Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Fortieth Poem

Lady of Graces,
infinite Expression of the Humility
and Generosity of God,
may a profound and true gratitude
rise from us today
for all that You have given us,
with so much Love, Devotion and Grace.

May only gratitude, reverence and devotion
emanate from our hearts
as a way of expressing all our love
for the Heavenly Mother.

We wish our voices
to resonate throughout Heaven
so that the angels of the Virgin Mary
may hear our sincere proclamation.

Thanks to the Universe of God,
we have always been blessed, purified
and filled through the intercession of Our Lady.

May we have the happiness of being able to remember
each moment shared
with the Sacred Hearts.

In this cycle of definitions,
may our souls be turned
towards surrender, love and sacrifice
for this magnificent and humble Work of Love.

Today our souls reiterate their gratitude,
because we have been bathed by the Light
of the Immaculate Heart.

May the Divine Mother know
of our gratitude
and the heartfelt love we have for Her.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

The Sacred Call

The pen of God stops, and He stops writing. What will this mean for you, in the face of what the world experiences today?

I Am the Lord of Silence, the Lord of introspection. My Will reaches the ends of the universe, but My Words labor in the hearts that are open to listen.

In the face of this revelation that I brought to you today, part of a secret from your Master and Lord, I ask you to continue praying with Me, just as you pray with My Heavenly Mother, because humankind from the Earth have no knowledge of the true Justice of God, a Justice that cannot be tempted, modified or altered. Only the Grace of the Mother of God can change the events upon the planet and, above all, in the hearts that are in danger through their own actions, because of the immensity of their ignorance, because of ingratitude.

You already know that My time within this place, so sacred to Me, is coming to an end. And today I tell you again that when that happens, you must be witnesses to the Heavenly Father and to humanity, of what you have witnessed in recent times through My coming to this place, which has a reason and purpose, unknown to all, not yet revealed to the world.

This does not mean that the supreme Will of God hides from His children, His creatures, all His mysteries and revelations. But He Himself chooses who needs to know them and have knowledge of them. So it has been throughout the times in the various apparitions of My Celestial Mother.

Even though today you do not know what I have said or know everything that I have revealed, this is not to be a curiosity for anyone, but rather an impulse to reinforce and double prayer for, in this way, Heaven will always hear you. Heaven will be attentive to the voice of your supplications; It always listens to the children of God.

While I am here, I am also with all of humanity, in these last moments of your Master and Lord, much like the last moments shared with the apostles during the Last Supper. We are in a very similar and culminating moment.

This is not sensationalism, this is a truth that comes directly from the Heart of God for you, because the scriptures will continue to be fulfilled, just as they were dictated to the hearts of the prophets and the apostles, and nothing will change them, only your unconditional adherence to the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, to all Her aspirations and wills, which are part of the Will of the Holy Spirit.

Today I can only speak to you through symbols, because you have to meditate on My Words, because My Words hold many keys that will open the doors of your consciousnesses, so that you may be able to be closer to God and to His Will.

Just as I have always done so, today I am fulfilling the Will of My Father so that the veils of consciousness fall from your faces and you may be able to see the truth and reality of these times, knowing that each treasure and spiritual impulse given to you will have to be justified by you, until the last day of your lives.

Thus, before the Heavenly Father, you will give testimony of what you received and of everything that was given to you throughout time and through the years, not only by My merciful Heart, but also by the Mother of God and the Most Chaste Saint Joseph.

Today, more than ever, the essence of Our Sacred Hearts reach the world with the last messages that prepare for the definitive moment of each human being, in these end times.

Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Words will remain in those who make them count and be recognized in the world, in all peoples, in all nations, in every corner of this planet. Your example and Christification, your sacrifice and surrender to My Heart will come before the long-awaited moment of My Return, because I will only be able to come first through you, through your transformation, surrender and redemption. It is the only thing that I need so that I too can justify to the Father everything that I have done for you.

The Word of God is not wasted. The Word of the Hierarchy will never be invalid. It is autonomous, eternal and it transcends all times, generations and forms.

But only you have been called by My Eternal Father to be witnesses, at the end of times, of all that I have given you and revealed to you.

I am not being dramatic, I am telling you the truth, because the truth will free you from yourselves.

Just as I told My apostles at the Last Supper, many of the revelations that God gave Me for future generations of humanity, you too as beings and as races, as peoples and nations, are at a great pivotal point, you are facing the same moment as the apostles were when each one, in the most crucial and culminating moment, had to give testimony of Me.

Today I am again alone, as I was in the judgment of the Pharisees, waiting in the greatest silence for the adherence and unity of My companions.

The Mother of God, Doorway of wisdom, of discernment and of love, is now present at the request of Her beloved Son, just as Saint Joseph is also present.

At the request of Christ, the visionaries can come here to unite with us at this moment with the Three Sacred Hearts.

We invite those who listen to us through this means of communication, that in the face of this mystery that the Three Sacred Hearts bring us, we may kneel or stand up to revere them.

We thank you.

God is listening to us and contemplating us, and so He does with all of humanity.

