Rest all your being in My Heart and may your words only reverberate by the strength of prayer.

May your eyes only see Me and may they recognize in Me the favorite savior and redeemer love.

May your feet walk without delay towards My Encounter so that at the end of the infinite pathway your soul may discover the merciful greatness of My Soul.

May your hands caress the softness and the mystery of a devoted prayer that may construct a long bridge towards the Kingdom of the Lord.

May your feelings and thoughts be brought to My Hands so that My Consciousness may transform matter into light, darkness into brightness, sadness into joy.

Let yourself be guided by the impulses of My wise Heart because in this way you will always see the steps marked by Me on the path towards eternity.

Open yourself entirely to receive My Comfort because I have always aspired to consecrate your heart to My Heart.

Do not see how much you have failed Me, just recognize the powerful Love that I give to you day by day so that you, in trust, may walk towards Me.

Just let Me enter into your life and heal your wounds. My Sores have already been the beginning of the liberation of the world but now My Hands are the end of the healing for each heart.

My Rays illuminate you even when you believe that you get away from Me. For this, smile at each challenge, leave space so that I may guide your little spirit. Just tell Me Yes and I will comfort you whenever you need because above all things and circumstances is My Divine Love for you, for your prompt redemption.

An unknown Kingdom waits for you, a Kingdom that is not from this world but only from God.

Walk towards Me without delay. Let us go ahead!

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


If you call me by My Name, My Merciful Heart will be present amongst you.

If you adore Me as a Sacerdotal Consciousness in the Eucharist, My Redeeming Heart will redeem you and free you from sin.

If you call Me to enter your house, I will do so because you will be opening the door so that My Heart may dwell perpetually amongst you.

Dear ones: if you are in My Universal and Celestial Fire, My Most Sacred Flames will burn everything that does not form part of the Good and of the Light. When you purify the body, the feeling and thought, My Wonders accompany you to relieve your transition until the total transcendence of self.

I do not return to give you suffering, this I have already lived for you and I know that pain is still not liberated from the heart of people. But My Fire purifies you, at the same time It consecrates you as souls worthy to live in the Kingdom of My Father.

My Source is another of the glorified gifts that My Father has conceded to Me in order to baptize in My Love all those who have committed themselves with Me for this final time.

I Am the Vigilante, I Am the primordial Guardian of all of the Christic essences. Do not fear in this time for what you may be seeing of yourselves. This is what I give you, My friends, the true face of what My sheep are.

For this I come back, I come back between clouds, rays, stars, lights and suns to demonstrate to the world that the Son of the Man is who complies with the Highest requests of the Creator. I take between My arms your hearts and I contemplate you with My only aspiration, which is that you, in simplicity, reach Eternity.

My Kingdom, the one which was announced, is near, more than all of My Flocks may imagine. First will come the Holy Spirit which will prepare in wisdom the soldiers so that they may face the battle between Heaven and the Earth.

All will be healed, even the smallest particle created by My Father.  At the end all will be redeemed and consecrated through the centuries of the centuries to My Holy Lord.

Be encouraged by the presence of My Heart, live all of the days in My Redeeming Law.

Under the Grace of My Father, be merciful.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

At the end of the daily message the Master opened His Arms and radiated towards those present an intense light of love and said: “I know that still not all understand the commandments, for this I tell you that My Beatitudes are Commandments too”.

At this moment Master Jesus transmitted the following prayer: 

Prayer to live the Commandments of the Lord

May the Laws be the manifested life between Heaven and Earth.

May the Law of the Divine Purpose
permeate our cells with light.

May the Celestial Laws
be an expression of the laws on Earth.

May I consecrate myself everyday to the Highest Law of God.

May the Holy Spirit
be the path to live the Sacred Commandments.

Through the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
may our souls find the living of the Divine Laws.

May humanity be redeemed and forgiven
by the Merciful Law.

In the Celestial Father,
may we live forever the Eternal Law of His Grace.


Christ Jesus, your Eternal Lord.



Your prayers are like the flowers in My garden of redemption. Your gestures of love are like the wisdom that allows the understanding of things. Your charity and service is like the door of Heaven, the one which opens itself to give salvation to all.

Today rest in My arms and trust that every purification will elevate you soon in the same way as the flight of the birds but, what will elevate itself will be your spirit, that which will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit to consecrate itself to the Will of My Father.

I distribute among you My Gifts and My Graces so that they, with reverence, may be presented before the Throne of My Father. Do not forget to carry the cross that the learning of life has given you because to carry your cross and follow me will mean the rescue of other consciousnessess, of the consciousnessess that lose themselves from the lack of their faith and of their love.

A short time ago I was among you to reveal to you the mysteries of My Lord and now you have known a part of My Kingdom. Returning over the clouds I ignite with My Light are the hearts that need the fire of redemption. Some disciples are prepared, but still are missing the ones who have distanced themselves, who have yet to say yes. 

Guard the present and the grace of My Words because there will come a day that They will not resound anymore and they will only have to be listened to with the inner ear of the heart. You have received so much that now each soul must give its testimonial of life for these definite times. Looking at the Great Law of My Father, trust in it and open yourselves to be able to lose a little bit more of yourselves and to enter thus into the awaited Kingdom of Paradise.

Under the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Infinite Peace for all,

Christ Jesus, your beloved Instructor. 


Brothers and sisters:

In the beginning of your lives God had drawn a plan of life for His creatures but throughout the ages the generations of My flocks have decided (instead) to walk through the paths of great learning.

Now My Sacred Heart returns to correct your lives as had been foreseen by the Lord God, My Father. Through your absolute trust in Me, My Consciousness will be able to redirect the flocks through the more peaceful that are coming.

My dears, I bring you today My Good News of the return so that you may be participants in the coming of the Kingdom of God for the second time. Your hearts must purify themselves in the same way that your consciousness, so that empty of all, the Holy Spirit may fulfill you of light and joy, to be living in the Kingdom of the Lord. What today I tell you is not a hypothesis, it is a crystalline reality that the consciousnesses must assume to form part of the next time.

Dears, My Heart wants to transmit to you hope and faith which you must live for the transformation and the consecration. My Spirit also returns to free the souls from the intense weight that many carry on their back but through My Divine Mercy I come to integrate the hearts to My Universal Rhythm of Love.

Dears, I expect from you neutrality and patience in order to not fear being purified by those laws that are of the Father and that come to the world from beyond the Earth. It is the moment to assume the coming times that will show you the profound changes that the consciousnesses will live.

For all this, your union with Me will be important because thus My Eternal Heart will be before you like the incandescent light that will guide you and will remove from you the inner fear. The first step is to trust completely in Me and in what the Father shows you day by day as a learning.

Thus, living the events with wisdom and united with Me, you will be able to untie the knots that impede the free walking of souls. Pray to find these knots because thus My Rays will burn them and you will be released in your path.

Under the Grace of God be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

