There is nothing stronger, in this time of tribulation, than the unfathomable and magnificent Power of My Divine Mercy.

Go in My Name and say that I am pouring My blessings and Graces for all of the children from the Earth. There will be no darkness, no matter how great, that the powerful force of My Light cannot dissipate and thus dissolve the evils that keep hearts imprisoned. 

For this I come first to announce Myself in a Divine and Loving Spirit so that your souls may participate in My Presence and in My Return.

But before, we must transform that which is within each being, that which separates My Greater Life from your lives. Only seek to be merciful and praying beings of the soul. This will be enough to overthrow the barriers that your little consciousnesses impose before Me. Seek to live a life of charity and give the example of your true union with Me every day.

Now your Most beloved Father sends you the King of the Universe to weave a web of new fishers of souls, souls that will approach themselves to My Heart after having once renounced to My Mercy. This will be possible because of the faith that the new apostles may radiate upon those hearts that are weak and insecure about confirming themselves in My Christic Path.

All of the time I need your sincere union with Me. This will allow your steps to be guided by My Heart and not by your wills. Love all the time what you live and know that each small effort for the other will be a great effort for the entire world.

I Am here on this day of reparation to let you know My Gratefulness to all of My ones because in the confidence of the spirit you were encouraged to cross the merciful threshold towards My Heart.

I accompany you and I vigil for you always in My Eternal Protective Love.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the center of your beings!

Christ Jesus, the Spiritual Guardian of the walking souls


My Merciful Heart, at three in the afternoon, generates an explosion of Light and of Graces over the hearts that await My Divine Mercy with faith and trust.

But My Powers also are poured over the hearts that are blind in spirit and that cannot see the greatness of My Humble Presence.  I need all of the flocks.  For this, in this era, My Heart will make use of the brave ones to be able to reach the essences that are most distant from the path of the spiritual redemption.

Now has arrived the moment to revert the evils that the world awakens and which humanity, asleep in its majority, embraces as if they were sheep without a shepherd.

For this My Mercy comes to restore the deep spaces of consciousness. My Heart is approaching with the intention of alleviating the great despair of many souls, those which lack peace because they lack the prayer of the heart.

My divine wish is that all may be able to glimpse that the Great Lord. He who belongs to them from the beginning is returning, but this time to give testimony to the true presence of God and to the Greater Life. 

For this the good flocks must unite themselves as only one in order to help Me, removing from the critical thoughts indifferences, opinions and judgments, because it will cost the soul that may not be willing to be empty of itself a double effort to find peace.

It is time to die to oneself and it is time to see the reality that anguishes the great number of hearts that are lonely, as in a spacious desert of loneliness and thirst. The Source of Life that represents the Sacred Heart of Jesus comes to quench your spiritual thirst and It wants for humanity to repair the Blessed Heart from the very serious offenses that hurt the Heart of the All Powerful.

If there is a true and permanent response on the part of the people who pray, humanity will receive the Grace of Forgiveness, and it will have some time more of peace if it establishes the devotion towards the Merciful Heart of Jesus.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Words with attention!

Christ Jesus.


At three in the afternoon My Heart likes to enter into all of the homes where My Spirit is welcome and expected.

This act by the faithful devotees of My Sacred Heart represents the true mystery of the faith that springs from each soul, and this act of love also represents for Me an emblem of the unity between Heaven and Earth.

My Heart prepares in this time, all of the days at three in the afternoon, the soldiers of My Infinite Mercy, those that must give testimony to the world of My unprecedented approach to your Earth, to My Original House.

By your precious prayers will be prepared the Earth in which will be sown the new seed of the New Humanity which will blossom like a beautiful flower that will emanate aromas of redemption.

For this today I ask you to persevere in My Purpose so that God may send to you His Eternal Graces, those that will help you to walk between the abysses and the great battles. But for this to be possible the sincere testimonials of your faith and love for My confident Heart must emerge.

In this era of tribulation and of light God calls all of His Children so that they may climb on time onto the boat of salvation, that boat of the Divine Mercy that passes by your homes and touches the essences of your hearts.

For this I will send, as in the past, the new apostles, this time clothed in Peace and Mercy so that in humility and in prayer they may give the example of redemption and of rebirth to the life of the spirit, to the universal life of God.

All will happen in the extent of the surrender of those who may in love favor My Sacred Redeeming Project.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My Words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Dear flocks,

I rejoice in heart and soul when I see, before My Presence, those who feel motivated, through Me, to sustain the fire of ardent transformation.

In this way My Heart truly congregates those who are willing to follow the path of Christification, a path full of challenges and of constant tests for everyday life.

For this reason, I deposit My Beatitudes in the simple, humble and obedient hearts, I deposit My light in those who need in this time to achieve the path of sanctification and of eternal peace. In this way, I permit that My Kingship be established upon the souls that are most abandoned to the world instead of abandoning themselves with trust to My Merciful Heart.

In this time I leave for the souls the greatness of all My Being, the constant Grace that will heal the wounds and open new doors for those who only say yes to Me. But remember that My Servers will suffer for their peers in this cycle, they will suffer and they will give testimony of life for those who have turned their faces away from Me to see the things of the world.

