Dear children,

When unity is established among hearts, the Purpose can then be manifested and, even more, when true love is present, this purpose or this mission can be fulfilled effectively.

It is so, My children, that I call upon you, so that every day, and beyond, the unity of the purpose prevails because this will allow the human race to continue being worked on and helped so that, above all, the Plan of the Creator is established.

In these times, this unity and this unbreakable love among the beings of the nations of the world will be that which will allow for generating within humanity a source of new and important possibilities of redemption and forgiveness.

For some reason, when the sight of the Purpose and of its unity is lost, remember what I tell you today because this way you will know that you must always be renewed, through each new invitation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Apparition of Christ Jesus during the Sacred Call, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

You were created for a purpose and it is not by chance that you are here today at the Feet of the Creator.

Let us now go to the universe of your essence to discover what exists there, what is eternal, perpetual and infinite, that nothing nor anybody can dispel, from where you emerged to come here to Earth to fulfill the Project of Redemption and of Love.

Focus your attention on this moment, in the center of your being, and together with Me, enter the universe of your essence, to meet with God, to renew your purpose, to continue walking until, companions, you accomplish the goal God has given you.

Look into your essence, contemplate it with great love.

Feel the Original Source that exists within you and how the spiritual Light of My Love penetrates the deepest layers of the consciousness to elevate them, to have them transcended, to place them into the Hands of God.

On this night, in which the inner light is ignited through the intercession of My Sacred Heart, look toward your essences.

Discover within yourselves the only truth, which will free you from this captivity, from this planetary prison, from all error.

On this night I come to find the essence of your hearts, that which once existed in the beginning as consciousness and energy.

Let us return to those origins.

I came here tonight to take you toward that place, where you began to have a spiritual, causal and physical life.

Your essences have been traveling throughout the times, carrying out this trajectory, a path to redemption.

See in your essences, in the very core of your hearts, the Creator Source of God, which renews you, heals you, grants you redemption.

Let us return to the origin, to the beginning of everything, when our Eternal Father in His highest dimensions, in His greatest degrees of Love, thought of creating creatures much like Him, just as you are, at this time.

Remember, children, that you are the children of God, that you are the children of Life, that you are the children of Love, who come from an existence that has never died, that is perpetual, that is eternal and sublime.

Return to your essences and ask within: What is it that You want from me, Father?

Stillness. Stillness. Stillness. Do not interrupt what I am doing.

I have come here to elevate you to God, so that you may be part of what is existent and infinite.

Return your attention to the essence of His Love, that which emerged from the Source and which has lived many experiences to be able to reach this point and say 'yes' to redemption.

Today I come to dispel the forces of contrariness, because where love is present, God is; and your hearts are in God, just as God can be in you.

Let us now go toward the origin of what in truth you are, so that you may know how you were created in the beginning before becoming souls, before being spirits; so that you may know how it was when you were essences in the Source of the Love of God, together with the Creator Fathers, the Archangels; to the place where millions of lives for this Universe emerged.

Thus, companions, today you are not here alone. The whole Universe is here, all existence and all life, through My Sacred Heart.

Be brave. Penetrate this mystery that My Heart grants today so that you may know yourselves consciously.

See yourselves as being in love and continue forward through these times, overcoming all the obstacles, elevating your consciousness to the Creator.

Kneel before Me. And in an act of reconciliation through My Sacred Heart, let us return to Life, to what you always were.

Come with Me, to the Source of Creation, and find your essences there, that which is pure, which experiences no suffering, which is eternal and invincible in the Eyes of your Creator.

Look within yourselves and seek the sphere of your essence, the deepest light of your consciousnesses, that which has been born of the Source and moves through the times, learning about love and forgiveness.

I come in these times to find that truth that exists in you, a truth that brings Me here continuously and patiently, until you on your own are able to enter into communion with this truth.

In this way, you will free your Master, so that He may continue working in the world with other millions of essences, which are lost and far from love, the Love of the Source.

Hold in your hands this essence of light as if it were a newborn.

Feel that sphere of light in your hands and, at the same time, as a sign of imploring, let us be reconciled with God.

This is the essence that is within you and which seeks the path of return to the Heart of the Creator.

See how God created your essence with immense love, with eternal tenderness, with an immeasurable compassion.

This is the essence that is to return to the Source, with the marked sign of Redemption, saying 'yes' to Forgiveness and to Divine Mercy.

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, has been working with these millions of essences throughout time.

You are not only matter, you are also energy that comes from the Source and that at some time deviated from your path, so that in this time you would again find the path of redemption and of love.

I come to conceive in your essences the Grace of renewal, mutual service, an extreme charity and infinite consideration for the fellow being.

With this essence that God has given you, which is fragile and simple, which is mere and pure, companions, return to the school of love because love will heal you, the Love of God will save you and soon you will be worthy children of God, deserving of His infinite Mercy, tireless servers that never give up, that always say 'yes' to the Divine Hierarchy.

Feel your divine essence in your hands, feel how the Angels and Archangels contemplate your inner dwelling places.

Believe it is possible to overcome everything through the Love that My Spirit sows today in your essences to again give them spiritual life and an eternal union with the Creator.

In the same way that your essences bow down before the Most High at His Feet, thus, companions, today I want each part of your beings to bow down before God as an act of reconciliation, of forgiveness and of healing.

