Not to want your own will, and to love the Divine Will

This race in the beginning was designed by God to obey and follow a single Purpose. But since My adversary, in antiquity, awakened the temptation and free will in the humankind of the surface, the original Project was distorted, straying from the path of the Divine Will.

It was there that duality, free choice and disobedience to all higher Laws that would rule humanity in times to come until it would be a sacred humanity, entered into the primitive consciousness of humanity.

From the moment Adam and Eve were tempted in Eden to decide on their own life and thus deviate from the Hand of the Creator, what we call self-will entered into the essence of the human being.

This will, devoid of spiritual principles and impregnated with codes of corruptibility, was the action that diverted the new humanity from the path; in the beginning of everything, the first race was the wise Project of a new humanity for the surface.

From the moment the first Adam decided to survive on the planet transgressing the natural Laws, Eve on the other hand awakened the first signs of capital sins.

My adversary achieved what he wanted so much: to make this an inert humanity without self-consciousness.

After so many eras gone by, the culminating moment arrived where, in the first stage, the decadence of humanity would come to an end, and it would be through the apparition of Christ in the world, as the Firstborn Son of God, incarnated to rescue the essence of this thought human project.

Later on, when Christ was present, the whole race, which was already in the abyss of its perdition, was diverted from its own hell through the Passion of Jesus.

The coming of the Messiah of Israel was delicately prepared by the Creator Fathers, by the Holy Archangels. Each one brought and bore in the most pure womb of the Virgin Mother the light cells of transubstantiation and redemption, higher Laws that later on allowed to liberate humanity from evil.

Since Adam and Eve activated in themselves their own will, the human spiritual genetics were spontaneously affected until today by this energy of earthly power of appropriation and domination of all things.

Only those consciousnesses that throughout the ages managed to open themselves to find Christ within have been challenged to renounce and banish this old human code that has been deviating millions of souls from the Purpose until today.

Self-will is the consequence of not accepting in a true way the Love of God, being the consciousness impregnated by its own ideas and concepts, those that are opposed to the Divine Thought.

Although Christ gave life and died for all also with the purpose of deactivating the old corrupt code of self-will, after all the events and facts that Master Jesus gestated in the consciousness of those who listened to Him, meanwhile the other part of humanity strengthened the precarious link with self-will; it was like a ten-horned beast recreated by all involutionary actions of the human race.

The human will has always been honored and appreciated by the majority, this is one of the reasons why in these definitive times, consciousnesses that are committed to the Plan are not able to take their steps when affirming their own will: a chain that ties them to an endless hell.

Those holy consciousnesses that were able to overcome their own will, did it through three factors: first, working every day renouncing themselves, second, searching for the emptiness of themselves and third, serving unconditionally, taking into account that even living all these experiences, there is self-will based on arrogance and pride. 

When the disciple of Christ disposes themselves to transcend the states that corrupt the love in humanity, they must have in mind that they will face within themselves their own beasts, which will try to make them give up all efforts. 

Some consciousnesses on the surface of the planet, as is the case of those who opted for a consecrated life, have the spiritual mission of dispelling from their consciousnesses all these energies that condemn the evolutionary life of a soul, and they also have the mission to do it for humanity, imitating Christ.

In these times humanity must define the path it will follow, this will be before the expected Judgment that will happen on this beloved planet.

Christ was and is an extraordinary example of life and truth for all those who accept to return to the previous moment of the Plan in which Adam committed the so-called original sin; a sin from which all creatures are born with the code of self-will and free will.

To be able to change this frequency, the determination and effort that are stimulated by prayer will allow disarming the opposite impulses that bring self-will. 

To live the Divine Will means to want nothing for oneself and everything for others. To live the Divine Will means to follow step by step what one is asked for, avoiding failure many times.

But we know that humanity of today does not want to follow in obedience and adherence to what the higher Universes are emitting; this leads to an increase of spiritual perdition of the consciousnesses, it leads to submerging oneself in all possible deceptions, it leads to missing the path one has come to walk.

Therefore, God sends His Messenger again to warn you all and the whole world that they are still living their own will and this will not deter the planetary suffering, but rather it is increasing it gradually. 

I invite you, children, to do the exercise of cutting the chain of self-will, thus you will have the inner strength to be able to Christify your lives and prepare for the glorious coming of Christ to the world. 

Be intelligent and do not allow self-will to distance you forever from the path of your redemption.

Times announce great changes for everybody. 

I thank you for losing your self-will and for being born to the Eternal Will of God!

Who impels you to inner purification, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

The Grace of God is what permits all things, it is what permits the manifestation of miracles in the life of souls.

