Dear children,

Today I call you to enter, through your hearts, into the Eternal Light of My Son. Today I call you to live the attribute of rever- ence and devotion to the Most Holy Heart of Jesus.

Dear children, through the permanent act of the prayer of the heart you will be able to approach the Universe of the Love of God. It is through Christ that you will be able to reach God, Heaven, the Universe of the Creator.

Christ, dear children, is the Celestial Door that in this defin- ing time opens before the reality of all the souls. When your hearts enter into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, your lives will be able to be participants in the actions of charity and giving.

My children, in a time that runs quickly in humanity, I invite you to experience the Heart of Jesus, I invite you to form part of the Heart of Christ and of His loving redeeming path.

Dear children of God, today I am calling you to convert yourselves into new disciples of My Son through the sincere act of prayer because in the strength of prayer and united as hearts of the Father you will help the planet and humanity, in the name of peace.

My children, for this reason, today is the moment for your consciousness to give the definitive “yes” to the consecration of your hearts to the Sacred Heart of My Son.

As little children, I am guiding you. As souls, I am elevating you close to My Son. As hearts in redemption, I am loving you.

Dear children, accept with your heart this important invita- tion to live definitively in Jesus because, in Christ, the life of many souls will be able to find a meaning and, thus, you will find the loving Will that God has for each one of My children.

Dear children, your prayer counts much for Celestial Grace to be able to descend. You are in time!

Pray for all the religious people.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Begin each day under the presence of My Peace and in prayer supplicate for the conversion of the world. My Maternal Heart

wants to see souls in constant prayer. My Maternal Heart wants to see souls that remember the prayer of the heart at each moment.

My children, the path towards permanent peace is possible. For this reason I invite you today to pray for peace in the heart of those who do not have it. Pray for all My other children, for those who are distracted, for those who are distant from God and for those who do not believe in My maternal call.

Dear children, the prayer that is born from the groups of prayer will help in the formation of the new path for humanity. Therefore, My little ones, the Heavens will receive each prayer that is pronounced and given from the heart, as a true and pure rose.

It is important, My dear children, that in all this exercise of prayer the Sacred Heart of Jesus be present, because His Mer- ciful Love must be your aspiration and your flame of peace for the world.

Dear children, opening your arms to My call, your hearts will receive the help that they need. Permit, dear children, that the Holy Spirit of wisdom and truth may conduct the life and the essence of the task in each group of prayer.

Count on Me, My children, as Mother and Guardian of the hearts here on Earth.

May the Spirit of God bless you today, under the sign of the luminous cross of Christ.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Under any circumstance of life, remember, dear son, dear daughter, that I am the Celestial and Universal Mother. I am the Queen of Peace and the Guardian of Faith in all hearts.

This is why, My children, today I invite you to contemplate My Immaculate Heart, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Most Chaste Heart of Joseph, so that your lives may rise up as flames of peace at the feet of the Creator.

Dear children, the devotion to these three Hearts will protect you from all evil, will prepare you as souls, will alleviate you from every pain, and you will always find in Them the Eternal Light for your hearts.

Today I call you to strengthen the devotion of the heart, not only for life, but also for your pure essence, that, at the end of everything, must reach eternity.

Little children, lovingly consider these three Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Peace, Love and Unity as a guide, because thus the consciousness of all My children will be redirected towards Love and Redemption.

You, as instruments of the Creator, of Life and of the Only Existence, are called to repair these three Hearts, because an act of love to the neighbor, a sincere and true prayer and an action of peace and charity will repair the offenses that these three Hearts receive from many souls that, in ignorance, lose themselves on the path towards the Light of God.

For this reason, dear children, as the Mother, Help of the believers and of the non-believers (*), of those united with God and those distant from God, of devotees and of the incredulous, I ask you to pray so that in this way, under the action of the Grace of the Holy Spirit, each soul and all of humanity may awaken and find the true Will of God, the love and the total forgiveness of all causes.

Today, My dear children, I call you to wake up, with bravery, from this time of apparent normality so that your hearts, united to Christ, King of the Universe, may act as Light on the planet, as relief of pain, as shelter for the great number of souls that walk without guidance in this world.

My children, it is time to collaborate from heart to heart, and from soul to soul, so that the Kingdom of God may have its streams on Earth.

With prayer, you have the decision in your hands. I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*) “Mary, Help of the believers and of the non-believers” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”


Dear children,

Do not fear, do not fear for anything because My Heart knows your tests and your challenges well. In spite of everything, never stop looking at Jesus because His Sacred Heart will always shelter you from everything.