For this reason, I need the effort and the surrender of all of the souls that may feel motivated, for this humanity, to live the sacrifices that many saints have offered for the world to continue on this universal orbit.

I am here in silence letting you enter My Mercy. I Am with you always.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for repairing in prayer My Sacred Heart!

Christ Jesus


In the face of the circumstances and tests of life I beg and I implore My Followers to not lose My Peace, My Light and My Mercy for anything because we are near the times of changes and of purification for the consciousnesses.

For this you must be with Me present all the time. Now it is not enough only to pray to My Heart at some hour of your lives but you must remain all the time in My Heart of Light.

The currents will come to encounter humanity and My most available and least fearful Disciples will be the ones who will give testimony of My Presence and of My Upcoming Return. In this way I train, by means of merciful prayer, the soldier apostles of the Redeemer Christ so that surrendered to My Divine Fire and donated to My Law of Love, they may reach the most suffering corners of the Earth where is needed a true word and the action of love and of peace.

In this way I will raise My Promised Church so that through My Spirit all of My Followers of peace may unite themselves in the mission of the Great Fraternity.

Dears, raise the flags so that those who constantly shipwreck in the ocean of loneliness and of despair may enter into My Ocean of unfathomable Mercy and Piety.

I return to overthrow with My Light the idols that have created sinuous paths for the souls. I come in Glory and Justice to liberate the doors of hell so that those who still do not see My Precious Light may be fed by the love of My Creator Father.

I unite you and I do not want that you separate yourselves. I love you and I ask you that you truly love each other because the time will come to confirm the fruit of the talents that I have left for humanity.

Believe in the power of My Infinite Mercy for these times. Believe in the strength of My Redeemer Love. I love you and I bless you always.

Under the love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My Words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.


I come and I return to the world in the search for new custodians of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.

As I did with Saint Faustina Kowalska I Am congregating apostles of the Divine Mercy of Christ Jesus so that, in the same way that the apostles and disciples did in the past, you may diffuse, before My Return, the merits achieved by My Sacred Heart.

For this I Am preparing day by day, through My Words, all of the souls that in the love of the Plan of God may want humbly and simply to represent Me as springs and rays of My Merciful Heart to the entire world.

As I once called and searched for the fisherman from Galilee, today as Fisherman and Master of hearts I convoke to My Table those ones who, together with Me and before My Eternal Father from the Heights, have committed themselves to be the living word, example and testimony of My redeeming Message in their lives.

Today My Heart flourishes with love and honor for all of those who in this time and without knowing anything call for My Divine Mercy, because all of those who pray the Sacred Chaplet of the Divine Mercy of Jesus at three in the afternoon are spiritually liberated by the redeeming power of My Blood and are reconciled by the endless strength of the Source of My Eternal Water.

In reverence to those who in love realize and pray with Me this exercise of the Divine Mercy My Consciousness will show itself to you as a Savior. At the hour of the death I will not be your judge nor executioner, I will be the Source that will nourish you and will free you from any pain that you may have caused to the Heart of My Father during your passage through the Earth.

To those who until the last minute of life may pray with effort and love the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy I say that they will quickly pass through the garden of My Kingdom, they will rest in My Arms and they will know the unfathomable power of My Love.

For this in your hands is the safe key for your salvation for all of the days of your lives. And for those who may diffuse the Grace of praying this Chaplet of the Mercy, in Heaven they will be recognized as disciples of My Sacred Heart.

In truth I tell you that you still do not know the greatness of the Love of God in My Eternal and Glorified Heart. Today I encourage you to love the Divine Mercy because this is the necessary door for your salvation.

Under the Mercy and the Glory of God, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Merciful and Redeemer Christ Jesus.


Your prayers are like the flowers in My garden of redemption. Your gestures of love are like the wisdom that allows the understanding of things. Your charity and service is like the door of Heaven, the one which opens itself to give salvation to all.

Today rest in My arms and trust that every purification will elevate you soon in the same way as the flight of the birds but, what will elevate itself will be your spirit, that which will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit to consecrate itself to the Will of My Father.

I distribute among you My Gifts and My Graces so that they, with reverence, may be presented before the Throne of My Father. Do not forget to carry the cross that the learning of life has given you because to carry your cross and follow me will mean the rescue of other consciousnessess, of the consciousnessess that lose themselves from the lack of their faith and of their love.

A short time ago I was among you to reveal to you the mysteries of My Lord and now you have known a part of My Kingdom. Returning over the clouds I ignite with My Light are the hearts that need the fire of redemption. Some disciples are prepared, but still are missing the ones who have distanced themselves, who have yet to say yes. 

Guard the present and the grace of My Words because there will come a day that They will not resound anymore and they will only have to be listened to with the inner ear of the heart. You have received so much that now each soul must give its testimonial of life for these definite times. Looking at the Great Law of My Father, trust in it and open yourselves to be able to lose a little bit more of yourselves and to enter thus into the awaited Kingdom of Paradise.

Under the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Infinite Peace for all,

Christ Jesus, your beloved Instructor. 


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

