My Works are various in the whole world and they are accomplished through all of those who answer to My Merciful call.

Those who surrender their lives out of love to My Heart will never cease being observed by the compassion of My Paternal Spirit, because it is through the humble souls where My Kind Heart finds rest, it is in the simple souls where My Universal Spirit rests to be able to help the world.

For this may each one of My Disciples know that they are accomplishing a precious task to generate and awaken redemption in the world and in humanity.

May no one lose the joy of serving Me every day of life because at the end of the task in this world, I will recognize in Heaven the greatness of their love for My Heart and I will recognize the path of surrender that they have taken for My Work on the whole Earth.

Whoever complies with My Will, will be able to lead a life invaded by the presence of My Spirit and should not occupy themselves with anything, only with accomplishing the simple that I ask of them, which is the life of merciful prayer, because My Heart will take care of the rest of the questions of life.

At three in the afternoon is opened a door to the renewal of your little consciousnesses.  At three in the afternoon is opened a door in the universe so that the souls may be reconciled with God through the infinite Mercy of My Heart.

For this, may no one miss this hour, because My Heart will be attentive to the voice of the pleas of all those souls who dispose themselves to drink from My Merciful Source.  Day by day I want to clean your feelings and thoughts, so that they may be as pure and as divine as Mine.

I aspire to find you at three in the afternoon in profound contemplation and adoration to My Heart of Peace because in this way you will simply help Me to help the world in Light and in Mercy.  My Soldiers are formed by means of the donation to merciful prayer.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer

Special Message

At each step taken by each one of My Companions I, as Son of God the All Powerful, conquer many souls, those that through My Redeemer Love find the path of Reconciliation with My Eternal Father.

Today I want that you open to Me the door of your consciousnesses to be able to enter and, through each one of you, to arrive to more souls, above all those which lose themselves in the midst of illusion.

I want that those who already let Me inhabit their inner worlds follow Me in all, without fear, without vacillating, because it is in them that I am depositing the inner strength that will give the sign so that other children of My Flock may be encouraged to walk with Me through the paths of this world.

I need those who do not aspire to anything else but to live of My Love in this Celestial Fire that My Father ignited in Me and that burns eternally in the Universe.

I want that you learn to serve this Fire that redeems, that forgives, that transcends all of the barriers of the minds and finds real space inside of the essences of humans.

I want that you burn in this Fire that is My Fire of Love which comes from My Father.

I do not offer you tranquility, only the infinite and glorious security of My Love.

I do not offer you a future, only the eternal present to eternally serve together with Me the Universe and the Plan of My Father.

I offer you sacrifice, renunciation, surrender, so that in this way you may help Me to save this, our humanity.

I only offer you My Eternal Love, My Love of the Master, of the Elder Brother, of the Friend, of the Companion in this sidereal task.

Here I am, present before all of you so that you may feel Me, so that you may surrender to Me what you are, so that you may follow Me for all Eternity.

I believe in you because I love you and I call today those who want to be My Companions.

I wait for you in My Sacred Heart.

Thank you for listening to My Words and to guard them in the heart.

Your Master, Christ Jesus. 


Dear companions:

While the inexhaustible Source of My Mercies and wonders is poured upon the entire world at three in the afternoon My Shepherd and Redeemer Heart perceives the love of the souls for My Universal Consciousness.

Today dears, set your eyes upon this Source and see through It the mirror of your earthly lives, lives that out of love and compassion I come to transform. All of the instruments that I make use of day by day must be united amongst themselves so that My Work may be accomplished.

I want that you may be able to understand the importance of the inner unity that must be awakened among all of My Flocks because if it were like this I would be able to name you as the new disciples of My Merciful Heart.

Each soul that I make use of day by day has a favorite task with Me: the task of taking My Example and My Word to each place where it may go to.

For this, so that the Plan may be accomplished in all of the spaces of life, amongst the disciples and the task, neither competence nor incomprehension should prevail, because it would be as if a gap is opened between Earth and Heaven.

It is necessary to love the task that the Plan provides to you because the spirit’s own strength will aid you when you must take the definite steps towards Me.

