Like a flower that opens itself at dawn with the rays of the sun, in this way your hearts can open themselves to the conversion into beauty and love. One only needs a single requirement in order to live it and fulfill it: that every day you be persistent, and have faith in that which you will achieve.

In this way, children, your impurities will be purified and your senses will be consecrated to the Divine Laws. Live, then, the meaning of a new life, redeemed in the name of love and of mercy.

But while you walk in conversion do not allow, children, that your hearts be closed by all the challenges that you may live; you are passing through a cycle of transition, and it is there where peace must play its principle part in the critical times.

Children of Mine, I am your Mother and I accompany you to the sacred temple of the heart, in which My Son lives in perpetual communion within the souls of the world. Repair your lives every day; feel the eternal joy of being redeemed by the Love of Christ. In this way you will build the new consciousness, redeemed and forgiven by the Son of God

Dear children, the times that are approaching the planet will indicate to you moments of purification, but also a cycle of conversion and of the ultimate Mercy. Now is the moment to unite yourself to My Beloved Son, letting Him transfigure you so that the new model of redemption and of peace may emerge, the new wineskin of the heart redeemed by Christ.

Your Mother congregates you in prayer so that all may be possible.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who conducts you through the path of conversion and of peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


​​As a loving Mother I open My arms and extend My hands towards you, inviting you to be on My lap.

But children, you must want to do it, I do not come to impose anything, I just want you to understand that the only path of conversion is the prayer of the heart, something that you have yet to learn.

For this, children of Mine, I ask you to be persevering in the transformation and in the truth, thus you will show the Universe that all is possible when you unite with the heart to the Plan of God without creating separation or judging.

Dear children, I come to show you the path, because My Son asks you convert yourselves soon, to transfigure yourselves such as He transfigured Himself fulfilling the Sacred Will of the Father.

Your obedience and humility will demonstrate that in truth you comprehend with soul and consciousness that the times have changed.  I wait for you in adoration because thus the doors of Heaven will remain open before the great day.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who unites you to the principle of truth,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Message of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Thank you, My child, for fasting; in this way, weaknesses and temptations fade away from the depths of the consciousness.

Dare to give Me that which you can truly give Me; because it is only through you that I will be able to carry out My Works of Peace in the world.

I Am the Sun of the starry night. I Am the Star that brings rejoicing and serenity for whomever seeks them. I Am the Path that opens to find the peace of the heart in this time.

Unite with My precepts and you will know My will, which I wish to concretize in your life.

Today, I bring you to the Portal of Peace so you may enter into My Kingdom and find the Peace that is not in you. Thus, join the universe of wonders and allow Me, through My Love, to bless you.

With this water with which today I bless everybody, I decree by this element the Purifying and Eternal Love of God, so the particles of the enemy may be dispelled and hearts find healing.

Over the water I pour the codes of Redemption and the Glory of My Son Jesus, so that those who have been sad and lonely may be able to again find unity with the Celestial Father.

Today I come so that, through this water, your debts be washed away and the Love of Christ the Redeemer enter into you.

With this same water, I will wash away your offenses, imperfections and fears; through it, I will leave the sign of Baptism and Renewal, by means of the Powerful Essence of the Holy Spirit.

Like the water with which Jesus was baptized, today I baptize you for the redemption of all, so that you may feel My caresses of Motherliness and of Peace.

Let the healing of the spirit be the goal for all; in this way, the doors of Paradise will be open for those who simply said 'yes' to Me from the start.

Over this water, I leave the universal Love of the Cosmos, the visible sign of purification and holiness for the newly redeemed.

Receive this water as the symbol of forgiveness and reconciliation with God the Father, so this Sacrament of Spiritual Baptism allows you to commune with the Gifts of God and His Adorable Son.

As your Mother, over this water I pour the spirit of liberation and of transfiguration, so that good spirits may rise up and find the peace of the heart.

I redeem you. I purify you. I absolve you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

As Mary transmitted this Message, She was consecrating this water.

So, let's receive this blessing with great love and much gratitude; in this way, as She said, we will feel ourselves washed by this water of life.

After Mother Zorobable does this blessing, there will be two brothers at the exit who will be breaking this bread with their hands, so those who feel like it, are able to commune and carry the Body of Christ in their hearts.

While the Mother does the blessing, let's sing.

Monthly Messages

I come from Heaven to São José do Rio Preto so that all may get to know Me as the Lady of Liberation and of Peace.

I have the power, after My Son, to purify all your sins through My Virginal Purity.  My Maternal Love has the power to transform lives, and of setting free the moorings that imprison the hearts.  My Celestial Light has the power of healing any evil and of alleviating suffering.

I Am the Mother and the Lady of Liberation because I have the Divine Authority to make you re-emerge from the darkness of life, and to make you fly as high as a bird.  I have the power to absolve your mistakes and to transfigure them in love and truth.

I Am the Universal Mother, that one who has the power to radiate Her Divine Love between the spaces and universes.

