I place My Hand upon you to bless you and consecrate you always to God, beyond trials and falls, because for God it is important that His Plan of Love and of Redemption be fulfilled in humanity.
At His Divine request I place My Hand over you to bless you and consecrate you because He needs reconciliation to be established in the world and in His most lost children of the Earth to be able to recognize and find the Love of God, as a means of salvation and of relief.
I place My Hand over you to bless you and consecrate you in the name of all those who, in some way, fail in their spiritual life, and through this gesture of love, on this day, I bring the opportunity of your turning to God and finding His Infinite Mercy.
I place My Hand over you to bless you and consecrate you in the name of redemption and of the peace which must awaken in all the children of the Father, who at some point will face the Truth and must live it.
I place My hand over you to forgive you, to strengthen you, to encourage you to say "yes" to Me until the end.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the time of My Mercy, I make the merits of the Passion descend so that souls may have an opportunity of awakening and of redemption.
Therefore, the time of My Mercy is important for your Master and Lord because at this moment the Redeemer and souls have the opportunity of reviving, not only the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, but also the most potent powers achieved through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of your Lord.
I come in this hour to concede to Italy the extraordinary and expiatory Grace of being able to reconcile with God and with His entire Plan of Love and of Forgiveness, for I know that souls need much Mercy in order to reconsider and change, just as God needs it from all the Italian people.
If at least a group of Italian consciousnesses made the change that Heaven is begging for, Italy, as a nation, would be forgiven of very many errors, and this country would reach a high degree of conversion and of redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today the whole world, but especially the Sanctuary of Fatima, remembers through all the pilgrims that humanity has a Mother. A Mother Who silently intercedes, without tiring or delaying, for humanity. A Mother Who, from the beginning, unconditionally accepted giving up Her Son to be the Mother of Humanity.
Today Fatima lights up like a sun through the Love of the Most Holy Mary. Souls remember the Mother of eternal tenderness, the Mother Who gives them Peace, the Mother Who deeply wishes the good for them and offers them Her Heart of a Mother, as a refuge and support in the face of any adversity.
Behold, before you, the Mother of God and the Advocate of all those spiritually condemned. Behold, your Mother, the Mother of the Universe and of humanity; the Mother Who gives you shelter, the Mother Who understands you, and through Her surrender, grants you the forgiveness and reconciliation of God.
Remember well this 13th of May, which up until today remains alive, as if it were the first time that the Mother of Jesus descended from Heaven to give you shelter and bring you Peace.
You need nothing else, creatures of God, because you have a Mother, and the Mother of Heaven is the most important thing in your lives.
Appreciate Her, respect Her, listen to Her, and love Her as She silently does.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I am the Lord of the Seven Sacred Chalices and I pour in them the principles and attributes that Europe will need, in these times, to carry forward its great moment of redemption, forgiveness and renewal.
I am the Lord of the Seven Sacred Chalices and, through them, I represent the seven powerful Wills of the Creator Father, not only for Europe but also for the whole world.
I am the Lord of the Seven Sacred Chalices and, through them, I come to place in the consciousness of Europe the opportunity to truly love God and to find me in the fellow being.
I am the Lord of the Seven Sacred Chalices and, through them, I institute the Gifts of God, the seven creative principles that will descend to the planet in this coming cycle to reverse the critical situation of humanity.
I am the Lord of the Seven Chalices and today, from the Kingdom of Fatima, I bring you this revelation: the Lord of the Seven Chalices will be coming to announce to Europe that its time of redemption and forgiveness is approaching.
The Lord of the Seven Chalices will come once again to awaken His twelve apostles of the last times.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I unite all Christians on one Path, the path of love, because in love there are no differences, reasons nor concepts.
It is in love that My Church can be rebuilt, extended throughout the Earth, because in love it will be able to be liberated and forgiven, and everything will start from scratch.
For this reason, My Father grants you the possibility of gathering and uniting among followers of the same Christ, to strengthen the love that brought and approached each one of you toward Me.
This is the time for living in this undeniable love, in a love that is capable of welcoming and not rejecting, in a love that entirely gives of itself beyond results, in a love that lives without expectations.
