, as to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I bless you so that in the next Nativity of the Lord, families re-consecrate themselves to living the Attributes of God in these critical times, so that love may overcome, light may triumph and all evil may be defeated by the divine intercession of Saint Archangel Michael. Amen.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you, children of Mine, for opening yourselves to listen to Me, because the only thing that I wish for is your wellness and well-being.

I thank you and listen to the song of your voices.


Dear children,

In each moment of asking for Mercy, your offer should deepen so that love, devotion and charity may deepen within you.

Sincerely asking for Mercy, you will receive Mercy, and the flow of Grace will be open to descend upon your lives and fill all spaces.

The offering of your life to the God of Love can deepen and broaden through acts of prayer, of service, and of the giving of self so that you can experience it from cycle to cycle.

In this stage of the planet, in which the sincere offering of the heart is necessary, the doors of Mercy are kept open to lead souls on the path of redemption and of compassion, paths that will bring you to a meeting with God to establish unity between souls and the Most High Father.

May the sense of this inner deepening reach higher spheres so that the Father may receive the deepest actions and feelings of love from His children.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I come from Heaven to fulfill a promise of the Creator Father, a promise that belongs to My children of the Earth and that within this end time they must fulfill and concretize.

I come with the promise, My children, so that within yourselves you may discover what God inserted from the origins, before the beginning of this Creation, for this Material Universe.

That which exists within you is very valuable to God and has come with you into this life; it incarnated in you so that you may fulfill your purpose and your manifestation.

Today I speak to you of what is in the absolute innermost core and that someday must return to God, with all the learned experiences of Love, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation.

My children, during this time humanity does not pay attention to this. Life is very externalized and souls are very hypnotized by everything the world offers them.

But there is something deep within your beings, which is eternal, invincible and absolute.

This is what I need, My children, that in this time you are able to search. Because by discovering within you what God left, humanity will be able to rebuild itself spiritually and physically.

The Kingdoms of Nature will no longer suffer the consequences of the human being; all will be able to live in harmony and peace, just as God wishes.

But as you are in a time of transition that you have never experienced at any other time, seeking that which exists and that God placed within you, you will be able to move through these times with greater maturity and as adults; you will be able to perceive the clear reality of these times, and thus, you will be united with the Hierarchy.

My children, find again, within you the inner essence, that sphere of Light that the Creator Parents designed for your consciousnesses, that emerged from a Source, that was born from a great receptacle of light so as to be able to journey through the Universe and throughout the Earth to learn to love, to grow and to live.

My children, many of those essences in the world are contaminated; but I come with the Light of My Mirrors to be able to purify and sublimate them and I use the great oceans of this region to be able to mirror the attributes of God toward them, those which someday will make each one of you free and able to be in communion with Creation and with Life.

Through prayer, service, surrender, and the giving of self and a life of going within and inner meditation, with everything that exists in this vast Universe, you will be able to regenerate your lives, My children, and the powerful currents of the Universe will come to your aid to continue giving impulse to your consciousnesses toward the great change, the great change that humanity must experience in these definitive times.

That is why your basic preparation is the path of prayer and none other.

You must learn to communicate with God inwardly through the prayerful word.

And through the prayer that you have lovingly offered me today, My children, it is permissible for me to tell you all those things, because as your Mother and the Mother of Humanity, I wish for the good for each one of My children.

I have the loving and spiritual intention to withdraw you from illusion. Therefore, My children, dare to become immersed in yourselves so that you may feel and perceive how your inner essence is.

The guardian angels hope to be able to help and serve you unconditionally. This will greatly help the angel of this nation, the Angel of Brazil, who expects each of you to join Him, so that you may learn to go through these difficult times with a greater degree of neutrality, love, and attunement.

Through the discovery of your origins, My children, your spirits will rest upon your bodies and will create that perfect unity with the Celestial Father.

And not only will you be worthy of the Graces of the Universe, but also of the Graces of sidereal Knowledge, which is held in each one of the stars of this Universe, awakening the consciousness of its beings.

By establishing unity with your purest essences, you may be worthy of greater mercy and forgiveness. You may perceive, My children, that many habits in your lives are no longer necessary.

The nourishment of prayer and the inner strength of service for others is what will transform the world and bring love to all hearts.

With this simple practice, which I give you, for learning to look for your inner essence, you will also help your souls find the path of healing. They plead to the Universe for help, over and over again.

Learn, My children, to correct your paths and follow the Christic path offered to you by My Son, Our Lord, and you will be within the pathway of the Hierarchy and will continue to receive your spiritual impulses, which will lead you into understanding life as it is, and to be in inner contact with all the sublime spheres of the Universe.