My children, believe in the power of His Merciful Rays, be partakers of the absolute Gift of His Redeeming Love.

Dear children, you have the Great Shepherd by your side. He is the one who can hear you and accompany you from Heart to heart. Therefore, My little ones, leaving behind the pain of the past, I invite you to renew yourselves through the loving Fire of Jesus.

Walk towards Him because He will show you the new path towards the Kingdom of the Father. Today I talk to you about the importance of living in Jesus and being in Him all the time possible.

Dear children, allow Me, as Mother, to bring you close to the Great Priest of Love and Redemption so that your lives, at the feet of My Son, can be like roses at the feet of the Creator. Venerate the Face of Light of My Son and trust that everything is in its place, because in this way you will recognize the Will of the Father, a will that many souls do not live for lack of love.

The True Love of the Heart is what is lacking in the world. Therefore, dear children, I call you to imitate the love of My Son so that each heart may find relief for its own sorrow and joy to be able to continue through the pathway of its own school.

Radiate the love of Jesus at each moment and be the carriers of hope.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


On a day like this 11th of August, but in the month of February, 1858 in Lourdes, My Immaculate Heart brought to the world the Universal Mantle of Healing for all of My children. I asked My daughter Bernadette to dig a spring so that all the generations would be served from it, in the loving union with God that all souls must seek.

Today I accompany you, as I have been doing for five years, and in these times of great definitions, I contemplate you and I only ask you to be inexhaustible sources of prayer.

Dear children, the world still has not prostrated itself at the feet of the Creator and, as the Mother of the healing of the soul, I ask you to keep praying, praying with the power of love from each one of your hearts. This will allow the Universe of God to act on all consciousnesses, especially those that need the Redeeming Light of My Son.

Dear children, I invite you in a special way on this 11th of August to convert your lives into a state of prayer, into a new proverb of Light that may be radiated to humanity.

I conduct you through the new paths of the shepherds, shep- herds that you must love and respect, because My Son has elected them to proclaim the Kingdom of God.

Dear and little children, the time is coming to unite what the consciousnesses of all My children have separated throughout time. The only reconnection for all the souls is the Divine Heart of My Son, because it is in My Son that you will be able to find the Peace and the Forgiveness of God, which many need.

Humanity continues along the path of the offenses and this has repercussions on the life of the spirit. This is why, as Inter- cessor of all souls, I call you to pray with the heart so that more Light may be ignited in those who walk through darkness.

My Son is the Light of the world and you are potential sparks of the eternal brilliance of His Sacred Heart.

My children, it is time to raise your arms and cry out for Mercy through prayer so that the whole Creative Universe may be able to transform all that humanity still does not manage to change.

Know, all My little ones, that you are in the last time of Mercy, and as it was announced by My Son to the world, the time for Divine Justice will come. Love the Law to be able to love the Universe of God. Remember the commandments; renew your vows with the Creator.

I guide you and I place you near My Son.

Do you accept the coming of His Kingdom?

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

May trust be the next spiritual goal that all your hearts will be able to radiate as worthy children of God. My little ones, may this trust between the creatures and the Supreme God be the new redeeming alliance for this humanity in need.

My children, today I call you to strengthen, by means of prayer, this same alliance which My Son established between His Sacred Heart and God. Dear children, may this purpose for your lives be the reason of your presence on Earth in such a way that if you keep this spiritual flame of God ignited, many creatures in need will be able to be helped by the Great Angels of the Lord in the final time.

Dear children, it is important to consider this in your life: to build in your dwelling the perfect union between the soul and God. And this unfathomable trust will begin through the act of love, a love that My Son teaches you to live in your life, a repairing and redeeming love.

For this reason, today I invite you to open your hearts to the Light of the Creator, Light that is being poured over all My children of humanity through My Maternal Presence among you.

My children, may your hearts ignite again with joy, in gratitude so that your lives can be eternally in the Lord.

Today I call you to live in this trust as it will take you towards faith, and faith will keep you in the devotion to My Immac- ulate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. May Our humble Hearts be the essence of forgiveness and hope in your lives in the moments that humanity will live.

If prayer were the Light in all of the families of humanity, they would become sacred families, members of the Fraternity in these times.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Praised be Jesus in your hearts for all eternity!

Today I invite you to contemplate in gratitude the Sacred Heart of My Son, because He will give you the necessary strength to convert your hearts into precious instruments of love and truth.

