Special Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

In this end time, remember My Words of Light and hold on tight to Me so that My Love may dispel the confusing ideas of evil.

Thus, I ask that each day you trust in Me a little more and that you remember these last moments of love which, in My Celestial Glory, you have shared with Me.

Do not delay, time is going by and My sidereal bell tower is calling the last sheep before the time of Divine Justice comes.

Decide to surrender. My absolute confidence has descended upon your being. And in all of this precious mystery is held My Love for souls.

Thus, with resolve and emptiness of your own will and expectations, focus your attention on what I tell you, for you have the supreme Grace of being worthy of My Father and of receiving My infinite Mercy every day.

If you walk toward Me, the darkness of the pathway will not touch you or embrace you.

Be intelligent and decide to seek the things that come from My Will. In this way, you will know what correct path to follow and you will be free, by My Grace, of your peers being lost.

Open your heart, for you still have not done so. To open your heart to Me means to constantly renounce your own desires. Take care of yourself more than your opponents. The pure pathway is built based on the perfect unity you establish with My Kingdom.

Throughout time, I have given you My Peace and My Mercy. Be thankful and good. Listen to My Words through your brothers and sisters.

Remember that I am present in tabernacles and in all the praying temples of beings. If you still have not recognized My wise and pure Will, today I show it to you, and this is My spiritual petition: follow Me and renounce your projects.

I Am the only portal to salvation and redemption of your tiny terrestrial life.

It is no longer the time or the moment for your feet to be in two boats. Stop being shipwrecked in your own world and humbly recognize Who has come to call you and redeem you.

When you open your little heart, you will already be loving the things of Heaven. While you look for your own fulfillment, for Me you will only be a part of the sin of this cruel world.

Be resigned and implore for My Mercy. The Tablets of the Law are already at the Feet of the Creator and they will soon be revealed by the celestial choirs before My Return.

I have come for a long time and so many days, so that one day, you can give up and unite with the spirit of My holy Humility.

May this merciful Marathon, after so many have been done, be the moment that every being reconsiders because of all that they have received directly from My Sacred Heart of Light.

When you have reconsidered, meditating on My Passion, I assure you that you will realize all that I have told you in the name of God.

Pray and seek nothing but to pray. Ask forgiveness for your immense pride and decide, now and always, to be worthy of the Lord.

I thank you for your gesture of humility and reverence.

Under the infinite forgiveness of God, be blessed.

Thank you to those who adore Me from their heart, in the Most Holy Body of Christ.

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Weekly message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Light-Nucleus Sagrado Ceu, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

While part of the world is in a never-ending war that unleashes the wrath and evil of humanity, My Divine Mercy approaches every day at three o'clock in the afternoon to restore and heal the vices of humanity.

My Divine Mercy is mainly poured into hearts that every day revive My Holy Passion. Thus, through them, all the gifts and merits achieved by My Sacred Heart are deposited as cells of light in simple and pure hearts.

In order to attain My forgiveness it will be enough to recognize oneself as a worthy child of God, and, despite the fact that sin is great and irreparable, I have the celestial authority to absolve you from all faults. Thus your lives will become crystalline and limpid when you seek to live My Mercy, beyond professing it and confirming it in your lives.

Heaven unites in harmony and prayer, every day, at three o'clock in the afternoon in order to help balance the spiritual and material disorder of this world. Therefore, only through My Unfathomable Mercy will the most hardened and sinful souls be able to find their lifeline, and the same will be true for those who serve Me but face the game of temptations of this world.

If in truth you decide to seek the spring of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, you will be able to lessen on the world the weight of its own law, and many souls will stop being condemned to the fire of hell, so as to be recognized as rescued souls.

In this last hour of the transition of the Earth, seek the straight path to My Divine Mercy because, in these times of greater confusion, you will be left only with holding on to My Path of redemption and salvation.

I give you all that I have, I give you the possibility to re-dimension your lives through the transmuting and purifying fire of My Divine Mercy.

