A special gala night

Dear sweet singers of My Heart,

Today is a special gala night because the Almighty and all of His angels will be attentive to the offerings that will be made during this musical encounter.

For this reason, My children, I come today not only to encourage you to keep singing and composing for the healing and upliftment of all of humanity, but also, in this special gala night, I invite you, through your hearts and most sincere devotion, that the spark of Christic Light may awaken and spring from all of you; an energy of Superior Love that urgently needs to be radiated to the world and, in consequence, to all of humanity.

May your souls, through your sacred offering for today's encounter, be ignited by the singing and upliftment so that all of the inner Christs on the planet may be able to reign and honor a process of change and transformation, in all of the human consciousness.

Beloved children, know that today's gala will also reach the spirit and consciousness of the families which, in these times, need immense spiritual aid, as they are the focus of division and wars among nations and peoples.

Before the advent of the Rebirth of Christ, My children, may all the families, beyond their condition, culture, people or religion, be able to receive today, through the musical encounter, the aid from the celestial spheres, which will descend to conceive peace and inner unity, so longed for by those who suffer the most.

I hope, dear children, that today your hearts and voices may flourish and show the essence of Christic Love, of that Love that is capable of giving everything for love, regardless of consequences or results.

In this gala night, may the Love of God be reborn, a Love that will be the preamble for the upcoming return of Christ to humanity.

I thank all of the choralists, instrument players and collaborators who, in this year, made the awakening of healing and spiritual upliftment of humanity possible. 

United to the Celestial Father, kindred in Christic Love, we make vows for the Plan of God to be fulfilled in humanity next year.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Do not stop rowing this boat of salvation and rescue of the end of times; there are still precious souls to rescue and to reach out your hand towards, so that they may be able to climb into the Boat of the Lord.

Do not stop navigating, because there are still places to redeem and convert for the Glory of God.

Do not stop navigating; there are inner ports that still wait for the reappearance of Christ and want to hear the words of love of His apostles.

Do not stop navigating seaward to meet the shipwrecked, those who lost themselves in the sea of despair and guilt. To all of them God wishes to give His infinite Mercy.

Continue rowing, children, there is still pain to alleviate and healing to give to solitary and sick hearts.

Take in your souls and on your lips the power of the Word of Christ so that, announced to the world, the souls may awaken to the call of the Greater Universe.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


O, Most High Lord, kind and merciful to all creation!

Today I ask you to place Your divine Wisdom where nothing is clear, to place Your sublime Peace on those who have truly lost it, to place Your Hands to heal and dissolve from the hearts the deceits and adversities of evil.

I ask you, Lord, for each one of My Children. Today, especially, for those who have the sacred commitment to follow the humble footsteps of Christ.

Deposit within each one of those who self-summoned the grand feeling of Your Humility so they can feel inside the true commitment to the sacred task of preparing the return of Christ.

Lord of Justice, appease this Law upon those who deserve to receive it and who by the divine action of My Grace are under Your holy protection.

Trust, Lord, in the wonderful and incalculable value of every essence of the creatures that You created.

Remove from the path of darkness and lies all those who are led to enter it.

Grant, Lord, that each committed heart may vivify Your Plan with gratitude, joy and strict obedience so that all may be protected by the presence of Your Most Holy Spirit.


I thank you for having responded to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.


The Revelation of God to Humanity

The Revelation of God to humanity, My children, is eternal and begins when the human heart is maturing and awakening more than in wisdom but, in humility.

The Revelation of God to humanity happens when the heart is simple and recognizes its own smallness, not limiting the divine wisdom and existence to its comprehension and to everything that has already been revealed.

The Revelation of God to humanity does not stop, but from the patriarchs to the present day it deepens and only culminates in the full unity of the being with God, in their return to the origin.

Humankind itself is the Revelation of God.

It is the true self-knowledge, which is not a human science, but a spiritual and divine science, that leads you to the Revelation of God Himself.

At the same time, humans beings are the closest creatures to God, yet the most distant. 

The divine presence within you and the unity that you hold as a silent potential in your essence makes you close to God. However, My children, ignorance and indifference push humankind away from themselves, from what you truly are, and consequently move you away from God and from the Truth.