I unite all Christians by means of the same love thatI gave to My apostles, a love capable of transcending the boundaries of consciousness, a love that can be shared so that many more get to know the immensity of My Mercy.
In love, you will be free from yourselves, from the prisons of life and protected from all evil.
In My Love, I transform you and I gather you, once again, for you to glorify the Father.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy reaches the most imperfect and miserable spaces of the consciousness so that everything may be transformed by the Christic Light.
This is how, through My Divine and unfathomable Mercy, Your Master and Lord brings to the world the great opportunity of living forgiveness, healing and redemption; because, through Mercy, the soul finds the necessary justification to be able to receive an undeserved grace.
In this sense, the Source of Mercy is able to place the dying or imperfect soul before the possibility of living the sublime energy of Grace, so that its faults can be amended by the very powerful flow of the Divine Mercy that comes to the planet.
Divine Mercy is the great Mirror of God's Love that is projected to bring peace and liberation to the earthly consciousness.
In Mercy lies the key to inner healing.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who Blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In the silence of the heart, your Master and Shephard is finalizing His daily journey of being with you but, in the Omnipresence of My Father, I will continue being with you until the end of times.
The moment has come for My last apostles to give testimony of My Word; that they let the power of My Love be known, that they give sacraments, confess and forgive in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The moment has come that My Church on the entire Earth will become purified and restored. For this moment and event, I have prepared you, up until now.
So go, and do all that I have taught you. Be the living Love of My Heart wherever you go. Be compassion, truth and purity. Fulfill the designs of the Lord. Build again the bases of My Heavenly Church within the hearts for the souls that were profaned and abused by My Church, not to feel pain, fear nor resistance; that all of them may recover their faith and their inner contact with Me.
Lucky will be those who at this last time will have followed and listened to My Messages daily.
Unhappy will be those who did not give importance to My Messages because they will not have the tools to cross the end of times.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, is wasted. The Word of the Lord is blessed and merciful.
Now is the time to live the apostleship of the Lord.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master Jesus Christ
Today, My descent to the world contemplates a Venezuela outraged by extreme marginalization, wounded by the infidelity of its laws, imprisoned by the captivity generated by a few, violated by an obsessive oppression.
Oh, My dear and joyful Venezuela! May impunity no longer awaken battles, may the power that some believe they have not block your sincere spirituality.
My dear Venezuela, the justice you seek is not on the Earth; the hope you expect, you will not see in the heart of any representative.
Liberate yourself, Venezuela, from your constant pain; forgive all the evil that has been done to you; reconcile, within you, everything that was hurt and transgressed.
My dear Venezuela, do not lose the aspiration of fulfilling yourself as a people in freedom. No longer fight with weapons, for evil defeats itself.
Pray, Venezuela, pray without delay and without rest because you will see, with your own eyes, the idols
who have been erected, fall.
Pray, Venezuela, so that you may always be within the Kingdom of God. Your escape and your freedom will not be in war nor in conflicts. Your rebirth and your liberation, you will find in the power of your faith.
Venezuela, I know that you hope for a quick end to this captivity; only choose God as your Governor; only seek the greater good above all adversity, and thus you will triumph.
Venezuela, your joy will reflect again on the face of your people and the indelible love of your population will make them return to the purpose of their creation.
Venezuela, it is the time of your profound awakening.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
If everyone bowed down at My Feet, just as you do, many inner and external situations would not happen, or through the intervention of My Love, they would already be resolved.
To bow down before Me is not to flatter me, but rather, to greet the inner Christ that exists between you and Me.
To bow down at the Feet of the Lord means the remission and forgiveness of sins, it means a new inner opportunity that arises in order to consciously transform and elevate the consciousness.
To bow down before Christ means to know and to unconditionally obey the Hierarchy, it means to unite with it under any circumstance or condition.
However, the majority does not bow down before the Lord; not for Me, but to be able to recognize the Living God who is above all of us.
To not bow down before Me means wide and hard resistance, a lack of humility towards oneself and towards the neighbor, it means self-pride and uncontrolled human power.
