Today, in a divine and omnipresent way, My Chaste Heart descends to the world to gather the prayers offered by your hearts to the Celestial Father; thus, in a special way, I am present in the two Marian Centers, so that humanity may understand the emergency of being able to serve in these times.

Today, My most chaste Essence gathers all the lost essences of Africa and of the world, elevating them to the reparative Celestial Kingdom, so that the angels of the Lord may rebuild them and re-integrate them into the cycle of their original evolution.

Today, My Sacred Heart of divine lilies opens like a flower for you, so that you may hold the original purity that God granted everyone.

My companions and children of Christ, have faith, and the certainty that your holy service and effort will come to touch the heart of the whole universe, so that in this way, the Graces of Heaven can be poured out.

The Most Pure and Immaculate Heart of Mary has sent Me to remind you, on this sacred day, that you are to only seek the awakening of the original purity that will allow you to be transformed and redeemed.

As a faithful carpenter of God, allow Me to take your lives so that the new instrument, free from malice and hate, may be able to emerge and become a celestial gift for God.

My Chaste Heart promises immediate assistance for those who always remember to open the doors of their hearts so that God may labor. In this planetary hour, in which essences are distanced from their real purpose and mission, I come so that you also remember to pray for those who do not pray to God, nor do they remember the spring of divine existence.

After the last mission of charity carried out in Brazil, where My Chaste Heart granted a time of peace and Mercy for all the forgotten and displaced, for all of Africa, through all the servers of the Plan, I am preparing to gestate its great cycle of redemption, forgiveness and peace. So that this may be possible, I come to ask all My companions on the path and the Humanitarian Fraternity to dedicate three prayers a day to My Chaste Heart, so that I may intercede with God and grant the sacred mission in Rwanda and Angola.

I have come to the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit to ask all the missionaries to raise their inner offering to God the Father in order to help and to collaborate in Africa, in the coming year of 2015, in honor of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

If the offering of all the servers is sincere and firm, I promise to descend in glory in Africa and free what is still not free from the spirits of My children.

For this special meeting, I am grateful for the collaboration of all who, in charity and for the good, made the mission in Brazil possible.

From the Most Chaste Heart of God, I bless you.

Your faithful Instructor, Saint Joseph,

Father of Love and Unity

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón reads the special Message of Christ Jesus of October 5, 2014, and says:

With these words, we will wait for the coming of Christ. Let us focus our hearts on these remaining beads, allowing the Celestial Universe to concretize Its mission here, in Paraguay.

I am telling you about the events of My Passion as nobody has ever spoken about them before.

In My merciful Heart, are kept not only the signs for your salvation, but also the true mysteries that God made known to me during My agony.

I show you and tell you about My Passion so that you may find the path to your strength. Many forget about this important universal event that was lived by Me here on Earth, and more importantly, many more forget about wanting to know this very true and deep Passion that allowed the redemption of humanity.

In the Universe of God, the Passion is alive and resplendent, for there, the pain and the suffering are not held, but rather the true sacrifice of Love that I gave, for all of you, in those times.

Today I come to remind you of these things in light of the severe issues that are taking place in this world. I want you, My companions, to be able to penetrate the mystery of My Passion through My Heart. The Rosary of the Seven Agonies, which I gave you, holds true keys for your redemption, significant symbols, luminous signs, for those that truly want to discover My Passion.

I do not come in this era so that you may be martyred. I come to give you the Truth, the true knowledge of that which many forget. For this reason, My companions, enter the universe of My Heart and dwell in My Heart. I will be able to resolve the rest when you liberate yourselves from the control of things.

The true spiritual healing, which I promise you through My Mercy, can happen in you through an inner detachment from all that is bad for you in this life, in which you went through many learnings and tests.

Thus, open your hearts again. Allow My Blood to be able to flow through you, wash, cleanse, and purify all the stains that you hold before the Eyes of God.

I give you the possibility of coming to know My Mercy and the chance for loving, through My Presence at three in the afternoon. To that soul who invokes Me in any part of the world, I will go to aid it, most especially I will bless it, because I will be performing a true miracle of Love in its life. One who believes in Me will achieve eternal life and it will not be necessary to wait for the next world to be within My Celestial Universe.

I reveal to you, through merciful prayer, the potential to attain redemption and peace, for your hearts must be increasingly open to be able to love the infinite mystery that My Life represents for you, in these times.

At this very moment, I come here to bless , heal and forgive you. I come from a distant place of the universe where God vibrates intensely through His Love and His Unity, and many celestial consciousnesses participate in that vibration of Love and of Peace.

Thus, dear companions, today I ask you to elevate your bodies and cells, and permit the rays of My Passion, which allowed the Resurrection of My Being and the sacred Transfiguration, to penetrate the depths of your cells.

The first step, My friends, is to love the unknown, to have absolute trust in God the Father, because He will always give you the answers to the great problems you experience today.

Many more souls could have participated in this meeting with Me here, but where are they? Did you call them correctly?

The first call to awakening is done through the giving of the heart. It is the heart that calls another heart, not the mind. Thus, help Me to concretize My Plans, as I did in Rwanda when I gave an important message to the world and only fifty percent of humanity heard Me.

Now I come closer to you, I approach your lives and hearts so that you may be My testimonies. Give the example of your redemption to the other brothers and sisters. I come seeking you as I did with the apostles. You will not be able to escape My universal commitment, but you will always be free to follow the path you desire, My love will never disappoint you.

I bring you a possibility, My companions, of finding a change. Open the doors of the spiritual universe so that it may reside in you all the time. I point out a last path to you. I bring you a last key, I give you the last symbol, which is My Heart of Light.

The strength of My Spirit of Love must be stronger than your intentions. In this way, My friends, I will find a space to be in you and I will never waste time as I reveal My Will to you and you may know My profound petition for these end times.