The Revelation of God to humanity happens with the awakening of thirst for superior life, with the discontent of the spirit with all that life in matter offers to it, with the discontent of the spirit with its own expression in life.

When the spirit is discontent with itself and with the world, it moves within the being so that this spiritual discontentment impels the consciousness to seek superior life, to deepen in the awakening and the self-knowledge that, in truth, is the knowledge of God within you.

The Revelation of God to humanity deepens as human consciousness evolves, and what for the patriarchs was an inexplicable and incomprehensible feeling of God, and only an experience of God, without explanations; at this time it can become a profound and scientific revelation of human existence and of the existence of God.

The Creator Father is simple, and in His simplicity He keeps His Mysteries. But the human mind places barrier over barrier to know God, and few are the ones who deepen in His Presence.

This, My children, is the time of the Revelation of God to humanity, because a new cycle is coming, which will be culminating for human consciousness. 

The time has come for history to be renewed.

The time has come for the new prophets, the new apostles, the renewal of holiness and faith in the human heart, because just as God awakened and raised the prophets and peoples of pure faith in the past, in order to prepare the birth and the coming of His Son to the world, also today, My children, peoples and nations, hearts and spirits will raise to prepare again the arrival of Christ into the world.

The return of your Lord will be definitive and will mark the end of a time, because the last words of the scriptures will be fulfilled, and the Gospel that He left in the world will be renewed by the new revelations that the Son of Man will bring to the Earth.

His Word will be life and will reveal to the world the superior Truth, to which many have been blind, though it has always been here.

Before the arrival of Christ, just as in the past, the Revelation of God will be given first to the prophets of the new time, and the universal Gospel of Christ will begin to be written with the truth that is already emerging in the hearts of humankind.

The New Testament is being fulfilled at the same time that the Revelation of God to humanity is deepening, so that you can write the New Scriptures; the Laws that will dictate the new life.

Open your hearts to the Revelation of God, because everything is being said to awaken and to prepare the hearts and spirits of humanity for this new and definitive cycle.

I love you and bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Enter My Heart of Peace

Enter into My Heart of Peace so that I may reveal to you at this time the Grace of My Presence and that, through the testimonies of your lives, I may speak to the world.

Take the rosary in your hands to cry out for peace and you will see peace established within your hearts and in all those who approach you. This will be the living sign of those who respond to My Call.

Know how to love and understand despite human judgments, and the peace of your hearts will speak louder than all the criticisms emitted by the world.

Live in My Heavenly Church and in My Heart of Peace; enter into My Kingdom and there learn from the divine mysteries that Creator reveals to pure hearts.

In this way, the wisdom of your spirits, acquired in the Celestial Kingdom, will be permeated by a Truth that does not come from this world, and neither the wisest of the wise nor the most learned of the doctors of Science and philosophies, of this world will know how to explain the Divine Science that dwells in the heart of My Children.

Answer my call without fear and let yourself be guided.

Do not be afraid to break within yourself the prejudices and resistances, because I am not leading you to the old. I come to renew your lives and human consciousness.

I come to teach you to be reborn in spirit and to deepen in the Presence of God that, since the beginning of your creation, tries to lead you to the Truth.

I come to help you, finding the way to the cure of original sin, so that you convert not only in your spirits but in your deepest human condition which prevents you from reaching God.

My children, set aside for an instant, all the concepts of your mind and feel the Presence of God in My Words.

Humanity is in its last time of awakening and repentance.

Now is the moment to surrender at the Feet of God and cry out for forgiveness, because His Comforting Spirit is still upon the world, attentive to the supplications of humanity, to cleanse you from every stain, and prepare you for a new time.

Because soon there will come a day when the heavens will be opened with all its power for a second time, so that the Son of Man returns to Earth and by looking into the eyes of His companions, He brings Justice to some and Grace to others who, being consequent with His Gospel and faithful to His promises, waited with love for His arrival.

The prophecies will be fulfilled, as they have been fulfilled throughout the history of humanity, and I am here brighter than the sun and as alive as your hearts, to teach you to elevate not only your  supplications but also your souls through a true prayer that transforms and leads you to the Kingdom of God, even if you are alive.

Every mystery that I reveal, every Divine Space that I made known to you, is for you to aspire for something beyond this world, it is for your souls to renew the hope of reaching God, it is for your hearts in eternal aspiration to know Heaven, and to reach it and attract it to Earth.