After the world day of fasting and prayer, requested by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, Our Three Sacred Hearts have received the supplication of humanity.

I come to ask the world, in the name of the divinity of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, that all who can, in the next six months, repeat the day of fasting and prayer on the fourteenth day of each month. Thus, I will have more occurrences and testimonies to show the Eternal Father about the efforts of His children for the relief, the healing and the peace of humanity and the planet.

Enter the Ocean of God's Mercy, the doors of your deepest core are open so that, through the merits achieved by your Master and Lord, souls may be forgiven and absolved by the infinite and unfathomable Mercy of God.

This is the time of My apostles. This is the time to give testimony to humanity.

Carry My Words within your hearts, let them not be erased from your memory, may they echo in these times that will come because you will need them as strength to go forward. My Heart will never abandon the merciful.

And thus, with the Three Sacred Hearts, we will celebrate the Eucharist and the spiritual Communion that the souls who are listening at this moment will be able to experience with the Divine Master.

We can bring the altar.

Lord Jesus, make us worthy of living Your Word, but also make us worthy of living this Sacrament so that, as humanity and a planet, we may achieve redemption and eternity. Amen.

The Divinity of Christ is present in this moment of celebration. In honor of the merits achieved by Our Lord Jesus Christ before, during, and after the Last Supper, we offer this bread so that it may be changed into the Body of Christ.

In the evening, before being given up, Jesus took the bread, raised it and thanked the Father so that it would be blessed and transubstantiated. He then broke it and gave it to His apostles, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Then He took the Chalice, and making the same offering and surrender, He raised it, giving thanks to the Father, because His innocent and pure Blood would redeem humanity. It was thus that He gave the Holy Chalice to His apostles, saying: “Take and drink, this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be poured out by your Redeemer for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


The Body and living Blood of Christ.

In union with the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph, let us say the prayer that our Lord taught us.

Our Father.

Our Father (we repeat in English).

May the Peace of Christ descend on Earth.

May the Peace of Our Lord be in this place and in all hearts. Amen.

Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.


Do not forget everything that I have told you today, because Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in the hearts that will make them resonate within.

We say goodbye and send all Our Love and Our Peace to the world so that human awareness may awaken in all hearts. So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

And now, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in this very special Trinity, formed by the Three Sacred Hearts, bowed down at the Feet of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Divine Lady, the Virgin Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, we will offer one last song, so that Christ may continue to resonate within us and thus form His apostles.

We will hear "Todo lo que yo viví". ("Everything I have lived.")



In the company of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, your Master and Lord announces that on March 19th and 20th, 2020, the two Sacred Hearts will carry out a planetary task.

For this reason, Our Words will be shared live through the audio clip that Misericordia María TV will transmit to the whole world.

In this way, Our instructions and blessings will reach the whole world and thus, at this moment of planetary transition, hearts will unite with the love of the Voice of the Spiritual Hierarchy so that souls may be strengthened in faith and in trust in God.

The next March 19th, the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will bless all the sacred reliquaries that will go to the Marian Centers.

It will be in this way that everyone will be able to celebrate the anniversary of the Apparitions of Saint Joseph through the program and the prayers that will be offered.

In the same way, on March 20, 2020, all pilgrims will unite from their homes and their groups of prayer to follow the important moment of the last presentation of the daily Message of Christ through Misericordia María TV.

Thus, the Voice of the Master will also reach the whole world through the audio clip that will be transmitted to everyone by Misericordia María TV.

Although we cannot be gathered together with you, the omnipresence of Our Sacred Hearts will also reach each one of your homes.

And lastly, the Divine Mother, on March 25th, 2020, will also transmit Her words to everyone.

I invite you to prepare with devotion and faith for the peace and the healing of the world.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


On this special and spiritual day, the three Sacred Hearts again unite and come together out of love and for the redemption of this humanity and planet; and each of the Sacred Hearts emit and send a special impulse for all human consciousnesses.

This is the new cycle of the Sacred Hearts, a cycle that will bring the last instruction and warnings for humanity so that, after so many years of work and of service with us, the apostles of Christ may finally be available, prepared and conscious to move forward with the sustenance and immediate support of the Islands of Salvation, which will receive the consciousnesses that will also awaken to the path of the Spirit, as well as those souls that will be rescued from various situations and causes.

Thus, this is the cycle in which the message of the Sacred Hearts is to be lived in daily practice, so that the spiritual attributes and keys that the messages of the Hierarchy hold may be activated and be at the service of the great planetary need.

This is the time to perceive that humanity is approaching its last and most acute stage of purification, and all that will be done, experienced or practiced will contribute to alleviating the Kingdoms of Nature and the most lost souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

God is attentive to the voice of your supplications because this is a time of great spiritual, mental and physical needs.

This is a time when solidarity and the good must penetrate the deepest layers of the consciousness so that, in truth, there may be a change and an awakening.

This is the time to bring to the world this message, which means that it is the moment to consider your neighbor and serve others because this sacred action will allow miracles to take place, and souls that are absolutely lost will be rescued just as you were rescued by the Love of God.