The time indicates a quick and decisive decision. The time has come to place yourself at the feet of the Greater Source so that you can be washed, freed from stains and redirected toward the eternal Kingdom of God.

Today I especially pray for those who will incur a spiritual union with Me in the new times. This will determine the possibility of fulfilling My redemptive Project before My return to the world.

Pray for those who persevere on the path of transformation, but also pray for those who courageously abandoned Me, forgetting about Me. I place all of them in My Sacred Heart and I hope to see them, someday, in My Celestial Glory.

I determine, in this age, that you follow only one path.

Under the supreme Grace of God, be consecrated to My Heart.

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Special Message of Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, on the occasion of the Grace Mercy Order Annual Meeting

If you truly saw Me as I see you, many things would no longer happen in your inner and outer world. I come to call those who are lost in themselves, and many times escape from the Truth. In them I have repeated My Purpose for a long time and will wait for a wise response, a true response, until the end. But now, when everything seems to be very confused in many, the Light of My Wisdom envelopes you, comforting you.

I see that My Father, through so many sages and celestial beings, has trusted in you and in many more; but the path of Truth begins through seeking transparency in oneself, to then radiate the purity and thus the true intention of the heart.

When the Purpose is seen by you, I assure you, that you will fail in the first attempt, because the Truth has not been shown to you and you will be subject to permanent deception. For this reason, free yourself from yourself, so I may do what I have foreseen, since before your birth in the world. For My Truth, which is not known, is to be found in the spirit of Peace, and that same spirit is sown by the Love of God, wherein exists the supreme center of Truth.

As many do not know these simple mysteries of life, I come to reveal the Truth, that you no longer should act through the impulses of your own imperfection. For this reason, many cause My Sacred Heart to suffer, and it shows the Blood that is spilled through the errors of the world, which offend God, without your perceiving the seriousness of these times.

Before the Law descends from Heaven, where I live in Glory all the time, I will intercede with My Father to alleviate the indelible spiritual causes and wounds which many induce in the Most High Creator.

I suffered for you, so that you would not suffer in life. I died for you, out of Love, so that you would not die in spirit.

Woe to those who offend Me, out of ignorance and a lack of consciousness, in these times that will come!

Whoever opposes My Purpose will suffer from the action of their own will and My Infinite Mercy will become a spring of Justice in those unfaithful to Me.

Life cannot be lived on two paths; choose in time what path you will follow, that of the Light or that of the eternal darkness of the world. Beasts and diabolical nets will be released over the world, like rain on a cold night, and they will convince many to follow false paths, moved by emotion and deceit. Woe to those souls that open wounds for Me before their time!

Where will what I have given you with so much love and trust end up?

But Truth is sought in humility, which must never end; but if it should be lacking, invoke My Presence, so that the pride that many possess not drown them and flood over them like a ship on the sea.

I Am the Salvation and the Perfect Path for those who humble themselves before Me; but I know that many, because of their own ideas and their own precepts, will not allow themselves to yield to My Love, and at the appearance of the smallest life crisis, will decide to be unfaithful to Me, and in truth, do not know what this means in this time of tribulation.

Pray so that your beings detach from the causes of damnation. Do not be prideful, but rather, brave and humble, so as to find surrender. Whomever is ready to follow Me, I will help them until the end and will not leave them alone in spite of the seriousness of the times. Thus, seek a sincere unity with your peers; in this way, your hearts will be mirrors of the Truth and of Mercy which, through the power itself I will give you, will expel evil, dissolving it on any path.

To be My apostle, it is necessary to be humble rather than clever; your own miseries can submerge the project entrusted to your lives. Unite and everything will be resolved through My Infinite Presence.

Under the Love of the Father, who welcomes you and forgives you, be true, and thus, you shall please Me,

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Special Message of Christ Jesus in the Marian Center of Aurora, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, on the occasion of the Grace Mercy Order Annual Meeting

My Heart is the Living Eucharist for the souls of the world. My Heart dispels the shadows that live within humankind.

