May prayer be your first thought before beginning each new day. Think of God, of His Plan, of His Will and, in a simple dialogue with the Creator, thank the Father for another opportunity to learn about love.

Therefore, child, pray for this world and for its Kingdoms; pray for the souls and for all the life that inhabits it.

Pray for the consciousness of the planet and for those that silently sustain this world, within levels still invisible to your eyes.

Pray for the purpose of each being, for the purpose of this planet and of the whole Universe, even though it is unknown to you.

Pray for the Plan of God, not only for your life but for all life, beyond the Earth.

Understand that, just like this world, all other worlds were created with a Divine Purpose and pray that all may find this Higher Will.

Pray for the return of Christ to the Earth, so that all beings may be ready to look into the Eyes of the Lord and recognize Him, and thus repent their faults and achieve Redemption.

Pray for those who must accompany Christ in His second coming to this world, so that all may be awake and their commitment to the Lord may be alive.

Pray for the new life and pray for the new humanity, so that all beings may allow themselves to be defeated and surrender before God, and a new life may emerge from them.

The most important thing in your life, child, is prayer.

Pray sincerely and pray truthfully. Deepen in your spiritual life. Thus, difficulties will not weaken you, nor will the Truth haunt you; but within you, all will be revealed and your inner world will be ready for all cycles, willing to face everything that will come.

You have My blessing for this. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Just as I speak to the spirit and the heart of the Earth, I speak to the human spirit and heart. As part of a Project and of the one Will of the Creator, children, you spiritually enter into a consciousness that is given an impulse, according to your steps and, in the same way, it becomes stopped in its evolution, upon your regression.

This consciousness, this human heart, balances the evolution of humanity, allowing some to benefit from the inner steps of others but, at the same time, when they make great mistakes and abandon spiritual commitments assigned in the Heart of God, in the womb of His Creation, this causes all the beings within this Project of Love to also take a step back on their path. 

This is why today I open My Heart to direct my words to the human consciousness so that in these times of definitions and tests, you do not lower your arms; so that you do not desist and do not lose hope because this is the threshold of your evolution. For this moment, you have grown and walked for such a long time in this sacred school of Love.

I am speaking with the spiritual consciousness of humanity so that you no longer just look to yourselves but rather contemplate the difficulties, the errors and the suffering of fellow beings with a look of compassion, and that by recognizing that evolution is built in perfect balance amongst beings, you offer the Universe a greater step and a greater love for those who were not able to walk nor experience Love in this world.

Now, children, it is not only about personal healing, redemption and evolution. Now it is time to take a leap as humanity, and that is done with love, with persistence and, above all, with the Ray of Willpower that comes from the Heart of God.

You are still in the time of healing and redeeming, you are still in the time of loving. But that healing, that redemption and that love must be extended beyond your own heart, and reach the human heart.

Pray for all, heal for all, love for all. Walk so that all may walk.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The first step to concretize a request from God is faith.

The second is love.

The third is unity with your brothers and sisters and of everybody with God.

The fourth is perseverance when facing the first tests.

And the fifth is overcoming, in the face of each inner resistance and each external challenge.

Trust and have faith in the Divine Will. Love the Plan of God, even though you do not understand it. Allow yourself to be surprised by the magnitude of the Will of the Creator, and how he traces the path of human redemption.

Those who know how to obey the Father fulfill their souls in the concretization of His Plans.

For this cycle, children, invoke the protection and the support of Saint Teresa of Jesus, because her pioneering spirit knew how to respond to Divine Will in each instant of her life. And the difficulties and the challenges did not matter: her adventurous soul always continued forward. In this way, the inner steps taken by her spirit opened the doors for humanity to continue having an opportunity to live and experience Christic Love.

In this cycle, the Creator asks great things of you, because the time has come to forge in you not only an experience of love, but also the manifestation of the Christs of the New Time. This begins by loving the Plan of God and unconditionally obeying His Will.

You have my blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,


Cry out to God so that the flow of healing that comes from the Source of His Heart may descend upon the Earth and permeate the beings.

Cry out so that the Heart of the Archangel Raphael may be ignited as a sublime mirror of light, awakening and activating the emerald mirrors that pulsate throughout the center of the universe.

Cry out so that this cosmic net of healing may concentrate its emanations on the Earth and reach those who need it the most. 

May the heart of the Inner Aurora prepare itself so that, once again, the planet may feel its love and its power. May the heart of the Inner Aurora prepare itself so that its core may be the eternal dwelling of your Celestial Mother.