But to just bow down before the Lord is to understand and accept something that is beyond this Universe, it is to merge with Divine Purpose in spite of the distance between the planes, it is to say "yes" without any fear and it is to open oneself to redemption.
I thank you for responding to My requests!
Who blesses you always,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In everything there always exists and lies the Love of God. It is this Love that generated the Creation and that once made it a reality in the Universes.
The Love of the Father is the Consciousness that brings wisdom and understanding, that brings healing and compassion to souls. In this Love lies the path to enter into the existence of each being, into the knowledge of the inner reality of each creature.
In love manifests kindness, the good and consideration for fellow being.
Love is the tree that gives seeds of peace, of charity and of Mercy.
Love acts in everything when we allow it to manifest.
Love has more attributes than love, it places us before the Truth.
Love dissolves indifference, pride and denial.
In love there is the overcoming of oneself and the overcoming of differences.
In the Love of God, we find the meaning of why we are here and the purpose for which we were created.
In love, there is only forgiveness and, in forgiveness, everybody reconciles and loves one another.
Love only tends to expand.
Love is not reduced, because love gives itself, and in the self giving is the expansion of consciousness.
I thank you for keeping the Love of God within you!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
During the Hour of Mercy, while the greatest flow of the Fount of My pitying Heart opens, everyone has the unique opportunity to be able to submerge in My Ocean of Love so that the most serious faults committed may be forgiven and the deepest wounds may be healed.
At the Hour of Mercy, companions, the Wound of Light of My Side opens to pour out the most potent flow of the Pity of God upon the sinners who sincerely and truthfully ask for Mercy.
At the most culminating hour of Mercy, while every day the sorrowful Death of the Lord on the Cross is remembered, souls, and the whole world, have the opportunity of purifying their heart of every spiritual stain and of being able to enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens, simply by remembering the sorrowful Passion of Jesus.
Announce to the world that the deepest depths of My Mercy are still open so that souls, during this definitive hour of humanity, may achieve spiritual salvation and universal forgiveness.
May your lives be a testimony of My Mercy.
May your examples and acts be merciful, so that in the great universe of My Mercy, souls and the world may achieve peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My Heart is like the flame of a blue fire that re-ignites in spirits the Flame of the Original Purpose, and those who have the grace of receiving this impulse are led to experience the purification and the consecration of their lives.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose, a Heart that offers Itself for the intervention and the healing of the errors committed by all beings throughout the ages.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose because the Light of My Flame penetrates the depths of the spirit so that creatures may learn to live the Law of Love.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose, a Heart that, in an offering to God, gains the action of forgiveness and of Divine Mercy in the heart of beings.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose because, through My Heart, souls will be able to reach the path to live the Will of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira - "Ascension"
This canticle places us consciously before higher realities, and in a especial way, reveals to us the existence of aspects of the human being that still are unknown to the majority.
This canticle brings us closer to a truth that already exists in the Universe, something that is part of the principle of universal life and that is conducted through inner levels that already know where our next cosmic destiny will be.
This canticle reminds us of the basic conformation of our being, that we are not only matter that is born, lives, and dies, but that all the experiences, which occur on Earth, including the daily ones, are part of a great chain of learning marked by acts of love, of forgiveness, of redemption and of reconciliation.
The Holy Spirit is revealed in this canticle as this powerful flow of divine energy that can express its Gifts through the terrestrial, as well as the spiritual, consciousness.
The Holy Spirit of God helps to gather all experiences, so that, lived on the different levels of the consciousness, they may serve as a legacy and learning for the New Humanity, as well as for the remembrance and knowledge of the universal Dwelling Places.
At a universal level, certain Solar Regents are the ones who take care of and protect the evolution of these learning experiences that cause the human consciousness to awaken to the fulfillment of its purpose and its mission.
These Regents gather together all the evolutionary and spiritual legacy that a consciousness has been able to experience on Earth so that it may serve as knowledge for the awakening of new inner virtues.
This is the reason why the experiences of life unavoidably lead the human being to achieve the meaning and the reason for their having come here to this world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Pour your love into My Heart and, in this way, I will multiply the Graces that will arrive as sparkles to the hearts that cry out for My Mercy.