I Am the radiating Sun that was born from God and I Am that who gestated on Earth the Firstborn Son.  I have the power to make life be born in a barren womb, because life arises by the action of love.

I have the permission of God to succor you and to liberate you.

For this, that on this day of Jubilation, may you have sufficient strength so that you may be able to surrender all that makes you suffer, and that prevents you from walking towards God.

God has given Me the power of transforming you and of redeeming your life through the Supreme Light of My Heart.  Now, in consciousness and awakening, may you know the presence of the Lady of Liberation because I wish that all My children seek the assistance that they need.

Dear children, today I present Myself for the third time in São José do Rio Preto because your request that I would return was heard in the Heights of Heaven.  I have the power to respond mercifully to the needs of all of My children.

I want that you know that Christ, Your Lord, acts also by means of the Immaculate Love of My Heart.

I hope that each child of Rio Preto will be united to the Redeeming power of Jesus through the Eucharist, because it has the power to forgive and to redeem you; by means of Confession, which has the power to absolve you; and by means of Prayer, that has the power to strengthen you and to prepare you for the path of consecration to God.  

God waits for you to awaken to the liberating power that lives in Heaven, to the power of love that is poured each time that the Lady of Light descends and appears to help you.

Dear children of Mine, your captivity is ending, hold onto My Sacred Mantle because in this way I will elevate you to the Kingdom of Peace.

São José do Rio Preto shall diffuse the devotion to My Immaculate Heart through the groups of prayer; thus you will be able to be Legionaries of Mary for the end of this cycle.

I lovingly leave you a prayer of liberation and of redemption for your lives:

Supreme Mother,
Universal Star,
may Your Powerful Love
liberate the ties.

May the luminous swords
of Your Holy Angels,
cut away involution and
any difficulty.

May the power of Your Healing
reconcile our heart with God and,
united to Your Immaculate Heart,
may we experience the promise of the
victorious return of Christ,
Our Lord.


I thank all My children of São José do Rio Preto for having prepared My arrival with so much love!

Your Mother Mary, Lady of Liberation


Dear children,

As the Mother of Heaven, today I invite you to an inner encounter with My Son through the adoration of His Sacred Water and His Divine Blood. Contemplate these two principles of the glorification of Jesus so that your hearts may fill the soul under the Gifts of Christ.

Today also, My children, meditate and feel the gift of the transfiguration, because in your union with Christ you will understand the Wisdom of God. May the Holy Spirit participate in your lives and, united to the Sacred Water and the Divine Blood of Jesus, may you drink from the Fount of Salvation and wonders in the name of humanity.

Dear children, today I call you to consider in your prayer all the Gifts from the Lord, the Most High, Gifts that manifest themselves through His Favorite Son.

In your sincere union with Jesus, you will help to balance many souls that must reach the Light and the conversion through peace in this time. A soul that is truly on the path of conversion is permeated by the Merciful Love of My Son. He is the one who in truth guides them and conducts them towards the Doors of Heaven.

Dear children, today live this union with Christ from heart to Heart and from spirit to Spirit, because in this spiritual exercise of unity you will concretize in your hearts the beloved and honorable Will of God for your lives.

Be partakers in the time of Divine Mercy, and through prayer, propagate the Spirit of Peace to all those who need it.

Today again I form instruments that live the path of salvation and that, united to Christ, must radiate the inner love from the heart. Souls cry out for help, although many hearts are blind to this inner call.

This is why today I call you to prayer for all of them so that your brothers and sisters may also be participants in the merciful time. Be vigilant in the prayer of the heart.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Find My Heart in each one of your hearts. Find Light in your essences and see the purity of My Love that strengthens you day by day.

Dear children,

Today I invite you to meditate on the Mystery of the Transfiguration of Jesus. In this Mystery, which can be contemplated through prayer, you must meditate on the sign that was manifested in the experience lived by Jesus alongside His apostles. They are the representatives of the heart of humanity that throughout time follows the voice and instruction of the Master.

My Son is the flame of life that allows you to take the steps in the consecration of your hearts to God. For this reason, dear children, as humanity you were partakers of the divine Mystery of the Transfiguration, a mystery that today I invite you to remember. Carry in your hearts the sign of this Divine Mystery that will lead you to discover a profound surrender and a constant transformation of your hearts.

As humanity, the apostles were witnesses of the infinite mystery of the Love that My Son lived and lives with His Universal Father. For this reason, little children, the apostles were called to find, in the depths of their hearts, the truth of the divine existence and the Presence of a Greater and Omnipotent Father among the creatures.

Jesus, the instructor, prepared them as humanity on the path of the awaking of the One and Only Consciousness.

Therefore, dear children, I conduct you, as My Son did with the apostles, towards the encounter with the only universal truth of God. Through the path of prayer, like Jesus, you will be able to transfigure life into something immaculate for God. In this way your souls, as instruments of the Creator, will be able to emanate the attributes of peace and of absolute surrender of the heart. So that My Son may transfigure your lives, you must begin with confidence, the pilgrimage of faith towards His Most Sacred Heart.

May faith be in your kind hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
