I Am like the water that quenches all inner thirst, who comes to Me will never thirst and will always be filled by My Fount.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who provides higher light for souls. All those who come to Me will receive what they need. I will always attend to everything you ask of Me, because for Me, souls and their salvation come first.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who aids the heart that pleads and that cries out for the Lord.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who listens to the suffering spirit, I am Who brings it relief in its moment of greatest pain.
I Am everything that you believe I Am, because I come from an infinite Source and toward that Source I lift up all those who call for My Name.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am the Shepherd, but I am also the Pilgrim.
I Am the reason for your life and the reason for your existence.
I Am that I Am.
I thank you for quenching your inner thirst in Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
While in the Heavens, a divine event is being prepared, on Earth there are few beings who are accompanying the divine dimensions.
The celebration of Christmas, above all, occurs with the start of a new cycle, throughout all life; the Kingdoms of Nature, the elements, the stars, the time, the cosmic rays, the universe, the cosmos. Life enters into a new cycle, marked by a spiritual rebirth. It is the remembrance of the moment in which the Creator transformed all laws so that He Himself could become a material and human creature.
God the Father changed into Father and Son, manifesting the mystery of the likeness with His Heart. As from that event, nothing remained the same, and the laws of spiritual and material life entered a new cycle.
After the death and resurrection of Christ, that change in the laws continued on its course, because the Creator did not manifest on Earth just to give a chance of salvation to human beings; He came to awaken an archetype of life, institute new laws, and send a sign of its renewal into the cosmos.
In this way, He gave humankind a path and an example to imitate, to follow, to renew throughout its whole evolution.
Each Christmas, when nature and material and spiritual life enter into a new cycle, that offering of God is renewed and awakens a Christic unity with the Father, within beings who are open of heart.
Year after year, throughout the centuries, the enemy of God tries to distract souls and cause them to become lost, but his craft does not reach divine laws, and the impulses of the Creator are unchangeable during each new cycle. The awakening depends on the will, attention and openness of each being.
Each cycle that goes by, these laws draw closer to Earth and take greater shape within human life, with their natural divine vibration confronting, within all beings, everything that does not belong to the new cycle.
Thus, in this period of cosmic and universal renewal, it is important to have the heart united with God, and not resist the transformations.
Allow yourselves to be renewed, so that you may be potential renewers of the Love of God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
If the Son of God forgave a dying prisoner on the cross, converting him into the first saint in the history of humanity, what is it that you could not forgive to convert all the thieves in the world?
Beyond all evil, deep inside these consciousnesses, there is a place in their inner worlds where they fear abandonment and poverty.
As the Commandment of Moses said: Thou shall not steal. This means that this rule represents, mainly, not to fear the lack of something or somebody, not to be tempted, in lack or in blindness, to steal it.
When your Master forgave the thief on the Cross, He absolved him directly with the very Mercy that was still shedding from the Body of the Lord through His Blood while He was alive.
This act of Mercy, granted to the thief on the Cross, happened from an inner inspiration that the same thief received when he was condemned to death; and the promise of his Master, after the repentance of the dying prisoner, was what determined the entrance of his consciousness into Paradise.
Only an act of consoling and true love could allow the salvation and the redemption of somebody who was condemned to great punishment. In this case, Mercy appeased Justice.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Today I come, carrying in My Hand the Scepter of the Light of God; this announces that the times are defining themselves, first in the reality of each being, to then take place in all of humanity.
For this reason, I come with the Scepter of the Light of God in order to be able to guide My last flocks to the eternal stable of My Heart, so that My flocks may follow the steps that My flaming Voice announces for these times.
We are already in this definitive moment in which the souls will decide to be with Me or not, so that, after these definitions, the Plan may continue its course of concretion, even if the factors or the events change.
For this reason, I come with the Scepter of the Light of God to preach that the final time is approaching and that there will no longer be time to delay, nor will there be time for mediocrities.
As of now, it depends on what humanity will want to live from this next cycle on.
Be attentive to My Words, they will need to be registered in your memory, for they will serve as a net of salvation for all.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In spite of the times of darkness and of urgency, I will always come like the evening Sun, to announce to the world the hour of its salvation.
I will be stronger and more intense than the oceans, because in them souls find peace.
I will be stronger than the wind, because through it, souls can feel the perpetual caress of My Love.
I will not abandon you when times are difficult. I will be there, amongst you, in the silence of the night, to listen to you and so that you hear to My advice.
The time that is approaching will be moving for everyone. Therefore, whoever joins with Me will not perish, they will find the long awaited relief and calm.
I only ask you one thing, that you persist and you sustain yourselves through My Faith, because Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in courageous hearts.