And now, Father, that you see what I come to seek, time after time, what you have created in image and likeness of your Existence, Adonai, Your Son pleads for these essences and for all the essences that are far from You.

Just as you are in Heaven, Father, may you also be on Earth, and when I return, surrounded by Your Glory and Your Power, may all the essences of the world experience their last step toward forgiveness.

Emmanuel, listen to the Voice of Your Son, who once was on the Cross for all the essences of the world, for all those who fell into the abysses.

Listen to the Voice of Your Son, Adonai, Emmanuel and Abba.

Bowing down at Your Feet, Eternal Father, I offer My Body, My Blood, My Soul, My Divinity, for the essences that today must be with You to serve and honor You.

I offer You, Father, My Sacred Heart, for the ungrateful and unjust hearts.

I offer You My Spirit so that You may be present in all that exists and lives, in all that breathes, so that the cell of evil may be erased, so that the Light of Your Divine Consciousness, Adonai, may be reborn.

Eli, Eli, listen to the Voice of Your Son, Who with great atonement and mercy dissolves error, lack of union and lack of love so that Your Plan, Father, may triumph on this planet.

We all bow down before You, beloved Creator, because You breathed and created life, because You felt, and creatures emerged, because You thought and granted Your Universe without restrictions so that forever and ever we may praise You, honor You, supplicate to You and thus, be in communion with Your non-material Spirit.

Pour out You Grace upon these essences.

Pour out Your Love upon these lives, so that You Project, Adonai, may be fulfilled, and souls may be redeemed and live to the end of their lives in Your Peace.

Today I water this tree that was drying up, and see how Love transforms all things, makes all things regrow; everything blossoms again because I have not allowed your essence to die, but rather, in the balm of My Love, I have nurtured them with My Spirit.

Let those who were dead be joyful.

Let those who expected a Grace, to be glad, because I will not tire, I will not tire until I achieve what I expect of your essences.

Love one another as I loved you, up to the last moment on the Cross. And when you do not love one another, when you do not unite, remember Me on the Cross, everything that I endured for you up to the end of your lives for, in this way, you will recover your strength, you will recover your bravery and courage to love beyond yourselves.

May the advent of the new 'figueiras' (fig-trees) be accomplished.

May the seeds of brotherhood planted in the earth regrow, because the Almighty has heard His Son and the angels have poured out your Grace in the depths of your beings.

Today the Scripture is fulfilled.

You will see the Son of God coming among the clouds and the breath of His Spirit will vivify your consciousnesses and evil will be dissolved, because the Love of the Sacrificed Heart of Jesus will triumph until the New Earth.

Let the knots of human separation be dissolved.

Let the ties of love and of faithfulness be established, because the Father of Mercy has heard the Voice of the Redeemer.

Place your hands upon your hearts.

And may you be able to feel this mystery every day, which is no longer a mystery, but just the simple Love of your Redeemer Who comes to make all things new.

Because when I fell with the Cross, three times, I promised the Father that I would renew all things.

And blessed will be those who allow themselves to be renewed by Me without fearing the changes, because what God wants to give you is His Heart, so that He may live in you in essence and eternally.

Let us thus celebrate this act of reconciliation, because your sins were purified and your faults were forgiven.

The High Priest has come to celebrate a Restoring Communion so that you may remember every day to fulfill the promise of being part of My Love and to express it in each moment.

Let us listen to the trumpets of the angels, that sound to announce the Divine Word and institute the Holy Eucharist in this place again, the perpetual triumph of the Love and Life of your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

And today, at My Feet, I have not only the holy women who anointed My flagellated Body at the sepulcher, together with Mary, My Mother and Mary Magdalene; but I also have at My Feet those who once did not recognize Me, those who experienced miracles, and those who converted at the foot of the Cross, when My Blood flowed from My Side and My Water penetrated the very core of the Earth, to renew the Project of the Creator.

Let your essences blend today into My original Essence, into My Divinity, into the Second Person of God, the Firstborn Son, the Only Begotten, the Redeemer, and may these essences that live and shine within you, help you to experience the changes in the end of these times.

Only Love will make you free and when you are not in Love or in Truth, call upon Me. I will give you the strength to love as I loved, up to the last moment of the Cross.

And as an act of reparation and healing, for the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine of your essences, today I will ask for a song that reflects the love that I had for you in Calvary: "Christ of Calvary."

May the symbol of this song help you to have the same strength, the same courage, and the same valor that your Master and Lord had up to the last moment of having expired on the Cross, for all of you.

When you cannot manage to humiliate yourselves, kneel; when you cannot manage to stay calm, rest your face upon the ground; when you are not humble, place yourselves in a cross upon the ground, as I will help you to transform what cannot be transformed, to free what resists, and you will feel the Fire of My Love in your hearts, just as the holy women did up to the last moment, overcoming all the tests, all the obstacles, to be close to the Sacrificed Son, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

And before listening to this song that makes My Heart humble, because, in truth, it is God Who is in Me, so that I am able to be in you, I remind you of the scene and the culminating moment of the communion with the apostles and all the souls present two thousand years ago, in Jerusalem, when I took the bread and gave thanks to God for the sacrifice, saying:

Take and all eat of it, because this is My Body, the Essential Body of your Lord, Who will surrender to you for the forgiveness of sins.

In the same way, I took the Chalice, giving thanks to the Creator for the sacrifice, and I said to them:

Take, take in trust and drink from this Chalice, the Chalice of the New Alliance, Blood that will be poured out for you for the forgiveness of all faults.