Receive from Me consolation, reparation and healing, so that redemption and forgiveness may live in the depths of your cells.
Live with Me every moment and share every experience of life with the Master, so that you can learn to surpass Me in Love and Service.
Keep in your memory every moment shared, because it will be useful to you when the end times come in which you must witness My Presence and My Word.
Therefore, observe and learn from the sense of Love and Grace and, in spite of what happens, hold on to Me.
Draw from Heaven all that exists in it and share with your fellow being this great moment of being able to experience redemption in all aspects of life.
Keep going, until one day you will find yourself with Me.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart.
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Third Series of Poems
Third Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
that in spite of my faults,
my heart and may soul may achieve
the Grace of being able to serve You
with plenitude, bliss and love.
Help Me, Lord,
to overcome the atavisms of life.
May Your divine and powerful Light
shine within all spaces.
May my steps
be blessed by You, Lord.
Open the door for me
so that I may submerge
into Your Sacred Heartand thus,
I may forget myselfand the world.
Take me away, Lord,
from temptations,
from imminent deceits
and from all dangers.
May I learn to Christify myself
by means of the same patience
and the same silence that You,
dear Jesus,
expressed during
the first moments
of Your difficult agony.
May I manage to recognize You
in the heart of each brother and sister
so that human appearances
may disappear.
Teach me to be humble
in service,
faithful in prayer,
truthful in word
and resigned before
any test and humiliation.
Lord, deposit into my heart
Your innermost treasures
and forever transform
this imperfect life
so that it may serve
as Your model
and as an instrument for
Your redeeming Work.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Third Series of Poems
First Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
what shall I do with so many
Graces within my consciousness?
I ask You, beloved Lord,
make me worthy of receiving them,
one by one.
Make my heart small and humble
so that I may have the happiness
of knowing Your Wonders.
You know, dear Jesus,
that I am not worthy
of so many mercies.
Help me to deepen into love,
as You did
in each step of Calvary.
How is it possible to love
that which would be unforgivable, Lord?
Tear out from my being
all pride and arrogance.
That in each moment,
dear Master,
I may be able to sustain myself in You
so that I may have enough bravery
to surpass
my own feelings,
my hardest resistances
and all the obstacles
that separate me from You
and from Your Truth.
May I be able to humiliate myself
as many times as needed
so that in the resignation
of my personality,
beloved Lord,
I can transform
the human condition
that has always condemned
and punished me.
Sacred Liberator of life,
Blessed Jesus!
make me nothing in every moment
and submit me to Your unchanging Will
so that any trace
of personal power may vanish
from my consciousness and thus I may be able to live
Your magnificent Will.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
At the time of Mercy the most inveterate faults are forgiven, because whenever a praying soul on the surface of the Earth invokes the Divine Mercy, they grant themselves the forgiveness they need in order to enter a new stage, as well as granting Mercy to those who are more distant from God.
At the time of Mercy, justice cannot act, nor van a higher power may intervene, for the authority is absolutely granted to the Divine Mercy. Thus, souls can submerge into that Source so that their sins may be dissolved and they may be washed by the repairing Ocean of the Heart of the Lord.
Therefore, those who invoke Mercy, in spite of the spiritual condition they may be experiencing, must know that they will first receive atonement and forgiveness, as many times as necessary, until they manage to generate merits for their souls and for their spirit.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I come to Austria to grant the forgiveness that you need, for the past experienced and that has not yet been solved.
Therefore, I asked with anticipation for a Marathon of prayer to help those who are still spiritual prisoners.
Your Master, through a large door, will move the souls that were participants of the retrograde planes and who changed the destiny of millions of souls forever.
This is the reason for which I come to Austria, and afterwards My beloved Mother will come to spiritually restore all that has happened.
But first, all must be made peaceful and be exorcized through the Ray of Liberation, the one that I will activate in the presence of Mine.
Through the prayer of Mercy, the Lord of Love and of the Universe will liberate the chains of mistakes of those who dragged themselves by their own abysms for decades.