In your prayers, My children, contemplate with love what I show you and let your Divine Mother awaken within you the purity that makes you worthy of being in God, and participating in His Truth.

With these words I bless you and deeply thank you for responding to My Call.

Pray for peace and raise your hearts to God, because the world needs it.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages
Message for the Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

The Return of the Mother of God 

Silent as the breeze and brighter than the Sun, the Mother of the Sun, the Morning Star will also return.

First, children, it will be My silence that will prepare your hearts and let you mature and live those experiences that confirm your spirits in adherence to the Plan of God.

Before everything happens and the triumph of God manifests, you will see within yourselves the fruits of the last years of Graces and of teachings, and the very expression of your lives will be the testimony of this Work and of the Divine Presence that has guided, led and instructed you for so many years.

The day will come when Our Sacred Hearts become silent, so that the prophets, the apostles, the saints and the Christs of the last days and of the new times may manifest themselves.

Our Hearts will become silent because it is part of the Plan of God that you can grow for yourselves and make the seeds of Grace and Love bear fruit.

Just as God became silent in the Heart of Christ for Him to manifest Love and Christification in His human Heart, so will God become silent in the hearts of those who listen and respond to His call today.

But this is not to punish you, My children, this is so that there may be born within you a unique love, which arises from the human potential when it faces a great need of love.

Before Our Hearts become silent, we will have given everything to humanity, and nothing will be lacking for you to fulfil the Plan of God.

The silence of God will have a time and during this time it will seem eternal and painful. You will look for the Father within and outside yourselves and you will seem not to find Him, even though He will always be there.

His silence is the symbol of the dark night that the whole planet will experience, because it is necessary.

There must be night so that the sun may rise again.

There must be darkness so that light may have meaning, and so that daytime can exist.

So children, do not fear, but have faith in the new promises of Christ and in the revelations of your Heavenly Mother.

When the night comes upon the world and silence and solitude take over the hearts of humankind, remember what I will now tell you: brighter than the Sun, a Star will be born in the firmament, which will be the announcement of the return of the day, of the physical and spiritual day, which will illuminate again the inside and the outside of beings.

This Star will bring with it a deep feeling of peace, of support and of hope; it will bring the relief that hearts need to go through the last and most intense moments of this dark night.

It will remain silent in the sky until the Sun can be born again, until the Son of Man has the permission of His Father to return to the world and, as the Great Farmer, to seek the fruits that were born in the hearts of beings, and multiply them.

The Morning Star, which announces the arrival of the Sun for this moment will remain silent. But, after everything is fulfilled, My Feet will also touch the Earth and, with My Son, I will come to concretize the Plan of God and reveal My true Face to you.

The mystery of My return, My children, is to finish uniting peoples, races and religions and to bring toward My Immaculate Heart those who through ignorance denied My universal Motherhood.

I will return to receive from My Son the most lost souls, I will wash them in the Fountains of Grace and lead them so that they may have a new destiny and may receive a new opportunity.

The return of the Mother of the World will happen to seal the union between Heaven and Earth, between the different Faces of God and His creatures.

And there, My children, will be revealed to you all the truths that are hidden today, because I will cause to reflect in the mirrors of your hearts the true story of Creation and only then, when everything is fulfilled, will you understand the true meaning of this experience on Earth.

From that moment, the Scepter of God will be placed upon Earth, and a new world and a new being will be established.

Feel the Grace of My words and awaken your faith in the new and eternal Prophecies of God, for they will be fulfilled as, from the beginning, all that the Creator said through the prophets was fulfilled.

I bless you and thank you for listening to My words and responding to My call!


You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Pick yourself up from the ground as many times as necessary, recognizing your human errors, but not blaming your soul, rather take up a sufficient conviction to be able to forgive everything, as many times as necessary.

For this, take your cross and follow in the footsteps of the Master. In this way, someday, and at a special circumstance, you will realize, My child, that you will have dissolved from your consciousness those obstacles that always stopped you from walking.

Have faith and persist. Persist for the divine future and for the new and renewed humanity.

Transcendence of self is something of too much effort, but persistence and victory will bring their trophies in Heaven.

Identify with Jesus and, in this way, you will be able to find the inner means to transform everything.