Receive from me all the inner strength necessary to go through the end of times for My sake; thus, I will always offer you My Hands to lead you to the House of My Father, a place where a new stage will begin.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Believe, My child, in the saving and redemptive power of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, since that Source is capable, not only of purifying and liberating you, but also of relieving and healing you.
Believe in the prodigies of the very powerful Source of Mercy, since It can renew you and encourage you to reach the way of rehabilitation.
Believe in the wonders that My Mercy can do, not only in your life, but also in each place and situation that presents itself.
Affirming the power of the Mercy of My Heart in your life, you will be able to rediscover the path to the fundamental principle of your essential and spiritual origin, and thus, you will be taking back the sense of having come to Earth.
The mistakes and faults do not matter; what matters is to have constancy, working every day to transcend them, so that the grace may descend.
Encourage yourself to surrender to My Divine Mercy. It is time to feel that everything can be done and everything will be achieved in peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I Am not only Jesus, but a Divine Consciousness that emerged from an extremely high non-material Source, and came to the world to awaken redemption in humanity.
But before I emerged from that non-material Source, many situations occurred in the Universe, many failures and errors were committed.
It was the decision of the Great Celestial Father that the Second Person of His Most Holy Divinity should descend to Earth with the Power of the Spirit and of all the Creative Love to be able to incarnate on Earth and bring the Good News of salvation.
The Son of God, when once among you, performed many spiritual and inner tasks. Up until now humanity has only come to know ten percent of that Mission.
The spiritual Mission that the Father entrusted to Me was more profound than it seemed.
The Passion, the Death on the Cross, and then the Resurrection and the Ascension were significant events of that great spiritual Mission on Earth.
In truth, companions, since before I incarnated on Earth as a human being and to be among you, My Father entrusted Me to help all the material Universe, the great fallen ones, so that they could be redeemed and converted.
That spiritual Mission was not known to humanity, because at that time, as well as in the times following the great presence of Jesus on Earth, the human being was still very immature to be able to know it and understanding it.
All this was possible through the action of the superior and immaterial laws that are not within the reach of humanity.
I come to reveal, companions, to all of humanity, to those who believe and those who do not believe, that the great moment of the return of the Lord is approaching and there is still a little time left for repenting and redeeming.
I bring to you all the possibilities from the Universe
I present to your lives all the paths that lead to My Heart.
But you must always recognize a single Regent Consciousness: that in which you originated and created you, that being present in the spiritual and supra-spiritual Universe, expects all of Its creatures of the material Universe to be able to take the great step towards redemption, recognizing their errors, taking responsibility for their failures, transforming their lives by the compelling power of My Mercy; it is that spiritual energy which I bring to you in this time, as the last lifesaver for your salvation.
But today I do not need you to recognize your sins or your failures, because I already know them all, profoundly.
I come to raise your consciousnesses toward the true spiritual reality that your souls are still searching for, so that they can melt into God, and on the Path of God, find their sacred task for these times, the fulfillment of their spiritual mission for this end of time.
I need, companions, that you to open your consciousness and your hearts so that My Divine Fire may descend upon you, and you are not only bathed by My Spirit, but also redeemed by My Grace.
That immaterial Source from which I come from the spiritual Universe, is still intact and you can recognize It within you because God has given you an inner Universe that you must still discover, that you must still deepen so as to find the Divine Purpose of Creation on your paths, the goal and the objective that brought you here, to this life that goes beyond the superficial and material life.
It is time, companions, and before the spiritual Universe that today awaits you, so that you can recognize your spiritual mission in this period, knowing that there is not much time left for the great purification of the Earth and of humanity.
But you can count on My support, on My Hope and on My Faith to be able to move through this transition of the end of times; something that you have never lived and that for the first time, you will go through in these critical times.
But if your consciousnesses and your hearts are truly connected with the Heights and united to God, the immaterial Source from where I come will aid you and will help you, and all the sublime currents of the Universe will come to your aid.
Even though you are purifying yourselves of mind and body, the spirit of each one of you, if united to Me, will not lose the spirit of the joy of God.
I also bring this opportunity for all of humanity, because the human consciousness still has not risen to be able to perceive, beyond material life, the errors committed, and thus enter into the School of Redemption that I offer to you; a place in which you will be able to perceive and recognize which attributes of life you must live in this time, in order to definitely move away from many customs and habits that only stain your souls and separate you from God, distancing you from Love and from Truth.
I promised from the beginning to tell you the Truth and I will fulfill this until I return physically to Earth.
But when I return physically, many things will have happened, because in the most acute moment of humanity is when I will enter from the Universe to the planet, and no one will be able to say that I Am not the Christ, the Master among masters, that will return to announce the Good News and gather all those redeemed to again celebrate the restoring and redeeming communion of the end of times together with the Celestial Father.