I ask something from each one of you so that you may accomplish it in the name of God. And when this mission comes to an end, I will have you come to know other things in the next life, in a next world, where suffering will no longer exist, and hearts will not suffer, they will no longer need to suffer to learn to grow. I bring you the opportunity that, every day of your lives, you may be willing to drink of My Fount of Love so that your sins may be erased, and in these times, the cells of light may be born in your beings, so that the New Christs awaken that must fulfill the mission of disseminating My Peace and My Redemption in the four corners of the Earth.

But who will be willing to follow Me until the end?

I will always give you a greater test so that you may overcome it and transcend it, but My Hands are stretched out to you; I will never stop helping you, I will always pour My Light upon you and upon those that open to receive Me.

I give you, I gift you My Heart as the only reason for your lives, because through My Heart and around My Heart all My disciples will be able to fulfill the Designs of God and carry out the life works that are foreseen in Heaven for them to be manifested on Earth.

Today I come to meet with you so that you feel motivated to give Me more, without fear, without apprehension, in absolute trust.

Hold My Love in your hearts, keep My Peace.

I thank those that feel motivated to accompany the pilgrimage of Mary through Paraguay, for the Children of Mary are indispensable in these times. They are sparks of the Celestial Universe that expand and radiate the Grace of the Universal Mother in each place they go, in each space where they walk, in each heart they face for consoling it, alleviating it, healing it through prayer of the heart.

Under the ministry of Peace that God has granted Me and the protection of the Holy Spirit, at this moment, I will bless the Sacred Body of Christ and the Precious Blood of Jesus, and all the sacred objects that in any place in the world are elevated to My Heart at this moment. Because what is most important for your lives is that through the symbols, you always find a path for the way out and for salvation.

In this moment, offer Me that which you want Me to consecrate, from where you are. My energy expands in Omnipresence, Love, and Mercy. Let us elevate this offering to God for those who forget to live in God and do not find consolation in this time.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross, You redeemed the world.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón elevates the offerings to be blessed and says:

For the sick,
for humanity,
for the innocent souls that die,
for all those who are seekers of peace,
for those who pray,
for the religious,
for those who seek subtle aromas,
for those who have not been redeemed,
for the mothers of all the Earth.

At the request of Our Lord, we will pray the prayer of the Angel of Peace together with Jesus.

My last Will, beloved companions, is that together with My Angelic Guardians, we pray, sing for all the Guardian Angels that cannot fulfill their mission, that cannot reach souls because the souls do not hear the inner call. In profound Adoration of God, let us help the Guardian Angels so that they may accomplish their purpose in this end time. 

Let us repeat:   

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts.

Now let Adonai touch your hearts.

I bless Paraguay for this moment and all the souls that made it possible for My request to be fulfilled. God will bless you.

Song: Kodoish.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

With this joy Christ leaves us with for being able to meet Him, we are closing this Marathon which was so important here, in Asunción, in Paraguay. We believe that many souls were helped by the Mercy of Jesus.

We thank you all for this moment, all those who were connected with Our Lord.


Prayer: Immaculate Lady of Peace

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I want you to repent for all that you have not done well up until today. You are in the Kingdom of My Peace, and this is the last chance to pour out My Grace over you.

I have come to purify and cleanse your hearts of all stain; and just as I do with you, I also do it with all of this sleeping humanity.

Today I have come so you may seek a reflection of the heart, a deep meditation of the soul and spirit in light of the Graces and the opportunities received.

It is My duty that you may mature and that each day you love the Plan of God more as it manifests.

You have no knowledge of what is happening in the universe; all you have to do is unite with the Thought of God to be within the Law. Thus, day and night, I bring you into My arms so you may feel My full and deep Heart, a Heart that accompanies you every day of your life, which accepts errors, lack of understanding and difficulties so as to be able to free and heal you.

I come to bring you a Light that is unknown to you. I come to bring you the Present of God, which is His deep and true Love for you. I am passing through here, in these times, as I have passed through other places in the world.

You are in time to be able to grow and take on the tasks that I entrust to you; loving them without judging them, experiencing them in sacrifice and in surrender for all those who do not do it well.

I come to meet with you to ask something special of you: release all misunderstandings from your hearts. Evil is sowing poison in many hearts, and many adhere to that poison, believing that things are all well. Thus, I bring you the Law so you may know it, so you may live and practice it.

I know your hearts are immature and impure and have many faults before God. But throughout the times I have been with you, I have come to remove your faults and give you My Graces, which many have not considered very well, because it is something non-material and spiritual which will be projected in the near future for all.

For this reason, you must understand My Heart, beyond My requests and petitions. I come to ask you for simple but true things. I come as the Immaculate Heart to free this humanity, because through your offerings, the world will become calmer. All who have listened to Me, throughout the centuries in different places of the world, never ceased to receive My Love and My Will. Remember that I am the Spokesperson of the Divine Message and only need to pass on to you what God plans for these times; in this way, you will understand the Message with your heart rather than with the mind.

I come to bring you the strength of renewal and of peace.

Look back a little, in what shape were your lives and your hearts; what is it that you could not achieve on your own?

I bring you a greater knowledge, which is My favored Love for all of you. You must also want My favored Love so lives may change and transform.

At this moment, I come to bring you some truths that your hearts and souls must recognize. Thus, I gather you in My Sacred Cenacle so you may receive My divine perspective, My divine and pure thought for humanity.

Today, I need you to unite with all these things and define yourselves by living the Plan of God as it presents itself. In this way, you will not create problems for the universe, but rather will bring relief to this very sick humanity.

I come as your Mediator to transmit My Peace to you. Have you perceived that your hearts have been resurrected in spirit and that you have found what you lost a long time ago?