Therefore, dear children, always keep in your hearts and in your lives a moment of prayer, to talk to the Almighty God. Thus your souls will be able to be partakers of the Mercy of the Redeemer.

Today My arms of piety are extended and radiate My Light of Love to you in the depth of your spirits. So that this may continue to happen, My children, you must live the sincere and true act of the prayer of the heart, because in this way you will discover how the spirit of the prayer of the heart will help you to forgive and to reconcile your own hearts with God and, especially, among your dearest ones, your family members, relatives, friends and other souls known to you.

Therefore, My little ones, it is time to live the act of the prayer of reconciliation so that all My children can be partakers of the promises of Christ.

The commitment of your little hearts that are on this Earth is to vigil in prayer, vigil for those who do not vigil and for those who distract themselves with the modernities of this world.

In this way, My little children, your hearts will be as the hearts of My cherubim angels that vigil in the essence of love for all those who, day by day, easily distance themselves from God, the Creator.

Therefore, in the end of these times the task of the groups con- secrated to My Immaculate Heart will be to vigil, in constant prayer, because in this way the strength of My children will be the Word of Love, guided by the Holy Spirit.

I thank you, My children!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As the Mother of the Eternal Graces I want, at the end of these times, to convert your hearts into hearts renewed by the Glorious Love of God, because My Immaculate Heart promises this.

Dear children, much suffering invades the purity of the hearts. To be able to restore them, today I ask you to pray, to pray with the love of your hearts so that God, the Creator may be able to listen to you as humanity. If souls do not pray for the souls most in need, the Inexhaustible Graces of My Heart will not be able to be poured over those children that urgently need them.

For this reason, My children, we are in the time of the purification of feelings and thoughts that do not correspond to the One and Only Law of Universal Love. As the accumulation of feelings increases in the entire world, I ask you to pray with the heart because in this way I will be able to place all creatures under the repairing and redeeming fount of the Divine Mercy of My Son.

The Rays of Pity and Mercy of Jesus are still among you and over all of humanity. But many forget how important these Graces are and the enemy succeeds in distancing them from the source of these Graces.

This is why, as the Guardian of the Hearts, today I invite you to revere the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In His hands of Light He holds the sword of Redemption, which will be able to cut off and liberate all evils.

You, dear children, will be able to be the servers and the instruments of God that may consciously intervene in prayer and with love for all souls.

Remember that fasting, as an offer, helps in the descent of a Special Grace for the souls in Purgatory.

Reality and Truth are approaching the life of all My children; the Law of the Love of God is available to those who, as Jesus, may want to learn to love like Christ loved on the cross.

Ignite My Hope in your hearts, for the salvation of all.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

The one path of salvation: Jesus. The true and strong hope in everything: Christ. The firmness before the trials and the challenges that My children may live: Jesus Christ.

He is the Primordial Sheppard for your hearts. Christ is the lodestar that is announcing itself to the world for the second time.

For this, dear children, today I invite you to pray so that the lodestar of Christ, which is His Sacred Heart, may be among you as it was once among the apostles. Now not only your lives may be consecrated to the purpose of Christ for this time on Earth, but also each of you may in trust, be a faithful friend of Jesus.

I want, My children, that you may learn to love through the example of humility that Christ expressed when He lived in the world and shared His prodigies and teachings of love with Me, His Mother. As on the Cross, until the last moment, He contemplated the misery of humanity through His Infinite and Divine Mercy.

Dear children, I want to make you learn that through the daily act of prayer and aspiration to stay always in Jesus, this will help you transcend the human limits that in many children prevent taking the steps to the Eternal God.

You are still in the last time of Grace, for this I call you so that through sincere prayer you intercede for all the children who are far from God and even more, for all those who do not want to listen to this Servant of God who comes again to the world to give you forgiveness, salvation and aid at the end of this time.

For this, dear children through daily prayer your little consciousnesses prepare themselves for the new times, where faith and love in My Son will be the keys for the great salvation.

It is time, little children, for all to run to the Fountain of the Mercy of Jesus and that your hearts place themselves under the eternal rays of reparation and of forgiveness. For this, as Mother of Graces, I illuminate your path so that you walk through the right path towards the Savior.

I count on all your prayers. I bring you all in My Maternal Heart.

Thank you for answering My call.

Peace for all My little ones.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Dear children,

If you carry a cross in life this is a sign that your hearts must continue walking as the Heart of Jesus has walked to the end. The more that the cross seems heavy, more is the reason for you to follow the path to redemption, forgetful of everything and loving everything each one has that was given by the Lord.