And in that moment, the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit descended, and instituted the Eucharist.

Today I ask You, Adonai, that you not let Your Sacred Tree die, a Tree much like the burning bush of Moses, in which You once showed Yourself, so small and humble in Your creatures.

May the same Spirit and the same Fire that penetrated the consciousness of Moses, today penetrate the consciousness of those who teach, of those who guide Your flocks, so that Your powerful and invincible Love may always triumph. Amen.

I will listen to the song.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 52nd Marathon of Divine Mercy on November 5, 2017, in the city of Valparaiso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am finally here in Chile, together with My brothers and sisters, to recover My flocks that remained lost in other times.

I come to unite you with the essence of My Heart so that My Mercy, which comes from the Source of the Father, may be here with you and with your loved ones.

I come to leave you with My Purpose of finding you again in My path, following My footprints, being led by My Heart, guided by My Soul, because I Am your only Master. I Am who I Am, from the beginning until the end of days.

This is why I have called you. I have knocked on the door of your hearts so that you could be here with Me today, sharing this spiritual task that your Master and Lord carries forward in Chile, banishing the false power, banishing the dominion and the control of society, liberating this wounded people from the sequels of the past, from the current sequels of the past.

I come to dissolve with My Light that which is unchangeable, I come to transform with My essence that which nobody has yet touched within each being. This is why I want to be here with you, on this day; here, in Chile, to make you relive My Presence, so that you can remember your commitment with Me, on this trajectory of the end of times that your humanity and the planet are facing.

I come here to recover those who distanced themselves from God for different circumstances, due to various sufferings or trials, or to the disappointments they have been allowed to experience, because of the poor faith in their hearts.

Today I speak to this country, that must again awaken to what it once was, from the beginning of the original peoples, those who really love Life and Creation, who preserve and care for Nature making it a part of themselves, communing with her, day by day.

It is the values of the original peoples, My companions, which will liberate you from everything that you live today. The original values are those which humanity is losing in these times, substituting God for modernities, placing your attention on external things and forgetting to look within yourselves every day and to seek what you are in Creation.

You have not come to this world only to be human beings, to live a material or artificial life. You have a very worthy spirit that is deeply unknown to you. Each time you approach Me you can discover and feel that, in truth, it is worth living in this time, despite what may happen.

Therefore I wish, by means of the original peoples of Chile, who showered the high mountains with their love, that the world may be able to recover these values of the true spirituality of Creation. For this reason, I need you to be close to Me, in order to renew these times, these critical times, in which humanity submerges in its own pain and moves away from God without looking for Him or calling Him.

I would like to hear your hearts pray and sing, like today; because today, My Mercy reaches not only you, but also the whole southern cone, which is what I expected to do if I had been in Punta de Arenas, so that My Light and My Mercy would reach Antarctica.

Do not remain only in what surrounds you daily, embrace the planet with love and put your attention on everything that it needs. Because the planet - as a consciousness, as nature and creation - is suffering, and humanity does not want to look at this, so as not to feel responsible for what it has done in these last times.

I have shed My Blood upon this planet to save you. This is why I am here again, to remind you of My Sacrifice, because it has not been in vain.

You, as so many other souls in the world, can make My Sacrifice during the Passion and the Cross worthy. There too are found the spiritual values you need in order to transform yourselves into the model that God expects you to be in this cycle.

I cannot refrain from telling you the Truth, companions, because it would not make sense for Me to be here, in this place and in this very moment to congregate you in My Love, to unite you to My Heart, so that you may commune with God, who is offended.

Each drop of love that you pour into your prayers and your songs relieves the planet; each drop of love that you pour into your prayers and your songs heals the planet; each drop of love that you pour into your prayers and your songs changes the events and many things are avoided in humanity.

I would like you to leave this place with the living Fire of My Heart in you, taking on the commitment in this new stage that I invite you to live, leaving behind all that you have been, leaving behind all that you have mistaken, because I do not come in search of your flaws, as I know that you are human beings in evolution.

I come to seek from you sincere hearts, honest hearts, hearts that are decided to live My Plan, even though you do not comprehend or understand it. Everything that I will always bring to you, from My Father's Universe, you will not understand, because it is not within your school.

To love the unknown is the first test of My disciples; to commit is the second step, and to take it on is the concretion of My Plan.

I come to look for all the hearts of the world, this is why I am here today in Chile, to form a new army of My Mercy, apostles, tireless servers that can come out of themselves a little more and look around them, where the great suffering of the world and of all the souls exists, as well as that of the Kingdoms of Nature.

I would like you to learn to honor and glorify what God has given you as a country, by means of the nature, the mountains, the ocean and all that Creation expresses, from north to south of this nation, and that coexists day by day with this people.

I need, companions, that you defend Creation with Me, so that human beings will not continue to destroy for their benefit, for their commodity, or for their luxury. I will take care of those who do all those things.

Remember that the day of the Final Judgment is written, when your Master and Lord will separate the chaff from the wheat, He will liberate the planet from the eternal suffering and will repopulate this world with new Christs who will live the experience of My Love in a true and conscious way, and what I say will no longer be a theory, but a reality in the hearts.

Chile needs to take a step towards reconciliation and forgiveness so that it may receive the new Graces from Heaven, as it was once intended to pour onto this people, some decades ago.