While you have time to prepare yourselves for this event, do not allow your lives to be distracted by the world and that the distraction completely absorb you, until it is able to take away your reason and discernment.
We are in a time of planetary rescue, but this will be physically seen shortly.. First the spiritual Universe will intervene in humanity, because it is your spirits that need this great opportunity in these times, so that all of your history kept in your inner Universe may be redeemed.
Do not miss the opportunity of knowing the Grace. That is the Divine Grace that has brought Me here today to Camboriú, to radiate what this people in Southern Brazil spiritually need, to be able to correct their paths and enter into the Kingdom of God just as they deserve, by means of their efforts, their prayer, their unconditional service to others, in the name of fraternity and of solidarity among all creatures.
In this way, you will be taking sure steps and you will draw closer to My Heart more and more so that I may fill you and illumine you through My Divine Essence, which has the power of more than hundreds of suns to illuminate all the Universes and all consciousnesses. That essence is a Spiritual and Non-material Sun that was manifested by the Non-material Source from which I emerged, to bring the great impulse to this local Universe, and especially to this humanity.
The whole Universe contemplates the opportunity that you may be able to take that great step. The doors to the Divine Mercy of God are still open. Thus, you will be able to lift your beings toward the High and enter into the Heart of God to be able to be in perpetual communion with Him and receive His Sacred Presence in your hearts.
Perhaps you do not understand everything that I tell you today. It is through the immaterial Laws that I am able to pour My Message upon the world, like a tributary of Grace and of Mercy for humankind.
And thus, you are also participants in all the codes of light that My Heart brings today for those who will be redeemed.
The time has come for Me to show My true Face. But in order to see It, and particularly recognize it, you must prepare as the apostles prepared, who in prayer and in vigil, without knowing it, recognized the Face of the Lord in the Heights of Mount Tabor, a place where I displayed and also showed them My transfigured Aspect, just as God manifested Me from His Source with all of the power of His Divine Humility.
The world will not be able to say that it did not know how to change and that the spiritual Universe did not come to warn them that it was the time of the great change in consciousness, with effort and resolve, with faith and with the impulse of spirit.
For this reason, I bring you higher revelations, so that your consciousnesses may be uplifted and you perceive and see reality, the emergency of these times at a planetary level and at level of humanity. It is there that indifference must be eradicated, so that the love may reign that will bring the impulse for the transformation of all beings and the elevation of consciousness of the planet toward its true and real time.
The effort must be very great, but those who decide from the heart, will count on the help and guidance of the Hierarchy, because the Plan of God works in the Hierarchy, and everything is possible when the Plan is followed in obedience and transparency.
Outside of these rules, the Plan will not be fulfilled in any consciousness.
The human being of these times, in those who have perverted and deviated after many Graces, from the Blood shed on the Cross to all the Christian martyrs and blessed in spirit, must reverse that spiritual situation with their effort, to be able to be worthy of the Grace, that like a very powerful flow of light, will transform their lives overnight.
But it is necessary that you be determined and that you confirm your consciousnesses to God, because My Words will no longer pass. They must be divine attributes in your lives so that the Plan of God may be reached and materialized on the surface of the Earth.
I am here to help you and give you an impulse.
I wish the good for everyone and the end of indifference in the human race.
I need you to be pillars of My Work, just as the Father needs, because My Church in the world is collapsing because of so many blasphemies committed and so many transgressions carried out on the consciousness that I most adore, the children.
This calvary must be reversed; the power of the Cross of the Redeemer must triumph.
But first you must represent My Cross in your lives, elevating your consciousnesses to the Hights and extending your arms in donation, in charity, in mercy, and in good wherever you may go and to whomever you meet on your paths.
That will greatly reverse the debts of humanity and more points of light will be able to continue opening over the surface of the Earth, because you will demonstrate to the Universe, and mainly to the Creator, that there is a part of your consciousnesses that is understanding the Hierarchy.
I tell you again, companions, that from the spiritual Universe I bring possibilities for everyone, not only to reverse your pain and suffering, but to be able to confirm you in the commitment with the Creator.
This sacred planet, all the sacred Kingdoms, must fulfill the purpose for which they were created in the Genesis. After having deviated and perverted, the awakening of the consciousness of humanity will allow healing to come for all of the planet. And in this way, equality will be established among the peoples, among the races, and mainly, among the nations.
Today this is all that I can tell you. Your consciousnesses have a point to be able to support the powerful currents of the Universe, which desicively and imperatively, come to the aid of humanity.
Have these currents flow in your lives through good examples, a life of prayer, of donation of self, of service, of consideration for a fellow being and all the Kingdoms of Nature.
At this time let us lift the offering of each one of your hearts to God, so that your inner Universe enters into communion with the Divinity and the Universe.
We stand up.