Know My children, that the path of redemption is a path that calls you to reparation of the past through forgiveness, so that thus your hearts reach reconciliation with God the Father. He awaits you with immense love and compassion so that your lives, through redemption, may be elevated to the Heavens.

For this dear children, may each cross that you carry be an offer for peace in the world and above all for the reconciliation of all hearts with the Highest God.

The cross of pain has yet been carried by My Son, His redeeming love has triumphed in the world and He returned eternal life to all.

Now, I know the burden and the magnitude of each cross of My children and I want to help you relieve any burden so that you, with your hands and your arms, may run in immense joy to God.

Humanity carries a great cross that across time the Celestial Father, through the presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and My Immaculate Heart, has tried to alleviate.

But now, little children, you as true groups of prayer, may call for the fountain that heals all and restores all: the unending fountain of Mercy. It is in Mercy that all may be relieved.

Trust in the Merciful Christ because His Love will embrace you when you only say: “Yes, to You I surrender myself, Lord”.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Daily Message of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, transmitted to Friar Elías

My children,

Remember today that the great communion that exists for the world and for all souls is the Sacred Heart of My Son. In Him springs the Fountain that repairs all hearts and that is the infinite way to the conversion of the heart.

In the Sacred Heart of MY Son you will find the new home many of My forsaken children search for, because they have their eyes on other places of life.

To you, My children, who have walked through the holy daily prayer, I ask that through devotion you testify the existence and the presence of My Son in each human heart. Your lives must transmit the example of a true conversion, through prayer and consecration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

If you gave an example of a life converted and supported by the love of Christ, many of My children who are far from this truth and this Christian feeling might return to the arms of the Redeemer.

Because of this, dear children, daily union with Christ strengthens you as souls and as existence in God’s Plan of Love. The good and simple example of surrender to Jesus will allow you to shine as stars during the nights that will come to purify the absurd world.

The compassionate ears of God are observant of all the supplications of the pure hearts, those who think of the salvation of all for this time.

As the new flock of Christ, renewed in faith and in consecration to My Immaculate Heart, today I ask you and call to convert yourselves into real and true Marian banner of prayer, so that as a legion of My Maternal Heart you may build the restored and redeemed one heart in the humanity to come.

One only heart of love. One only feeling of brotherhood. One only goal in all My children: Fraternity.

Thank you for answering My call.

From the Light of the Infinite and merciful Heart of Jesus.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Dear children,

For the immense Love of My Son, accept His arms, arms of Love and Light that He extends over the world.

My children, today I invite you to live Easter with the heart; thus, little children, you will be able to walk with Christ through the pathway of all His passages and teachings that He left to humanity.

Dear children, remain in My Peace because I want to lead you to the Temple of My Son so that each one of you may find the Sacred Heart of Christ. Therefore, My children, live Easter as a preparation for the renovation of your lives. Thus your hearts in prayer will be able to renew and heal the lives of all the children.

May no heart extinguish the flame of faith, but rather may it ignite it again, because God in His Glory counts on each one of the instruments of His Creation. For this, dear children, follow the sign of conversion that My Immaculate Heart is indicating.

For a true conversion of the heart, live as souls this Easter of Redemption that My Son prepares for you with much Love through the power of His Most Holy Heart. My dear ones, you will prepare the path towards Easter through the act of prayer.

Beloved children, rejoice your hearts so that in this way your souls may prepare themselves for the days of Mercy that, once more, My Son will pour over the world. Here on Earth, dear children, you are the primordial instrument of true prayer, daily prayer that this humanity without God needs in order to live its own reconciliation.

Raise your arms and keep the last Graces that the Heart of My Son is giving out of love for the world. May on this Easter your lives be pure so that in this way, all may see again the new Face of Christ.

Thank you for responding to My call.

May the Easter of the New Era of Christ change your lives.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Embrace My Heart so that you may be protected and so that you may always be under My Mantle.

Beloved children, today I invite you to live with honor the conversion of each heart; in this way you will be able to see My Son in your lives and you will find repose in His Sacred Heart. My joy is to be found in the daily response of your hearts. Therefore, My children, I call you to the total reparation of what is not well for Our Lord, the God of the Universe. So that your hearts may live reparation, you must pray constantly and await, in trust, the response from My Kingdom of Love and Peace.