Dears, for this today I call you to enter My Ocean so that your deep wounds may be able to be washed by the Water that springs from My Side. In this way you will help Me to quench the great thirst that I feel for all of the souls that are empty, without love, and for the souls that still do not live in the truth of the heart.

Whenever you manage to love the task of the brother and sister and to respect it as a part of the Will of God, you may thus be able to unite yourself without preferences to it, I will be able to say that you will be fully merciful with all of the creatures.

May Good, Peace and Mercy remain in your hearts.

Under the Light of the Father, be merciful.

Thank you for reverencing My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Savior. 


My dears:

Not even the weakest of My servers will fall down because My Spirit will give them the strength which they need to comply with the commandments of the Lord.

For this, I tell you again: do not fear! But yes, assume the very important part that My Father has entrusted to you, the conversion of hearts to the sublime Heart of the Shepherd.

My dears, when I return I will not carry the cross of the world, but I will come in Glory to relieve the weight that today the world carries. I will come to remind you to whom you belong and to where you must go in the next cycle.

I will not come to announce the end of times, but I will come to announce a new time of Graces for humanity. I will come to resuscitate the ones who are dead in spirit and in life. I will come to elevate those who, in hope, sustained the torch of light and of redemption.

May no one decay before My Coming, but may you bear the universal fire that comes to purify the impurities of all of humanity. And this universal fire will be lighter if you pray, if you pray with the spiritual potency of the humble heart.

Dear friends of path:

May not even the last of My Sheep be lost and, if you vigil with Me, you will vigil with love for all of My Flocks, even though My Hand will not stop those who may want to do their own will. We are in the cycle of supreme obedience and in obeying you will be firm in the next steps.

My Light accompanies you. My warriors of Mercy, do not lower the arms! But raise them so that the nets of the Great Fisherman may be able to be thrown on Earth for the salvation of the ones who are lonely and forgotten.

My friends:

The time is marking a new encounter and for this your hearts must be prepared by prayer. Let us pray for the world. The Grace of My Father must descend, have awareness of what I tell you.

Under the power of the Light of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


Dear servers:

Take care of My messengers because without mediating messengers it will not be possible to give My message, My instruction, and without instruction the awakening and the salvation will not happen.

Recognize in humility who you have at your side, love the task that God conceded to you, because if you do not love the task dears, the Plan will be incomplete.

These are already My last intercessions before the Universal Judgment, for this take care of the instruments that My Heart chose to give to all My Good News. See this beyond the material life, see

My words from the Spiritual Consciousness.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My lessons in the heart!

Christ Jesus of Nazareth.



My dears:

I waited to gather you in My Name, so that in your essences may be revealed the power of My Unity and of My Reconciliation. Rejoice because today you are blessed by My Holy Spirit of Redemption. 

My companions:

Carry in your hearts the banner of My Absolute Peace, Peace which will illuminate you and allow you to find the consolation that you so much seek. In My Unfathomable Source of Mercy will be revealed your true task because as Shepherd of Love I am returning to gather all My Flocks so that they may remember the commitment with My Sacred Heart.

I come to search for those hearts that have still not decided to follow My Path. My Light comes to awaken in them the gift of wisdom of the Holy Spirit of the Father so that soon you may recognize what it is that God wants for each of you.

The celestial universes today respond to this encounter in a special way because My Feet are leaving an inner footprint which will never be erased from your memories. This is the footprint of My Love for you.

Now raise up your eyes towards My eyes and just say to Me:

Prayer and spiritual petition to Jesus Christ

I trust in You, in Your Heart,
in Your Instruction, in Your Will.

help me to be strong and invincible
before the traps of the enemy.

teach me to walk in faith
and in absolute trust in Your Redemptive Purpose.

I surrender to Your Blessed Savior Heart
so that, under Your Celestial Grace,
my soul and all souls that still do not
define themselves for Your only and true path
may together find consolation for our spirits,
fervor to live in Your devotion,
forgiveness to dissolve the past
and Divine Mercy to walk valiantly
towards the advent of
Your Glorious Kingdom of Love and Peace.

Hail, King!
Inexhaustible source of Graces and Pity!
Deliver me completely into the arms
of Your Supreme Creator Father.


If you recite this spiritual petition every day you will be relieved of any disturbance and you will find the Grace of My Eternal Savior Light. Trust for one more time in My Heart.