Cry out, child, with love, so that the doors and the portals may open, in Heaven as on Earth, and the souls may finally cross the threshold of their redemption.

May the sick of body and of spirit not lose the opportunity of again finding peace. May the Kingdoms of Nature also be worthy of restoring themselves and of within re-establishing the unity with the purpose of life.

May this divine aspiration be a part of your most intimate inner aspiration. Thus, child, cry out so that when the sun is setting at dawn, it may always illuminate this world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Be merciful with those who most need redemption and who become lost in their arrogance, pride and vanity. Remember that perfection dwells in God and that everything that exists on this Earth is in the process of evolution.

Love the growth of your brothers and sisters so that they may find in you an impulse for transformation and not a wall of where to stop.

Be merciful with those that least deserve it, for this is the essence of Divine Mercy.

Be merciful with yourself, not in order to indulge in your faults and miseries, but so that you, as a miserable being, may also receive Divine Mercy, and be a bearer of that grace toward the Earth.

Mercy is the essence of life. God created humankind with an act of Mercy and, by the same action, He makes them walk the path of return to His Heart.

In this life, in order to reach God, it is enough to open oneself to receive Mercy, to allow oneself to give Mercy and, above all, to become an instrument of this Divine Source.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Pray, and while you pray, discover who you are and what you came to do in this world. Seek, child, the essence of your origin in God and, through the Heart of the Father, trace the path of your story until reaching this planet, within this soul that you are.

Understand that the Earth is a school of love and of redemption, and humbly embrace this opportunity, letting those divine Gifts be expressed within you.

Pray and seek the truth about yourself, seek to understand and feel the universe, Divine Creation, and life as something much broader than life on Earth. Seek to understand yourself as something much broader than your body, mind, emotions and soul.

Meditate on the Sacred Scriptures so that, permeated by the knowledge that God has already given humanity, you may be worthy of receiving and experiencing new revelations in this time.

You are in likeness to the Father, Who holds an unfathomable mystery. The Body of God is life manifested throughout the different universes, the Soul of God is a subtler dimension of this life, and the Spirit of God is the non-material Source that animates all things.

In this way, understand, child, that your body must become a sacred temple of a much broader life than the one you know. Your soul holds another more subtle aspect of this life, of all the experiences of your evolution. And your spirit is that living cell of God, that beginning of the new, which was created to renew all things.

Revere Divine Creation and seek the space to come out from human superficialities, and find within yourself a universe as sacred as the one you contemplate above you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Write in the mirror of your heart each instant lived with God and His Messengers. Communicate the history of humanity’s redemption to the universe, to all of Creation. Live this last cycle of Mercy, making good use of each second so as to strengthen your spirit, so as to consolidate the union between your heart and the Heart of the Hierarchy.

Write in the mirror of your heart the history of humanity’s redemption, making yourself a part of this redemption. Engrave in the depths of your essence the moments when the Doors of the Heavens opened before your heart so that, in the most acute time of the Earth, you may contemplate the mirror within you and remember the purpose of your existence.

Child, remember that you are part of an All that is beyond life on Earth; an All that is Divine Creation itself, the Consciousness of God manifested in all life.

The mirror of your heart is like a part of an infinite puzzle, which holds the Plan of God within; it is the door that leads you to the return to the Origin, that leads you to the Source within the Heart of the Father.

Practice contemplating your own essence in the mirror of your heart and, while seeking to know the truth about yourself, may your heart enter the higher truth of existence, the truth that is the Divine Consciousness itself.

In the mirror of your heart all the graces that you have received throughout your evolution are concentrated, and you must have these graces available for when the world is in the apex of its trial, because you have received them for this.

You shall pray in union to God and ignite your inner mirror in your chest, igniting a light in the darkness of the world. In silence, in the sincerity of your heart, you shall offer all the Mercy you have received so that, in the time of Justice, souls may receive a new opportunity, and when everything has passed and life needs a new direction, a new path to rebuild itself, you shall look in the mirror of your heart and find there the patterns of the new life that were deposited within you when you were before God and His Fraternity of Light.

Everything that you need is kept in the mirror of your heart but for you to find these keys, you need to know this divine tool, love it and know how to unite to it so as to find within yourself the universal legacy that the Creator stored in the mirror of your heart.

Pray and contemplate your inner mirror. Through it, feel yourself a part of the Universe, a part of an infinite Creation. May the principle of Unity permeate your being and lead you to God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Above chaos and beyond all human and universal duality lies the Heart of God.