Through a union with the power of this Sacrament, consciousnesses are redeemed and sanctify their walking toward God. Blessed is the sincere heart that communes with this Eucharistic Sacrament, for it will have eternal life when every day it only seeks the path of perfection.

I send My celestial angels so they may pour out the Christic codes all over the world that were gained by Me during the Passion; in this way, My Grace avoids the power of the Laws falling upon the just, because even on Earth dwell souls prized by My Father.

Thus, through My Eucharistic Body and Heart, I will establish devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the world. In this way, those consciousnesses that every day of their lives, have sincerely sought Me, overcoming and transcending the limits of matter, on the day of Divine Justice, these souls will not be the cause of My Justice, but rather, will be mediators for the salvation of other souls that in these times will be prisoners of evil.

Happy are all those who have sought the path of Adoration. The temples of the heart will be prepared to move forward with universal works of peace in the misery and the chaos, because I, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, will carry out My last magnificent works on the consciousness of humanity; in this way, many will know Who in truth has been the Son of God.

So, before the great universal moment, My Spiritual Source will prepare the flocks. When the time of the great celestial revelation arrives in the whole of humanity, those who will follow the course of My Paths will be as lances of flame, that will pierce the evil, and just by their presence, will release all darkness. But nobody will know who will do it; I will place a veil over this whole mystery; only the love and humility in the simple will demonstrate the power of this great creator mystery.

And even though impure spirits are released like fierce wolves in the current world, the worshipers, who are part of My Mystical body, will defend the power of My Glory and My Return.

The angels of Heaven will be the shining stars that will guide the path of the watchmen and guardians of the Gospel of Christ; thus, the time will come in which My Spiritual Church will be only one.

It will not be necessary that any person or being on the Earth reign in My Name, because when I return, I will reveal the power of the Kingdom of Emmanuel to those who heard My Words with the ears of the heart and the soul.

So the just must be compassionate with the unjust. The time will come to execute works of mercy and charity, which will free the innocent from becoming involved with the confrontations many will experience. Those who will have become worshipers of My Divine Mercy will be victorious.

The Kingdom that approaches will change the spiritual misery and the unjust destitution of the corrupt imbalance that humanity experiences. For My Celestial Light, with the power of Divine Fire, will wear away all the acts and the ways of being that led to the damnation of millions of essences in humanity.

In this time, nothing will remain hidden; life between brothers and sisters will become as mirrors that will reflect the truth that has always been hidden. Thus, I ask the brave for a quick resolution in their surrender; in this way, you will quickly be freed from the corrosive code of human passions, and the immaculate spirit of each being will establish the Divine Kingdom in all things.

The true step to consecration is to be found in the path of the permanent faith of the heart, which will give you the confidence and total fulfillment to live an unknown universe. The most simple will survive the disasters that will come as a purification and fire over a rebellious humanity; in this way, after everything has been purified, like the grain that is crushed in the granary, I will come to re-establish My Greater Kingdom, which perpetually beats in the heart of this Celestial Universe.

Now, My petitions are offered to all those who want to hear what the world has generated. The coming time indicates the path of overcoming the self and this will be more real when the steadfastness to live My Kingdom is the true purpose of servers. In every step and overcoming, I will be interceding and radiating My Celestial Peace.

I will return with the purpose of recovering the lost and confused paths of all those who once remained behind through the actions and attitudes of others, of those who believed they were doing everything correctly; but now they must pay the same price of what was broken, ground and wounded in the spirit of those who were deceived.

My Kingdom is of Truth. Through My Love, I teach you to be a supreme light for the world, thereby releasing the corrupt codes held in the cells of human inheritance. Thus, I gather you together to live a path of transparency and of immediate service to the Plan of the Celestial Father. I need the righteousness of servers, who in themselves will forge the fruits and the potentials that resist giving of themselves through an act of extreme appropriation. But little by little, like a Good Mother, I wake up the divine talents that will serve as an aid and be of help for the current cycle of humanity.