In this time, My children, I need your essences to be healed because in being healed they will be purified; they will be able to receive the attributes of God, which are urgent and necessary for these difficult times.

The attributes will transform you; they will uplift the consciousness, and you will be able to face the planetary reality with different eyes, finding in each place and in each corner a need to be provided.

I need, My children, for you to continue to develop within you the path of love so that, in your lives, the path of faith may be strengthened, important pillars for these critical times in which incredible and inconceivable things will be seen on the part of the actions of human beings and of nations.

But I do not invite you to be in conflict or in despair. I invite you, My children, to be in the divine harmony of God. That is why you must discover within yourselves the value of your essences, so that the meaning of your existence and the higher motive that brought you to this life and to this world may shine again.

Coming to know all of these things, My children, you will be able to live the Will of God.

My Hands and My Heart are full of Graces to be poured out on the world and I hope that your essences can be purified and sublimated so as to be worthy of that Divine Grace and all your inner senses will be open. Your outer senses will quieten and will become calm in order to perceive divine reality and the true meaning that the Universe brings to these times and to humanity.

My wish is that you are always be able to do good in each place and at all times, because in this way, My children, you will allow other souls to be healed, and the sense of many more souls will change their lives, and the life of your siblings will have a meaning and a purpose again for this time.

I do not ask you, My children, for anything impossible. I ask for what you may really achieve in this cycle; but it is urgent that humanity be aware of what it is doing, that all beings may unite in love and in truth so that God not pour out His Justice, but rather his Infinite Mercy, because the Celestial Father has given you everything and continues to give everything to His children.

You need to respond to what you receive; that is why I come to warn you in the name of love, so that your paths may be on the path of Christ, always watching over the Truth, higher reality, and the consciousness that each one of you must discover in this time.

Do not feel fear for what is beyond this material Universe, because to the Infinite someday your consciousnesses must fly, that it may merge with the Father, with His greatest Source of Grace and of Love, and thus you may be able to experience a synthesis of everything what was lived and experienced on this planet.

But in this time, it is necessary, My children, that your gifts be able to awaken, so that your talents be at the service of God.

Through the path of persevering and constant prayer, you will transform your lives, little by little, and someday, through the Grace of God, you will be able to mirror to the world what you truly are, from where you emerged to have this experience of Redemption and of Forgiveness.

I invite you, My children, to enter the School of Truth, since many of My children, who were formerly with Me, decided to leave this School. But as a patient, loving, and persevering Mother, I wait for all of My children, so that each of them may enter that School of Truth and thus receive the knowledge they need to ennoble their spirits and fulfill the Mission that God has asked them to carry out on this planet.

That is, mainly, for the youth, which I keep in mind for these critical times very much. Because young people bring that bridge towards renewal that will allow bringing the healing of the Universe to all consciousnesses.

I stretch out My Hand to all the youth of the planet so that they feel encouraged to know Me and to feel Me, to discover who the Mother of God truly is, the Mother who always accompanies them and guides them since before you were aware of their existence.

That is why tonight, My children, I mirror the Great Love of My Heart for all those who need help, intercession, and Grace for these times.

As from now, I thank all those who have accompanied this pilgrimage, knowing that it is not only a physical pilgrimage, but rather, especially spiritual, which embraces many consciousnesses, nations, and planetary situations that are being deactivated, rebuilt, and transformed so that all those situations may be within the Purpose of God rather than for the purpose of humankind.

The opportunity to receive a great divine intervention depends on humanity. The response from part of humankind will be very necessary, so that this universal help may be able to reach the Earth, and everything, absolutely everything, is kept in balance.

Receive each of My words as if it were the last, because I know, as Mother, that you will need them so as to be able to continue walking on that course of the Earth towards a sacred encounter with the Redeemer.

For that reason, I also come here for those who today will consecrate themselves, for those who have already consecrated themselves to My Immaculate Heart.

This will be the moment, My children, especially for the Children of Mary of all of Brazil, of being able to respond and be receptive to the call of God in all that is presented and manifested as Divine Will. That will prevent many events in your country, and the doors of Divine Mercy will remain open for a people and a nation that is faithfully devoted to the Mother of God.

Those who today will consecrate themselves as Children of Mary are to approach.

Preparing ourselves with the song of consecration, we will renew our vows to the Mother of God, taking up our inner and spiritual commitment to the Work of the Divine Messengers and the Celestial Father.

Dear souls of God, beings assembled in the name of Love before the Sacred Altar of the Mother of God: May your souls today receive this maternal blessing that I bring you.