But I will bring My Grace to grant Mercy, and soon, Peace.
I thank you for uniting yourselves with Me in this sacred task.
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Let us remember, companions, the Feast of Mercy, which is solemnly celebrated on the Sunday following Easter.
To celebrate Mercy is to accept the Presence of God in spirit, knowing that in every moment of our life we need the Presence of God to straighten our paths and to find peace.
This time, Mercy will be celebrated again in Poland, and on the inner planes this shall grant a deep healing for all the generations of Europeans who in some way have gone through the World Wars.
An atonement will be granted to the great sinners and, in this way, a history that remained recorded in the memory of the innocent will be dissolved in order to reconcile peace among consciousnesses, so necessary and just for these times and for the times to come.
Once again, Divine Mercy will act and will attract deep healing into the essences of souls.
Everything that will be offered through the Pilgrimage for Peace will help the Heavenly Hierarchy so that It may carry on with the spiritual unblocking of a process that condemned and condemns thousands of souls in this part of the world.
So that this could happen, it was necessary to first reveal the Aspect of My Divine Mercy so that hearts would know, through the merits achieved by your Master and Lord, that planetary life could be widely helped.
Now, and on this occasion, Poland will be helped again.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Message
I would like that the world could comprehend what I live and what I feel, but I know that it is too unknown for most of My companions to be able to comprehend what I truly need for this cycle, in which humanity agonizes hour after hour, time after time.
I have come here to share what I Am and all that I have.
I do not come to ask what the world can not give Me, but rather I come to ask what the world can give Me.
When you are emptied, I can do everything and My Mercy can pour even more on those that listen to My Voice and to My Word, and make it part of them in each moment of life, as in each opportunity to serve expanding the consciousness in the grades of love and forgiveness.
What God has sent us to do here, in Portugal and in Europe, is too big, something that will not be tangible to the sight of many, but it will be known by those who open their heart to be able to comprehend the Work of the Hierarchy, and how the Spiritual Hierarchy builds it, from cycle to cycle and through the servers.
May the desire to know My Mysteries not be lacking in you.
May the motivation to fulfill My designs not be lacking in you.
May the encouragement to carry forward My Will not be lacking in you.
Because everything I have thought, Thought which comes from the Divine Mind of the Father, should be fulfilled, so that, through the love for the cross, which so many live, humanity can truly redeem itself and without prejudices.
Thus, My Mercy is the Source that grants and realizes everything.
Remember that you can not come to the Father except through Me.
And to come to the Father through Me, you shall pass through the Source of My Divine Mercy, to what you realize and perceive that you shall forgive yourselves and shall forgive others.
You must forgive the past and the present.
You must forgive everything that is internal and also external.
You must forgive that which you do not accept and you must forgive that which hurts you.
Thus the world will be able to change and it will not be necessary to suffer anymore, it will not be necessary that some souls offer themselves to suffering and to this state so unknown by the world.
To cross the door of suffering for the world is to cross the Door to My Heart, to a space where many, in these times, do not want to see the reality for fear of knowing it deeply.
But if I offered Myselt to the cross for you, there will be nothing to fear.
I offer you tirelessly to help me carry that cross, which is the cross of the World, the cross of Redemption and Mercy, the cross of awakening and the uplift of consciousness.
But that cross which I offer to each one of your lives is a cross that must be released; and this begins in yourselves, so that after it can be given to the world and especially to humanity.
To release humanity of their suffering is something very big and unknown.
Because of this, very few are the summoned to this task, to this special mission, where you do not have conscience of what it means and what it represents; but you have conscience by feeling and realizing what you live, step by step.
Through My Mercy I need to repair the world and replace the negative streams that imprison humanity more and more.
With your "yes" I will be able to do many more things.
With your surrender, I will be able to grant much more Graces.
With your unconditionality, I will be able to help and assist the world and those who give Me their backs, those who deny Me, those who offend God through their examples and ways of life.
Until humanity does not learn to truly love, it should pass through the Law of Suffering. I came to the world to be able to teach you how to release yourselves of it and to enter into the Law of My Grace and of My Mercy.