I come to correct what has been twisted in the consciousness of this people, that which has not been taught well, and has led them to not value that which is within each being, within their inner universe.

Therefore, I come from the Universe to bring you the new, what you now need in order to take the steps towards My Heart, which is full of Love and Graces for the creatures, which is thirsty for hearts that can commit themselves.

I come to give you the best that I have and what My Father has allowed Me to deliver to you, because this will make you free - believe it - if you leave here with an open consciousness. You are awakening to that for which your spirits have waited a long time, of which you are not very conscious because you do not know, this is understandable. You are awakening to what truly exists within you, which has great value for My Celestial Father.

Through this mystery that is found in each human being, and that must awaken, My Father will be able to rebuild the Earth and its humanity.

Today I am awakening the most inner treasures of this people, so that it may recognize My call and always say "yes" to Me, because thus they will be saying "yes" to My Father and to His Will.

I come to bring to you here, on this afternoon, the first Grace, the Grace of reconciliation. Reconciliation first among yourselves as a family, as a society, as a country; this will help so that the uncertain doors may close and the souls may find the path of light, a path that will lead them to redemption and to peace.

Chile needs to live its commitment to God in a true way, living it with the faith it deserves and with the trust it needs for this final time.

Today I radiate to you, with My Eucharistic Heart, a Sun brighter than all the suns of this Universe, so that My Codes of Life may be in you and that which has not yet been transformed, may be transfigured.

If you accept the first step of reconciliation, you will live redemption. The whole world is here to be redeemed, everyone needs to forgive something in order to be able to free themselves from suffering.

I Am this sun of compassion that brings to you the Mercy of the Father, so that your spirits and bodies may heal.

I would like to carry on My Chest the star of the flag of your people, not to remember the blood that was shed, but to transform the pain into love, the suffering into healing, injustice into equality.

Living the commitment with Me you will open the doors for many souls, that in their daily lives await to receive the same call that you have received in this time.

We will bless this Altar and this room, so that you may be worthy of receiving My Graces, renewing your hope and faith in My Heart and so that on this afternoon, your feet may be washed of all the past and you may be born to the new life. 

Our Father...

Once more...

On this afternoon I renew My Sacrifice; for the blood that was shed in this people, for the wounds that were inflicted, for the original peoples who disappeared, for the injustice that was generated, for the lack of the love that was dissipated from many consciousnesses, through power and manipulation.

Today I renew My Sacrifice offered during the Last Supper with My twelve apostles. Today I return to reintegrate Chile to the mystery of My Eucharist, My Passion, My Death and My Resurrection, renewing the Sacrament of faith and of reconciliation between the souls of this country that I adore, through My Eucharistic Heart.

I invite you to live in this way, companions, through this Eucharist, the adoration to My Eucharistic Body, seeking to transfigure, by means of the adoration, the corrupt codes of humanity so that everything may become rescuable, even the smallest cell the human consciousness.

Placing My Hands over these elements, I thank God for this sacrifice that I lived for you and for the world over two thousand years ago, saying: Take this, all of you, and eat it, for this is My Body that will liberate you from the past, which will lead you to eternal life; saying: Take this and drink from this Chalice, the Chalice of the new covenant that your people and your whole country must live so that the Kingdom of God may be established.

With the divine authority of our Creator, the Almighty, I bless these elements, I bless your consciousnesses and your lives:  In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And now you may wash your feet, because the water has already been sanctified with My Presence.

Now I want you to call your sincere hearts, I want you to call in the depth of your beings, the most infinite corner of your essences, where the Truth and the Love of God exist. As My children from Argentina did, I want you to call the sincere heart by means of your voice, crying out for the awakening of this planet and for the reconciliation of humanity.

I thank you.

Pray for the world that is agonizing...(song: Sincere heart)

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the city of Mendoza, Argentina, to Santiago, Chile to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

At this time, I come to the world to give continuity to the Work of Redemption of My Son, so that souls awaken to the path of pardon and reconciliation.

Therefore, your Heavenly Mother goes on pilgrimage, from nation to nation, so that more hearts in the world may reach the real consciousness of love and compassion.

My Son sends His Mother to the world every day to transform the lives of the planet, into hearts in fullness and redemption.

It is thus that My steps are not separated from those of My children because as a kind Mother, I can be near and united to each heart in need.

I encourage you, in these times, to be part of the armies of the Redeemer, so that the Sacred Master and Lord of the universe may have instruments available to take forward the Project of Love.

At this time, feel the joy of serving Him, the joy of being able to meet Him again, the deep desire to be close to Him.

May your lives, in constant redemption, receive the impulse of Our Lord so that everything may be fulfilled.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Today, I take all of you in My arms, just as I took Jesus to the Temple.

Today, I give you to God so that your lives may be purified, redeemed and filled by the Sacred Spirit of the Creator.

At that time, at the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, the sacred and little Child was the primary mediator so that humanity could be reinstated with the spiritual connection that it had lost through its errors.

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple meant a culminating moment in which humanity, through the Presence of the Divine Son, was removed from the great abysses in which, through different circumstances, it had been placed. 

This Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple also meant for your Heavenly Mother the surrender of Her Son so that, from that moment on, My maternal Heart would be prepared to take on humanity until the end of times.

In this event of the Presentation of the little Child Jesus, the Father granted, His Firstborn as well as His tireless Servant, the divine authority of absolute intercession for all those for whom They might ask.