Your Master and Lord, the Son of God, of the living God, will bless and consecrate the elements offered on the Altar so that souls may commune of the Most Holy Trinity, in perfect harmony and attunement, and so that the fruits of Creation may awaken in simple and humble hearts.
Lord of Life Who created all and manifested all, powerful Celestial Father, sublime Divine Consciousness, consecrate these elements that are today being offered at the doors of the Celestial Universe as an act of reparation and of healing for the hearts most in need of Your Light and of Your Truth. Amen.
Father, baptize Your children with Water of Life, just as You once baptized Your Son in the Jordan River with Your Spirit of Life, so that Your Works may manifest in all those who are congregated by Your Love. Amen
A moment of offering to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, through the intercession of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus.
At that time, I took the bread, giving thanks to God and He blessed it with His Divine Spirit. I gave it to My apostles, saying to them: "All take and eat of it, for this is My Body that is surrendered for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
And thus, the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God entered into the apostles and in all of those present on the inner planes.
Lifting the Chalice to God, giving thanks for the Sacrifice that would be lived and experienced, the Father blessed it, and I passed it to My apostles, saying to them: "All take and drink from It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood that today will be surrendered for everyone for the forgiveness of sins. Always do this in Remembrance of Me until I return to the Earth."
Our Father...
Eat of this Body and drink of this Blood so that your spirits may reach eternal Life.
I have received your offerings in My Heart. I will cry out and ask for each one of them to the Celestial Father.
I hope that the example of your lives will serve for many more, knowing that it is still necessary that the powerful current of My Divine Mercy continue to help the world.
The Peace of My Heart be in you and that your lives always represent Peace, knowing that the Peace of God is essential for these times, for the descent of the spiritual Universe over humanity.
As an act of reparation and of healing, as an act of joy and of gladness, and especially, of reconciliation with God, in My Name you will give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you for having been with Me today, something that has been indispensable for Me and essential for your souls.
I bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you!
With the power and the strength of My Heavenly Light, each time I present myself in the world I exorcise and liberate humanity from a great planetary pressure, so that the psychic plane may be relieved of the currents of conflict and perturbation.
For this reason, in the Hour of Mercy, your Master and Lord grants unique opportunities for the redemption and conversion of hearts.
In the Hour of Mercy, great spaces are opened from the Consciousness of God, so the souls may be submerged in the ocean of Love and can be cured spiritually.
That in the Hour of Mercy, the Passion of your Master be remembered, so that all the merits of His Death, His Resurrection and His Glory be deposited as a balm of repairing and inner relief in humanity, for souls to find the path to live their salvation.
That in the Hour of Mercy the presence of the Son of God be vivified so that by the merits of His Passion, inner redemption is radiated to the world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
With My hands, I untie the knots and break the chains that imprison the consciousnesses of My children.
As a Mother, I slide My Sword of Light between the shackles so that they break, and souls feel liberated from captivity.
I come as Co-Redeemer to help My Son in the redemption and in the salvation of souls.
Therefore I offer God the Gifts that He Himself gave Me to be able to rescue His creatures from the different abysses of the Earth; thus, I renew the Divine Project in humanity.
As a Mother, I remove the veils of human blindness so that My children, for a moment, may see their spiritual reality, and through Me, they may encourage themselves to vanquish and transcend the different aspects of life, even though the purification of some of them may be painful.
However, despite the storms, I have My children triumph through the luminous strength of prayer and the unconditional service to souls. In this way, I generate a state of healing and spiritual restoration when I draw close to My children daily, so that they may feel supported and encouraged in their faith to continue their transformation in Christ.
I thank you for keeping My words with love, because love is what I offer you!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When I arrive upon the planet, I reflect My Mirror-Consciousness upon the world so that the ideals and forms of the terrestrial and human mind may be changed by the most potent Light of the Heart of God.
Through My Mirror-Consciousness, I reflect upon the Earth the principles of regeneration and healing for humanity in order that the beings of the planet may awaken to the time of their redemption.
Through My Mirror-Consciousness, I remove from perdition the most lost ones and I offer the refuge of My Heart as a temple and salvation home for the souls that despair.
Through My Mirror-Consciousness, I purify the global depressive feeling of humanity so that the exorcist angels may defeat every evil idea and the balm of the Love of God may triumph.
Through My Mirror-Consciousness, I awaken the mirror of the heart of each being so that the Divine Will of seeing the manifestation of the new colony of Christs may be fulfilled.
Through My Mirror-Consciousness, I reflect upon humanity the Source of the Mercy of God so that sinners may be forgiven and the oppressed be liberated from their own spiritual prison.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The innocent blood poured out by the martyrs of the end of times has an incalculable spiritual value, since it represents an act of courage and love so similar as the one which your Lord Jesus Christ lived upon the Cross.
