Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Community of Luz-Saint-Saveur, High Pyrenees, France to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The Signs in the Sky

The world will wake up one morning and will see the sign in the Sky that will indicate the moment of the return of Christ.

Many eyes will open and hearts will be redeemed before this visible sign of the universe.

While the sun rises on the highest peak of the hill, the sign of the universe will become more and more visible and it will not be erased. It will be the moment in which all will be transformed, and that which had remained hidden, out of nowhere, will be seen.

This sign will leave three more signs, visible throughout the world. They will not be able to be mistaken nor interpreted as natural phenomena, because they will have such a high degree of splendor that they will resemble nothing of this world.

In the meantime, a star, similar to the great Star of Bethlehem, will announce the opening of the portals of the universe.

When you see this great and unknown Star shine so bright in the sky, kneel down upon the ground and make penance, manifest deep repentance in the name of humanity because this will be the sign that Christ is now returning.

Similar things to what happened at the Birth of Jesus will occur at the final hour, because when the Child of God was born, He was Alfa, now, at His Return, He will be Omega.

Prepare your hearts with time for this moment.

Allow purification to take place so that you will be free of yourselves.

In total, four signs will be shown throughout this universe so that humanity may understand it is time to awaken and abandon illusion and inertia.

These signs will bring with them something new and innovative. But, at the same time, they will move all that is obscure, unjust and unloyal from East to West and from North to South.

It is thus that, because they are the signs of the universe upon the planet, they cannot be erased, altered nor hidden.

These signs will have the strength of hundreds of horses and an expansion greater than all the oceans.

This will be the moment in which you should be praying without distraction because the impulses will remain and that which is in vain will be transmuted.

The signs will reveal unknown mysteries, open inexplicable doors and allow the sleeping humanity to awaken and finally turn its attention toward God, as it will be unable to escape anywhere.

This way, regardless of how human beings become conscious of all their sins, all will be revealed in this world.

So, the great world lie, created by the beings of the surface, will be removed, and all will become conscious of the illusion that has been created for centuries.

When Christ returns many things will move, even the most incredible ones. Because as Christ is the living Law, where this Law is present, there will not be anything unfair or hidden.

Therefore, purify your hearts with time so that these events may not surpass your expectations nor surprise you from night to morning.

Keep watch, just as the guard does, who takes care of the house during the night.

Enter into vigil and prayer because this way you can be guided, step by step, until the end.

The signs of the universe will allow the planetary reality to become clearer and more evident in the face of all lies, frauds and injustices that will be revealed.

May the hearts be merciful as God is merciful because, this way, you will not fall into temptation.

I come to ask you, in essence, the same that Jesus asked His Apostles while He agonized in the Garden of Getsemani, because, at this time, your full correspondence, attunement and unconditionality will be necessary.

The most humble will help the most asleep.

The wisest, who will be moved by the Holy Spirit, will help the most ignorant.

The simplest will show all the way out towards the new and future cycle of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima, transmitted in Villa de Dornes, Ferreira do Zêzere, Santarém, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

A great world event

At the doors of the Fatima Sanctuary, all the angels, saints and the blessed experience a great celestial celebration, since one hundred years ago, your Heavenly Mother came here to establish peace and the end of war.

The third secret of Fatima, revealed to the shepherds, represented the end of a cycle and the beginning of another with the call to prayer of the Holy Rosary and repentance through an act of penitence and reparation.

The call was not widely accepted, and only the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart taking place in the 1980's produced a break in the universal dominance of the adversary over the great world and human forces.

If that request of Mine had not been concretized, humanity would have experienced a third war even worse than the previous ones. That consecration benefited the whole world, and peace was able to expand for some time more in all the human race.

In the countdown to an end time, and after one hundred years of prayers, repentance and of penitence of devotees and good believers who embodied the message of Fatima, today, fully into the XXI century, a century full of innovations, modernities and intelligent destruction on the part of human beings, this cycle of peace began to decline, and the great planetary crisis among the peoples and the nations exploded, generating a great imbalance in the scales of the Law.

For the Eternal Father, this meant a new and possible divine intervention so that a worse world imbalance not occur in humanity. Thus, your Heavenly Mother returned to Medjugorje, and for more than thirty years, prepared Europe, Asia and Oceania for the moment they were to face.

On the other hand, given the grave psychic and material crisis the planet is experiencing in these times, which is reflected on all the life of the spirit, the Will of God went further, and He decided that the Mother and ever Virgin Mary would appear in the south of the Americas, in a remote place in the north of Uruguay, to deliver a prophetic and preparatory message, thus indicating what She symbolizes for humanity: the Aurora of the dawn in the life of each being.

So it was that, with all care and, at the same time, with all the difficulties, the Mother of God prepared to respond to the divine request of appearing regularly during a cycle in that distant place of Aurora so that, through strong and symbolic universal revelations, humanity would be able to find a path by which to return to God, and thus be redeemed through the reconciliation that the Heavenly Mother lovingly was offering the world.

After all this, the situation became worse in various regions of the planet, the objective of the adversary was concretized and a great wave of persecution of Christians began. Much innocent blood began to run through the world, and the crisis between religions and cultures became worse up to this time.

Once again, the Mother of the Most High Father came to the world and to humanity to intercede, in a cycle where the precarious situation of the human race is rapidly falling apart.

For this reason, your Heavenly Mother returned to Europe to be present among the multitudes and the Holy Father, on this 13th of May of 2017, which will mark a before and an after in hearts open to the call of Fatima.

Just like a hundred years ago, the Most Holy Lady of the Rosary returns to the world to give it Her motherly blessing, so as to avoid a serious situation for the whole human gender.

The Voice of Heaven is pronounced today through the words of the Holy Father in the Sanctuary of Fatima, as well as with the presence of thousands and thousands of pilgrims that once again show their doctrines of faith and of love for God in an ecumenical and fraternal sense.

It is for this reason that, on this 13th of May, at the doors of the Kingdom of Fatima, your Heavenly Mother will expand Her Divine Consciousness in order that a large part of the planet and of humanity will receive the spiritual, inner and human relief they need so much.

For everyone, this event will mean the expression and the descent of powerful celestial codes which the eternal Virgin Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, will pour out over the psychic consciousness of the planet, thus generating an epicenter of love and of positive energy for all the world.

It is for this reason that, on this day, your Heavenly Mother asks that each prayerful and devoted heart remain united with Her, so that the greatest number of souls and of needy consciousnesses may experience this event.

For all My children, I leave the warmest vows of service and of union with the Divine Plan.

Let Fatima, as essence of peace, be reborn in all hearts!

Who blesses and loves you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima

Apparition of Christ Jesus during the Sacred Call, in the Marian Center of Figueira, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I have come among the clouds of Heaven to bring good news.

Happy are they who will prepare to spend the seven days with Me, reliving My Passion, bringing the new codes for them, which will transform their lives forever.

The codes that I will bring for this cycle are not the same as what I have brought you in previous times.

I will come with the codes that will illuminate your cells; because it is the cells that will first be prepared for what is to come to the world.

I come with the good news of bringing you more hope, so that your spirits may be still and may perceive the frequencies of the Cosmos, which My Rays will bring from the Universe to the Earth during the seven days.

I will let there be silence between the words so that you may attentively listen to what I say to you.

My Words must not only sound in your minds; they must vibrate in your hearts so that the prophecy may be fulfilled.

 You are part of that prophecy, of the prophecy of John on the resurgence of Christ, on His glorious coming to the world.

For now, companions, I can show Myself in Divinity to you, for My Body is still Glorified and My total Consciousness is also.

It is until you achieve new vibrations that I will show Myself in Divinity to the world. While you have not achieved a transcendence of terrestrial energies, I will come in Divinity to talk to you, and then show Myself in glory to everyone.

In the same way that I ascended to the Heavens, so I will return, when the seven trumpets of the angels sound, which will announce the seven new cycles that this humanity will experience on its five continents.

It will be the new tribes of Israel, which will be called by the sounding of the trumpets; that is why what you experience today is a preparation, the prelude to a great event.

Thus, avail yourselves of this, drink of the Fount that I bring you today so that your hearts, at the most crucial time of Earth, not be indifferent in the face of all that will happen; but, rather, let them take on all the human events and those of this planet, that will unfold in these new seven cycles.

The Sacred Week will be an inner preparation for everyone. A portal will reopen, just like in each previous Sacred Week. But this portal will be different from the previous ones. You will have the chance to vivify My Spirit, to feel new things that you did not feel before, to experience new lessons that you never experienced before, to take sure steps that you never dared to take before.

These are all the possibilities that I bring you today, for those who are happy and are preparing their hearts for the Sacred Week.

The revelations of these times are part of the awakening of the consciousness. Nothing will remain hidden, all will have the possibility of knowing everything, outside of and within beings, in humanity, and on the planet.

We are in the time of the prelude of the coming of Christ.

I Am that Consciousness that is reemerging in these times, and that is written in the prophetic books of the sages.

All of humanity will be able to know that I am here, and although My Church may be mobilized, do not fear, for if your Lord was not accepted in the temple of Jerusalem, do you believe that you will be accepted?

I come to build the bases of My Spiritual Church in souls.

I come to revive what is dead in beings, I come to ignite what has been extinguished in beings.

All of these are the offers that I bring you today. Do not allow the spark of your love for Me to be extinguished. In spite of what may happen, be brave.

The Kingdom of God is drawing closer.

I bring you My sincere Heart, so that you just may feel it.

Today I will call a group of women who have served Me in other times, just as I will have the opportunity during Sacred Week of calling many more souls to meet Me, so that they may receive the treasures that I want to give them with so much Love; non-material and invisible treasures that will make souls joyous because, through that treasure that I will give them, they will be able to be in the Sacred Glory of God, and by the Father will be considered as possible merciful souls.

This is why, companions, I need you to definitely awaken to these gifts because the world and humanity need it.