The delivery of Jesus into the Arms of the Eternal Father represents for humanity the renewal of the gifts of faith, of trust and of unity with the Divine Source.

The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple was the first symbol of defeat and removal of paganism of the time by the conception of the one and only true God, Adonai.

This was how the Presentation of the Child in the Temple gave the world an opportunity to recognize themselves as children of God, so that the connection of each being can be built with dignity.

This means that the Child Jesus was presented in the temple to reveal to the world the Merciful and Just God and to reverse the doctrinal concept of a God of intense Justice and irreproachable Law.

The Child Jesus made it possible to reestablish, at that time, the connection between souls and God. From then on, He renewed the times through His sacrifice in the following moments, of His Passion and Death.

Presenting the Divine Child in the Temple of the Creator means reminding the world of its inner universe and the existence it holds, in order to contribute to this humanity with the true divine virtues that God conceived in the origin of each essence, just as in the spiritual emergence of each soul.

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple allowed, on the spiritual plane of the human consciousness, the rebuilding of this inner temple that is transgressed by one's own actions.

The small Jesus recovered, for humanity of the surface, the principle of spiritual connection with the Creator and His Most Pure Source.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Fatima, Santarém, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Each time you pray from the heart, a thorn of pain is removed from the Heart of God and a flower of light opens in His Kingdom.

Therefore, continue praying the Rosary every day so that peace and the end of wars may be established.

Continue praying with the purity of your hearts, so that the situations of the planet may reverse, and thus more souls may achieve the Mercy of God.

Continue praying with the purity of your hearts, so that the situations of the planet may reverse, and thus more souls achieve the Mercy of God.

Each prayer that is pronounced with love, opens doors so that souls may submerge in the ocean of forgiveness and thus receive reconciliation with the Universe.

On this afternoon, the prayer of the heart reached vast celestial spheres, and help came to assist the most simple.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While the sacred beauty of Creation expresses itself with love, abundance and devotion, all those who contemplate it are internally helped by the immaterial Laws that act in these sacred spaces of the planet.

Thus, the human consciousness, in silence and in prayer, is worked and the deeper levels of the being are carried, with reverence and love, to the summits or to the inner places where the essence of regeneration and of healing are silently expressed for humanity.

In this way, corrupted states of the human consciousness, which lead to precariousness of the material and spiritual life, are deactivated.

That is why, the sacred places, as are the mountains, allow to enter widely, deep levels of the consciousness where redemption, healing, and forgiveness are necessary.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May the Light of God convert and modify all that is necessary to redeem.

May Divine Light fill the deepest spaces of the consciousness and make each state a principle of redemption.

May Divine Light convert and transform each aspect of life and realize the Plan of the Creator.

Feel yourself to be free, child, of the chains that imprison you, for the time will come for taking the great and last step toward Divine Life.

Meanwhile, continue fighting with all the strength of your heart, for in the heart is held enough love to make of each lesson an opportunity for forgiving.

Walk on the pathway of My Son; He offers the path of perseverance and of peacemaking.

It is in the change of consciousness that the opportunity for elevation can be found, and every day, make each stage of life be a great experience of love and of transcendence.

Let us live the change in these times. Let us await Him with joy, for it will be good news.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Assisi, Perugia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

With the love of My children, I will always be able to carry forward the Works of the Creator.

With the love of My children, I will finally be able to bring peace to the world.

With the love of My children, although imperfect and immature, I will be able to carry forward all that God asks of me.

With the love of My children, I can gestate the New Humanity within Me, and thus see it born in a near future.

With the love of My children, I can redeem the world and pour out My Graces over those hearts and lives that need it the most.

With the love of My children, I can help the divine essence of the Kingdoms of Nature so that the restoration and the healing may be carried forward of all the repercussions caused to them since the beginning of Creation.

With the love of My children, I have permission to enter the hells of this wounded world subjected to war, indifference and omission.

With the love of My children, I can welcome into My maternal Heart the souls of the nations and everything that dwells in them. In this way, your Heavenly Mother can carry forward the Rescue Operation.

With the love of My children, in simple hearts, I can experience the existence of the Project of God, and in humble hearts, I can every day re-experience the merciful Presence of My Son.

It no longer matters how many times you fall or make mistakes; what matters, My children, is that you learn every day to be persevering and good. This will help Me to continue availing Myself of the love of My children because what must be redeemed in you will be transformed by the love you have for Me.

In the love of My children, I see the Promised Land.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and consecrates you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

My Love and My Grace are like a rain that wets the earth to allow the life of humankind to be more fertile and fruitful.

That rain of Graces, which comes from My Heart, is poured out upon humanity most in need of forgiveness and redemption.

Thus, the rain of Graces I bring allows all things to be renewed and makes each moment an opportunity to meet again with God.

The rain of Graces of My Heart waits to change the world and awaken consciousnesses to their true reality.

This rain of Graces can heal a being or the whole of the planet, because it is based on the Love of God, the Love He has for His children.

Seek this Grace of being in God, for it will allow everything to be renewed and everything to be transformed.

May the Grace of God be your companion.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

At the doorway of the great event of Fatima, your Heavenly Mother is preparing, in the Spiritual Kingdom of God and companioned by all Her angels, for the mission that Her Lord and Master entrusted to Her.