It is the Grace of God that conceives the spiritual life and at the same time the renovations of hearts.

The Grace of God brings the sane joy and the jubilation for living in His Divine Plan. It is this Grace that permits you to know His Will, but before that, it has to be loved with all the heart.

In the Grace of God new paths are built and the doors open for the consciousnesses to live their redemption.

It is the Grace of God that brings the Divine Mercy to the sick world, the one that generates in the consciousnesses the opportunity to live its rehabilitation. In the Grace of God is kept the essence of the divine compassion, the possibility of experiencing mercy and piety for one’s own mistakes or for the mistakes of the fellow beings.

The Grace of God deposits in the souls the memory of plenitude and at the same time motivates the consciousnesses to take a step with confidence within the Plan of the Redeemer.

It is this Grace that can embrace spiritually whoever needs it the most, because it represents the indispensable engine for the souls to be able to liberate themselves from their debts and thus reach a state of profound forgiveness.

It is this Grace that I bring for My children at this time, a life raft before the world purifies itself; it will be this infinite Grace which will sustain the New Christs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who elevates you to the Grace of God, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


An Invocation of the Soul

My Lord, purify my soul and every part of my consciousness so that being transformed by You, I may find the fortress and the healing for life.

Pour, Lord, Your Holy Spirit and illuminate each atom and particle of this consciousness, so that in Your Grace, I may vivify Your Love and Your Peace in me. 

Help me, Lord, to correspond to Your Holy Will and soon, empty me completely to the point that I will not want anything for myself.

Show me, Lord, Your holy Humility and teach me to resign myself before Your universal Majesty, that is present in each one of my fellow beings and companions on the path. 

May Your paternal gaze not cease to observe me, but when I am about to fall in the abyss of my poor ignorance, send me, Lord, Your Holy Angels to help and assist me in all adversity.

Teach me to live in the poverty of Your Spirit, in the Love of Your words, in the Mercy of Your Heart.

Unveil Yourself, Lord, and show me Your merciful Face in each soul on Earth and reveal Yourself in compassion for each brother and sister on the path.

Allow me, Lord, to know Your profound Love and pull out with Your hands the pride of my person. Naked before You of all property, pride and error, make me, Lord, Your instrument of peace on Earth.

Show me the values of Your Sacred Sovereignty of humility and leave me empty so that nothing of my own will dwell in me, but only You, Lord, who gives strength to the weak ones, and surrenders Your Peace to the disturbed ones and who sheds Your Mercy to those who are blind and lost.

Teach me, Lord, the science of Your Divine Love and establish the Gift of Your Grace in this consciousness.

Remove one by one the human aspects that condemn me and make me free and pure like the birds in the sky.

I wish with all my heart not to be lost from Your blessed Path, keep me in Your Arms until Your holy Will sends me out as one of Your disciples.

No longer allow, Lord, my blindness to dazzle me, but may the light and love of Your Holy Spirit resurrect me forever.

Make me the smallest among my brothers and sisters, make me the most donated and sacrificed in the absolute silence.

Do not allow, Lord, anything that comes from me to show itself, hide me in Your Heart, so that in the nothingness I will be the receptacle of Your silent work and of Your repairing Grace.

Forgive me, Lord, for what I have not done well; deliver me Your Divine Piety because I need it. 

Pour Your Love so that I may strengthen myself until the end of days, when after this life we will be one in Your Divine Eternity.

Let it be so.


Dear children, I leave this invocation for all the souls that may feel encouraged to live their sacred transformation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who heals and redeems you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When a heart that was oppressed and in evil is liberated– as you say here on this planet – this has a price. Because of this, dear children, My soldiers face hard battles in these times, but prayer will make you invincible before any harassment.

Know, My children, that My Plan of peace shall triumph every day of life and that you, through Me, will be able to concretize and fulfill the Will of God. You will never lack courage to fulfill the Designs of the Father, in order for His Kingdom to be finally established on the planet.

The reason for so many battles is the definition of the times and the moment of making love triumph above all.

Dear children, for this I protect you and make you stronger than you could be, because those who live in My Heart shall not perish.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who loves you and sustains you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When the souls in the world get lost I make them find the path towards God through My Love. Redemption establishes itself in the hearts that ask for My help and also in the hearts that ask for their brothers and sisters so that My Plan of Peace can be established in humanity; thus I close the door to My adversary, who corrodes the souls spiritually, places obstacles in their lives, and leads them to perdition, mainly, to the absence of love.

I have come here, dear children, to meet you under the Unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Trinity has sent Me in this cycle and in these times to prepare you for what is going to come. I need that your hearts establish My reign in this world. I need you to fulfill with Me the Plan of peace that the Lord so much awaits.

