Receive in your hearts, My breath, the last you shall receive before the great time of tribulation.

Know how to recognize My presence in your hearts because in a future time I will only be able to pray for My children and to observe them and, in this moment, My dears, you will feel My prayer touching your essences.

Those ones who build the path that leads to My Immaculate Heart through prayer will know how to be united to My Universal Consciousness, even when I may no longer be able to reach this world as I do today.

My beloveds, all I come to build within your beings will only have its true repercussion after this life.

Know that the fact of being beside Me will not make you free from obstacles and difficulties that the world imposes to its inhabitants.  But the one who prays will see the upcoming events as someone who does not belong to this world.  And even if they are supposed to live things known as sufferings to the common humanity, they will not feel that way, but rather they will find in everything the opportunity of imitating My Son and learning from Him about true love.

My beloveds, I will not take you away from this world when the moment of the final test of your lives comes, but I assure you that the one who may persevere on the path of true prayer shall not perish by the planetary misfortunes.

I want you to know that the time of purification has already began within each being and that now is the moment to learn to withstand the storms that you live in your own interior so that in this way may you learn to overcome difficulties when they come to the whole world.

My Children, you must not fear, you must prepare yourselves because the one who is well prepared to take a test does not fear to be before it.

I come to the world in this time because I know about the great need of the hearts.  Learn to feel, in My daily presence, the urgency of the planetary moment and the infinite Mercy of God Who sends Me to the world one more time to rescue and awake the consciousnesses.

I am throwing the last nets into the sea of this world in order to take to the boat of salvation all of those who lose themselves in the waters of illusions and emotions of the life upon the Earth.

Dear children, with love I ask you: pray with a devotion that you still do not know.  Do not permit prayer to become a common routine of your days.  Know how to pray with the clamor of your spirits.

May you know, in each moment of prayer, how to feel the need of the world.  May you know, in each moment of prayer, how to transcend the limits of your own bodies, of tension and of inertia, to which the current planetary condition leads permanently.

Remember that My eyes and My Heart are attentive to the praying hearts of the world and, before the smallest door that may open, I can rescue those who are truly suffering because they have lost their union with God.

My beloveds, study My words, practice them and do not forget them, not even for one single minute.  My Divine Word comes to build the fortress that you will need in the times that will come.

I bless you today and always and await you in prayer.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

From the tiny seed was born a great tree that received water, sunshine and that grew and strengthened itself in the Gifts that God the Father infused with His deep love and fondness. This tree lived days of rain and of full sun, days of winter and of dry weather, days of great sorrow, days of joy and of perfect communion.  A few branches dried out; others sprouted anew; some were renewed, others let themselves fall.  But since God is so perfect, all the branches, leaves, and fruits that came from that tree returned to her, to her interior.  Despite being dry, they were transformed and became a source of food for her roots.  The fruits that were not harvested, the leaves that dried and the branches that broke off, are the sources of the fortification of this tree.

Children of Mine, from such a beautiful tree comes each one of your souls.  Today your hearts are born again, because they already are ripe fruits, renewed by the seeds of life that they brought within them.

A tree created by God with such care and love shall never perish.  Yes, the Lord permits her to live days of winter and days of summer, days of drought and of abundant water, so that she will know how to be strong; this tree can only prepare her branches and fortify her trunk when subject to strong winds that make her grow.

Children of Mine, know how to recognize yourselves as part of this tree that I present to you, and know how to recognize that the natural cycle of life allows her leaves to wilt, her branches to be renewed, and each of these parts, when they touch her roots again, will be transformed into nourishment and a source of life and renewal.

In this way must be your hearts.  Those that one day wilt should not fear being transformed so that they will once again be part of the composition of this tree.  Know that she would never be alive if she had not been renewed.  The trees of yesterday may be transformed into the branches of today, these that sustained in themselves many leaves and that one day may dry, so as to then form part of the trunk of this beloved tree, a trunk that is formed by many branches, leaves and fruits that have permitted themselves to dry, fall, decompose and be reborn like a new living cell of this beloved Figueira.

Dear children, praise and love the cycles of life, which are so mysterious and perfect.  Love living according to the Will of God, and allow yourselves to flow in that Will, as pure and crystalline water, which lets itself be molded according to the Will of its God.

My beloveds, these are the times that you longed for so much; times of living love, charity and fortitude for which you have so much prepared your souls and your lives.  For this reason, rejoice your hearts and, from the chaos in which the world is found, within and outside of you, know how to recognize the Will of God, Who is asigning each one of you as it corresponds to them, and challenging each soul so that He may fortify it once again.