Under the Light of the Father be blessed for all eternity.

I wait for you in prayer,

Christ Jesus.


I especially adore My daughters who, by loving Me, day by day, glorify My flagellated Heart. I call all of them My Spouses, spiritual spouses of Jesus, the Spouse who loves the souls of all daughters who adore and honor My Sacred Heart.

I call My Sons My beloved servers, who walk towards Me to find Me in prayer as well as in the Eucharist.

My dear ones, today I leave you a lesson of love and an inner task: that you may recognize Me and find Me in all souls, because the pain of a daughter or a son is My pain manifested in different ways, so that the soldiers may cure and heal the scourge that My Heart still lives.

My Love for your hearts is infinite and great, My Kind Love shows you My Face in all the Faces of My children, thus those who serve Me without tiring and without delay may help Me assist and alleviate, and in this way the Universe will be repaired, which is full of offenses that come from this blind humanity, which does not want to see Me nor hear Me.

You, My companions, must first learn to free yourselves from your own selves so that My Love may find a great space where It can work and irradiate My Mercy to the hearts that do not have God, that do not have the great Redeeming Love. In your hands lies the power of prayer, and prayer will give to you the power to be in vigil with your heart, the power of guarding, through the vigilant prayer, all souls that day by day escape from My hands.

I want to intercede before God for all. For this there must be many of My servers, and they must renounce so they can always see My requests through each being. I Am revealing to you how to also reach Me through those who are most sick and in need.

My dear ones, there is still a lack of love in many creatures, and now all My disciples have the responsibility to alleviate the great evil that lives throughout the world.  From Me the Source of Mercy rises, and in you My Redeeming Love may rise.

In the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My lessons in your hearts!

Christ Jesus


Dear children,

While the world becomes agitated in this end of times, humanity must submerge itself in the ocean of prayer so that the Great Angels of the Lord may aid all hearts. Before the trumpets of the angels of Heaven sound, you must be prepared by means of the prayer of the heart, firm in faith and trustful in the Source of Divine Mercy.

Today I invite you in an urgent way to enter into the Most Holy Heart of My Son because in this way your lives will be protected by the great spirit of Mercy of the Redeemer.

Dear children, today I call you to become conscious from the heart because the times call humanity to live the conversion of the spirit and of life.

As the Mother of Perpetual Help, the Lord sends Me to awaken each one of My children from sleep and to place them all in the celestial task that the Lord is dictating for each heart through My Maternal Presence month by month.

Little children, you must not pass even one day without living the prayer of the heart, because in this way your lives will have hearts open so that the custodian angels that are sent, under the Light of My Immaculate Heart, may approach to guide all of My tiny children.

The moment has come to open the consciousness to the unusual universal signs that will try to awaken those who have separated themselves from the magnificent Will of God.

My children, all those consecrated to My Immaculate Heart must help so that other children may glimpse the Light of the throne of God, when the One and Only Son of the Father comes in Glory from the clouds.

Dear children, everything has been said. I call you and I ask you for prayer and more prayer from the heart.

I thank you for responding to My requests!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As Mother of the Universe I bring you the Gift of the Holy Spirit and the Light of the stars. As Mother of the Universe I give you My Peace so that the love in your hearts may awaken in this time.

Today I invite you to distance yourselves from the abysses of life and to take a greater leap towards the Light of fraternity.

Dear children, the world carries much pain. Therefore you, through prayers and good actions, must carry the emblem of My Eternal Peace so that the conflicts in the hearts may end.

You must not lower your arms and give up, but raise them in the direction of the Universe of the Creator and cry out once more for Divine Mercy, thus God will listen to you.

Today I call you to awaken the humility of the heart by means of the Divine Light of Jesus because only through Jesus will your lives be able to learn the steps of humility.

Dear children, calling in your lives the essence of humility, you will be able to know which is the task that God sends to your hearts. Today God, through My Immaculate Heart reveals to you the task of the prayer of the heart so that you may be able to live the Celestial Peace within yourselves.

Today I invite you to be prayer in life and in actions so that through this prayer all of the causes that need Forgiveness and Mercy may be dissolved. The present moment merits the collaboration of all the Marian servers consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.