Live in Jesus, in spite of uncertainties, and you will achieve degrees of love in likeness to those of the Master.

Continue to serve, aspiring and renewing yourself every day for, in this way, humanity, as spiritual consciousness, will be renewed, until the Lord of the Universe again descends to the planet for a second time to give you His greeting of Peace.

Go ahead! and follow the path of redemption with your entire being based on faith and hope.

I thank you for having prayed with Me today!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The strength of sacrifice for Christ is unbreakable; there is no love or consciousness that cannot feel it.

The strength of sacrifice will be able to change the planet and bring the Will of God to Earth.

The strength of sacrifice renews the times and forms, because souls receive from heaven an impulse of cosmic Love.

The strength of sacrifice grants to the world the time of peace, taking souls to recognize within themselves the Essence of God.

The strength of sacrifice brings to the world the culminating moment of the return of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

My children,

Place your eyes and hearts on the Truth of God, because today and from this new cycle on, I come to awaken you from the dream of this world and I come to release you from the captivities of material life.

I will come to remove from inside of you what binds you to this world and I will speak to the heart and also to all the aspects of your consciousness that resist transformation. Because the time has come for you to become others and, in the face of all that you know and all that you have received, you must not continue your lives as if the times were the same as fifteen or twenty years ago.

Children, you should no longer base your surrender and donation on the lack of surrender and on the material crisis that the world lives in this time. This crisis is the annunciation of a time of trials, and the more difficult life is on Earth, the more it costs you to donate materially or spiritually something of yourself, the more you should know, my children, that it is time to do so, because the fact that the world is in crisis means that My Heart as well as the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph must reach the souls and the nations that need to awaken.

Do not measure the Plans of God according to human needs; do not think that if the nations are in crisis and the economy is scarce, the Sacred Hearts should no longer be in pilgrimage through the nations. Because these thoughts are seeds of harmful trees that are springing up in your consciousnesses to distract you and make you lose yourselves from the Plan of God.

Do not be afraid or have resistances when you listen to My Words, because I come to touch where humanity does not want to transform, I come to open your eyes to that which you do not want to see.

Yes, the world is in crisis. Yes, people in the nations are in economic difficulties, and they will be even more so, because the foundations of their lives should not be formed by material needs.

It is not to accumulate physical possessions or to take advantage of the planet that you came to the world, My children.

You came to the world to live this exact moment you are transiting today. A moment in which God calls you to transform the human condition, to not be afraid to give away what you do not have, beyond what is leftover to you. And I speak of all levels of donation, not only material but also spiritual.

The crisis of the planet will expand to all sectors of life and you are called to consecrate yourselves more and more to the Plans of God.

You will be seen as crazy and My Words will be criticized, but the Graces that the souls and the planet will receive during their biggest crisis will be priceless, when the Messengers will remain in the world and will strengthen the hearts for their greater trial.

We will still need to come to many nations of this world to embrace and reach those of My children that, in remote places, condemn their own existence, and to heal planetary wounds that otherwise could not be healed.

Because there are not many, My children, of those who have the gift of being aware of what God spiritually accomplishes in the world through His Messengers. And to these few, to whom We give all, We will also ask all, because through their consciousnesses We will transform the human concepts, and through their lives We will give testimony to the world that it is possible to surrender oneself even in times of crisis, of fear and of chaos.

Your hearts must be on the establishment of the Plans of God and, therefore, empty of human concepts and in a world full of fear, you, children, will be like torches that symbolise the dawning of a new life.

And it is on these bases, formed by your hearts, that you will replace the old man, where My Son will come to rebuild the Earth.

Believe and have faith that when I tell you these things, I am preparing in you and on this planet the expected Return of Christ to the world.

I bless you and call you to the deep reflection of the heart.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Christs of the New Time

They will come from different places and different beliefs. The New Christs will have no preferences nor material or spiritual desires.

The Christs will come from the inner worlds to help in the transition of humanity. Some will awaken unexpectedly but others will remember their spiritual commitment with the Lord.

The Master and Lord of the Universe will call them by their spiritual name and the new identity of the self-summoned will be revealed.

The Christs of the New Time will unite in love and will go beyond forms, concepts and even their own doctrines. When everything is about to happen in the world, nothing will have value, not even the great intellectual philosophies.