But this moment is crucial and definitive, it is a delicate moment in which every day and in prayer you must ask for wisdom and discernment for all those who make hasty decisions and completely lose the true sense of reality.

As the Mother of the Grace and Mercy of God, I count on each one of My praying soldiers, within this moment of planetary inflection, for everything to remain in its harmony and in its balance.

This is the reason why, in the coming times, situations of inner emergency and external emergency will be attended by means of the pilgrimages.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with the support of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, Who today lives his retreat, will go to meet the most difficult needs and we will send all of our servers, through indication and inspiration, to attend and aid that which is necessary, as good fathers and good mothers, as impeccable servers and collaborators. 

For this reason, My children, all this movement that is approaching, which will be that of an immediate surrender of self, will help you to forget yourselves and place the grave and critical planetary situation within the balance of Divine Justice. Because we cannot permit that this Human Project of God be rejected.

All the effort that was offered during the last years and up until recent days, by many groups of prayer, of adoration and of service, is being used to compensate the gravest debts of humanity incurred upon by abortion, prostitution and exploitation of children, adolescents and adults, by the commerce of slavery, the deforestation of the planet, the extraction of minerals, as well as by the excessive hunting of whales and marine animals.

Everything that happens today needs an enormous amount of untiring prayer so that Divine Justice may not fall upon humanity.

I am now thankful for the consciousness and the opening of your hearts and lives to the call for service from the Mother of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



My dear children,

Today culminates the first cycle of work with the Divine Hierarchy in Buenos Aires.

Now is the moment in which each heart that was called to the meeting with the Sacred Hearts may have the opportunity to choose the spiritual and inner destiny of this country for the upcoming time.

For this reason, the Divinity has requested and entrusted the Three Sacred Hearts to be in Argentina, with the aim that souls could receive all the impulses necessary to be able to make great life decisions.

In this way, My beloved Son arrived first with a message of revelation for Argentina, and of reconciliation and redemption of the hearts with the Eternal Father.

Then, for August 8th, when the spiritual cycle of humanity changed, the help of the Mother of the Most High came, the one Who, until August 13th, led you to the recognition of your true and only existence.

Then, My Son returned on August 16th, and led each one to be before God through the inner and pure truth that each one is.

And today, August 18th, the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will be arriving, Who will appear so that, guided by His holy hand, you may tread the path of humility. Of a humility that may grant to each Argentine the possibility of meditating and deciding upon never failing to fulfill the Divine Purpose.

Saint Joseph, a Father and Worker of God, will arrive in Argentina to give the impulse for the construction of a peace-making and humble country, resigned to God and willing to live and fulfill the Divine Will.

All this preparation has been the basis for the next steps that the Divine Hierarchy will take for humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



To manifest My Plan of Redemption upon the surface of the Earth, you must correspond to the Law: "As above so below, as it is inside it is outside."

Think of the concretion and the manifestation of what does not yet exist, which will materialize, because if it is the Will of the Father, it is Law, it is fulfilled in the Universe.

As of now, see the Plan of your Redeemer fulfilled in Argentina and do not think about what was has not been fulfilled.

Each of My collaborators already know that they must help to manifest the Will of God, on the material plane, through the pilgrimages.

It is the burning wish of God to dedicate a special space, during the whole month of August, to Argentina.

God knows how His children of Argentina find themselves and how they are. For this reason, His Love and His Mercy will go towards them so that, in times of tests, they can strengthen themselves and thus remain in His paternal Heart.

But if you, intelligent servers, willing to help the Plan of the Redeemer, from now on begin to use the Law of Correspondence and the Law of Mentalism, that which is in the Universe will manifest itself for the Will and the Wish of the Father to be fulfilled, that the Three Sacred Hearts may be in Argentina.

I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ


Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children:

I wish for the Face of Mary, Rose of Peace, to be finally painted and that She be on the altar for the anniversary of My daily Messages.

It has been a long time since this request was made, but in this year of 2019, I want Mary, Rose of Peace, to be known throughout the world according to the indications that were once given.

Therefore, the revelation of the Face of Mary, Rose of Peace, in this year of 2019, will indicate the beginning of a new cycle of your Heavenly Mother in the Work that the Sacred Hearts take forward.

Knowing the Face of the Rose of Peace, the world will be able to deepen into the mystery and into the divine science of the Mother of God, and thus the knowledge of the universal life will be revealed to all the souls.

For this reason, the painted face of Mary, Rose of Peace, will fulfill spiritual promises for all those who have the image. These promises will help the souls so that they know how to go through the end of these times. 

Among these promises, to those who keep with them, the Face of Mary, Rose of Peace, they will not lack peace, the momentum of praying with the heart, the joy and the happiness of being in Christ, the recognition of the Grace of God, feeling worthy of the Divine Mercy,  recognizing themselves as the worthy children of God, of living a strengthened faith and protection of the Holy Spirit.

