Beloved children,
It is in the silence of the heart that you will hear My unmistakable voice.
It is in the silence of the heart that you will feel the Presence of Christ in this time, a time of tests for a humanity that will be purified, as is the Will of God the Father, the Eternal.
It is in the silence of the heart that I will leave the seeds of My Purity, of My Love and of the Forgiveness of God for all peoples; so that there they may germinate, grow, blossom and bear the fruits that the New Humanity will express on the New Earth, the paradise promised to the just, the faithful, the pure of heart.
It is in the silence of the heart that creatures will find God, to revere Him, to reconcile their spirits with His loving Heart of Light, Mercy, Love and Pity.
It is in the silence of the heart where creatures will find the Will of the Father and will discover what their true paths are, the ones the loving God charted so that His children could travel them in peace and joy.
It is in the silence of the heart that the children of the Most High will learn the art of loving and serving their neighbor, where they will experience the school of compassion, a step that will take them to the love taught by Christ on the Cross.
It is in the silence of the heart that humanity will find the lost hope, the love God placed in each essence, an essence that today is drowning in a solid box of stone, closed with infinite keys, without air and without light.
It is in the silence of the heart that you will find Me, beloved children, because I have the key that opens all doors; the door to redemption, to healing, to reconciliation among peoples, the door to love that forgives everything and rebuilds everything, the door to pity that will come through the selflessness of a service rendered without personal interests.
It is in the silence of the heart, My beloved ones, that you will find the great Peace that I bring to the world and place in each of you, so that you may experience this peace in your lives. And if there is no silence in the heart, because unease reigns in your beings, pray with Me, so that the codes of light of the blessed prayer may reach your hearts, and, like a balm, that blessed prayer may take away the pain, like a fresh breeze that will bring ease, tranquility and harmony into your lives.
Children of Colombia and of the whole world, today I invite you, I call you to feel Me, to find Me in your hearts, where I came to sow My Peace, the Peace of Christ, the Peace of God for all.
Thank you for assembling and gathering together in My Heart. Thank you for being with Me today.
Who loves you and covers you with Celestial Peace,
Your Mother Mary, Mother of all the Peoples of God
Stay in peace and listen in the silence of the heart to My words, that are the words of God, expressed by His Messengers.
Enter into the Divine Consciousness in prayer and find there all that you need in order to take your steps towards the transformation of life.
Dear companions, in order to find God it is necessary to never lose peace in your hearts. Do not allow that the tribulations of the world disturb you and, whenever you feel that you are beginning to wander away from God, silence and enter into prayer. Remember, then, the presence of the Sacred Hearts in your lives and allow that all that was deposited into your essences be able to emerge and come in aid.
To keep yourselves in the path without hesitating and reach the goal established by God, never lose peace in your hearts and fight against yourselves so that peace may be established in your interior.
In the spirit of peace, you will find all the answers that you need and they will serve as tools in the Hands of God, to bring peace to those who have lost it and to those who have never found it.
May this attribute of peace, primary for these times, be the greatest treasure in the heart of those who follow Christ.
I love you, guide you and bless you always.
Your Father and Instructor, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the spirit of simplicity, surrender your own will to God and do not be afraid of following His Designs that are often incomprehensible to the human mind, but will always be full of perfection.
The Will of God always will echo in the interior of the heart that silences to listen to Him, and the one who aspires to follow this Will shall know that this profound feeling is real, is true.
God always speaks in the intimate of His creatures, but, in most of the times, the noise that exists in the interior of the beings is very big for the constant seeking of contentment that you will not achieve in this world. In other cases, they occupy even the soul in purely material aspirations and they cannot listen to their own heart or, in order to not follow it, they doubt that this feeling and this inner voice are true.
But today I tell you that to follow the Will of God, you must be brave and firm in spirit, as in the heart, because humanity is far away from what it should express and, often, the hearts of good will, that try to walk to God, are making their efforts to the opposite path.
With this, I do not want tell you to abandon all that you do, but to listen more to the Voice of God in your own interior and to be more attentive to listen to Him and willing to follow Him when He gives you clear indications.
This possibility of uniting to God will never be taken from you. The voice of God fulfills the spirit and rejoices the soul; do not confuse it with the voice of mind that quenches the aspirations of the senses and vanities.
This is My message for today: in the silence of the heart, listen to God and, in the courage of spirit, answer to His call.
I bless you today and always,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Just as I hear your voices, I hear your hearts, and although many souls circulate in the time of darkness, My merciful Light comes to you to save you, for I always wait for you in the silence of the Heart.