Your Father, child, calls you to transform the laws of the Earth, which are fruit of the human degeneration; He calls you to transform what is the natural condition of humanity for many. Do not believe that the current human condition is non-transformable. Believe in the mystery of the Heart of God, which is beyond everything humanity knows and expresses.

Look at the Firstborn Son of your Creator Father: He must not ever be an exception for you. He is the spike of a spear of which you make part; a spear which breaks the structures of the old mankind and establishes a new life, a life that expresses the true essence of the human creation. Christ is the spike of the spear and His Father and Lord is the hand that supports and directs it, in order that its goal be exact and his path, right.

Feel your heart as part of this Plan, part of this divine spear in the Hands of God, which must be strong and needs to break the structures of an old being. Feel that, above all, this spear trespasses and crosses your own heart, your soul and your spirit and, transforming all that you are, makes you part of the establishment of the New.

Persevere, my child, and do not fear.

Let everything be broken and be transformed within you. Offer your heart to God as the first transformed part of this human consciousness. May your redemption be the first symbol of the triumph of God in this world.

Do you fear, but be firm. Let God send this spear to its target and, with a Love that is beyond all human understanding, transform this world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Restore yourself in the source of prayer that, when sincerely offered, generates merits for the Redemption of souls.

Restore yourself in the source of prayer and renew yourself in the certainty that your effort is not in vain and that everything you offer turns into a reparation for the Heart of God.

Restore yourself in the source of prayer and let your soul offer everything of itself to God and to His Son Who, throughout all of human evolution, offers His Heart in sacrifice and resignation for each being of this Earth.

Restore yourself in the source of prayer and remember the souls without hope in the wars, in slums, and in the palaces of this world. Let your voice, already sometimes without strength, be able to reach the depths of these beings as an impulse so that they too do not give up seeking God.

Restore yourself in the source of prayer and do not tire of pronouncing your praises to the Father. Know that the Heart of God always waits for you, and no matter how small your offering, when it is sincere, its merits infinitely multiply and the Redemption that is born of it is eternal.

Restore yourself, beloved child, in the source of prayer, and until the end of your days, pray so that the Father never distances Himself from you.

If you have no strength or voice to pray, pray in silence. And if your heart is too weak to emit love, pray in the stillness. And if your mind is unable to pronounce a thought, pray in the void. And if your soul is in the desert and feels nothing, simply pray, waiting for God to reach you there. Never close the door to the Heart of the Father.

Persist and be firm, even if it is in the core of your being.

You have my blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


Children, the larger the commitment of a soul is, the larger will be the challenge of its consecration, because more souls are linked to its step and so being, its definition will result in the awakening and redemption of many beings.

The larger the commitment of a work is, the larger will be the challenges to manifest it, because the adversary of God will not silence before the echo of the Voice of the Creator.

I ask you to be firm, brave and united in heart; that you maintain your strength in Christ, in the Universe and in all the revelations you already know so that in this way you will understand that the triumph of God goes beyond this life.

Humanity lives extreme opposites of awakening and of profound ignorance, of love and of much evil, and the battle between the establishment of peace and darkness will take place on all levels of consciousness.

What should never exist in your hearts is rage, because all rage that comes from the human heart only feeds what the adversary is trying to build.

You will not be indifferent to what happens in the world and, facing the attacks of the adversary, you will increase in yourselves the power of peace, of unity and of love. You will take advantage of each test to grow and to strengthen your own faith and thus you will not allow the adversary of God to find fuel to continue lightening the fire of illusions, perditions and mistakes.

Each being will be known for their own fruits. This work will be recognized by its fruits because it will sow peace and will make it flourish and multiply in the hearts.

While the falsehood emerges from the beings and all the lies become visible to everyone, the virtues must also emerge. Unite only to the light and do not see the lies of others as a form to defend and to justify yourselves, because this battle must not be competitive on your side, not even in your mind.

To dissolve darkness and to let evil poison itself, it is necessary not to drink from this poison but rather to drink from the Fountain of Christ that in silence and on the cross wins the battle of falsehood, attacks and defamations.

Children, pacify your interior and pray for your brothers and sisters. Today the Heart of God is more wounded and Christ prays before His Father for the ignorance of those who once more allow themselves to be instruments of evil.

The Lord hopes that there is unity among His companions and this must be built by those who are more conscious of this need. Therefore, pray and ask for the Christ to enter into the hearts of all men and women, purify your miseries and make true those who say they follow His Name.