The world is still deaf and blind, but your hearts are open for Me, and you, dear children, know that it is so and that I need your hearts to fulfill My designs without caring for how you are like and how imperfect you are before the eyes of the Universe.

I do not come here to search for your indignation, your indifference or omission. I come to search in you for what really exists in the depth of your beings and that is called God; it is in this God that you must live in this time for all those who do not live it. And remember God, dear children, each new morning in which you wake up, because God is forgotten in this time by the hearts that have not understood Him nor accepted His Will that is not the inferior human will.

I need to set up here, dear children, a Kingdom that would be impossible to be established in these times, but that is possible when your hearts open themselves to hear My call each time that I announce it to the world.

I have come to Cataluña to bring you the mystery of My Love, as I have already brought it once when I previously met you in this same city to renew the vows before the Celestial Father. And I would like, dear children, that at this time you strengthened these vows, not only for yourselves but for your brothers and sisters that are on this path and also for those who are not and have forgotten God, the Father of Love and Unity. If love and unity live among you, and you work for this love and for this unity, My Plan will triumph in this humanity.

It does not matter what happens around you, because I will be among you to impel you to walk and follow the steps of Christ, steps that at this time are offered to everyone to take for humanity and for the planet.

Dear children, you still do not know My profound pain for this race, for all the souls. You still do not know what it means to sustain the gravity of these times, and a race submerged in its ignorance and blindness.

As the Mother of Goodness and of Mercy, I open the doors for all those who do not deserve it, because the Christic seed is in you and in your brothers and sisters; a seed that will never disappear and that nobody will be able remove. It is the seed of unity and love that I come to water from time to time with My prayers, My words and My supplications for you before the Celestial Father. It is the seed that can never dry nor should get out of sight. It is the Christic seed that My adversary fears even not knowing it, because when it sprouts, flourishes and bears fruits, it is invincible.

Dear children, today I come to make you recognize your filiation with the Celestial Father, a filiation that is unique for each one of you, it is precious and also mysterious for many. Consider yourselves worthy children of God and the whole of humanity will be a worthy child of God for the steps you take in this time towards My Son, towards His Sacred Heart.

I do not come to ask you, dear children, for what you cannot give Me, but rather for what you really can donate Me with the heart, with your lives in each act of the day, in each example of charity and of goodness towards your fellow being. Thus, dear children, I invite you to share the miseries of the world and to support them with Me by prayer, service and sacrifice. I know that many fear sacrifice because they think they will suffer, but I do not come to bring you suffering, but the Peace of the Celestial Kingdom perpetually lived by angels and archangels in each moment of the Divine and Spiritual Universe. I open to you the doors towards the sacred knowledge that is called Celestial Universe.

I want you to be conscious, dear children, of this very important task of merging Heaven and Earth in one sole unity. Thus the doors of the hells of life will close and little by little the hearts will lose their ignorance, because the veils will fall from their consciousnesses and they will recognize that they have forgotten God and will encourage themselves to return to the path of My Son, that is the path of love and forgiveness.

Go ahead in spite of what happens and remember that I consider you My columns of light and peace in this unfaithful world. Make My Heart triumph in your lives and live it fully, because the time has already come and it is time to fight for this Plan of peace in the world, a world that each one builds day by day with their attitude, their thought, their feeling and their prayer.

United with you and together with each one of your spirits My Plan triumphs, and My adversary loses the war that he wants to fight so much. It is already time, dear children, for you to be bearers of My Peace and that you transmit it to the world, this is My main task with you in these times.

Now place in My Merciful and Immaculate Heart your intentions. I open My Heart of Light for you to place your supplications, your invocations, your requests to the Great Universal Father who loves you profoundly and never forgets you. Deposit these intentions in the silence of your hearts.

Now extending My arms and approaching My hands towards you, dear children, I will pray for Spain shedding My Graces upon it:


Holy Father, Blow of Spirit,

Shed Your Light upon the consciousnesses,

May they never be discouraged from searching for You

May they be able to find Your Peace and Your Truth;

Strengthen each spark of Your Spirit

That has congregated around My Immaculate Heart

To revere Your Presence and Your legacy with all Creation.


Angels of Heaven, Higher Consciousnesses,

Guide the souls on the good path

And fill the emptiness of love that many feel in their hearts;

Shed the Divine Spirit of My Son

So that they can live in Your Sacred Heart

And be in this time as a star that, from the universe, lights everything.



I bless you, dear children, and I bless everything you have brought to My altar in reverence and love. I bless the union with My Son that you search for every day without forgetting Him, your Master, your true love. Bring Me here the offering of the Eucharist for My Angels to transubstantiate it into the real spiritual and divine matter that nourishes your spirits and consciousnesses.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Everything is going through its Judgment

Dear children of Mine,

Through My plans of peace and prayer with all the souls of the world, I prevent you from entering into the Judgment.