Dear children, today I invite you to be aware in your heart. My Son will be deeply grateful for your opportunity to reflect. All are imperfect in the eyes of the universe. And I, through My Grace and My pure Love, come to rescue the precious virtues in you, which will serve for fulfilling the Plan of God in these times.

Stop looking at the miseries of others. Look at yourselves and find the purity that dwells within you. I need you to be true transmitters of My Peace, verbs of the Divine Verb, emanations of this Sacred Holy Spirit that many times has filled you to overflowing with the Grace of God.

Dear children, the world is very difficult. Do not become lost in simple things, in insignificant things. Many serious situations are happening, day after day, in this world. Imagine that if you were not within My Grace, you would be part of the great cycle of the total purification of the Earth.

I come to prevent many things in this part of the world, as I wished to in the United States. Times are critical for everybody's spiritual world. Who is not redeemed through prayer will not be able to take the steps toward the Return of Christ, and you have been notified just like in Rwanda. Thus, I bring you a conscious Message, a call to reflection and the reconciliation of everybody.

The new Work of God will be built through good spirits. The Americas must be the morning star for the final cycle, must be the great antenna that acquires the Mercy of God. Thus, I come to seek simple but true channels.

Amongst all these impurities of the world, My arms and My hands have been extended to you to rescue you, so that you may be part of My Marian army of Peace. Thus, dear children, open your hearts every day, seek to open your hearts more each day. In this way, I will be grateful and will be able to dedicate My universal time to great situations in the world.

God has allowed Me, in this last century, to say things to all of humanity; one at a time, so that souls are able to grow and seriously listen. I need an honest sincerity from you, a profound adherence to My Marian Spirit that goes beyond emotions and feelings.

I come to discover warrior spirits in you that are able to help those who fall day after day. The only important thing in this time, dear children, is the salvation of this humanity and the Kingdoms before the great cause of the Law comes.

I come to prepare you in heart and soul, in devotion and prayer, so that you may be firm and safe, and be helpful to those who will have need of aid.

On this night of Graces and of reconciliation, I again ask, dear children, that you meditate on what you have not done well with your thoughts, with what you feel in your hearts and with what you allow to enter your souls.

I ask, in this last opportunity Heaven has given Me for you, that you be mirrors of prayer and of peace. Reflect joy and relief to the world. In this way, many who cannot do it alone, will achieve the healing they long for.

From Heaven, I guide you; from the Celestial Thrones, I assemble you. With Love and Purity, I call your attention, because it is time to truly grow and unite in your heart and soul with the Greater Purpose, which must descend to this material world, where non-material Laws must be energy and life for all. Laws that will transform you overnight into redeemed and rescued beings, and you will not be able to recognize yourselves.

Before the return of My Son Jesus, I come to announce the time of your purification. You will not be able to say, dear children, that I did not tell you; from the Mother of God you have heard the Sacred Words of Heaven that radiate and bless you with each Word pronounced by Me.

And this final request which I make from My Heart, in light of all the Graces received and the opportunities for redemption given to you, I come especially on this night to bless all the Children of Mary with the rain of My Graces and My Love; strengthening you in faith and in love so you may be seekers of the Supreme Wisdom of the great Thought of God, which will allow you to be united with His Will. Thus, I will descend over you a little more, in a spirit of Purity and Redemption, to bless you and thank you.

Come with Me.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

With all our heart and soul, we will sing "Hail, Hail, Hail Mary," waiting for the blessing of Our Lady.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My dear children, know that I deeply love you and need your consciousnesses to grow through the preferred love of the Law of God, which you will know when you follow My simple steps in prayer and in each offering that you make each day.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today I want you to know that throughout the centuries, under My Mantle I gathered those who committed to Me in the beginning. And today, in your hearts I want a question to echo, because if you do not allow yourselves to transform, My children, if I cannot count on those who committed to Me in the beginning, who will I count on in this world?

Today I want your hearts to be glad, but also that you confirm yourselves so that My Mantle, which today is over each of you, is able to definitely eliminate the cunning of the adversary in your lives.

My children, many times I have already told you that those who say 'yes' to Me will achieve peace and unity. But those who open the door to the enemy and do not allow My Heart to draw close, will not be able to give Me the permission for My Love to act in their lives.

Today, the Children of Mary multiplied in the world. These hearts are igniting to demonstrate to humanity that, in spite of all that is taking place on the planet, a Greater Light will shine.

I want you to be formed through prayer, through adoration and perseverance in the transformation of your lives. You are wearing a part of My Mantle so you may testify to My Presence in the world. And those who today are not wearing this shirt, do not be distressed in your hearts; the time will soon come in which all will be able to do so. My Heart acts little by little for the response of spirits and also for the material causes of this world.

My beloveds, today I leave My Maternal Light, My source of perseverance, upon you. Be renewed in My Presence and do not tire of being with Me. Let My Heart not be something normal in your lives, because I need your hearts and your consciousnesses, I need each one to discover, at this moment, that this Voice speaking to you is more than the Voice of the Virgin Mary. Before you is the Presence of God, and although you do not understand what you are experiencing in this moment, strive to respond to the universe for so many Graces and so many blessings you have received. Day after day, struggle to not lose the spirit of unity. Let the enemy not be able to enter into this house, which today I definitely consecrate through each one of you.

Those who say 'yes' to Me will never be touched by darkness, because you definitely belong to the Heart of the Servant of God, to Her Immaculate Spirit which descends to the world to show humanity that these are no longer ordinary times and that it must awaken to the Greater Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Thus, dear children, on this night bear My Graces and My reflections so your hearts are able to grow in the Spirit of God.

I thank you for responding to My call and may the holy blessing of the Archangel Michael be within you, now and forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sing now the "Spirit of God", so He may fill your lives and fill you with His Love and His Peace.

Tomorrow, on the Hill, a universal ray of My Heart will trace a new time.

