Do not fear because My Heart will remove your restlessness.

Do not fear because My Faith will strengthen you.

Do not fear because My Mantle will cover you.

Do not fear because you are in prayer united to My Heart.

Do not fear because My Light will guide you.

Do not fear because My Trust will unite you to God.

Do not fear because My Steps will indicate to you the new path.

Do not fear because you have already opened your hearts to My Call.

Do not fear because My Power will save you.

Do not fear for what you have been because in a little time you will be the new for Me.

Do not fear because I will never leave you alone.

Do not fear because it is necessary to have maturity of heart.

Do not fear because My Face will show you the Compassion of God.

Do not fear because you will be tested.

Do not fear because you will be in My Eternal Prayer.

To all I say that you may no longer fear, to the old has come the time of dying so that the new wineskins may receive My Grace and My Mercy.

Quench your thirst for this long walk in My Source of wonders. I know well all of the levels of thirst that the souls live but if you are united to My Merciful Prayer you will victoriously transit through this cycle of great changes.

I Am your Light to illuminate the darkness.

I Am your Path to redeem you on this last pathway.

I Am your Truth to reveal you who truly you are before My Compassionate Presence.

Do not detain yourselves. The boat faces the great storm of the end of times. Row! Row! Row! And do not get tired of rowing because I you give you strength and inner power to act through love.

Know one more time that I am with you because My Heart has chosen you for something great. I thank all of the marathoners of the Divine Mercy for answering from now to My Call for Peace and for the liberation of the evil of the world.

Heaven thanks you.

Under the Powerful Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My messages in the truth of the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


That soul that is tired and takes refuge in My Heart will not perish but so that it may not perish it must allow My Light to remove all darkness from the consciousness and My Love to cover all that is in deep deprivation.

The path of transformation that I promise to you before My Return is as intense and as ardent as an ember in a great fire. All needs to be purified because in this way the soul will be able to be a participant of the new Spirit that will fill the Promised Earth.

For this, My friends, you must trust absolutely in all that which your mind used to not believe to be like this, but in humility and with openness you will manage to see those veils that for such a long time confused your precious paths.

To tear this great web of confusion you must walk in the direction of My Sacred Heart. After six months of daily instruction My Consciousness comes to pick up the ripe fruit and the new seeds that will serve to be sown in arid lands of humanity and of the hearts.

Now it is already time to firmly continue My Path so that the old may be banished forever and the new face of love may be born. I am with you all the time and I calm down your beings in silence.

Under the grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.


I Am the definitive healing and liberation for your lives because it is only through Me that you will achieve Mercy and be sanctified.

For this today I tell you once more to not fear because of the veils that fall now from your faces, in the face of what you had believed before. I do not only pour over you My Infinite Graces but I also show you the truth by means of the tests and of the constant challenges of transcendence for your hearts and consciousnesses.

When you manage to discover that which comes from yourselves and that torments you, do not detain yourselves thinking how you will get rid of it. Proceed in an intelligent way and declare through My Merciful Heart that you belong to My Eternal Light and to the perfect unity with My Father. In this way, that which must be burned by My Divine Fire will not disturb you anymore because each time that it may present itself to challenge you, you will have cultivated a peaceful heart and an open heart to the great transformation.

When I tell you all these things it is because I am talking directly with that part of your being that is already old and to which has arrived the moment of dying, so that your blessed spirit may be able to be born. For this be patient because in this earthly life there is still much to overcome and to learn. This will allow you to always have a joyful heart, capable of elevating itself to God and of not feeling guilt.

I invite you to get to know the science of the Divine Mercy, in this way you will be awakened to that which is true. It is necessary to be brave to be with Me. Because of this, very few take the risk to say yes to Me out of love for transformation.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Even though the path to go through may seem to be long and extensive, remember that you are walking for all of those who still do not take the steps towards Me.

Even though the time may seem to not change inside of you and the transformation is slow and painful, remember that you are being purified for those who live in grave faults.

Even though the tiredness, the sadness or the loneliness may seem to be greater than the desert of the Earth, remember that you are transforming and transcending yourself for those who really turned their backs to the love of God.

Even though all seems to not change and that you do not reach light, remember that you are crossing the dark night for all of those who do not live the life of the commandments.

Even though love still does not flourish in your being and you do not find humility, remember that you are consecrating yourself to a greater life for those who practice the false deceiving love that diverts souls through the pathway of illusion.

Even though dying to yourself may be a greater step than what your consciousness permits, remember that you are being sanctified for love to Me and for those who do not sanctify their essences for God, but that are led towards other things.

Even though you see life in ruins and the arid interior may dry the Water of Life and the devoted fire of your heart, remember that you are suffering silently for those who do not pray and who waste precious time in constant temptation.

Even though you still do not see My Light on the horizon, trust absolutely in Me because I Am at your side, guarding your little heart as a true treasure of purity and prayer.

Even though the world does not change, remember that I Am the Love of the Great Love, the Truth of the Great Infinite Truth, the Spirit of the Great Sanctified Spirit.