May your hearts feel the impulse of peace, of love, and of the good that today My Immaculate Heart emits, so that your commitment before God may be true and persistent, so that you may learn to protect your lives through the path of prayer, of service for others, and for the Kingdoms of Nature, so that in your families and homes you may awaken the principle of the Sacred Family, through acts of kindness, of charity, of love, and of good for your fellow beings.

Today, your commitment to Me will be for all the families of Brazil and the world, so that in your families there may be an oratory dedicated to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, where My Presence may be there among you and in all the homes of the world, especially in the families that are divided and separated through a lack of love.

Brazil, as a people devoted to the Mother of God, has the possibility of carrying out many works. That is why I never tire of returning here again and again, to be able to bless My beloved people, who always pray to God for His Love and for His Grace, for His Mercy and for His Compassion.

Children, I love you and I only wish you to do what is good, so that the Good of God may be in your hearts and in the hearts of all your siblings, so that evil may be dissolved, the hells be closed, so that souls may be freed and rediscover the path toward God.

Let us pray. And today I will pray with you, My children, to the Celestial Father, so that this offering that is born of your hearts be received in His Kingdom and He may give you back His balm of Peace, of Healing, of Love, and of Forgiveness, so that as from now, your lives may be other. Believe that this is possible.

Let us pray!

Celestial Father ... (x 3 times)

Brazil will always be the Eden, where God will place His Eyes to contemplate the transformation of His children and the care of all the Kingdoms, so that peace, love, and unity among beings may always be present.

I bless you and consecrate you all as My children.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May a rain of Love and a spiritual Grace descend at this moment, not only to bless Brazil, but also all the Kingdoms, all the continents and the oceans that are united with the Creation of God in perfect unity.

Today I am glad to have had you here, because you have brought your offering to My Heart.

Do what I ask of you, pray every day and everything will be transformed and be healed. It is something very simple; thus, someday you will be like Me, beautiful in Love and grateful in Trust.

I thank you!

Continue forward on the Path of the Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



Perceive the life around you, the Kingdoms, the elements, the presence of your brothers and sisters, the light, the color, the sounds. Perceive what the surroundings create in your heart, what they reflect in your mind, in your emotions, in your heart.

Life, child, is permeated by the silent presence of the Spirit of God, but He is hidden, hiding like the King of the Universe, hid in the Womb of His Most Holy Mother. The Spirit of God only reveals Itself to those who are humble of heart and who open to perceive the mysteries of the divine presence among humankind, just as His Son revealed Himself to the simple in the manger of Bethlehem.

If you cannot feel the presence of the Spirit of God around you, close your eyes, breathe and become silent. Within the air that enters your being, that is where the Spirit of God dwells. In nature, in its sounds, in its colors, there dwells the Spirit of God.

Live in this presence and act, in each instant of your life, under the Eyes of your Heavenly Father. In this way, you will see, child, that you will no longer do those things that cause you to fall, again and again, into the same errors and tendencies of the past.

Live with the gaze of the Spirit of God upon you. But do not only live in fear of God; know that His Presence comes to help you to re-consecrate your life and to persevere in your consecration.

May the Eyes of the Fire of God that are upon you lead you to transformation.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I descend to the world, enveloped in the Light of God, to be able to pour out all the divine rays of the Spiritual Universe.

I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to elevate the souls towards the House of the Heavenly Father.

I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, so that My Divine Rays may touch the hearts that need much redemption. 

I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, so that the essences of God recognize their filiation with the Universe.

I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, as Mother, to make the hearts know the potent Love of the Father with all that is created.

I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to awaken the sacred commitment of the creatures with Creation.

I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to be with My children giving them the impulse towards the true change of consciousness.

I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to bring the spiritual cure that many souls need.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


For Me, what prevails in you is not your imperfection but indeed your truth is important to Me; because in the truth of your heart you will learn, with comings and goings, to reach that truth towards inner freedom, where nothing remains imprisoned or bound.

This is how the truth of your consciousness before the Universe will allow your being to approach the Laws and, although they are unknown to human consciousness, you will be able to unite, in essence, to this great universal mystery.

Let this truth, that can be born from your being, help you radiate the essence and the Truth, beyond imperfection, because in this way you will attain Truth through transparency and you will be able to live a real life without illusions.

Through the Truth, you will be within universal balance, although you will still have to keep overcoming duality.

Then, serve yourself from the Truth so that It may take the first place within your consciousness; thus you will remain in the Father, and in the Heavenly Father you will live the Greater Will that brought you to this life.

Truth is based on the sincere love of the surrendered heart.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