But now all is already in Judgment…

As Your Mother, I reveal new projects to you that must follow the perfect order of the Universe and in this way everyone can be within the Law.

But now all is already in Judgment…

I prevent souls from continuing to submerge themselves in the darkness of these times and I call all the lost sheep to return to the path of Christ.

But now all is already in Judgment…

Every day I invite hearts to follow in the footsteps of the Heavenly Mother, thus in these times your footsteps will be protected by the Light of My Maternity.

But now all is already in Judgment…

Hearts condemn themselves each passing day and justify themselves through their actions, carrying all of humanity toward Universal Judgment.

But now all is already in Judgment…

There is no consciousness, race, religion, or nation that is free of Universal Judgment; that is why Your Heavenly Mother motivates you to develop projects of light that are united to Divine Will so that in this way you do not enter into the Judgment.

Dear children, the time that was foreordained for certain events is arriving; Your Most Holy Mother together with Her angels is uprooting the networks of evil through the prayer meetings.

But now all is already in Judgment…

Souls cannot lose the Grace of converting their lives through the sacred atonement that comes from Heaven.

Before everything happens and entire nations enter into their Judgment, pray, pray from the heart for the needs of the planet, so that at least the angels of the Universe come to the call of your voices.

Everything is now in its Judgment, inside and outside of human beings; the Judgment of purification has come, and at the same time, that of the evidence.

Before the Great Judgment is established in the world, prepare your hearts in adoration; now everything is in its Judgment, and hearts cannot be distracted by the things of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who prays now and always in the face of the Judgment of the final times,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Parents of the Earth,

As Your Mother and Guide from Heaven, I take care of all the details in the same way that I take care of and protect each soul.

Give Me your children, and I will take care of them as I take care of you all the time when you are in prayer with Me.

Entrust your children on Earth to Me so that someday they too may come to an awakening and redemption.

My motherhood follows your children with a tender look, who for you are the living experience of love, compassion, and understanding.

Beloved parents, God has given you a learning, a livingness, and an experience through the birth of your children; an experience that in this life, and at this moment of the planet, oftentimes has caused you to endure, to love, to understand, and especially to forgive.

Each one of you, parents of the Earth, have had to learn how to relinquish, to accept the decisions of your children and of your families.

The prayer of the heart will lead you to understand the decisions of life, and those of your children, just as I understand yours, and accept them in deep motherhood.

Do not expect to fulfill dreams of this world through your children, aspire that they be in My arms of a Mother just as you and your families are, especially when they are far from their loved ones.

All are souls in redemption and transformation, but My sacred motherhood grants you all the Graces. For this reason, today I invite you to place your children in My arms just as you often are, both in the moments of inner happiness and in those of pain.

Know, My beloved parents of the Earth, that you and your children belong to God and that one day you will return to God in spite of what you experience in this world.

I prepare you so that you may deliver your children to the Will of God in the same way that I trustingly delivered Jesus to the Celestial Father.

I encourage you to grow inwardly.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who accompanies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Triumph of the Heart

Dear children:

The triumph of the heart will take place through conversion.

The triumph of the heart is the goal of the apostles of Christ.

The triumph of the heart is the challenge of every pilgrim who will reach the path of redemption.

The triumph of the heart is the proposal of every praying being.

By the triumph of the heart, peace will be established throughout the world. At this time, dear children, the triumph of the heart is the spiritual proposal that souls receive in order to begin the path for their inner rehabilitation.

Therefore, beloved children, your Heavenly Mother works every day for your hearts to be even more open to the Will of the Heavenly Father.

Dear children, at this definite hour, your conversion will be possible through the path of prayer and peace.

I wish from the Universe that all My children awaken to the triumph of their hearts with determination and faith.

Therefore, in spite of the times you are facing, your Mother guides you by the hand through the path that will lead you to meet Christ, and this way your souls will find the triumph of the spirit for you having redeemed yourselves.

On this day, meditate upon the triumph of the heart, the one that is also possible through the consciousnesses that love and that never separate themselves from God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you in the essence of love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Today I come again to teach you something basic about the lesson of Love, which is called Divine Pity.

Without Pity, hearts cannot manage to take steps toward My Son, and, even less, they cannot manage to see all their inner paths open to concretize the Sacred Will of God.

For this reason, My children, let your hearts dare to always be compassionate with yourselves and with all others because after having seen My Son suffer and die on the Cross for you, the Pity of God was and is the balm that neutralizes all serious errors.