Seek Me! Call Me! Because I will listen to you. My arms are open to console you and to encourage you each day that you donate yourself a little more because in sacrifice you will find the key for you redemption.

Under the Imperishable Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, now and always. 


Whenever your eyes get too tired to see the infinite path of transformation, turn your gaze towards My Sacred Heart and confirm, in My Name, your continuity in My Christic Pathway.

Guard each moment that you live with Me as a treasure that you will accumulate in Heaven and you will pour as a blessing upon the hearts that most need of Redemption.

Each little sacrifice that is realized in life has greater proportions in Heavens because each time that a soul donates itself, the Infinite Grace touches a wounded heart to be able to heal it.

See how big is the Love of God for the world that, in each service realized with the love of the heart, all of those who must receive a celestial opportunity of conversion will receive wonders.

It is necessary to have courage to continue. Times change and the heart must mature through the surrender for that which it does for love and honor to God.

I Am as a bridge, uniting your heart with the Heart of God. Continue walking, follow My footprints of Light.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer. 


Those who open their arms to Me will always receive Me in their dwelling.

I Am here for you, to encourage you, above all things, to walk. My Heart forgives you day by day, My Spirit gathers you so that you may decide to follow the path of transformation.

I Am helping you to walk. May My steps be your encouragement to achieve redemption.

I love you and I contemplate you, I absolve you from sin and I conduct you towards My Kingdom. To those who trust in Me, nothing will be lacking. Even if you fall more than once, My Sacred Heart will raise you towards Heavens in mercy and love.

Go ahead! I Am with you, trust in Me.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for answering to My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


Only through the call of the Holy Spirit can the soul advance. In this way it will not fall back and it will be able to recognize that, through each fault committed and not transcended, it will be able heal itself every day a little more.  

On the path of the sanctification of the spirit and of the divinization of matter whatever seems to corrode us must be expelled and whatever encourages the sacred must stay in the consciousness. 

Nothing is separated on the path of transformation. First we must recognize that we are nothing so that afterwards we may be able to form part of the Whole. Path after path travelled one encounters many obstacles and the soul must be the master that may conduct life, sensations, feelings and thoughts.

If the consciousness manages to merge itself with the rhythm of the soul, other realities and possibilities will present themselves at the door of life. Deep changes will happen when the consciousness recognizes that in making mistakes one transcends and in experimenting one consecrates oneself.

I am speaking to you about entering in another law. I speak to you about the absolute consecration of spirit and of matter and this is what will be difficult for those to reach who have offered themselves to this path of Christic life.

But the Heart of the Great Master is the Mediator between the earthly tests and the spirit, the Heart of the Master is the Comforter and the Reconciler between the life and the spirit of each being. 

For this it will be important to consider that in the Holy Spirit new doors will be able to be opened because the gifts of the Father will be transmitted to the heart of the creatures.

It is through the Holy Spirit of God that the transcendence of the impossible turns possible. You must allow that your dwelling place be touched by the unknown Light of the Father, Light of wisdom, everlasting Light that comes from Peace. While you walk in this material life your spirit will find the abysses proper to matter, the ones that you must transcend.

However, we must not close the eyes in order to escape, but we must open them to find the spirit that has its dwelling place in the depths of your soul, that which will save you in the difficult moments. You can count on the infinite compassion of My Heart.

Courage to the Christians, hope to those who have said yes to consecration in the end of times.

Under the Glory and the Forgiveness of God, be blessed.

Thank you for opening yourself to the encounter with the Holy Spirit of God!

Christ Jesus. 


Children of My Father, come and enter into My Heart if you truly want to be apostles of My Sacred Mercy.

Today I come to wake up one more part of My flock. I come to summon the sheep that faithfully follow My Heart so that they may confirm the vows of trust in the words of God.

If your beings truly aspire to live the Laws of My Kingdom I tell you that you will have to walk much, that there is much sacrifice to live from now on. But those of you who say yes to Me and who renovate the commitment with Me will always have My hands to sustain you and to elevate you each time that you see yourselves fallen.

Dears, do not worry about the falls because only the soldier that takes the risk of walking can fall. And for those I come every day.

My sacred eyes of Mercy observe you always and accompany your awakening and your walking, ready to impel you each time that it may be necessary.

I asked to be among My favorite flock because I know the need that each sheep has of being by the side of its Shepherd and Redeemer.

Feel at this moment and all of the days, by means of My words, the true power of My Mercy because the time has passed, all have before themselves the keys for transformation. I am no longer able to see soldiers that stay behind from being asleep.

Soon will come the time in which I will knock on the door of your houses to reclaim that which was given to you so long ago so that it could be multiplied.

From those who so many times have heard My Call I will seek the multiplied gifts and talents. And about those who have never heard the Voice of the Master, I will try to enter into their hearts

and I will deposit there the Sacred Mercy that will exist until the last moment of this test that My soldiers and My servers are taking today.

Listen to My Voice and multiply My Love.

Today I bring all to you.

By the Grace of God, be blessed.

Christ Jesus.



Empty yourselves to be in Me, it is a long path that, however, you must travel through the faith and the trust in My Sacerdotal Heart.  