Each impulse that I bring you is definitive, it is the opportunity to take a great step, and to dare to cross the abysses, to be able to find the Ocean of My Mercy.

I still hope that you can enter this Ocean so that I may transform you, and convert you into My brave soldiers that will not be afraid to proclaim My Word, to announce My new gospel through the instructions that I have brought you in these times. They are only words of salvation and of love.

It is that light that I need you to distribute in the world. That is why I will always send you on a mission so that suffering may be alleviated and your hearts may awaken to unconditional service within the Plan of God.

While I speak to you, I leave you many keys, so that you may penetrate My Message, be a part of My Message, and live it in these end times, for in such a simple way you will help Me to carry out My Work of Redemption.

Through My Love, I come to teach you to be able to resurrect to the impossible, to be able to bring into your lives the mercies you have lost.

This is the spring that I offer you.

That is why I am sending My soldiers two by two; because I need, companions, for you to distribute and share the mercy that you have received from My Heart for all the hearts of the world that are shipwrecked in their suffering, that cannot find the way out, nor can they find peace.

You were deserving of My Peace, and what will you do with the peace that I have given you?

Be carriers of this legacy, for many souls in the world that do not have it.

When you are about to abandon My Work, remember these words, regain your inner strength, and continue onward, without looking back; just observing the horizon of love that I bring you and, in this way, the forces of evil will be defeated, because the very evil consumes itself by not knowing the power of the Love of God.

You are sparks of that invincible love, believe in this and you will never perish.

Around Me contemplate the inner universe. That is what I seek from you all the time, to be able to build the foundation of My Work in the world.

It will be through your inner universe that My Work will be carried out in humanity.

I do not come to make you materialists of My Plan, but rather spiritualized beings under the Love of God and of His infinite Mercy.

Again, I come to open the doors for those who have them closed.

I come to bring you the balm of My Love because it will be the flame that will comfort you for the times of darkness all over the Earth.

The Sacred Week is the refuge for My soldiers, it is the manna that will come from Heaven to give an impulse to the consciousnesses to carry onward the banner of peace that I give each one today.

Through the Sacrament of Communion, a union of souls with God, Heaven and Earth, like a single consciousness, is established through the adoring exercise of the angels.

Show Me the bread and the wine, so that they may convert into My Body and My Blood, divine codes of rehabilitation for consciousnesses.

Friar Elías: Let us softly sing "Christ, You are love."

Today I consecrate them, My daughters, as the first helpers of My sacramental ceremonies.

As servants of My Mercy, through their giving of self, they build the altars for My Work in the world.

I want them to be the first servants of My Mercy, because you will be who testifies that during this time I was among you, to have you know the power of My Love and My Grace.

My servants, be consolers of My Passion. Prepare to serve Me during the Sacred Week, just as the Holy women served Me in the Sepulcher and to the foot of the Cross.

Be like Mary Magdalene, who, with her tears, washed My Feet, and I drew her toward My Mercy.

Be in likeness of Mary Magdalene, be the new Marys, for this next Sacred Week.

I want you to be around your King, contemplating the love that I have for you, for each small step that you have taken in this manifestation of the ceremony of My Heart.

Thus I consecrate these elements, that in your hands will be signs for a new life.

Today you, My servants, are being witnesses of the last legacy that I give to humanity.

From your lips must come divine words of praise and prayer; from your hearts, consoling love must be radiated for your Sorrowful King, Who suffers the indifference of the world in His most silent agony.

I consecrate you as Helpers of My Divine Mercy; as the first women, of your Glorious King, who will be an example for all the rest who will be inwardly called for the concretization of the divine ceremony at each new altar.

Today God brings you this merit, so that many more merits may be distributed in the new holy women that I will call by name.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From your lips I want to hear the song "Sincere Heart," so that you may be like Me, in each new detail.

I thank you for serving Me, may peace be in you. Amen.


The Nativity of Jesus

In that time, when the presence of Christ was fundamental for the redemption of humanity, the Sacred Family, after spending three days in Bethlehem, at the request of God, went to Nazareth, where the Divine Family would prepare to accompany the first and important years of the life of Jesus.

At the moment of the birth of Christ, after the visit of the kings of the East, the Sacred Family was also sought by other consciousnesses, who, as pilgrims of God, came to meet the little child in Nazareth.

We remember that the prophecy about the birth of the Messiah was also confirmed by the sacred star of Bethlehem and by all the angels who announced the birth of Christ in different towns throughout the whole of Israel.

So important was the coming of the Messiah, that even those most distant from the truth and from love would become aware through dreams that an infinite light had come to the planet.

The Sacred Family always remained austere, humble and simple, this was its main mission, to show itself as it truly is so that the principles of the Mercy of the Universe might reach humanity through Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.

Remember, dear children, that more than two thousand years ago, humanity was on the verge of self-destruction and of definitely leaving the Plan of the Creator, because it might have entered into a deep decay.

The birth of Jesus brought to the world the possibility of reintegrating its spiritual bond and its filiation with the Father, something that was being corrupted by the actions of humankind.

Jesus, in Nazareth, while still a boy, worked on the first inner steps for the redemption of humanity and in the building of a new consciousness on Earth through re-orientation of the Divine Source.

The Grace of God was always present, especially in Nazareth, when the Sacred Family lived a stage of deeper union with the Creator which came from the presence of Jesus as the little Savior.

As a boy, Jesus was aware of the urgency of rescuing humanity. When the Little Child was three years old, with love and simplicity He embraced the manifestation of this Purpose that the Father would confer upon Him at the age of thirty three.

Even as a boy, Jesus worked together with the angels that surrounded Him, within the inner worlds of humanity.

Let us see an example of this:

I can tell you, dear children, that, at the age of three, Jesus already offered, with His little consciousness, some sacrifices that were very visible to all, such as that of not drinking water nor eating for days.

We knew, as part of His Family, that the Father in that time was already fulfilling His Designs, because the whole life of Jesus was filled by the Holy Spirit, it was God Himself made man and human consciousness Who was coming to rescue the consciousness of humanity.

As a child, Jesus was developing spiritual and supernatural actions at the moment of making contact with the Source of the Father, which, with love and gentleness, sprang from His little Heart.

The Boy Jesus granted many Graces, states for the consciousnesses that allowed the human condition and its debt before the Law to revert. The Little Child worked silently, and, in spite of being so little, the Archangels oftentimes worked through Him. For example, at one stage in the life of Jesus, the Archangel Gabriel granted a certain kind of miracle to souls, which not only transformed their lives, but also liberated the bonds that they had upon having made contact with the Little Child Jesus.

The Sacred Family dedicated the first years of the life of Jesus to carrying out service, and one of the main occupations of Saint Joseph was what you know aof s carpentry, which, in truth, the humble carpentry of Saint Joseph was the temple of miracles and conversions.

The service that the Sacred Family physically offered to humanity, in the first years of the life of Jesus, was to reestablish within the human consciousness the necessity of serving others, a fellow being, with the purpose of reactivating the spirit of charity and fraternity.

Saint Joseph committed Himself so that this simple carpentry in Nazareth would be capable of receiving suffering souls, to convert them into souls filled by the relief of the Lord.

While Saint Joseph was carrying out His work in carpentry, at the same time, He would teach the children of Nazareth to build something evolutionary in their small consciousnesses. Thus, Jesus, on many occasions, would participate in these meetings, and the union and the love that existed between Jesus and Saint Joseph were capable of turning this carpentry into a moment of elevation and devotion to God, to the point that, in an inexplicable way, the works of carpentry were miraculously finished by the angels.

The Sacred Family, through the essence of service, was able to help reverse human spiritual precariousness with a powerful energy of love and charity.

The Most Holy Mother would dedicate Her moments of prayer to engage in a deeper union with God and also to relive within Her Spirit the sacrifice that Her Beloved Son would live and a moment of which, through the revelation of the Archangel Gabriel, Mary was already aware of.

By the time Jesus reached the age of twelve, the holy archangels showed the Holy Mother the spiritual and conscious preparation that the Divine Son would live in that time.

From that moment, the Holy Mother became resigned as a slave before Her Eternal Father, leaving the young Jesus in complete and humble freedom, so that His mission might be fulfilled, just as the sacred prophecy indicated.

Throughout this first stage of the life of Jesus, the Sacred Family was being guided by the holy angels towards the needs that had to be provided for in the consciousness of humanity. In this sense, the Sacred Family gave to the human consciousness the opportunity of being reintegrated into the Project of the Creator through the sacrifice of Christ.

Many were the Gifts and the Graces during the first stage of the life of Jesus, which created the main basis for all that the Small Child would live in His holy adulthood.

Since the birth of Jesus, humanity had the opportunity of connecting with the essence of love, even after Christ made His final surrender on the Cross.

In this time, in which the values of the Sacred Family have lost the attention of the humankind of the surface, the Celestial Messengers come to this meeting, to a meeting with a humanity once again precarious in all senses, so that, through love and mercy, it may awaken from the deep sleep of illusion and remember that it must love its fellow beings, that it must serve them and help them to heal their consciousnesses through acts of fraternity and brotherhood.

The Sacred Family draws closer to humanity for the purpose of repairing the human consciousness and removing it from all the mistakes that it commits through wars, conflicts and indifference, as well as the destruction and domination of the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Sacred Family invites all, so that, on this Christmas, the Inner Christ may be born from an intimate communion with the Creator, thus, the Earth will be polarized to the Light that has been lost.

I thank you for responding to My call.

For all those that will make an effort to fulfill this last part of the pilgrimage, I will be very grateful.

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Where it seems that nothing is happening, many things occur in the one who is united with My Spirit.

Thus, today I come to unite people and beliefs under one spirituality, which I taught in the past to My apostles and to My followers through the Gospel, the rule of Love. This is the spirituality for these times.

Many may proclaim My Name, but in truth, I will not be in them.