On March 2, 2019, I hope to see, on the altars of Aurora, this holy Face of Mary, Rose of Peace, so that, like it was with the Face of the Glorified Jesus Christ, She may be presented to the world on this special day.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

The Three Sacred Hearts are working, more than ever before, in humanity and in its deep consciousness so that some spiritual principles may be maintained intact and protected.

For this reason, more than ever, the Spiritual Hierarchy makes all the necessary efforts to prevent human ignorance itself and the inordinate use of power on Earth from spiritually creating those degenerative conditions that will open the door to decadence and the risks that humanity, with no consciousness, will choose as its destiny.

Thus, silently, just like more than two thousand years ago, when this race was at the doorway of its great self-destruction, it was there that the Sacred Hearts gathered together to carry forward this complex mission of again placing the consciousness of humanity in the place it is supposed to be.

In this time, a spiritual mission similar to the previous one is being carried out, except that this time it is not only complex, but also difficult, since the human consciousness learned to destroy itself, as well as learned how to shed its own life, and transgress its society, its culture, and its faith.

At the doorway of the Apocalypse, the Sacred Hearts articulate broad strategies, so that the majority may wake up from the dream and the illusion in which they have placed themselves.

We are facing the challenge of the end times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Through the Mysteries of Glory, the soul meets the true testimony of the accomplishment of the Divine Plan in humanity by means of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.

But, what does the Resurrection of Jesus on the third day represent to you? And the Glorious Ascension of the Lord?

What does the Descent of the Holy Spirit represent to you? And what does the Ascension of Mary to Heaven mean to you?

And the moment of the coronation of the Servant of God?

In all these moments there are important internal and spiritual resources for any soul willing to reach inner perfection, a path full of challenges and tests, but truly filled with the Love of the Creator.

Each passage of the Mysteries of Glory represents a key to access the realization of the Divine Will and to transform the human will into a will fused in God.

The Mysteries of Glory reveal the presence of the Love of God for all creation, especially for His creatures.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While Our Sacred Hearts are here today, present among you, your Celestial Mother opens the doors so that an infinite legion of angels may invade Earth, in order to pour out on this humanity the Graces of God, those which the Sacred Family of Nazareth once received at the Manger in Bethlehem.

Those same merits that were granted to the Three Sacred Hearts are arriving through The Most Chaste Saint Joseph and your Celestial Mother to all the families of the world.

The legion of angels that your Celestial Mother sends today towards the five continents has the divine Purpose of dissipating and disarming the plans of My adversary.

Each prayer that was pronounced today with the sincerity of your hearts, My children, allowed the Sacred Hearts to expand their Graces over this suffering and divided world.

I would like this same spiritual impulse to emerge from your hearts so that a new spiritual family may be born, first in your essences, to later emerge in the consciousness of humanity, free of separations, outrages, and indifferences.

Today the Sacred Family comes through your hearts to the families that are enslaved by work, by manual exploitation, and by the sale of thousands of innocent lives that are imprisoned by the chains of other human beings in this world.

Your prayers reached all those hearts that lost faith and trust in God because their lives were completely empty.

Lastly, My children, on this day of spiritual blessing I would like you to offer the Eucharist for the inner restoration of hearts wounded by so many outrages and exploitations.

I thank those who made my coming to Argentina possible and I hope to soon be together with My children to praise God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I Am the Mother of the Americas, as of the whole world.

I Am the One who shelters the children of God in Her Arms, because since I gestated the Redeemer in My Womb, the Creator conceded the power to Me to be the Mother and Guardian of all souls that come from His Sacred and Glorious Heart, from His Creator Source of Peace.

Children, My motherhood is silent and hidden to many, but My Heart is always attentive to the needs of this world.

My spiritual mission is to accomplish, on Earth as in Heaven, the Will of God, and just as I sustained and sheltered My Son from His birth until the Cross, I must also shelter and sustain all beings, all nations, all of humanity, from their emergence until the fulfillment of their spiritual mission.

Just as souls do, the nations have a spiritual purpose to accomplish; something that builds the path for the descent of the Kingdom of God on to Earth, so that the new and awaited Spiritual Jerusalem may be established in the life of the planet, as part of the Divine Promise for this world. And it is so that nations awaken and for this purpose to be safeguarded that I Am here and I guide you.

Beloved children, since I was with My Son Jesus and My Chaste Spouse Joseph among humankind, God gave Me the mission of safeguarding the companions of Christ, of keeping alive the promise of His Return, of preparing His path and of not allowing it to be lost from the human consciousness, all the legacy of Love that He left on Earth, since His birth in Bethlehem.

Thus, children, I Am the Guardian of Love, of the Love that was born in the Heart of Christ, and also of the Love that must awaken and grow in the hearts of all My children. Because today I tell you that it is this Love that will awaken in you, that will resound like a celestial tuning fork, and will cause all the codes that My Son left in the depths of this planet to awaken.

It is through the awakening of Love in your hearts, that you will cause all the spiritual treasure that God stored on Earth to emerge, which you will need to move through the times and the tests that will come.

It is the awakening of Love in your hearts that will open the doors to a spiritual and divine legacy, hidden and unknown for humanity until today.