My children, while your lives are able to reflect good actions, faith will awaken as Light in many of My children, and humans will stop fighting with one another for their ambitions.

Whenever you feel lack of peace, observe, dear children, how your exercise of prayer is going.

I thank you!

Live in My Eternal Peace, only peace!

Thank you for responding to My call in spite of the circumstances.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Begin each day under the presence of My Peace and in prayer supplicate for the conversion of the world. My Maternal Heart

wants to see souls in constant prayer. My Maternal Heart wants to see souls that remember the prayer of the heart at each moment.

My children, the path towards permanent peace is possible. For this reason I invite you today to pray for peace in the heart of those who do not have it. Pray for all My other children, for those who are distracted, for those who are distant from God and for those who do not believe in My maternal call.

Dear children, the prayer that is born from the groups of prayer will help in the formation of the new path for humanity. Therefore, My little ones, the Heavens will receive each prayer that is pronounced and given from the heart, as a true and pure rose.

It is important, My dear children, that in all this exercise of prayer the Sacred Heart of Jesus be present, because His Mer- ciful Love must be your aspiration and your flame of peace for the world.

Dear children, opening your arms to My call, your hearts will receive the help that they need. Permit, dear children, that the Holy Spirit of wisdom and truth may conduct the life and the essence of the task in each group of prayer.

Count on Me, My children, as Mother and Guardian of the hearts here on Earth.

May the Spirit of God bless you today, under the sign of the luminous cross of Christ.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


By praying the Rosary every day souls will place themselves, more and more, at the feet of the Lord. They will receive the balm of the Mercy of My Son and in this way the gravest faults will be forgiven by the Love of God.

Dear children, for this reason today I call you again to persevere in the purpose of prayer so that your hearts may distance themselves from the wiles of the enemy. Maintain in your lives a rhythm compatible with a life of prayer. Create indispensable moments of prayer so that you souls may be present in each moment of your lives.

When I invite you to observe a rhythm of prayer, I am calling you to maintain a conscious spiritual and inner task at this end of times. Your hearts and your lives must feel thirst for prayer and for the discovery of the Divine Mysteries that faith awakens in your hearts.

My children, for this, seek the source of your inner inspira- tion in Jesus, and His Sacred Heart will show you the correct path towards the redemption and reconciliation of each one of your lives.

It will be important, dear children, to maintain constancy in prayer because this will prepare you to face the times that will arrive for the planet.

My dear children, today I call you to have as a premise, this request of Mine, which will lead you to understand where the victorious essence of love and forgiveness is to be found.

My children, as Divine Mother, more and more, I want all My children to be considered for salvation, because I know that all should live in the beauty and the Light of the Love of Paradise.

Your sincere prayer will form the New Earth of God.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Esteemed children,

Today I especially thank all the servers that are donated to My Immaculate Heart. My task for peace is propagated through the spontaneous and selfless collaboration of many of My Marian servers in the world.

The message for today, I dedicate, with love and gratitude, to the group of souls donated to the mission of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. Without the full dedication of your lives, many souls could not have been saved. Know, My dear children, that My Heart does not praise, but that it does radiate love and celestial gratitude for the task that you, as children, make possible in this part of the world, in this part of South America.

Dear children, for this reason I extend My arms to this entire dedicated group of souls so that, held by My Maternal Hands, I may be able to raise all to the Kingdom of God.

My children, remember that your dwelling must repose every day, because God needs your temple to be firm and strong so that you may be able to continue in the task I have entrusted to you.

As I am the Mother of all souls, today I ask all My children to pray, pray for this whole Marian group of souls so that the Light of the Holy Spirit may fill them, guide them and give them spiritual wisdom for each one of the steps that they will take with Me in this task of peace, in this Maternal Mission of Mine.

Fully grateful to this whole group, which is dedicated to car- rying the message of My Immaculate Heart, I ask you, My little children, that you collaborate sincerely so that this task may be able to go on for much longer. God has entrusted Me to come to you and Jesus has asked Me to be a Great Protector of your hearts.

Dear children, continue through this path, God is joyful today for the giving of all.

Welcome to My Kingdom, missionaries of Mary!

I thank you from the Heart of God.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