Therefore, the blood poured out by the martyrs of the end of times is recognized in Heaven as an act of salvation of the Project of Redemption of humanity.
At the same time, this innocent blood that is poured out for love of Christ remains impregnated with extremely potent Christic Codes which, spiritually, through the act of saving other souls, are radiated in a direct way toward the essences of humanity and, especially, to the place where that unexpected event happened.
Just as My Son in the Garden of Gethsemane saw the triumph of His Celestial Church in the hearts of the humans of the end of times, in the same way, Christ, through the vision given by the Father, witnessed the triumph that the martyrs of the last days would live for love of the Lord.
In this entire mystery, the existence of a step that consciousness gives is revealed which, being a victim of the Love of God, offers itself spontaneously in sacrifice for the others, giving its life in the hands of the Divine Will.
The martyrs of the end of times do not yet know that they will be so, they will only know it when the Universe presents them the moment of being able to live it, for love of Christ, and for the expiation of the great sinners.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Innocent Saints
During the Hour of Mercy, while the greatest flow of the Fount of My pitying Heart opens, everyone has the unique opportunity to be able to submerge in My Ocean of Love so that the most serious faults committed may be forgiven and the deepest wounds may be healed.
At the Hour of Mercy, companions, the Wound of Light of My Side opens to pour out the most potent flow of the Pity of God upon the sinners who sincerely and truthfully ask for Mercy.
At the most culminating hour of Mercy, while every day the sorrowful Death of the Lord on the Cross is remembered, souls, and the whole world, have the opportunity of purifying their heart of every spiritual stain and of being able to enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens, simply by remembering the sorrowful Passion of Jesus.
Announce to the world that the deepest depths of My Mercy are still open so that souls, during this definitive hour of humanity, may achieve spiritual salvation and universal forgiveness.
May your lives be a testimony of My Mercy.
May your examples and acts be merciful, so that in the great universe of My Mercy, souls and the world may achieve peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I like it when the most sinful souls approach Me, contemplating the Way of the Cross.
That comforts Me a lot, because I know that souls are searching for the path and the way to be able to return to My Heart.
My words may sound determinant, but you must know that they are full of the most true love, the love that you need, day by day, to be able to perceive the reality and to not deceive yourselves.
Those who seek the means to reach My Heart, either through the Way of the Cross, Confession, repentance or Communion, will never be alone because they will be trying to open their heart to Me so that I can rule it.
My Love for souls is so strong that, at the same time, it is determinant. I always wish souls to know the Love that was able to give everything for their salvation.
Relive the Way of the Cross as many times as necessary, because those facts of the Lord hold the codes of Higher Love that you need, again and again and thousands of times in order to take the steps toward My Noble Heart.
I offer you everything that I Am.
I give you everything I have, because I know it is possible that more hearts will surpass the Master in love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
A Good Mother - Part II
I wish you could remember the moment when you were in the arms of your earthly mother in an act so similar, like when the little Jesus was in My Arms.
What a treasure God gives us through you, when once when you were little, you could be in the arms of your mother!
What a special and intimate moment God granted us, that you could feel the maternal warmth of your mother, and your mother could feel the unconditional surrender of her little child!
In this relationship, of mother and child, is built the true spirit of the family and it is this spirit that allows, in later experiences, to build love and solidarity among beings.
Today, as Mother of all mothers, I come with this example because we are facing a humanity that completely lost the spiritual values of motherhood.
But if by means of prayer, today and the days to come, all the mothers of the world unite to Me, under the feminine spirit of the Holy Motherhood, they will allow the great Mother, among all the mothers, to intercede for the young mothers who today gestate their children and are tempted by the adversary to get rid of life.
If together, as spiritual mothers and mothers of all our children, we unite in this perfect alliance of mothers of God, one day we will generate that consciousness so necessary to respect, love and protect the new life that is arriving.
Today I only ask for mothers to remember their first delivery and the preparation for that moment.
How important it is for the Creation to bring life to the world, just as I brought Jesus as a light for humanity!
May today, be born again, that blessed spirit of motherhood that God conceived in each feminine being and that in these crucial times will be indispensable, because many more hearts will seek the comfort and affection of a mother on Earth.
I invite you, dear mothers, to the renewal of that intimate feminine principle of Creation.
A good mother keeps in her interior the purpose of the life she once gestated, and she is the keeper and guardian for this purpose to be fulfilled in the soul that she once brought into the world.
The spiritual mission of mothers, united to God, is a broad mission, more than it seems, because a good mother is that intermediary consciousness between her children and God. God granted that authority to the Virgin Mary and, consequently, to all mothers who are sincerely united to Her Maternal Heart.
In these times, all children of God must remember the mission that each earthly mother has fulfilled before the Universe when she brought her own child into the world.