It is for this reason that I come from nation to nation, with the simple purpose of teaching you to Love.

The Plan of God is kept in simplicity and its mystery dwells there: from being so simple, human beings do not seek it and do not find it.

I come today to awaken the note of Love in your hearts, and that your voices resound like a great universal and divine tuning fork, so that this Love may expand and find the hearts of those that most need to learn to Love. In this way, you will heal the planet, like a secret, like a mystery that is hidden in the power of prayer.

May the nations elevate their voices in a true prayer, and may this cry light the flame of your spirits and dissipate darkness. This is why I Am here with you.

My children, when you pray from the heart, you are never alone; My Rosary beads move together with yours, My Word elevates your voices to the Celestial Altars, and when you think that no one hears them, I make them come to God.

So that the Purpose and the Will of the Father be fulfilled, only trust in My Words, pray and love with the depths of the heart.

I bless you and I bless all the nations that today open the doors to Me, so that the Graces I bring from Heaven may spread beyond Argentina and reach the whole world.

May Love convert the fear, resentment, and pain of human hearts. May the frontiers give way to Unity, and the New Spiritual Jerusalem find its space among humankind.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Divine Manger in the bosom of the world family reveals the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity through the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.

The true, humble and prayerful veneration of the Divine Manger of the Sacred Family symbolizes the inner union of the soul that venerates, with the essential bases of the Gifts and Virtues of the Sacred Family.

In this sense, the Presence of the Sacred Family in the spiritual bosom of the families of the world generates and creates the necessary condition so that each family member, each consciousness or human person that integrates the nucleus of the earthly family can internally participate in the moral, spiritual and inner values that the Family of Nazareth itself embodied and lived in past times.

For this reason, the awareness of all the humble and inner attributes that were expressed by Jesus, Saint Joseph and Mary builds the path of redemption in the consciousness that contacts them,.

Now, in times of crisis in which the family, as the center of society and of modernity, is influenced, attacked and dissolved by human forms and tendencies, it must recover the meaning of its existence and the path of its purpose in these times.

The family of this era and of this cycle is one of the most daring and complex projects to manifest, conduct and guide to the goal of the spirit.

Primary union with the Project lived by the Sacred Family more than two thousand years ago, places again, on the path of Light, compassion and forgiveness, all current families that decide to find again the group purpose that they have come to fulfill.

Although each family member is, in this time, a mirror of their own inner reality, it is worth highlighting that healing and reconciliation among the members of the same family is one of the most urgent objectives in the end of these times, both for the families that still remain integrated and for those families that, for different reasons, have become divided or separated, the adversary being the spiritual cause of this division.

With the aim of cutting this ancient chain of separation, division or mistreatment within the families of these times, your Heavenly Mother is imploring and requesting the elaboration and construction of the Manger of Bethlehem, as the families of the world, far from modernity and all human tendencies, will need to consciously perceive how the inner family state of each member is and also how the inner state of the great spiritual families in communities and in religious groups.

If in this cycle certain altered standards of conduct and communication are present and prevailing, it means, children, that the entire family, social and inner foundation of the family itself must be completely renewed.

In this time, the meaning of the family alliance is a fundamental path and purpose which will lead to gestate, in each consciousness as well as in each family member, the spirit of unity and of consideration for their fellow beings.

If in the present time families disregard the divine model of the Sacred Family, at the end of this XXI century, humanity as a whole will have replaced, within its own consciousness, the essence of love in the family by the influences of the media, of stimuli and of the external realities that come from what humanity itself considers as innovative.

To preserve the culture of the family and its members from everything, it will be necessary to consecrate each one of them to the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

This consecration must lead the family to open itself to the path of prayer and of true Communion with Christ because, in truth, He is the main model in the integration of families by means of the Christic Essence.

The Celestial Father, in His Infinite Mercy and Pity, aspires that the principle and meaning of the purpose of families of the world may be recovered and embraced by all human beings.

The family of today is the main objective of search and of conquest on the part of the forces of chaos, which promote its division through cunning and intelligence.

In the next Nativity of the Lord, the intention of your Lady and Celestial Mother is to be able to work, through the Manger, in the immediate recovery of the spiritual values that the different families need, in this time, to survive and go through the end of this cycle.

For this reason, each prayer said with love for the Sacred Family of Nazareth will constitute this unbreakable fortitude that the families of the world will need in order to learn to survive all the interferences and influences of these critical times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses all the families of the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


And now, may your bare feet, like Mine, walk in the direction of the Portal of Renewal, and, before crossing it, may everything old be dissolved in you so that, once you have crossed it, your mirror heart and your soul may capture and feel the impulses of union with universal life.

From the new time and after having crossed through the Portal of Renewal, may your essence, your life and your consciousness participate in the divine impulses that Our Sacred and Eternal Hearts will emanate so that the new and renewed consciousness is established in you, so that the past and all experiences be purified, and your soul, which is immaterial and internal, may take flight, to join the Creator of all that exists and of all that resonates within this universe.