I thank you.

I count on the response of each of you. I count on the response of all those present, all those who hear My Voice and who in their homes say 'yes' to Me: Yes, Mary, I am with You!


Dear children,

As Mother and Queen of this world I appeal to all of My children of the United States and of the whole world to help so that My plans of Salvation, of Grace and of Conversion foreseen for the month of October may be able to be fulfilled.

For this I primarily need your prayers, so that in the second place, by the gift that God has given Me, I may be able to pour My Graces upon this nation.

My Immaculate Spirit wishes by means of your offer, to appear and give a message of peace and of hope for all of My children of North America.

My beloveds, My Plan of Peace for these times is important and immediate.  By means of you, those who answer to My call, I have been assisted to fulfill the designs of God for humanity and the world in these three last years.  This has allowed me to prevent the consequences of the universal laws in many hearts and, because of your help, many sinning and lost souls have been saved.

As I have never done before, I pray for you so that, being My Apostles of the New Time, you may continue working by means of the heart and of immediate donation. 

My Heart reunites you in the New Sky that I open for the world, where all encounter the Mercy of My Son and His Peace in order to be able to survive in these times.

The United States is the first nation within My Co-redeeming Project that must soon be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.

For this today, your lit candles represent to Me your yes to the Plan of Salvation and of pilgrimage.  A plan that My Son has asked Me to fulfill with you in the Americas and the world.

Africa must be present in your prayers.  This continent needs to receive the Grace that has been waiting for such a long time.  For this I need to return with My Son to the heart of Africa in order to conclude the task that once we, the Sacred Hearts, began in Rwanda. 

In order to understand better what I ask you, I invite you My dear children, to accompany and to help, as Marian soldiers, the mission entrusted to the visionaries in North America.  In this way you will allow God to fulfill His Humble Will by means of His Faithful Servant.

For all that you have done together with Me, I thank you!

Peace for all.

Mary, Queen of the Americas  

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Good afternoon to everyone and thank you for accompanying us. We are in the final stretch of this Marathon of Divine Mercy, and yesterday, Our Lord told us that He had been able to do part of the task that He had entrusted to us, of carrying the essences of the unborn to the Kingdom of God.

And today, with this very intense task that took place here, which was heard in all the spaces of this place, Our Lord certainly did the other part of the task. So now, we are going to begin to pray and sing, preparing for His coming, and see what He has for us this afternoon.

We want to remind you that He asked us to pray with all our hearts because if we do it in this way, we will be united with His Heart. Yesterday He told us that from His Heart pity should be poured out for this world.

So if we are connected with Him, we will certainly receive a great blessing this afternoon. So let us apply all of our energy, all of our love on this final stretch.

Good work of prayer to everyone!

Today My Heart emits Its Voice of Peace to the world. I bring hope and joy to those that have lost it. I come to bring a great silence to this very noisy world, so that hearts may enter into My universal harmony.

I bring you the faith and the confirmation of My Presence. For this reason, I bring you the Light of the universe so that your eyes can open to the unknown and to that which is new.

Today I offer you My Heart as special gratitude due to the effort you have made to pray with Me these days.

Today Heaven opens to your souls and it pours out Its Graces and treasures upon simple hearts; seeds that will sprout in the future so the gifts may be available in this final Project that must be accomplished through you and humanity.

Feel the beat of My Heart and stay with Me in this very difficult hour, for the world needs a great deal of relief and much healing and consequently, much prayer.

I thank all My companions who commune with Me. The prizes will be given in the universe and you will be honored in the Kingdom of My Father. The doors are opening in this place so as to be able to bless everyone, mainly those that have closed their hearts to My Heart. My Light penetrates into what is deepest and darkest, it dispels the darkness and brings the light of healing for this humanity.

I gather you in the name of Love and of Truth. I bring you the consolation that you are in so much need of so that at the end of this time you may be renewed by the Spirit of God and you may prepare, as My warriors, for the moment of the great Return of Christ.

Many of you will see Me, but some will not recognize Me. Be consequent with Me every day of your life, and thus I will avail Myself of your virtues and skills to accomplish My Redemptive Work at the end of this cycle.

Give Me that which you have still not given Me. I need the warmth of your hearts so that you can perceive pure thought and feeling, the mysterious flame that transforms and redeems you.

I Am the Glorified Heart of Jesus. Blessed will be those that honor Me in this cycle. Glorified will be those that serve Me fully, for they will be performing works of service and charity, of surrender and sacrifice for those who still do not do them.

As I did in Rwanda, I come to avoid the Law of God applied to this world, for this world belongs to Me since the beginning.

I Am the emanation of the Great Spirit of the Creator. My sublime Laws can permeate and heal you, erase any pain from your cells so that you may live in My Mercy in this very difficult time.

Every day, at three in the afternoon, My source opens for all of humanity. My Heart deeply gives of Itself to those who may wish to receive it and transforms that which is un-transformable, redeem that which is irredeemable, heal that which is incurable. Thus, trust in My hour of Mercy.

I come in this time to this world, not only for you so as to awaken you, but for those who continue to sleep in their own illusions.

Woe to those who deny the Son of God! How will I be able to pour out My Graces upon them?

For this reason, I need all your instruments, your hearts, and your lives, so that My currents of redemption and healing can be poured out upon all of humanity.

This moment that you share with Me is unique and will not be repeated in this place. The need of the world is very great, the emergency in souls is even greater. There are many lacks, many needs to be resolved in this era.

So that all this may be covered and everyone receives that which is necessary, I need missionaries of My Mercy, missionaries of prayer and service that can transmit My Higher Law, the Law of the Father, which is the Law of Love. A Law that will lead you to unity and redemption.