Many will carry out works through My Name, but in truth, I will not be in them.

It is the essence of My Love that allows all things in this time.

That is why today I bring closer to you the Grace of being in Me, and I in you. It is in this simplicity that I always want to see you, rather than in opulence, or power.

With My Hands, I banish those who say they govern through My Name.

I came to teach in the past so that you might learn to love, to forgive, and to understand your neighbor.

I came to be with you all, without exception. I sat at the table with the rich, I sat on the ground with the poor, I spoke with prostitutes, I converted atheists and rescued those who had committed adultery, because I came to see in you the essence of your souls, which is what  must not be lost and is what many are losing in this time.

I come to reconnect you with the commitment you made to Me a long time ago, of which you are not conscious today, only through My Grace that awakens you to this reality. So do not fear, I am present in those who live Me, in those who truly preach Me, without anything in return.

I come here, companions, so that you may recover the filiation with My Father and not waste time on the false things that the world promises. My true Kingdom is found in your hearts and I am able to be in your hearts when you open the door of your souls to Me; in this way, I will be able to purify your lives and consciousnesses, and you will be one with God, and one with Me forever.

I come to bring you a lifeline that many today do not want to experience, because they do not accept repentance.

Many things will happen in the world, although you cannot believe it. Thus, I come to prepare you in this cycle as My new apostles, so that you may live Me, so that you may testify to Me in each corner of this world.

Thus, I come to renew the Sacraments, and to give the Sacraments to those that have never received them in their lives. The Sacrament is an opportunity of purification and renewal, of sanctity and of consecration of all your spirits before the Celestial Father.

You are before a great mystery through the Sacraments; but as much as you do not understand them, I teach you to live them in simplicity, because when you open your hearts, many things will be able to happen, and inexplicable miracles will occur in each of your lives.

After so many meetings with Me, companions, you are ready to bear the end of times, and although the weariness is great, the victory of My Heart will be greater; when it works on the nations of the world, it comes to dispel the darkness of hearts and peoples, it comes to open a door of light where it does not exist, a unique and inexplicable opportunity for all. That is why I Am the Sacred and Blessed Heart.

It is the essence of My living Heart that allows all these things. So I bring you peace and the possibility of renewing hope and of confirming in each of your lives the living of My Heart in your beings, because it will be that great treasure of My Heart that will free you from all evil and all temptation.

Through My Words, which I give you today with Love, I go freeing the restraints of your consciousnesses, I untie the knots from your spirits so that the doors of redemption can open upon you; it is through this cause that I send My angels from the Celestial Universe so that not only your lives, but also your nations can receive the expiation of My Heart and so that you do not miss this opportunity of meeting Me again in this time of tribulation.

I want souls from Costa Rica in prayer for this nation and for the sister nations of Central America, so that the equilibrium of the equator may be maintained on this planet in the place that corresponds, and not in another.

So I come to speak to you about physics and true science, because in the real science of God, the spiritual and the immaterial is always present.

If you pray with devotion to My Sacred Heart, Costa Rica, although it lives in a superficial manner, will not have the doors closed to My Grace and many more will be touched by the impulse of your prayer and of your sacred invocation to My Glorious Name.

So I invite you, My friends, My friends from the past, to be aware within your consciousness to dispel the distraction and to open your eyes to the truth that the world experiences, the truth of its suffering and its pain.

I want you to be conscious souls, available for My Service, so that I can work through your lives and hearts, and that today I not only come for you, but for all the souls of Costa Rica that so much need My Divine and unfathomable Mercy.

I come to tell you, My friends, if you truly do not live love, that I Am this Source of Love for your lives that can bring you closer to God on different paths; this is why, My friends, I am uniting beliefs and peoples under one spirituality; this is the essence of My Message for this day.

What I want from Central America is that it does not lose its beautiful Eden. My Father has created it so that you could take care of it through your generations and all of your peoples. Do not let this be destroyed, because you will have no place to take refuge when the planet moves, as has been foreseen, physically.

I do not come to bring you pressure or fear, but rather awareness and truth.

I Am the living Truth for you. Your lives can be true when you simply seek Me and are in Me.

I have been able to complete part of My Work in this place, with all the prayers of your brothers and sisters who accompanied Me under the spirit of Divine Mercy.

You do not know how much relief My Heart feels for all those who pray in the world, who prayed in this Marathon in a sincere and non-mechanical way, feeling the need for the redemption and intervention of My Source of Mercy, because as I have told you, the Justice of My Father will come.

I just want you all to be saved, just as I saved you on the Cross, giving each part of My Body and of My Spirit, assuming the sins of the world up to My last breath. Do you know what this means, companions?

Remember Me on the Cross not as a dead person, but rather as the living Son of God, Who brought victory to the lives of the world, closing the darkness and all hells.

But now the world is to be found in great ignorance and indifference. Many, a great many souls ask themselves why they suffer in this time and if it is a punishment of God.

He who created you in His Image and Likeness could never punish you, because He would not be the God of Love.

He can only give you His Justice, not the justice that exists on this Earth, but the Justice that is in the Celestial Kingdom, and in this Justice, Companions, is My Divine Mercy.

Can you now understand the expansion of My Love, which is infinite, sublime, and immaterial? This is what you must not lose.

This is why I call on you to be with Me in this cycle, because I will not be able to be with you much longer. My cycle is ending and humanity must hear My Words. You must be disseminators of this Message of Mine and of all that I have said to you throughout these years.

My wish is that each one of My Words be written in a book, for humanity must recover its origin and read as God reads, and not with the modernities that affect the evolution of the spirits. Do you now understand the global hypnotism?

I come to give My Grace to all. Thus, if you read My Words in books, you will recover your intimacy with God; you will feel the vibration of My Words written on paper, rather than on screens.

This is why I use these means of communication, fulfilling the prophecy that I gave to a great spirit, a great server from the East.

By fulfilling the prophecy of this wise server, I am closing a cycle before the world and humanity experience their Judgment and the last trumpet of the angels of God sounds in the world.

I do not come to be apocalyptic, but rather true in Love, and in the essence of Spirit.

Happy are they who understand beyond what I say, because the words will have entered their hearts rather than their minds, and I will not have wasted even a gram of energy, the way humanity wastes it all the time, creating confusion, error, and wars, because of their verbiage.

Live in the silence of the Universe, look at the stars at night and ask the Father, "Adonai, who am I?" And you will thus feel peace, you will step out of chaos, and you will be able to be united with Me in prayer and in vigil.

Thus, I need you so as to be able to finish accomplishing My Works in the Americas and beyond them.

I come to leave My most cherished spiritual treasures for you, precious pearls of the immaterial life, the spiritual life, and the Kingdom of God; those same pearls that I gave in the past as Jesus of Nazareth.

For this reason, I want you to remember on this day of blessings, a message that has become a song for Me, from My favorite daughters, who make My Message resound in the world through their voice and their union with Me.

It is through this song that I will bless you on this day, and all these elements will be spirits of Grace for souls and for the neediest hearts; because when you experience a Sacrament, remember that you will be doing so for all of humanity, which suffers from the causes of its own evils and its disconnection from God.

It is that Grace of God that allows Me to be here among you.

And now, I will bless while you sing the story of My Life.

I love you and will always love you.

Even though you may fail Me someday, My Love for you is bigger than all of that. I Love the planet; the Project of God is this humanity, which must be the new Jerusalem that shines in this Universe forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



Opening the door of My Heart, dear children, I give you My Supreme Grace. It is the Grace of My Heart that will strengthen you and protect you in these times.

I come once more to Sao José to bless you and I entrust you to the Most Chaste Saint Joseph so that He may be your Protector Father, the Guardian of your essences, the Shepherd of souls after Christ.

Today I would like to have you closer to My Heart, because I heard your prayers. And I also come on this day to bless Brazil in this important task it has for this moment; a very profound spiritual task, a purpose that many souls of this nation are involved with without knowing it, which is the purpose, dear children, of keeping faith alive in this blessed people that I cherish with so much Love.

Thus, today I come dressed with the mantle of this nation, bringing healing to souls, wisdom for all spirits, and on the planet of this nation I bring the Peace of God for the world.

This is the spirit and the proposition for this nation.

Now I will continue telling you, dear children, that My message on this day is to bring you the Grace of restoration and healing for all My children of Brazil, who are so in need of God and His Infinite Mercy so as to be able to persist in these times.

The planet has changed a lot, just as you know. Thus, I come on this day to you to show you once again the path toward Jesus, and the Love that He wants to pour out over all your hearts and lives.

Today, I would like to ask you for something special, dear children present here in Sao José, that you recite a prayer or at least a Mystery of the Rosary, so that Your Heavenly Mother may be able to fulfill the purpose through Her children, of reaching Central America.

Just as I appeared in this nation to protect the Purpose of God it has, in the same way I appeared in Mexico as Guadalupe to unite the races and the peoples in one same equality, in one same condition of love and of fraternity.

Therefore, I ask all of My children, not only those who are here in Sao José, but also in the whole world, that on this day of vigil you offer more prayers to your Heavenly Mother, so that My Basket of gold may be deposited at the foot of the altar of the Creator, and that it be the greatest and infinite offering of the salvation of all the souls of My beloved America.

I am here among you, dear children, as our Lady of Aparecida from Brazil and the Queen of Peace, opening My Immaculate Heart to you so that you may be able to enter the Temple, the Sacred Tabernacle of your Lord Jesus, Who contemplates you on this evening with His Mercy, erasing your debts, dissipating errors, bringing hope and a renewal through My Immaculate Heart.

Today I am not here alone with you; I am with the pilgrim soul of Brazil, with all the faithful devotees: simple and poor, rich and austere, who follow the Spirit of Peace, the spirit of your Lady.

In Heaven this is reflected as a great celebration, fulfilling again the prophecy that all the generations throughout all times, would honor and glorify the One Crowned with Stars, the Mother of God.