In each prayer you profess to Me, whenever you seek Me within, you will be able to find Me, for there My merciful Love resides, My Love for all of humanity and for the planet. Remember that I Am part of this humanity and that, in spite of coming from the Greater Source of God, I was among you for a long time, and over the course of the centuries I return, preparing My flocks for My Return, the great encounter expected by all, when God pronounces My second coming.
Thus, for that time you must be prepared, and in this way, as it was said here, your hearts will be renewed in the hope of the Creator, because it is something that will always sustain you and take you directly to the spring of My Mercy.
I know that on this evening many expected this meeting, and I thank you for this reflection of love you have given Me, for My kind and merciful Heart received it.
And in this way, dear companions, I have been accompanying you during all these last days, observing your inner and spiritual needs, so that at last the Plan of God may be concretized in you.
Leave this world, distance yourselves from the problems and the doubts. My Light will always prevail above all things. Always remember My sacrifice on the Cross; this will give you the strength to continue forward and no soul will perish.
For this reason, dear companions, on this evening of Mercy and of Pity, I need you more united than ever, for through this unity the enemy will not enter and souls will achieve the goal they have come to accomplish in this world.
Renew yourselves through My Heart of Light, feel My meekness and My peace which fill you.
I come to renew you once again, I come to renew your vows and your commitment to the Creator, for it is necessary, dear companions, that at My Feet, at My right and at My left side, there exist souls prostrated before the Creator, who offer everything that nobody offers, for those that need light and endure suffering and martyrdom.
On this night of pity, of good news for all, I come to bring you the hope that exists in the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Thus, I invite you to remember the Sermon of the Mount, the moment in which many of you were with Me and took the inner vow of accompanying Me in the end of times.
Your souls have walked at My side for a long time, that is why I need you very close to Me in this hour. In this way, My Rays will be poured out upon your beings and you will not miss any moment. You will find Me close in this humanity, very close to your hearts because it is where I always want to be.
Dear companions, just as you have sung to Me, glorifying My Heart of Peace, I want you to extend this Peace to the whole world, for My Heart is full of Grace and of Mercy; It hopes to pour out Its Light and Its Peace upon all of you, and mainly, upon those who most need it.
In love and in faith, I invite you to draw close to Me to receive My Presence within you, I am waiting for you.
Those who are above will not need to descend; remember that I am omnipresent.
Song: "Christ, You are Love."
Your offering has been heard. Now wait to receive that which you have requested, for I will send it through My Rays of Light and Peace.
Continue forward, walking by My side, for My Heart will always fill you.
In union with the Celestial Father, let us once raise the offering of the Sacraments on this night so that once again the bread and the wine you have left on this table may be converted into My Body and My Blood, symbols of Light and Peace for all.
In My Presence, the Heavens are open. Hold this Divine Presence within your beings, for the angels wait to help you to concretize the mission that God entrusted to you. In union with the Celestial Father, let us sing for the consecration.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
The Lord has asked us to choose some brothers present so that they may raise this offering that will be converted into the Body and the Blood of Christ.
He asks us that, at this moment, we remember His agony at Gethsemane.
Song: "The Names of God."
Brothers and sisters and children of My Father, My Heart now receives your promises, those you once pronounced to Me when you were by My side. Offer these promises for the souls that do not fulfill anything for My Heart, as the world needs it and all of humanity also needs it. In order to receive the Graces of God, let souls comply with what they ask of Me, with what they promise Me, with that which they profess from the heart and soul to My Priestly Spirit.
Now in silence, raise your petition, because I am still present, listening to you.
Let us pray as I taught you.
Our Father (in Aramaic).
I bless you and these sacred elements in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you for responding to My Sacred Call. All those who may want to share the Sacred Week with Me will be welcome, for I will pour out new codes upon the world, in this last hour of opportunity.
Go in peace and rejoice your lives.
To end the Meeting of the Sacred Call, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón shares the Words that the Glorified Christ Jesus transmitted to him as the monthly message.
The protection of My Heart will always be upon My servers and I will not let anything that is not My Light touch them because I want for all of My Ones, holiness. In this way they will achieve eternal life.
Let Me today occupy Myself with your difficulties, surrender to Me that which you are. In this way I will be able to realize My Projects upon the Earth. Find Me in the silence of the heart, in the union of the soul with My Spirit. Remain in peace because if you are in Me, I will be always with you.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for invoking the protection of My Heart!
Christ Jesus
May your heart remain silent so that you may hear, now and always, the truth of My Words.
May your peacemaking be more profound than the great oceans so that in the right hour you may be able to perceive the truth and the wisdom about things.