Today I speak to you with this righteousness, because all the beings who have already responded to My Commands are ready to listen with a maturity of consciousness.

Be watchful with Me and you will find the answer in all that may be necessary to clarify. Today, the Wisdom of My Heart pours out infinite Mercy over you. Remember that My Love for you is immediate and unmistakable.

I embrace those who once gave Me their 'yes' and carried My Words to the center of their heart, which will now be the path of liberation from the self.

Love one another Christically.

Unite cosmically.

Work fraternally, and thus you will please Me.

I thank you for accompanying Me in the Eucharist, together with the greater angels.

Peace to all, the Peace of God.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

The Merciful Christ Jesus



Today I come to bless you.  Follow Me with trust because I will show you the desolation of the souls that in this final time may surrender themselves in the arms of perdition and of sin.  This hurts My Most Sacred Heart.  From the depths of My being I feel a desolation that never runs out, for the oppression that the souls live between the earthly life and the life of the spirit.

Come today and console Your Master, caress My Heart with your reverberant and simple prayers.  I wish day and night to save all those who lose the meaning of the path that God chose for them to live from the beginning.

I am in need, My dears, of permanent consolation.  The souls in these times are easily deceived by all that the enemy puts before them and, as if it were nothing, they forget that I Am here in this world, in the Spirit of Mercy in order to help all.  I Am supported in the hearts that seek My Path and persist in wanting to live with Me a similar path  to the Calvary.

My Friends, pray for the souls that cause Me a great inner desolation.  They are souls that have not learned yet to love God, not even to live true forgiveness.   I call you so that, out of love and devotion, you may dedicate to Me the attention that I need, in this way I will be able to intercede through My Infinite Mercy for those who would not deserve the fullness of My Eternal Grace.

But as My Love is unfathomable and powerful I come to the world to pour upon My ones the codes of conversion and of redemption.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for comforting My Heart!

Christ Jesus


In the hour of My Mercy, My Heart descends in a Spirit of Omniscience to repair the sick of spirit and of body.

In this way the Chaplet of My Divine Mercy reconstructs the infirm essence and consequently heals the sick body.  For this your merciful prayers at three in the afternoon can embrace the deepest spaces in your consciousness and also in worldly situations of chaos, of hunger and of war.

Those who truly pray with the heart to My Unfathomable Mercy strengthen their faith, their pity, their compassion and their inner forgiveness.  Everything that, in the day by day, seems to be disorganized, My Universal Presence that descends, at three in the afternoon, restores and reorganizes what is not under the powerful law of My Lord.

To live in My Mercy means to remain in My ocean of Graces and of Redemption for all of the souls.  By means of the ray of the Divine Mercy the most inveterate sinners, those who are far from God, may be  saved by the simple devoted act of your prayer.

So today I ask you to love this mystery of the Divine Mercy of Christ because whoever persists without knowing and without questioning My Mysteries will overnight wake up in My Kingdom of Love.

When I was amongst you I tried to demonstrate to you through My Transfiguration, through the Last Supper and through My Passion, the humble steps to reach this source of most pure compassion that God deposited in My Sidereal Being.

The Source of Mercy embraces more than this little universe because since I ascended to the celestial universe the Father conceded Me the Grace of removing evil and pain from all of My ones.

Whoever lives in the Master loves the law of the Hierarchy.  Whoever obeys the inner orders is building in life the spirit of the sacred humility.

From the beginning I wanted that you know Me and that you search for Me.  Now that I Am before your lives, before your pasts and actions of yesterday, My Merciful Spirit wants to dissolve from your histories all the evil that may have happened.

For this call Me in trust and repeat: “Jesus Christ, I trust in You”  – this will be the sign and the answer that I will finally be able to realize My Designs in your souls.  The Source is still open for all, before the Divine Justice.

Under the Glory of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living My words with the heart and with the spirit!

Your Master of Love, Christ Jesus.


Dear children on the Earth:

The Sacred Hearts have, at this time, the spiritual purpose of transforming and elevating the condition of current humanity.  With this goal, the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph has proposed to help in the awakening of the consciousnesses that are asleep to spiritual life.