For this I come back day by day to you so that in surrender you may discover in the merciful prayer the great Source of My Love for the souls and for all humanity.  Today My paternal advice is extended to those who are consecrating themselves to My Spirit of Universal Love, thus the redemption reached once on the Cross of Calvary will irradiate itself as an intense light over the hearts that open themselves to receive It

I Am with each one of you; My Paternal Soul is especially with those essences that are beginning the path of return to My Sacred Heart.

Dears, in the same way as the Holy Apostles, you will live the transformation of matter and of spirit because if it happens, My Dwelling may reside and rest within your little inner temple. I only want from My ones all, all that you are and all that still you are not, I want you entire, willing, trusting in My Consciousness, open from heart and soul so that My rays may restore the past of your lives, free you from sin and lead you towards the Kingdom of My Lord. 

You have the opportunity My dears, to live in My Kingdom while you are present in life on the Earth. There is something precious that God guards for each of the essences created in the image and likeness of the Lord.

For this, in courage I want to see you, joyful in the transformation and in the changes that your consciousnesses are passing through. I just wait from you sincerity in the love for Me because in this way I will be able to pour My Graces over those who from serious faults deserve My Mercy.

Companions, the path to be travelled still has not begun; you are beginning the first crossing that tries to take you to the depths of My Heart. If you and your brothers and sisters are taken to My Heart of Love I will be able to tell you that you will be quenching the thirst that I live for many souls.  My thirst must in this time be calmed by your prayers as for your constant offer, so that the Christic plans may be accomplished in all of the hearts. 

I accompany, as My Holy Mother has said, each one of the steps that are manifested for this transition of the world. May the power of My Redeeming Love transform you and consecrate you to the Kingdom of My Father.

I am with your dwellings.

Under the Light of the Father be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the inner heart!

Christ Jesus.


My friends and servers of My Heart:

Today I announce again My Love for you and for this I ask you to unite your hearts to Mine so that My Light may guide you. I am with you all the time in the same way that I am with many souls that need My Mercy to be able to reach faith in the heart.

I still have thirst for many souls, of souls that live in sin and that do not recognize the love of the Father God.  For this My Spirit is mediator for all before God in the same way that the Spirit of the Universal Mother is for all Her children.

Dears, today I want you to be able to perceive and to feel the greatness of My Thirst for those who still deny me in life and in soul. From love for all of you I have met hell and I have gone to this place to redeem those who were distant from the love and from the unity with My Father. As Son of the Most Holy Trinity I have given Myself entirely for all, as in Life, as in Soul and Divinity, even before My sacrifice on the Cross.

I carried the weight of all of you on My back to thus relieve you from the great universal judgment that could have happened in that time of My presence upon the Earth. From love I prevented the law from condemning you, I resurrected from love of the Plan of God and to demonstrate that the magnificence of God is great and powerful as is His Love for all creatures.

I fell on the ground more than three times but the on first three falls My humble Heart liberated you from many evils that were intending to destroy the Plan of God. I relieved humanity during centuries and centuries and I continue sending to the world My Mercy.

Now the new time is coming to prepare the advent of My Spirit, Glorified and renovated by the celestial powers of the universe. Many perhaps will not recognize My new Face but all will feel that I Am the Server who returns to deliver love to all. In you I manifest My works of redemption and for you I manage to present to the Father the offers of love.

I leave here My presence so that you may always remember it because I want to teach you to unite Heaven and Earth in a unified reality of God. You must let yourselves be worked by My Fire so that the new wineskins, empty of themselves, receive the Light of My Sacred Spirit.

I am donating myself to all and I also teach you the importance of living charity to reach a holy transformation. I want to consecrate your souls to My Heart, I want to sanctify your spirits so that thus may be manifested, the power of the redeemer love upon the world. I am calling My flocks, I am congregating you after two thousand and thirteen years because it is the time of the rescue.  

Under the Mercy of God, be humble and blessed.

Thank you for guarding in simplicity My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.

Daily Message received in the city of Palermo, Sicily, Italy, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

There are aspects and states of consciousness in the human being that only love, mercy and patience can transform, because these human aspects have very relevant past histories, which interfere in the awakening toward service and absolute surrender.

When at a certain point you become aware of some of these aspects, it will not help to enter into conflict, guilt or battle. You must make use of the noble wisdom of the heart and, through the love of the spirit, transcend these moments in peace.

You must know that in the same way that surrender and service allows these aspects to be progressively redeemed, the same thing happens when the human aspects are removed from their ancient place to be dissolved by the light and the love of Divine Wisdom.

At times, you will manage to shift above these human aspects that cause you to commit failed acts. In other moments, you will fall into the prisons of these aspects, but you must not allow yourselves to be defeated nor intimidated.

The aspects are like raw wood in the human consciousness which, in the hands of the carpenter, is polished of all excess and shaped so that it may finally be turned into something beautiful.

Through My Mercy, these aspects lose force of action and independence because the Mercy of My Heart transmutes them and redeems them until the human being achieves the living of the spiritual model that God expects from each one of His children.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