Never lose sight of the example of the Redeemer and remember not to feed evil, not even in thought.

The Sacred Family returns to teach you that only in love, silence and living the truth, that you already know, you can make the Plan of God triumph.

Follow Our example and do not fear to live and announce what we ask you for, because – in spite of all resistance from humanity in losing its power over the things of the world – there are many who need to awaken in order to fulfill their mission.

One day everyone will make use of what We taught you to take the last step, no matter if you had been against or in favor of the Work of God because the truth will emerge beyond the human will.

I love you and leave you My Blessing,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To My missionary of peace children


As an inner synthesis of the mission in Paraguay, recognize everything that in the last days has been transforming within each one of you and offer it to God.

Offer to the Father your expectations, your aspirations of having done more than you did, of taking to your brothers and sisters a more concrete aid, that would bring them a more worthy and healthy life.

Offer to the Father the aspiration of having taught and of having learned with the original peoples, of giving them love and charity and of receiving a learning of simplicity and purity.

Offer to the Father everything that in the last days was healed and transmuted in the human consciousness as the mistakes from the past.

Offer to the Father your efforts of each day, for following what I had told you and also every time in which you forgot My words.

I would like that this mission would mark an inner deepening of the missionary of peace task, a greater disposition of the apprentices of the Christic charity in fulfilling a spiritual role and not only a material one. May the mission, that happens in spirit, be an increasingly priority in your lives.

Each time that you learn to value what happens in the invisible worlds and understand that it is there that the real mission has its results, as Divinity, We can open other paths in the human consciousness and liberate situations each time more profound and rooted, each time more ancient and unconscious for the present humanity.

Children, there are not many missionaries of the present days who serve in matter being conscious of spiritual reflections of their mission. It is therefore that the Creator is so attentive to your movements and follows you with so much love by means of Our Presence and Our Words.

May the missionary of peace spirit expand itself in the human consciousness and may your disposition in deepening the inner transformation – as a form to give a more crystalline service each day – be as a code for humanity that will impel it; an example that gives other servers a spiritual meaning to their own service.

If you dispose yourselves to live the transformation and assume taking steps for your own redemption, you will help many others, who ramble in the world without knowing what to do and who, by your examples, will discover the essence of service, that is more than a social act, it is the path to the Christic life.

I thank you for continuing and for never giving up the transformation.

Believe, children, that the redemption is within reach of every one who says “yes”. And if, at the same time in which you walk towards the redemption of spirit, you do true service, you will open the doors for the redemption of the blind and indifferent ones.

I encourage the whole Planetary Mission Network to continue deepening themselves in essence of the service and to make contact with the indigenous peoples as a form of repairing everything they have lived in the four corners of the world.

Your Father and Companion in missions of peace,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Lord has resurrected! and He has dissipated darkness, fear and the absolute solitude of the hearts of humankind.

The Lord has resurrected! and He will be able to resurrect every day within the dead of spirit who, awakened by the Love of Christ, accept redemption.

The Lord has resurrected! to demonstrate to humanity and the whole universe that whoever is united to God transcends the laws of this world, including the more material ones that rule the natural course of human life.

The Lord has resurrected! to demonstrate that love has no limits and that those who surrender life for love receive, in exchange, eternity with God.

All living beings are natural heirs of the Power of God and of all His Grace. It is only necessary that you accept to live as His Children and that you recognize yourselves as such, living to manifest His Will, no matter what it may be.

The Creator is the great owner of this Enterprise of Universal Life. To take forward His Work you will have to serve Him and follow His Steps so that one day you may become a unit with the Father and have, by Grace, the possibility to take forward His Plan.

Give glory and thanks to He who shows you the path, by means of His Resurrection. Believe in the living presence of Christ among all, closely guiding this Work of the Father on Earth. Unite with Him and with the codes of His life, of His Passion, of His Death and of His Resurrection, because it is time for these codes left by the experience of Christ to multiply and find new dwellings.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions,

On this day I want to tell you, about the words that I have been pronouncing in these last times, that if I instruct you in such matters, it is because I trust in the potential of all the hearts that listen to Me, regardless of the life that you lead and the degree of consecration you hold.

My Chaste Heart was sent to the world to accompany the Most Holy Mary in the awakening of the 144 thousand that must prepare the return of Christ and recognize Him among humankind. It is for this reason that Our presence is purely spiritual and touches the spirits of those who committed to God at the beginning of this whole human project.