The angels see this event in Brazil as a new door that is opened on this October 12, not only in the Universe but also in this country that so needs forgiveness and redemption.

But it is the devotion and the faith of My children that will always allow me to come here, anywhere in Brazil, when the Will of God establishes it. When your voices pray to My Heart, irrespective of where you are, know that the prayer is powerful when it is done with the heart and with all the love of your lives. This renews your families and all planetary life, bringing an exceptional and extraordinary Grace for this end time.

Today I am among you, dear children, contemplating the nations of the world, and I invite you once more to renew yourselves within the Campaign for Peace; to be disseminators of My message, of My celestial call for these times, to now and always live the prayer of the heart, so that peace may be established in the human heart and on the planet.

I want all My pilgrims to come here today, My dear pilgrims, who helped Me to concretize My arrival in this city.

Draw close to My altar so that I may bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

It is a joy to know that Brazil still loves Me, and that every day works on its faith to establish the trust in God and His Divine Purpose in its consciousness.

You, dear children, who today approach My altar, My Guadalupean altar, represent all the consciousness of Brazil.

I also ask all the Brazilians that are listening to Me in this moment in the depths of their hearts, to place their left hand on their chest so that the Voice of your Heavenly Mother may be able to resonate forever, the Mother who cherishes you and loves you, who for all Her children wants the path of the good and of peace, of hope and of faith, in spite of what happens.

In this way, I unite you with My Holy Rosary, and today, dear children of Brazil, you are part of the beads of My prayer that I will give to the Eternal Father and will place in His Holy Hands, so that He may see, dear children, that His faithful Servant, the forever Virgin Mary, fulfills the promise of salvation and of redemption of hearts. With My Hand pointing at My Immaculate Heart, I ask you, dear children, to trust in Me as you should trust Christ.

Trust in Me, because I will always lead you to God.

Trust in Me, because I will protect you from all evil.

Trust in Me, because I will always bring relief to your hearts, I will calm your suffering, I will bring you hope and the Grace of God from the most pure Fount of His Mercy.

Trust in Me, dear children of all nations, so that My Immaculate Heart may triumph through your lives in the whole planetary consciousness.

Trust in Me, because you can always count on My angels of Light.

On this day I give you, dear children, the flag of Peace, so that it always may be seen in the shining of your prayers and in the smile of your hearts, for in this way, everything will be healed.

You are Children of Mary, some already consecrated, and today consecrated by Me, so that in humanity the Plan of God for all of the Earth may be strengthened.

Tomorrow you will wear My Blue Mantle of Light, in the first place, feeling your souls consecrated to Me in this new cycle, in which your lives will be purified, but you will count on My guidance so that your hearts are always renewed and faith and all the Love of My Heart prevail in your lives.

Do not fear transforming; fear being far from God.

I invite you, dear children, in the sacred Oratory of My Immaculate Heart, to be witnesses of My Presence in this place, in the Americas.

Pray to your Heavenly Mother so that Her Plan may triumph on Earth and in all the souls that are awakening.

For the Light poured by Your Immaculate Heart,
that converted the hearts of the world,
Divine Lady, pray for us. Amen.

(Four times in Portuguese)

Blessed am I among all women, and blessed are your hearts before God when you live in My Heart.

Blessed is the step you take in your lives.

Blessed may your prayer always be.

Blessed are your guardian angels.

Blessed be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Now sing the prayer that you have prayed.

I thank you for responding to My call and I invite you to disseminate the power of My Immaculate Heart.

Smile at your Heavenly Mother. Humanity is waking up from its deep sleep.

Hallelujah, hallelujah!

Message for the Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Just as more than two thousand years ago, the prophecies will once again be fulfilled. The Sacred Books will no longer be only sacred, but become alive again before the eyes of the human beings.

My children, when Jesus arrived in the world and manifested, in a human expression, the Words of God and of the prophets, those who were apparently waiting for Him did not want to see Him, because He came to remove from the hands of the human beings the false power over the souls and over the temples; for they should become sacred again, so that the pure of heart and those who really were searching for God could find Him.

The doctors of the law did not want to recognize Him. They preferred to remain with their false power and humiliate the Son of God rather than surrender to Him and to the new Gospel that He was bringing. They did not want to renew their faith with the living Scripture, because it was easier to subject souls to waiting for a Messiah who never arrived.

Humanity at that time, My beloveds, feared to renew its own faith and to complete the Scriptures with what Jesus wrote with His arrival in the world. In spite of everything, My Son tore down the power of the hypocrites and the arrogant with His humility, because the smaller He was before the human beings, the more filled He was with God and His Love.

Children, I tell this because, in spite of so many wars, so many persecutions, so much denial, My Son rewrote the history and left the world a new Gospel, which renewed the Scriptures and brought souls even closer to God. Now, again the time has come to fulfill His prophecies, to renew the Gospel of Christ with life. The time has come to see His return, because those who, two thousand years ago, thought they had accepted His Presence among the human beings are clothed in false power again, taking control over the faith of the souls and hearts for themselves. They know that My Son will come, but they will not proclaim Him and will deny His Spirit, just as they denied His Body and His Blood so many centuries ago.

But this will not prevent Christ from returning to the world and demonstrating an even deeper union and likeness to God. He will come resplendent and will blind the eyes of those who thought they saw the light, but were in darkness.

As the prophet John warned humanity to repent because the Kingdom of God was near, now My Children, I tell you through My visionaries, to repent again, to ask for pardon and to renounce, before the crucified Christ, every false power you think you  have in your hands.

May all souls prepare their homes! May the churches repair their faults and renounce the material and spiritual accumulations that they hold so carefully in their homes.

The Redeemer will come and demand that those who call themselves His apostles live His Gospel. It was not He, children, who put on His garments like the garments of a king.

Christ came among the poor and divested His disciples and apostles of everything and, above all, of themselves. However, the human being once more adorned themselves and filled themselves with gold and stones, in the name of Christ, without understanding why the Messiah came into the world in a manger and not in a palace.

My beloveds, I do not tell you these things to hurt your hearts, but for you to review your lives. May all renew their vows before Christ, because only the simple of heart will recognize Him.

Will you be ready, My children, to divest of everything in the name of the resplendent Christ and see Him rewrite the Sacred Books with teachings that transcend human existence? Or will you hold the gold and the false power tightly in your hands, and  prefer to wait for the temple of this world to be destroyed in order to understand that the Son of God has returned to Earth?

Truly sanctify your lives. One who is pure and transparent before God does not need to fear anything. Therefore, children, do not say that I come to threaten you or to cause you fear. I come to warn those who are deaf and blind in their vanities and believe they serve Christ.

Recover the purity of your hearts. Pray with Me so that I may show you the Truth and the Path. Let Me wash your eyes and show you the Light, preparing you to be once again before My Son, and now, in surrender and with a sincere disposition, to follow Him.

I love you and tell you all of this so that you do not get lost. I wish that even the last living soul would recognize the arrival of My Son. His Spirit is now among you, but many deny Him.

I leave you My Peace, so that with it, you may reflect and renew your commitments to God.

I thank you.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


The union between beliefs

A time will come to the planet in which all religions will have to unite in the spirit of Christic peace and love.

This prophesied union will allow souls who have walked different spiritual paths to find the Highest Source, the great Spring of the Heart of Christ.

At that time, Jesus will be recognized by all as the Redeemer not only of the Christians but also as the Liberator of the whole world through the impulses of Love that He is giving the world in these times.

This hour is approaching for the planetary consciousness.

When this prophecy of the union between beliefs can be realized among all peoples and not only among Christians, nations will oppose one another, and different human philosophies will try to tear down what others, with love, try to construct for the common good of all souls.

These types of judgments and slanders emerge as a source of human impulses that will only lead to the weakening of the union between consciousnesses and peoples.

In the most critical and acute moment of the planet, the faith of the consciousnesses will be put to the test; not because God will determine it, but because of the destructive action that the voices of the philosophers of the world carry out against everything that is considered the Work of Peace and Light.

But finally, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in the world and outside the Church.

Before the eyes of those who govern the religions, I will open the great door of redemption, and all will recognize that, behind every Work of Light, Christ was present.

In this time, they will try to silence the Voice of the Heavenly Messengers, just as they tried in other times; but, at the end of everything, many will belatedly realize the just and true cause.

In this cycle, everything will be allowed, both the great errors and the great victories. It will be like this so that souls, in their freedom, can choose before the Final Judgment which path they will take, whether the path of error of the unjust or the path of peace and fraternity.

In this definitive hour, your heavenly Mother carries out Her Co-Redemptive Work outside the Church, so that in this way, the shepherds of My Son can contemplate the planetary need with Mercy and not with deep and petty indifference.

The Mother of God comes to gather what the Church could not achieve, the mission of contemplating with love the spiritual and moral need of souls, regardless of the belief which they experience at this time.

This is how your Heavenly Mother comes, in this cycle, to teach you what She taught the apostles in the past, uniting nation with nation, culture with culture, and language with language, in order to establish the principle of the sacred people of God, for which Moses worked for a long time.

Therefore, I ask all of you, regardless of your belief or your spiritual doctrine, to listen to the Mother of God, the Ambassador of Peace, who tells you to no longer waste time; do not use it to argue or slander whether or not it is true that I am working outside the Church, or whether or not your brothers and sisters are wearing  certain outfits, or are lying. This is not true, you are not seeing the truth nor feeling it with your heart.

Do not forget that you are all children of God and that the most important thing is to lead souls towards love and prayer, and not towards slander and value judgments.

Those who claim to live the truth are blind. Repent and ask for forgiveness. Open the heart and not the mind, because truly I tell you, My children, that you are trying to dissolve My Work of Peace with your evil actions.

Live peace and do not feel disturbed. Embrace the Call of God, just as He determined, and do not try to deny it only because this Call is alive and luminous outside the Church.