Enter now into the Universe of My Heart so that I, from this day on, may take absolute control of your life. For this you must open space and place for Me so that My Merciful Rays may be able to act and transform.
Walk by My Side without observing what exists around you, concentrate your being in the divine power of My Love and wait for the coming of My Supreme Grace.
Trust what I ask you because it is time to awaken to the Supreme Consciousness.
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for remaining in My Heart!
Christ Jesus
The silence of the heart can say many things to the soul and this silence can calm down the mind and the hurt feelings. For this, only through Me will the disciple find the strength to continue walking among the stones and the thorns of the path.
My Luminous Heart will always provide you with wisdom, but only when you renounce to what you believed is bad. In this time the only path is Divine Love. If you do not invoke nor live by means of this Love of God, few will be able to bear the universal currents that will remove the mistakes in the many hearts.
A good heart bears all of the fires, but the fire of human friction destroys and separates the essences. This is one of the fires that many souls live because they lack the Divine Love of My Father.
Be seekers of this Love that heals and redeems all. Be brave in order to face the tests that I send to you day by day. The only thing that I ask you is that you love one another as I loved you, and as I continue to love you because in this positive and divine Love evil will not enter, as the enemy, if it were touched now by the Christic Love, would be redeemed and the world would be another.
Humanity still has much to learn until it recognizes that without God nothing can be done. Only Love constructs the new and oncoming times.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for searching for the Divine Love of God!
Your Peace maker, Christ Jesus
My children,
Time is passing in the lives of all souls and, today again I invite you to be in My Peace.
Dear children, in order to remain in this Kingdom I invite you to live in prayer. Today, once again, I reiterate this request in the face of the need for love and unity among the hearts of all My children. When in truth you accept to be in the Celestial Kingdom of Peace your lives will reach harmony and peace in the heart.
When I tell you that time is passing in the lives of My children, it is because few stop to look and to pray to the Heart of My Son. The souls distance themselves from the source of life without noticing, even more so when many hearts reaffirm their personal truth.
Being the Mother, Help of all Christians, and the Queen of Peace, of Love and of Salvation, I ask that you never forget to live in the presence of Jesus. In this way, with a loving gesture that is born from your heart towards the neighbor, you will help to reverse the lack of consciousness and the lack of aspiration to search for Jesus.
As I have said to you before, dear children, He waits for you in the silence of the heart; therefore, do not detain yourselves in time and start to pray at each moment of your lives. The Lord of the Universe will be thankful for your collaboration.
Dear children, for this reason today I tell you to remain in the Love of God, because the Love of God will be the shield for your protection and this Divine Love will serve as help for your decisions in life.
Surrender your very little wills so that the Living Christ may find rest in your dwellings. Light must enter the hearts of all
My children, even more those who must initiate the path of the conversion of the heart.
Let us pray for all of them.
I thank you!
Live in the humility of Jesus.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Today I invite you to remain in the sacred serenity of My Heart. For this, dear children, I want to teach you how to live in a serene and peaceful heart. The talent of serenity is necessary for the world because it harmonizes the other hearts.
Dear children, once you live the serenity of the heart through daily prayer, you will find peace in the soul. Serenity will lead you to recognize silence. Once you are in silence and in prayer the world will see itself favored, as silence will neutralize the constant noise in which humanity lives day by day.
For this reason, My dear ones, My Immaculate Heart wants to make known to you these talents that live inside the hearts of all humankind, but that the daily life of the world causes to be lost. I want to invite you to walk through this path, dear children, so that you may not waste time. When you are in prayer, it will strengthen you in the communion with My Son. This will allow you to be close to the sacred serenity that My Heart wants to teach you to live in the present.
When the majority of hearts live in serenity and in prayer, silence will penetrate the consciousness of the entire world and many will see that it is necessary to be silent and pray. So that the world may be relieved from suffering, all the hearts must give their time, dedicating it to prayer and to the union with the Heavens and with serenity, which will begin to express itself in the silence of the heart.
The Lord is calling you, not only to live eternally in the faith that Christ in His Mercy gives to you, but He also calls you to observe in the heart the awakening of serenity. In this way, the world will be able to reach peace in the heart, in life and in the families.
Everything begins in the union of each soul with prayer. It will take you towards My Son. In this way, dear children, the reality of the world will be able to be something else, when all unite to one another in fraternity. To begin the path of serenity, you must first live in hope so that prayer may lead you towards peace and silence.
It is time that your hearts speak through prayer so that silence may be established in each moment of life.
Let us pray for the world with a pure heart.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more