The Christs will find the path of the heart and will have no limits; overcoming themselves, every day, will lead them to love the Purpose and, thus, prepare the return of the Great Master.

The Christs of the New Time will synthesize within themselves all the travelled journey, they will understand that without the essence of Love-Wisdom they will be nothing, that no project or aspiration will have any value without being impregnated with the sacred flame of Love-Wisdom first.

They will come from different nations, they will speak different languages, they will bring with them different cultures, roots and even experiences of conversion and redemption.

The Christs of the New Time will be anonymous and their silent work with peace will move all events. They will be so similar to the ancient Apostles and so guided like the great saints of the last times.

The Christs of the New Time will be aware of what to do, where to be and who to deal with. Their work will be planetary and will not be limited to human forms, concepts or legislations, because they will be in the Law of Wisdom and Discernment.

The school of the New Christs will be in service and in humility; they will live their deserts, they will transcend their emptiness, and they will be filled with the Spirit of God.

The New Christs that will represent My Son for this last cycle will have nothing to gain nor nothing to lose; renunciation will be the great key in overcoming all tests.

The New Christs are the new apostles, the so-called saints of the last days or, more clearly, they will be the last witnesses of the Bible.

They will have to give their faces to defend what they believe. They will not step back before any difficulty, they will trust that each challenge or difficulty will be the perfect way to realize the Return of the Lord.

This is why the New Christs will be tested, they will have to witness their faith and defend the internal principles that Christ Himself will leave as a message in their hearts.

No one will know whence the New Christs will come or whence they will arise, but they will appear and be of help for the most acute moments of humanity.

If you feel you are on the path of being a New Christ or if you live that aspiration, meditate it in your heart first, because the time will come for the last defenders of the Divine Plan to be called to justify evolutionarily before the Church, the government or the Armed Forces that Christ, the Master and Lord of the Universe is returning.

From the mouth of the New Christs will be born the most correct and wise words and nothing and no one will be able to oppose that transforming Christic energy that will change the decaying course of present humanity.

Meanwhile, let us pray that the New Christs have the courage to carry forward the last part of the history of the old humanity, so that the New Human awakens and the Promised Land manifests before the redeemed hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Sacred Prophecy


The triumph of Light and the defeat of evil

The silent triumph of the Plan of the Most High is approaching, and it is imperceptible to the world of illusion; but there exist essences that feel, in the depth of themselves, this moment.

It is the triumph of Light and the defeat of evil.

When the scene of events is stablished in nations and peoples, when revolutions and conflicts are installed, those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.

The culminating hour is approaching and the Mother of the World places all Her children under Her invisible mantle of stars. She arrives to the most impenetrable places of the consciousness, since those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.

Nothing and no one will be left behind. The veils of illusion will fall and the spiritual blindness of humanity will be healed; because the angels of eternal service will wash the eyes of human beings with the water of the Divine Fountain, and those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.

After so many intense spiritual battles, the soldiers of good will be strengthened, and even though the great and last beast comes out of the abyss to the surface, those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.

Meanwhile, the Universal Mother gestates in Her sacred Womb the New Humanity, the new planet which will be free from its millenary debts and that can be prepared to truly live the Plan of God. Those will be signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.

You will then see the great Archangel of the Celestial Militia descend from the Superior Universes and, at the sound of the seventh trumpet, the end of time will come, not only for the enemy, but also for all the Universe that will learn about redemption.

The strength of the breath of the Sacred Spirit will open the doors so that everything is revealed; the most hidden mysteries will be unveiled, and the human race will become aware of the time it lost in order to be able to unite to God.

Those who have responded to the call without understanding will be happy, because an impenetrable protection will be in them; those who were distracted with the world will cry because it will be too late and even through the Divine Spirit has called them, they will recognize too late what the Universe many times wanted to dictate to their hearts.

But the most difficult time will cease because the New Light will penetrate the planet with all its Rays and, from nothing, all darkness will dissolve in any state of consciousness. This New Light will be the New Face of the Master among the Masters, it will be the Sacred Sun that will bring with It the thousand years of Peace and, then, the Earth will be populated by beings of kindness and love.

