If you cannot enter the deserts of Earth as the ancient Fathers did to heal their sins and to convert their profound human condition, enter, child, into the desert of your heart.

In these final times, the things of the world are like magnets that constantly draw your consciousness to the deepest abyss of darkness and perdition. But you, as a child of God, conscious of His presence within you, can choose not to follow the tendencies of the Earth and to enter the desert of your heart so that, alone and in solitude, you may find God.

Enter into dialogue with the Father every day and feel His divine proximity to your heart. Do not let the things of the world consume you and have you forget or put into second place that which is the real meaning of your existence.

Do not forget to contemplate, in your heart, the Universe as the Infinite, and to recognize your smallness once again. The heart that recognizes itself as small, and is grateful to God with its simplicity, opens the doors to Heaven, to the divine dimensions, to the higher reality, where truth is revealed.

Let your prayers become ever more profound and sincere. Cross the threshold between being a child and a companion of God to a living part of Him, renewing himself in His Creation, to return to the All with a greater Love.

May the Divine Purpose always be visible to the eyes of your heart so that you never miss opportunities to love, forgive, understand the neighbor and find God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When hearts unite to fulfill the Divine Purpose, imperfections, difficulties and obstacles are dissolved. Because it is in the mystery of true unity that souls balance out one another, so that all of them reach the goal of Meeting God.

Children, each heart, each consciousness has something unique to provide to the Plan, something that is not linked with any material ability. I am talking about spiritual virtues, energies that are so unknown to humanity that are not even found among the concepts of your dictionary. What I am telling you about is not expressed in words. But those who live in the spirit of unity will be able to feel how souls elevate themselves to God more simply and, in an unknown way, tread the path that leads them to the Creator.

Each test that is placed in your lives has a spiritual reason to exist and, even though all seems to be very unpredictable for all levels below God, the Creator does observe in silence the fulfillment of what He has written for the human consciousnesses. The Divine Thought is alive and so is His Plan. Therefore, there is nothing that, for God, is a mystery.

I tell you this so you understand that these are times to build unity, so you may recognize that the instances of approximation to God are not built by anyone individually, but rather by the love that each one has for Him.

The concretization of the Divine Plan is found in the unveiling of unity. That is why it is important that you feel that your miseries disappear when the one you have by your side balances it with their virtues and so one soul does to another, until you build a perfect and immaculate unity, capable of receiving new codes.

For you to reconstruct the world – when it comes the time to do it -, you will need nothing other than unity and love. Try this instances in which you live them not only as something unusual, that you live without premeditating. Reflect about the events and realize how the Creator always prepares you and in any circumstances that are apparently very negative. But when there is disposition and unity, the Creator makes emerge a unique learning experience from it, which will serve for each instant of your lives and much more for the days to come.

Understand, in this way, the importance of responding to the Celestial Call and also the importance of striving day and night to live unity, to let the best of the other transform you and to always provide the best to your neighbor.

Meditate on this learning experience and love the spirit of unity, and that, beyond small instances, it may expand to your daily life in each small detail.

The one who loves you and accompanies you always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While the world begins to become aware of the need for service and Argentina takes the first steps in the active balancing of its debts with God, I call on you so that you do not stop taking your steps. May each mission be a doorway that is opened to a greater possibility of redemption in the world.

My missionaries in Chaco are beginning to become aware of the spiritual task that they carry out and their hearts can now feel the Purpose of God a little more.

The suffering of the indigenous consciousness is being alleviated, but as I have told you, this is a door that was opened so that you may continue on a long journey of reparation and redemption.

For Argentina to become a nation able to be the cradle of the New Humanity, just like Brazil, Uruguay, and other countries of South America, there must exist a greater spirit of love and fraternity.

With small acts of service, the consciousness is expanded to know the truth, which is the presence of God within all living creatures. Service, children, dignifies the spirit and activates love, latent in the human heart. For this reason, now that you have taken the first steps with greater awareness, I will ask you to not stop.

The missionaries will feel in their hearts the need for this service to have some continuity, and I tell you that this feeling is true. I would like other members of this Work to have the opportunity to contribute their love into acts of fraternal charity, but for that, I need the inner and material willingness of all.

As the spiritual maladjustment is gradually balanced and transmuted in Chaco through the simple and sincere actions of servers, the paths will open in the matter and you will find those intercessors sent by God that will help you to provide a more materially dignified life to the peoples of Chaco.

But before that, you must still make a great effort so that love is able to dissolve the sorrow that has impregnated the indigenous consciousness for so many centuries.

My children, the world is in its last breaths of suffering, and the Justice of God will soon descend to the Earth. That is not a threat, it is a reality. For this reason, the most important now is to learn to truly love, to break your own structures of pride, egoism and indifference, so that, still in the time of His Mercy, the Lord may grant you the Grace of dwelling in your inner worlds and strengthen you for the rebuilding of the material and spiritual life of the Earth.

I love you and, for this reason, I impel you so that you do not stop your steps now. Deepen into the spirit of service and, at the end of this mission, I will tell you what I most want for Argentina and for South America. I await you to be attentive and open-hearted to listen to Me.

Your Father and Instructor,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