May your consciousness be the new redeemed key, may it be that precious note that will compose the new melody of peace and redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children:

In the Celestial Universe Our Sacred Hearts: the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, keep in the center of Their Beings a spiritual replica of the Tabernacle of Jesus with the Most Holy and Divine Eucharist.

This Tabernacle of Jesus, both in Saint Joseph and in his Celestial Mother, radiates to the world and to humanity the divine Codes of Redemption, codes that will allow to form the consciousness of the new humanity.

Thus, the Sacred Hearts of Saint Joseph and of Holy Mary, bring to the world this Divine Tabernacle as if the Mother of the Redeemer carried in Her Arms the Child Jesus.

The importance of this Divine Tabernacle is that, so the souls can find in it, a safe door to redemption and to their own freedom.

The permanent devotion to My Immaculate Heart and to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, allows any heart on the planet to make contact with that mystery hidden at the spiritual center of your Celestial Mother and of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

The souls that dedicate their devotion to the Divine Tabernacle of Jesus through the Most Holy Mary and Saint Joseph the Worker, will acquire, spiritually, all the necessary merits, the same Merits attained by Jesus Christ during His public Life, His Passion, His Death and His Resurrection.

All souls that dedicate if only fifteen minutes, that pray, meditate and contemplate before them the power of the Mystery of the Divine Tabernacle of Jesus through Mary and Saint Joseph, will receive the Grace of a life blessed by God, the Grace of a divine protection in the time of death, the possibility of celestial atonement of all faults committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and also the Grace to be in perpetual communion with the Divine Son of the Universe.

For this reason, I come in this day to give you the Sacred Devotional of the Triune Union of the Chaste and Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph, so that souls and all the planet may be worthy of the divine Merits attained by Jesus during His passage on Earth.

Sacred Devotional of the Triune Union of the Chaste and Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph

Union bead
By the invincible Trinity of the Sacred Hearts,
       Eternal Father, grant us the Grace of fullness and of redemption.

Fist decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
       present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
       Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of eternal sanctity.

Second decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
       present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
       Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of redemption.

Third decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
       present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
       Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of eternal love.

Fourth decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
       present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
       Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of eternal protection.

Fifth decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
       present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
       Merciful Father, open the Doors to Your Divine Kingdom for us.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear child:

Silence, prayer, and perseverance will make of your life a new being, because your being will receive the Gifts from Heaven that it need to live in the Will of God.

Receive then, everything that will make of your consciousness a new consciousness, which will be given the impulse to overcome barriers, transcend obstacles, and reach the Infinite.

That in this time, everything be transformed, from the most inner to the most outer, in order to attract to the world the Graces that the planet and its humanity need.

Have courage, valour, and determination, the Lord, Who is your God, and Our Sacred Hearts, will help you to take the great step, a step that will influence all other brothers and sisters who at some moment will be animated to take the step for all of humanity.

May your heart glow with happiness, joy, and gratitude, because in this way, the whole Earth will transform, and, in time, evil will be defeated and dissipated from this precious race.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Avila, Castilla y León, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

If souls could recognize that in the Instruction of the Sacred Hearts lies the keys to experience the long-awaited inner transformation, maybe consciousnesses would avoid making hasty decisions and committing errors.

Instruction is a source of wisdom and encourages discernment. At the same time, it tries to not only correct and improve, but also to awaken and deepen the principles of a life consecrated to the Plan of God.

When the Instruction of the Divinity is not correctly assimilated and contemplated, the consciousness runs the spiritual risk that its lower aspects govern its life and make it dependent on their actions.

Instruction tries to remedy human attitudes and elevate the consciousness from the rudimentary levels where it is usually found.

Instruction, united with prayer, causes the need to change soon to blossom more quickly in the consciousness, in order to become an instrument in the Hands of God, in service to His Divine Will.

In these times, one who does not bring instruction and prayer together as one teaching could be left behind in the last steps of the awakening.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Avila, Castilla y León, Spain to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

With the Eucharistic Body of My Son, exposed upon My Immaculate Heart, today your Heavenly Mother celebrates the Feast of the Sacred Body of Christ with you and with all those who pray throughout the world, in which Heaven offers an indulgence to all those who commune of this most precious Body of the Lord.

It is in this way that the Communion with Christ must be considered special and renowned since My beloved Son, from the Heavens, will be granting those who commune with devotion, the Grace of dissolving any fault, debt or action committed against His Sacred and unfathomable Heart.

That Grace will gain greater strength and amplify within if souls adore this Sacred Eucharistic Body for a few minutes. Just by simply looking upon the value of the Sacred Body of Christ, souls will balance their errors and become free of them all, which had led them into being separate from the path of love.

This act, which can be offered by each soul, will attract an inexhaustible flow of Grace to humanity and for all causes that generate war, death and the persecution of Christians and non-Christians.

The Grace will be for all if the majority contemplates the Sacred Body of Christ, present in the Eucharist.

I thank you for adoring My Son with your heart, for this allows His Mercy to expand throughout the world.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Before the Venerable Heart of Saint Joseph, may your hearts be filled with love, so that forever the truth may reign and you may liberate yourselves from past suffering.