Do not fear purifying yourselves in this time. Allow My angels to untie your knots. This moment is unique for all and many do not receive these Graces, for My Spirit, which is immaculate and pure, which comes from the Greater Source of God, comes from the highest to meet with you so that you can awaken and understand what is happening within you and to Me.

Have you ever asked yourselves about it, My companions?

Many of you already understand all these things. You have walked with Me for a long time in the great deserts and valleys; you have heard My preaching and My Words of Life. You are remnants of ancient peoples, the great peoples of the desert who heard God, from Moses to Abraham, you have always been with Me in spirit and life.

But the time has come, My dear companions, for you to assume the final task in this time. Each knows what they can give Me. I do not come searching for perfect nor preferred things. I need your miseries to be able to transform them.

Thus, I will rebuild all your essences and those of your brothers and sisters so that you may rise again in spirit and, renewed by My Light and Peace, you can find again the path you have lost.

In truth, I tell you, My friends, all those who have gone through the Marathons of Mercy have already returned to My merciful Heart. I give thanks to those who have persisted in accompanying Me during the two days; who have renounced such vain, material, and mundane things to meet with the power of My Heart.

My beloveds, you have been transformed by My Celestial Light and this brings consequences of transformation in all of humanity. The sorrows of this world are being alleviated and many hearts that suffer are finding consolation.

I want to have you recognize the Kingdom of God, which is approaching through My cosmic Presence.

This is My last Call, before the great and awaited return. Do not think about how I will return; just seek to be within Me every day. That will be enough for you to recognize Me at the great and awaited moment. Nothing will cause you to fear. Nothing will disturb you. Nothing will take away your faith and inner strength because this will have been a great consequence of your perfect transformation through My Heart.

Today I will bless you with the Water of Life, with the bread and the wine that represent My Body and My Blood, precious codes that transform you, day after day.

My Hands will wash your feet and I will also pour out blessings upon your heads, giving you the Baptism of My Heart so that you may be bathed by My Holy Spirit.

My companions, renewed through this meeting with Me, enter into the Kingdom of My Father because He always awaits you in silence. He is always there to help you, listen to you, console you, and love you.

Believe in what I tell you because the time of the great change is coming and at that moment your hearts and souls must already be strengthened, because through Me, through My infinite Mercy, you will be immovable and will accomplish the part of the Project that I am giving you today. A Project that is unknown to your minds, but deeply known to your souls.

Through this Infinite Heaven that communes with you, I bless, forgive, renew and redeem you. I give you My holy Body and My precious Blood as codes of transfiguration for your lives.

I bless you and love you by the Power that God gave Me for this world. Go in peace and trusting in Me.

With your hands, hold up the torch of rehabilitation. Liberation is close for many. Joyful are those who trust before experiencing it because they will lack nothing.

Now I observe you in silence to elevate your miseries. My Love is strong and transforming, a Love that comprehends and understands your lives, no matter the degree of error; what matters is your trust in Me. In this way, you will not be separated from Me and will always be blessed.

Open your hearts to forgiveness. Free your essences from the stains that darken them. I bring you the renewing fountain, the beating strength of the Higher Universe, the Celestial and Divine Unity that quenches the thirst from all hearts. I bring you the power of reconciliation and infinite life for those who truly believe in the Redeemer.

I thank you for elevating the unborn into the Higher Kingdoms, where they will be able to be born again, in spirit, in the dwelling places of the Father.

The strength of Mercy will never separate you from Me, as long as you trust in what you do. When you pray from the heart and soul, Mercy will always help you and everything will be resolved in this definitive time.

I thank you for trying to be merciful in these times.

Move forward and with faith; My Heart accompanies you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of Our Lord, we will sing "Christs of the New Time" with a lot of devotion, to say farewell to His Higher Consciousness.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We wait for you all in the Heart of the Divine Messengers. Remember to always pray, every day, so that His Plans may be concretized.

Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!


Dear children,

From Heaven, I bring you the Most Holy Body of My Son, so that you may always remember to adore it in all moments of life.

As your Mother and Mother of the World, today I announce to you a main call to  immediate prayer for the good and innocent souls who unjustly work in the slavery of the refugee camps and in the gold mines, which are mostly found within the African continent.

Therefore, today I stand before you as the Mother and Lady of the Divine Word, the same Aspect that I manifested in Rwanda to prevent a great social and material catastrophe. In spite of my announcements, the majority of My poor souls did not listen to me and now, again, I come to you, My dear children, so that you may also become conscious of the changes that will come.

Today, I deeply wish that you, who respond to My call, can respond with your prayers, under the intercession of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, for all souls that are found in these camps of suffering and in the mines of pain and indignation.

I want to help, through My blessed Mercy, those who suffer day and night in sickness. The world suffers for the actions that are unjustly committed among brothers and sisters of the same race, created by the God of Love.

My Son, through My prayers, has allowed Me to arrive in consciousness and omnipresence to the underworlds of suffering, which are a reality and exist on the whole surface of the Earth.

I want to banish the injustice which many experience without an exit and without relief. I want to pour out My relief and My hope through your sincere and true offerings.

I find within many of your hearts the potential to serve and love in this time of chaos.

My Consciousness promises deep and spiritual liberations through the means of your mediating prayer, thus I can intercede and assist as Mother of all Christians and non-Christians, for all those in need of the Mercy of God in this time.

My children, the group of souls, who live in the refugee camps and work in the gold mines scattered across various locations of Africa and the world, are the miserable result of the condition that evil sowed in humanity.

I am the Light of Heaven, that comes in honor of God, to untie the knots that oppress the path of souls and of holiness.

I come to establish the Love of God and inner serenity in all those who suffer unjustly.

If humanity does not change this very serious attitude of slavery and death in time, many will suffer the price of what others have done and, as a consequence, in large regions, the world could lose peace.

So that this may not happen, I come to ask you urgently for the devotion to My Immaculate Heart, thus you will prevent the world from losing peace and the Grace of God.