Still from My Side, continues sprouting the Precious Blood of your Master and Lord. That Blood spills over the world and over the consciousness of humanity, in order to justify, by means of all the prayers that invoke My Divine Mercy, the serious mistakes and outrages that the world commits today, in these critical times.
Through the Blood that sprouts from My Side, I come to justify the mistakes of the nations, the peoples and of all humanity, and of each one of the beings that live on the surface of this planet.
Through My Blood, I come to justify and to repair the things before God; the facts that submit and condemn the heart of men and the lives of all creatures.
Because from the Garden of Gethsemane, at that moment so acute for the Life of your Lord, I already knew that this moment would come and that I should be present to testify what My Father once showed Me there.
But I also come to testify the Work of My Mercy that transcends the times and forms, the ways of life and the customs.
I come to testify to those who in these times follow Me and congregate around your Lord, to confirm His Presence in the world and especially in the hearts, in the divine essence of each being; In spite of the corruption of these times and the injuries of many, of many children of God.
I come, through the Blood that sprouts from My Side in this moment, to repair My Church, which as you see is crumbling.
That is why, you are called to be joined to this moment with your Master and Lord; to do something for the others, something more real and deep, that can bring healing to the wounded souls and hearts which once believed in My Church and have rejected it because of its actions and experiences.
I come to renew, on this day, the sacrifice of the Lamb of God so that there are no longer immolated lambs in this final time.
Because the Blood that your Lord poured from His Side has been enough, in order that this testimony of love will remain through the times and until the moment of His Return for the second time to humanity.
Renew the sacrifice of the Lamb of God every day.
Do not forget that the bread and wine should always be on the table of your Redeemer, so that day after day, moment after moment, you commune of My Body and my Blood; and so the life will be renewed in spite of the events and the cruelties of this final time.
I would like that you understand, My companions, in a universal way and in a deeper and more open manner, that the legacy that testified your Master and Lord together with His apostles at the Last Supper cannot be lost; it will not be able to disappear nor fade itself from the heart of men.
Until now I did not reveal what truly happened in the Last Supper on the level of Consciousness of the Spirit and the Celestial Universe, but that moment is approaching, that hour is coming; it is the last Gift I will give to the world for the true expression of priestly and Christic life in souls.
You know that this legacy should always be your treasure, your inspiration and your life. May the communion with Christ not be forgotten, not a single day, even if your bodies can no longer endure.
Refuge yourselves in My Heart and everything will pass.
The Flame of My Love is stronger than all the evils of the world and all grievances.
I can transform what you can not, if you permit Me. But, while you do not permit Me, as the world, in its most part, does not permit Me, my thirst will still be very big and bitter.
I will feel the bitterness, in this time, greater than when they gave Me gall to drink on the cross. That is the symbol of the indifference of humanity that should be extirpated from the consciousness of the men and women of the Earth; so that exists an extraordinary Grace of awakening and of having consciousness of what it is to really live the Plan of God on Earth. So your bravery will be indispensable for these times.
That your inner fire never extinguishes and your inner flame illuminates the darkness that permeates the Earth by its insecurity and its offense.
That is why I said that this will be the Marathon of sacrifice, the moment of surrendering the heart into My Hands, so that I can offer it as a justifiable testimony to My Father and His Kingdom for the grievances of the world and indifference.
That nobody misses the opportunity to understand what I am saying and expressing.
That nobody misses the opportunity to remember My Words and to make them part of you, because they are the last words that I Am saying to the world before everything happens.
That is the reason why I come with My Divine Mercy, trying to expand it and extend it in time, despite if there is no time; so that the souls enter into the Ocean of My Love and reparation, so that the cure be granted in all spirits.
Do not stop helping me on this Pilgrimage for Peace, because it will not only be the peace that We will give you, but also the conscience of knowing that it is time to change and live the Commandments of God, as it were written in the beginning.
That will renew My Church, that will grant souls the Grace of living me fully again.
May the Blood of My Side wash your inner worlds.
May the Blood of My Side wash your souls.
May the Blood of My Side pour completely over you, so that the Sacrifice of the Lamb be even more justifiable in front of Creation.
In the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more