For a tree to be firm, God sends to it all the winds that will attempt to bring her down; for her to be strong and to be able to live under any circumstances in this world, God will deprive her of water, so that she will learn how to live in times of drought.  Then, He will again deliver to her the fountain of life so that she will also learn that her Lord observes her and knows the point until which she will be able to endure it.  Never will He leave her helpless.

Dear children, as a good Father, the Lord releases His children so that they will learn to walk.  He will let them fall, but will never allow them to remain on the ground.  He will always extend a hand to them so that they may stand up again, and once again follow this path of eternal learning.

My beloveds, your hearts are part of a favored project of God – that which He has in His hands all the time.  All I ask of you today is that you will never desist, that you may learn from the facts of life and that you be strengthened through them.  That the strong winds may be the excuse, the reason to more deeply extend you roots. That you will make of the dry season the reason to wait even more in God for the moment in which, by Grace, He will send you fresh waters.  And when these come, you will drink of this water of life, of which each drop is a precious treasure and an eternal fountain of renewal and perseverance.

Today I say to you that the winds that pass through you lives are still not those that come to try to knock down all that was erected by God.  This wind will come at the moment in which you will be ready and strengthened to live it.  It is necessary, dear children, that as humanity you learn to live love under any circumstances, and that you love God in all the situations of life, knowing to recognize His light even in the midst of darkness, discovering that which He wants to teach you through each learning  that He sends into this world.

My beloveds, persevere always; this is all that I come to tell you.  Always persevere in the love of God, and choose to live it, always choose love.

I thank you and shelter your lives in My arms.

Mary, your Mother and Lady of Figueira

Monthly Messages


The Restorative Promises of the Most Holy Virgin

Continue to pray the Rosary every day, because in this way as I have once asked in Fatima, now it is asked of you.

My dear children, if you do this there will be a greater time of peace between your hearts and the world; My Maternal Peace will especially fill the souls that have given up the path of consecration to God.

I pray day and night for you; in this time I promise great Graces to those who seek God by means of the power of prayer.  If humanity does not pay attention to My requests a more difficult time will come to all, the world will be darkened rapidly and many will not be able to see the light of the sun.

But, if on the other hand, the souls that today live on the Earth – I want to say all the hearts – are united to My Heart as only one spiritual people of God, especially if all the religious leaders establish the ecumenism of Christ, I promise that before the coming of My Holy Son many souls that are imprisoned and dead in life will know who they are and where they have come from, as they will also know what they have been born for in this time.

But if all the religions do not accomplish My request, unjust spiritual decisions will fall over many and humanity will remain without spiritual instruction.  So that this does not happen, I come in this last time to ask for the consecration of all My children to the Immaculate Heart; whoever does this under the immaculate spirit of peace, I promise to wait for them at the doors of the next world, that is, in paradise.

Those hearts that soon repent and seek the restorative communion in the next five first Saturdays of each month, will be blessed by the strength of the Holy Spirit; such hearts will shine with light before darkness, they will be Christic hearts.

I wish from now on that all listen to My call, because if humanity does not stop committing bad actions, especially upon the kingdoms of nature, the law that comes from the Heights will re-ordain the planetary life and many will suffer what they did not deserve, by the work and the action of the non-believers.

I promise to whoever prays from the heart every day, that it will help Me in the awakening of faith and peace in those who have lost it, especially in those who have never been open to see the Light of Christ.

I ask in this age a special devotion to the Most Holy and Merciful Heart of Christ; to whoever professes and lives it from the soul and from the heart, I promise that I will not forget their soul at the time of death.  Also in the last hour of life, I will anoint with the Olive of Life all of their family and My Son will not be their judge, but their intercessor before the Most High.

Whoever accomplishes My requests will be able to form part of My Sacred Marian Army; I come to awaken the sleeping consciousness of humanity, I come to say that the time of Apocalypse has come.

A greater time of Grace and Mercy will come to the whole world, if only it accomplishes to the letter each one of My requests.  If any of My requests should not be contemplated, humanity will finally know the hidden and eternal cause that has condemned it to the fire of hell.

But if there were a spirit of perseverance, of faith and of joy from your part, I promise you that I will help you even in the difficult moments, because through the power of My Son I will liberate you from all evil.

Attention to My words, because My Maternal Love will come to help all of those who will be surprised by unusual human news.

Now it only is necessary for you to look towards God and contemplate His Majesty through the Sacred Hearts.  I only ask you that you meditate on all that I have said to you, because I will not be able to repeat it again.