This is reason to rekindle in souls the spirit of Motherhood, which will protect the children from the attacks of the adversary.
I want to leave you, to finish, the words that little Jesus once expressed to Me in His first years of life, words that affirmed in My interior that I should, as Mother of all, do what is possible and impossible to save My children from perdition.
And Jesus, once, being a child declared to Me the following words as a simple prayer:
Oh sweet Mother!
tender Comforter of those who are afflicted.
Tireless servant who donated and delivered
Your Most Pure Virgin Womb to Creation.
Oh kind Mother!
Who welcomes those who suffer,
Who perseveres in Your pure Faith,
Who does not rest until You can have
the last of Your children in your arms.
Oh Mother of charity!
Who does good wherever You go,
Who performs miracles and grants
graces to all of Your children.
From now, Purest Mother,
You will be the Queen and the Lady of all mothers,
so that in this humanity
all learn, one day,
for the work of Your Grace, to truly love,
just as You love us unconditionally.
With these words I thank you for responding to My maternal call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Second Series of Poems
First Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
O Jesus!
sometimes it is difficult to remain
here, in this world,
amidst so many tests and temptations.
Sometimes, Lord,
I feel that I will not manage to reach You
because my own miseries
make me suddenly sink.
From all of this, save me, Lord,
I do not want to offend Your Heart
with all of that which sometimes
seems to have a life of its own within me.
Submerge me, Lord,
into the ocean of Your Mercy
because I know that thus You will purify me
of all my martyrdoms and condemnations
as many times as necessary.
Make disappear, dear Jesus,
this executioner that dwells within me,
that judges me, that frightens me
and that puts me in a place with no way out.
Help me, Jesus,
to be that which You so much hope for.
May I always be able to feel
thirst for You and for Your Presence
so that, someday, my entire being
may learn to become Your spouse.
Dear Jesus,
empty me of my human condition,
clean my inferior consciousness of so many shortcomings
and finally, Lord, place Your Peace
where I still do not manage to have it.
Because after all this inner struggle,
I know that You will triumph and make me worthy
of being able to be close to You forever,
serving You for all eternity.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Tenth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
My Jesus, save me
from myself, from any action,
deed or thought
contrary to Yours.
Save me, Lord,
from my ideals
and from my own value judgements
so that I may represent You
according to Your Will.
Save me, Lord,
from all adversity,
interior and exterior.
Save me from all darkness
that may reign within me
and dissolve, with Your Power,
all that may be contrary
to Your Light and to Your Love.
Let me, Lord,
be able to recognize You
within my heart
as this love and this peace
that are unalterable,
perpetual and eternal,
rays that come from You
and that renew all things.
Allow me to render myself to You, Lord,
when I most need it,
and make me know the power
and the loving wisdom
of Your mysteries.
Keep me beside You
so that I may feel
the perfume of Your Love
and, above all,
the constant beat of Your Heart.
That in each sacrifice
my life may be renewed
and may be one more victory
for humanity and the planet.
That in each surrender
all may be offered in honor
to Your Divine and Eternal Heart.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I choose these special dates to let you know the most simple things of spiritual life, because in that which is simple you will be able to transform everything, in that which is simple you will be able to comprehend everything.
The life of the spirit is simple, but it is also wisdom.
I hope My children will achieve this state of simplicity and wisdom, not only in daily matters, but also in the inner levels, a place where everything begins and everything ends; because it is there, in that inner level, where the experience of your life on Earth and your passage through this Universe is held.
When you cannot conceive in yourselves this simplicity and this wisdom in the life of the spirit, it is because you are not doing it within your material life.
The simplicity of which I speak is not restriction or severe measures.
Simplicity will always lead you to love your neighbor just as they are and to not judge them because of their form or appearance.
My children of the world frequently forget these basic rules of life, because by living these rules, you will be able to be in God and God can be in you.
On this special day, when we celebrate, together with the Heavenly Mother, the anniversary of one of My instruments on Earth, through this I want you to see, My children, that the call of the Mother of God to Her children has always been and will always be simple.
On this path that I invite you to experience, you will also be able to find the humility you need in order to stop boasting about your lives, although sometimes you may not realize it.
Why do I tell you all this, My children?
Because the Work of God, since the beginning of all this Creation, was conceived of in the spirit of simplicity and humility. From there were born and emerged the most beautiful things in this Universe and for this whole material Universe; the spirit of each creature found a dwelling place, up to that which is most physical.
But know, My children, that everything has a correspondence and a communion between Heaven and Earth; within you and outside of you.
When you are not simple, you cannot be real, just as I need you to be, day after day.
Simplicity will not only take you to humility and truth but also to that which is most important: gratitude.
When you have no gratitude in your hearts, you cannot understand the Plan of God when it changes, time and again and from cycle to cycle, or from day to day.