Those who have not incarnated these principles in themselves will no longer be on the planet; they will have, in the next world, their dwellings prepared for them to learn again to be beings of good, beings of Light. And the Earth will live its maximum joy when the Solar Son, together with the Resplendent Ones, bless the beginning of the New Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Kingdom of God will finally be established in hearts, coming to interact with the simple of heart and the peacemakers.

That will be the hour of the great and unforgettable definition of those who will be in favor or against the Designs of the Father.

Who prays from the heart will find the way out and will not be imprisoned by obstacles.

In this time, My request for so many prayers is to pour out the codes of light that so many souls wait for.

Continue forward, conquering, for your siblings, the awaited return of Christ so that He may be among you, with all of His Splendor and with His great Humility. Announce His arrival to the world!

Although everything is moving, gather the soldiers of prayer, so that humanity may receive the great and last impulse of love.

Do not tire of continuing forward; continue on the pathway of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My beloved Son was also denied, but His countenance of peace and surrender never changed.

He endured it all without complaining because He knew that the Victory of God was close.

His greatest sufferings were experienced with great humility. His most terrible pains were experienced with great surrender.

Up to that moment, no one had understood the Nazarene, until Blood and Water sprung from His Side and the redeeming Mercy of God became present in that time.

The Blood of Christ spilled on the earth meant reparation. The Water of Christ spilled on the earth meant the purification of the whole human race.

Only after all that He silently experienced for the world, He was recognized; after the most terrible evil was transformed by Him, and the heart of mankind was liberated from the greatest wrath of all times.

If at this moment you are being denied, cast off or rejected, remember every day That Heart of flesh and blood that died for you in order to liberate you from sin, and that His Mercy was greater than all sins committed in the world.

Remember that, without love, compassion and Mercy, this humanity will not be able to live. Redouble your efforts, redouble your sacrifices and live each stage as the Victory of God and of His Project, beacuse in the end the humble ones shall be crowned, the powerful will lose their throne and this planet will survive to all its agony, for the Return of Christ is close; one only needs to believe it and confirm it within oneself.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the White Mountain of Peace and whoever climbs to the top of it will achieve, through prayer and service, the elevation of their consciousness.

I am the White Mountain of Peace, which in its heart keeps the greatest treasures of the universe, the sacred knowledge of the Celestial Brotherhood.

I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that radiates the Grace of God to the world and impels its children to human transcendence.

I am the White Mountain of Peace, which reveals the Mysteries of God to humble hearts, a mountain that helps in the transformation of consciousness and the whole being.

I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that calls the pilgrim of the spirit to rise through it, by means of faith and constant redemption.

I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that will make each heart a victory for Christ and for the Creator.

I am the White Mountain of Peace, which will show Its pilgrims the path of the Return of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My Son comes in this end time to establish His Divine Purpose in humanity. But, for this to be possible, it will be necessary that souls be able to transform into the spiritual and inner model that He needs in order to carry forward His redemptive Work.

If it is not this way, and souls resist changing what they consciously know is not part of the Plan of My beloved Son, for their own protection they will not be able to participate in this Work, in the part that is theirs to do.

It is important to keep in mind that My beloved Son seeks allies and devotees of His Sacred Heart so that souls may serve as precious receptacles for Him, into which He can pour His Codes of life to renew them, time and again. Thus, the process of inner transformation is not only restricted to just one consciousness but rather it influences all that surrounds it, in a permanent way.

Christ expects to find, each day more, within His followers and servers, the possibility of carrying out His Supreme Work in them in a true and crystalline way. Thus, the transparency of your hearts and minds will determine, at this time, the chance you will give the Sacred King for transforming you into new vessels, into His transformed instruments.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Behold, She will come brighter than the sun, the Servant of God, to prepare the return of Her Son, as She one day prepared His sacred Birth on the Earth.

Behold, the Silent and Humble Servant became Queen and Celestial Mother, because Her silence revealed Her Majesty and Unity with God the Father and His Beloved Son.