For this reason, I would like each child of Mine, in attunement and prayer, to accompany your Heavenly Mother in this sacred task of bringing a part of humanity back to once again contact the state of its original purity.

For this, dear children, in these next days, I invite each one of you to be very present, with Fatima in your heart, so the higher universe of consciousness can move forward with this sacred task with the brotherhood that is born of each heart that prays and pleads.

So it is that, at this time, your Heavenly Mother will be beginning Her divine task in humanity, in need of love, mercy and forgiveness.

Within each one of you, let peace and confidence blossom so you are able to respond to the call from on High in time; because what will happen in the coming days will be important inwardly and universally.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


When the Plan of God is not lovingly accepted, just as the universe of Higher Will presents it, humanity inwardly responds that it is stepping away from Grace and the opportunity for redemption which forgiveness grants it. But when the Plan of God is not accepted by those beings that are more aware, this is the answer though which the entire Purpose will begin to be erased.

This completely superficial and small-minded attitude of the human being limits the development of that Greater Plan, which only seeks a group benefit for all creatures.

For this reason, in this time, a non-acceptance and lack of adherence to all that is being planned through the Spiritual Hierarchy, affirms and confirms, on the part of the human collective, the living of or the experience of a violent and irresistible purification, since that inexplicable opportunity is not being considered, nor is the Grace of living a different Law that could, on its higher level, transform many things.

Thus, the participation or the absence of those within the Plan of Love will bring consequences and results in all senses.

Each soul is responsible for everything coming out in an evolutionary way.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, with Mercy,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

After the victory of Jesus on the Cross, the doors of Divine Mercy remained open in order that all sinners and the non-repentant could receive the expiation necessary for the redemption of their lives. 

So it was that the victory of Christ on the Cross represented a before and after for planetary and human life; because that great sacrifice lived by Christ more than two thousand years ago represented the opening of a cycle in which souls could practice forgiveness and reconciliation.

That is how the Master of Love, with His Divine Passion, generated an opportunity that could never have existed in any other time or cycle of the planet. And that was possible because in His Sorrowful Passion, Love prevailed and won over all human error.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I am that Bird of Light that comes to announce peace to the world.

I am that Bird of Light that comes to guide Her children on the path of love and of the good.

I am that Bird of Light that circles the spaces to bring wisdom to a civilization that needs it very much.

I am that Bird of Light that brings hope and renewal to consciousnesses.

I am that Bird of Light that helps to raise the spirit of each being so that all may meet with the Father.

I am that Bird of Light that descends to the abysses of the Earth to rescue each one of the children of God.

I am that Bird of Light that awakens devotion in the hearts so that divine communion may be established.

I am the Bird of light that takes care of and protects the essences that surrender in trust into the arms of the Celestial Mother.

I am that Bird of Light that concedes pardon and reconciliation with the Divine.

I am that Bird of Light of mercy, and I hope all My Children will live this powerful gift of liberation.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Feel My presence as a balm that calms you and brings you hope and renewal.

Feel My Divine Spirit as a Source of Peace for your lives.

Feel in My presence the possibility of forgiving the past and restarting.

I come as the sun that rises in the morning, to give the world a new opportunity of seeing the Light. I come to kindle this Light in your lives.

I come as the water that springs from a new source, giving nature the hope of the renewal of life. Today I renew your lives.

I come to open one more cycle and a new door to redemption.

I come so that all may know Me, and through Me, may know God; because My words do not come from Me, but from His Holy Will.

I come to unite what humankind has separated and to demonstrate that all religions, all cultures, all lines of true wisdom are to be found in an unusual search: the living of Love. As the carrier of this Love, I come to open the doors to unity among beings.

No longer separate what must be united. My Son did not come to the world to create religions. It was the inability of humankind to live His words that caused religions to be created, so that each one would follow the path that would allow them to understand them, until one day they could discover Love and Unity, when all that was separated unites again.

Children, I come to open the doors of this house so that it may be My house, in which you can seek help. Come and learn to pray with Me, just as the women of Nazareth and Jerusalem learned.

Come without distinction of creeds and races, so that My Love may unite you.

Come seeking forgiveness and the doors to redemption that I have opened here for your souls.

Come to reconcile yourselves with God and to find in His Servant a path to imitate and follow.

This is not a new church; this is the House of Your Holy Mother, the Mother of all the poor, the Mother of all those who lack something.

Humanity needs to understand that while it is in this world and attached to it, it will be poor, because the true riches are to be found in the Kingdom of God, where, renouncing all things, beings experience a real freedom and are filled by the greatest treasure of Creation: the unity with the Divine.

Children, allow yourselves to restart your lives and to hold new principles, new goals, new aspirations. Open the doors of your houses and of your hearts to Me.

I do not come to bring you anything but Peace. I come to have you know My Love, so that in this way I may liberate your lives from the evil that oppresses them.

With the Holiness of My presence, I come to consecrate this city and all those who say “yes” to Me. And, in the same way as the Sacred Family, with Its simple life in Nazareth transformed the perdition of that small city and prepared the path for the public life of Christ, I now return in Divine Spirit so that, together with My children, we may spiritually liberate and transform this small city, to prepare the return of My Son and for things not to happen as in Nazareth, where in spite of everything, many could not receive Him.

Open yourselves from the heart, My children, so that this cycle may renew your lives.

Recognize the poverty and the need of your hearts and allow Me to show you the path to true fullness.