Dear children, Saint Joseph is the Father of all essences, and in your essences are life, origin and the beginning of all.

Your essences are the ones that are able to fulfill the Purpose of God, because through your essences the goals of Creation are fulfilled.

I need, dear children, that your essences be humble and resplendent to the Eyes of God.

In your essences is the synthesis of your journey through the Universe and through this planet. Your essences are able to be this portal so that at the end of times, souls may avail themselves of them.

In you, dear children, is this potential to be able to love more each day. I need, My children, that your inner worlds serve as a relief to the great planetary pain.

Through service, in the humanitarian missions, a history of love, of forgiveness, and of mercy is rewritten.

Be essentially the example that the Universe needs to be able to carry out this last phase of the rescue operation in humanity.

The Sacred Hearts expose Their inner temples to all with the end that you may approach the Kingdom of God, the one that also inhabits the sublime worlds.

Open your eyes to the true reality because thus you will be in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who loves you infinitely,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Holy Mary, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, dear children, we are placing the world before the Source of God, from where Our Sacred Hearts emerged, to promote the Peace and Mercy of God throughout the world.

Today, I see your hearts and the hearts of your brothers and sisters in the world like those new shepherds who, receiving the announcement of the coming of the inner Christ, walk beside the Celestial Messengers so that the great promise of the thousand years of peace may be accomplished on this planet.

Thus, dear children, with the rejoicing of the Holy Spirit, Our Three Sacred Hearts come so that, once again, the families of the world may be able to unite in love and in faith, and, in this way, end the separation and the indifference which many of the families of the world are subjected to.

In truth, I ask you, dear children, what is it that humanity celebrates today, the Birth of the King or the damnation of souls?

I want you to feel the Most Holy Light of My beloved Son within My Heart. Today I bring Him in My arms as the little Child Jesus so that He may make your hearts humble, so that He may make your lives peaceful, and, thus, the God's Plan of Love may be realized.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

Dear companions, servants of My beloved and little Son, My Chaste Heart today shines much more than a thousand lilies, because My Sacred Heart emanates the subtle aromas of the Celestial Universe, and, as Father of poor and needy souls, I send My servant angels so that they may travel through the darkest places of the world at this hour, where souls need the Light of God and the guidance of My Chaste Heart, to not fall into the same errors as always.

To you, dear companions, servants of the Sacred Family, I ask that on this evening you celebrate the Birth of Jesus, remembering this important event in humanity, in which a before and an after was experienced by that more primitive race.

I wish for you, as My sheep, to graze in new universes, where your consciousnesses can expand a little more, and where the sacred promise for your hearts to live in the Kingdom of God, and of bringing it toward the Earth, may be accomplished within humanity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Child Jesus:

I am in the arms of My Holy Mother because within My Heart I hold each soul of this humanity, which even though humanity is indifferent to My Birth, I comfort all consciousnesses with the Rays of My Mercy and My Grace so that souls may be reborn into spiritual life and peace, which will be so necessary in these times, when humanity will be intensely transformed.

As the little King of the Universe, I open My Arms over the world and mark this consciousness of the planet with the luminous sign of the cross of My Heart, which from the beginning of My Birth in Nazareth and when I took My first steps, I had already experienced the sacrifice for each one of you in Nazareth, even though I was only a few months old.

In this way, My companions, see how great the Mercy of God for the world is. I need your hearts, on this night when pride and vanity bloom throughout the world, to make small sacrifices so that My little Heart of a Child and King may be given relief, by each one of you.

Thus, we have come, on this special night, to announce the Mercy of God to the world, which is still available for those hearts that may wish to search for and experience it in these times.

Today, the Sacred Family of Nazareth tries to reflect the same principle of Its Divine Conception upon humanity. And so, from the heights of Mount Shasta, where My Holy Grail shines, the codes of peace are radiated so that souls may fulfill the promise of waiting for My second Coming to the world.

Now, through Sister Lucía, Our Sacred Hearts will provide more Words of Light for the world, but we ask you to connect with this moment, in which all the angels of Heaven bow down before the Sacred Family, which radiates Its spirit of humility, simplicity, charity and Love for each heart that, no matter how it is or what it is, wishes to receive our Sacred Presences of Love and Mercy.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, with Our Presence here, on this evening, we come to transform the meaning of the celebration of this day, in this humanity. We came to remind the hearts of the world that Christ was not just born more than 2016 years ago, He also waits to be born, My children, every day and every year, in the hearts of everyone who opens to His birth.

We came to bring the world the principles of Christic Life which were expressed in each of Our Sacred Hearts.

In this way, children, we bring a final chance to this world of expressing the universal family, of living the true Divine Thought for the human heart. This is not difficult, it is within the reach of each one of you, because we only live in simplicity, in love and in devotion to the Most High God.

Our Sacred Hearts, My children, opened from the beginning of their existence to respond to the Divine Call, and each of you that listens My Words, as well as those who do not listen to Me, opened to live this Divine Principle. Thus, you arrived in this world to follow the example of the Son of God, who became flesh in body, mind and soul so that you could feel the likeness there is between the Creator and His creatures.