Just as the Heavens opened to receive Her in Body, Soul and Divinity, in the Mystery of Her Assumption, the Heavens are open again for the descent of Her Divinity and the announcement of Her Sacred Word; because the Blessed Mother of the Lord can no longer remain in silence, in the face of all that happens in the world. Her silence of other times sustained the echo of the Voice of Her Son in the valleys and in the peoples of the East, and now Her Word comes to prepare the Universal Triumph of Christ, because He will no longer come to preach and teach among humankind: the power of His Presence will be conversion itself; the power of His Feet placed on the Earth will be redemption itself for the planet. From His Mouth will only come out prayers and decrees that will unite Heaven and Earth, will close the hells and the abysses, will calm the despairs and will establish Peace.

For this reason, before the Son, again His Heavenly Mother and His adoptive Father, Humble and Faithful, approach, in order for Them to be the ones to prepare the human heart.

Children, today I tell you to listen with attention to the purposes of God, brought by His Messengers. They are like the truths said by the prophets in the past, to prepare the arrival of the Messiah in the world.

Our Word not only instructs you, but it also transforms and unites to the Universal Teaching, which will come with the Son of God, as a living expression of the Reality that dwells in the Universes.

With simplicity, We open to you the doors of the heart and the eyes of the spirit, so that you recognize the Laws that dictate universal evolution and you may enter them, in obedience and love, while there is time.

All Mysteries reveal themselves in the Law of Love and of Obedience, principles that rule all Evolutionary Life, in Heaven as on Earth. Spiritual Life reveals itself to those who know how to love and every Mystery revealed becomes simple and understandable to those who know Love, because their minds become pure and their hearts are simple.

With this, beloved children, I want to tell you that the Faithful and Tireless Servant of God comes to the world with simple words, to reveal Sublime Truths. I come to awaken Love in your hearts, so that you may comprehend Me, and without difficulties, live what I tell you.

What impedes you to live My Instructions is not the human condition, is not material karma and is not ignorance; it is the lack of true Love and of true Humility.

In a world of mysticism full of vanity and false bases of true knowledge, I come to conduct you to the Truth. But before this, I must oust from your hearts, pride and ambition for power and for knowledge.

For this reason, I teach you to love and to obey, above all things, the simple purposes of God. And it is in this way that I prepare you, transform and reveal the New Life, which will emerge in the hearts without their realizing it.

It is in this way that I unite you to the true Celestial and Cosmic Brotherhood, and I make your hearts able to be true companions of your King and Universal and Divine Master, Christ.

Behold, I am here, as Queen and Celestial Mother, and in the simplicity of My words is hidden the Power of God and the Truth that I Am. In My presence is hidden the Unity with the Infinity. And in this way I tell you that, if you unite yourselves to Me, you will unite yourselves to the Whole, to the Cosmos, to Life, to the Creation of God.

Prepare along with Me the Return of My Son, and announce, children, that it is time to repent of being in vain paths, which lead to nothing but to being lost, not only from God, but also from oneself.

Behold, I come to find you and to conduct you to the encounter with yourselves, so that you may know who you are and what you have come to do in this world. Do not be lost any longer. Follow My steps and I will guide you always.

I bless you and love you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

I Am the Sacred Mother of those who become consecrated, because when such a young soul, inexperienced and innocent, dares to take the steps and walk toward Christ, My Immaculate Heart pours joy and happiness over the world so that more souls dare to give their 'yes' to Our Lord.

Thus, children, I Am the Sacred Mother of those who become consecrated, because in young souls one can find the possibility of the Divine Countenance of Christ being reflected; a Divine Countenance that converts, redeems and consecrates what seems impossible.

I Am the Mother of those who become consecrated, because I protect and take care of those who are only beginning the pathway of a life consecration, so they may acquire inner strength and faith at the moment of taking new steps toward the Will of My Beloved Son.

I Am the Mother of those who become consecrated, at a young age, to a life of the infinite, to universal life, to the genuine search for the original purity existing in each soul and each being.

I Am the Sacred Mother of those who become consecrated to the knowledge of themselves and their own virtues, talents that My Son will come in search of in these times, to move forward with the preparation for His Return.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

Although the deepest wounds of the planet are at this moment being shown through the chaos in this world, My Immaculate Heart protects and safeguards all the children that cry out to God in heartfelt sincerity.

Thus, your Heavenly Mother is interceding, at this moment, for all the innocent souls and for the most sinful souls who draw the violence of the elements of nature to the world.

Today, I am placing each one of them in My Arms of a Mother, so that their deepest nuclei may be safeguarded by the Love of My Motherly Heart.