Consecrate your lives to prayer. Set for yourselves goals of Peace and no longer deny the Love of the Redeemer, for He comes to make you worthy of looking into His eyes, of touching His Heart, of laying your head on His chest, and of feeling His Majesty, relieved because the time of Redemption will have come.

I love you and I invite you to enter with Me into a new cycle of Peace.

With My hands I bless you. With My love I free you. With My support I protect you and I call you to recognize yourselves as My children.

Come and pray with Me. Create unity among religions and hearts in this house. May the search for Peace and the perpetual prayer unify you in God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am that woman of Nazareth that a long time ago was called by the Archangel Saint Gabriel to be the carrier of the Light of God by means of the coming of Christ.

Today, I am that simple woman of Nazareth, called Mary, the Mother of All Peoples, who announces to the world at this time the second coming of Christ. 

I am that woman that everyone knows, Who is constant and patient, Who walks by the side of each child who opens to recognize that I can be in their heart all the time.

I am that woman that some time ago, here in this city of Carmo, was announcing Herself at the top of the hill of the Redeemer, and was saying to all that a great change was coming for humanity.

I am the Mother of God and the Mother of the Most High, I am the Mother of Figueira, and I am the Lady of Carmel.

I come to ask you to pray and to feel encouraged to do so, just as in past times, you prayed for the black people to be free from slavery.

I come as a Mother to reopen the doors to Heaven over this suffering city.

I come to tell you that I am here, very close to you. That I am present at the top of a hill, in a ranch close to your people, and I wish that with your humility you may visit Me and pray with Me so that I may help you every day.

Today I teach you in humility, My children, the path of truth and of peace.

Today I have come to the door of your houses to knock on the doors of your hearts and to ask you to accept Me, just as you accept Me and experience Me in the holy church.

But in this time I have decided, at the request of God and of My Beloved Son, to come outside of My church, so that you could find Me present at the door of your houses, on the streets of this city, in the neighborhoods of this town, at the top of the sacred hill and in each heart that opens to feel Me in the innermost part of their being.

I am the Lady of Carmel, Mother of the poor and guide of the missionaries.

I come to ask you, beloved children, that with your hearts open, you repent and ask humbly for forgiveness for all that you live, for all that you suffer, for all that happens in this city.

It is thus that the Mother of Jesus, of the Savior, draws close to Her dear people and to all of Her family so that some values may be recovered in your daily life and in your consciousnesses.

I have come to reach out My humble hand, so that you may tightly take hold of it, and in this way, I may guide you to the path of peace and of love.

I come to ask you to go on a pilgrimage in faith and devotion to My Marian Center so that, being there, you may spiritually commune of Christ, and have all your wounds be dissolved by the balm of love that I offer you.

After such a long time, the Mother of the Savior, the Lady of the Poor, returns to your city to guide you and lead you on the path of the good and of charity, on the sacred path of the prayer of the heart.

I wish, children, for you to be conscious in your hearts of this house that I have consecrated, so that each child of Mine may enter through the great portal of the redemption of humanity.

In simple words, I invite you to visit the House of the Children of Mary, of the Lady of the Poor every day, so that you may feel motivated to regain in your families the warm moments of prayer and of peace, so needed in these times of chaos.

I come to remove this city from an uncertain place of consciousness.

I come with My Angels to close all the uncertain doors that may have been opened for different reasons.

Therefore, I have chosen this point of the city so that, on a simple street like this, you can find Me, without fail.

It is for this reason, children, that I return to the city of Carmo da Cachoeira, so that you maywake up from inertia and that, in this next Easter, you make your hearts places of peacefulness, meekness, and consolation.

I come to give you the healing that you need so much, and thus, all My children will feel a little more loved and sheltered by Me.

In each neighborhood of this city I want an ecumenical group of prayer, capable of attracting Divine Laws to its people.

I am glad of being able to return and that, day by day, I may accompany you.

Thus, I leave this House of the Lady of the Poor so that each soul and each heart may find the refuge that they need so much. 

Offer God all your gratitude and, on this day, may the door to Grace and to the Mercy of God be reopened.

I thank you for having humbly received Me.

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Lady who unties all knots

Today, before you and the world, I again present Myself as the Lady Untier of Knots, so that souls may liberate themselves in these times from errors committed and thus, achieve peace.

I am the Lady who unties all knots

I have the celestial authority to untie even the impossible cases, so that in this way, the souls that are imprisoned within themselves know that the humility of My hands, along with the Angels of Liberation, may resolve these cases.

I am the Lady who unties all knots

With the Power of the Father, the Love of the Son, and the spiritual strength of the Holy Spirit, I untie the impossible causes and I make of each one of them a luminous present for God.

I am the Lady who unties all knots

Those who trust in My Grace are whole in Spirit and in the Divine Verb, and thus the paths open for them to experience their redemption.

With the help of Heaven and of the entire Universe, the most tightly tied knots are liberated by the swords of light of the holy angels, which give the Mother of God the already liberated ribbons.

I am the Lady who unties all knots

Through the faith of believers and devotees, the work of redemption is materialized, and many more knots are liberated in the planetary consciousness.

Come with Me and let us untie all knots, so that the doors to hope may be opened and thus, hearts may find again the Light of My Son.

I am the Lady who unties all knots

And your Mother and Lady Untier of Knots undoes the knots of consciousness; there is no being on this Earth that will remain without liberation.