Today, with My small Son in arms, and contemplating the Holy Grail which contains the codes of His passion and also of His Life, to the whole planet We radiate each second of the existence of the Sacred Family so this Mirror of Love and Unity with God will allow the mirrors of your hearts to awaken, and, thus, My children, create on this night a great network of Light to rescue those souls of My little children that are throughout the world, blinding their eyes, suffocating their souls with the illusions and distractions of this world.

I ask, children, that you open your hearts in this hour so that My Immaculate Heart, as the Great Universal Mirror, may awaken within your spirits the gift of reflecting Divine Will, so that, in these times, together with Me, you may be able to reflect the principles of a new life.

As a Sacred Family, we form a Great Mirror of Light and we unite with all the mirrors of the Cosmos to draw to Earth the great opportunity which will help you overcome the times that will come, and, more than that, to live the Will of God.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

Dear children and companions of My Chaste Heart, more than words, on this night I would only like you to feel Our Presence within your spirits, within your hearts, for in a simple way, just as We are, We would like to definitely awaken you so that you may learn to live love and unity with God, without needing to experience suffering.

It is not due to the Will of the Lord that His creatures suffer, because this planet is the planet of love, but the choices that will be made from the lessons experienced in this world depend upon each one of His creatures.

If you learned to renounce, to yield your spirits upon the Celestial Altars, humbly placing your head upon the floor, without the need of life experiences breaking you inside, you would learn, My children, how simple it truly is to reach God.

You should defeat your resistances, yielding to God, because He is the true victorious one of this world, and of all the others.

Let Him defeat you, may He make of your lives a great victory in the whole universe, throughout all of Creation.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Child Jesus:

Dear companions of My Sacred Heart, today I come as a child, as a small Son of God, so that, with this example, you may understand that God manifests in the small of heart, in those who open to live purity and who, like children, allow the Creator to enter into the very depths of their beings and transform them into worthy children of God, just as I Am.

I come on this night as an example for all the hearts of the world. Allow Me to be born within you, because for this reason, I am here. When I return to the world, I want to look into your eyes and see a mirror of My Divine Presence. I want to find Myself within you and live in the perfect unity that My Father thought of from the beginning.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, My Divine Son, high up on this Altar, beautifully made for Our Sacred Hearts with the effort of the hands that work to build the evolutionary Plan, will consecrate the bread and the wine, celebrating this Communion with each one of your hearts, in union with the Three Sacred Hearts, which, like a precious triangulation of Light, projects upon your heart centers so as to expand the Love of the Creator throughout the world.

Let us carry out the consecration.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Child Jesus:

Like a Sun that shines in the universe, companions, My Heart descends to the Earth on this night in which the darkness is dissipated and the hells are closed by the prayer of the souls of this planet, by the trust that each heart has emitted in these last nine years, through Our Presences, believing in Our Presences, Our divine and immaterial Presence.

Today, I place My little Hands, the Hands of the Child Jesus, on these elements, and in the arms of My Holy Mother and in the Presence of Saint Joseph, the Most Holy Family consecrates these elements so that they may transform into the Body of your Lord and into the Blood of your King, sorrowfully poured out for release from the sins of the world and from the evils of humanity.

Under the sign of the cross and the authority that the Father granted Me, I bless these elements so that souls may revel in My Spirit, and so that holy peace may be established on Earth, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, We carry the pleas of all your hearts, from the hearts of the world to Heaven, which through this sacred Vigil of Prayer, ignited their inner Christs, to carry on with this Plan of Redemption, in this Plan of change and rescue of humanity.

Our Sacred Hearts, under the blessing of the Holy Spirit, thank you all for having allowed the Sacred Hearts to come to the United States, and also so that they may continue in this divine mission to Oklahoma, Miami and Orlando.

We count on your collaboration, your inner, spiritual and material collaboration. This is very important for the Father, especially for this whole nation that so greatly needs Us.

We give thanks, and we wish you a good Night of Peace, for all beings of goodwill.

We thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Dear brothers and sisters, to those who are present and to those who follow us through Misericordia Maria TV, may those very valuable and simple Words from our Divine Messengers, Christmas Eve after Christmas Eve, inspire us toward igniting our inner Christ, and this inner Christ is the space in our consciousness that always aspires to be in Christ, and aspires to have Christ living within us, may it guide our lives, all our feelings, our thoughts, so our lives may be instruments of His Love, His Wisdom, His Peace, so that, daily, we can go through the world, sure of the place in which we are, in the Heart of God. That is our inner Christ and that is what Our Lord tries to ignite, each day.

Above all, during these Christmases, in which we are often distracted from the true Purpose of God. On each Christmas, the Divine Messengers strengthen our union with Their Hearts, trying to enter into our homes to bring that peace and that love that should always guide our lives.

We aspire to have a little of that peace and that love. Having been able to enter into your hearts, you were able to light up your inner Christ, and, know that, by living this lighted inner Christ, we may be able to also reach the Heart of God.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