I bless all of Barcelona and I thank you, because another city has answered to My call!

I wait all of you on the 21st of May for a special blessing.

Peace for all, now and forever!

Mary, Mother of the Most Holy Rosary and Prophetess of Peace

Monthly Messages

Children of Mine:

I come today to your encounter as the Mother and Virgin of Perpetual Help because from the Heavens I have contemplated the need for assistance that exists in the world. The Lord listened to the pleadings of the souls that suffer and sorrow in this humanity, and for this He has sent His Savior Servant to assist the poor in spirit and in heart.

My beloveds, this world is already crossing the threshold of a new time and many can feel this change in their own interior.  At the same time Infinite Graces descend from the Heavens; the Lord permits that His children be tried by all means and that from the depths of the interior may emerge all miseries.

But this takes place, My dear ones, because it is at this moment that all the assistance that you may need is available.  For this, as the Mother of Perpetual Help I say to you to not fear to purify yourselves; that you do not resist in the face of the trials that come into your lives, but rather that you clamor for the Celestial assistance and that you cling to all the Graces and the Divine Instructions that the celestial Messengers have brought to the world in recent times

This is a unique moment for all of humanity.  The Voice of God resounds through His Messengers in all corners of the world, so that there will be no one that will not have the opportunity of awakening and of finding help to live this transition that is initiated first in one’s own inner world.

As Queen of Peace I invite you to live the Peace of the Heart of God in your little lives, and to bring this Peace to all those who lack this Divine attribute. The time has come for the peacemakers to raise their voices as the Messengers of God do, and to announce to the world that it is possible to have a life of profound Peace even in times of transition.

In every moment of your lives you ought to know to choose between participating in conflicts and collaborating with evil, and with overcoming the negative currents of the world and living the Peace, thus dissolving all the plans of the enemy.

The world needs Peace and those that come to My encounter receive from My Heart the intense Peace that exists in My Kingdom; they must be capable of persevering in this Peace and of setting the example to the world of how to reach it.

Children of Mine, these are not normal times for this world.  When My eyes turn to Earth I feel in My Heart the suffering of My children and I find in the necessity of the world the valor to return again and again, and unwearied, give an impulse to your little hearts.  Today I ask that you see the world by means of My eyes and that you feel through My heart the pain in which the souls live.  Thus, you shall find the strength that you need to rise as many times as are necessary and attempt, until the end of your lives, manifesting the Plans on Earth.

My beloved, today the Queen of Heaven comes to your encounter and says that God does not contemplate the number of falls of humanity, but rather the capacity of getting up and returning to comply with the Greater Will, independently of your weaknesses and imperfections.

As Mother of Perpetual Help I say to you that I am at your side and that I will be here always, helping you with that which you will need.  All I need is that you call Me and clamor for My assistance, and soon after I will be visible to the eyes of the heart that seeks Me.

Today I place this entire city under My mantle and I embrace with love each one of My Children who with devotion and simplicity generate merits for the Salvation of all souls.

I thank you, My dears, for having responded once again to My call.

I am always in your little lives.

Your Mother, Mary, Holy and Virgin of Perpetual Help

Message for the Vigil of Prayer received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My dear ones,

I thank you for the perseverance of your hearts.

I thank you for the effort to understand and live My Message, for I know the difficulties of human hearts in living celestial impulses.

I thank you because I know about the barriers that must be overcome, barriers created long ago and strengthened over the centuries that, with hard stones, separate hearts from My Spring of Grace.

I know it is not so simple to break those barriers that exist in the consciousness, and I see how your spirits strive to help you on this long trajectory.

I thank you today because from the Heavens I saw the movement of your hearts, I heard your prayers, your petitions, your requests for help for this path of transformation.

In these last days, many offerings reached the Feet of the Lord, offerings of souls, of spirits, and offerings of the consciousness, so that through the intervention of the Creator, your hearts may be able to take new steps.

My dear ones, after this first movement that your consciousnesses, souls and spirits carried out toward the Creator, it is time to persevere more than ever, because the Lord heard your petitions and, at this moment, is sending you the tests that will strengthen you in your persistence, and that will test the true aspiration of your hearts so that your consciousnesses may no longer live from passing impulses.

With faith, secure all the impulses sent by My Son Jesus and by God Himself. Nurture your spirits with the codes placed in your hearts through the merciful Presence of Christ, and allow those codes to multiply through prayer, communion and true fasting, for in this way, those codes will transform the cells, the matter, the heart and the consciousness.