Thank the universe because there are souls who offer themselves to suffer for you.

Change your attitude and do it out of love, do not lose time in vain words. Do your job and thus the religions will unite through love and not through force.

Christianity is an inner state and not a formal state, it is the possibility of believing and feeling Christ within the heart.

Listen for the last time to My call.

I thank you for responding to My requests!

Who loves you and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When a being and a human consciousness consecrate themselves to the Celestial Father, it is a reason of praise and Glory in the Heavens, because the prophecy of My Son, that at the end of times and before His return there will be new Christs, meek of heart and pure of feeling, is accomplished again.

A new door opens from Heaven towards Earth for the ungrateful humanity to receive an opportunity of salvation. It is through the consecrated soul that a bridge of light and mercy is established, when the consciousness simply declares, “Yes, My Lord and My God, I accept.”

At this moment, dear children, the portals open themselves and new Laws of mercy act upon the sick humanity.

I would like, beloved children, that everyone would understand the celestial value of a consecration, because not only one consciousness renews itself, but all those who are around this new consecrated being also receive a Higher Grace.

Thus, see in your hearts the steps that Christ took for each one of His followers so that the spiritual purpose could be fulfilled.

A consecration means for the Universe an act of giving in and of surrendering; it also means the opening for the spirit of this small consciousness to cleanse its sins and to be baptized by the spiritual and divine Light of My Beloved Son.

Finally, this consecration attracts to the consciousness the deepening of its commitment with Christ, and an important spiritual fusion is established, which would be called a transverberation that happens at the moment in which the soul receives this Grace of consecrating itself; thus the soul will not forget this moment for the rest of its life, because it has been ignited in a potent flow of love.

Thus I reveal the beauty that God conceived for each soul of this planet, a beauty that My adversary tries to destroy through the spiritual detour. Whoever consecrates themselves to My Immaculate Heart and follows My steps, may you know that you will not perish.

Praised be God for impelling His creatures to the spiritual consecration!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Two Final Witnesses and the Love of Error

A not so distant day will come when, through His holy angels, the Lord will send the two final witnesses to the court of the world to declare before humanity the whole truth that very few knew.

The Holy Spirit of God will inspire them to speak the words, one by one, and so that the disbelievers wearing red caps may no longer deny the truth.

And the Universe, which is holy, knows that the final hour of the two witnesses will come after they have declared, with divine inspiration, that the coming of the Redeemer is close. In that hour, the two last witnesses will know that they will be fulfilling the prophecy and it will be their task to give their lives to unmask those who indoctrinated the belief into a materialistic god.

At that moment, and before the hands of those with red gloves place the two witnesses in the main square facing the crowd, to be unjustly judged, the angel of the Lord will make a great roar from east to west, and a cosmic light, like thousands of golden ribbons flying in the wind, will mark the definitive sign that the last Judgment of humankind has been established on Earth.

The angel, who will only be able to be seen by the pure of heart, will ask that the strong and momentous winds of the Atlantic deactivate the fortresses of sand that those in the red caps have built through their own idolatry.

No one will be able to deny that after they have condemned the two final witnesses of Christ, humanity will be purified. Therefore, before the blood of martyrs of the two witnesses is shed, as if poured out into a thousand temporal chalices, another sign of the Universe will appear, and the truth will come to light because nobody will be able to hide from their fellow beings.

The Lord will give knowledge and understanding to the pure of heart so that they too may reveal the hidden actions of those with red gloves; in that hour, humanity will become aware of its age-old deception and at that moment the final and unknown Judgment will begin.

Until the last hour, the two witnesses silenced by the Divine Spirit will be in deep prayer, and with their surrender, which will fulfill the final prophecy of John the Apostle, they will save thousands of those spiritually condemned.

The cry of the same women of ancient Jerusalem will be heard when those with red gloves have declared their death sentence. In that hour, a powerful fleeting spirit, brighter than the sun and all the stars, will descend upon the two witnesses who will be chained for having spoken pure truth, and many will be able to open their eyes and awaken because of the intense and Christic light that will illuminate them.

Humanity will declare death for the two final witnesses of Christ, those of His Celestial and not earthly Church, and this event will be broadcast and communicated.

Thousands of ridicules, which will be the cause for offense against the two witnesses, will immediately turn into a plague of thousands of locusts, and in that moment the sky, which before was bright, will darken.

Those who were not deaf, will be so. Those who blasphemed will become mute, and an inexplicable silence, generated by the blowing of the trumpet of the second angel, will leave the entire Earth hypnotized. It will be in that hour and at that moment that the nations will become aware of all the ways they failed God; and thus the new time will be constituted after all has passed.

In the last minute of life, the two witnesses will ask God for forgiveness for their fellow beings, just as Christ taught. It will be in this way that the two witnesses will teach by example the love that loves all error. As it was on Mount Calvary, those with red gloves will become aware of their wickedness and their hearts closed to the truth of the Universe.

Children, the two witnesses are already on their way toward that moment, to fulfill the sacred scripture. Repent while there is time and ask God for His Mercy so that those most deaf and blind of spirit can be saved.

Today I reveal to you the Book of the Apocalypse because you are already prepared to understand it.

I thank you for accompanying Me!

Who prays for the two witnesses,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


This is the last time for planetary illusion, and this is why, children, the forces of chaos and evil unrestrainedly try to grow and multiply throughout the world. They know this is their last time. Just as the Creator knows His eternity, those forces know their end.

Children of mine, this is the time to close your eyes to the influences of the planet, because the more the end draws near, the more illusion grows, and souls, minds and hearts are more confused.

If you do not hold on tight to higher life and vanquish the tendencies of the world in order to maintain your own faith, following a true spiritual path will cost you very much. You will confuse the message with the messenger and by not seeing the prophecies being fulfilled in the time and form that you expected, you will not believe anything that you learned up to now. 

Remaining in love is a mission for the brave of spirit, those who believe more in God than in themselves, those who are attentive to His Messages and not so much to the way they reach their own hearts.

The Apocalypse is now occurring, inside and outside of many beings. The Americas are being taken care of by the Divine Messengers, but the time will come, children, when it should also go through its purification. The birth of a New Race and of a new principle of life will depend on each heart that will be there and their disposition in persevering, beyond trials, to rebuild the world when the time comes.

Children, you will fully understand what you experience and the instruction we deliver you when you are awake in all levels of consciousness, and the veils are no longer upon your eyes. But today I want you to understand that the planetary events will not happen the way you expect. And so it is, that they are happening now, and very few have noticed them.

So that the chaos on Earth does not confuse you, more each day affirm faith and unity with one another. The prayer that sustains the heart is the same that will maintain the mind in sanity.

Remain with what I told you and do not forget it. When the time comes, these words will be like keys that unlock the doors of the new time.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

While the events of life and of the whole planet are rapidly developing in humanity, I invite you to seek the path of serenity, to then find peace.

The root of human history and of all terrestrial conditions is being removed; that which for centuries was controlled by power, by pride, or even by resistance, is being taken out of the hands of those who believe they have governorship over things. Thus, dear children, do not be surprised by what you may see and what you may know; the prophecy of My Son is being fulfilled: "Stone will not remain upon stone," and that is already a reality in the whole planet and mainly in the inner being of everybody.

An apparent lack of guidance will be generated; thus, for a long time I have been calling on you to live true prayer. It will be the attributes of the Universal Mother, in this definitive cycle, that will replace the shortcomings that souls will experience at the moment of losing control over things. For this reason, dear children, embrace the opportunity of being purified quickly so that, prepared by prayer, you wait for the glorious Coming of Christ.

I declare, children, that there will be no consciousness or space that will be free of purification. Faith and constancy will be the motto of the peace-bringers of My Son; this will make you stronger in love and in truth.

See what is emerging from yourselves and do not look at it with contempt, but rather with Mercy, because it will be the Mercy of God that will save you in this hour of planetary transition.

Live Mercy and practice it; it will be fundamental so that your hearts can follow the purification of your fellow beings.

I leave you My Peace because it is what you need today; do not lose it for any reason. Peace sustains everything, inside and outside of beings.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the Mercy of the Father, you are contemplated by

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Your Powerful Mother now steps with Her blessed feet on the head of the serpent so that redemption and freedom may prevail in the oppressed. This head of evil is the one that generates discord, lack of love and an illusory conquest of the planet and of humanity. The serpent is fearful because it is stepped on by the unwavering strength of the souls that pray sincerely so that the thousand years of peace may be established.

As your Powerful Mother steps on what causes sorrow and war, She extends Her arms upon the world so that it is surrounded by the Infinite Grace which springs from Her holy hands. Thus the prophecy of Saint John Apostle is being fulfilled. As the Mother of God steps with Her feet on the fierce serpent of evil, it is time, My children, for you to pray more with the heart and not only with word. It is time for you to define in time if you want to live in this praying school that My Heart offers you.

The good souls, the ones that are being congregated by the Heavenly Mother, are managing to take the steps towards the Purpose of Light.

As the Woman Dressed of the Sun presses with Her feet the sly serpent, the one which imparts all its poisons of chaos and perdition throughout the world, may My children take the opportunity to turn holy each of their actions, as well as each of their acts and thoughts in the times of today.

Still when the fierce serpent cannot endure the inner victory of the souls that open themselves to express their lives through fraternal charity and service, an imminent battle precipitates on some of the soldiers of Christ. The struggle for the Kingdom of Peace has already begun and no one can remain outside this event.

Although the evil serpent receives the weight of Divine Justice, still the final battle has not begun. Blessed are the attentive and not naïve hearts: all is happening in the spiritual plane, all the Marian soldiers battle this war through the power of the word of prayer which decrees the higher Laws for impossible times.

At this time the dragon wallows inside its abyss and the fury of its poison tries to repel the good actions of peace that the world is silently achieving through some beings.