In this time of spiritual and world crises, may your eyes see the events of life and of purification with Pity rather than with fury. My children, this will avoid a feeling of hate being established in the world, which is the opposite of love and unity.

To all those who pray to My Heart, I ask that you remember the sacred attribute of Pity because, at the most needful time of your lives and consciousnesses, you will be able to return to it, which will be the gift that will transform all things in time.

Pity will be the master key for impossible or irreversible causes within the consciousnesses, for it will always bring you patience, enthusiasm, and, above all, motivation to serve God, beyond all consequences.

May the divine spirit of Pity always fill your hearts.

Remember, My children, that the Lord is not only Love; He is profound Pity for His smallest creatures.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you with the infinite Pity of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am the Rose of Peace. I am the spiritual Flower opening in your hearts so that My children find the beauty of Creation.

I am the essence of Life. I am Who in Her purest womb gestates the new principles of humanity. Thus, I ask that you open to My universal Rose so you may come to know the inner beauty that God left stored in each human heart. It is the essence of Love that will cause you to live the Will of God.

I am the Rose of Peace so that My children may be witnesses that there truly is a sacred path to walk along, and all are invited to discover it through prayer.

There is a way for you to purify yourselves every day without suffering or frustration. That is why, on this day I show you the Rose of Peace, so that you learn to express the same beauty of My Heart. 

Find encouragement in everything I say to you; we deeply desire the new soldiers of Christ to ignite the attributes in their hearts, so the spiritually sick planet may be filled with the gift of God's Love through His children.

Simply seek to reflect the kindness of your spirits; this way, you will be able to stand before the doors of redemption without any fear.

Trust in My humble hand which I lovingly hold out to you, so you may see it is possible to unite to My maternal Heart and walk together in the faith that one day everything will be different. 

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who gathers you together in the essence of My Peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

All the human and spiritual efforts that My serving children make are recognized by the Celestial Father; and a form of inner Grace and atonement is granted to that soul which, opening its heart to God, listens to the request of fulfilling the works of Heaven.

Dear children, for this reason, today I invite you to follow the path of sacrifice for all of humanity, so that in this way your lives may attain holiness and the fulfillment of always serving My Son. 

I, as your Mother, always take care of everything, of your lives and of your small consciousnesses, and give you the possibility of loving the Will of God, just as I love It all the time.

Dear children, continue brave and serene, continue meek and strong through this path of consecration to the Plan of God. In truth, My beloved, you are invited to follow the first steps towards an overwhelming holiness of the soul and of the consciousness, holiness that is also found through peace. 

I am united to you, I see and feel in your heats the effort to love the essence of sacrifice, which will give you redemption and will open the doors to new states of consciousness. 

Dear children, let us continue praying. In the silence of the heart everything can always be comprehended and the sacred Divine Will be lived. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you to the Heart of the Redeemer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Beloved children,

It is in the silence of the heart that you will hear My unmistakable voice.

It is in the silence of the heart that you will feel the Presence of Christ in this time, a time of tests for a humanity that will be purified, as is the Will of God the Father, the Eternal.

It is in the silence of the heart that I will leave the seeds of My Purity, of My Love and of the Forgiveness of God for all peoples; so that there they may germinate, grow, blossom and bear the fruits that the New Humanity will express on the New Earth, the paradise promised to the just, the faithful, the pure of heart.

It is in the silence of the heart that creatures will find God, to revere Him, to reconcile their spirits with His loving Heart of Light, Mercy, Love and Pity.

It is in the silence of the heart where creatures will find the Will of the Father and will discover what their true paths are, the ones the loving God charted so that His children could travel them in peace and joy.

It is in the silence of the heart that the children of the Most High will learn the art of loving and serving their neighbor, where they will experience the school of compassion, a step that will take them to the love taught by Christ on the Cross.

It is in the silence of the heart that humanity will find the lost hope, the love God placed in each essence, an essence that today is drowning in a solid box of stone, closed with infinite keys, without air and without light.

It is in the silence of the heart that you will find Me, beloved children, because I have the key that opens all doors; the door to redemption, to healing, to reconciliation among peoples, the door to love that forgives everything and rebuilds everything, the door to pity that will come through the selflessness of a service rendered without personal interests.

It is in the silence of the heart, My beloved ones, that you will find the great Peace that I bring to the world and place in each of you, so that you may experience this peace in your lives. And if there is no silence in the heart, because unease reigns in your beings, pray with Me, so that the codes of light of the blessed prayer may reach your hearts, and, like a balm, that blessed prayer may take away the pain, like a fresh breeze that will bring ease, tranquility and harmony into your lives.