In the face of the tests that come, reaffirm yourselves! In the face of all the tests, bring to light within the heart the spring of Mercy offered to you by My Son, and persevere in the purpose of your hearts.

With faith, move toward the goals that your consciousnesses made themselves available to accomplish, and when returning to your homes, do not live as if all you witnessed in these last days were just a dream.

Go and fulfill the evolutionary proposals that your souls are pushing you to accomplish.

Go and persevere in the aspirations of living the Messages sent by God.

Go and do not allow all that was placed in your consciousnesses to die, because your souls cry out at the Feet of God for Him to preserve those impulses in your hearts. Your souls glorify the Creator for the opportunity given to them to awaken definitively to the true life of the spirit. Do not miss these celestial opportunities.

My children, today I just ask that you continue to persevere in the same way that you responded to this impulse of the soul that brought you here, may you continue to respond to the Will of God which resounds in your hearts and inspires your consciousnesses.

I thank you for being here today with Me and for continuing by My side.

Under the impulse of the infinite Graces the Lord pours out over the world, I bless you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As Mary of Nazareth I give you all today the love of My Immaculate Heart of Mother.

Dear children,

It has been six months of daily messages that have been spoken with immense gratitude and joy to you. With this I want to tell you that the path of prayer is infinite for your lives, but it is on this path where you may find peace and faith for the heart.

I accompany you today as I have in these six months for this definitive cycle in the life of My children in the world. For this your perseverance will permit the awakening of the spiritual motivation of prayer on the part of other children. Each action that is done with the heart is a glorification of God the Father, because thus you will be inside the Kingdom of His Love and Will.

So that your lives may take the certain steps to the Lord, you may imitate the path of humility and obedience that Christ, My Reborn Son, who lived before the presence of the Heart of the Father. This exercise of obedience and of humility will awaken in you the trust in the merciful decisions of God and so your hearts may be strengthened in the path.

Remember little children, that the good works that are born from the heart not only please the Heart of the Father but also have repercussions on the redeeming mission for humanity, a mission that My Son will bring forth in His return to Earth.

For these moments your hearts must be in prayer and awaken before the real needs of the world, so that your eyes, the eyes of souls in service to God, may recognize the presence of My Son among you.

Know, dear children, that in the same way that He was among His followers, after the Glorious Resurrection, He will be in the world again, especially with the new disciples that await Him with an open and surrendered heart.

The will of the Father may be fulfilled for this last cycle through your response. My Will of Mother comes from this Supreme Will.

Let us celebrate in prayer these six months of daily meetings with Me, with the Mother of Peace.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Daily Messages

When a flower opens up it expresses the love of the Creation, thus dear children, your lives must be manifested in beauty and purity as the flowers.

Dear children, with immense trust I place you all close to My Immaculate Heart so that you may take the steps towards the Heart of My Son.  Know children, that in the path of prayer your lives will approach the consecration of your souls before the kingdom of God.

The fruits that My Son has entrusted you with such a long time ago and that are called talents must be awakened by the imperious exercise of prayer.  But, My children, so that these sacred fruits of the talents awaken in each one of you, first the soul must renounce and die to itself so that it may be born under the Grace of the Holy Spirit.

Each path that My children pass through brings to them big and hard lessons that in some cases strengthen the spirit and give firmness to keep going through the path of consecration.

I want to tell you dear children that this is a special time of Graces such as Conversion for each one of My children of this humanity.  For this today I invite you to remain in the joy of donation and service to God the Father because thus your lives will be led to the sacred feet of Christ.

Your hearts are true little lights that at each moment must be lit up again to shine in this world through peace.

For all this know that My merciful love day by day wants to help the hearts of this world.

So, your hearts must be persevering and firm as the trees that elevate themselves to God.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

When the souls open themselves up to answer My call of Peace God’s Will is manifested in all that is Creation and Life.  The hearts receive the Law of Love and of Grace because your lives are touched by the merciful love of God through My Son. Christ teaches you to walk in truth, in purity, and in transparency because your lives for this time must be as crystalline as water, as pure as the soul, and as joyful as the heart.

My children, for the answer of all of you to My maternal call today I thank you for the perseverance and the for faith of all of you. While you keep imitating the path of My Beloved Son, you may aid humanity, not only through the prayer from the heart but also through the humble service of each one of your little hearts for all My children that are spread over the face of the Earth.

For this dear children, allow that from you may shine My Hope for the conversion of all, in this way My Peace and My Maternal Heart will aid everyone a while longer and the conflicts will disappear before the presence of My Immaculate Love.