In this way, the Sacred Heart of Jesus works by means of the Most Chaste Heart to open an inexhaustible source of Graces and of infinite purity for all of humanity through this great Working Spirit.

Jesus wants to consecrate the Americas to the Most Sacred and Blessed Heart of Saint Joseph so that this part of humanity may achieve the peace and purity of soul and body. This will be possible by means of the constant daily prayers that name the beatitudes of the Chaste Heart.

If humanity in its majority responded to the request of the Sacred Heart of Jesus there would be, through the intercession of this Worker of God, an unlimited salvation of souls that in these times are being condemned to eternal hell.

Before My Glorious Coming South America must be consecrated to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that this part of the world may be worthy to receive the spiritual visit of the King of the Stars.

If this consecration to Saint Joseph and to the Virgin Mary were realized as a vow made on the part of the souls, the events would change and the entire humanity would be totally forgiven.

For a greater consecration of souls to the Blessed and Most Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph My Merciful Consciousness will leave written for you on this day the Seven Beatitudes of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, beatitudes that will allow you to find inner strength for the critical times, with the objective that peace may be established in all beings.

The Seven Beatitudes of the Most Chaste
 and Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph

1st Beatitude
To receive the gifts from Heaven
by means of consecration to the Father while on Earth.

2nd Beatitude
To redeem mistakes
through love for the Venerable Saint Joseph.

3rd Beatitude
To forgive the past
by means of the healing of the Chaste Heart..

4th Beatitude
To eternally live the aspiration to serve.

5th Beatitude
To be merciful, even in little actions,
so that Graces may descend from the Heavens.

6th Beatitude
To pray with the heart so that the devotion
of the soul may emerge.

7th Beatitude
To prefer to be in Heaven, together with the Chaste Heart of Saint
Joseph, so that all souls may find salvation.

Whoever meditates on these beatitudes will receive the impulse of remaining eternally under the divine shelter of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. 

Under the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be pure and blessed.

Thank you for receiving in the heart the Love of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph!

Christ Jesus

Special Message

At each step taken by each one of My Companions I, as Son of God the All Powerful, conquer many souls, those that through My Redeemer Love find the path of Reconciliation with My Eternal Father.

Today I want that you open to Me the door of your consciousnesses to be able to enter and, through each one of you, to arrive to more souls, above all those which lose themselves in the midst of illusion.

I want that those who already let Me inhabit their inner worlds follow Me in all, without fear, without vacillating, because it is in them that I am depositing the inner strength that will give the sign so that other children of My Flock may be encouraged to walk with Me through the paths of this world.

I need those who do not aspire to anything else but to live of My Love in this Celestial Fire that My Father ignited in Me and that burns eternally in the Universe.

I want that you learn to serve this Fire that redeems, that forgives, that transcends all of the barriers of the minds and finds real space inside of the essences of humans.

I want that you burn in this Fire that is My Fire of Love which comes from My Father.

I do not offer you tranquility, only the infinite and glorious security of My Love.

I do not offer you a future, only the eternal present to eternally serve together with Me the Universe and the Plan of My Father.

I offer you sacrifice, renunciation, surrender, so that in this way you may help Me to save this, our humanity.

I only offer you My Eternal Love, My Love of the Master, of the Elder Brother, of the Friend, of the Companion in this sidereal task.

Here I am, present before all of you so that you may feel Me, so that you may surrender to Me what you are, so that you may follow Me for all Eternity.

I believe in you because I love you and I call today those who want to be My Companions.

I wait for you in My Sacred Heart.

Thank you for listening to My Words and to guard them in the heart.

Your Master, Christ Jesus. 


I Am the Universal Star and I Am the Greatest Sun that comes from Heaven to save, up to the last minute, the greatest number of souls.

For this, at each moment I need faithful and dedicated servers of Peace and of Good that may be able to be transmitters of My Merciful spiritual impulses. I hope that through My daily Words of love many souls that are asleep and far away from My Blessed Heart return just by having been touched by My Redeemer Love.