Children of Colombia and of the whole world, today I invite you, I call you to feel Me, to find Me in your hearts, where I came to sow My Peace, the Peace of Christ, the Peace of God for all.

Thank you for assembling and gathering together in My Heart. Thank you for being with Me today.

Who loves you and covers you with Celestial Peace,

Your Mother Mary, Mother of all the Peoples of God


Dear children,

I deeply rejoice for finding you here today, reunited in this beloved oratory of My Heart, because all of the praying families are favored before the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Dear children, today I would like to tell you from the depths of My Heavenly Soul that higher and eternal life exists after this life.  Many among you, of those who have already left, learn close to My Heart about the power of prayer which rescues and liberates other souls.

For this, you must rejoice, and each day love the Will of the Creator who wants to see you mature and be firm on this path, which will finally also lead you to find your own dwelling in the Heart of the Celestial Father.

My children, death is a deep step of purification and detachment: in this way, the soul lives a stage of surrender of everything that it lived on the surface of the Earth.  If your souls pray with trust to My Immaculate Heart, you will fear nothing, Your Heavenly Mother takes care and protects each one of Her children who are following the Will of God in obedience, and their brothers and sisters.

You will see, in these times, My beloved ones, that the world will purify quickly, this is not a punishment of God, it is the movement of truly living a change within the consciousness, in order to be able to reach the consecration to the Kingdom of God.

If you are here today, it is because I love you, and will always give thanks for your prayers, for the Plan of the Most High and for this suffering planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to a Higher Life, after this life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Sacred House of Mary, Madre Paulista, city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Like a Queen, your Mother is crowned by the prayers and the pleas of all Her children of the world. This makes the deep pain of the Most Holy Mother disappear little by little, because the pain of the world is shared with the consistent apostles of Christ.

It is for this purpose, dear children, that today I come to meet with you to call you to a time of conscience and inner maturity. It will be in this way that your souls, united with Christ, will be able to respond to the Will of God, when that Will makes Itself known in your hearts.

Thus, children, in times of preparation, but also in the acute moments for humanity, may your path be to respond through Christ to the Designs of the Celestial Father. That will require that your consciousnesses respond to situations that were not planned for in your daily life.

Little by little, you are being led into living the same principles that the Family of Nazareth lived, to thus accomplish the infinite Purpose of the Eternal Father, which is to save the whole of humanity.

Follow the light that leads you into finding that sacred Purpose and do not close your hearts to what you must learn in honor of My Immaculate Heart.

The freedom of the East, and especially of the poor families in subjection, will depend on your response and the response of all My children in the world.

Your decision is unique in these times, because from the beginning, humanity is unique, and what one does has repercussions on the rest, be it evolutionary or contrary to evolution.

My Heart, wounded by an ungrateful humankind that does not know the Love of God, is being offered to all as the sublime refuge for the immigrants of the world.

My arms are stretched out to the planet and My hands draw close to all to cry out for pity, peace and conscience.

Dear children, like the Ark of the Holy Covenant, I pour out what is purest in My Heart so that, in this time of purification, you may avail yourselves of My maternal and universal Principles, Principles that come from Heaven.

I thank you for continuing to calm My Heart, a Heart that suffers for that which Her children of the world suffer. 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

The world has delivered all of its senses, mainly the inner senses, to the destructive hands of My adversary.  It is because of this that throughout the times I have been announcing the importance of the prayer of the heart and of the constant search for peace so that at least the most lost essences may find the path towards the Heart of the Celestial Father.

My Son sends Me in Glory, to spiritually demonstrate that the Universe is the true source of union with the Will of God.  As the Mother and Advocate of Peace, I come to try to remove the blindfolds from the eyes of My children, those which have led them to the darkening of the heart and the spiritual death of the soul.

Dear children, I bring you My Grace so that, by opening My arms to the world, souls may be protected in the Sacred Temple of My Heart.  But most souls are strongly handcuffed to the illusions of a material fulfillment that is capable of breaking the union between the families and God.

As a Conciliator of the poor of spirit, I bring the Kingdom of Jesus Christ to the world for the last time, because there are still many souls that will have to awaken their inner senses, those which are asleep by the plan of the enemy.

Meanwhile, My children in Christ, pray for your brothers and sisters who are hypnotized by the ideas of the world.  I receive in My Maternal Heart the true consolation of being able to continue coming to work as the Co-redeemer of humanity.

Pray, pray for those who day by day lose their inner senses and thus forget about God and His invincible Kingdom of Love.

Children, let us pray together, let us pray in the name of peace and sacred silence.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who heals you in the most pure source of the Heart of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Light-Community of the Brotherhood, Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My children,

Today I have come to speak to you about a spiritual and prayerful community consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. 