Dear children, My Heart is in pain for the injustices that happen in the world and that offend God so much. Therefore, you already know that only prayer will help the souls that most need the Mercy of My Son. Today I invite you, also, to concentrate your hearts in the sacred mystery of Easter, which is coming. Thus, dear children, you will live Easter in renewal with My Son and in the communion with His Heart.

Peace be for all in these times. May none of My children lose the strength and the hope of their hearts.

My dear ones, all that I ask of you is that you give the faith of the heart so that many of My other children may learn from you through the example of love, of forgiveness and of reconciliation.

Today especially, I prepare My coming as the Co-Redeemer of souls and as a Faithful Servant of My Son, the Redeemer. The coming of My presence at the end of this month should bring you bliss and joy because God is sending Me to you, to your lives and to your hearts.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Let us pray for those who are blind and for those who still do not see the Light of My Heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Never forget to set aside and dedicate some time for the encounter with My Son and with Me through prayer and through Our Presence in your hearts. In these times, dear children, Our careful effort is that Our Hearts of Mother and of Redeemer Son be the columns that may sustain each one of your lives.

Dear children, We as Hearts, have offered Ourselves to the world because God in His Kind Mercy sends Us to recover the world and all of the souls that are upon the face of the Earth.

My children, so that the enemy does not interfere in My Plans of Peace, I invite you to follow Me day by day in prayer. Do not lose the faith that I have given you with love and with gratitude. Whenever you lose the strength to pray do not detain yourselves, run towards My Son so that He may embrace you and shelter you. Whenever you feel lack of love, do not despair, penetrate into the Light of My Immaculate Heart and affirm My Maternal Presence in each one of your lives. I love you deeply and I wait for you as true missionaries of prayer, because in this way you will be able to help Me radiate the peace and faith that are lacking so much in the hearts of all My children.

Awaken the joy and praise God for all the change that you are living in your lives. This is the sign of the consecration of your hearts.

Thank you for responding to My celestial call! True joy for all of your hearts!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Fully trust in the Merciful Love of My Son; in His Sacred Heart you will not only find refuge, but you will also find serenity and love.

Enter with confidence and forgiveness in the Soul of My Son so that His kind gaze of peace may guide you in the path that you are traveling.

Feel in your hearts the Sacred Divinity of My Son so that your lives may find the Holy Spirit through the words that His Voice dictated in the Sacred Scriptures, in the Gospel. Meditate with the heart on the purpose of each parable. Ignite the Light of your hearts in prayer and see the message of Christ for the world.

Live under the shield of humility so that you may find Christ in the other hearts in need of conversion.

I invite you to remember the Sacred Scriptures so that you may see the words of the Redeemer as a great key that opens the door to the Heavens. With honesty live the instruction as a sign of Good News for all those that walk as pilgrims of prayer.

Let us watch over the presence of peace through the groups of prayer. Peace is necessary in these times, in each one of My children.

Thank you for responding to My call. United in Divine Prayer,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


May the Lord bless you, because My Works of Peace are being fruitful.

My dear children, for this month that is beginning, I call you to meditation in the groups of prayer. I call you to an exercise of contemplation, which will be conducted by the presence of the Heart of My Son.

Dear children, if you seek Christ, your hearts will rejoice. To live in the joy of the heart, you must pray so that the whole world may live in peace.

Little children, each group of prayer must radiate its seed of peace so that it may sprout through your prayers. When it sprouts, it will be open to what is new and in it will bloom its first vocation: the eternal prayer. Dear children, take care of this seed of talents and fruits, which is to be found in each one of your hearts.

My dear ones, share the fruits that you are receiving through prayer and through peace. Give your hearts in the name of peace and thus, all your brothers and sisters will be able to be permeated by Grace.

Beloved children, at the moment of group prayer, your hearts will be partakers in a loving encounter with Christ. For this, little children, I invite you to witness the Sacred Heart of Christ so that He may inspire you on the path towards the pure and the sacred. When you manage to live in Him, the relief of all pain will be able to come as a sparkle of Infinite Grace. I prepare you for the Works of God, works in prayer and in the giving of self. In this way, I will be following each one of your steps.

Dear children, My call is responded with joy by the children in Medjugorje and now it is being responded by all the faithful of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. In each nation, a spiritual gift. In each heart, a path to redemption.

Children, I conduct you through the path of faith; the Lord needs the experience of peace in each one of your hearts. This will help the sick world. It is time to heal all through the word of prayer. Within prayer lies the exit to reach the Kingdom of God.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Who adores you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