If you are in this eternal gratitude, you will be able to understand the Mysteries of the Father and you will no longer be blindfolded, not knowing where to go or in what direction to walk, because in the life of the spirit, everything is clear, everything is transparent, and everything is crystalline.
I need you to not forget this, children.
When you cannot get around certain obstacles, it is because you have not conceived of the spirit of simplicity within yourselves, which will lead you into humility and eternal gratitude.
Although these words, that I speak to you today, have been heard by you many times, from My own mouth, or from Saint Joseph or from Jesus Himself, I invite you, dear children, to pay attention to the basic rules of spiritual life, because otherwise, you will be skipping the Universal Laws.
With all of this that I am telling you, My children, I do not aspire toward your perfection, but your transparency, your fellowship, generosity and collaboration.
This message serves for all of My children, because each one, according to their timing, goes through their purification and also the moment of their great surrender.
I want, My children, for you to learn to live as We do; the Sacred Hearts lived such a long time ago here on Earth, with no pretension, not wanting anything; always seeking to learn through equality, solidarity and above all, brotherhood.
Humanity, throughout recent times, has lost these principles. This is why souls become archaic and rigid and cannot manage to take their steps when they most need to take those steps toward God.
We have the authority, My children, as Sacred Hearts, of being able to dissolve all these obstacles within souls.
But, children, My children, you have already learned how to listen to Me, to feel Me and recognize Me. You know that what I tell you is true. Each one of you knows what they have to improve and perfect as a perfect offering for the Altars of God.
I am speaking to you about something profound, not something superficial. That which is superficial that may take place in your lives comes as a consequence of what happens within you when you are not in communion with the spirit, nor with the Universe.
We know that knowledge ennobles the spirit, but that is not what you need right now, My children. You need to ennoble your spirits with transparency and the loving collaboration for a fellow being, for the Divine Plan and its important manifestation on this planet.
As Lady of Mount Carmel, I invite you, My children, although you do not believe it, to live the path of redemption and your salvation, because many may believe that they are already saved, yet they are not.
My children, feel the Heart of the Mother that asks and begs to God for the awakening of Her children, even in the simple details.
All this will make the Earth and its humanity transform; it will make the Word of God triumph within you, through the examples of good and of loyalty.
I invite you, My children, to enter this school, which today with all of My Love I am offering to you.
I need you to hear My Voice, not as you always hear it. I need you to hold My words like keys that will be able to open the doors to your conscious and real transformation.
Children, there is a part that is yours to do. Everything must first begin within you so that then the Universe will be able to work and intercede.
The souls of the world, in the majority, are lost; and you know it because you have seen it everywhere you have been, together with Me, accompanying Me on this trajectory of being able to accomplish the Plan.
My wish is that on the day of the Lady of Mount Carmel, you could consider My words with sincerity.
My wish is that My Voice could touch the depths so that the Gifts might be sown that you need in order to live the next steps in this planetary transition.
My wish, My children, is that each one of you could see yourself for a moment, not to torment yourself or feel intimidated; not to judge or punish yourself. That each one of you could see yourselves, just as God sees you, just as the Father contemplates you in His Mercy and in His divine Patience.
There is still, beloved children, much to be done. I need you to understand what I am asking of you.
I have given you the Grace of being near Me, because it is what you need to be on the path of the spirit and in the living of the Plan, beyond any inner experience with the Universe or with all that is higher and even divine.
First, we must begin with that which is simple and necessary. You must not lose the basic rules of loyalty and fraternity; this closes the doors to Divine Providence. The Universe has everything for you and for humanity.
If each one of you knew, with complete awareness, what it is that I have to do to manage to be before you at each new meeting, in truth, you would consider My words and would pray on your knees to express your gratitude to God.
The Servant of God and the Mother of the Universe unconditionally offers Herself to Her children with nothing in exchange.
I want, beloved children, for you to grow, just as I grew, while I was Mary on Earth.
I know that in your inner worlds you keep known and unknown experiences; spiritual and also inner traumas. But everything can be dissolved in the Mercy of God and in the action of His Divine Grace.
I do not want you, My children, to leave My path.
I do not want you, My children, to be far from Me, serving Me in other works.
Children, I need you here, close to My Heart, in a real way rather than one that seems to be.
Sometimes I feel your hearts to be cold. Why are they that way, if everything I give you is by Grace?
I only aspire that My servers walk with loyalty and that they never, never lose brotherhood, because brotherhood will unify you with the Brotherhood of the Universe, and thus, the Divine Consciousnesses of Heaven will draw closer.
The Lady of Mount Carmel comes to offer you a true consecration so that the next doors toward the fulfillment of the Plan, in other parts of the world, may open.
We wait patiently and silently, in prayer, for that moment.