Companions, a new time approaches and each day that passes in you accelerated time My Light descends to embrace the little hearts. Be bearers of My Simplicity, Humility and Pacification. Be firm bridges in prayer, that may sustain in this time all of those who forget to look towards God.

May the faith in your essences never end, may it be the true fire of devotion that elevates you to the Kingdom of My Father. Never forget that I am here to help you to find day by day the path towards My Temple and My Heart.

Pray for those that still do not look at My Merciful Heart and today I tell you again, My dear friends, with a few I will row the Boat of the New Time. For this moment prepare yourselves from the heart. I thank you for listening to Me.

Under the Mercy and the Peace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


I intend day by day, with My Merciful Power, to remain alive in the imperfect hearts.

My Redeemer Spirit is present in the true outskirts of the souls with the aim of saving them, as once I did when I was amongst you in the world. For this My Hope for the salvation of the world, for the salvation of the most asleep and sinful humanity, still does not end.

My Ocean is unfathomable and I still have much thirst for those who, having shown Myself to them, turned their backs to Me and this because they still do not know My Merciful Love.

It seems that for many it was not enough that the Son of Man had given His Water on the Cross and had poured His Blood for all. My redeemer Task has no end until the hell in which many live and the dreams that many construct will be finished, waiting for the glorious moment of My return to the world.

For this I prepare those who may want to wake up for an unknown life, those that want to wake up to the beyond of the ordinary and normal. My achieved Universe, the one which is not from this world, is coming, and in this way  the Spirit of My Father is coming to reveal to the world the phase that you do not know, that you ignore by placing your eyes in other paths that are not celestial.

My Light presents itself again in Spirit for those who may want to see Me and for those who are very distant from God. Look beside you and observe with attention because the Son of God is returning in Glory and this Glory will be near those who may open themselves to recognize It.

For this I will not be distant from each sheep. I will return to  to give you My Body as a food and I will give to drink My Blood, with the New Covenant constructed between the Universe and the Earth, the Covenant of the Son of God that will give you eternal life.

For this be consistent and vigilant at the end of these times. I Am giving My pearls to those who still do not know how to manage My Celestial Goods, I Am giving the fruit of tree of wisdom to those who need Me the most.

I gather you again in My Redeeming Supper to unmask the wolves and, in this way, to redeem them because I want that all may be in My Kingdom of Light.

Under the Love of the Father, be merciful.

Thank you for meditating My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer. 


Children and companions of Mine:

I love the bravery of those pilgrims that with faith in the Higher and the heart surrendered to the Lord accomplish the celestial call of the Divine Mother from Heaven.

In this first special Apparition, together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I want to pour over you My Blessing; especially to all the pilgrims of My Holy Mother who, on this 25th day of February, in conditions of effort, prayer and sacrifice have corresponded to the divine call of Our Father.

Today I say to you My Companions, that the merciful rays that sprout from the Most Holy Heart of Jesus have been able to touch the heart and the essence of many souls that suffered agony in the hells of this world.

With this I want to say that the Merciful Christ embraced your sincere offer of prayer and of ascent to the Hill of Salta during these two past days, and the day of today has culminated with the divine accomplishment of the redeeming task of Christ before the souls in agony and perdition.

The Heavens, My children, will be touching with love your hearts, because I will pour My Graces over those who today, during the peregrination of the heart, gave Me an absolute yes. I share with your souls My Gratitude and Divine Graces, because you have received for this task the absolution of the possible offenses that wounded the Most Holy Heart of Christ.

Out of Love to the One and Only Father, the Divine Mercy is in this moment pouring itself victoriously not only over you but also over those who, condemned to hell and to purgatory, have received liberation and the tablet of salvation.

For this I say to all: “By their fruits you will know them and by them you will be saved, because they will be called servers of Christ…”.

Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed by My Restoring Love.

Thank you for answering and for listening to the divine call!

Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