I will not tire of working for you. My Immaculate Spirit is unwavering and powerful. It has the maternal power of transforming the untransformable, of raising from the ground what has fallen and is lost, of loving what no one could ever love.

I love your beings, beyond the miseries that make you succumb to the world of today. My angels fully serve God the Father to help the guardian angels of many of My children, who remain imprisoned by the ties of temptation and desire.

I once again come to tread, with My feet, upon the impure head of evil and to resurrect in spirit the souls who, in this life, die losing the Love and Mercy of God.

So that I may help Africa and thus fulfill My Designs of salvation, I wish that, on this 13th of August 2014, hearts willing to serve me, may venerate the Sacred Face of the Lady of Kibeho, the Mother of the Divine Word. In this way, I can intercede through the state of Grace which many experience.

I thank you for paying attention to this important call!

The planetary need is deeper every day in this world and in humanity.

Who loves you, blesses and heals you,

Your Mother Mary, Lady of Kibeho

Monthly Messages

Today Our Divine Mother approached to us as the Queen of Peace.

Before She arrived something important happened.  Many cherubim angels formed a circle of light and began to descend over the house of the group of prayer.  At the same time that the angels created this circle of light they danced in the air in a reverent and joyful way with a happiness that was quite distinctive.

The angels transmitted this love that they have for the Virgin Mary, which is something pure and true. They poured these codes over us and prepared the path through which Our Lady arrived.

When the Virgin appeared above a tree full of flowers that is found outside the house of those who pray She told us that the tree and its flowers delighted Her, placing Her feet firmly upon it.  In this way a point of light manifested itself for this part of the city of São Paulo.

During the Apparition Our Lady saw the evil that surrounded the city and how this evil influenced the people.  But She did not challenge anyone.  She was present there, serene and humble with this smile that characterizes Her, that which is a smile of peace, of serenity and of love.  This energy was radiated by Her gaze; Her light expanded in this part of the city and this evil was dissipated, leaving everything more serene.  Later on She asked us to write Her message. 


Dear children of Mine:

My Immaculate Heart continues Its walk among the sacred dwellings of all the groups of prayer, those that in some way answer to My maternal call, sometimes without understanding it.

I give thanks to all for persevering in the path of faith to My call and mainly for answerng in an immediate way to the special requests of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today, Friday – the day of the sorrowful mysteries – I ask you My dear ones, to pray every day for My plans of peace to prevail and to be accomplished in the present life of all My children.  It is so important to obey My call my Father has allowed Me, to reach all the homes of My praying beings.  In this way you will understand how great is the need so that some events may be avoided in the great cities of the world, which will be possible by means of your honest inner collaboration.

The Lord reveals to you today, through My Heart, that this group has always been moved spiritually by means of obedience to the Greater Hierarchy.  May this gift, to which you have answered without perceiving it for 25 years, be the new impulse that will allow you to walk with a spirit of confidence before all the changes that I have made.

So that you My beloveds, can be in the near future seated at the right of My Son, in His Kingdom of Peace, first you must truly open your hearts to the call of Heaven because in this way you will answer to the Will of God.

That your consciousnesses, which have already received so many special Graces, do not become involved in matters of the material life, but that your hearts be mediators of peace between Heaven and Earth.

Now that the events are changing and humanity is faced with the end of times, that which it neither understands nor knows, I ask you, My dears, that you pray, that you pray for all the souls to obey in faith as you have obeyed so that everything you have learned through divine instruction will not be lost.

The time and moment to exercise what has been learned has come, if you do so you will be living testimonies before the humanity that each day is getting more ill.

As the Mother who always protects and prays for you, I invite you on this evening of celestial blessings to the path of reflection, so that soon you may receive the love of God in all things, in the good and in the sad.  The universe waits to see you mature, more available to guide new flocks that are lost and do not have the grace of instruction.

For this, on this day I come to ask all those who pray to pray for My plans, especially for those that I intend to accomplish in the end of this year in Rwanda and Angola.  In this way with your help as it has always been, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!

I thank you for answering to My call!

I bless and guide you,

Your Mother, Mary, Queen of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

My Voice reaches this world to withdraw it from darkness and from fear.

My Light comes from the Father and is poured out upon the hearts that have fallen.

My Mercy draws closer to your lives and brings the Light that you need in this time.

I come to lift up your lives from the ground. I stretch out My Hands to you so that you can hold fast and follow My Path of redemption and of peace.

My Plan for Argentina is perfect and preferred, but I have need of sheep willing to follow the Great Shepherd, in order that they know new fields and new fruits that I have to give them.

I need your 'yes' for continuing with My Work. Thus, in this month of April, I send you My Mother as messenger and healer, so that She may prepare your hearts for the new time that will come to Argentina.

Each nation has a very important commitment to God. The Messengers of Heaven present themselves in this century again to warn humanity about the steps it is taking and the paths it is following, paths that do not go toward God because they are decisions that are not in the Light of the Father.

Thus, in My great and infinite Mercy, I come to open your eyes to what is new, so that you are able to awaken in time within this chaos that the world experiences internally.

My Mercy comes to free your ties and your sins as many times as necessary, because the Father has granted that I may deeply know you.

My Law of Mercy comes to correct your actions and lives. For this reason, go as the apostles did and announce My arrival to the world. I will come silently to this world, unexpectedly, and I will appear to those that open their heart to Me, and who have constantly prayed with Me for this humanity.

My Father has sent Me again to congregate the flocks that have become lost, and these Marathons of prayer try to congregate all the souls that must return to God, mainly those that are in God must at this moment help Me to assist those who are distant from God.

Thus, I need you to be firm and ready to follow My Path.

I cannot promise you happiness in this chaotic world, but I can promise you My Mercy, My Eternity, My Divinity and My Spirit in the next world, like many saints, angels and blessed ones that enjoy this Christic Spirit.