On this holy day, I wish you to understand, dear children, that at this moment and in this place blessed by God, you are forming part of His Aspiration that here, through the offering of service, giving of self and charity you have carried out, you may be able to establish the Kingdom of God in your hearts, to then radiate it to your fellow beings. 

You know, My children, that there are many spiritual communities, both Christian and Eastern, in the world, but in these times only a few obediently manage to follow the Will of God through the sincere and non-profitable service of their members.

Imagine those communities also created for a Higher Purpose, but that do not live prayer, nor form oratories, bridges of elevation and of contact with the Celestial Universe. 

Dear children, I am your Mother, and I hope that all My children, regardless of whether they accept Me or not, may be able to hear the call to prayer, to supplication, to a true union with God. 

My Light-Communities must work every day for that sacred Purpose, and each member who tries to live a consecration to the Plan of God is responsible, before My presence and before the Presence of My Son, for this fiery aspiration to be fulfilled. 

Children, I ask that every day you renew your vows made to the Celestial Hierarchy; this will motivate other consciousnesses to also awaken and abandon this material life subject to property, to power and to unlimited competition. 

I come from Heaven to ask you to imitate the Community of Nazareth, which was formed by Saint Joseph, by the little Child Jesus and by your Heavenly Mother. 

Each Community in this time must represent that inner Temple, so that the angels may find spaces of companionship and of guidance for all the souls offered to the Plan.

It is for this reason that My Immaculate Heart suffers for the souls that have a true aspiration to live for God and who are deceived, disregarded by the ones who guide those flocks.

The results of those situations, in the loss of souls, are irreparable. This is why, since the beginning, I instituted spaces of prayer and of communion with Christ so that nothing would stray from the path, since My adversary always wants to impose obstacles as a way of hindering the life of those who take small steps. 

Humanity should already be one single community, and even if this seems impossible to happen, that is the original Will of your Heavenly Father, according to what is expressed in Genesis. 

Dear children, I leave you with this reflection so that as from now you may recognize where you are and by whom you are being guided, in the name of Grace and of Mercy, an opportunity that the majority does not have because they are not obedient or simple.

The project is one of humility, of beauty and of fraternity. All are invited to be an example and constant testimony of the Sacred Family. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In the time that comes I want to invite you to live the spirit of love and of peace, something you must always seek through your prayers and communion with My Beloved Son.

With this purpose I come from Heaven to announce to you that peace is possible on these times, despite the serious condition in which the world is found.

My children, I bring to you the possibility of finding the state of silence such as the peace of heart.  Day by day I want to see you strong and humbler so that you may be able to face such decisive times that will place all of humanity before the judgment of the Divine Law and Justice, something that no one can image how will happen.

But I open the doors of My Heart so that you may be able to feel, in every moment, that you are in My lap, despite the spiritual battles that humanity will face in the last cycle of the final time.

Children, I reveal to you the only path of peace because if you are in My Peace, in spite of all, you will be able to see the Face of My Beloved Son shining in you little hearts.

Children, the time has come to act according to the indications of the Will of God.  As the Mother of all, I know that the majority follow other paths.  For this, day by day I come, through these messages, to guide you and mainly for you to value the Word of God.

If that happens at least in a small part of the humanity, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who takes you to the consciousness of Truth,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Mother of the seven colors of the universe. On My Mantle is drawn the eternal fusion between the Rays and their universal vibrations that give life and form to all Creation.

My Consciousness is expressed through the White Ray that manifests the essence of Purity and its maximum expression is attained in the hearts of those who give themselves to the total transformation of their lives.

The White Ray concentrates the divine synthesis of all the others and so acquires a power of transformation unknown to the world. The White Ray is the positive expression of the goodness and self-giving of all who aspire to reach the inner light.

I am the essence of the Pink Ray, My Consciousness expresses the Love for everything created and fully accepts it as a filiation of the creatures to God. The Pink Ray has its maximum expression through pure Love; therefore, knowing the power of the White Ray and uniting it to the Pink Ray, the effect of Love becomes able to transform that which seems impossible of being transformed.

Through the Pink Ray, the tribute of compassion allows humanity the power to recognize Christ as the Master and Lord. The Pink Ray is able to place a spiritual situation on another level; and so this Ray helps to fulfill the mission of each soul, of being able to live in the Love of God. The Pink Ray is the universal color that promotes peace, through this Ray all becomes softer and harmonious.

I am the Mother in the essence of the Green Ray, because it expresses the harmony of serving the fellow being and so establishing its healing principle through the balance that it can express in the material life.