The world still waits for more Mercy and for more help.
I invite you to continue accompanying Me on this path, which will transform you.
I bless this soul, and on this special day, those who have offered themselves as instruments in My Hands, so that more instruments in this vast Universe of God can be consecrated in their real task and to their real mission.
I thank you for accompanying Me on this divine trajectory!
This is all I want to tell you today, and I have opened My Heart so that you could hear Me with sincerity and love.
Fifth day of the Novena
By immersing into My Mercy, the souls who are deceived by the projects of the world through genetic and human plans not only receive My Grace, but also My consolation.
The Source of My Mercy repairs the entire consciousness on a deep level and especially on a spiritual level.
The Mercy of My Heart can especially reach the souls that, through absolute ignorance and blindness, fall into temptation and destroy by their own means what God conceived within them.
When the most innocent souls are aborted, it means that the decision taken by their own mothers represents a total deviation from the Law of Love and Compassion.
All those souls who do not live on Earth today because they have been removed from the wombs of their mothers are in suffering and agony for not having been able to continue their human and spiritual evolution.
In this sense, the main Law of Creation is altered and a great debt is generated which must be resolved through the Mercy that the praying souls invoke to My Heart.
In these times, the transgression of the Law of Life generates regional and even worldwide catastrophes. When the Kingdoms of Nature are transgressed, in their cycle of life and evolution, they react by means of phenomena that harm humanity.
The importance of invoking Mercy for the unborn will help to dissolve the invasive human projects that alter the evolution of the human being and the planet.
The souls of the unborn are redirected, through My Mercy, to new Sources of Light so that they may live their path and awakening in other parts of the Universe.
In truth, Mercy is the table of salvation for these times.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Cathedral of Peace
Dear children,
Today I approach you to present, from the inner planes, the Cathedral of Peace, a divine space that was conceived by God Himself in honor to the Divine Lady of Heaven, in order to generate an enclosure for the elevation of souls and the continuity of Her service for humanity.
The Cathedral of Peace rises within the Consciousness of Fatima and as a spiritual counterpart it acts on the inner levels of the essences, bringing to them the essence of the Original Purity.
The Cathedral of Peace receive the great souls that were victims and witnesses of the Love of Jesus, through their holiness, dedication and unconditional service.
Inside of the Cathedral of Peace the angelic presence, in its different levels of hierarchy, sustain and raise the Consciousness of Light of the Cathedral of Peace.
This sacred space, which is present in the inner planes of Fatima, awakens in every human being who visits the Sanctuary of Fatima, an aspiration to find their inner truth and, above all, their state of purity.
The Cathedral of Peace is nourished by the Source of Creation and, consequently, the other levels of consciousness that are below it also receive spiritual and internal assistance.
The Cathedral of Peace itself attracts the Principles of Creation to the center of its celestial vault, which might be understood as Gifts that awaken virtues and foster the inner manifestation of talents in the souls.
In this sense, the Cathedral of Peace, which was elevated in honor to Our Lady, is the spiritual magnet that attracts to itself the divine attributes that humanity will need to go through the final stage of its transition.
From the Cathedral of Peace emanates the sacred impulses of the Mother of the World for all of humanity, and the angelic and human consciousnesses that accompany the mission of this Cathedral are intermediaries so that everything that the Celestial Mother radiates can reach the souls, regardless of their degree of awakening and commitment.
The Cathedral of Peace reminds humanity, from the inner planes, that it must return to the House of the Heavenly Father and find in it the spiritual values that will make all consciousnesses worthy.
The Cathedral of Peace is a bridge that leads us to Ascension and to the encounter with our infinite inner universe, a place where God is present so that we may commune with His Divine and Paternal Presence.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Bless you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Cathedral of Peace
May the ocean of My Mercy be your grace, be your future and your truth for these times.
Submerging into the ocean of Pity, may your soul be purified of all stains and thus be renewed by the imperative Love of My Heart.
May the ocean of My unfathomable and Divine Mercy assist those who need the most and await spiritual help.
In the ocean of My Divine Mercy is to be found the salvation and the reparation of the consciousness, after everything it has been able to experience.
May all consciousnesses most in need of forgiveness and redemption be placed in the ocean of My Mercy.
Through the unfathomable ocean, may souls receive the necessary inner strength to learn to surpass themselves in love and in service to humanity.
May the ocean of My Grace receive all those who will need to justify themselves through My Love so as to become saved and worthy in the Lord.
In the ocean of My unfathomable and Divine Mercy, may hearts find the encouragement so that any concern or despair may be dispelled from humanity, so that peace may be established.
The infinite ocean of My Mercy not only attracts and grants healing to the sick soul, but also grants the eternal Peace of the Lord.
I thank you for responding to My Call and for keeping My Words in your hearts.
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more