I come to bring the universe into your presence. I Am the Heart of the universe that deeply beats all the time. I come to bring you the Truth of God for this time.

Meditate on the actions you take every day. Be good servers in this time, in peace. Be proclaimers of the Peace that comes from the Kingdom of My Father. I mercifully love you all the time. I gather you close to My Heart so that you can feel it. My Heart is the manifested eternal Love of God.

Thus, in this so definitive time, I come to remind you of the commitment you made to Me. Your families, friends and acquaintances, nobody will escape being able to know Me in this time.

My Love is stronger than the love that lives in this world. My Power and My Divinity is great in this humanity.

Dear sheep, dear companions, I invite you to prepare this Sacred Week with your heart, this Passion that comes to bring remembrance every year of your time. I invite you, dear friends, to feel My Passion and to meditate on it; in this way, I will be able to grant special Graces to those that do so, and My Heart will be able to free you and heal you of everything you have not managed to release.

In this Sacred Week, I come to remind you of My Passion: the different phases that I experienced in the Passion, because in truth the world does not know what I really lived. Through the Orandium of the Passion and the Transfiguration, I have revealed it to you.

Thus, during this Sacred Week, sincerely offer your hearts to Me. The Altar is open to all. The priest will receive the offerings of his faithful so that all celebrate in the spirit of peace and love.

In this world, it will not be necessary that any other man carry another cross. I have done this for you, dear friends. My Hands and My Body were wounded for you. I closed all My wounds through Love, and in this way, I presented redemption to the world.

But as time goes by, humanity forgets the commitment to Christ. For this reason, God, in His Goodness and in His Mercy, sends His Messengers to remind you of this commitment.

I need you to be able to merge with My Spirit in this next Sacred Week. For this, Aurora will shine to receive My Rays again, as in the beginning. Thus, the angels I send to the world are working hard so that souls can draw closer to the Passion of My Heart and not be distracted by the things the world offers.

I need you to feel My Heart as something true and simple; I need My Words to reverberate in your essences.

Know, dear companions, that this is My last call to the world; in the same way I did once in Rwanda, announcing My Message through Emmanuel, and thus Africa achieved the consecration to My Sacred Heart, not only through the work that God sent Me to carry out in this country, but also through the missions carried out by the Children of Mary.

There is still much to alleviate in this hurting humanity, but who will dare to carry the spiritual wounds of the body in their hearts. This is a great proposal that I give you today.

Many fear suffering out of love for others. Live the examples of all those that have come through this humanity, of the great blessed and the saints who gave their lives for God.

But in this very important era, My call is for all. My Heart wants to surrender for all. I need all those who have never heard nor seen Me so that My Work can be accomplished in the greater part of this humanity.

The Americas must fulfill their great promise to the Celestial Universe. For this reason, the missions that My Mother is carrying out in each country prepare essences for what will come in the next time.

My Words at this moment are true; I need you to be able to understand this with your hearts. My spring is open for those who seek it, but few risk bathing in My Ocean of Mercy so that My eternal waters can bathe you and close your wounds.

Let all those who hear Me not fear; I come to give you the Love of God, the true Love of the Father that is forgotten by many, because arrogance, ignorance, and indifference reign, roots that produce great evils and rapidly make souls ill, losing their essence and inner light.

But I Am part of you and you are part of My eternal Heart. I lived with and among you; I proclaimed to your lives My sacred saving Word. What have you done with the Gospel I gave you?

I come in this time to seek talents. Why do you hide them in your hearts? It is time to give yourselves much more. God expects the maximum from you. I am here to help you and assist you.

I come to open your eyes to what is new, to the universe, to the Kingdom of Peace and of Love. But few want to live this reality. With the few I can count on, in this era, I will carry out My great Works in the whole world.

In peace, serve your brothers and sisters and all the Kingdoms of Nature, which also perpetually suffer. Nobody perceives how the trees are destroyed and wounded.

You know, dear companions, that when I was a child and went to Egypt, the great palm trees of the desert revered My going by. Does God not live in the Kingdoms of Nature? What are you doing with this so precious world that God gave you?

The hour of rescue has come, the planetary rescue, the rescue of this sick humanity that dies without seeing the Light of God. I come to revive those who have fallen again and to free the impure spirits that condemn many souls in this humanity.

My Mercy is precious, but to live it, it must be loved, dear companions. When will you dare to cross the portal into My Heart? I have precious things to give you. My Word has always been fulfilled throughout the times.

I have converted Eucharists into living hearts and flesh; My Crosses have spilled much blood. All have seen My miracles throughout the centuries. What more does this humanity need? God is present in all places. But can all see Him?

I Am that part of God that comes to speak to you. This emanation of the Source that was projected in humanity and that became a living man, of flesh and bone, who walked among you to share the Word and vivify your hearts, leading you to Redemption and to Love.

Dear companions, I thank you for this great response of yours.

When you pray with Me and unite with Me, remember I will always be by your side. I ardently wish to be in your lives, be part of your blood, of your breathing, of all your bodies. I want to be the living Cell in your cells, the resplendent Light that transfigures and transforms like a Ray of the universe that comes to aid and help humanity.

But everything will begin, dear companions, with your simple and humble 'yes'; thus everything will be consummated.

Present here, I will bless the sacred elements and the images that will bring resurrection for your consciousnesses.

Let this next Sacred Week that is approaching be a true celebration for all, a perfect meeting with the universal Sacred Family.

We will be there, in the heart of Aurora.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

While the elements are brought, we are going to pray the Our Father and the Glory with our Master.

Christ Jesus blesses the elements.

When you pray from the heart, I love you more.

Thank you, dear souls, for this simple dedication. I thank you.