There will never be another truce, this is the last one. Therefore, while Your Powerful Mother holds down the fury of the poisonous serpent, may the apostles prepare to run towards the inner desert of Adonai where they will all be protected.

The false dragon will try to imitate the true enlightened spirits but in one of its paws you will be able to see the shortcoming of a great spiritual fantasy.

Those who pray with steadiness will not be tepid during the battle; each soul will see inside themselves that which they have never known.

Although the serpent sent by the dragon is under the weight of the Light of Your Lady, the battle will continue and the tests will exacerbate overnight.

It will be the moment of fidelity for everyone because in truth I tell you, My children, there will be no place to run to if not the Heart of the Celestial Father who is attentive to the steps that His creatures are slowly willing to take.

Everything has a cycle but while the serpent is under the feet of Your Powerful Mother, rush your spiritual steps; still the human legions are being formed in the middle of the battle which will define the next kingdom.

In the invisible clouds of the universe My Son, the King, watches all the events. He is being dressed by the holy angels with resplendent linen and robes, a presence that He will reveal in the most acute moment which is approaching.

May the praying ones not be fearful because everyone will see the complete purification of Earth in time. Unite with your guardian angels and do not leave spaces in the consciousness for superfluous energies.

Do not stop answering the call for the permanent prayer of the heart, this will help very much Your Heavenly Mother, who will be stepping with Her feet on the head of the serpent a little longer so that the greatest number of imprisoned and ignorant souls be rapt by the presence of Higher Love, the one which will awaken them in this definitive hour.

Your consciousnesses will help very much this spiritual construction Your Mother is making for the salvation of many sleeping souls.

The fierce serpent does not bear the seeds that are being sown through the missions. While it appears that nothing great is happening, the Celestial Divinity, the Father-Mother Creator, is taking sides, and the essences already rebuilt in the deepest of their consciousnesses are beginning to feel hope, trust in love, peace and faith again, which makes them abandon rage, oppression and constant punishment.

The triumph of the Sacred Hearts will be surprising and no one will be able to counter it.

The more love and consciousness the souls have about the fulfillment of the Plan, the dragon that wallows in its abyss will be defeated in another way by the legions of the Archangel Gabriel without escaping to the surface of the planet.

Its plans are defeated and this awakens fury against the friends of Christ. But they may be protected when obedience is lived. There will be no time anymore to repair the faults committed inside human commands.

You will only have to follow the spiritual guidance which is indicated by the Celestial Hierarchies, there will no longer be two paths to elect. This will make you remain or not adhered to the Higher Will.

May My praying children be prepared for what will happen. I ask that no one wastes time in the insignificant and that attention is placed in the details of everyday, there will be the protection from everything.

As Your Powerful Mother isolates the souls from the dangerous poison of the serpent, warn and announce to the world that the deepest entrails of the Mercy of Christ will be still open during the coming Sacred Week , in which the souls and their inner core will finish sealing their eternal commitment with the Celestial Father.

The hour marks the moment of awakening. The angelic operation has already started in the eve of the Return of Christ.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who awakens you to the Higher Consciousness,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


My companions,

Like so many others that silently follow Me, may you learn to walk amongst tribulations and evil.

Let the Shield of My Heart be, for you, the barrier that separates you from the wickedness of the world and from enemies.

Let the Light of My Heart be your guide in the moments when only intuition will provide the answer when I am no longer here.

This is why, in silence as in meekness, I prepare you so that you may continue firmly in the Purpose that is above all adversity.

In truth I tell you, first you will find your own hell, but I promise you that I will not step away from anyone who invokes Me by heart and by word.

With a single breath, I will be able to dissolve any disturbance from your core.

So open the door to Me and invoke My Holy Name:

"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ, my Savior, help me, guard me, and protect me."

Thus, I will be your perfect alliance in the name of the Love of God the Father.

Afterward, later, you will see the hells of this humanity burn up in flames and you will see how many will be lost, believing that I am present in some incarnated person.

I am present in the tabernacle of the humble hearts of the Earth. My Spirit is Holy and cannot yet descend to the abysses of this world, until the prophecies are fulfilled.

Have you read the writings of John, My beloved disciple?

Observe, then, that these times were already written, see the signs and do not fear, the Lord will help you to walk in faith and in love.

While you still have time, renounce, avail yourselves of each meeting with the Heavenly Messengers, for the time is coming to an end, the fruits must awaken through the prayer and the devotion of the simple.

My brothers and sisters, do not allow anybody to deceive you. I am only present in the Eucharist, in confession, in the prayer of the one who pronounces My Blessed Name without arrogance or fanaticism.

Seek Me and you will not lose sight of Me. In this time, I come to reveal to you the wise Mercy of the universe and to unmask the false Christs with My own Hands.

The only Christ is I, your Master, Who lived two thousand years ago among you to teach you to walk in faith and in forgiveness, Who was humiliated and martyred by all humankind and was resurrected and rose to the Heavens, whence He will come for the second time.

Woe to those who use the Name of the Son of God in vain and as a lie! On the day of Judgment, you will know the power of My Holy Justice.

Open your eyes and see the true Light of Heaven, which assembles you so that one day you may die for Me and live eternally in My Glory.

Read My Messages. Now I have sent you Saint Joseph every day, so that He may help you to truly find Me in what is most simple and pure.

Under the merciful Justice that comes from Heaven, be blessed and be attentive.

The Glorified Christ Jesus


When an inner sun illuminates the darkness of your hearts, this is Me, children of Mine, that announces that the end of chaos is near.

This is the definitive beginning of the end, the cycle on which all the steps taken through actions, thoughts, feelings and definitions will be placed on the scale of the Divine Judge, This One that will dictate to angels and archangels what will be the destiny of this humanity.

Before such ignorance and darkness in the heart of most people of this world, the smallest light ignited will shine as a resplendent sun and a creature who remains sane and in the balance of their prayerful soul will be able to guide the millions who will wander with no aim, with no destination, except their own abyss.

My dear ones, My Heart will no longer come to the world to warn you, because this, I have already done for the last eight years here, and for the last thirty years in Medjugorje.  Many times I have come to this world and many were the attempts to awaken you to a life of prayer, of holiness and of pacification.

From now on, the times that will come will no longer expect you to be ready, because the Justice of God will precipitate over the world and each being will live according to the merits earned on their days of existence.

Many will seek the peace of My Heart and will not find it, because they did not want, in other times, to build the path between their own heart and My source of Peace.

I will no longer be able to intercede for the world as before, because until now I have taken many steps for your feet, but the time has come for you to begin your own walk and start to generate your own merits, not only for yourselves, but for all humanity, because today I tell you, My beloveds, that in the time of Justice that announces itself, it will be the conscious humanity itself that will have to open the doors so that Mercy and Piety may descend upon the unbelievers and the dormant in spirit.

Many will regret in time and others will not; for this you must be conscious that the Justice of God will not cause harm to the hearts, but, to each one, it will give what they deserve in order to live their learning in this world.

The humanity that today inhabits the surface of the planet is very old and has had many opportunities to learn and follow the designs of God.  But many preferred to turn the back on celestial things and open the arms to illusion and to the infernal life that manifests itself through the capital energies.

The ray of the Justice of God will break the ignorance of humanity and, those who laughed so much with the king of the hells, will cry for their great ignorance.  Those who teased the Light, will blind their eyes before It, because, after everything that will happen, the King will come and give new opportunities for those who will repent of heart and extend their hands to Him, clamoring for pity.

My beloveds, prepare your hearts and listen to Me carefully, because at this time I will not be able detain the power of My words for the fear that your hearts may feel or for the unbelief that may be generated in some souls, for the incapacity of transforming themselves in order to accept My words.

It is the Will of God that the Truth be revealed to you, because it will be a part of the awakening of faith and of consciousness to see My words being fulfilled in the times to come, times in which I will no longer be here, so close to you.

When My prophecies be a fact, you will look to the skies, where I will be observing you, and some will thank, others will ask for forgiveness, but no one will be able to say that I did not warn you and that I did not let you know about the final days of this world.

But know that such as I announce the times of difficulties and trials, I also tell you that those who may walk in faith will not toddle.  Those who may make of prayer the pillar of their consciousnesses, will always be a door of peace and a guide star to humanity.  Through these ones, I will guide the world.  But you must be brave and persistent, trusting the power of My Word, that announced to you the times of chaos, but also told you that, at the end of all, your King will come, will cross the clouds and the seven heavens, will step on Earth and rebuild it, inside and outside of humanity, so that in it the new humanity may inhabit.

May Peace be the engine that leads you and keep you standing in the times to come.

Pray, pray and trust in Me every instant of your lives, because thus they will be sanctified by My presence.

I love you and bless you, so that in this cycle I shall find you inside My Heart.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace



My Maternal Grace is pouring universal codes of Pity and Mercy over those souls that open themselves to recognize the Will of God on their paths.

Thus, My children, these universal codes of My Grace will be the ones that will help you to walk in the culminating moment of your purification; there you will be able to see clearly the passage from the old to the new humanity, filled with the divine and Christic codes.

For this, children, I am calling all of you today for you to live the redemption; in this way you will be willing from the conscience to materialize the Divine Plan of your Celestial Father.

Now, My children, the Plan will determine a next round in the life of the whole universe.  You are invited to prepare and train yourselves, such as the planets do when, from cycle to cycle, they rotate around the sun, always seeking a relation with the balance of the cosmos.

Dear children, this new cycle is arriving and nothing will remain as before; inside and outside of yourselves, the universe will move in order to be placed into another point, and if certain aspects have not been worked out by then, the universe itself and the cosmos will relocate you to another school of instruction.

Children, do not waste the opportunity to change in time, such as all the cycles in the universe change.  Now these cycles will be visible to many and on the Earth the most unconscious and ignorant soul will notice this, because the planet is almost at the doors of facing the so waited cycle of purification.