Today I give you the light from the Fountain of Graces of God the Father so that all of you as ONE may walk in the redemption of life and of the heart.

Know dear children and remember that you count on the loving help of the guardian angels.  They are the breath of God’s Love on Earth and they wait to be welcomed and received by each one of your little lives.

I always bring you close to My Son, the Resuscitated Christ, so that in communion and in prayer with Him you may find the new path to God.

I thank you for answering My call.

Light for the whole Earth!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. 


In My Son is to be found the adoration to God, and in the adoration done with the heart, Love and Peace are to be found.

Dear children,

Rejoice your hearts again because the Kingdom of My Father is coming to aid all the hearts that open themselves to receive the Law of Love.

For this reason, My children, be in vigil in My Son today, in His Heart of Peace, so that God may show you the need of all souls and how great is the thirst for love in many lives. Because of this, dear children, you must pray, pray much with the heart, so that your lives may correspond to the great call from the Heavens for the redemption of humanity.

In this way, little children, from your hearts you will help in My Plans of Peace and Salvation that My Immaculate Heart weaves as a mantle of Light for the world.

Dear children, perseverance in prayer will be the inner key that will allow you day by day to be near to My Immaculate Heart. My merciful eyes want to illuminate the path that each child, with the heart, must offer to God. In this way you will totally consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart.

Therefore, dear children, the surrender of each one of you represents a celestial victory of eternal praise. In this way the angels elevate all the souls to the Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart.

Children, God expects from you an infinite openness that may be born from your little hearts, an openness that may lead you to give yourselves towards charity and humility in order to be able to see thus, the Face of My Son in each one of your brothers and sisters. In this way you will be able to live the fraternity that is necessary for the conversion of the world and especially, of all the souls that have distanced themselves from the love of God.

Dear children, today I contemplate all of you in My Maternal Love. Always remember that I want to bring you towards God.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Peace for all.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

It does not matter how much your hearts have failed the Love of God. My Heart contemplates the faults of the world and, by means of the constant prayers that My voice emanates from the Heavens, I can fill the Earth with Graces to repair the faults of all souls of the world.

For this reason, dear children, more than repairing the Great Heart of the Heavens, all of you are called, through prayer, to convert yourselves into little sparks of My Immaculate Heart so that you may live My Peace, and so that you may imitate My Peace. The Lord expects from each one of your hearts purity, giving and love, so that these principles may embrace the greatest number of souls that need peace and love.

For this reason, dear children, today I invite you to live in the perseverance of the heart. There the faith of all souls will be able to become stronger, and prayer will be pronounced with truth. In the path of faith, you will find the balm of the Love that My Son gives to you through the daily communion with His Sacred Heart. In permanent prayer and daily communion, many of the negative actions committed in the world are repaired in the moment of the inner encounter of each soul with Christ.

Dear children, also the unity among your hearts will allow the times of peace among the souls of the world to be established. Through this path of peace that I invite you to travel, the hearts that seek courage to continue in life and on the path of unity with God will be calmed with love.

I wait for you on the path of unity with My Immaculate Heart. I love you. I contemplate you. Have courage to live the change of the kind heart towards God.

Let us pray and work in peace and for peace.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Rest your souls in My Maternal Heart so that I may give you the Kingdom of My Universal Peace. Wash your wounds in the Fount of the Living Christ, and then I will dry you and I will protect you. Find in My Heart the flame that will illuminate you through the paths of the mission of love and peace. Hold the love in your hearts, Love that I radiate to you from My Immaculate Heart, because the moment will arrive to confirm yourselves before God, before His Grace and His Will.

Today I invite you to the conversion of your hearts through the unity of each soul with Christ: the Resurrected and Redeeming Lord. He prepares His return to the center of love in each heart.

For this, My little ones, many of you will suffer to alleviate the great pain of many souls, with the mission of restoring the faults committed towards My Immaculate Heart. Everything that was said before is being dictated by the actions of humans; therefore we must pray so that many souls may be conducted by the Wisdom of God.

Souls live without peace. You, My little ones, have been able to see this with your eyes through spiritual service. My Immaculate Heart suffers when so many children lose themselves. For this reason carry in your hearts the emblem of gratitude and perseverance; they are necessary to sustain life in the Faith of the Lord.

Throughout this last time, My apparitions awakened many children who will be conducted again before the throne of My Father. Therefore I count on you, My little ones, so that in prayer all may be redeemed in My Immaculate Peace.

Keep My words in your hearts so that they may reverberate like seeds in the coming time. I am walking with each one of your little hearts.

Who guides you always,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