Although the world is collapsing, I will always be with you.

Although the world seems to be falling apart, I will always be with you.

Although catastrophes, wars, unjustly spilled blood exist, I will always be with you.

Although the violence of the end of these times is unleashed overnight, even during the three days of great darkness, I will always, always be with you. For I came and come to this world to recover what is lost, what nobody wants to take care of in this humanity.

I am determined, at least, to allow My Heart to triumph in the inner worlds of the inhabitants of North America.

It is My mission and My destiny that the most imperfect and lost souls, that the peoples, cities and nations broken by the wave of the intense purification may have an opportunity and gain a Grace from My Heart.

There will be no element, catastrophe or physical or inner disaster that will stop Me; because I Am the Mother of your Master and Lord, I Am the untiring seeker of the love and prayers of souls.

When that alliance is consummated between you, My children, and your Universal Mother, when you live the same love and the same service that your Celestial Mother lives, I assure you that the planet may shake or sway, but the love between us will be inextinguishable; and I will receive your love and service in each moment to present it as an offering of sacrifice of humanity.

Do not hesitate, do not waver, the Lord is merciful and consoling with everything that is happening today in this world.

Believe and reaffirm the Coming of Christ in yourselves, for it will happen in spite of what takes place.

I leave you in My Motherly Arms, now and always.

Who blesses you, with the holy sword of the Archangel Saint Michael,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


The Sun that illumines these times is called Jesus, and He is coming to the world to save it.

His Presence consecrates all that surrounds Him and His humble Gaze vivifies all that He contemplates.

He is the Son of the Primordial Source; He was and is the One Who was among you a long time ago, but now He returns glorious, loving and victorious.

All those who follow Him understand His Message. The only living language is that of love and His disciples learn to practice it.

He is the Solar Son and I Am the Mother Moon. In all the Universe the Plan of God is realized, and many consciences participate of the evolution of the Consciousness.

Happy will be those who recognize the Lord, Jesus Christ. United to Him they will be, in spite of current circumstances.

May no one miss the opportunity of sublimating their lives.

May you all find in your inner worlds the sacred path of return to the Heart of the Creator.

He comes to renew all forms. He is returning to celebrate with His own the triumph of the Love of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


It is the Will of God, dear children, that the Work of Love and Redemption of the Divine Messengers reach, in an ecumenical, fraternal and serviceable way to the youngest ones in the world: to all the children.

After establishing the international agreement of cooperation between all the nations  with the different refugees of the world, and on the eve of the special meeting of Mercy, God is asking you to take one more step, as Work, and this step will now, be planetary.

It is thus that through your mission and humanitarian services, without religion or creed, but yes of a loving and open heart, your Heavenly Mother needs to reach through you, the most unprotected children in the world, those who suffer the wars, the conflicts between nations, poverty, illness and persecution.

Until now, the Planetary Missionary Network was in an ambit of training and preparation. From today, the Planetary Missionary Network will be integrated by the contribution and service of one part of the Work, which is the Planetary Light Network.

In that way, dear children, it is the Aspiration of God that, by means of union and brotherhood with the international organizations, this Work attend, on an international level, to the children of the world in situations of war, of conflicts and disintegration of their families, so that My Maternal and Immaculate Heart intervenes in the rescue of those essences.

From this new cycle, after the last 8th of August, the situation of the service and assistance to humanity by the Whole Work hás changed and has expanded on a world level.

I would like you to understood that, through your hands and your hearts, your Heavenly Mother will try to reach all those suffering souls, the ones that for different circumstances have lost contact with love and hope.

In this phase, the Order founded by My Beloved Son will also perform specific functions within this humanitarian service.

That is why you must be available, because through the international organizations you will be able to attend and serve, for Christ, in nations of the world never concurred or visited by your group, where situations of risk or malnutrition of innocent children unchain.

My Mission with you is that someday you learn to place the planet and its humanity in your hearts, since all the impulses given to you in the last thirty years, have been a preparation for this cycle of planetary emergency.   

Remember that these humanitarian services prepare the Second Coming of Christ.

I add, My children, that servant souls of different ages could present themselves that Will come to you moved by the impulse to help dissolve the conflicts in humanity.

Let us go forward!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