Enter into the universe of My Peace and walk firmly in the Purpose. God will always provide for you. Be blessed.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus is still present, accompanying us. We will wait for a short while until we can respond to a request He made, for us to listen to the Beatitudes He once transmitted in one of His daily Messages.

At this moment, He asks us to continue united with Him in communion, from heart to Heart, feeling His Presence.

Continuing, the daily Message transmitted by Christ Jesus concerning the Beatitudes, of February 15, 2013, is read.


Today, My Heart listens to the supplications of the innocent and the poor.

Today, My spiritual Soul embraces those who have suffered the most from chaos and destruction. 

Today I announce Myself to your hearts as the Lady of Akita, to remind you that My Immaculate Heart belongs to the entire world and today, especially, to all of Asia.

Dear children, I remind you that once, not so long ago, the Lord sent me in pilgrimage to Japan to transmit an important call to conversion, prayer and peace.

Today, in a time of great emergencies for all, My Son Jesus has asked Me to tell you the truth as the good Mother of all, although the truth may be painful as it was for Me in the Mount Calvary.

I want to help you, assist you, prevent you and advise you that, in this cycle, it will be necessary to transform yourselves so that the world may also transform itself and become consecrated once again to the original Project of God.

Beloved children, you have seen that your planet suffers with each new movement and that these catastrophes take away the precious and innocent lives of many souls.

This is why today I ask you, My dear ones, that you open your eyes to the call of the Light that comes from Heaven. While you, without perceiving it, share My Kingdom of Peace, on the other side of the world souls die and disappear from the surface of the Earth.

God desires to spread the absolute devotion to My Immaculate Heart, and in Akita, Japan, I have transmitted an important call to transform the actions of the consciousnesses, just as since 1981 My Voice made Itself be heard in all of Africa through the Apparitions of Rwanda.

Now, I am among you. Would it be for some reason? What is it that your Most High Father wants to say to to you through My Holy Presence, in South America as well as Medjugorje?

As it has always been, humanity matures after everything has happened, but now, I ask you that, out of love, you awaken in time for the Truth that Heaven wants to reveal to you; it will be this Sacred Truth that will prepare you for the return of My Son to the Earth.

Dearest children of Mine, today I also invite you to love the sacrifice you make for the reparation of the offenses committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Today, I call on you to make a little more effort, although it may seem to you that the forces of the inner will disappear.

Little ones, the world is coming to a culminating moment, because after My Apparitions, here in South America and in Medjugorje, the times on Earth will change and humanity will have to prepare for the Universal Judgement.

Now, on the eve of my special arrival to the Marian Center of Aurora, on this 13th day, the Lady of Heaven prays for the innocent and condemned souls, saying:

Prayer for the innocent souls

Prayer to be recited on Mondays and
Thursdays to help in the relief of the worldwide situation.
Most High Lord of Mercy,
contemplate within Your Powerful Heart,
the need for peace and for redemption
in all souls that live upon the Earth.
Oh, Savior of Mine!,
God of Love and of Truth,
Separate my children from the eternal punishment
and elevate, with My Offer, the lost hearts.
Oh, Wise Father of Light!,
find in each essence the Light that comes from you
and accept the offerings of love
that we deposit on Your Sacred Altar,
because together with My Son Jesus Christ,
the King of kings and Lord of absolute Love,
we promise, now and always,
to consecrate Your loving humanity.
Listen now, Lord, to Your faithful Messenger.
Observe with Your paternal Gaze,
the flight of the Bird of the Holy Spirit;
because the rays of Pity and of Compassion,
that flow out from Your Most Holy Heart,
will redeem all of the Earth
so that, together with Your Angels and Archangels
We may glorify You for all eternity.

I thank you for always responding to My sacred call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Lady of Akita


A Celestial Salutation of Jesus Christ to all of Argentina on the occasion of the third marathon of Divine Mercy.

Dear companions of Mine:

Praised be Your Father in the Heights!

Today I want to salute especially from My Most Sacred Heart all the souls of Argentina, mainly this whole ecumenical group that was disposed from the beginning to carry out My requests of Mercy.

Now that Heaven chose a Christian patriot of your Nation, Pope Francis, Argentina will now have the divine opportunity to remedy her faults through the portal of prayer to My Divine Mercy.

I want to dedicate the days of My celestial Presence in Argentina to all the beloved children of this nation. For this special reason I invite you to unite yourselves with My Unfathomable and Powerful fountain of Mercy during these next two days, the 5th and 6th of October; in this way all the Argentinean provinces and cultures will be able to receive the same fruit of love that I will deposit in your little hearts.

My friends, I talk directly to those that are the simplest and are neither literate, nor theologians nor philosophers of spirituality, because the science of My Merciful Love is, in truth, not yet known.

For this, in this time of changes and of opportunities for the awakening of Consciousness, I ask of you that you be good peacemakers and praying beings; unite yourselves with this spiritual and ecumenical flock that will wait, in the next night of vigil, for the coming of the Humble Shepherd and Fisherman of hearts.

Now, I will return to the world, first in the Spirit of Love, of Mercy and of Humility; because I want to demonstrate to the world, as I did with My Little and Holy visionary Segatashya of Kibeho, in Rwanda, that in truth My christic Love is for all of humanity.

I will now leave from the sanctuaries that are closed to the thirsty souls, so that in truth My Spirit be in all the hearts of the Earth, because in them I shall find Myself comforted, free, and united with My disciples.

Dear souls of Argentina: I thank you for your sincere effort of praying for the fulfillment of My plan for this Nation and the entire world.

This Third Marathon will represent the favored union of your lives with the Holy Spirit of God, since He will help so that My Son, Pope Francis, may realize the mission that the Heaven is entrusting him with, which is to unite hearts and religions prior to the glorious return of Christ.

Under the Powerful Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you Argentina for opening the door of your heart!

Your King, Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