And in that way, the prophecy of My Son will be accomplished: ´´ The chaff will be separated from the wheat and then it will be burned at the stake.´´

Beloved children, I am your Mother and I try to guide you always along the path of good. Peace will be your ally in the moments of purification and your faith will remove everything that until now had been tied in the consciousness.

You, My dear ones, already know how to do it; take the tools and work, thus the planet will be saved.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses you and guides you to the main goal,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


As your Mother of Mercy, today I follow this day of great celebration and atonement of all faults that oppress and condition the spiritual life of the souls of the world.

For this, children, peregrinating through Rwanda, you accompany Me on a path full of sorrow and internal incomprehension.

Your hands were called to serve on the land of the indignation and of the suffering caused by the plans of My adversary, who led thousands of souls to take an attitude of destruction and massacre.

But My Grace, that is blessed and merciful, shows you a different path, an opportunity of taking the lost souls and their families through the path of forgiveness and peace.

Your feet step on the land of despair, that which remained engraved in the essence of innocent hearts and of all those who could not save themselves and that will be removed from the eternal sea of sorrow by My hands of piety and mercy.

This nation, marked by injustice and by the lack of love, already rises on the horizon through the devotion and the faith that all the good souls proclaim to our Lady of Kibeho.

Your Celeste Mother performed wonders and dictated warnings to all at that time.  My adversary took charge to distract them and to prevent the souls to pay attention to My messages.

And thus see now, children, the result of all that happened.

For this, the missionaries of peace are sent by My Immaculate Heart to extract the records of sorrow and massacre through love, hope and, mostly as sacrifice and surrender, they will offer to the Celestial Father, abnegation and effort, work and service as an opportunity of receiving Grace, Forgiveness and the Absolution of all mistakes committed.

Thousands of souls perished the result of the incomprehension and of the division among cultures even when the Mother of the Divine Word prophesied the importance of no division and of looking for the Source of Peace through the Holy Rosary.

In the same way as all of humanity, they first checked the veracity of what the Mother of Word said on that time, to then repent themselves and act in faith.  But that did not happen.  The own impulsive and excessive action led an entire nation to self-destruction in all the levels of consciousness.

You, missionaries of Mine, today visit Rwanda in order to know the consequences of a blind and deaf humanity, but you also arrive to Rwanda, as many other servers of Mine in the world, to settle and balance a secular process that still has not had an end.

For this, open your eyes and work in faith so that Rwanda may receive the gift of the definite healing and many souls may be worthy, on this day, of receiving the Mercy of My Son.

Remember that through your exercises of charity you will be opening the Source of Mercy.

I thank you for answering to My call.

Who makes you get to know a reality unknown for many,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace  


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As Lady of the Nativity, I come to announce My withdrawal from the world. As from the coming year, My dear children, I will only be with you on the 13th and 25th of each month, but I invite you to continue to experience My school of prayer.

The very definitive times are approaching. Humanity has already heard the Message of God a lot.

Woe to those who have been deaf and blind, and who deny the Word of God at this moment! You must be merciful and pray for all.

Today, I come to announce My withdrawal to humanity, the Supreme Life that exists in the Heavens has called Me to return.

Thus, My children, this means that the Shepherd is drawing closer. The Master of masters will approach humanity, and through this last Apparition in this part of the world, I will have concretized My mission to God.

And so I invite you, My children, to continue to pray. Each day more, your prayer must be fervent and constant; in this way, you will be able to overcome the tests that will come and the limitations you will be able to transcend, because My Immaculate Spirit will be among you in the cenacle. I will not stop speaking to you and transmitting My pure Love to you.

So I will continue to invite you, My children, so that on the 12th and the 24th of each month, you gather together in prayer and glorify the Lady of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. In this way, I will be able to see, My children, that your hearts have understood My Words.

The time will come, My children, when My task will stop being public, and each soul, each heart must take up its own flag of salvation, and like an army of Light, carry among the souls the banner of Peace, waiting hopefully for the victorious return of Christ to the world.

The Apocalypse is closing, the Scriptures are being fulfilled. Read the Gospels and be up to date every day.

Through My Apparitions, I have given you many signs. Prepare, study and pray.

Graces do not come in vain and you, after this world, must testify to God to all you have received from My Immaculate Heart, because all has been through the intercession of My Grace.

While Christ is being born in many hearts, in other hearts, Christ has not entered. Woe to those who have closed their heart to My Son and allowed themselves to become involved by the things of this material world!

The Grace of God has come to aid humanity; that is why I invite you to be consistent with My call, and that from this moment and from this date, after so many years of Graces, you may be the living message of My Heart.

Many will have need of your healthy examples. God expects your hearts to already be mature and ready so that each soul and each being take on their true mission in light of God.

I will not stop guiding you, My children, as it was in other places of the world, where My Holy Aspect appeared to humanity.

My Presence has not been erased. My Spirit is omnipresent and permanent, and all the children that have come to the place of My old Apparitions continue to feel My Presence and My maternal Love.

Thus, I need you to be brave and willing to face the end of times with courage, without fear and without apprehension.

The Light of the Heart of Christ will be your guide and all your instructors will be there to help you. God has placed them on your paths so that you would be able to grow quickly in your conversion, loving the transformation and the sanctity.

Dear children, while My countenance of Light cries for this world, for all those who did not accept the Nativity, God sends Me to you because My Spirit is consistent and kind, and from each child of Mine, I expect a great spiritual growth, with which souls will be able to live the great Message of Christ, the advent of the Redeemer for the times of chaos, through the teachings I have transmitted to you, in the same way the other Sacred Hearts did.

Shortly, the instructions of Light will be in your hands through the books I have sent to be manufactured, so that the living Message, the Word of Life, the Divine Verb and the Divine Hearts may be present in your homes so that, in the end times, you can count on tools that will be able to support your hearts through the Words of Light and of all the Messages We have left you in this part of the world.

When your hearts feel prepared, disseminate My Message. I will return to this part of the world to seek My apostles to take you to the redeeming Supper of My Son.

I thank you, dear children, for having accompanied Me during these years. God blesses you every day.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As long as you remember My Words, which I placed in My Sacred Books, each of the codes I transmitted to your souls in those instances when My Heart descended to the world, they will emerge in your hearts to strengthen you further and to not allow, My dears, your spirits to be discouraged in the face of the difficulties of the world.

Do not be sad about My withdrawal, but rather unite more each day through prayer, through acts of fellowship, which will transform your hearts into invincible hearts in the face of the tests of the world.

For humanity, the coming year will represent a moment to put into practice all that you have learned. Through your faithful example you must activate those souls that did not hear My call, but that committed to Me and I need to wake up in this end of time.

Many "Pauls" must emerge in the world, those who, in spite of not being before My Heart, will recognize My Presence through the example of others, through the example of My faithful apostles, who through Me, walk in the direction of My Son.

My dears, many must still wake up in this time, and it will not be too late; but the sooner they wake up, the better they will be able to fulfill their mission, and the Purpose of God will be more strongly manifested in this world.

For the victory of the Lord to be a reality in this world will depend on each of your souls, because the Divine Messengers have already left the seeds in the essence of each creature, and in this time, They are accomplishing all the requests of the Creator.

It will be up to each one of you, My children, to just do what I taught you in these times, and to never forget the Presence of My Son in your lives. And through Communion and Confession to the Most Sacred Heart of Christ, you must keep this fire of your hearts ignited and alive; this flame, My dears, must ignite each essence of this world which approaches you. Let there not be a single soul that approaches a soldier of Mary that leaves without this flame being lit.

For this to happen, your hearts must be permanently open. My teachings must not be lost in your consciousnesses; but each day, may you grow in prayer, in spirit, so you may be brave Marian soldiers, and these codes that today I placed in your hearts be able to produce results, and in a future time, generate new seeds for the souls that will come to this flock of the Lord.

With My Immaculate Heart, I welcome all your little hearts, which listen to Me in all parts of the world, so that here, within Me, you are able to grow and mature in spirit, can open to Celestial Truths, and never doubt when your eyes contemplate the Presence of the Redeemer Who, in Spirit, Divinity, Body and Soul, will come to this world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The prophecy will be fulfilled; for this reason, remember, in the times to come, the Presence of My luminous countenance in your hearts, My Immaculate Heart, My holy hands that have blessed you.

Dear children, remember that I still have the ardent desire of fulfilling My Will, of carrying My Message and My Peace to Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States. If this were to be fulfilled in the coming year, a large part of humanity will become rescuable; and this goes beyond the material matter, My children.

I want you to be able to learn to observe from spirit. Through your consecration and the requests you have fulfilled, you have allowed My Immaculate Heart to triumph, but there is still a little more, My children.

While My Spirit withdraws from this humanity, I invite you to prepare as good missionaries. Remember that I will always need you in My pilgrimages to carry the essence of Peace.

And as I have done in other times and moments, throughout these months gone by, today I consecrate a whole community which has been the testimony of My living call, and which has been the testimony of the manifestation of this Marian Center. Through these little spirits, My Work has manifested in Uruguay, in the same way it has happened in Brazil and in Argentina.

Could it be that many more places in the world will dare to concretize My last request for Peace?

I invite you to joy and reflection. God knows that through you, everything will be possible; for this reason, I ask it of you, My children.

I must reach the last places of the Americas, to the peoples who have suffered a lot and that in hope, venerate Me through My maternal Presence, as it was in Nicaragua when I once appeared there.

I invite all My children of the Fraternidad Community to receive, on this evening, My maternal blessing. Come here, My little ones.


Prayer: Hail Mary (in Latin).


My dear children, as Our Lady of Nicaragua, I consecrate your hearts and place your essences under My Mantle of Light so that always, in a Spirit of Peace, you are protected from all evil and in the coming time you are able to announce the Coming of Christ.

As Our Lady of Nicaragua, with complete gladness and joy, I consecrate Central America to My Immaculate Heart.