I am the Lady who unties and dissolves the most difficult and impossible evils, so that Her children may be reborn in the faith and in the Love of God.

I am the Lady who unties all knots

Do not fear your prisons or the resistant knots in your paths; I send you the Angels of Liberation so that, with their swords, they may cut all which causes pain and incomprehension.

But only one door must be opened so that all knots may be liberated, and it is the door of the heart, where no impossible knot exists, because in there is God.

Live in the Lord and all knots will be liberated.

I am the Lady who unties all knots

Through Universal Mercy, your souls will be liberated from any spiritual captivity; implore for the power of your Lady Untier of Knots and instantly you will see your paths open up.

I am the Lady who unties all knots so that souls may achieve redemption and may victoriously live the forgiveness of the heart.

I am the Lady Untier of Knots and I invite you to invoke that divine power of liberation through this decree:

Lady Untier of Knots,

Who liberates the ties of human inertia,

untie all the knots of our consciousnesses

so that Christ may reign now and always,

and for all eternity.



A good vigil of liberation for all!

I thank you for accompanying Me.

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May the flame of the Holy Spirit illuminate your paths so that they may be filled by Its Gifts of Wisdom and Love, because by receiving these celestial attributes, the souls that are disciples of Christ will acquire greater wisdom, discernment and love for accomplishing their tasks.

May the flame of the Holy Spirit give you the impulse every day to live the transcendence from forms and liberation from obstacles, for by receiving the Holy Spirit within yourselves, the consciousness is able to further understand the Plan of God.

May the flame of the Holy Spirit enter the very depths of the spirit of each being so that inner truth may be revealed, and, in this way, the doors may open to forgiveness so that everyone may go through them.

Allow this sacred Flame of the Holy Spirit to envelope you and make of each soul a precious instrument in the Hands of God.

“Come Holy Spirit and transform all that was created
for the Glory of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who gives you the impulse,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When your Heavenly Mother gains a victory in a spiritual battle, and the plans of My adversary are disarmed, another battle arises which is perhaps even stronger, but which will not make of My soldiers consciousnesses unable to serve.

Each inner battle that a server faces comes to strengthen them, and to confirm them in the Divine Will.

The duality that this world lives allows consciousnesses to choose what path they will follow.

Thus, each inner battle is a moment in which to make ever new attempts toward perfection and toward transcending oneself.

When the disciple of Christ stumbles over the same stone at each inner battle, they must keep in mind that within this dual system of learning, one can only learn to love the errors every day so that this inner love may be sufficiently great and mature enough to be able to forgive everything.

If your Heavenly Mother, as an incarnated human being, had not felt or lived these high degrees of love, perhaps the Passion of Christ would not have had great results, because Christ taught on the Cross that love has the power and the victory over all errors.

This is what your lives must always keep well in mind, because otherwise you will never be able to liberate yourselves from the chains or the errors that you live.

The consciousness changes its focus when it manages to live and feel the degrees of love, because this will place it at another level in the school of redemption and forgiveness.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who heals your wounds spiritually,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today your Mother of the World contemplates humanity with serenity and compassion. With My eyes full of tears and anguish, I see many of My beloved children in worldly blindness and hypnotized by indifference. Where is the Christ who was born a few days ago within you? I ask you, My beloveds, do not forget Him or turn your back to Him, because this Christ who lives in you waits patiently to be attended and filled with much love.

To all those who today elevate their thoughts and hearts to Heaven, I ask: pray, pray and adore My Son in the Blessed Sacrament. May this year that ends, a year full of misfortunes and unconsciousness, be liberated so that next year will be one with more light and more mercy. Therefore, I ask all of My children of the world to have God present, at least do this for all those who will distance themselves during this night of their true and most pure innocence.

I would like you to celebrate with Me the triumph of the Sacred Hearts, more than the change of one year and the end of a cycle. Let us pray, dear children, because the year that is approaching will be harder than the past one, and I see how many consciousnesses decide for other things and resist more each day. Give, not as the world gives, but give a beautiful smile to the Mother of God, give love, mercy and compassion so that the ignorance of the world may be balanced.

Love and understand each other a little bit more every day and no longer close your hearts. I am teaching all My servers to love sacrifice, for this sacrifice to be at least similar to the one that My Son offered in solitude, abandonment and silence.

Dear children, let us pray so that next year your Holy Mother of Light might not have to cry, although My supplications and My petitions will be continuous, relieve My Heart from the serious sins I see being committed every day throughout the world.

At last, forgive yourselves, and you will be forgiven, and humanity will miraculously be forgiven when on this night somebody may feel encouraged to tell Me “Yes, my Mother, today I will be with You at all costs for the triumph of Your Immaculate Heart.” Thus, God will have infinite pity for all nations, for all the continents and for all consciousnesses that on this night will spiritually confirm their alliance with evil. But know that, in spite of all, dear children, it is your lives and your acts that make My Heart triumph, day by day.

And if you have come until here on this pilgrimage with Me in prayer and to all these nations, it is because only the Grace of God allows for some things, only sincere love conceives and generates a sacred opportunity for souls.

Dear children, I apologize for this declaration that I bring you today, but I promised, since My Assumption, to only tell the truth to the world.

For all efforts and for all renunciations, I thank you for following Me throughout this planetary Calvary.

Who loves and blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