The Green Ray gathers the profound synthesis of alignment and it is the principal Ray that spiritually promotes hope. It is the Ray that neither permits nor allows the extinguishing of the aspiration to experience transformation because it fulfills, through its harmony, all the missions that the creatures intend to live. This Green Ray attracts the Will of God in a neutral way, that is, it allows one to live the Will in balance, serenity and peace.

I am the Mother of the Universe in the essence of the Blue Ray, which attracts towards the whole universe the divine force to realize the aspiration to live the Will of God. This Blue Ray is capable of gathering souls with the same purpose. It is the regent Ray, that is to say it creates favorable conditions for the creatures and the forms to be motivated to fulfill in harmony each inner aspiration.

The Blue Ray gathers the Will widely so that it can be experienced in a conscious way and, at the same time, profound and in balance. The Blue Ray is able to help to live acceptance of the new times and also to unlock the path that may be limited by the opposite actions or imminent challenges. It allows us to feel confident in the Plan of God.

I am the Mother in the essence of the Golden-Ruby Ray because through it all becomes possible and the consciousness can expand its love for knowledge so that it can finally live it.

The Golden-Ruby Ray manifests the fundamental essence of the Divine Wisdom; it is through this Ray that the universe carries forward the concretization of the Divine Thought, and thus the creatures and the forms created by God take on life, vibration and energy by the action of this Golden-Ruby Ray.

The Divine Mind is expressed through this Ray, it expresses all that has been created. The Golden-Ruby Ray gives impulse to the manifestation of life and allows life to become sacred. This Ray is able to carry forward the projection of Wisdom in all that exists. This Ray can be expressed in seven different forms, since the Divine Wisdom pours forth so that all may reach the reality of creative thought. It can appear in souls that are guardians of the universal knowledge.

I am the Mother in the essence of the Violet Ray, because it manifests the transubstantiation of all forms. It is through the Violet Ray that everything is transformed into something positive.

The Violet Ray is capable of changing complex principles into sublime states. Its principal action is focused on the Divine Fire to perform the exchange of the forms and of the creatures. This is a Ray that is manifested in all that is transmuted and raised towards a superior state.

The Violet Ray is the main principle that acts on the liberation of humanity during the cycle of transition.

The Rays live and act through the maternal essence of your Heavenly Mother, they are Divine Principles, but at the same time they are Laws of expression of the Divine Consciousness.

The fundamental consciousness of the Rays arises as a stream from the Source of the One Consciousness and from there, all the universe of which you are also a part, receives the positive influence of these Principles which are also manifested through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

It is so, dear children, that you are being called not only to purification, but also to the divine consciousness of the Rays, which are the expression of the universal life. I am the Mother in the essence of the Rays, whoever lives in Me, lives in the rays.

I thank you for responding to My call!

This Divine Wisdom is for those who want to know themselves and become that which they have never been.

Who unites you to the principle of the Rays of Creation,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Confirm every day that I am present in everything.

As your Mother, I follow each inner movement and I can, thus, be closer when your heart trusts that I am present in your path in order to guide you towards this expected pathway, the pathway of purification.

In many souls this will happen in different ways, for this, keep the neutrality and peace in order to being able to transcend the new times that are coming.

The path of perfection is achieved through the principle of purification, remember that the liberation from your whole being will happen in different cycles.  It is the Will of God that you learn to grow slowly and to comprehend each aspect of your being in order to be able to mature in Christ.

Remember that forgiveness exists and that it can unlock the padlock that ties many chains.  In this way, you will be free when you simply ask of heart and in prayer for inner liberation.

Now, walk in confidence, the purification of everything will show at these times the direct pathway to purity.  For this, My Maternal Heart donates itself in order to help all those who aspire to truly find Christ and His Mercy.

Today I am present in the simple hearts, seeking in all My children a greater scale of consecration.  On the so expected day of the inner freedom will happen the fusion with Christ and a new stage will begin in the life of all of those who have been patient and constant before the tests of the inner world.

Faith will allow you to raise every inner state and thus, you will be able to start again in the name of peace.  Pray with Me in absolute trust.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who guides you to the eternal consecration,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


It is My Most Pure Heart that liberates from all evils through love. 

It is My Heart that liberates the souls from their eternal damnation.

It is My Heart of Light that opens the doors to redemption.

Children, I am in your lives everything that you allow; thus, unite yourselves to Me and I will fill you with a powerful spiritual strength that is capable of guiding you through the path of simplicity. 

Open your hearts, for in this way you will know how to recognize the Will of God in everything. 

Children, My Words are already telling you many things, take them as your own and transform them into life and instruction for your hearts, in this way you will be able to grow in plenitude and in spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who instructs you with Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