May this Holy Lady, Who once appreciated this Nicaraguan village, be able to travel through the most humble and simple places, carrying the blessing of Our Celestial Mother to all the hearts that receive My Immaculate Presence in their homes.

As Mother of Nicaragua and Mother of humanity, of all the peoples and races, I consecrate you, My dear children, on this last transition date, under the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Wait with joy for the Return of Christ. Your thirst has been satiated.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The brothers and sisters of the Fraternidad Community, at the request of Our Lady, will kiss the feet of this image of Our Lady of Cuapa. And from here, at the foot of this altar, we are going to give thanks for this opportunity Mary has given us, on this evening, sending a ray of gratitude to our Celestial Father.

For this meeting and this blessing, thank You, Mother, for all that You give us! Amen.


Do not fear, dear children, because the doors of the universe are open.

Today, God sends Me to tell you that the long-awaited cycle in this humanity is approaching. This means, dear children, that I will be closer to you during all these times.

After 2,012 years, My Consciousness will strongly take action in this world and this will extend into the next year of 2013, in which a task in Medjugorje will be completed from the unfolding of secrets. Everything will be revealed to the world in a short time. The true revelations written by the prophets of yesterday.

And today I fulfill a prophecy, among many, the coming of the Queen of Peace, of the Queen of the Universe, Who announces the coming of My Son through the solar birth; this means, dear children, that the signs will be shown.

What I am revealing to you is important; for this reason, now I will ask your permission.  The hearts that are very close to Me, will better understand Me this way.

Dear children, I want to tell you that, as of now, the cycle that was written by God begins. The books open to write again in humanity, in the New Humanity so awaited by Our Lord.

Thus, do not fear the events that will occur. You were called in this time because you have already been prepared. Your hearts were prepared through My coming throughout all of this end time. That is the best sign that I show you today: that through My Presence, you practice prayer of the heart.

During all of these days, it will be important to offer God the small sacrifices your hearts are able to do, so that this new time be of appeasement, and many hearts that have need of being sheltered in Me are able to approach through the collaboration of the Guardian Angels. Your daily union with the Guardian Angel will be important; It will show you the steps you are to take during this end cycle.

As the Mercy of God is so infinite, dear children, My Maternal Heart will come to Aurora to be able to support you. And after so many events, which will happen little by little, I will return here, to Argentina, next year, beginning in March, so that you, now as adults, are able to be united with Me and help Me in this planetary task that will begin at the end of this year.

For this reason, dear children, direct your eyes to the sky so you may see the portals of Peace shine, and do not allow yourselves to be deceived by what could happen in this world. It will be the moment, dear children, to activate the powers of prayer and to hold yourselves within My Immaculate Heart so that you do not fear anything.

Today I do not come to reveal the miseries of the world to you, but rather to bring you the Grace of God, the Mercy of the Most High, so that those children who in truth want to listen to Me, are able to walk with Me, at My side.

It is time, dear children, you took My Hands, so that My Crown of Stars can surround each of you, as well as each of My children that has need of the immensity of the Light. Thus, you will be able to participate in this meeting with Me in Aurora.

And today I also want to reveal, dear children, that within My Immaculate Heart the other Communities of the Father are also kept. With this I want to say that I too will be in each one of them and will be able to be closer to each of My children when you carry out the practice of prayer; for in this way, dear children, you will be calling Me during this definitive time.

I want to leave all of My children under My Mantle. Thus, open your hearts in this definitive time, set aside differences, blame and bitterness; because if you continue in this state, you will be feeding the enemy. Thus, defeat your atavism through prayer; in this way, you will be able to transcend yourselves, and very close to My Kingdom, My Eyes of Mercy will be able to guide you.

I am calling, in this definitive time of 2012, all My soldiers of prayer, you and the rest of the soldiers that are in the world, all the Marian groups consecrated to My Heart, all those who attribute faith to the Universal Mother. Because as Mother of the World, dear children, I am calling the 144,000 flocks of Christ, that they may receive the Resplendent Redeemer, because He is very close to your lives, to this material reality.

But first, He must enter into your hearts as something living. For this to happen, My children, you have the Flame of the Holy Spirit as guide and protection.

In these hours that will take place, dear children, pray, pray without ceasing, pray so as to be very united with My Immaculate Heart. Pray so that Saint Joseph, the Most Chaste Heart, can intervene for all. Pray so that the legions of Angels of the Father are able to help the planet, and the portals of the universe can be projected toward this world so all the hosts of the Creator Fathers can come. That is My special reason for planetary prayer for December 21.

Dear children, today I must speak to you with maturity and awareness. You are not only My little children, My caring hearts of love; now, already adults, you must know the truth and take on the role that is due to each child in this time.

I am praying constantly for you and for all My children; taking care of the essences which can be deceived; the enemy will not rest until it deviates some child of Mine. Know, dear children, that in this time, everything is allowed; but with your prayer, united with My Immaculate Heart, you will be able to be united with the Divine Heart of My Son.

Unite as a single group of prayer. Let this end of year, this Christmas that is coming, not only be a reason for receiving the Redeemer, but also of uniting among yourselves as a single praying group in each nation.

Dear children, run, run to your homes and begin to pray, unite your families with the spirit of prayer. It is no longer so important that each soul not know how to pray, but rather, that it begin to practice the verb of prayer.

I promise to help all those who start on the path of prayer. And you, My dear children, can also help those who want to learn to live by prayer.

Do not think, dear children, that today I come to bring you fear, but rather to prepare you to find the truth in your heart, so your consciousnesses truly unite with the Heart of God.

The time of normalcy has now ended. It is time to go into prayer, to cry out and ask for the Presence of the Holy Spirit. My Immaculate Heart will be grateful that each one of you is able to participate in this planetary prayer.

My basket of gold will gather the flowers of your prayer. What I need, dear children, is to offer a great number of prayers to God, and your prayers will become more powerful when you are united in groups of prayer and leave this normalcy the world is living.

Know, dear children, that many of My children will not know what will happen; thus, I ask you to pray for all of them.

Your prayers will multiply when you consciously pray together with your Guardian Angels, because they will uplift the prayer to My Celestial Kingdom and My Merciful Rays will be able to act in different parts of the world. For this reason, do not be surprised, dear children, if you see Me in many places at the same time; if you see the Saints of the Father acting in this humanity, multiplied over the length and breadth of this world to aid humanity.

My Heart will intercede for all of you.

It is important, dear children, that the Light-Network be activated as a Network of the Divine Plan of God, and this will take place through your intervention in all the practices of prayer that can unite all the consciousnesses of the nations into a single one.

My Heart will be in vigil for all the children that I am in charge of and for all those who have distanced themselves from God. I will untiringly do the best until the end.


Prayer: "Hail Mary" (6 times).


We breathe in.

Dear children, I want to tell you something at this time, especially all of this beloved nation of Argentina, that you never forget that My Heart loves you deeply and that, if at some time your hearts are disturbed or if your thoughts separate from the Love of God, do not fear anything; enter into My Maternal Heart, empty your burdens at My Feet, because My Heart of Light will console you.

Remember that I Am the Lady of Graces, the Queen of Peace, Who comes with the promise of much more peace for this world. And this will be fulfilled through the love of all My children, through faith and hope.

Also always know, dear children, that you will find Me in the Most Sacred Heart of My Son, in Salta; where My Voice also spreads a Message for Peace. And the doors of My Marian Center consecrated to My Heart, which is in Uruguay, will be open, as well as the one in Brazil and the one in Cordoba. For this reason, lift up your hands to My Heart so that My Light is able to pour out My Maternal Love over your hands and you are able to feel it above all things.

Before My rise to the Heavens, I want to consecrate you with the water that I will consecrate today, as John baptized My Son Jesus. I want to carry out this very loving practice with you.

I will bless the roses that symbolize My Love for all of you, which will wet your heads with water, so that you may be protected and renewed in My Love.

May the water, which symbolizes Life for the life of souls, which is the essence of the Manifested Spirit of God, be able to deeply enter into your hearts. May the water that heals life, the water that cures wounds, the water that renews your consciousnesses and frees you of all sin and of all stains, be blessed by the power of My Immaculate Love and under the perfect union of the Most Holy Trinity, so that your hearts will shine forth in My Peace and you walk in this time under the spirit of faith and of love.

My Immaculate Love blesses this symbol created by God, this element of the nature of the universe which gives you eternal life, because it renews you and deeply heals you. May this water satiate the thirst of your hearts and nurture you with the love of My Son.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you, dear children, for answering My call.

Meditate on My Words.


Song: "Luminous Bird".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, today has been an intense and special day for everybody. Our Mother made important revelations for this end of cycle, revelations to which we need to pay a lot of attention.

As never before, the Mother affirmed and confirmed this new cycle which is coming for our planet. She tells us clearly that, united with Her Immaculate Heart, we are going to be a hundred percent protected; and that there's no need to feel fear; on the contrary, we only have to do what She proposes, and we'll be under Her Mantle of Protection.

This end of year, through the Light-Communities and the Light-Network, we have scheduled a perpetual vigil of prayer. We're surprised by the response of all the groups of prayer of the world, about how people get organized in an incredible way to spend ten days constantly praying; of how the different regions and the different nations divide the hours of the day to be able to be constantly praying.

This says that our Mother has found a space in the heart of many people and the Light-Network is beginning to light up in all of South America, Central America and all of Europe.

So the response of our hearts is being loving to the request of our Mother. It's what we can offer Her after so many Graces, just gather together and pray. We will all be learning, through these praying groups, the true value and power of this prayer.

To all those who want to come to Aurora in these last days of the year, you are invited to participate, the same for Figueira Light-Community. And if we have to spend them in our homes with our families, as the Mother also invited us to do, let us invite our families to pray and let us discover a different way of living.

To everybody, we thank you very much for having accompanied us. And as Our Lady said, we will  see each other in March.

And now, we will say goodbye through singing.


Song: "Give Us Your Love".


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