My beloveds, the 144 thousand are the spirits that were sent to Earth to experience redemption and to help in the human project, and who committed to experience in themselves the codes left by Christ.

Do not think that Jesus came to the Earth to be the only existing Christ in the Creation of God. He came to be the Path that all of humanity was to walk through, the Truth that each being of this world should love and follow, the Christic Life that was manifested in Jesus, and that must manifest also in all those who are willing to make themselves an expression of the project of God and make the universal and christic principles left by the Son of Man alive in their own flesh.

My beloveds, the time has come to assume your true role in the Plan of God, and this is achieved when you are able to step out of the pettiness of material life, and in this way step out of yourselves, so that you may have as a priority in your lives what really matters, which is love and forgiveness, redemption and unity with God, and as a result, with all His Creation.

The 144 thousand must be the spearhead that opens the way to the New Humanity, the example to be followed for those who are blind, groping the air before them. The 144 thousand must be the hand stretched out to humankind and to the Kingdoms of Nature; they must be the representation of humanity itself, elevating the planet to the manifestation of the Truth.

Think about this and feel My words in your hearts, for they must impel you each day, so that at least you long not to be the same, and thus experience what I teach you.

Your beloved father and councilor,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



In the beginning of the Creation of God, He manifested the universes in the Infinite Cosmos, which was the living representation of His Divine Consciousness.

In the Cosmos, God reproduced in everything the same principles of creation, and in different forms, represented His Divine Consciousness in everything that He would create.  He created the universes with the principles of His perfection; created the galaxies, the planets, the conscious beings, who were the living outcome of the essences deriving from His Heart.

And in the vast Cosmos, created by God in seven dimensions that coexist and, in harmony, help each other mutually in order to reach the same evolutionary purpose – to become again one with God –, the Creator created the human beings.

He separated from the other creatures, in material bodies, ancient spirits, to which He entrusted the greatest process of transformation and of redemption of His Creation.

In a parallel time, different from the time and the space of the rest of Creation, God placed the most precious that would exist, if the desired result were achieved and if the potential of His Project were developed in those consciousnesses.

In this world, the Creator reunited spirits coming from all over the Cosmos; consciousnesses with different types of learning and with hidden records, both positive and negative.  From all of them, He removed the cosmic memory, so that they would not know who they were and, this way, they could unite their knowledge and balance one another in order to reach the expected purpose.

The Lord sent to the world, besides all the spirits in most need of redemption, Divine Consciousnesses, uniting thus, two opposites, and representing in this little planet the great duality that exists in this universe.  He gave, in this way, two possibilities to the world: the one of living a great evil and the one of living a good.

In this risky divine experiment, the Creator entrusted to the essences of those creatures a divine principle, the unity that, when activated in the essence of love, would allow the consciousnesses to overcome the duality of the universe and find a way to elevate all of His universal Creation to a new level of learning, a learning based on the unity with God by means love.

When we ask you for prayer, it is to overcome the forces that do harm inside and outside of the beings; forces that are only overcome by a great good, which is love.

When we ask you to forget about yourselves, to serve the other and to recognize the planetary reality, it is for you, by discovering such a smallness of your tridimensional consciousnesses, to be able to realize that everything you live is an illusion and, letting go of what you think you are, discover what you really are.

When I talk about a new humanity, I speak of ancient spirits of the universe which, redeemed by the discovery of love and the living of unity, start living according to the principles left by the Son of God, who was for all the example and the right path to follow.  The new humanity is this conversion of the spirits of the universe.

The new humanity is the symbol of the potential of the Love of God in His creatures; it is the demonstration, to all that has been created, of how it is possible to overcome a great evil and take a leap from complete ignorance to the conscious union with the Creator.

Today I tell you things that the mind may not comprehend, but that the heart will know that they are truths that, in some moment, humanity will have to recognize.

The time of experience for humanity is already coming to an end and now you must start remembering the principles of the superior life and, with all that you have lived in this world, start discovering who you are and what you must heal in this time.

Christ has already left inside of each one the possibility of living love and unity with the other.  Now, you only need to wake up and see that your priorities must no longer be what keep you well and safe in this world, rather that you must prepare what will happen far beyond this Earth, with what you have learned here.

I ask you to listen to Me with peace and only place what I told you in the heart, because, the steps you will take in the future will depend on the correct understanding of the instructions of the Divine Messengers.

I love you and bless you.

Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

